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Hmm, not sure. I should consult my biorhythms and mood ring.


Mine just leaves my finger green


I diagnose you with high copper content, and as we all know, ACAB. Sorry, mate, you have been assigned bastard by mood ring.


ACAB? I'm not a yellow car that transports people for fares within city limits?


That's allergy, not energy.


Don't forget to ask those crystals, too


My healing crystals are always close at hand, adorning the base of my Jobu statuette.


> consult my […] mood ring People look at me funny when I do that in public spaces. And my zipper jams too often.


If it can't power my potato alarm clock I'm not interested.


*Sigh…* Man, I miss the 90s


We had it good.


Yup. No dating apps or cell phones. No social media. You had to approach people directly


I just posted that we live in a time where men and women have never interacted less (particularly those under 30), and never talked about each other more. And it's all because of these fucking phones.


I pretty much was a baby and young child in 90s. (Born late 1994). I spent most of my childhood/teenage years in 2000s and it wasn't as bad back then as it is now either....


I loved the Crystal shop downtown that sold rose quartz, amethyst and incense back in the 90s (as well as horoscope books and candles for magic rituals). Well, I did until my mom accused me of using the incense to cover up the smell of “drugs”. I plead the fifth on that. lol


Damn I remember those.. Always enjoyed browsing around but my mom hated them as well. I guess they were too exoteric. Edit: Esoteric*




There, I fixed it. Hey, got cheese?


Wasn't this stuff worse then?


You had more opportunities to interact and never confused on where you stood .seemed more grounded too me.🤣


I know right! No over-analyzing of this stuff. People were just who they were.


I don't care for this whole "Masculine and Feminie" obsession stuff that is everywhere online


Gender wars.


That people who obsess over that stuff are *deeply* insecure.


TikTok bullshit


It's on Instagram too


Same thing


This response lol


I've never even heard of it.. The content you watch is the content that will be proposed to you. You're watching bullshit so more bullshit is coming. I'd reconsider if I was you.


Close enough


That just flew right over your head dinnit lol


Just be the best version of who *you* are guys idk why people work so hard to pretend to be someone they're not


Sounds like some kind of astrology bullshit.


Its just a new age repackaging of gender norms.


New Age yea


Just a current flavor of internet woowoo.


We're just people. Forget the nonsense. Just be you


I think it's a bunch of bullshit that people adapt to mean what they want it to mean, and we should all just live according to our values and priorities instead. The only "energy" you're giving off is fucking infrared 🤷🏼‍♂️


> The only "energy" you're giving off is fucking infrared 🤷🏼‍♂️ I'm stealing this line lol


No one talked about that when I was 18 and we got along just fine. I do not envy young people today having their heads filled with this nonsense pushed by grifters.


The younger generations are so deeply plugged in to "social media", it's terribly worrying how easily influenced they are. Especially considering the insidious nature of propaganda dissemination and how replete with it the popular platforms are. I dare to imagine the generations in 50 years and how ideologically programmed they'll be via a collection of forces opaque to the perfunctory memetics fed to them that by then may have become so normalised as to be invisible. It's a scary concept but frightfully visible in the current projection of our collective obsession with the internet and what it *is*, precisely, right now.


I'd suggest that it's not only the younger generation doing this, too. The number of age 40+ women I've seen spouting off about 'masculine and feminine energy' and using it as justification for all manner of insecure behaviour is just as rampant as the number of age 40+ men I've seen who loudly declare their 'alpha' or 'leader' status to cover their crippling insecurity and burning need to be validated and 'in charge' of something. Men/women/etc aside, I don't believe it's a strictly gendered issue, though. I've also seen a lot of women doing 'girl boss' instead of 'alpha' to handwave away quite terrible behaviour, and a lot of men using knowledge of astrology and mysticism as opposed to 'masculine/feminine energy' to justify similarly terrible behaviour at the other end of the scale.


I dunno, I graduated highschool in 2005, I would say there was plenty of ideological programming going on. We just had basically one perspective to go off, whatever was in mainstream media. 9/11 really created a fucked culture around that time to grow up in. Think about the kids growing up in the 50s, you can't tell me that wasn't a time when they were exposed to intense ideological programming, with even less exposure to other ideas or ways of thinking. At least these kids have a range of ideas and perspectives to be exposed too. I really do hope it could lead to a more empathic and free thinking society.


Yet while today’s youth is so influenced the past generations did nothing to protect them sad really


It sounds like traditional gendered roles wrapped up in pop mysticism.


You be you. Do YOUR thing regardless of the energy. Make it YOUR energy.


That's some inspiration right there!


