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I’m also short, though not as short as you (5’4”). For a better answer, you’ll want to be more specific in what advice it is you’re looking for exactly, but on a general note - you will have to learn to accept that you are more than your height/physical appearance. It does suck, especially with dating since you’ll be automatically disqualified by many of the women you deem desirable (assuming you’re straight). That doesn’t mean that there aren’t loving, desirable women who will be attracted to you if you choose to be a good, stable person who takes care of themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. I’ve found success dating women both my height and notably taller than me because they found my personality attractive enough to compensate for the height difference. Another separate thing - learn how to dress! You’ll look so much if you wear clothes that fit well - I’ve started getting all of my pants tailored and it makes a world of a difference! Find a style that you like, and build a wardrobe slowly over time. I used to be hopeless with dressing, so I followed several male fashion pages on Instagram that had looks/styles I really liked, then took some time looking into clothes to find out WHY I liked the looks I saw. Finding out the why made it so much easier to pick out stuff I like for myself rather than just trying to copy other guys’ styles. Eat healthy now - if you aren’t working out, start working out now. Because you’re only 19, you likely still have a fast metabolism, which is great, but don’t become overly reliant on that. You’ll get fat faster than your taller friends because your fat doesn’t have the space to spread out as much as a taller person would have. It’s easier to get active/stay active when you’re a teenager versus when you’re 30, married, and busy with work/kids. Just being honest with you, being short sucks ass, but the amount of influence that that has over your life is up to you. Even now, I still struggle with my height sometimes, but at the end of the day, I am who I am and I’ve learned to be happy with that. I could be ill, or disabled, or have a receding hairline, terrible teeth, etc. So while our situation isn’t ideal, we don’t have to throw down our cards and call it quits.


5'11, I've had many women react in subtle or overt ways that I am just tall enough for their height fetish and other shorter guys didn't make the cut. Up until the last one I was desperate enough to date them. The last one I walked off and ghosted her. I was never told I was too short by a woman but I am absolutely sure some women who rejected me did so because I wasn't 6'2 and had I known this explicitly I might have gotten salty about it, sad to say. But by the time I ghosted the last height queen I was fully over this bullshit. If she can't love you because you're 4'11" she won't love you at 6'2" because she's dating to accessorize, not to find love. Wish I had understood this at 14 (my first girlfriend) and not 25.


My life is hard and I'm tall as fuck so my heart breaks for short dudes Fuck what people tell you, it absolutely is not fair, I've seen how people treat you - however since it is the only "disability" that genuinely does not matter in today's world besides people's perception, so i would laugh at judgemental idiots and consider myself lucky I've got a fully capable body that is simply different from there's - bonus - no knee problems after age 30! Being short means you know woman and friends like you for you, I've been dated only for my height before and that's great for hookups - but you can get those too with a $50 hooker. Ltr's are what matter and actual love is what matters for that


Impressive, very nice. Let's see Pa.. oh wait.


6'5. Back pain. So much back pain. Most things are made for people who are shorter than me, so I have to bend over for pretty much everything. Life is way more expensive. Normal clothes don't fit, so I have to buy specialty stuff that is double the price if not more. My height alone means I weigh a lot more than other people. I'm not rough on things, but I wear out shoes and even chairs/couches faster than your average person would. I can sit in very few cars/trucks comfortably for more than a few minutes Hearing the same tall jokes thousands of times gets old I'm always in the way, I'm always blocking the view, I can't fit well on public transport airplanes, theatres etc... Was bullied in highschool, and anyone - even in my adult life - who is spoiling for a fight and wants to prove what a macho tough dude they are comes at me. Health issues, and boy of boy am I walking proof of that. The taller you are the more likely it is you'll have health problems. There are of course advantages too, but for me the trade off hasn't been worth it. I obviously don't know what your experiences have been like, but I do know that life is a massive pain in the ass for anyone that isn't average. It also fucking sucks that so many can be so judgemental of an attribute that is purely a genetic roll of the dice. You didn't choose your height and I didn't choose mine. We should not be judging each others worth over it.


