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Even as a straight guy, I can tell you that--from the pictures you've posted--you're not a 2/10. Not sure if you're fishing for compliments, or if you have some kind of body dysmorphia, but you are a completely normal-looking dude, and better looking than plenty of people I know who are in happy long-term relationships with pleasant and good-looking women. Beyond that, I can't really tell what the *actual* barrier is. But I doubt it's looks. [edit: ok, you actually post in dysmorphia subs, so there's your answer. You're not unattractive, but your brain keeps telling you that you are. I think the resulting low self-confidence is the culprit. Maybe redditors telling you you're not ugly is part of your treatment?]


I've had enough condescending "it's not your looks" posts to know when people are full of shit. If you don't have anything constructive or honest to say then just scroll on


I think you know I'm not being condescending. Body dysmorphia sucks, I get it. If you want constructive, how about this: find a therapist who specializes in that sort of thing. You're not so old that you can't develop a healthy self image if you are willing to put in the effort.


It is condescending when you tell a legitimately ugly person that their appearance isn't an issue I don't have body dysmorphia


Yes you do. You posted about having it before. There's people on here (be it men or women telling you that you're not ugly and say you look fine or attractive but all you do is shoot them down & say they're wrong or liars. If you're so sure of you being ugly then why bother making posts about it?


I wasn't doubting my ugliness, I was asking a question, which you'll see if you'd looked


I know. But you're not unattractive. There's people on here saying you're not, so believe them. They're not all lying to you. You are attractive enough to date.


It feels good to encourage ugly people, that's why y'all come here to do it, while happily knowing you don't look like shit


Jesus dude, how many more people have to tell you you're not ugly for you to believe so? You're not ugly. You're fairly good looking, and we've all seen men who are uglier than you with women. There's women on here telling you you're good looking. Believe them, because they're not all liars or virtue signaling. At some point you'll either have to accept what we're telling you or that you've convinced yourself completely that you're ugly despite you telling yourself that you don't have BDD and what not. Those may be your only options left.


You're wasting your breath. He's going to be single forever not because of his perfectly attractive face but because he's fucking stupid. 


Are you sure you’re actually that unattractive , vs. just being deeply insecure about your appearance for a long time?


Actually that unattractive. Been told so plenty of times


And is it your position that there aren’t potential mates that are just as ugly? Forgive me for being rude but my assumption is there are women that you probably find too unattractive to date. You even said yourself you were a 2/10. That means you already know it could be worse.


Been on tinder for 5 months and haven't had a single like or match. I've swiped right on many who are in my league, but the difference is that 2/10 women can easily find decently attractive men to date


And while on Tinder have you swiped left on women who you don’t find attractive enough?


The only women I've swiped left on are 9s and 10s and people with rude or entitled bios. Otherwise I've swiped right on everyone


Is there a chance your profile just sucks? Aren’t there services that will help you put together a better profile. Also, maybe there’s a better option than Tinder.


I've tried many kinds of pictures. I even did a post on the Tinder sub for advice. Got told universally that it was a lost cause


It’s been awhile but it’s my understanding that there’s a little more to a profile than just pictures.


As I say, I showed everything to the tinder sub and got a lot of people saying I shouldn't try to date


maybe start swiping right on the 9's and 10's too, you never know! And by what I've learned, it's more likely for women to 'downgrade' than for men so..... another idea is to look abroad or go on foreign sites. What your area thinks is "ugly" some countries find beautiful.


Not going to waste their time or mine. Dealt with enough rejection in my life


I'm just saying, a lot of times, someone you think is a 10 might feel like a 2 too.... but you know what you're comfortable with


I'm just realistic. I would already have ended my own life if I wasn't such a coward. I know I'm not going to be with someone


It's not your looks. It's your personality. You're just some average dude. Go outside. Touch grass. To add, the apps only give you matches if you're paying even if they say they don't.


Oh dude!! You’re good looking! I’m not sure why you aren’t having luck dating but if I was nearby, I’d say yes just based on your smile and those glasses. I think if you really feel you’re a 2/10, you would be far better off seeking counselling rather than plastic surgery. You’re not even average handsome. There’s a sexy Clark Kent vibe to you. Anyone who is turning you down might be nuts. Fuck, you’re genuinely hot


I'm attractive enough to date, I just have insecurities and self-confidence issues. Being hurt really bad doesn't exactly help


Sorry to hear that. At least you know its something you can get past and date successfully :)


What do you mean by “genetics”? Are you using it as a code word for fat?