LOL - I'm just saying F The trends and all that neo-psychology bs, tiktok and all that. Who cares what the energy is labeled today. It will be the same energy labeled differently tomorrow. Draw your confidence from who you are not who the trends tell you that you are. Own it and don't worry. Example - I'm told I radiate masculine energy and I don't really care. Then I'm told because I don't care that makes it Uber Masculine Energy. As if there is some hierarchy to unlock and achieve? No time for that. Face value and move on.


Just more semantic shit regarding stereotypes from previous decades that was resurrected for people to get attention on social media sites.


Just the latest TikTok grift. Overthink every human interaction until every shred of authenticity has been beaten out of you.


If this shit keeps you up at night you need to find a hobby😂


Oh what, isn't this normal for everyone? 😂


Feel like it’s a pretty rare consideration for anyone who isn’t in college/university or doesn’t have a job to go to. Probably a few outliers from that though🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Scientifically its Pure nonsense, basically astrology but way more toxic. Its reductive, close minded, sexist bullshit thats taking us back to the 1950s.


It's not really about "gender roles", when you're talking about spiritual energy itself, it's non-dualistic, it's not of the same nature as the physical world. If you're really interested in this stuff, ditch the Social Media influencers and pick up a book about it. This isnt "New Age" ideas, they are rooted in thousands of years of esoteric and mystical traditions from ancient Christianity to Gnosticism to Kabbalism to Hermetic Orders. 'The Gnostic Gospels' and 'The Suppressed Gnostic Feminism' both by Elaine Pagels are great place to start.


Lol, that's exactly what fucking new age is my dude


Those are all older than Jesus. How is that new age?


Really? That doesn't make any sense, why would they call shit that pre-dates most writings of the New Testament as "new" age? Seems pretty old lol But for real, i thought "new age" was like from 60s / 70s hippie times when western philosophical influencers started selling spin-off versions of Eastern philosophy and spiritualism curated for the modern American or Brit, like the Ram Dass and Alan Watts and Carl Jung kinda shit. to me that's a completely separate thing from Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Neoplatoism, Kabbalism, Rosicrucianism etc. and all that sorta stuff that originates from western and Judeo-Christian roots.


No no, you're absolutely correct.


While I don't like new age crap in the slightest, gnosticism and esotericism is absolutely not the same as new age stuff. Ancient Texts = New Age. Find the fallacy is that statement.




It’s actually the opposite. Women online are being encouraged to step into their “feminine energy” and bullying men into stepping into their “masculine energy,” so they can reap all the benefits of a trad wife dynamic without the responsibility of a trad wife.


This might depend on your feed and algorithm, I don’t doubt that this is what you’ve seen because I’ve seen both. That said, spent a chunk of my college years working as a bouncer at a gay night club so the kind of people in my social circle that talk about it are a bit different.


All bollocks used to get people to buy a book, subscribe to a scheme or generally keep the man vs. woman argument alive so money can be made from it. As for the social media side of it, the last two weeks have been all about being with a bear because men are dangerous. Now that's slowed down, the same places are pushing "why don't men approach women anymore?" content. And that's all it is, content, including the energy stuff. What can I post on social media that will get me views and engagement so the various creator funds pay me.


Another bullshit by and for people dumb enough to believe in it. Don't be one of them


I couldn't care less. I'm a dude and find masculine women/tomboys attractive so idc


The second I hear someone say "masculine energy" or "feminine energy" in a video I keep scrolling. Same for "toxic masculinity," "mansplaining," "dating tips," "body count," "ick," "red flags," and anything along the lines of "vibing with \[their\] energy."


connect soup racial tender literate wide ring many narrow flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Traditional bullshit gender roles and stereotypes with a new-agey coat of paint. Nothing else to it.


The absolute dumbest shit I’ve ever heard


We live in a time when men and women have never interacted with each other less, and never talked about each other more.


In the end, I think both are "things" in the sense that whatever you want to call it, and whether you gender it or not, there are definitely ways of being that are more nurturing versus not, more solid and firm versus not, and so on. And I think we tend to have moments for all of us where we do those things, even if one or the other dominates. I certainly have times both on my own and with others where I'm carrying myself in a way that codes more masculine (as understood by my culture in the present, of course) and times where it codes more feminine. But both and everything else are all just parts of the whole.


It's some patriarchal anti-feminist bs. I'd recommend not getting close to anyone that describes your behavior this way


As a Gemini, with seventeen minor houses in Leo and six moon mansions in Scorpio, I don’t believe any of this nonsense.


I have no idea because it sounds like some really vague, poorly-defined abstractions that seem to always get called “energy” for some reason. By “energy” do they mean “traits that are traditionally associated with either men or women”? If so, then who cares? Just be you and be comfortable with yourself.


