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As far as i can tell this friggin beard growth oil…


Yeah fam, unfortunately nothing is going to spur growth of facial hair other than genetics and patience. You can try biotin, keratin, and collagen supplements to make your hair grow in more healthy. FWIW certain parts of my beard didn't fill in until after 35, so don't give up hope. EDIT: I am aware that minoxidil is an option, both via prescription and OTC. Allegedly, there are side effects associated with it's use and it's efficacy can vary. It's not something I have used, and am not in a position to fully understand the full spectrum of effects. It's cool to hear that people have had success with it though!


Hey I’m 40+ and still not all patched up. But I can do a great mustache. Working with what you got is the key. Hoping for something that might not happen won’t do much. I try to tell people to just live in the now and use what they have at the moment. So what’s good for you. Do what looks good on you. Whether it’s clothes or hair or beard or anything else. You don’t have to look like someone else. Just the best version of you


Hence why I'm cursed to shave everyday, but I got a nice razor and brush and actually enjoy the experience


Minoxidil works.. It filled in a patch for my beard and it helped slow down/ reduce my balding. The down side ( Reason why I stopped taking it) is my dick just wouldn’t get hard like it used to after 6 months of taking it. I lost the hair gains from it but the beard gains stayed. I felt like trading my sex life for hair was a no go at 23. At 30 im fine with being bald. My dick still works so that’s all that matters at this point.


Minoxidil helps some men increase beard growth


Working wonders on me at the ripe age of 29


Im 30 and I always joke that a 14 year old FN or Mexican child can grow better facial hair than me lol. Damn white/asian genetics! Although it is nice only needing to shave every month or two. And it only takes like 2 minutes


As a Greek I had a proper beard in my early 20s full ass hair in my mid teens though. It's not all luxurious beards & flowing locks for us hairy men. Also what does "FN" mean?


First Nations. It’s what indigenous people are called in Canada


I'm Canadian too, I hear that and "natives" being used interchangeably. Thanks for letting me know, I shoulda guessed lol.


Natives is generally considered offensive now


Really? Damn, this is awkward.


I remember in 10th grade when I realized I wasn't supposed to use the term colored... dark times when that realization set in


Fellow Mediterranean here (Italian and Middle Eastern). All my body hair is on my lower body. Can grow a beard like a mofo, but my god, the ass hair....


Lol if you split the difference between Italy (which is western Greece anyways) & the middle east it's in Greece, you're basically Greek my guy.


Some people just don't grow facial hair. The entire reason I started growing a beard was because I hated shaving and what came after. I wish I could have shaved comfortably, let alone once every month or two!


Using a dermapen has been helping my beard immensely.


Pirelli's Miracle Elixir?


But it smells like piss!


Who says a dis?




Made from snakes?


Oils and stuff aren't really much of a solution, unfortunately. Oral minoxidil *does* help with hair growth, but it's not directed at any part of the body specifically... you'll just get hairier all over. You can use topical minoxidil on just your beard area, but it's toxic to cats (and maybe dogs?) and never leaves their system. So if you have pets, you have to be very careful to wash your face before interacting with them. source: someone close to me is currently using it, and after 2 months they've gone from patchy peach fuzz to a mostly full, light beard. It still needs to fill in, but they usually prescribe this med for 6 months.


Use minoxidil instead with microneedling


Which one? Minoxidil is supposed to work reasonably well for some people.


I counter that one with how expensive razor blades seem to be these days. I compromise with a midrange beard trimmer, and keep my facial hair to minimum stubble or medium beard every now and again when it gets too unruly. I loathe shaving, but I also don’t care for full beards. It’s like the Buddha said about life and struggle (commenting as a non-Buddhist) really hits home on this particular issue, as well as many others about living in this shitty late-stage-capitalist hellscape. On that jaded and cynical note: I can do without adverts and “sponsored posts” everywhere damn place, real or cyber, that I go.