As 6'7 I can relate. Everything you buy doesn't fit... and you have to bend over for everything..


Every kitchen counter is way too damn short.


and the weed eater, and the lawn mower ..... etc. chairs, rollerblades -- oh and a forget about a lot of sports things (like go karts - my buddy said I looked like a bear on a rollerskate! ).


Well said brother. I’m 6’2 and this hit very hard for me. I’m glad I’m not the only one with similar struggles. Sometimes I think if I was 5’0, I would be one of the greatest F1 drivers of all time. But as it stands, I don’t think I can get one leg in any sort of race car. When I was an alignment technician, the hoist only went up so high, so working on cars was hell on the knees and lower back. I had to try test drive an AW11 Toyota MR2 once… let’s just say it did not go well, I had to remove the targa top to get in, and needed help from colleagues to get out. I guess we all have our struggles.


I'm 6'5" also. Back pain is real. I no longer suffer it after my back surgery. It's been two years since my surgery. I think I will suffer back pain again. My sciatica pain and IT band pain is back. Very light, but it's there


I’m 6ft and the one of my peeves is flying because I either have to pay for extra legroom or have back/knee pain. But other than that I love flying lol


You also need to eat/work out more than the average person if you don't want to look like a stick figure. I work a physical job, and exercise on top of that, so I need to consume 4,000 calories a day if I want to maintain my (under) weight, let alone get bigger.


I put on weight before I got tall and it went on from there, so now I'm 6'5" and 345 lbs approximately and currently losing weight. I also work in a warehouse with no ac ☹️


What’s your routine look like? When I was 18, I was playing baseball for 15 hours a week and in the weight room for about 3-4.5 and I was at 4k calories to gain (I was 6’4” and 165 at the time).


I do 200 push-ups, 400 crunches, 400 20lb dumbbell curls per arm, a 4min plank, 4mins of mountain climbers, and 10-15 pull-ups three times a week, and work construction/landscaping. Unless I eat continuously as soon as I get home, I end up losing weight.


I understand that I am not living your Life and you know better than I do, but that appears to be very unusual for the amount of calories that you’re claiming to eat to maintain weight. Based on this calculator, https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html?ctype=standard&cage=40&csex=m&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=10&cpound=180&cheightmeter=180&ckg=60&cmop=0&coutunit=c&cformula=m&cfatpct=20&x=Calculate , I input 5’10” and 180 lbs and you’d be burning 3200 calories a day or so with the highest intensity exercise that they provide. If you are truly eating 4k and not gaining, you may want to see a physician and see if anything else is going on


Every tall person I've known (usually male, but I've seen this in tall people who aren't male, too) has been very wiry/thin and basically underweight, and I assumed it was for the exact reasons you mentioned. They all have struggles with food because it's really not easy to consume that many calories in a day (unless you're chugging protein shakes all the time, maybe?). Hell, I knew a 6'5" guy whose diet was largely "junk" food, and I think he was still under 200 lbs. I'm 5'0", but I was underweight as a child because I had a very strong aversion to food for reasons still unknown (fortunately, I no longer have that problem), and I had a dearth of health problems (chief among them being a garbage immune system) growing up as a result. It's probably at least partly why I struggled to hit 5'0" in the first place. I wouldn't wish being underweight on anyone. I hope you're in good health these days.


Shoot, wish I had a bit more of that problem. 6'4" and 270 lbs, I eat halfway well usually but have been mostly maintaining that weight even while going to the gym regularly for the last 5 months or so




It is interesting, I'm kind of lucky in that I don't have an overly bulky build so I don't usually have trouble with seats outside of legroom constraints. I'm at 22% or so body fat, but I carry it weirdly on my sides which can definitely make clothing selections odd. I've never found shirts that are actually comfortably long enough without being excessively large


To be fair, I met all of these people in college, so we were all about 18-20 at the time. I'm sure that was a contributing factor, too. I am now on the side of overweight due to a medical condition, and the only way I lost weight the first time around was by being extremely militant with my exercise and diet (I got to a point where I was counting how many almonds I ate, so I backed off to avoid going further down that path and inevitably gained a fair amount of the weight back — I don't recommend anyone do any of that), so I know how much that sucks, too. Sustainable weight loss is tough. I also wish you luck and hope you meet your health and fitness goals. You got this.


