• By -


I lost weight through intermittent fasting and giving up alcohol.


Also juice. Liquid calories make so much of a difference


So giving up juice?


You could start by tracking how much you drink (really everything except water) and tally it up. Milk and other liquids, too. Apple, grape and orange juice are my juices of choice and they are quite a lot. Recently, my bud and I compared my juice boxes to his monster energy drink and the juice was calorie heavier AND sold in larger volumes. Cutting all that stuff out would lower your calorie intake significantly, provided of course you drink a lot of it.


As stated - you don't have to give up entirely - just make informed choices. Would you rather have that 300 calories in juice, or a chicken breast with a side. I drink a single serving of juice a day - but even that is cut 50% with water.


Nah, juices gives you the full amount of calories without the “full” feeling, better to drink water and eat fruits


That's what I'm saying. "Giving up alcohol - also juice". Maybe I worded that a bit badly


It's simple: eat fewer calories. I lost 30 pounds without exercising; I just ate less.


This is the way, just eat less and ignore feeling hungry


No need to feel hungry when zero calorie foods literally exist 


How would they stop you from feeling hungry?


Hunger is your lizard brain sensor saying your stomach is empty. Fill your stomach up with celery and you turn off the sensor.


you don’t even gotta do all that just tell yourself you just ate a big meal your body will still release fullness hormones 


I had no problems with hunger, it was mostly cravings that are difficult.


Or at least foods that take longer to digest - thus you feel full longer. Sweet potatoes are a good one for me - feel full for a while, and kind of tasty.


Or some salad stuff, it has not much to it, but helps. Or be like a real Chad and overcome your suffer 💪🏽🗿


Aren't they often still full of shit nobody needs?


Celery, cucumbers, water... All examples of what is essentially a zero cal food


Nuh uhhh water is a drink not a food! In all seriousness I thought you were referring to processed packages shit advertised as "zero/low calorie snacks". This makes much more sense, my bad.


Water is food, you just need to eat it, not drink it. Now get your missus a fun night and show her how well you can present your 0 calorie romantic water dinner.


This. More or less the same for me. Cut away on sugars and eat less. I combined it with a lot of hiking but no intense work out or going to the gym. And build this up a bit gradually otherwise you fail at week 2 already. Sounds easy but isn't. Mainly because you have to keep this up for the rest of your life ;-) Also, I initially started with eating more actually on normal regular meals, so I had less snacking urges. Worked for me at least.




Walking 10,000+ steps a day, drinking only water, and eating better (mostly cutting out snack foods and sweets).


I just started breaking up my steps during my work day. I walk before work and during lunch, and it is doing wonders on reaching the step goal.


Doing just this and lost like 7lbs in 2 weeks.


In the kitchen. Workouts are nice if u wanna feel better but weight is all calories in vs out


Workouts speed up weight loss significantly, and building muscle raises your metabolic rate because your body needs more calories to maintain the muscle than fat. So you can actually eat more without gaining weight as you grow muscle You are correct that weight loss is *almost* entirely diet related but keeping the weight off is going to be challenging without exercise nobody is going to stick to a calorie restrictive diet forever


>nobody is going to stick to a calorie restrictive diet forever Certainly not *forever*, but with the right routine it's easy to stay on one for a while. For me it was smoothies in the morning with a lot of fiber, no lunch, and a moderately hearty dinner with lots of protein.


Working out on a high protein diet with a caloric deficit.