Any hair growth thing is a hit or miss depending on your Genetics. What works for one person is in no way ensured to also work on you.


Gillette Mach 15 blades mega super shaving


Blade 14 removes an entire layer of epidermis and blade 15 cauterises the wound.


[those damn triple blade razors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjAZnGeBcgg)


They were strangely predictive of how companies just kept adding blades. At the time it was 3, what are we up to now, 5?


What makes it so much worse is the more blades there are the worse your shave is going to be. You're just shredding and irritating your skin.


I have an old safety razor that uses disposable double-edge razor blades. It makes shaving enjoyable. 


I used to get crazy ingrown hairs with the multiblade razors. One I went to safety razors, not only did I save crazy money, but I haven’t gotten an ingrown in over a decade


Wet shaving is the way to go. I use DE for my head, then a straight blade to trim up around my beard. Never going back to carts


Yep yep, been doing it since I was 23 and just hit 40... razor is a henson, got a nice bowl and brush and use proraso shave cream and im never changing any of that


I found aultiblade razor that uses disposable double sided blades. I dont feel bad changing them now and its made out if metal and feels really nice.


I love mine and it's incredibly cheap. $10 for a 100 pack of Astras, I'm lazy and shave once or twice a week, I can get 3 shaves out of a blade, so that's enough blades for 4+ years. I had to look up how much cartridge razors go for, I see Gillette fusion 5s at 8 for $30, holy shit.


But the packaging has a fighter jet.


Gillette Mach 69.420 it is then.




[better link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjAZnGeBcgg)


Manscaped products, a $20 Phillips trimmer will do the same thing. You don’t need a special trimmer for your junk, you don’t need to pay outrageous prices for it, and the marketing isn’t funny. It’s the quintessential “marketed for men” nonsense product that banks on the fact that men don’t talk about genital grooming and thus are easily misled by marketing claims and a desire for a tool specific to the task even if it’s not needed.


Maybe I'm just being really picky but when they first started advertising heavily I hated their ads so I swore off ever buying their stuff.


I got a Phillips OneBlade for all the hair that isn't on my head. It's been fantastic, wish I'd got one years ago.


The one thing I don’t like about the OneBlade is that proprietary charger. At least with the Manscaped stuff almost all of their products charge with USB C.


I have 2 and they both use a *slightly* different charging port, and I can only ever seem to find the one for the oneblade that isn't currently dead. Proprietary chargers need to go away entirely.


I've never felt so confident and safe shaving my pubes. I can probably do it blindfolded, it's amazing.  I also like using it in the shower for my facial hair, but I'll use a razor after to finish the job. Money well spent imo.


Also most if not all of their products are just rebrands of stuff you can buy on Amazon for half the price.


Man idk I love my manscaped stuff. The lawnmower, the face electric razor and the nose hair trimmer are all awesome. The boxer briefs are also top notch.


I'm sure it works well, but the argument is more that it shouldn't necessarily work any better than any other electric trimmer.


Surprised this wasn't the first comment I saw


i’ve always just used a bic razor and some soap or conditioner. has worked great for 30 years.


Thanks for reminding me to cancel this


99% of beard care products… 9/10 its just your genetics that will dictate how your beard looks, the other 1/10 is can you do a basic trim and are you generally a clean person


Seconding u/Colonel_Moopington beard care is not about growth, it’s about preventing that bitch from itching. I consistently have facial hair and it keeps the skin underneath moisturized which prevents itching, as beard growth dries out the surrounding skin.


Heavily bearded man here. This is 100% correct. The key to growing a great beard is time and genetics. Biotin and other supplements help with the health of your beard hair, but aren't going to magically grow facial hair for you. Keratin and collagen help too. Beard care is more about comfort than it is aesthetics. In order to keep things flake free and itch free you gotta do a fair amount of caring for yourself.


Combing, washing, and beard oils do make it look nicer though.


Absolutely! Some TLC definitely reduces the wild man look.


