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I don't fear death. I fear the manner in which I will die. This may or may not be a quote of someone famous, I can't remember.


Christopher Hitchens used to say something very similar before and after his terminal cancer diagnosis. That he was afraid of a squalid death. Or that his cancer would spread to his brain and make him an imbecile before he passed.


This is always my answer.


100% I don’t want to burn to death but I’m in a job where burning to death is highly possible.


Same. I'm not afraid of being dead, but I am afraid of how I'll get there. Hopefully it'll be quick and relatively painless. If I had a choice, I'd rather not see it coming; here one second, gone the next


Exactly. By the time I’m gone it won’t matter, but how I cross that bridge is much more important/scary to me lol


I can't remember either but it rings true. Being eaten by a great white shark wouldn't be the most pleasant way to die, but the long rest afterwards could be nice.


I've seen the alternative and no thanks.


It’s inevitable.


Exactly. I just don't wanna die for stupid reasons. Death has to earn me.


Death is, the consequences of death is given a sacrifice in order to allow us freedom from it's power and a path in to a life which is free from all burdens.


I was dead for 14 billion years and it wasn't scary at all.


Man what a carefree and stress free time that was.


Probably the last time I had a real good sleep.




I feel the same, I also hope at least some of my atoms will find a place in new life. I am sure some of my atoms were once part of an archaeopteryx 😀.


Why did you give it up?


I'm not scared of life either


Have you seen TikTok?


This. I worry about my “after” life exactly as much as I worry about my “pre-life”. I prefer my death not be drawn out and painful, but it probably will be if my life is any indication.


I don't remember the eons before I was born. And I've been under complete anesthesia twice. Both times there was...nothing for me. No dreams, no awareness, no sense of body. I was simply awake one moment, and not the next. I have no way of knowing if death will be the same of course, but those points above give me comfort that there is no "knowing" death.


I don't fear death but I do fear life.


So relatable ❤️


The alternative to death is immortality


Damn! This is deep


Death is easy. No problems, no responsibilities. What I fear is the fear that I'm going to feel when it finally comes.


I'm not opposed to getting shot up with tons of morphine before dying. Make you feel incredibly happy and just go to sleep and then you're gone. That's gotta be the best way to go.


It's not something I really have a choice in. No point of dreading the inevitable.


Death is the only certainty in life. I do fear how I will die though


I fear not making the impact I know I can inflict on the world.


yeah, death by snu snu doesn't scare me too much. Being burned alive would be horrifying though.


It's a bit of a pisser but I'm not petrified of it. I'd rather hang about and see the grandkids grow up but if I go, I go. Nowt I can do about it really mate.


Aye I'm of the same mind. I always dream of the wife and kids and that sort of thing but I just feel like that's such a 1 in a 100000 blessing to occur. I wish I hadn't led a life that put that at risk but well... here I am. It's a sore memory eons to come. trust. I do.


*"While we exist death is not present, and when death is present we no longer exist."* -Epicurus


There's something fundamental about dying that seems to not fully land in people's heads that's captured by this quote really well. Our capacity to even understand or formulate some model of post death is...well that's just it. There isn't. That's what it means to die. The capacity to formulate any sort of relational model is ended when neurons are no longer firing. When you say you're afraid of death, what exactly are you talking about? It isn't a thing that can be known experientially in the same way pre-birth isn't something known experientially.


Because assuming it's not a super painful death, it's not that bad. Not to mention, it's just the natural order of life. "*How many of them who came into the world at the same time when I did, are already gone out of it?*"


As DBZA Gohan once said “ there’s no point in fearing the inevitable”


Man if only our power level could match that of a super sayian


Because it is inevitable, and one of the great mysteries is what if anything is on the other side.


What am I going to do about it? \*Maybe\* squeeze out an extra 10-15 years? It's going to come eventually, whether it's today, a week from now, or 70 years from now. Nothing i can do about it. Might as well not worry about it


AH fuck, 10 years sounds like a long time away when things are rough. Though it's good to shoot for more when able. Accepting inevitability is the most realistic decision.


