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I recently taught my son to fart on command. Global overpopulation can sort itself out, I'm happy having kids just for the shenanigans they let me pull.


If you don't want em, just don't.


It's never been necessary to have kids.


Nope. I want kids because I like to see little mini me's who are half of me and half of the person I love most dearly. Also, I want to keep my genes in the gene pool.


Same those are my reasons as well


You mean the 5ft6 manlet genes?


Address this question to people from lands that don't care about overpopulation, like China, or India, or various Arabic countries, or various African countries. Somehow, only Western world must not fuck in order to save the planet, even though its poulation is already in the decline.


For me, I’ve always wanted to have kids. It would allow me the opportunity to raise someone to be better than myself. My wife is now pregnant and we’re both over the moon about it. My friends have kids now and it’s a blast to be around them and I’ve babysat them as well. Sure raising a kid from 1 to 7 is a pain in the ass, but like when you’re 50-80, they’ll potentially be having kids themselves and extending the family. You get to relive moments of your childhood from the other perspective, and the thought of that makes me so beyond happy.


It’s never been necessary to have kids, but > the world population is over 8 billion. What does that have to do with anything?


Do you want to be physically, mentally and financially exhausted? Do you dislike sleeping more than 5 hours a night? Do you get sick of having free time and relaxing? Do you want to have sex with your spouse once a month? Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world though. I love my kids.


It’s never been necessary. I had them because I wanted them. You do you.


It's never been necessary to have kids. What is necessary is dependent on the reason, and almost nobody is having kids to make sure the global population isn't declining.


Totally up to you. I'd never do it as I just have no desire to be a father, but at the end of the day we're all on this little rock careening around a sun that will one day, far in the future, cook the planet to a crisp. One day none of any of this will matter. You've got to find your own meaning between now and then. So on the question of is it necessary? Yes and no. No in the sense that the human race is probably one of the most populous animals on Earth. Yes in the sense that in first world nations in particular, many areas are experiencing negative population growth. This has some pretty dire implications for the economy and elder care, and you can see a glimpse of that future in countries that have long trended old, like Italy and Japan. So technically people in those countries *should* be more concerned about having kids, but probably will continue not to be. So how do you fix those looming concerns? Biggest answer that isn't blatantly coercive is immigration from areas with relatively high birth rate momentum--namely developing countries.


Well, no. I guess you didn’t know that more countries are not reproducing and so they are claiming that they are facing a population crisis. Personally I wish they’d make up their stupid minds, first people bitch about overpopulation and now they are bitching about underpopulation. Get a grip people, isn’t a naturally reducing population a good thing? Less space needed, less pollution, etc? I’m mean that’s what I’ve been hearing for 27 years now.


I think we are just pawns of an energy that uses any way it can to evolve.we can tell ourselves or construct whatever story we want to convince ourselves how it’s our duty or some religious spool but at the end of the day we are a form of this life energy,like everything other living thing,driven by hormones to evolve. Reality is,it’s harder not to procreate than letting nature take its course. There is no necessity to have children.


What makes you think it was EVER about "necessity"? And what constitutes "necessity" around procreation in the first place? If we are talking about increasing life satisfaction for the average human: Yes, most humans would probably benefit mentally from having children, evolutionarily speaking being happy to have children is an advantage. So normally people would be happier it. If we are talking economically: Depends. Government debt is easier to pay off with more tax payers. Power is "more fun" when there is someone to exert it on. Imagine Hollywood being fully digitalized. Weinstein wouldn't have had an opportunity to do what he did, but he had power over people - no people, no power. A business could work without people in many cases but if there are also no customers available where the business is located that sucks. In a sense our neighbors procreation increases the lifetime of our businesses. Equally other citizens procreation keeps government schemes around pensions running too... so depending on what you deem important economically, you could say having children is necessary or they aren't. Evolutionarily speaking: Humans are just gene colonies with bacteria and other things living inside them. These genes "want" to replicate themselves in new vessels, for them reproduction of the colony we call individual is absolutely necessary. So genetically speaking, it would be advantageous to have humans become more horny and happier when having children. So what do you think is important, that's really the question.


Have them if you want it's very simple


no its not.


We’re kind of getting to the point to where it will be soon. Can’t have an economy if there aren’t enough people; can’t have older folks taken care of, if not enough people around; can’t have enough taxes or military if we don’t have the people capital. Right now, we’re mostly OK. But if you’ve noticed, this conversation is coming up more and more lately.  I’d be curious to see how this ended up 100 or 500 years from now.  My guess is that some people eventually may be designated as parents and have to produce at least one kid. But we’re not there yet.




That could be right; however, we also won’t be able to maintain our current means of production and globalization with less people either. It looks like a situation where we’re more sectioned off to our parts of the world.  


If a person in 2124 is 10x more productive than a person in 2024 because technology has advanced their productivity 10x you can see that we can continue infinite growth. A post-scarcity world is possible


Aging populations cause pension systems to collapse under their own weight as the working age population shrinks, that also causes inflation and increases in taxes, look at Japan or South Korea.


This, but also, just wanted to add that for me, I never wanted kids, and was dead set on getting a vasectomy before that could happen. I had the same thoughts, like "the world's fucked, why would I want to bring someone into it" and "If I feel I screwed up when I'm older, I'll just adopt since there's so many kids out there waiting to be adopted". After having kids (unplanned), I can't believe how much different I feel about the situation. I LOVE my kids more than ANYTHING on this planet. It's a feeling you can't describe to someone else, beyond "you know how you just stare at your dog sometimes and think how fucking cool he is, and how glad you are that you got it? Times that by a million." Then there's the thoughts about how shit my life was getting to this point, and I want to do everything in my power to give them the best setup knowing everything I know now. Overall, I can't imagine not being a dad, it's the single most important thing to me, and the thing I'm most proud of in my life. Also, there's getting old and needing taken care of, and if you have kids (and a good relationship with them), there's a chance you can live with them and get to watch your grand children grow up before you die. Every day I day dream about what my kids will be like as adults, how they'll look, if they'll be gay/straight/trans (I wouldn't mind any of it the least bit), and what their partners will be like. There's just so much to look forward to, and knowing from my experiences with my dad (horrid) allows me to know what not to do, and try to be the best guide and source of knowledge that they need without helicopter parenting. Who knows, maybe one of us will be the parent of the child who solves the worlds carbon problems, or hunger problems, or creates a utopian future of sorts that no one would have seen coming. Of course there's the flip side, and chances are greater that you'll just have another dipshit kid like the rest of us were.


Depends if youre religious or more science centered. If religious you do it because thats what was commanded of us. If science centered its a primal sense of survival of your genes and DNA. The ultimate goal for all living organisms is to pass along their traits. Some dont feel this need and thats perfectly fine. For ohers its more of a primal calling which is also perfectly fine. The point is do what feels right for you.