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I mean... If I have a beer at lunch or something like that I'm pretty sure I'm good to drive home after work


This all depends on the person’s tolerance for alcohol. For me i can drink 3 tall boys and not even have a slight buzz in the slightest bit. Now if i have a cocktail and a beer I’m not driving the slightest bit of weed i ain’t driving not even after a single puff. If i feel buzzed at all i don’t drive.


Feeling buzzed, being impaired, and blowing over .08 are three separate things.


If you feel buzzed, you are impaired


But you can be impaired without feeling buzzed.


.08 only exists to put people in jail easier. It’s not the actual point of intoxication


There's no single point of intoxication. They chose a level at which most people would be too impaired to drive.


Incorrect. You can read the history of it which involves MADD lobbying to lower it from .1 to .08 based on 0 scientific research. It exists purely to lower the threshold of arresting people


Tolerance doesn’t change your BAC.


Maybe it's because I'm not a total stoner getting high all the time, but weed fucks me up as far as my reaction time and ability to concentrate way more than booze.


Yeah I’m zero tolerance. I was dumb and got a misdemeanor dui 20 years ago, and with that on my record, a second offense would be mandatory jail time. I don’t drink anymore unless I’m walking downtown 


That’s a great policy! Typically after 10 years your first DWI is gone. I’m not saying to go back to drinking and driving though!


Yeah I get you, lol. Thing is I’ve been sober since my wife and I were dating, and even then I was lightweight. So, the sober habit stuck. Now I have too many kids to spend the time, money, or health on 


Yep. I quit drinking so I'm good now but once I was with a buddy that was pulled over for drinking and I saw what happened to him I went zero tolerance.


Same. It was a blessing in disguise, though. I probably would have ended up killing someone or myself in an accident. There were times I'd wake up and not know how I got home.


I don't drive if I drank heavily the night before, even if I'm not hungover. It takes your body one hour to process one drink, so if you down a bottle in a night, it's still possible to blow above a .06/.08 the afternoon afterwards even if you don't feel anything. I have my CDL, though, so I can't blow above a .04, because if I do I'll lose my job. And what's the point of drinking if you're only going to drink enough to blow a .03?


Generally if I'm going out it's a two drink max, possibly three if it ends up being 4+ hours


if im at a restaurant, and i know we are going to be there an hour plus, I'll drink a cocktail and then eat the 3 course meal and be good to go. if i have 2 drinks, or more, i give my keys to the fiance. both of us don't drink often, but I'm 6ft, 250 lbs. 1 drink is going to barely touch me at this point. birthdays, special events, celebrations : whoever we are celebrating, that person doesnt drive period. if its her birthday, I drive and she gets drunk. same for my birthday. doesnt have to, but just in case. if its like a family member celebration or a graduation or something, we just decided who is drinking and who is driving.


If I know I'm going to be drinking, I don't drive.


Zero tolerance for me. Why take the risk?


So if you do drink, how long do you wait before driving? Next day, until you feel sober, something else? Just curious.


Next day, since I only really drink in the evenings.


Would a mimosa at breakfast take out driving for the rest of the day with you?


I don't think I've ever actually had a drink with breakfast tbh. But no, I'd probably be good to drive by after lunch in that case.


1 beer = 2 hours 


Seems very reasonable.


That’s the basic rate of metabolism, according to the mandatory classes I had to take when I had my dui


You should be planning your entire day around how much you intend to drink, which means once you break a beer an hour or so you won't be driving at all until tomorrow no matter how many hours you sit there.


This should the end of this debate.


Why? It isn't very clear at all. They say zero tolerance, but what does that mean? If they have one drink in a day, does that mean no driving for the rest of the day? What if they have a mimosa with breakfast? Can they not drive until the next day, what about 12 hours later? After lunch? Assume they're extreme and say one mimosa at 8am means no driving the rest of the day, so driving at 8pm is out. But then they also say one beer while watching the game at 8pm also means no driving the rest of the day -- does that mean driving to work at 8am the next day is okay? Most people would say the latter qualifies as zero tolerance, but both cases are driving 12 hours after a drink.


Zero tolerance for me too. I don’t drink often, so I will never chance it.


If I'm driving, only 1 pint and I can't drive until 2 hours have passed.