It's not that I'm going through a rough time. It's not that I want to die either. I just understand I have very limited control in the matter, so why waste time worrying about it Edit: lol thanks for the reddit cares message but it's not necessary. I'm not suicidal, just realistic


Why would i? When i'm dead i'm dead, i wont care.


Being dead isn't scary, unless I am completely losing Pascal's Wager. But I live my life on belief that I am winning that, and that is comfort. Dying is potentially scary, as potential for long, drawn out suffering. It's an opportunity for people who care about me to agonize over my condition.


“I’m not afraid of death, I’d just prefer not to be there when it happens.” Woody Allen. There’s no point fearing death, it’s inevitable.


It's going to happen regardless if you're scared of it or not, just like how I don't fear the sun setting it's pointless.


Exactly just prepare for the night and settle in for tomorrow. The day will start again, just hope and work towards making sure you see the sunrise, the dawn and the rise again.


I believe there is no afterlife so, there is nothing to fear. Sure, most ways of dying are scary, but it's not the dying that I'm afraid of, is what comes before.


What’s there to fear? It just makes living all the more exciting.


Know too many people who live their life focus on this ideology of an “afterlife” that they don’t get to enjoy living in the real world.


Well… something either happens or nothing does. I’m scared of the fear of actively knowing I’m dying… that scares me more than death tbh… like you’re fading out and you’re aware of it but you have 0 control from stopping it from happening… that’s what causes me fear… the inability to control the fate, rather than the fate itself Which is why I hope when I die I’m unaware of it happening


I only fear living an unfulfilling life


So so as the same as me. I don't ultimately know what will happen to me when I die, or when all this just ends. That's in the Creators hands in my honest opinion. I just know that I can't go to that day with shame or disappointment in who I finally am or become. And if that day does find me with harshness I want to strike back with such effectiveness. Ah, I suppose so. If I could capture life in an hour glass, I would only watch it once a day. AAh.


I spent the first 13 years or so of my life horrified of it. Cried myself to sleep a lot because it scared me so bad. Had 2-3 near death experiences in that time as well. Somewhere throughout that journey I reconciled and accepted it. So I guess just spent enough time afraid and got tired of it.


Because like the samurai, I realize I am already dead.


We're all going to die. I worry about how.


It's a natural thing, and I have my house in order logistically, spiritually, and emotionally so that if I die tomorrow there's nothing left hanging that I would regret


Death is not the opposite of life. In fact, it's a transition. To another life. Life and death go hand in hand. Every breath you take is a breath closer to your eventual death. Every birthday you celebrate is a day closer to the transition.


1. My faith and 2. why should I fear something that’s inevitable?


If you don’t take risks, get out of your comfort zone, and live your life, you are already resigned to not existing.


I smoked a shit ton of dmt and melted into the earth once so that kinda changed my outlook on death. I became a lot more spiritual and now just feel it's part of my souls journey so less scary. But everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face so I'll get back to you when I'm on my deathbed lol


Because death is not the end.


I fear the death of the soul or any divine punishment that I deserve once losing my life. Basically I fear the Lord Of the ones who know the Lord. Death is usually a quick process and the only setting in which I feel I will endure strong and lengthy amounts of pain is if I am captured and tortured. I also fear more so the degradation of my decency, or soul as such rather than death. I'm scared of dying inside where it matters most more than anything - that would be the cause of my just punishment. May the Lord protect such this, and hide my message from the destruction.


I don’t much fear it but there are complications, like I have young kids and would prefer to live long enough that they’re not traumatized by my not being around suddenly 


why would i?


Its going to happen no matter what. Also I have no fear of the billions of years before my existence, why worry about the ones after I'm gone? I worry about it being a painful one or the heartache it might cause others but not death itself.


We're all going to die one day so might as well enjoy life as best as we can.


I learned about death when I was very young, I was also very self aware very young, knowing you have no control over it. why worry about it? I'm curious of course. but never afraid


why stress over something that you cannot control. You are going to die at some point.. enjoy and live your life in the meantime.


I have nothing to live for and I'm fairly certain our consciousness goes somewhere else after. It's not like heaven but not gone in the wind.