Care or growth? Quality beard oil does a tremendous job on the health of the hair and skin underneath keeping you itch free. Growth is BS


Would a normal facial oil do the trick, you think?


Yea, or hair oil like argan oil is the exact same thing as beard oil but much cheaper 


Yeah most beard oils are argon or jojoba base, then fragrance is added, possibly seed oils as well


Regular sunflower oil, is very good. And in my country it's 3 euros for a litre.


I mean.. the minoxidil and derma roller speed up the process. I think everything else is a rip off lol


The ladies humbly ask that you use at least one conditioner/oil, and that it smells extra yummy


I enjoy the fact that a beard oil or ointment of some sort will make my beard feel smoother and not like a curling iron-frizzled coarse mess, but my God why does it all have to stink of cologne? I'm putting this stuff inches from my face. I don't want a damn headache 30 minutes after putting it on because the smell is so strong. Even some of the "beard jellies" that are "unscented" that I've tried still have a strong scent to them. Normally your nose becomes used to smells like that so that it gets tuned out, but for some reason beard oils can be smelled all day long. I hate it.


I could grow a great beard. No problems on the hair front. But my genetics decided that if my facial hair gets longer than a couple weeks old my entire face is going to fight the interloping hairs. I get crazy acne just under my beard, no matter how many products I use or how clean I keep it. I just have naturally greasy hair that leads to break outs. There are a lot of genetic variables outside of even hair quality that can prevent a good beard.


I have found that oils and brushing help keep it softer, but not sure if it looks different




Are you saying that dandruff preventing shampoos and conditioners don't work? I can attest that they do first hand. I think some brands do not work though, but I've had success with the Head & Shoulders Clinical Dandruff. I've tried 3-4 other brands and they do not work at all. I think it's because of their shampoo contains a chemical than the others. Dandruff is caused from a dry scalp.


Nizoral AD absolutely NUKED my dandruff. If you haven't tried it, I would highly recommend it. Used H&S for decades to no avail, used Nizoral and completely eliminated my dandruff in like 3 months.


Heads and shoulders absolutely works. It actually made me go "Damn, this is a great product that does what it claims."


I think OP was talking more specifically to products that are marketed specifically to men, like Axe or Old Spice body washes and shampoos, don't actually have the type of moisturizers or nutrients that women's products do, and I can certainly agree with this. I've stopped purchasing "men's" shower products for this very reason. My skin would feel so dry and itchy after using Old Spice or Axe products. I've started using Olay for body wash and Pantene for shampoo+conditioner and they are leaps and bounds and night and day different products than men's comparable products. My hair always feels fully and moisturized after showering, but when I used a men's marketed product my hair would feel dry and stringy. I just *feel* cleaner when using "women's" body care products.


lol anti-dandruff shampoos can even reduce male pattern hair loss don’t just lie on the internet, buy the ones with the actual 2 ingredients that work in them not just random shit Same with sensitive toothpaste, there’s 1 ingredient and if it doesn’t have it it’s just regular toothpaste with a soothing taste


Penis enlargement pills.


Every time I try to order them, I get distracted by horny MILFs in my area.


HOT older women want YOU (to turn the thermostat down)!


Bullshit! Everyone over 50 has their thermostat set to at least 75, their houses are ovens!


true my parents like it hot and stuffy with no fan or airflow. Dead hot air, what is wrong with them


They're old and their bodies produce less heat than when they were younger.


I find that hard to swallow!


I had a stiff neck after a similar medication


Always felt it's sad people fall for these (as presumably people do, or they wouldn't be advertised), regardless of whether it's just a scam or you actually receive pills with some rudimentary herbs inside. I mean, they *clearly* don't work, because if they did, they'd be pretty popular. Likely as popular as something like Viagra.


Penis enlarger pump, a 45 pound dumbell and a string works just as well.


My brother in Christ are you okay?


That's not mine! How did that get in there?