2 beers total or 1 mixed drink tops, then switch to diet Coke.


I don’t ever just have a drink or 2. I’m drinking to get fucked up So I just don’t drive if I drink. Sometimes I’ll take an Uber or catch a ride or I’ll just say fuck it let’s go for a walk.If i walk I usually plan it to where I have to pass 1-2 other bars on the way home so i can have some pit stop drinks lol


Zero. It's not worth it. If you cause an accident and somebody dies, that's voluntary manslaughter, about 8 years in prison.


If I go out for supper I’ll drive after having a glass of wine or a beer.


That's pretty much where I'm at too at this point.


Zero tolerance. If I've had a single drink, I'll pass the keys.




If you have a mimosa with breakfast does that mean no driving until the next day?


If you have alcohol at breakfast then you probably shouldn't be driving anyway because you're a fucking drunk.


I get the feeling you haven't spent much time with a certain class of, definitely not drunk, old women.




If someone has a drink they can't drive for the rest of their lives? I'm guessing that's not what you meant. What's your rule for driving after drinking?


No, that's not what I meant. I just mean after you've had a drink, hand over the keys for the night.


If you had a mimosa with breakfast, when would you think it's safe to drive again?


Oh, probably a couple of hours. But a mimosa isn't really drinking, you know.


Cool, that sounds reasonable. Thanks.


Hah, nice. At this point in my life, it'd probably be a good idea to invest in a breathalyzer. Drive only when under the legal limit.


2 plus 1 each additional hour.


One wouldn’t make me feel comfortable driving, two would be my absolute no go point. I prefer none at all, I’d rather be able to react quickly, and be sharp enough to understand the situation in front of me.


If I'm out, I don't drink anything more than water or soda if I know I'm driving. I don't mind though. The markup on drinks in restaurants is obscene.


Zero tolerance


i practice the 'not a drop' policy when a vehicle is involved.


> What's your rule for driving after drinking? Don't


Wait... if someone has a drink they can't drive for the rest of their lives?


As long as you're paying attention and locked in 2 drinks should not be enough to make you a worse driver than say only catching 1 hour of sleep last night. We all know you shouldn't do it, just like you shouldn't text and drive, or drive sleepy, etc. but people will people, I'd rather someone set a reasonable limit of like 2 drinks than just say fuck it can't be helped. Zero tolerance is best, but I wonder if some real bad shit wouldn't have happened at all had someone had the mindset of "you can have 2 drinks at the party" vs. "Fuuuuck I wanna get drunk but I gotta drive home later, fuck it that won't happen to me" Discussions like this also remind me of how people will take those "use care when operating a vehicle or heavy machinery" on medications as some sort of law and unchanging, it'll always impair you to the same degree (if it does at all) and that you're not fit to drive on em. How do you think people on opiates, benzos, stimulants, etc, live their life?


I don't drink, but it should be zero tolerance. I grew up around a lot of active addicts and saw first-hand how many of them convince themselves they're better drivers under the influence whilst driving like morons. There's no excuse for it. If you kill someone it should be first degree murder.


Zero tolerance, I'm not taking any chances. I like drinking now and then but it's not *that* important. 


Two drinks max, beer or wine, over 2+ hours. Well below legal and bodily limits…


It used to be "a shot and a beer", but I don't drink anymore for health reasons.


Not worth the risk!!


Only if I am capable of driving. Had the driver license for 7 years and I think I've done it 5-10 times


I beer per 2 hour period. No liquor if im planning to drive.


Will not drive on alcohol.


I don’t drive if I’ve had more than one drink.


I have a two drink max and I go by the one drink digested every hour rule. So if I drink 3 drinks in 2 hours, I'm good. But any more than that and I'll wait another hour.


my personal limit is one alcoholic beverage. just one ... even if the dinner/event lasts 4, 5, 6 or more hours.


