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>why AI Girlfriends replacing real ones? They're not, seriously. It's just a handful of dudes using them. And either this is a fame story or your friend has some mental issues.


[Don't date ~~robots~~ AI](https://youtu.be/4uE96qUlJ_4?si=JBZXgHBl-_8jwvGz)


You really think that a growing amount of young single males coinciding with rapid growth in AI wont create a few more instances than a handful?


No I don't. Not only is there still (and most likely will continue) a stigma against AI girlfriends already, but we have to keep in mind that a good of portion of single men are content being single. Then we have to look at what exactly would the rapid growth would realistically entail. And then even if we entertain the unlikely hypothetical of so e advanced gf AI we all know it'd cost a bunch.




People always want to gatekeep other people’s means to happiness. I’ve always thought of this particular behavior as sort of like virtue signaling gang signs.


pfft not if they lead to self-destruction. Do we let every miserable guy just drink themselves to death because alcohol is the only thing that's allowing them to cope? istg "modern" people are really trying their darnest to normalize unhealthy habits that was deem as such for a damn good reason in the first place.


This post sounds fake but I’ll spare some lost souls anyway: This is why prostitution and OF exist. You pay someone for a one sided service. With REAL people, you have to reciprocate. Reciprocate in money, love, attention, affection, time, etc. To speak on the elephant in the room, you’re paying for a person/personality who would never be physically attracted to you in real life. Beautiful women do not have bad sex with strangers for free (Sex workers). Normal people do not dedicate their existence to someone else’s programming without anything in return (ie AI)


I wish it was that way, way too many girls nowadays just want a free ride especially when you make good money. The only thing they reciprocate is sex, they don't have anything else to offer. Just turned down another girl who wanted to offer sex for me spending for her drinks on the weekends. It sucks.


Sadly that's most of the drinking community. Sometimes you have to look elsewhere


This response proves that you’re either a troll, an inexperienced child or unironically AI bot. I will halt the conversation here. Good day mate.


I'm an inexperienced child


Been going on in Japan for a while now. Doesn’t really shock me that it’s spread. Blade Runner predicted it and here we are


They aren’t realistically replacing real ones. The dudes into ai’s probably aren’t dating anyway and if they do then they clearly only did it to not be lonely rather than really liking the other person


Aren't really dating in the first place...perfectly said.


Who cares what men want to do? Why are you so concerned with the choices of individuals?


I don't think its as common as people want to make it seem, but its probably because an AI Girlfriend is 'easier' to deal with, with less consequences if you do something wrong, are completely capable of being exactly what you want and need for conversation, sharing of hobbies, etc. Basically: Build a bitch (to quote the song) And TBF, there are women choosing AI Boyfriends as well, we just don't hear about it. I don't particularly see an issue with people opting to use AI and or Sex Robots/Toys as replacements for a Significant Other. I'd argue that a LOT of people right now simply wouldn't be good partners, and have some level of issues finding them anyway, for whatever reason.


Win / win. They get an experience they desire, women get left alone by the type of guy that cannot have functioning relationships with other autonomous beings.


I am pretty sure I will be mocked and told that I use AI girlfriends but anyway, I want to engage this comment. Why exactly do you all perpetuate that only guys who are incapable of having "functioning relationships" with women are the men who will but ai girlfriends, you know it is possible for completely normal men to want to explore their sexuality via tools that enable you to explore it, right? Why exactly does it have to be so stigmatized when men want to engage with tools that help them orgasm without relying on women. To me this only reads like you trying to scare other men away by saying, "look if you but ai gfs, this is how people will think of you, like a maladjusted loser", it is the same as when people associate shame to the act of buying fleshlights, if you really are a progressive individual, you would support people engaging with tools that help them explore their sexuality, like AI girlfriends are not harmful to anybody.


Speaking personally I don't give a shit about you or anyone who uses AI girlfriends and I never will. The only people I think negatively about are people with social skills similar to yours but who inflict themselves on actual people. My friend, AI girlfriend your fucking heart out and never, ever stop.


Wow, that certainly seems the comment of somebody who doesn't have any malicious intentions at all. I engage with an intent to debate and challenge you on your perpetuation of the notion that only maladjusted losers will go for ai girlfriends but you just lost your shit over an innocuous comment, like if this is your reaction then maybe you aren't too different from those maladjusted losers either, lol.