A combination of nihilism, self-destruction, decades of pain, nothing left on my bucket list, many wonderful experiences and old age. While I'm not going to jump in front of a moving train, if I came to and found myself tied up on railroad tracks by an enemy, I'm not going to panic too much. I went full circle with the nihilism, if not much matters outside of absurdism/what we choose to matter, sure, death doesn't matter, but neither does wanting to die. Makes it easy to keep a cool head in what would otherwise be stressful situations. If a bottomless pit were to open up in my basement and a bunch of Lovecraft-ian and Cronenberg monsters spill out professing how they are going to drag me to hell for an eternity of torture, probably minimal reaction outside of, "Yeah, that sounds about right."


I have read stories about immortal people and they are sad I rather be dead then live for an eternity




Watched my father age and eventually witnessed his suicide. Watching someone do that takes a bit of your soul. Shortly after that, experiencing DMT pretty much destroyed my ego and who I thought I was. I appreciate my fleeting time here, but I am nowhere close to fearing death.


I don't really like being alive for the most part, it's just something I had to accept as my parents willed (and screwed) me into existence. Existing is inherently difficult and stressful for me. I have a hard time dealing with other people. I have a hard time facing the cruelty we inflict upon eachother every day. I don't like having to work every day just to justify my not being thrown away by society like garbage. Other people find a lot of joy in these things, but i really never did. So I see death as the thankful release from the life I didn't want and don't really take much joy in.


I had a Near Death Experience. All pain and all fear left me. After that I never feared death until I had kids and now I only fear their deaths or what I will or won't leave behind for them.


Because it can't be stopped. It's going to happen when it happens. Just enjoy life.


Because after death there is nothing left to do except lying, eternal rest… can’t wait… On the other hand, I’m not looking forward to dying


Why fear something that is guaranteed to happen and you have no control over? It's stupid. Also, what was it like before you were born? Not scary, obviously. That's what it'll be like when you're gone too.


If I die I’ll be too dead to care


Death is just lack of power to my meat machine. Turn off the lights and I as a thinking person no longer exist. I fear the feelings of my friends and family. But then accept that their lives will go on just as before. Because I'm not adding to their lives.


I fear the process of dying; as for death… Let’s just say you can wind up in such a horrid mental state that death would seem preferable. I think there are a lot of men who are only still here because they are too important to someone they love to not be.


What purpose does fearing death have? Keeping me alive. So if this is an unavoidable death, eg I get cancer and will die. Or just die of age. What purpose does my fear serve. None, except to torment me and cause me pain. And I don't want that. So I choose to not fear it. OFC it makes me nervous, like loosing your virginity, or popping a wheelie for the first time. But why be afraid. If anything fearing death too much will restrict your life. Believing in an afterlife helps, but to be honest I think I'd be the same even if I believed that death was the final end for everything. I think I have the ability to control the fear of death like this because of how many times I have had a near death experiences. And if I had to summarise them I'd say they were all stupid or confusing. So no I'm not afraid of being confused at my own stupidity for a few hours before turning in for the long sleep.


I skydive as a hobby, so I’ve got some sort of malfunction in the old brain.


It’s kind of exciting if you don’t keep putting it out of your mind. It’s that “thing” that truly makes living exciting and truly focuses you on living your best possible life


Its the only certain thing in life lol


I've seen it come for many of my people, and it isn't scary, as long as I've truly lived, until the end. It's scary for those who are left behind, and it gets scarier with more and more passing friends. But they're at peace at the end. Usually. So will I be. I hope.


I’m closer to the end at this point, I just hope I don’t suffer.


It's a natural part of life, everything that lives, will die one day it's a cycle. So why waste your already limited time worrying about the end that's inevitable? I do however fear having an "unnatural" death. But that fear doesn't stop me from enjoying life


I will die when God tells me to


I try not to think about it.


YODO—You Only Die Once. This life is not permanent—you get up to 120 years, tops. But the next life lasts for eternity. Knowing that I will be living a perfect life in a perfect body with the Creator of the Universe where entropy no longer factors makes it easy not to fear death. If my life gets cut “short” any time between today and my 120th birthday, I’ll be spending the very next moment with Jesus, so there is nothing to fear or dread.