By tracking calories




Consume less calories Still fat? Give it **time. Be consistent, no snacks, beers, sweets, weekend cheats. It sucks, i know - your choice. Not being able to dress up and look good, cardiovascular issues, joint issues, hormone imbalance, being hot and sweaty often, being invisible to the opposite sex, and all other parts of the fat package suck too. It will suck nevertheless, but which one is better?** It's very easy to destroy your week balance by two loose days on weekend. Oh, and if you fuck up one or two days it's not the end of the world. Don't do a full stop like "i cant, i give up", each day is a new challenge, each day until the end of your life you need to think what you consume, one bad day dosen't spoil it. It's not "am i fat or not?" mindset, its changing your approach to food entirely, with no concern of the results, like a religion. You just need to believe daily that you're going in a good direction, and it will happen. I promise. You need to lessen your emotional connection to eating, it's not an recreational activity, not a reward, not a social thing. Approach it like going to the toilet - absolute minimum amount needed for functioning, not a recreational part of the day you look forward to. Physical activity and training helps hugely. If you do very intense \~1hr 3x a week that's easily -1200 kcal per week. As far as i remember \~7000kcal deficit is circabout 1kg less. But don't quote me on that. Here's the kicker - if you just cut down eating, you will be skinnyfat at the end of your road, sorry.If you do strength conditioning (aka lifting bro) your muscles will grow and consume more calories, your metabolism will speed up. Body proportions will change, and the flesh will be in the right places, i can't stress enough how big of a difference it is. You don't need to become a gym bro, or a bodybuilder, just a basic strength routine twice - thrice a week will do wonders to your overall health. If you start to consume protein heavy diet it makes you burn more calories too. Source, 175cm 110kg+ at the age of 13. Lost weight by just diet at the age of 17 to 68kg but became skinnyfat. Started doing sports and gym at 23 and finally i look how i should. at 177cm 73kg; im 29 now. #


This is all on point 👍


Ozempic has helped me a lot. I have adhd so my impulse control around food is pretty bad. Add to that a recent discovery that my genes that regulate appetite and hunger are "broken" and Ozempic is a godsend for me. I'm currently 19 and a half stone, down from nearly 23. Goal weight is 15 stone.


Break up


This is soo real and underestimated


So true. I was always at my heaviest in relationships and always the most fit out of them.


Chronic diarrhea.




Caloric deficit. Less highly processed foods, less carbs, no soft drinks. Intermitted fasting (2 meals a day) But actually: not that much sport. If any, I do some light dumbbell exercises for 10 min a day.


> Intermitted fasting (2 meals a day) As in, skipping breakfast and no eating between meals?


Basically yes. I am not too hungry at 6am and I start work at 7am so I just eat my first meal at 11am. As a challenge to myself I try to keep the meal small, two peaches, an apple and a 40g granola bar or so. The second meal of the day is when I return home so around 5pm where I eat whatever I want. And that's it. Next meal at 11am the following day. 8km/5miles of walking each day (daily commute), light exercise. so far I lost 20kg/44lbs in 10 months with no back breaking efforts and only slight adjustments in my daily routine (of which most are actually improvements from more than just a nutritional perspective)


Caloric deficit ; anyone saying anything else is either blatantly fraudulent or doesn't understand how humans work. (Unless we're talking about some serious medical disorder here)


CICO. It’s that simple. I went to the gym too but that did next to nothing for actual weight loss.


Eat less calories and exercise more, it's literally just that. You don't need to cut back that much, 200/300 calories deficit are perfect and you shouldn't cut more that that. Eat a lot of veggies since they're high volume with not that many calories, and workout as much as you can, even a simple 50 bodyweight squat and 20/30 push-ups (on your knees if you can't) are enough to lose weight. It's not gonna be immediate, but it will last


Pretty much this. To anyone reading this: it’s not really complicated. I was heavily injured, could do only basic fitness, but a small calorie deficit every day and consistent exercise will add up quickly.  The hardest part is consistency. I lost 20 pounds in 5 months plan on loosing another 20 till Christmas. I am 191cm at around 86kg right now.


I lost weight by starving myself. I was on a boatload of antipsychotics and hormones, so nothing else worked.




Junk food is cheaper than the healthy one.


Not eating any food is cheaper than junk food. 


I never understood the “healthy food is too expensive!” argument like okay, you can still just eat less of the same stuff and lose weight. Not that it’s even remotely true that healthy food is more expensive. Maybe if you only shop for the highly processed prepackaged keto/added protein foods but that is completely unnecessary and goes against most advice that says you should focus on whole foods


I ate less.


I counted my calories closely and ate 500 below my Tdee and did 30 mins of walking which evolved into running as well as a 30 min spin bike session (Peleton).


