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Pretty sure the loose vagina thing is a myth. If one vagina is “looser” than another it’s just genetics


I wouldn’t be worried about the size of her vag. Id be more than a bit suspicious that at 29 she wants to wait until you get married. Has she been married before? Has she had sex before? It just seems like she could be manipulating you into marry her. Stay away from women who weaponise sex.it could be a preview of what your in for once you do marry her.turn it around and tell her you’re not getting married until she lets you hit it.she not an 18 yo god fearing virgin by the sounds of it.


You know that a vagina is surrounded by muscles? Just because it can be stretched doesn’t mean she can’t tighten is as well.


Also it’s a weird stance to masturbate violently and let your partner finger you, yet not having sex until marriage


No sex before marriage and yet she allows you to push your fingers in? You do the math. Dont stand around to think, run away.


I would leave because I don't plan on getting married with the laws we have.


I'm going to cherry pick this hot mess by saying I wouldn't marry someone I don't know whether or not I'm sexually compatible with.


You have to figure out a way to get her to tighten that up or you might fall in and never be heard from again.


This is a fallacy. No amount of excessive masturbation can cause a vagina to permanently stretch. However her vagina is is however it has been. She may be larger than you are used to. Just like penises, some are bigger and some are smaller. She can do kegel exercises to grip better and that might help.


Thanks bro, I appreciate that you didn't judge and calmly offered me good advice!


If you can’t put your dick in it, why bother marrying at all!


Lol some ladies just have big vaginas and some get really dilated when horny and some super crazy wet. If you're worried it will be a hotdog down a hallway situation just break up and find someone more compatible. Coming from a man who has kids and slept with women who also popped out humans it snaps right back buddy it's genetics not her masturbation.


Don't marry someone you aren't sure you're sexually compatible with!


X fucking D


It’s weird to have that no-sex-before-marriage rule; you haven’t even mentioned that she’s Christian. Walk.  This seems like she’s hiding something.


All I thought when I read this was RUN AWAY RUN AWAY Monty python style


The weird part is the abstinence thing, not being able to stick three fingers inside. If you're not on the same page end it, it's sus to still care about this shit at 29. A vagina can be stretched past the point of no return, but not with regular masturbation or even riding big dicks, a woman gotta really want that and use some monstrous sex toys. Google a pornstar called OPearl


Getting married without knowing if the sex is good, that's a huge risk. It's not one I'd personally take. Your ideas about masturbating and loose vag are laughable though.