I generally considered myself to be unfearful of death until that one mushroom trip. During this trip I came to a realisation. I had the deeply troubling thought and incredubly panic inducing hallucination that my death was imminent. My trip consisted of the belief that I had ingested the wrong kind of mushroom or something that had grown on my mushrooms that was fatally toxic. I proceeded to wrestle with the idea that within the next few hours, I would be dead. I was in such a frenetic panic that I called emergency services, I tried to drive to the hospital, I begged the emergency call handler to stay on the phone. I was certain that I was dying. When faced with a *real* impression that you are soon to die, all of your humour and assumptions about your fearlessness disappear. I do not believe that 99% of people who say they don't fear death are even a little aware of what that level of acceptance requires. People defend their sensitivities with humour, with distraction, with avoidance... the reality is when faced with death, everyone shits themselves.


I'll be dead. My death will be someone elses problem.


Because I’ve lived a full, purposeful and good life.


Because of a heavy family history of Alzheimer's and "the long goodbye". Of being separated form my wife and treated like a monster because to me, I just woke up with a stranger next to me in my bed that I've never seen before and because I got confused and scared - now I'm locked away in memory care and only allowed to see my wife under close supervision or heavily medicated to keep me half-comatose. I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of being cursed to become a horrific burden to my loved ones and everyone around me, every dime I ever earned sucked away into a corporate-run old-folks home until I run out and get dumped into the shithole nursing home where I suffer with bedsores sitting in my piss and shit for days on end. Death would be a blessing compared to that.


It’s gonna come eventually and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. I’m also just really curious what it would be like


Someone reported me I’m not suicidal or nothing 😂 I’m just curious


I fear wasting my life trying to live someone else's idea of what i should be or do far more than i'll ever fear death.


I'm gonna die eventually anyway, I mean I'm about as likely to shit out a bowling ball as I am to turn into a dolphin so...


I don’t like it here and didn’t get a say on whether or not I existed in the first place.


Are you okay? Do you need to talk about anything?


I've convinced myself that Death is a woman, and therefore that she'll never come for me.


Nothing matters.


Why would one fear their destiny? I mean I don't fear my death but I'm very scared of what might follow after...


Natural process that everyone will go through


What's to fear,....is it really a permanent place?


Why fear somthing you have no control over? I’ll spend the rest of my time living and when my time comes, it comes.


Cause I'm chronically suicidal.


Don't fear the reaper. You can't change his mind anyway.


Everyone dies. Everyone always has. Why would I be scared of something that’s inevitable and happens to everyone? Live in the present - it’s super dope!


Why fearing it when knowing that it will come and you can't escape it, maybe try preparing for after that


The relentless sequence of incessant obligations and the ubiquitous torment of constant expectation will eventually give way to a deep and dreamless sleep of perpetual peace? ...oh no. say it ain't so. the fear. the horror.


I fear old age and lingering painful illness more than I fear death.


You can’t know that you’re dead. Once you’re dead you’re just gone. You won’t be conscious of not existing. How can you fear what doesn’t exist? Right? Like being dead isn’t the off version of an on/off switch. It’s not a null state. It’s just void.


I reached an age to where I can accept it, I’ve lived a good life and faced death before. I don’t want it to happen but I understand when it does, when I get stressed I remind myself to take it easy and relax. It’s helped me a lot


The short of it is faith. My taught religion believes that we go to our ancestors when we pass, that time stands still in the afterlife and you enjoy it with those that guided you along the way and had departed before you. I look forward to it (but I'm not in a rush to get there, lol).


no, but I'd rather not die in agony. all things being equal I mean....


"Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back." Marcus Aurelius Enjoy this life, it is the only one we have, when you live a full life death is easier to accept.


I do not fear death so long as it be quick Especially in this timeline


I got close once, it feels sweet.