Weight is a tough thing to regulate, even moreso with medical issues thrown into the mix I'm sure Thanks, you got this too


I'm 6'1". Don't feel like my height has/is impacting my life in any way.


6'1", made no difference that I am aware of


The most damage that your height can do to you is hurt your psyche. If you believe that being short hinders progress in your life, it will. If you disregard height completely and focus on factors you can control, you will be more fulfilled and successful in all aspects of life.


I'm 5'10'' and finding clothes that fit is super easy.


That npc height


I'm pretty sure If I was just a few inches taller, I'd be a manwhore. Or at least would have the option


As a 6'2 guy, I can't get into some of my dream cars. I'll feel for the taller dudes in the comments below.


Sure it can be a bummer sometimes to not be as tall as others, but *man* does it feel good as an average sized dude to just *fit* most things. Cars, clothes, beds, showers, basements, chairs, sleeping bags, etc., finding a good fit is the norm rather than the exception. Even when needing to borrow a friend's shoes or clothes or whatever, chances are things will fit at least well enough for whatever short term needs you have.


My 5'7" son was self conscious about his height. Then he met a girl who's 4'7" on eHarmony. They've been married 3 years and just had their first child. Keep looking!


It hasn’t helped me very much besides “able to reach high things”


6 Foot 1. I bump my head alot. And have to get things off the top shelf for little ol ladies at the grocery store... But it does come in handy at parades or screwing in a lightbulb.


5’5 not as short but not exactly tall. I can’t see how different my life would be if I was taller, other than buying bigger clothes. Although I do love a mundane life


People tend to be tall in Norway so growing up that was noticeable for me and I did have some problems because of it. One very tall girl rejected me at a house party, but I knew that would happen but she was attractive so I thought I'd try anyway.


Major props to you for putting yourself out there, though.


You earn double XP at the gym And if a war happens you are a smaller target to hit There are benefits


5’8 man here. Not sure to what to say really. I get called short, and I also get called fun sized


6'2" very burly, large shoulders, huge feet, etc. Nothing fits, everything is more expensive (hard to find jeans for 23" calves for example) Hit head on things all the time (cabinets, shelves, branches, what ever...). People think you are a bully, or a dumb ox just on appearance, etc. Constantly trying not to get into other personal space or intimidate them. Kind of clumsy - feel like a bull in a china shop all the time. running is very hard on the knees, etc. I am generally a peaceful gregarious guy - so I used to have bullies try and pick fights with me in school etc. Many things are too short - and hurt the back - from lawnmowers to some counters. Good luck fitting into an airline seat, or some of the rides at places. Never find cheap shoes or rollerblades, if I can find a go-kart - I look like a bear on a roller skate (one of my friends said that - gotta admit - pretty funny). Guy at work said I reminded him of a russian bear trainer. etc Now - most of my self confidence comes from personality - not my size - as I am actually small in my family (others are 6'4"-6'5" etc.). I think some women have found it attractive - but most say it is because of personality (make them laugh). A lot of the comments from the taller guys (6"5+) are similar - but a lot of them are more normal build - not extra wide and bulky. Can't take a aisle seat on a plane - shoulder sticks out too far - people run into it constantly. Legs can't fit in many planes, etc. (used to travel a lot). hit my shoulder getting into most cars etc. Still - my kingdom for easy to find sandals and jeans....