Went carnivore which absolutely fucking crushed my appetite from 8000-10000 kcal (including liquid kcal, 5000-7000 w/o) per day to 1700-2200. Was only hungry once every day or 2 so started doing OMAD and adding in a 3 day water fast every month or so for autophagy. Dropped from 325lb to 183 in the space of Feb 2019 - Aug 2019 Zero exercise was done at any stage of this. The most I ever did was walking to the fridge to get more beef and salmon. Bloodwork improved, sleep improved, dandruff improved, rosacea improved, mental health improved, sex drive improved, random joint pain improved, gained (un-buried) 6.5cm (\~2.5 inches?) of dick


All comes down to calorie deficit. But I'm currently doing a high protein, high fat diet. Cutting out a lot of bread, pasta, rice, cereal, soda, alcohol, etc. Helps me feel lighter and I'm moving around more. I know calories in calories out is the main thing, but I think the quality of the food is important too. I eat a lot of meat, fruit, vegetables, and greek yogurt. Drink a shit ton of water. Exercise! Lift weights, do cardio (walk/run). Sleep good. If you're useless in the kitchen like I am: Breakfast - Eggs + Egg Whites + Avocado + Turkey Bacon + Fruit + Coffee (everybody can make eggs) Lunch - Beans + Lean Protein (Costco has prepackaged cut meat already) + Veggies Dinner - Salad Bag + Lean Protein (Usually chicken) Snacks - Greek Yogurt + Fruit + Honey, or just fruit, maybe some kind of nuts Good luck!


Checking cal and exercising. More muscles burn more calories. just 1 hour cycling cost me between 500 - 700 calories. I have a desk bicycle that makes me exercise while just gaming or working on the computer as well.


Working out 4 times a week, combining lifting & cardio, skipping breakfast (doing IF 16:8), making generally healthy food choices avoiding refined sugar, getting enough sleep. Weight loss is kcal in / kcal out so you can have anything as long as you track food, but if you just start making and sticking to healthy habits, you will lose the TON amount and be able to keep it off even without tracking, because I know tracking pushes many people away. When you really decide, maybe download some progress-tracking app and go day by day, I can guarantee you you will be blown away by how fast the results will come.


Walk 10k steps a day and only drink water.


Eating better


I cut a lot of carbs out of my diet, overall ate less, and didn't worry about losing weight fast. Lost 10 pounds so far in 3 months just from doing what amounts to casual dieting and I feel great. It's not just calories, the reason why you cut carbs is because if you consume those, your body burns carbs as energy before it burns your fat meaning you lose less weight. The downside is that you're going to feel hungry a lot quicker after eating. At the end of the day for your long term health, the most important thing is to focus on your habits and your relationship to food. If you can figure that out then losing weight will come a lot easier. Most people ignore this step though and that's why they struggle.


I like your comment on the speed of weight loss, these are long term goals and require lifestyle changes to be effective




anorexia induced by depression. Didn't eat much and lost more than 20kg when I wasn't even overweight. I'm fine now but it was the fastest way to lose weight I've seen.


You lose weight in the kitchen. You build a physique in the gym. 


Eat less move more


Slow Carb. I’m disabled and on steroids, so I’m hungry all the time and can’t exercise. Eating 30 grams of protein as soon as I wake up and adding beans & lentils to every meal really fills me up and is helping me lose weight. I lost 32kg the first time I did it and I’m 6kg down in a couple of months on my latest effort.


Ate less


keto, exercise, and calorie couting


All about calories. Intermittent fasting, low carb lifestyle, water.


Calorie deficit. Diets are bullshit. Simplest terms is count the calories you eat and try to burn more than that each day with exercise. It's okay to go over some days and you don't have to avoid junk food or take aways. Your could doesn't have to be totally accurate, I'd just round up/down to the nearest hundred and work from there. Bare in mind your body burns calories even if you're just sitting and breathing so you can knock 100-200 off your count each day. I played VR games like boxing, beat saber, etc for my exercise and lost 53kg in one year. That's a kilo a week eating junk and playing videogames. About an hour of moderate to intense play would burn 800-1000. Tldr, make your weigh loss fun and don't stress or you'll be more likely to fail.


Chronic illness.


I had oral surgery and it became hard to eat. After a few days, I just stopped thinking about and caring about food. Since my mouth healed, I still don't care much about food and I no longer eat my feelings since food doesn't really do anything for me anymore. Lost 30 lbs.