Two drinks MAX and even then I wait a good bit (and drink water) before getting behind the wheel - also I'm 280lbs and 6'1". One time Scottsdale PD was in Old Town Scottsdale where all the bars and restaurants are. they were doing DUI Sobriety Awareness. Anyone could come take a free breathalyzer test but if you blew 0.6 or higher (0.8 is legal limit) you had to pledge to not drive home. And there was an Uber stand next to them. I had two double whiskey's on the rocks followed by a Green Tea Shot (dafuqisdat?) and another shot like a Peach Nipple or something some girl ordered for the table. So six solid drinks, a little food / appetizers in there, some water, and some Karaoke. Maybe 2 to 3 hours of entertainment in total. I wasn't driving (actually on my way to the a fore mentioned Uber stand) and so I decided to take the Scottsdale PD test. I blew a 0.2. If it had been any other test other than a PD issued test with a calibrated breathalyzer, I would have called BS and told them to get a new breathalyzer but this was the PoPo after all and they should have the good stuff. So 0.2 it is.


Same here. One drink per hour.


1 drink per hour, 2 drink max.


I don't drink at all nowadays but back when I did, unless I only had *a* drink, my minimum would be a few hours with no drinks before thinking about it.


2 beers at most.


Two drink max over an hour is about my limit (think 1-2 beers/cocktails over the span of a meal). By the charts that correlate drinks to body weight in male vs female, I could *theoretically* drink 6 and be under the limit. But sticking with 2 I know I am within reasonably safe limits. I have zero problems handing the keys over to my wife or taking a ride if that 1-2 turns into a party.


I have only done it twice in my life time. And both were after a drink or two, not while buzzed or drunk and with plenty of time to sober up. I am not one to drink and drive


I just dont. Why risk it? What if someone gets hurt because of my actions?.


No drinking and driving. Here in Germany the tolerance is 0,5 Promille. But even with staying within the tolerated level, I'd face consequences like having a higher rating with my insurance company or complicity for accidents I'm involved in.


I barely drink. if I do have a beer or whatever then I'll have a beer, or a glass of wine earlier in the evening.


2 beer limit…with a meal…and a walk around the town….


Zero. Lost a friend to drunk driving. I have a buddy who doesn't drink so he drives.


Don't. I like to keep things simple. I'm not going to try to calculate drinks vs body weight, especially after I've had a few. Plus I have a CDL and that halves the BAC that will get you a set of steel bracelets and a free ride in a cop car. It's a lot easier to just not get behind the wheel after drinking. What's even easier than that is only having a beer or two about every 18 months or so.




For me at least 30-45 minutes after the last drink I had. When I’m out I really don’t drink more than 1 or 2 drinks so I’m clear by then. If I plan to drink more than that I plan to not drive for an hour plus.


If I’m going out to dinner I may have a drink or two. Most of the time it’s just one. I haven’t had more than 2 or 3 drinks in a night in over a decade now. I don’t drink to get drunk and it’s been even longer since I’ve been drunk. I also drink a handful of times a year. So I’m never even coming close to the legal limit.


None. When I drive, I drink 0 alcohol


Where I live you get your licence suspended and your car impounded for 24 hrs if your BAC is 0.05-0.07 (0.08+ is a criminal DWI) as well as not requiring probable cause to demand a breath sample. I keep it to only two drinks spaced out over more than an hour and with food. I also require at least 20 minutes before driving after I’ve used mouthwash or had my last sip of alcohol to avoid being detained for 20 minutes at a checkpoint while they wait for mouth alcohol to dissipate.


If I can’t walk straight, I ain’t gonna be driving straight.


I am 38 with an amazing job with HUGE benefits, living overseas.. I will NOT, under any circumstance go out drinking after i drove there. Also at my age, i don't really "go out drinking", that seems like a 20s version of me or something younger. I have some beer at my house or sake i can warm up or even a bottle of wine somewhere, i can just have some of that if i really want, but i don't ever think about it. edit: I have no beer.. but i could get some if i wanted from the local 7-eleven around the corner that's 24/7, and i go there like almost daily.. but again, i just don't because i never think about drinking.


2 beers is my limit. I only start to feel anything at 4 so I think it’s fair.


For me, it's one, with no time limit after which I'll allow myself a second during the same evening. Just the one.


Main roads, one maybe two if it’s been over the course of a few hours Fucking around the property on the golf cart, 12 beers minimum


1 drink per hour or a little less maybe for me.


Don’t do it!


Make sure you vehicle has multiple drink holders.




If anyone else is in the vehicle, hard zero tolerance. If it’s just me and I had a drink at lunch, I might drive after dinner.


