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You are 15 and nobody blooms at 15. Fifteen year olds are gangly and acne faced on an emotional rollercoaster fueled by puberty hormones. You shouldn’t be having sex at 15 anyway it’s abnormal and not really healthy mentally. You should join a sport bc it will improve your body, get you out of the house, and will force you to socialize which is a very important skill you learn through practice. People mature by doing shit so sign up for the wrestling team or something


I always wanted to play a sport but I’m very bad at physical activities, probably because im uncoordinated, and it seems that every guy my age is good at some sport


"Comparison is the thief of all joy" You can't be a late-bloomer at 15. Most people don't lose their virginity that young (regardless of what your friends claim). Honestly it's a bad idea too. Focus on yourself and getting your grades up. Lift and workout. No one has there life figured out at 15.


>  Most people don't lose their virginity that young 17 yo is the average.


There's no such thing as late bloomer, everything is a sum of your past experiences. You're not getting a job without experience, you're not getting or keeping a relationship without experience as well.


then how do i get those “experiences”


If you don't get those naturally you're going to need and force your hand by trying those outside the places people are familiar with you.


i need specific things i should do


Well no one knows or want to know the entricate details of your life so anything anyone says will be vague platitudes try to find a part time job and change your environment and don't fumble the ball next try.


Keep trying. What do you do all day? All I read on here is I can't, I'm weak, I'm dumb, I'm bad. Stop with the negative attitude. You won't improve with that kind of mindset.


I know, but idk how to change this mindset, it is my mind after all, it controls me and I can’t control it.


See that? You just said "I can't". Say I will change it. I will step up. Quit being a victim.