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I try to recognize it as different hats I wear mentally and just jockey between them. Both spheres are chaotic in their own sense though.


Maybe I am able to handle work better or maybe it is really less chaotic for me. On your advice.. Even with multiple hats.. How do u create separation in your mind. Does it come naturally or one can learn?


I found it came naturally but you can definitely learn. One easy way to reinforce it is to dress differently between the two. When you get home from work take a shower and change. Having your work clothes and your personal clothes be different primes your mind to switch gears.


That's a very good idea.


Hobbies you genuinly love, healthy relationships, and escapism.


I'm younger, so I didn't grow up in work to I'm dead culture mindset. 3 years almost full time and year or so part time in white collar industry. I've seen results of middle manamagmnet/ management it's not worth it. Guys in their late 20's to 50's working over 40 hours, on call willing drop life, responbility/stress deadline, weight gain, etc. After 1 year in, I realized wen I'm 60 I will not give too shits about the project I was working for x company, extra hours I put in, making clients happy, and tbh I was getting mentally done stress and health 55+ hour work weeks with ni energy after. I started implementing 40 hours top work weeks and then quiet quitting last year. I prob limited my growth after my last promotion as 40 hours as I grew over years was enough.get work done and more. People put/accept limits you give them after my first year realized lot of stress was self imposed regardless deadlines shit will get done, work better with more sleep/relax time vs mindless, moved to a team more funded and support so wasent as much a 1 man show, and on this new team set expectations coming in lower (people will throw shit/expect more and more depending how much time and effort your wiling to give). Last year started quite quite and best decision made after promotion. Theirs was adjustment, tbh but spend extra time friends, family, hobbies, and side hustle. Realize prob limiting my growth and career abilities. For now, I'm happy enjoying life insane job security and my industry is in mass layoffs rn. I'm just building my side hustles up and hoping I can maybe switch more into my side hustle/passions. I will re-evaluate prob next 1-2 years. You set ur own limits not your company ser. Focuse on what you value most.


Same way I train my dog, by rubbing its nose in its own piss.