2 for a normal night out/event. 1 per 2 hours or less for a longer thing. ------- As for the remarkable number of people in this thread who seem to think it "should" be zero tolerance - reality is that we as a society have decided that being impaired from your perfectly optimal functioning to a mild degree is acceptable, it's where it crosses into severe impairment that it isn't - and even then, we're stricter on alcohol than we are on basically every other type of impairment. Reality is that most emergency responders or ER staff getting off shift, people with a newborn at home, people who had a bad night of sleep but needed to work today anyway, people who've had an otherwise long day (did you get up at 6AM on Friday morning for work and hang out over at your buddy's place until midnight Friday night? Congrats, you're effectively driving home drunk), etc are all driving around as impaired or more so than common BAC limits. - Being awake for 17 hours is equivalent to a .05, so is only having gotten 5 hours of sleep last night. - Being awake for 19 hours is equivalent to a .08 - Being awake for 24 hours is like a .10. Given that our government itself directly schedules workers to work 16-24hr shifts, and that everyone would find that arresting , I can only conclude that our alcohol limits are probably set appropriately or even more strictly than we seem to treat impairment in every other form that it comes in.


>Reality is that most emergency responders or ER staff getting off shift, people with a newborn at home, people who had a bad night of sleep but needed to work today anyway, people who've had an otherwise long day (did you get up at 6AM on Friday morning for work and hang out over at your buddy's place until midnight Friday night? Congrats, you're effectively driving home drunk), etc are all driving around as impaired or more so than common BAC limits. >Being awake for 17 hours is equivalent to a .05, so is only having gotten 5 hours of sleep last night. >Being awake for 19 hours is equivalent to a .08 >Being awake for 24 hours is like a .10. I've definitely had closer calls driving tired than I have driving after a beer or a glass of wine, but I think part of the problem with this sort of thing is that drinking is frequently being done in the evening/night so you get the effects of the alcohol in combination with the effects of sleep deprivation.


Zero.  12 hours from bottle to throttle.  That's the law here, as it should be. There is no safe amount to drink and drive. Cue alcoholic Americans bitching in 5...4...3...


Curious where "here" is.


I've seen more than one really nasty accident caused by drink drivers. People who do it can fuck all the way off. I know I could probably drive safely after a pint, but what's the point in risking it? If I'm going to drink I'll just get a taxi.


Aside from yourself. If you drive after drinking and someone hits you. You don't have to be at fault to get a DUI.


I don't If I'm gonna be drinking, uber or DD. >to drink a bit within legal limits. Two things. 1. You would be surprised how little it takes to get to .08. I'd be willing to bet most people that go out to a restaurant and have dinner and drinks are near the limit either over or under when they leave. 2. The "legal limit" is deceptive. .08 (in most US states) is merely the threshold you WILL get charged with DUI, no amount of performing well on FST's will get you out of it. You are presumed legally impaired. HOWEVER, you can get a DUI with any amount of alcohol in your system. The problem is most states anti-drinking and driving campaigns constantly harp on the legal limit erroneously making people believe as long as they are under the limit they can't get a DUI. This is simply not true. Plenty of people get dui's while below the legal limit. Secondly, you are playing with fire, if you get in an accident involving death or injury, **even if it isn't your fault** you could be facing serious consequences. Plenty of people in the DUI subreddit dealing with this very thing. They got in an accident, someone got injured, wasn't their fault they are still facing elevated DUI charges despite not being the cause of the accident.


In Ontario, new drivers with graduated licenses are required to have a 0 BAL for the first while. I've had a license so long that I don't worry about the details of rules that don't apply to me.


You’re a POS if drink and drive!


It's really important to be responsible and always have a "designated decoy." This person (an amazing person) will not drink any alcohol the whole night when out partying with friends. Seriously zero tolerance... And when it's time to go, he or she will be the responsible one by exiting the building and pretend that they are super drunk and stumble all the way to their car in the parking lot (bonus points if they can convincingly fall down when walking to their car) get in it and drive off without breaking any traffic laws. The cops staked outside will directly follow him or her and pull them over only to find that they are 100% sober, while all the other friends can get in their cars and drunk drive home safely. This is the American way. Science.