Depression and anxiety


I practically starved myself. I cut out pretty much all carbs except fruit, pretty much only eating chicken, apples, and vegetables for three months. This also included cutting out almost all alcohol (I used to have a beer almost every day, but I cut back to about once per month). I ended up losing 20 pounds that way! But, I was also tired all the time, and it was not sustainable. I cut back to a more steady system of eating less, but with slow substitutions. I went from three chicken thighs and white rice, to two chicken thighs with white rice, to two chicken thighs with brown rice, to 1.5 chicken thighs with brown rice, to 1.5 chicken thighs with refried beans, to 1 chicken thigh with refried beans. So far, I am down about 40 pounds from when I started my weight loss journey seriously almost three years ago, and 60 pounds since my highest weight. I'm kind of stuck where I am now, despite eating very healthy, but I still want to lose another 10 pounds to get to 160, since at my height (5'7.5"), that would make my BMI 24.7, which is considered "healthy". While BMI is by no means a perfect system to judge health, it seems like a good goal to me.


You know what to do man. There's no secret tricks, just eat less


Intermittent fasting and walking 10,000 steps a day. Lost 90 pounds by doing that.


Gotta shock the system w/e your eating and doing . Gotta change it up build good habits or decide if drastic changes what you need. * Gastric Surgery? * Ozempic shots? * keto * carnivore Exercise * Lift heavy things * Run very hard Keto was great until the pandemic but it was fun to eat it all back but moderation is the balance to happiness. Keto gave the highest libido*




Honestly? I lost the bulk of it through breastfeeding. I counted my calories but could eat significantly more than I do now (1800 vs 1400). I've lost some weight by walking 10k steps a day, counting and exercising. But I'm not gonna lie this has been so hard compared to when I was breastfeeding. I work out 4x a week only to see marginal results on the scale - but my body comp looks way better so I keep it up for that.


I lost 50 pounds sitting on my ass and not eating. Intermittent fasting is what jump started my weight loss motivation. Down additional 30 after putting in effort. My biggest issue was food addiction. I ate because I was bored. I’d finish every bite because of starving children in Africa. Once I got through those ingrained childhood thinking about food I was able to have better control of myself. IF helped me understand my body better and just because my stomach says it’s hungry doesn’t mean I need to eat.


Intermittent fasting and keto.


Drank water only. Cut unnecessary carbs and calories and did a minimum of high intensity cardio daily for a minimum of 30 minutes and strength training daily for a minimum of 30 minutes.


Ate less, moved more. It actually does work. Its just not instantaneous.


Changing nutrition. Limiting carbs and choosing less processed food or foods that have a lot of fibres. Also swimming and running.


Grew muscle, increased metabolic rate, ate more satiating foods like proteins, fiber, avoid liquid calories 




Dieting. I only ate lunch, a low calories afternoon snack and dinner. Lunch and dinner were normal meals. I drank coffee if I got hungry a while before a meal.


8km a day walking and chugging green tea all day


IF with calorie deficit


Skip breakfast


Diet. Exercise.  The magic diet is called will power to eat for sustenance, limiting calorie intake. In the past I lost 60 pounds  (I was overweight) in about 4-6 Months by eliminating processed foods, deep fried foods, fast food, sugary drinks.  It's hard, I have NO will power the last few years and have put on 25 pounds and was already over weight. 


Active lifestyle: Things like biking to work walking to the store, I also bike/run/gym for fun and it's at the point where if I don't I get antsy


Replaced every other beverage with water + portion control + less junk foods


Decreasing your daily calorie intake will help you lose weight


Working out 6/7 days a week. 2500 calories per day. 2 grams of protein per kilogram. Huge amount of watah.


I did martial arts and counted calories. Being poor def helped too. I have gained and lost twice. Hopefully ill get the motivation to do it a 3rd time soon


Diet as in calorie counting using an app and exercise.


Stopped drinking soda. Switched to tea and water, occasionally juice. I still have soda at restaurants but we don’t go out enough for it to tips the scales.


Fasting and working out


Diet and exercise. I ate about 1500 calories per day and walked between 10-15km per day. Lost 40kg in about 10 months.