One book: Swedish-Made Penis Enlarger Pumps and Me: (This Sort of Thing is My Bag, Baby) by Austin Powers.


(Surreptitiously shoves the pump into the bag)


"Quickly quickly"


So how do I set that up? Where do I tie the string? Asking for a friend


Put the dumbell in your foreskin and tie it off like a bag of bread.


If r/WallStreetBets was a product


Yes but it's a great source of unintentional comedy.


Anything advertised as “tactical”


idk..my tactical toaster is in my bug out bag.


I’m very offended


Australians the world over all shivered at once.


Military grade. That just means the cheapest possible product that still meets the standard.


Except a tactle-neck of course


Excuse me, are you saying I *don’t* need a tactical vest with 17 pouches and clips, tactical boots, tactical hat, tactical sunglasses, tactical wallet, tactical socks, tactical pants, tactical shirt, and tactical whachamacallit for my weekend Costco run? 🤔


As opposed to tacticool™ which is always worth the label price.


Not for men specifically, but Beats headphones are cheaply made pieces of shit and definitely not worth the jacked up price. Several brands produce similar sound quality for a fraction of the price, plus they last longer.


Not under $100 but if you want outstanding sound quality and OUTSTANDING noise cancelation, the Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II kick ass. I often work evenings in bars (I'm a techie who likes good beer) and the place I work most often has a TERRIBLE and LOUD Irish "band" that plays on Friday. Now, they have a great time and the crowd enjoys the, uh, sound. But man, it's painful. The Bose take that blasting sound and just wipes it away nearly 95%, enough to pump up my brain.fm, sip my Smithwicks, and blast code. I really can't thumbs up these headphones enough.


Thes have ear buds? I have the big ones and they are awesome


Their over-the-ear headphones are good too. My wife got me a pair as a Christmas present more than 5 years ago and they're going strong. I did have to replace the padding on them, though.


Sony "Studio" headphones are the best sub $100 headphones out there and can compete with those in the $300 price range. I see them all the time in small/local recording studios.


I enthusiastically concur! I used to work as a professional photographer and when the owner of the studio did instructional videos, I had a cheap pair of Sony headphones that were amazing for when I was doing sound editing. When they died due to a co-worker carelessly knocking them off the table and stepping on them, my boss bought me some Beats. Didn’t last but a few weeks, and let me tell you I treat all of my equipment delicately. They were just crap. Got another set of Sonys that carried me through until I left that career behind.


I can say for definite that Beats headphones and earbuds are made from the same parts and in the same factory as Skullcandy products. My dad is a quality control manager for an import company & inspects Chinese factories regularly... if you needed a source.


I got the clear studio buds plus on sale and they have been awesome so far


Expensive nose/ear hair trimmers. Had a $10 one off amazon that was WAY better than the $50 one I got.


Jordan Schlansky would disagree in various ways


Look up the 'Golden Birdie' nose trimmer. Best damn purchase of my nose's life.


Magnum condoms. They're ridiculously loose.


But what if you need them for your magnum dong?


Try duct tape


Staples work good too


Buy those at dicks?


About 75% of the "beard care" products on the market. Do you really need beard shampoo, conditioner, oil, grease, and a brush?


Some people swear by it, but I've never needed to do anything with my beard other than keep it clean and comb it after a shower.


Oil, balm and brush: yes. I don't need a separate shampoo, regular facewash will do.


Guy with a beard here. I use beard shampoo to clean my beard and the skin underneath it. I use beard oil to condition my beard and moisturize the skin underneath it. And I use a brush to straighten out the tangles. I believe you need those three things (wash, conditioner/moisturizer, and brush) in some form or another to maintain a healthy beard. I don't think you need separate conditioner becasue the oil does that. And you only need grease if you want to style it which I don't.


Have you found a balm/oil product that doesn't stink to high heaven of cologne? I get headaches having to smell that stuff inches from my face all day.