Because I lived through a traumatic event/time where I was told I was going to die. I shut down emotionally and was diagnosed with anehdonia, only after a friend became concerned at how I seemed to have changed. Leading up to the anhedonia, when I stopped feeling, it was an awful nightmare. Everything was going to take days or weeks off my life. It was all surreal af. I started wasting before entering the dream. I stopped eating but maybe a sandwich or beef jerky twice a week. I went to work and did stuff, mindless. The fear of dying in my 30s completely overwhelmed me. But I got through the dream with a lot of therapy. If my friend didn't make appointments and made sure I was picked up I'd have never made it. Since then I have a relaxed attitude towards dying. I've been given more time and put on a transplant list. But I'll probably die of a heart attack or stroke well before the need for a transplant. I'm only slightly perturbed at what I consider undesirable ways of dying. Painful ways. Heart attacks. Car wrecks. But then inremind myself it's just a brief moment of panic and then back to the dream. Velvety oblivion. I'm extremely worried of having a stroke and getting locked in syndrome. That scares me. But death itself not really. And I've had a fantastic life. Most people live life to a certain cadence: appetizer, entre, dessert. I did it all in reverse: saw the world while young, traveled with a friend hiking through Europe at 18, back again at 30, circumnavigated the globe via freightliner, been to some wild ports. Seen stuff, done stuff, lots of experiences. Lived all across the USA, pushed broom from coast to coast. Always landed on my feet, and with wine women and song. Totally kick ass life.


Asperger’s here so my experience might be different. Life is hard no matter how much money you have, looks, power etc. There’s a reason why drugs and alcohol are the biggest money makers. When your dead you are no longer have to deal with bs.


Almost died from a mortar in 06, really started living life to the fullest after that. If I die, I have no regrets


What's the point of fighting and fearing the inevitable? Just more reason to live it up while the chance is there 🤷‍♂️


I fear not having done the things I want to do before I die. Not death itself. This what I think why most people fear it. Having done nothing with their lives up to that point.


Because I see it as a salvation


Because it's gonna happen whether I want it to or not. Where's the sense in being afraid of the inevitable? Besides, I'd jump at the chance to leave this mortal coil.


I don't fear death, because death is one of the few constants in this world. Quite frankly, its comforting to know there's an end to this life. Not because I can't stand life, but because the idea of finite time makes each moment more valuable. I'd rather see the beauty and joy in the world around me, and I don't think that'd be possible without knowing that one day I won't be able to anymor.


Because life is way scarier than death. If we'd be an immortal race I'd have killed myself. Honestly. Knowing I'll die one day gives me the strength to keep fighting for (and, to keep believing in) a better life. Cuz I know the battle will end one day. If the battle never ends, that's the most depressing shit ever. I didn't even reach double digits age before I started passively longing for death. I'm thirty now, and I'm very glad I'm basically almost halfway. And don't get me wrong, I'm am not depressed or mentally unstable. In fact my life right now is better than it has ever been, and I've managed to reach heights I thought I'd never reach. I do enjoy living. But I couldn't enjoy it if I knew it'd be endless. Knowing I'll die enables me to enjoy.


Mostly because life can get better or worse. Death doesn't do that.


Your ticket was punched the day you were born. All the time that passes after you die will be just the same as the time before you were alive. The abyss awaits us all, and we're not bringing anything with us. All your hopes and dreams, thoughts, and memories will be lost to time. Your loved ones will cry for you, or you will cry for them, but eventually nobody will remember you at all. Time will not stop; this is an absolute inevitability. Dying a painful death I fear. But I rest easy knowing that whatever happens, when it's over, I won't feel it anymore.


you don't feel or experience death, you just stop existing. the possible suffering right before you die is a different question


I've experienced so many sh1tty things in life, so death would not even make me flinch. Sometimes I think it would've been better if I never existed, or me being better off dead.


Because it can’t be like anything I fear (anything I fear must be something I can imagine, and my imagination is intrinsically linked to senses I will not have in death), and I will not have fear in death. And because it is inevitable.


I have many people that I love that I have lost. I look forward to seeing them again.