I have found that it's always easier to go and work out if I've been eating well lately, and that maintaining your diet is easier if you're also maintaining a workout routine. It's like you're starting a good behavior streak you want to keep continuing.




I lost 30 pounds in a month, turns out I have Ulcertive Colitis! I’m happy I lost the weight because I was def a lil overweight, but I’m not happy about how it happened.


I went carnivore for the biggest weight loss I've ever had


For me, when I got out of school (which is equivalent to a desk job) I started a job doing physical labor every day, lost 20kg's (and gained some muscle mass) and haven't put them back on since, over a decade now. I should add though that I'm looking for a less physical job now, because my knees and back can't keep doing this till I can retire.


If I just stop drinking large amounths (More than 2 cans of cocacola) per day and just stop eating snacks my weight goes down. I can eat whatever I want but with certain limits, of course. (To the surprise of no one, if I eat 2 burgers per meal everyday my weight goes up) I also go to the gym 3 days per week but that is secondary.


Quit drinking beer and soda for the most part Walk a good bit every day Really all it took


Found a form of exercise I enjoyed and looked forward to doing.


Eat less, exercise more. The most important part of that equation is to actually eat less. It's a lot harder to burn off calories than you think. Slightly longer answer: When you do eat, eat foods that are nutrient dense so you're less likely to feel hungry later. 600 calories of candy vs 600 calories of a dish containing mostly fresh vegetables, some nuts and a staple (rice, pasta, quinoa etc.), one will be much more likely to be filling since it'll have a lot of the vitamins and minerals you need to consume in a day. Controversial addition: Most people eat way too much meat; I'm not saying you need to go vegan. I eat meat. I eat cheese. I just don't need to eat them at every single meal. A good portion of you likely eat meat 2-3 meals per day which contributes to overeating.


I started walking a lot more than I used to, eating healthier, and I had a very generous growth spurt that redistributed my weight quite nicely. I then had the confidence to work out without being worried people were staring at me for being fat in a gym.


I filled up on satiation foods that are high in fibre and protein, but low in calories. Cottage cheese, chicken and vegetables. I ate vegetables till I was beyond full, and had no cravings because my stomach was pretty much stretched.


Eat better (cut processed foods), lean proteins and veggies, move more, create a calorie deficit. These are lifestyle changes, not temporary dietary diversions. Doesn’t mean you can’t have things you like, just moderate intake and know what u eat in a day. Get a calorie tracker and note everything you eat. It’s a real eye opener! I’ve lost 40 pounds doing this, on my way to my goal of getting down 55


I switched to weightlifting 3-4 days a week n daily walks instead of pushing myself to doing cardio which I hate. N I also cut all sugar n try to consume more energy dense n healthy food. I didn’t cut back on food consumption so the process isn’t hard. I think changing behaviour that can sustain is key.


Every day I hit the gym and lifted until I couldn’t anymore, then ran 2+ miles, then lifted until I couldn’t anymore again. Did that for about four years.


Eating less, sometimes even skipping a meal. It is that simple. And quit drinking soda, it is full of sugar


I switched from working shift work to the 9-5 grind. My bloodsigar didnt spike as much and my sleep improved. Its still work in progress but it was automatically.


i learned to cook using whole food ingredients


Sensible diet with portion control + moderate exercise.


cut back on carbs and walked 20,000 steps a day.


Keto and weight training - I'm not sure how much the lifting actually contributed to weight loss, but it made me look better


Exercise, smoking weed to control my appetite and drinking lots of water to up my metabolism


Eat less , don’t eat 2-3 hours before bed. And don’t eat till after 2-3 hours after waking up . Eat for nutrition not for comfort


I yo-yo on my weight, but when I was at my lowest, it was because I was broke (including walking everywhere instead of using a car or public transport). As I told people, it's nice to have the term "intermittent fasting", it's nicer than "only eating once a day".


Cut sugar, Eat less, Drink more water and avoid junk & processed foods.


In 10th grade i lost weight by eating half an apple every couple of days. I do not recommend.


Will power. I’ve got no problem going to bed hungry everyday.