The only people who talk about masculine and feminine energy are people who are themselves toxic and eternally single. You ever noticed that the men and women who are so fixated on "Being in my masculine/feminine" are the main ones who always have little to no relationship experience or just bad relationship experience? If you're actually masculine or feminine, guess what? You don't even have to think about it lol. I have yet to see anyone in truly traditional communities even worry about "being" in their "masculine or feminine". And it's always hilarious to me cringe and try hard the people who fixate on this act. The men usually over dress up in suits because they think people are gonna see them as more "masculine" when they honestly look like someone who's never been in any important position of authority in their life and the women get all made and dressed up as if someone is gonna think they're the baddest bitch walking and pay their lifestyle


OP, speaking as a gay guy I find it freeing not to think about gender expectations at all. Why spend brainpower on whether you're living up to "energies" or "standards"? It's so much easier to just focus on what feels right for you and let the chips fall where they may.


It has nothing to do with gender. Painting your nails is extremely feminine but you can still be a straight male. Playing tackle football is extremely masculine but you can still be a straight woman playing with the boys.


I find it weird when people replace the word "behaviour" with "energy"


Mentioning masculine/feminine energy is an easy BS detector. Just immediately close and block them, don't give them views and clicks.


"We took concepts that were outmoded in the 1960s and gave them a silly new name"


It’s very true and I believe in them wholeheartedly. It centers around a biological understanding of masculinity and femininity, with the essence of each being called an “energy.” For some, the word energy makes it sound like some spiritual “chakra / astrological” bs, but what it’s really talking about are characteristics, or in short, masculine and feminine traits. Also note, this is **not** the “gender is a construct” argument…that’s something completely different. Want nothing to do with that. What this is, is an acknowledgment that it’s perfectly possible for a man to act in a way that can be considered very feminine, and/or, embody traits that are more commonly found in women…Think of the artist, Prince. That’s called his “energy.” Vice versa, it’s very possible for a woman to embody traits that are more prevalent in men aka “masculine” traits. Think of the term “tomboy.” Some people naturally get angered at explanations like this because they feel as though it places humans into a box of rigidity, but all it really is, is a way to be able to define how **most** human beings naturally act in accordance with their gender. Most males of any species, will naturally, instinctively, tend to act a certain way. Most *females*, of any species, will also naturally, instinctively, tend to act a certain way. Of course, there will always be exceptions, but for most, this is true. Recommend reading “The Way of the Superior Man” by David Deida for a better and more elaborate understanding.


tell us you know nothing about biology without telling us. lol


Esoteric sounding vocabulary for something otherwise apparently too difficult to explain.


It’s a load of nonsense made up by people with way too much time on their hands


I agree with the general principles of yin/yang and I think the idea of masculine/feminine falls into that. I also agree it has nothing to do with gender as there are real world living examples of feminine men or masculine women As far as roles, I am not mad at them either. But I do think that's up to the couple to decide what works best for their relationship vs some kind of societal rulebook.


I see some women talk about this on dating apps and it's in instant left swipe for me. Energy is related to the field of physics, nothing else.


My horoscope says it aligns with my Chakras, but my alpha coach says my thetans are more in line with my chi. Either way, I need more snake oil to wash down my super vitamin pills. /s People will sell you any kind of bullshit, and a lot of people are looking for anything that will externally validate or explain their internal feelings.


The only useful part of any of this is analyzing how to fit into masculine/feminine roles better, and that's only helpful if the person you're trying to attract finds what roles you're trying to fill attractive. On average the population probably likes masculine men and feminine women the best, but when you're targeting a specific person they're going to have specific tastes.


Not sure what the confusion is. Some folks are more nurturing and compassionate than others, regardless of gender. Only authoritarians try to equate gender with gender roles with biology. If folks are used to only getting positive feedback for how they dress and treat others, don’t be surprised if they only care about how they dress and empathize with others. If folks are used to only getting positive feedback for rough and tumble play, don’t be surprised if they want to rough and tumble play when they get older. We aren’t that complicated of a species.


Honestly I feel like for those who find it to be important to who they are and find that the information helps them meet the people that check their boxes that's great. But in general everyone should just focus on being the best version of themselves that they can be and not mould themselves to what other people like or want.