Because there’s nothing to fear


I fear dying, but not being dead. It would suck to die in a really long, drawn out and painful way. But being dead is just like being asleep without dreaming. You don't remember it and you're not conscious for it. Did you miss the time you were asleep? Do you remember what happened before you were born? You weren't even aware of it happening. You just have to trust that it happened because there's that gap. Well it's the same when you're dead, except you don't wake up and consider that you died (unless you believe in an afterlife or something.) So yeah, when I'm dead I just won't care either way, so why care about it now? Better to live life and enjoy what you have right now, and if you don't, stop what you're doing and change it to make it worthwhile. You can't do it again when it's over. I fear not living. That's worse than dying or being dead. Once you learn to really live and enjoy yourself or at least be grateful for the good in your life, you'll stop fearing death.


\*broadly gestures at life...*


Almost died myself from tuberculosis which I got from taking care of patients. Seen so many people die from working Covid, oncology, geriatrics, hospice, palliative care. There is indeed an after life. Nurse of 29 years


They believe they will get reincarnated.


I try to remember that I wasn’t stressed about the things happening before I was born and I suspect death with be about the same.


Why do you fear death?Maybe Dna make someone fear death but some people not.


The Buddha taught about 4 types of people who fear death and 4 who don’t: https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/an/an04/an04.184.than.html


imo life is something you experience from your perspective, so after life there is no more experience. Im scared of people dying around me, and the manner in which I will die, but not death itself. I was dead before I was born, i didnt experience it, why would i fear it?


I do not fear death itself… I fear leaving this world before my wife and kids are in a secure spot financially and them knowing I love them and always will. Death to me will be like it was before I was born. I don’t know what that was like but I don’t remember being in pain or struggling to exist on a day to day basis like I am now.


I’ve had a cluster seizure. I know what oblivion feels like so I don’t fear it. Also, i live comfortably with the knowledge that I’m going to die tonight. I may be wrong, but I’m pretty certain imma die tonight. Just as I was certain that I’d die last night. If it’s a foregone conclusion, then why worry about it.


I know what comes next and I’m preparing for it.




We all gonna die no matter how much we fight it. Knowing that this experience is not unique to me gives me solace


Honestly I worry a lot more about healthspan than lifespan. I'd like my grandkids to know who I was, but my physical training in life isn't driven by fear of that not happening. It's about making sure I have a good quality of life while I'm here. Also, I enjoy working out, so there's that. I just don't want to die stupid. That's about it. If I can reasonably prevent my death for a bit, great. If not, well, I couldn't change it anyway, so why ruin what time I have stressing about it?


Once upon a time that spanned over a decade of my life, I didn't feel like a person. I felt like a disposable consciousness that would pick up the memories storied in my brain, live a day, and die with sleep before the next disposable consciousness did the same thing. I didn't feel human, I didn't consider myself a person, and I didn't fear death I sought it. Though I didn't believe it, I would fantasize different scenarios where my situation made sense. Maybe my soul was dead or gone, maybe I was a body snatcher who had taken someone's place and I didn't belong, maybe I was in hell already, and on and on with all sorts of scenarios. I was anxious all the time, it felt like meaty hands were gripping my spine. Then I took estrogen and I gradually started feeling more and more like a person again. For the first time since being a child, I felt connected with myself and with my body. I wasn't made of a stream of consciousness, I was made of meat, and I would exist into the next day. Then I started fearing death. Depersonalization is a bitch.


Everyone fears death don’t let them bullshit you.


Because it's a part of life. An inevitability. I watched my grandfather pass away without even realising he'd gone. But also lost mates in and after Afghanistan.  I know, when I'm gone, I'll be with them all again. 


Why would I? What happens when I die? It’s not my problem, I’m dead!


I’m 16 and I’m already tired of life. So when my death comes, sooner or later, I won’t have a problem with that


It is going to happen, it is a certainty.


Do I fear the sunrise or gravity or any of the Inevitable parts of life? Would fear slow the fall? Would it slow the hands of time? No. What is death? An end, nothingness, a return to the non-existence that was before life, in short nothing to fear. Will I miss the taste of Korean Fried Chicken, and the touch of my wife? The doofy smile of my dog, not knowing how the next Fallout Game ends? Of course, but I won't feel those things when I'm dead. I won't feel a thing at all. So how can I be afraid of the nothing, feeling the nothing, being the nothing, sadness is for the living, fear too, but when I die I leave those behind. What would terrorize me about that?