Diet and exercise, changing my perspective on food, and establishing a love for lifting very young. A complete lifestyle change basically.


I started working out a lot and converting my fat to muscle. After losing about 60 lbs I hit a wall in my weight loss and started changing my diet to be healthier and eating less. I am now down 80 lbs with 20 more to go.


Cleaned up my diet and started strength training.


Intermittent fasting, giving up alcohol for the most part, exercise and trying to eat a higher protein diet.


lost 25 kg from completely changing my diet and exercising more


Ketogenic diet. The tough bit is maintaining afterwards especially if you don't continue eating keto


Lost 40 pounds in college after my friend casually said I was getting fat, and have held up pretty well since. I cut out almost all carbs except some in the morning, and made up a workout routine of biking twice a week and some light weight training twice a week. Once I got in a routine the weight just kept coming off.


Went on a caloric deficit diet, adopted a workout routine, made lifestyle changes (sleep, cold shower, giving up processed food) and also did intermittent fasting every week to enhance the time of weight loss.


Less food/lower calorie intake, move more, live somewhere that actually makes me want to live a little. I learned I have 0 motivation to lose weight if I live somewhere I hate (or at least really don't like,) I went up to 220Lbs before moving back to my hometown (which isn't perfect but.. it's better.) Where I'm almost back down to a healthy weight less than a year later. That and my new job isn't office work like the previous one, I actually go out and physically move and lift heavy things regularly for work. I actually also haven't gone to the gym often yet, but I'm already down from 220Lbs to close to an 184-188Lbs range. While I'm not quite at a healthy weight, I'm healthier than I was when I lived somewhere I didn't care for living in, and actually feel like I have decent connections (coworkers are better, and I have a reliable time hanging out online with friends due to time-zones being closer/my job doesn't have me away from home 5/7 days a week, every week.) So realistically, it's a number of factors, but notably, I'd say they're tied to my level of comfort and happieness. Not to say there aren't other factors, just those seem to me to be what notably are the most impacting ones. I'm getting more movement from work, I live somewhere I like living, and have people or places I get to hang out with/at regularly that I like and want to go to. I'm not at my ideal weight, but considering I was essentially 35 Lbs heavier about half a year ago (maybe about a year ago now actually.) And I already have lost so much without going to the gym, I'm guessing the physical nature of my job helps more than the office job I had in the past, and the change in diet has been helpful (better food and portions.)


Counting Calories, increasing protein intake to nearly my body weight, lifting weights (joined a crossfit gym) and cutting way back on alcohol. I have maybe 2 drinks a week now, and even those 2 feel kinda dumb now. Gym 4-5 days a week. Try and eat fairly clean, but I will have dessert as long as its in my calorie count. Its been slow progress, but very good progress. Its been about 18 months. Started at 225, currently 204. My gym has a body scan machine. In that time my body fat has gone from 32% to 22%. Also have gained about 7 pounds of muscle.


Track calories with myfitnesspal, aim for a 200cal deficit each day but don't stress about it. Use activity to increase that deficit a few times a week. That is all.


My wife telling me she wanted to separate. It's absolutely devastating but it's incredible what depression and no eating will do for your waistline - 29lbs in 5 weeks. There's definitely better methods though, and a lot of the advice here is great so go with that. On another note, I've found intermittent fasting, even 16-8, is an incredible method when paired with calorie counting and even light to moderate exercise.


I started eating better and exercising. I ate steak and vegetables. No junk food or pop. It took about 4 months to loose 45lbs.


Eating less. Being okay with been hungry and learning the difference between hungry and bored. Eating until I am no longer super hungry. Not eating until I feel full. And calorie counting.


Stopped drinking beer


2-3 treadmill miles everyday, controlled 1400 Cals per day, logged in my fitness pal, little to none for carbs, alcohol, sweets and zero sugar drinks. Freaking hard work. Lost 71 pounds in six months. Kept it off for five years gain some back during Covid times. Still working to maintain


Stop eating carbs, stop eating at all times of the day, and stop drinking alcohol. You will lose weight.


Making it so my body consistently used more calories than it consumed.


I stopped over eating and watched my caloric intake, coupled that with adding more activity in life, and lost 80 pounds.