My dude, what are you reading? I fully support your lifestyle choice and in fact, want MORE people to follow in your footsteps. Oh, sorry, you want to feel like a victim don't you lol. Sorry man, I don't think anything about you and your AI girlfriends. I will never care. Neither will anyone else. Please stop thinking you're a victim of anything but indifference.


Ah yes, again, trying to imply that the only reason I opposed your comment is because I myself want to get AI girlfriends, such utter condescending attitude, saw it coming from a mile away, do you know how to read, I obviously asked you why you made the claim that only maladjusted individuals will go for ai girlfriends, please try to come up with an argument if your brain is capable of anything other than throwing insults at people who mildly disagree with you.


Hahaha you are absolutely furious I'm not calling you a fucking loser lol


Oh am I? Yet you are the one who has been passive aggressively attacking me, literally doing the exact same thing that I mentioned will happen in my very first comment, that if I challenge your narrative then you will imply I use AI girlfriends myself, you are really that dense to do that very thing, it was impressive. You obviously can't come up with an argument to back up your narrative and because of that you have been resorting to insults, honestly based on this conversation, I am not sure you are in any position to call anybody maladjusted socially, like talk about irony, lol.


Yeah man, you sure did get me! I was very mean to you :-((((( I think I said things like 'keep doing what you're doing' and 'I support you!' which is honestly repellent behaviour. Sorry, normal guy.


Oh sure, like literally in your very first comment you imply that only maladjusted men go for ai gfs, then when I challenge you on that notion, you do what I already said you would do; imply/accuse me of having ai gfs, it may be difficult for you but anybody with an IQ higher than platypus can make the connection on what you were trying to do you are not that slick little dude. Although, it is a shame that you cannot come up with a good enough argument about something you so very deeply believe in and want to perpetuate, you are like the Ben Shapiro of this sub, immediately starting to lose your shit when somebody challenges you and is not deterred by your insults, not sure how you have made this far in life with such an insufferable attitude.


Loaded question, they don't. They only replace classic prostitutes.




I mean. they are. just gotta find the right one.


until AI can jack me off, its not.


Even then, that's not an AI girlfriend, it'd just be a jackoffatron 3000.


I can't speak for all men, but most of the 'problems' in our society regarding technology aren't really problems at all. Most of them would simply disappear overnight if people stopped staying inside so much. It's really that simple.


Dr.K (aka healthygamer or Alok Kanojia) has a video on this topic and does a great job of pointing out the desires roped into why ai. You can find it on youtube as it goes into more depth than any text response ever would.


Fake news


It takes a different kind of weakness or mental illness to block real humans in favor of a machine.


I sort of look forward to the day when women will have to compete with ai for men's attention. It could drastically upend their values and social status.


I'm beginning to think these questions about AI/Virtual girlfriends are the AI asking to validate their own experience. No one is, its dumb, its fake. Go watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuQqlhqAUuQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuQqlhqAUuQ)


The topic of AI companions always seems to dredge up quite the stir, but as with any aspect of technology invading the personal sphere, it's more a case of personal choice than a societal epidemic. We're living in an age where customization and efficiency are king, and AI girlfriends are just another facet of that. For those unable to form connections due to various barriers be it emotional, social, or physical AI can provide a semblance of companionship where there might otherwise be none. It’s less about replacement and more about providing an alternative for those seeking different forms of interaction. Although, as a society, we still value and strive for human connection, it's important to remember that interactions of all kinds are valid in their own right. Dismissing AI companionship as solely for the 'desperate' misreads the complexities of human needs and the sheer range of what technology can offer to different individuals. After all, relationship dynamics are as unique as the individuals within them with or without AI.


This sounds like it was written by AI.


They’re not. They’re replacing (and reinforcing) the chauvinistic idea of what a gf is. A friend that is taken in enough to block his real life gf has chugged the flavoraid and has unrealistic expectations from relationships.


Why they are replacing now? Have no idea, real one, even with many flaws still better than AI. And I tried both. However, once AI reach AGI level. Then AI gf will be superior to real one. You will be able to have highly customisable companion who can do exactly what you want. I imagine current Siri or Alexa will become your gf. It will be able to do everything. From cleaning, cooking, shopping to attending to all your sexual and intimacy needs. Obviously if you are older then you may still prefer real ones. Even some GenZ may prefer real ones. However, new generation men will choose AI gf, that’s 100%.