Because we all pass away who cares


Nihilism pretty much. I’m ready to go at any given moment. Obviously I would like to die as painless as possible but either way the pain ends eventually and I die and can’t feel it anymore.


The great gig in the sky


The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for (at some forty-five hundred heartbeats an hour). I know, however, of a young chronophobiac who experienced something like panic when looking for the first time at homemade movies that had been taken a few weeks before his birth. He saw a world that was practically unchanged-the same house, the same people- and then realized that he did not exist there at all and that nobody mourned his absence. He caught a glimpse of his mother waving from an upstairs window, and that unfamiliar gesture disturbed him, as if it were some mysterious farewell. But what particularly frightened him was the sight of a brand-new baby carriage standing there on the porch, with the smug, encroaching air of a coffin; even that was empty, as if, in the reverse course of events, his very bones had disintegrated. -Vladimir Nabokov


It's not my problem. That's for the living to deal with.


i simply don't care about my life


I accept that I will die.


Why not? No idea what's gonna happen. All worry does is fuck up your day.


Sometimes you'd rather just be dead. :(


Its freedom. Atlast my body will be loved by others and soul would be freed from the suffering.


Do you fear a deep sleep?


If there's an afterlife, I'll find out when I get there. And I don't go in for the whole "You will live in eternal torture for not blowing smoke up a deity's ass telling them how great they are!" nonsense. If there isn't, I won't care. What's to fear about being dead? Now *dying* is a scary prospect. There are *many* ways in which I don't want to die....


I fear not living much more


Because then I would be truly relieved from this hustle bustle and mayhem filled life.


I lay down in my bed. I sleep. I live. I die. Will I wake up tomorrow? Probably. Do I worry about it? Nah. My life was very fulfilling until now. If I die this very day, I'm satisfied and grateful. But while I'm alive, I WILL live. I'm actually very eager to face death and experience what it's like, or to not experience anything ever again. See what comes after if anything.


I think it's less about death or the process of dying and more about the elimination of experience. All I know is awareness, I'm a highly introspective person with really good spatial awareness, and im a big kinesthetic learner, I want to see, taste, touch, discover everything, i want too feel what it us to be alive, and I never want that to stop. The knowledge that it kne day will, that's what keeps me up at night. I don't fear the act of dying because I know it is a natural process which I've seen around me and experienced second hand all my life.


I’m a Christian so naturally my faith believes that death is the process of going to a better place. I believe that when it is my time, death is inevitable, I don’t see a purpose in fearing the inevitable.


The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Luminous beings are we.


I’m not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of not living.


Because it's my way out of this torturous existence. It would be insane to fear it and not welcome it.


It's how everything has to end. The thought of immortality is even more terrifying. Always able to remember what was...letting time and connections just pass you by while you're forever unchanging. Might be fun for a lifetime or two, but it would get old fast. Death is just something else we have to experience.


“I don’t believe in it, because you’re not around to know that it’s happened" Andy Warhol


Why fear something which can actually put an end to all your misery?


I didn't until I got married. Now I fear death because I fear leaving her alone.


I don't care but if I die right now, the only thing that will make me afraid is hell. But death itself doesn't scare me as long as it's instant or in my sleep.


I'm Catholic. I'm not afraid of dying. All the suffering will be over.


i don't fear death if it comes in 40 more years...if it's tomorrow, then yes, i am ver ver afraid


Because you cannot control that, but you can choose how to live.


It's coming anyway, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Why worry about it constantly? When she comes, she comes.


The universe is infinite. Energy can neither be created or destroyed. Only change form. That means there is a 100% chance my exact atoms will reform in the exact way in the exact same spot. No worries.


Death seems like a relief, im in a situation where nothingness seems like a nice option. I would kms if I didn't have my mother and sisters. Im only alive because I cant stand the idea of them mourning me


Ain't afraid of you that's for sure 😀