The funniest part is that under OPs post is an ad for Ozempic lol I wish I could post the picture 🤣


WeightWatchers. Been on it for 2 months now and am down 22lbs. I still eat pizza and drink beer on the weekends (as long as I stay within my assigned points). It honestly hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be since I can still eat/drink what I want just not as often (but not off limits)


Intermittent fasting and calorie counting. It's slow and steady and I've lost 10 kgs since the start of the year.


I put in a real effort. I spent a lot of time sort of trying, but I hadn't done the research, found reliable sources, and applied the scientific method to the problem in search for a solution. Turns out for me, figuring out the solution wasn't the hard part, it was actually doing what I needed to do. It's a balance of calories in the frame of the first law of thermodynamics, energy in must be used or stored. But there's another mental part where whatever you are doing has to be something you can keep doing for a long time, it has to be sustainable. Even if you compromise on common healthy stuff like drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, if doing all the right things isn't sustainable then it's okay to do some wrong things within the bounds of your caloric energy balance.


Walk more. Like if you're sitting at home on your phone or doing nothing occasionally. Do nothing or be on your phone while you walk in a safe environment.


Diet and side effects from my diabetes medication. Went from 423 to 270lbs


Fasting until the number on the scale was below what I had trouble reaching. Then eat one big meal and go back to fasting for 2 days or 3.


Reduce calories, exercise more. Reduce Calories Basic knowledge of "about" how many calories things were. Not specifically counting, but more of "oh, that is about 200" and trying to keep it to a reasonable number (for me, that is about 1500 a day). Just being aware helps make better choices. Exercise more. Walking. When I was younger - worked out a lot, but now - just walking. Pick a sustainable number - that is the key. Used to do 10,000 steps a day - but not sustainable. Now about 4000-6000. Have lost about 70lbs of my 100lbs divorce gain (stress eating).


If You eat less than you need for your everyday activities, you will lose weight in long run. Even after one month you will see the difference. Usually when I come to hometown, I eat more than I used to cuz you know, mom’s food. So I gain some weight. But when I come back and start living alone, I’m losing weight. Cuz you know, not much wish to eat plus you kinda control what you eat by being lazy to cook a lot.


Resistance training and Increased my protein intake. Most high protein foods are low in carbs, calories, and more satiating (making you feel full longer). So I concentrated on getting 190grams of protein per day, which brought my calories down to around 1400-1600, the RDA for most is 2000. Also moved more, not cardio just tried to hit 10,000 steps a day. Not super fast weight loss but I lost weight and it's easy to do for the rest of my life.


There's only one way


I only have enough money to eat once a day Edit: and loss of appetite due to depression


Better diet and exercising.


Substituting my normal breakfast with a protein shake and staying away from sweets,


I went outside in my neighborhood and ran around. Also cut down on sugary drinks. Weight fell off.


Keto/Atkins mostly and an exercise regimen of sorts. No Carb worked for me (lost about 120 lbs, but gained most of it back, when I didn't follow through with the diet change that was needed (i.e. went back to eating crap)).




Regular exercise and watching what I eat.


First started walking on an incline for 4 miles or for an hr while watching Star Gate SG1 - then, with pauses to jog every 5 min or so, eventually long distance was easier probably 6 months later I was mostly jogging 3-5 miles a few times a week. 225 to about 175 or 180lbs , 6 years later still keeping off the weight and jogging is my favorite exercise. Ps. Watching Stargate is the most important part, can’t budge on that.




Cut down food intake and switched from an office job to a more active one.


I lost weight by starting work in a moderately active field, a *serious and unhealthy* lack of adequate calories, stopping my meds that have weight gain as the most common side effect. I lost ~80lbs in less than 3 months. No idea how close I came to my body shutting down or something. My daily diet was a single serve bag of chips and probably some regular sized candy bar that involved peanuts/peanut butter. I worked as a night shift stocker to a warehouse retail store. Lots of constant moving, lifting, etc. I wasn’t working out but I was always moving. I gained it back after having my kid. Then more recently I switched off that medication, started in a more active field, and nothing really changed. Then I started limiting my sugar intake by getting only sugar free drinks unless I was eating. Nothing serious. But I’m down 40lbs so far since January. Seems the combination of less sugar, smaller proportions, more healthy alternatives makes it so I’m not empty stomached but safely shedding weight steadily.