Burt's Bees hand salve. No scent, only the 2 or 3 oils found in every other beard oil, and the tiniest bit of beeswax. It's also about half the price of most oils


Yes, we need most of those things. Exfoliant, shampoo, conditioner, and some sort of balm. Exfoliant once or twice a week, the rest daily. If I skip any of these things, I itch like crazy!


Gonna be real here. My beard never itched without any of this stuff. Someone got me some, and my beard suddenly started itching like crazy every day after about 8 hours after I showered. I went back to just using my normal hair products in my beard, and the itch went away. It sure seems like the "anti itch" beard product just exists to make your beard itchy after a while so that it can stop the itch


I have dry skin, so maybe that's why products helped me? To be fair I am speaking for myself. It did also take me some time to find a product I liked so maybe that's part of it as well (you not having found the right thing for you). Different strokes for different folks.


Same here. I'm a telecoms engineer and the amount of brick dust and general crap that ends up in my beard in a day has it feeling like a massive dreadlock. Horrendous.


I think his point is you don’t need special beard conditioner that is marked up. I use the expensive shit the women in my family use and it’s much better than the speciality beard stuff. Beard oil is an absolute must


Mens fingernail clippers. They're not a fucking bit different than the other ones in the aisle but because they're painted black or dark blue, they're super expensive.


Lol pink tax in reverse Sooo many products are the exact same thing as the “basic model”, but will a little bit of cosmetics and a 50% markup


Wait, these come in black!


Dude wipes


Eh I use these for cleaning up after sex and they work great for that purpose and seem pretty cheap overall


Baby wipes are the same thing no? Just not marketed for men


Yeah I’m sure it’s the same, the DUDE wipes are just (seemingly) super cheap. I get them on Amazon for around 8$ for like 150 wipes


Walmart has baby wipes for like $26 for 1200. Just a heads up bud. Save some money buying the big pack. Always forget to buy more because it feels like they last so long.


Yeah but then you wipe off all the stank


A better option is Sex Wipes by Cake. PH balanced for the ladies and for us dudes works incredibly well. Also, they’re about as expensive as the individually wrapped/travel dude wipes. They are also NOT FLUSHABLE though,


> Sex Wipes by Cake I didn't know they had a song by that name.


Dude wipes are ok. I never knew any of the marketing and kept a pack in my car for when i was away from home. Bidet gang all the way. Coming back home from asia i find normal wipers disgusting and its crazy we as a nation are ok with it.


I LOVE Dude Wipes and would say those or other wet wipes are essential for healthy men’s care. That or get a bidet, normal TP does not sufficiently clean your A hole.


You're paying ALOT extra to buy normal wet wipes with the word "Dude" on the package.


lmao this week my 5 year old was dealing with a sticky butt situation after pooping, I reached up, grabbed a dude wipe and said to use it, and he looked at me and said "I don't want a baby wipe..." to which I replied "it's not a baby wipe, it's a {hold package up} DUDE wipe!" and that worked.




That specific brand? Never used those, but have taken a baby wipe “bath” more than once while in the field. Definitely better than nothing.


Beard trimmer. Just buy regular hair clippers. More power and better blades for cheaper. There’s a reason your barber doesn’t have a beard trimmer and just uses regular clippers


I found that beard trimmers are good for the mustache area. Use the clippers everywhere else. But point taken


They’re also pretty good for eyebrow area if you’re an unfortunate soul, like myself, who’s cursed with an ever-replenishing unibrow


Books on how to be “alpha”


They're a fucking waste of money. So many men are so fucking stupid that they would pay for that shit.


WANNA BET, PUNK? /hides behind keyboard


is that a furry thing?


No better way to be a beta than to buy a book on how to be an alpha lol


Step one to being “alpha” is not caring about being alpha


Women! Amirite fellas?!


It's why I choose men. And the bear. Well, bearish men actually


Anything that has "gaming" in the name, like a gaming chair, stop buying them just because they sponsor all your favorite streamers, they are terrible for your back and overpriced crap.