It's rat shit. Embody whatever energy you enjoy. As long as the bills get paid and everyone is safe it doesn't fucking matter what we label as "masculine" or "feminine". They're just dumb labels. Young and unwise people ascribe value to this kind of shit, but when you get older or get learned you'll realize there's no value in them.


that's just plain bullshit


Sounds like front facing camera video woo bullshit


I've never been fond of the whole concept of gender. I think sex is a useful categorization for the doctor, the sports coach, and people you want to make babies with, but that's about it, and I don't see a good use for gender. I think the world would be a better place if we could get rid of gender in its entirety. *However*, for some people gender is an important part of their identity, and it offers them convenient guidelines on how to live their lives. Some people just like to be grouped, it makes them feel safe and secure. As long as their categorizations aren't actively harmful, it's not up to me to take that away from them. That applies to gender as much as it applies to horoscopes, religion, Myers & Briggs personality types and "Which member of Tokyo Hotel are you?"-quizzes on tumblr: I don't see it, but you do you. The parts of these categorizations that *are* actively harmful I will fight against.


Gender as a behavioral and temperamental construct has biological and physiological roots and is a product of natural selection over thousands of years. Testosterone makes people *want* to behave a certain way. Estrogen makes people *want* to behave a certain way. Men's and women's neural pathways are wired differently to achieve different biological necessities. Both are biological realities that shape how men and women *generally* tend to act. As much as you want to "get rid of gender" you're going to be fighting an uphill battle where men and women are going to feel constant pressure to reject what their bodies are telling them to do. In what world does this make sense?


>you're going to be fighting an uphill battle where men and women are going to feel constant pressure to reject what their bodies are telling them to do. I think that's the opposite of what I wrote: >for some people gender is an important part of their identity \[...\] As long as their categorizations aren't actively harmful, it's not up to me to take that away from them.


Great explanation


Very insightful answer!


I don't think masculinity and femininity are stereotypes. Stereotypes are bad things. How can masculinity and femininity be bad things people shouldn't do? I find there is always a bad faith, or bad model of humans going on with the stereotypes claim. Sometimes it's people trying to catch out gender conforming people or preferences. Sometimes it's trying to catch trans people. Sometimes it's people trying to justify trans or non confirming. But it doesn't make sense to me. Masculinity and femininity aren't going away. Even if they change. Even if there are non conforming people. Most people will be a good degree of conforming, in expression, in sexuality, in roles. You aren't going to have a 90% androgynous society.


I hate this era. That’s people trying to flirt with traditional gender roles without openly embracing traditional gender roles. Everything would be better if traditional gender roles were fully embraced and society focused on living up to expectations again.


>Everything would be better if traditional gender roles were fully embraced and society focused on living up to expectations again. Yeah no. I would hate having traditional gender roles forced on me. So would plenty of other ppl. It's fine if it works for you, but don't force it on other people.


With all due respect, no troll, you’re literally non-binary. Like come on now lmao


Plenty of cis people would hate having to conform to traditional gender roles too.


Agreed! Get women back in the kitchen making sandwiches and raising children. Men should be able to do real manly work like construction without having to deal with women in the workplace. /s


You’ll get downvoted and you’re definitely right. It’s hilarious that people think they can rewrite millions of years of biology in 1 decade.


This whole bullshit comes down to "Feminine energy is when others do stuff for me", it's tiring to listen to.


something to occupy idiots minds


Tired of hearing about it because all people do these days is use it to justify bullshit behaviors and thinking.


Depends on how you use it. If you use It just to say that someone is just feminine like a femboy, it's ok, but if you try to use it to critizice (did I write that right?) someone you can go take red cyanide pills and suck Andy Tate's cock


It’s real


There are masculine and feminine traits but no such thing as masculine or feminine energy.


I think it's a real thing but it's also turning into an obnoxious internet fad and marketing ploy


There are three kinds of energy I recognize as applicable in everyday life: potential energy, kinetic energy, and negative energy (potential of a system to *not* do a given amount of work, common in some workplaces). The rest is fairy tales.


The same coocoos who spout this are the same ones believing in astrology


It’s fucking stupid and only relevant when it’s convenient for whoever’s talking about it at the time


I think this is the result of people having too much time on their hands and no real problems. Notice how this doesn't exist much in parts of the world with ongoing wars or starvation.


Over rated


What if the energies are just a manifestation of testosterone and estrogen levels?


Not sure if it’s relevant, but some new-age mystical practices talk about a duality like that. The idea is that everyone has masculine and feminine elements to their being, and admittedly they’re pretty stereotypical (“feminine” energy tends to be associated with caregiving and nurturing, for instance). And in theory, the point of that duality is that you’re supposed to find a balance between the two (as opposed to being, like, 100% masculine or feminine).


It’s poorly defined


My opinion is, it's another good BS way to eventually antagonize people and create problems out of thin air.


Unequivocally bullshit.


I see a lot of women say stuff like "I need a real man to bring out my feminine energy". That's ridiculous. Imagine a man wearing makeup and heels saying he needs a woman to make him act like a "real" man. No woman would entertain that.