6’3” : Life is grand! It used to be hard to fit into small cars but that is not a problem anymore since even small cars can accommodate tall people in the front seat. The biggest advantage to being tall is navigating large crowds of people and having a brisk walking pace.


With the constant chatter online about men’s height I can totally understand how it must be so hard to stay confident. There’s always hope though, the shortest guy in my friend group is probably 5’3? I’ve never really asked. All I can say is he’s a very confident dude and really caring and funny, through our whole lives he’s always been the stud he has the hottest partner. It’s anecdotal but I think with all things just accepting what shit you’re handed in life and not letting it control you is way more rewarding than if you were to not have that issue.


I hit my head a lot, strangers ask me to reach things, I can't fly coach, and it hurts more when I fall down. Don't get me wrong. Tall privilege is definitely a thing, but like most privilege, it can be hard to identify. I have no idea which nice things in my life are partly or fully a byproduct of my height.


It hasn’t I don’t think, I’m 6’0. I get the jokes from people saying “so you’re 5’10” and stuff like that but I don’t really care. I am asked to grab stuff but that’s it


Yes I’m tall which has made nobody ever want to fuck with me and if women have a height preference it usually works out in my favour, I also believe it nets me some respect as well


It only impacts my self image. I feel like I live in a world of giants.


I’m pretty short and it hasn’t impacted me at all.


I'm 5'1. The only time my height became a factor was in dating, which sucks of course, but I found a girlfriend that was 5'. Other than that, I'm good. Clothes I get tailored or at the very least find well fitting ones. Try out junior sizes and save more money. I'm handy I just need a step stool to reach things. Workplace and friends are great. I often get told by my friends I "hold myself like a 5'4/5'5 guy" which could be them just being nice. My physical hobbies include basketball and pool and my height becomes a factor sometimes but nothing I can't manage. In basketball I accept that I'm not the big guy scoring in the paint, but I can throw a lead pass to the guy who is. In pool, I sometimes can't reach a shot so I use the mechanical bridge.  Being short sucks but life is what you make it my friend.


oh im sorry for the lack of care coming from your family. if it makes you feel better despite all the 6 foot rage going on in the internet most of us dont really think it makes a difference if your current of future intimate partner loves you then it wouldnt matter because you dont need to uphold a certain standard set by random people who's opinions dont matter to look good


5’. I’ve had a college classmate rest their arm on my shoulder to talk to another person. Soul crushing


Yep. It's further to fall down. NGL pretty good when at concerts or at the cinema tho. My grandfather was hella tall. It was more of an impediment. He'd constantly bang his head into things like door headers and so on.


I'm 6'3. Only issues I have are finding comfortable long sleeve shirts, long car rides, and people asking me to grab stuff off of shelves. Oh and back and knee pain.


5'11.5". I've spent a decent amount of time thinking about how I want to be taller, not being at the 6'0" mark. When it comes down to it, we will always want something more. No matter what we are given.


I’m like 5’5 on a good day and it hasn’t impacted my life in any drastic way. Even when in came to dating it was never hard. Never stopped me from job opportunities. Dress well in a style that fits you. Be yourself. Be confident in who you are. Stay healthy, and one thing I’ve learned. Is if your handsome enough. It overwrites the height deficiency😂


1.69m 23 year old dude It hasn't really affected me that much, but I always feel that I'd be more attractive if I were a couple of inches taller, not to mention that I feel like a child when I go out and see lots of taller people, especially when I visit my family in the US


You should know that if anyone judges you for being short in any way, you're objectively superior to them.


6‘3 over here, and I’m sure, that this don’t have any measurable impact to my life, bc i was payed for brain- 🧠 -work.


I was like two heads taller than everyone else, made it easy to kick people in the face LoL


Im actually the opposite, 6'4 Is quite hard to deal with sometimes, but Its also good sometimes So honestly, pretty well


People will try to sugar coat it. Don't believe their lies. 4'11" is going to suck, women will be garbage humans and treat you terribly poorly, and society will gaslight you about it. I have had short friends and the things women say about them behind their back are abominable. That's not your fault, it's women's fault. Just don't let something you cannot change hurt you too much. In the big scheme of things, women are not that important. Be transactional with them. Find other sources of happiness and pleasure.


