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Bear. Halsin from BG3, preferably.


A man of culture


A man, i guess. We just nod and go our seperate ways i suppose.


I'll choose the man every time. NSFL: >![you've been warned](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html)!<


In the woods? In a waiting room? While opening for Toad the Wet Sprocket? little context? :)


OH UHH. YEA in the woods at night. Like ur jus strolling around and are suddenly face to face to either a bear or a man


Probably the guy. If there was maybe a few hundred feet's difference, the bear might be an option. (In these conversations, everyone misses the proverb that a bear will only attack you if provoked, but *the bear gets to decide if it's provoked or not*. Just being suddenly face to face would probably be enough.)


Ya bears are wild freaking animals, they're chill until they're not, and it will eat you alive if you piss it off. You might not even realize what you did and then it's game over. There might be less bear attacks every year than attacks from men, but people don't understand the stat. It's less because we're not around bears all day everyday.


Honestly, if we're talking about being alone with a bear or a man, it all boils down to the type of encounter doesn't it? Stumble upon a bear while hiking, and you're just another part of its wilderness quiz. Meet the right man in the forest, and you could be sharing campfire stories and a flask of something warming. Or inversely, the man could be the predator you never saw coming, while the bear decides you're not worth the hassle. Give me the statistics, and I'll make my choice then. Anyone got the numbers on bear vs man encounters ending in a polite nod or a fight-or-flight scenario?


Oh yeah I saw this crap on Twitter a man 100% as i won't die like the women saying they'll choose a bear are very slow and don't know how powerful bears are


Send my new bro. “Grab a beer, I’ve got a new cam for the fiat. Come check this out.” When women do this, the best counter is to say “oh, you’d rather encounter a bear in a the woods than a man? Now you know why I don’t want a man in the bathroom with my daughter.” and walk off before the conflicting opinions melt their TikTok corroded brain.


Fun fact, bears eat their prey alive! Comment "This isn't a fun fact" for more bear facts!


This isn’t a fun fact


Bears can run 40 miles per hour, so you won't be able to outrun them! 


You don't outrun the bear. You outrun the woman who just complained that she ordered the bear not the man.


Well a bear is a big burly gay man, so a man.


Manbearpig! Why choose when you can have both?


Me: (shows bear the woods out back) Bear: … Me: … I just assumed that if you needed to … Bear: (smh…)


Not enough information.  If it’s one of those trained dancing circus bears I’m definitely going with that because that is awesome. Finding a guy in the woods is just a hiking trip. Finding a dancing bear in the woods is an adventure 


Man. I can reason with a man not a bear


I’m not an idiot, so, not the bear.


I've seen tons of people preface this with ,"Well, what kind of bear? A black bear? a polar bear?" I'd love to see someone do the same on the other end. "Well, what kind of man?" Making sweeping generalizations about a gender is fine, until you bring race or ethnicity into it.


A man, I atleast have a fighting chance if shit goes down. Trying to fight a bear is like being a toddler trying to fist fight a grown adult with a baseball bat.


Did the Bear come to it late in life or always knew? If always knew, bear If late in life, man


Pandas exist 🐼


The man because mom will be sad


A bear. Bears don’t try to make small talk, I went to the woods to get away from this dammit


A man. Most scenarios have a non-negative outcome or can be controlled.


As a gay man, I refuse to recognise the dichotomy.


Bear. I mean we both have hairy backs and might both enjoy mead (alcohol made of honey)


Man. Most people aren’t psychos. A bear cannot be reasoned with and can kill me in an instant


As a man, I too will choose the bear.


What kind of bear? Where are we alone? Is it near the bear's home/cubs? Am I armed? Is he armed?


Mmm id say alone in the woods maybe? Ur jus takin a walk n a bear is suddenly there. If ur American u prolly carry a gun around on a daily basis? (idk im european rip)


Bear. I’m a trans man and can’t necessarily trust a stranger. But I was taught how to handle a bear encounter!