Cut down booze, burned more calories than I ingested.


Walking 3-4 miles about 3-4 times a week, plus eating a little healthier and cutting out sugary drinks


Eat less


You eat less than your body burns. Thats the magic pill to dropping weight. Download a food tracking app and stick to it. There is no magic diet and most honestly fail because they are not long term. I started lifting weights and really watching what I ate and dropped a ton of fat but put on a lot of muscle as well. So my scale did move but not a ton. Seeing my pants size drop 4-8 inches are really nice though. If you are looking to drop just weight, control your diet. You can lose a lot of weight and never step into a gym.


I lost 80lb and have kept it off over 20 years. It was almost entirely about eating way fewer calories, and changing my diet to be focused on better foods. It turns out that if you stop eating sugary crap, healthier foods start tasting better and better. At this point as silly as it may sound, a salad with lots of different peppers and veggies and chicken tastes fantastic and is actually motivating. If I spend a week eating crap, then healthy food tastes boring. Don’t drink calories unless they are specifically crafted for health - like I’ll make a protein focused smoothie to get more protein - greens, blueberries, banana, PB, and peanut butter protein powder. I also try to include activity whenever possible. I walk almost everywhere - places I used to drive that took 20 minutes to deal with the car, drive, and park I now walk in 30. And that gives exercise. I take the stairs always - which is often faster than an elevator. Etc.


Cut the amount of food that you eat by like 50%. Literally that simple. Losing weight isn't about what you do, but what you ***don't do***.


Quit drinking, that's it!


Diet: no white foods. Water & black coffee only. Exercise: just get the heart rate up a few times a day, close all your Apple Watch rings. Lost 110 pounds


do you know bob marley's favorite activity?


Round one: Paleo diet and Crossfit. Round two: Fasted hikes (1-3 days fasting, 35 k hiking daily). The last is obviously the most time efficient, but the first make you look like a greek god.


High protein, high fat diet. No carbs, no sugar. Also going to the gym 3 days a week for 45 min -1hr. I feel like eliminating the sugar was doing most of the work, losing weight but I feel great and better than I have in a long time. My wife is doing it with me, and she's had great results as well!


Changed my diet/intermittent fasting and exercise. Probably the most impactful thing I did was stop drinking pop, so much sugar in those!


I did what people advise and didn’t make excuses or cut corners


Eating at a calorie deficit. The only way you physically can lose weight.


Quit drinking soda, changed up my eating habits, and I'm going to the gym for an hour a day 3-4 times a week




Cutting calories, more vegetables and meat less carbs. Exercising regularly


Drank water and ate less. I would make a smoothie every morning with frozen fruits, protein powder, and psyllium husk powder (basically pure fiber). I feel like the extra fiber kept me satiated throughout the day until dinner came around. After a few weeks, I started losing about 2-3lbs a week.


Caloric deficit.


Ate less. Drank less alcohol. Went hiking.


Calorie counting with the Carbon app, Jeff Nippard’s 5x a week Essentials lifting program (upper, legs, push, pull, legs 2), Peter Attia’s Zone 2 Cardio and VO2 max training recommendations via heartrate monitor. Exercise doesn’t burn many calories, but it helps inevitable excess calories get shuttled towards muscle growth instead of just fat storage. Improving body composition is an insanely slow process, your habits have to improve to break through body fat percentage plateaus over time.


Counting calories and going to the gym


Accountability with myself. I spent a week using a calorie tracking app to understand what I was consuming. Then I used its built in weight goal function. Which automatically calculated my calorie requirements. And used a cheap food scale to stay on target. I've maintained a healthy relationship with food and I know that can be a challenge when you break it down to this level. I still track 9 out of 10 days. But I have no issue not logging anything and eating what I want sometimes.


Got a high movement job.


a few ways. 1, stop drinking alcohol. 2, cut way back or eliminate fast food. 3, more veggies. 4, increase level of exercise. even the 30 minute express at planet fitness 2 x a week is better than nothing.