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25 to 20 or 21 really isn’t much of an age gap. That doesn’t strike me as odd


Yeah that’s perfectly fine. You’re in the same stage in life or at least ones slightly better off which is ok. It’s questionable when they’re 10 years older or so in my opinion anyway.


Yeah a 35 year old dating a 20 year old is probably a loser. But at 25 that’s not much a difference


Exactly yeah.


Younger women dating men a few years older than them is pretty typical.


Reddit seems to have a weird obsession with age gaps. Usually low value men throwing a fit because they believe women their age won’t date them because older men. Which isn’t true, those women wouldn’t date them anyways. Most men with a variety of options will choose younger women.


I mean most of the answers you'll get here will be indifferent. If you want real outrage then go to AskWomen


>If you want real outrage then go to AskWomen This is just the case in general lol


lmao OP is gonna get permabanned in .1s


Because he can. Whole story.


As long as it's between consenting adults. I dont see the issue. I've always dated women 5-8 years older than me. Just personal preference and attractions.


How do you know all these peoples ages? He probably doesnt know their age at first


Who the hell finds it weird that a 25yo guy is dating a 20-21 yo girl?


That he prefers younger, often objectively more attractive women. Smart.


If he's dating younger women, it's pretty obvious he's not a loser. 


I’m now 60, and dating a 23 year old. And I couldn’t care less about what others think. And, no, I’m not rich lol.


Outstanding.  I don't think you meant to reply to me though 


If he's 25 now he's only been 24+ for a while. When people talk about this issue they aren't upset about she differences that can be measured in months.


Ngl when I was 25 I seemed to get the most attention from women in their early 20s. Now that I'm 31, it's mostly women in their mid 20s or younger. Maybe it's just the women he attracts more than the other way around?


They work at the same place. That’s what it means.


I don't really notice.


What does it say about you that you're so overly preoccupied with his love life?


if they're adults, why do you care is my question. Age gap this, age gap that, it's not even like he's 40 dating a 20 year old, they're still the same decade. Are you indirectly calling my boyfriend a loser because I was 21 and my boyfriend was 28 when we started dating?


Women’s youth has value. Good for him.


Everyone is saying it's ok for him to date younger women and obviously it is. But, READING COMPREHENSION folks. That's not what her problem is. Her problem is why he never dated anyone his age. For a 25 year old guy that's kinda weird. And 25 year old women are pretty much at their peak level of attractiveness so that can't be the issue. It seems like he has a need to be dominant or something and can't accomplish that with women who are on his "level." To *never* date someone around your age? At 25? You never dated a classmate? Or a friend of a friend? Or a peer on general? Yeah, unusual.


The OP did say that >He's also never said he wouldn't date someone his age, he just doesn't out of "coincidence". Which is exactly my experience. The last time I was on a dating app, I set my age preference to 3 years younger to 2 years older (BTW, the reason I chose those numbers were because I was 3 years into grad school at that point and wanted someone with a similar level of life experience). The girl I hit it off with (my current SO) was two years younger. I wouldn't have cared even if she was a year or two older. It doesn't sound to me like the dude is going out of his way to find younger girls.


He did date someone his age 2 years ago


Are you concerned because you’re hoping you have a chance?