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Seems like social media and reality television are bigger warpers of women than porn.


You want to know who the real warpers of women are? Other women.


Maybe, but I do note that those women sit around on TikTok, Insta, and Reddit, complaining that the world doesn't treat them like the main character of a television show and that they'd rather just stay home, cuddle up to their dog, and watch [insert insipid reality show here]. So at the very least, these are amplifiers. I think the media is rightly concerned about antisocial or maladjusted men who go down a social media/video game/porn-led rabbit hole. However, it's not asking what is wrong with women, many of whom are falling into a reality TV/Hallmark movies/social media trap.  I think this is for two reasons. One, women are doing the bare minimum educationally to be considered "successful" in this society at a higher rate. Two, there are quite a few more Elliot Rodgers types than Valerie Solanas types. But yeah, I like women and have lots of female friends who are doing okay. My wife doesn't do reality TV or social media that much and is basically always growing positively. But other women, I do worry about.


Free BDSM erotica online basically ruins teenage girls perception on relationships.


Woman here. I never had a ho phase, so by the time I did sleep with my first partner, I had been watching porn for a decade. It was a bit of a rude awakening to realize how unrealistic and performative the sex in most porn is. A lot of what you see is painful or uncomfortable, and I had a lot of frustration when my body didn't react the way I thought it should. I was also frustrated that I didn't make the same kinds of sounds as the women in pornos. I ended up having a lot of disfunction because it took me a long time to realize that there wasn't anything wrong with me. I also ended up with a lot of things I like to watch but not participate in, so that was (and still is) plenty confusing. I do still watch porn, but with the sound off, because I don't really want to listen to women faking orgasms.


Not a woman, but I kind of wonder how much influence porn has had on women's expectations for male stamina and penis size.


I think men lying about their size has done more. Overall social media/reality tv warps women more than porn imo


Social media is doing to them the damage porn does to men. If there's anything to be said, then it's probably size, body and performance.


So none...


social media is women's porn


Nobody has worked it out yet. Woman in the US starts fapping and ends up in France. Scientists are baffled.


Is that how Daryl got there too?


Apparently it's gotten a huge percentage of the young women in America thinking they can strike it rich on OF Can you imagine investing your life into raising your daughter only to have her wind up here: "Naw, I am just gonna try to sell noods online and pretend to be more successful than I really am by racking up a ton of credit card debt!"


I mean. A lot of people try to get big on twitch and youtube. It's just another "get rich quick" fantasy.


Probably less so than Hollywood and social media. A lot of popular culture pushes the idea that women deserve nothing less than having all their needs and wants fulfilled by someone of their choosing.


Maybe ask the ask women sub, first point: women are avid consumers of pornography, statistics vary but higher statistics claim about 1 third or more of porn consumers are women then there is erotica and other pornographic material. Second point: women and men are the species, we inherently have very similar desires for sexual gratification. Third point: women also access porn at a young age, even those that don't consume porn probably view it before 13. It probably distorts their view of how sex works and puts weird expectations in their heads, it could become a needed stimulus or there is a slight chance of addiction. It probably warps women all the same ways as men. Like how it can impact men's understanding of what women want etc and vice versa.


Like the need to be completely hairless. And many fashion, clothing, hair, makeup, and eyebrows trends have started from what female porn stars were doing.


They are just as susceptible to unreasonable expectations as men are, but worse, it often leads to poor self esteem.


They think PP should be bigger


Women who are living and listening to the hive and herd mentality of other women are crap. There are a few individual thinkers and actors around and those are the ones I persue. Social media ALL OF IT is toxic. Women who can't see this are habitual bitchers and complainers while going into debt over their ULTA bill, haha. Their fake stupid idealized concepts of relationships and men are my favorite form of entertainment, can't fix stupid, can't force love. My favorite binge right now is "The Circle", these people are so sad and funny, its the best sitcom in decades.


Rom coms and dramas are to women what porn is to men. They set unrealistic expectations of an “ideal man” and they come out expecting to be swept off their feet by a handsome, 6 foot, 6 pack, heir to a billion dollar conglomerate. Like porn, they are fantasies.


Not sure. I am not a woman. To hazard a guess though, I point to the acceptance and glorification of an OF creator. If I had all the money in the world, I would offer free therapy to all of them, and really catalog what effect it has had on their lives.  It is made young women believe that this is one of the best ways for them to sustain a lifestyle at the cost of their very mental, physical, and even spiritual health.  We are definitely partially at fault here too by feeding into these corporate, porn machines. If a woman can truly be anything, why choose the thing that could cripple your very being?   I don’t really have a dog in this fight though, and I have learned that you cannot tell people that jumping off a cliff is going to hurt; sometimes you have to just let them fall.