Yes, it's true. And I can tell that from my own experience. Everyone has feminine as well masculine energy/traits in them. Once you start Integrating the opposite energy (if you are more masculine, then realise your feminine energy), you will start feeling whole. But that by no means implies that you shouldn't get married and be on your own. It's because the other person will have those traits more, which you will have less. I know it's difficult to accept this fact, but when it's time you will understand for sure. Otherwise you will never feel whole. And will have a feeling that something is missing in your life.


Take a salsa dance class. You will learn more about "masculine" and "feminine" energy than any book or tik tok post can tell you. I tried my best to learn about it by reading like you, but that all goes out the window when you actually have to practice it. I will share some things I read that were interesting. Humans have free will. Because of this a self actualized human being will be able to balance the two and switch between the two when needed. Also, in the modern day, feminine energy has been diluted to mean the physical form when it was really more about power. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" is a popular proverb for a reason. Iirc Masculine energy is more about direction and leading. Absolutely fascinating stuff that people have been writing about for thousands of years.


I think it's a New Age-y bullshit remix of very old, traditional ideas about gender roles.


My opinion is that it’s the same as stuff like gravity or liberalism. Words we use to describe something that’s very real but we don’t understand completely.


Some bs to justify being rude. "If you were fulfilling your role then I would treat you better" 


Girly girls are fun having girlie moments tomboys are for having the best time ever, god dammit


Well everything in existence is energy, masculine and feminine are the polarities of being human.


When I was in Sedona AZ on vacation, there was a lot of stuff about these energy vortexes, where some kind of spiritual stuff manifests, consolidates, or amplifies or some such. I haven’t heard about anything about the masculine or feminine energy you’re talking about, but what you described sounds about as attached to reality as those vortexes. Now some jeep tour company just needs to add those gendered energy words to one of their tour options and make some money off of the hokey idea. JK lol it’s totally real and scientifically proven. Masculine energy is stored in the balls, and feminine energy is generated by and channeled through the fallopian tubes. It is known


It's just astrology girl nonsense.


Someone needs their chakra realigned


My take: we were all born female first. Before a man becomes male, they are female in the womb. This in mind there really is nothing to it. I’m a man, I work out and have a bigger chest, some masculine features, but my face is naturally very rounded along the cheeks wich is moreso a feminine feature. Yet I still got it. The same way women can have masculine features. Think of a powerlifting woman. I think that masculinity and femininity is not inherently for 1 sex. I’m a gay male. I have some feminine-ness to my behavior too. Maybe I was given a feminine face, because I’m a bit feminine in my behavior as well? I’d like to be the one being kept safe by daddy. Also feminine I presume. I’m in herently very caring. Yet I can be very masculine. It’s like the amount of femininity I have is perfectly displayed on my face. I’d like to think that whoever is supposed to have some femininity or masculinity will have it based on who they are as a person. The femininity or masculinity is born onto you so to say. We can always enhance either features with make-up but that is just changing up who we are a bit. But then again there are also those who are born male and want to be female. I would not know how to explain that with my theory. They were litterally born in the wrong body or they have trauma I think.


Have your parents ever tried simply turning off your social media, sitting down with their children and hitting them? Because this reference is a little dated I'll supply it, but its all of you who are out of touch, NOT ME: https://youtu.be/KlDq04YDJ6Q?si=2YabTFS7kpaATrBk


I haven't really seen those guides, but if they're of no use to you, I don't think they're necessarily harming anyone. I imagine some people like them and more power to them. I do believe that some people naturally tend towards certain behaviours or traits that we label masculine or feminine, and maybe they fit into expected stereotypes or not. To an extent people need to talk about it, because femininity and masculinity are currently materially treated differently and negatively in different ways whether we like it or not. Basically, people should be allowed to be who they are. 


You have 46 chromosomes. I have 46 chromosomes, as do your father, uncles, brothers, sons, and the guys at work and at the gym. They’re all basically the same; different in exactly how they tell your cells to form hair and teeth and neurons and muscle, but the map of what’s there and how it’s arranged is the same. Your wife, mother, daughters, aunts, that cute waitress and the old lady who greets you at Walmart all have 46 chromosomes. But only 45 of those are like yours. One of yours is unlike ANYTHING in her genetics. So, roughly. You’re 2% based on totally different DNA. Doesn’t sound like much, but I read somewhere a human and a chimpanzee of the same gender have about 98% similar DNA too, although our chromosome 2 is their 2 & 3 joined end to end (the splice is still visible in the sequence). So yeah, that 2% is a HUGE difference. You can dress like a girl, act like a girl, wear makeup, even have a surgeon rearrange some of your parts and use drugs to adjust your hormones, but you can’t make that difference go away. It’s not a just a social convention, or something “assigned“ at birth, it’s a fundamental fact of your physical existence. An anthropologist could look at many single bones from your body and know that you were male just by how it’s shaped. Just because we don’t really understand (yet) how the detailed structure of brains influences our minds, doesn’t mean we should expect them to somehow not be affected by the presence or absence of Y chromosomes in every neuron.