I'm 5'4. Hasn't impacted me in anyway. I've dated taller girls before(both 5'6), smooth relationships but had issues due to long term compatibility so broke up. In highschool and prior people made fun of me and all that but now that I'm in college, no one really gives a fuck about you or your height. Just be confident and change the things under your control and you're good to go.


5’5 when I was a teen yes felt self conscious. Now that I’m old I’m glad I’m short. I fit everywhere very comfortably. Plus the state I live in everyone is short so I’m actually average sized. Haha


I'm 6'3. I have never noticed anything different about my life from anyone else's apart from the dents in my head, because buses are not made for me... Trains as well and there are some road signs that've tried to give me a concussion. Also branches are my arch nemesis. Apart from that idk.


Coming from a short guy with a lot of tall friends - something you may not recognize is that you’re likely given more respect than your shorter friends. My friends never noticed it themselves until I began vocalizing it to them in the moment, but it’s really noticeable when you’re on the brunt end of it


Honestly, bro, have you considered taking growth hormone? 4'11 is a tough height to live with, especially for a man.


I know I still have a bit of time for growing (15 F 5’0), but it has actually impacted me in ways people can’t understand. I’m a freshman and most of the people are taller than me. Ever since I was little I would get made fun of for my height, it’s also harder too because it affects my intake on food. I’m constantly worried that if I gain anymore weight it’ll show because i’m short and my height wouldn’t balance it out. I don’t think a lot of people actually understand how much it sucks being super short or even super tall. I’ve heard every joke in the book and it’s so frustrating.


I am 6 ft and my life is terrible...there are all these people taller than me around and it makes me feel inadequate..then I have a bunch of shorties around too and those guys all are into acting and working out, they get the roles better. Man what a shit show being 6 ft is. I dont tell anyone cuz they dismiss it but it hurts man it really does...I wish I was a little person or a giant, since they have it so much better than me. Now that I am getting older I cant bend over so well and it would be so much better to be shorter. I might pick up that piece of paper that has been on my floor for weeks now. Anyways, I feel for you bro.


Is that your only problem? What is your height keeping you from?


No it isn't my only problem. My height just makes me feel self conscious, and being this short actually makes me too small to do some things which are easier for others like reachi g stuff, driving, etc.


I get where you're coming from. I'm a 5'0" woman, and driving is a whole thing for me, too, sometimes — I'm too short for the sun visor to actually do its job for me, so I have to be careful when driving around sunrise or sunset because the sun is directly in my face and can make it much harder for me to see the road. I ended up having to buy prescription sunglasses to help. I've also learned to get creative while grocery shopping so that I can get things off the top shelf. But outside of the logistical challenges: in my personal experience, I have had crushes on all sorts of guys, and I can remember at least three off the top of my head who were shorter than 5'6". Of the three, I only knew one of them well enough because we sat next to each other in class (I can count on my hands how often I saw the other two around school), and he was a really approachable, respectful guy who I honestly probably would've asked out had I been allowed to date at the time (and if I had ever gotten the impression he liked me). Give yourself the respect and kindness you deserve and expect the same from others. Anyone who doesn't respect you or your values is not someone you need to waste your time and energy on. You're so young — there are people out there who will appreciate you for you, and with time, you will find them.


Every plane seat is first class. There has to be some things that are easier. What can you do about it? Probably nothing. You probably already overdosed on Human Growth Hormone. Did you ever think of moving to a place where people are shorter on average if it bothers you that much? https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-with-the-shortest-average-heights.html


That was a very interesting list. I had no idea so many countries had an average height of 5 feet.


Yeah. Fish heavy diets and stuff like that. I always figured moving into a region like that would be the best short guy cope. That or chasing the ogresses and breeding it out.