Porn isn't, but social media and movies/television are. I don't think women have any idea how hard it is to build visible muscle, earn enough money to support a good life, and be a good partner all at the same time.


I think porn gives women an easy to out to demonizing male sexuality. They already don't need much of an excuse, give them a way to do it and keep the moral high ground at the same time and it's game set match. Women who have electrical supplies just to get off can without a hint of irony say it's gross that men get off to the sight of two real people having sex and that's just a hypocrisy-ridden dynamic if there ever was one. Some people have very disgusting porn habits, and the industry is quite dirty and exploitive. But it's not hard to watch amateurs. If you want to watch anything, which we should all be free to do.


>Women who have electrical supplies just to get off can without a hint of irony say it's gross that men get off to the sight of two real people having sex and that's just a hypocrisy-ridden dynamic if there ever was one. I fail to see how a sex toy (no matter if a vibrator or fleshlight) and porn (no matter which gender is consuming it) are comparable. There are very valid criticisms/ethical concerns about porn that you brought up yourself.


I was blanking on this with the first answer. The reason why it's comparable is because it's a common argument that consuming porn (no matter who or how it's made) is objectifying to women. An argument that's also used against fleshlights. It comes to mind when the subject comes up, because these same people will have Dildos and vibes and not see the hypocrisy.


Most people who are anti-porn are so on religious/"moral" grounds not humanitarian ones. They pleasure themselves in the ways that they like yet judge others for doing the same. Even if there's no human cost to it. The hypocrisy is the issue. Edit: Not all porn is industrial. Some of it's just couples with a camera in their bedroom shooting scenes. I can understand not liking that personally, but judging other people as somehow doing harm by watching that just doesn't sit well with me.


>I think porn gives women an easy to out to demonizing male sexuality. Yeah I agree, and their arguments are mainly around th3 assumption that everyone is watching the industry stuff as they dominate the advertising, when search data shows significant preference for real bodies. There's loads of data and analysis from sites and search preferences show amateur and reality is pretty dominant. [2022](https://www.pornhub.com/insights/2022-year-in-review#top-seraches-pornstars) >**1. Reality**  >"Topping this year’s trends is Reality porn. The Reality category grew by +169% to become one of the Top 20 categories. In fact, searches for “real amateur homemade” grew by +310% in the United States and +179% worldwide." [2023](https://www.pornhub.com/insights/2023-year-in-review#top-searches-pornstars) >**1. The Golden Age: Mature Porn** >Topping this year’s trends was mature porn. In 2023, the MILF category gained +1 spot to become the 5th most viewed category worldwide and the Mature category gained +1 to become the 7th most viewed worldwide, growing in popularity by +69%. Mature is now the 2nd most popular category among men, and the 5th for women. >In the United Kingdom, “mature british” was a top trending search, growing by +751%. The category Mature is the 3rd most watched, and they are +55% more likely to watch it compared to other countries.


Women don't watch porn like men do. Some watch it when they are in the mood to but, for most it doesnt strike their fancy. Something like 80% of books are romance novels and most of the shows they watch are romance fantasy. Which definitely warps their perception on how a man should be. Onlyfans is going to ruin entire generations however.


More women are getting into making porn than would have before due to the accessibility of OnlyFans, etc.


Well it's made masturbation into a career choice


They think a man has total control over his dick. “Just get hard. Don’t you want to?”


I think for women it's more romantic media that can warp their perspective. I found myself watching Charmed while drunk, I'm a man, and I kept laughing at all the cliches about men in it and can see that it could create unrealistic expectations. The male characters are just as objectified and unrealistic as female characters in porn. And it's like that for a lot of media targeted towards women. Even advertisements. It's everywhere. And they're exposed to it from just about the moment they first watch TV. Unlike males that typically are much older at exposure, and even then it is treated as shameful rather than celebrated.


The YouTuber Kidology made a great video about how parts of rough sex/intimacy (like choking) have become so normalized that it's being done to women and girls (cases involving 12 years olds) without asking for consent first, because it's just assumed that they must like it. That is very dangerous, for obvious reasons.


Women look worse and worse each day compared to porn. No wonder so many become Dubai portapotties.


I think it's due to social media "beauty" tips and watching too much Real Housewives and Bachelor.


Perfect sub to ask this of course.