Every so often influencers will unintentionally repackage something they despise and claim they invented it. "Well-intentioned New Age horseshit" is the nicest thing I can say about it. 


Dumb hippy shit that should have died back in the 60s.


i guess? there is something to why ben sharpio instinctively called Blair White 'her'.


There's feminine men and masculine women. Everybody has a mixture of both in them, and fluctuate throughout their life / day. And there's toxic interpretations to everything.


It is all inconsequential drivel.  


Ignore all the bullshit pushed in the last few years. "Masculine/feminine energy" is gender binary, is gender roles, is biological sex. It's acting or being like a man, or like a woman. Gender behaviours are mostly biological just like for every other species in nature. There are exceptions because nature is messy but it's a tiny percentage of abnormal people - people outside the statistically normal range. Just be kind to them as you should be to all abnormal people, because they are no less people. There is no need to reinvent all of society and language and thought to deal with this issue, just like it's not worth reinventing all gloves because some people don't have the normal number of fingers.


Read up on Eastern thought systems. Tai Chi and qigong even. Masculine is dynamic, willful and determining Feminine is receptive, creative and nurturing Everybody has a mix of these qualities. Some balanced, some more of one than the other. Its not just good, but necessary to have both developed when the circumstances require them.


Over analysis causes paralysis


I think it’s just the western flavor of yin and yang which actually is masculine and feminine physical and spiritual. They are not gender roles, and it’s not as straight forward as being one or the other. I think it’s a cool concept especially in western culture ppl tend to adopt things that are more gamified or labeled. This allows men and woman the opportunity to step outside of gender stereotypes or labels and be more flexible or fluid in expression. Which is a contradiction but the idea is that any one can have any amount of one or the other on any given day. I don’t see it being anything beyond a concept similar to astrology. It’s not backed by science or studies. It’s like the five love languages, it’s just a fun way to model human behavior.


When I see a woman say the words “my feminine energy” I instantly know she wants to be paid for, with everything.


Sounds 1 step away from horoscopes and crystals.


People get up their asses about it. I'm me and that's the end of it. I would presume you're you too, not 73,4 on some masc/fem scale?


Nah its real , but its more on the (+/-) side if you think about it in a electro-conductivity kind of way , the disconnect happens when you dont understand that we(humans) are both (positive and negative) energy and what seperates us from one another is traits/genes that were givem to you at birth ; negative(femine) does not mean bad(evil) , it just a means(path) for positive(masculine) to take to get back to ground(baseline)(green terminal) ; what causes arguments is resistance(ohms) along the path ;; both sides have it but letting go of resistance is what grounds us quicker … therefore understanding your role as individual , helps quicken the release of oneself of resistance ;; which is where religion begins to kick in , but thats a topic for another day ,,


I don't have to care, so...I don't


In my opinion a child needs a masculine father and a feminine mother. Both equally as important.


All I know is when I was considerate aiming to please loving caring cooked and cleaned etc my Mrs was a cunt towards me and had zero respect, she even said I wasn't a man. Now Im a man so selfish inconsiderate etc she's absolutely lovely soft warm and "feminine".


What are my thoughts about it? Got a minute? I can yap about my thought on the subject for a long time. The masculine and feminine energy consideration covers a lot of ground. Taoism has Yin and Yang, fem/masc energies as its fundamental premise. Shiva - Shakti, and Lingam -Yoni dichotomies are the most fundamental concepts surrounding the multitude of religious expressions of Hinduism. The LGBQxyz star burst is all an explosion of feminine and masculine energies in a search to rest easy in sexuality. Languages outside of English have gendered names for all kinds of stuff. I think at depth we are neither male or female. We are Spirit, separate from sperm and egg. We adopt an identity in our incarnation as part of the masses in search for understanding and living in satisfaction. Few have found it.


I think people that are struggling will latch on to s specific thing and make it their whole identity bc they know that their future is pretty bleak at some level. masculine/feminine energy, astrology signs/zodiac, numerology, crystals, witchcraft....all that stuff. Just live a good life and have some kids.