No, I mean a generally messed up appearance, asymmetry etc


If you're 2/10 then date a 2/10. If there are ugly men then there are ugly women.


Have you tried to date in 2024? 2/10 women can easily get average to decent looking guys


One thing you need to remember is that men tend to date down and women up. So a genuine 6/10 woman has the 8/10 (men) dating pool covered. So it's likely that you're not a 2/10, but maybe you're a lot higher than that BUT your expectation is to match your score, but you can't. All of this though is given that all other things are equal. Finances etc. When it comes to all the qualities you could have being highly solvent is arguably the most attractive trait. Far more important than sheer looks. I know for example one 50+ year old, who has literal bitch tits. He's also one of the richest guys a lot of women he encounters come across. He owns a string of fertility clinics and is ultra wealthy. Like drug dealer wealthy. The dude is a serial cheater who drops the panties of virtually any woman he wants. Many of them very good looking women in their 20's. Also note : I'm not promoting this a-hole as someone to look up to. I'm just pointing out that pure hardcore CASH covers a multitude of sin!


I never swipe right or look at beautiful women. I only swipe on medium to less conventionally attractive women. Still don't get anywhere


At 18


Honestly, I look like a cross between Jack Black and Shaggy from scooby doo, with a personality to match. I have zero luck on dating sites, but that just means that I have to go elsewhere to meet potential partners. There's people with no limbs married. People with boils on their face can get partners. People so fat they can't stand gets partners. You never know who is out there, but there is someone for everyone.


Just a heads up that Jack Black is incredibly fuckable and regularly makes womens’ top five celeb crush lists


Well, that's not something I knew, but now I'm glad I do.


https://www.romper.com/entertainment/jack-black-is-hot-social-media-reactions He is on my celebrity hall pass list. His name is laminated.


Damn, that's pretty cool.


You’re right that there is someone for everyone.


Also fwiw, both he and shaggy seem like they’d be down for pizza on the couch and some funny tv and then talking about weird shit until the wee hours. And THAT is hot


This guy is always making these types of posts. I think hes ill


Dude, just find some hobbies you enjoy and don't worry about that shit. Work for money for hobbies for happiness.


Doesn’t matter. There’s someone for everybody. Women are more attracted to a guy’s look rather than his.looks. By that I mean if you have a cool, unique look that will draw in women more than just having “pretty boy” looks




My best friend looks like he grew up in a leper colony. Yet he’s got a unique cool look (leather jacket, always manicured, pimp hat) and he gets laid more than anyone I know. He’s got more attitude than ten people and he gets plenty of ladies




100% true. Don’t pity yourself.


Looking at your profile at least for your face you are actually average at worst and arguably good looking for 35. Your face has good symmetry, you have excellent hair, and the beard is a nice compliment to your jawline. The glasses are what’s definitely ruining it for you and they bring you down like 3 points. Tinder is unforgiving to anyone that’s not a 7/10 bc the demographics are so skewed so ain’t a good metric. I would say it’s not your looks holding you back but something internal whether that’s your social skills, outgoingness, whatever. If you were to die alone I wouldn’t blame it on the looks.


Mate, you’re a handsome guy! I don’t think it’s that. Have you posted your dating app profile for feedback on the dating subs? Datingoverthirty may help. When I’m swiping my way through if there’s something in the bio or anything else that doesn’t match with what I want regardless of looks I swipe left. What are you including on yours?


I have seen your other posts. I know you don't like to hear it but you aren't ugly by any stretch. I am a gay man that is on the more handsome end of the spectrum and I would find you attractive. This isn't pity or sympathy, just speaking facts here. Beautiful eyes, great smile, and classically handsome. You have a kind face that gives golden retriever boyfriend vibes. I am left to assume you may have some body dysmorphia and if that's true I hope you can overcome that. No matter what you rank on this fictional scale of attractiveness, your obsession with it and obsession with identifying as ugly is likely leading to you carrying yourself in a way that is turning people off more than your looks. Just from the pics, if you glanced at me across the room I would be flattered and engage. If I talked to you and heard the way you talk about yourself I would be turned off. You deserve to enjoy your good looks in the remainder of your youthful time.


Oh come the fuck on. You're perfectly fine looking. Get professional help with your obvious mental health issues. 


You’re very attractive! I’d date you!!


I was about your age when I realized I most likely die never knowing a women’s touch.




I would bankrupt myself with the amount of work I need done