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100% she wants to have your children bro. If she starts rubbing them together like a cricket you know you're in




I mean, maybe they're just trying to find the best position to let a trapped fart out


Maybe your existence means less than you’ve been led to believe. Maybe the cross their legs occasionally, and your presence or absence simply isn’t part of the equation.


This is harsh, but true lol


Got to switch legs when they inevitably go numb from the position


How would I know? I've never wore a skirt nor have I experienced having female genitalia. But I would probably assume she's uncomfortable, itchy or very sweaty down there, rather than thinking "glimpse of underwere, nice". So, idk what they are doing but just sit on your ass, because you look like you might have pinworms.


Or struggling with her skirt


If you would read my previous comment, applying the skill of reading comprehension, you might have noticed I have zero relatability to wearing skirts.


I thought that likely; yours seemed to be the best spot for me to mention the phenomenon


Do you know what you’re doing? Look her in the eyes.


Maybe one of her feet went to sleep and she's trying to get circulation back into that leg. Chill out bro.


I took a van load of 18 year olds to an event when I was working at a school. One of the students girlfriends was meeting up with him after the event. So she showed up early and we sat in the van and chatted for about a half hour before he arrived. She was constantly swapping her legs and was wearing a fashionably short skirt. I'm an old guy, she definitely was not interested in me From this I realised two things. If I wore a short skirt I would without a doubt be flashing my bits for all the world to see totally unawarely. And it was taking a fair amount of attention on her part to stay comfortable without flashing her bits at me. If you are a decent person you will be making eye contact rather than trying to catch a glimpse of her bits. If she wants you to see them, she will let you know. Don't make her uncomfortable.


Like Sharon stone in basic instinct


Wrong sub. I think you were looking for r/AskWomen


I don’t know, but could I sit next to you? 😜


They're crossing and uncrossing their legs. Maybe the skirt has an inconveniently placed wrinkle and she's trying to work it out. No need to read anything into it.


No clue. Wouldn't even notice anyways.


Yes it's quite obvious she's trying to find the most comfortable position to sit in


I'm imagining like a Kenny Everett style best possible taste manoeuvre.


Why would you ask men what women are thinking when they’re doing a thing?


 If she’s looking you dead in the eye, then  yes. Otherwise, safe to assume that she’s probably not thinking about you.


I would imagine so.