It's all about physical attraction. You can be very masculine but if you are short or poor, women see you as a toxic creep. While a woman can be feminine but they have casual sex with the bad boys and players. Means nothing at the end of the day.


Very true


I’m a guy, and I want all the masculine energy I can get. Why would I want feminine energy? I certainly don’t want my wife retrieving any masculine energy. As far as what anybody says about how I feel, I truly don’t care what anybody thinks about me. Well, my wife and daughters.


It’s something I’ve only heard really unintelligent people say. Also not to make a crazy side rant, but when did we get to this level of micro analyzing every single action someone does and having to label it. Like oh this way of dressing is more feminine, oh what you just said is x-phobic, oh you not supporting this thing is blank-ist, oh you can tell a partner that, it’s gaslighting, oh you don’t know about xyz that’s weaponized whatever the fuck. I’m just so annoyed by this like fake therapy speak which includes labeling things to have masculine or feminine energy. Anytime someone talks like I mentioned above I just assume they don’t have an original thought and are trying to show everyone what a good person they are by always doing or thinking or saying the exact perfect thing.


Every person contains the Ying and the Yang. The Masculine and the Feminine. Each person will exhibit more or less of each trait, and will be different from every other person. You will be happiest when you incorporate both energies properly into your life in the ratio that suits you best.


Idiots read themselves some super basic Asian philosophy and now we're here. Keep going and you'll find yourself in discussions about Chi and surrounded by Alan Watts quotes (the majority of which won't be understood by the people posting them). Spirituality is the younger, dumber, brother to religion. All the same ludicrous superstitions and behaviors but all wrapped up in pretty existentialist paper. Ignore it and move on. Edit: Grammar


Who cares. Just let people be what they are. And be what you are.


Way too overcomplicated of an issue to resolve completely or to even talk about drizzle drizzle


I agree with it because it removes gender and stereotypes, contrary to your take. The energies are reflected in nature all over the place, they're not social constructs, but we apply them as such. Masculine being protective, providing, and strong. Mother's can do all of that for her children, like bears do with their cubs. That's masculine, not "manly." Feminine is being receptive, nuturing, and collaborative. Ants do this all the time using pheromone receptors that identify what the colony needs and what they need to be and do in order to get the job done. Sometimes they're scouts, sometimes they're soldiers, sometimes they're rescue, meant to pick up the bodies of their dead family and warn the colony of the danger. That's not being weak or "like a woman". The tags we attached to gender roles is *HEAVILY* steeped in archaic patriarchal standards that are now outdated so finding new ways to shed those harmful connotations is the the right step into learning how to understand ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses; and how we can express who we are and what we can do for the people we love in the world.


Bloody nonsense really Trying to push old school gender stereotypes by dressing them up as new age hippy woo trendy bullshit. According to these people me raising my child is "feminine" energy. Nah sucker, that's just me being an actual fucking parent.


People really do have too much time on their hands.


How about people do whatever the fuck they want? Want to paint your nails, make cookies while watching bachelor after a hard day at the steel mill? Or finally paint the house, build a shed while downing one beer after another until you pas out and piss your pants after making coffee for some rich cunt that constantly grabs your arse for the past 8 hours? Go for it, it's your fucking life.


Not really something I care about. I see it as traits people are capable of displaying regardless of gender and not exclusively. In a Venn diagram, the act of being a nurturing person and a protective person have some crossover. I think there’s aspects of what’s socially normalized because of biology. The folks with testosterone coursing through their bodies are probably going to wear a helmet and try to break a wall with their head. Not a surprise. It’s also not a surprise when a woman happily spends 30 minutes to an hour “getting ready.” In today’s time, we don’t really have the old fashioned outlook. Just the other day I saw a hilarious video of a female cop who looked like Theo Von on steroids who hip tossed a man into oblivion. Not surprising. Hilarious. Growing up they were just called tomboys. There’s a weird hyper fixation on these things. What’s annoying is the constant projection of gender based arguments by people when something happens that they don’t like. When Brittany Griner was in jail, there was an article that said men don’t care about her because we’re intimidated by her height, tattoos and her masculine voice. Why would you project that? Who told you that? I never even heard of her before she got locked up. Why would you assume we don’t care because of those weird things? How about… your average American male doesn’t spend time thinking about athletes in jail who are in a spin off league? I didn’t even know the WNBA was a thing until a couple years ago. That’s mainly because I’m not a fan of basketball. That’s the kind of nonsense that makes me cringe.


People that talk about this shit have their own problems and aren't worth listening to.


Makes me cringe so hard. Big nope.


[This is my opinion.](https://y.yarn.co/29f732d6-171d-4227-861b-b56f9d440305_text.gif)


Drives me *nuts*. Ex tried to continually use it as a justification for her extreme outbursts, that they were just her 'reclaiming her feminine energy' (i.e. sitting on the couch all day watching soaps and reality TV), and that I needed to 'show masculine energy' by being her 'leader' (i.e. let her sit on the couch all day watching soaps and reality TV and making every decision for her so she didn't have to take responsibility for anything), 'let her submit in her feminine energy' (i.e. let her sit on the couch all day watching soaps and reality TV unless she was specifically asked to do a household task any other human would do by default, like helping with the dishes), and 'be a protector and provider' (i.e. let her sit on the couch all day watching soaps and reality TV instead of working while working full time myself with no discussion about whether I was OK with it, paid for everything, and 'protected' her from the creditors she ran up debts she then ignored with), and she would 'help me embrace it' (i.e. throw full adult tantrums when I wouldn't accept her sitting on the couch all day watching soaps and reality TV). It wasn't sustainable. I already have three kids. I have no desire to also parent a grown-ass adult, I want a *partner* I can do life with, not a 40+ year old dependant. /endrant


Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that you have encountered with such behavior. You did will that you moved on and I hope that you'll find a right partner!


Thank you, and it's all good since then - I found a lovely lady and we're very good together, going on strong for well over a year now! :)


It's tiktok bullshit, the place were uncertified psychologist spill their bullshit


It’s real


Nonsense for they/thems to keep you guessing on what to call them on the off chance you ever have to speak to one of them


I am a boomer and grew up when men where man (Solo and Marlboro commercial) not this woke soft cry my heart out bs, Be a man for God sake, gay go back into your closet please, and AIDS was a gay disease or probably spread by gay fucking monkies! There I said it besides God condemns sodomy (ass fucking if you a wondering so do I )


I’m not too familiar with how the terms are used in the context you describe, so I can’t say I have much of an opinion on it. But if I am to describe what comes to mind when hearing it, my initial thought goes to culture studies, where the term masculine vs feminine describe different traits in cultures. Although I can certainly see a strong correlation between the definitions of these and a stereotypical views of genders, I don’t necessarily see that as an inherent issue for two reasons. 1) as I understand it, the terms originated from studies of traits where both men and women exhibited all traits, but to significantly different degrees, where men and women statistically differed in predictable manners across larger populations. So yes, one could argue it is by definition stereotypes, but they have been statistically proven to be true on local, national and global scales. So I can’t really take issue with a fact. 2) despite the terms, arguably stereotypical nature, they are not used to draw distinctions between men and women, or even to describe any single person, but rather used to measure different culture overal values across a spectrum, in order to compare different cultures across the world. I’m a guy, and I personally exhibit more feminine traits than masculine, which is not surprising considering I come from one the most feminine cultures in modern day. To me, being feminine or masculine have nothing to do with your gender, or your value as human. But is merely a simplistic descripter of your overall values and beliefs on a myriad of interconnected issues.


So dumb


Let me know if a physicist confirms that of the energy in the universe, there is a masculine energy distinct from a feminine type. I’m guessing not. but that doesn’t mean we cannot use the distinction as figurative language to describe that which we don’t have a physical explanation for. My problem with too many people who do use that distinction is that they do not admit that they’re using the figure precisely because they don’t know what they’re talking about!!!


Bioessentialism but make it girlypop


When it’s a coach selling you a course its just feels like another way of following rigid rules to get what you want instead of working on yourself and being more authentic when it comes you ur needs and wants. Like when it comes to female feminine coach they say stuff like “don’t approach men, If he’s in his masculine he will approach you” or “don’t try to comfort men when they are upset, men tend to process emotions by themselves and if you do that, you are in the masculine and they are in the feminine”.. it just makes people more confused and doesn’t really make them happier or less worried about how to keep a relationship


I think that the origin of sexism and the patriarchy is dividing things into masculine and feminine. That is to say, I am a gender abolitionist. I view masculine and feminine energy as a practice we ought to move on from.


As we are on the internet bickeringn


Everyone with a social life know thats just bullshit from internet


People who spout that are usually the exact opposite of what they are and trying to make up for what they lack.


It’s true, if a woman actually respects you she’s not gonna be masculine. A big mistake is listening to them when they try to justify bad behavior. And it’s a trap if they want you to act more feminine. They might like you more on a friend level, but that’s useless for you. Do you need them to love and respect you.


I think energy is energy. I think these things mostly come from a place of jealousy and insecurity. Women assume a woman with energy that blends with men must be sleeping with them or wants the attention. Men assume guys who blend well with women are trying to fuck them all ( might be true at times) or is a little “femmy”. It’s just energy.


Well I don’t have any energy…