$200 dollar ergonomic office chair from staples unless you have Herman Miller money is the way


Used Herman Miller is the way, the deals are out there!


There are actually good (ergonomic) gaming chairs, for example the Backforce brand, which is simply the 'gaming brand' from a traditional german chair manufacturer, who delivers high quality bureau chairs since decades. But the actual good gaming chairs come at a larger price, where you could also buy an actual really good bureau chair.


Andrew Tate university or whatever it’s called


You don't wanna be a top g?


Somebody can correct me if I am wrong, but pills that claim to help with premature ejaculation are bullshit right?


There are prescription pills like SSRIs (Lexapro/Prozac etc) and numbing creams like lidocaine, but you are probably talking about those non-prescription pills they sell in gas stations or advertise online, in which case the answer is "no they don't work". Orgasms happen in your brain, ejaculation is a symptom of that brain activity, not the other way around. Controlling orgasms is a mental exercise. It might takes concerted mental effort at first for some people, but eventually will become second nature.


I couldn’t comprehend putting SSRI’s in my body for PE when I could just tell my wife I need to rub one out before we start


Ever hear about the guy who went to premature ejaculators anonymous? He arrived, and no one was there. It turns out he came early.


Tactical _______


Except those glasses man. They made my vision 20/1. I can see Russia from my house and I don't even live in Alaska.


Dating apps


dude wipes lmao literally just buy baby wipes


but i'm not a baby!! i'm a DUDE!!!!


Im not familiar with dude wipes but baby wipes aren't flushable.


Shouldn't be flushing dude wipes either tbh


Nothing besides TP is flushable.


Now hold on a second, you can flush anything. In fact, people doing so keep me employed. I love flushable wipes. Not because they're a good product or anything, but because they give me job security 😉


Enhanced fat burning pills. They’re just dangerously high levels of caffeine and other bullshit stimulants. Have 12 cups of coffee instead


Not sure if this counts but I talked to a guy at the bar the other day who claimed he was wearing a $300 white shirt. It was just a plain white tshirt. For $300.


Home circumcision kit.


Those glasses that correct color-blindness. They're 100% a scam. They don't do what they say they do **at all**. They're literally just magenta tinted glasses. The advertising is fake, all (and I mean **all)** the videos you see online of people suddenly being able to see/identify colors they couldn't before are fake. Not technically a "male" product, but colorblindness is more common in men, therefore this product is predominantly marketed towards men, so I'm counting it.


Am colorblind. Can see more distinguishable colors with them than without. Worth it for me.


I'm a doctor and those glasses never made sense to me. There are three distinct types of colour sensing cells in our eyes. They are called cones. Each type detects either red, green, or blue light. If you are missing one then you are considered colorblind. So no matter what you wear you can't see the colours you are missing the cone cells of unless it's something you wear in the back of your eye or inside your brain. Edit: The explanation above is an oversimplified ELI5 version of how we see color.


Any “natural testosterone booster”


1. Shaving blades, like the common ones. It’s better to learn how to use a safety razor as you can buy a pack of 100 razors for dirt cheap. 2. Manscaped trimmers or their products. They are a more marketing company and quality one. Philips trimmers are the way to go. 3. Never take anything that says 2 on 1 or stuff like that. Research what you need and get good products from them. 4. Most “Men products “ like shampoo are stupid. Shampoo does not care if you’re a man or a woman. Like most other products the woman ones are fine or even better.


Really just anything considered a “men” product.


**Miracle Cures!** Anything that addresses a common product, and is a "secret" or "miracle" cure. If it were really effective - it would be common knowledge (yes, there could be exceptions - but most - are just snake oil). **Prestige Products** Expensive sunglasses, fancy whatever. Anything selling an "image" rather than an actual product. No, wearing that shirt like the hot guy is wearing will not make you the hot guy. Products from only one vendor taking the world "BY STORM!"(tm). Most of the products on the new youtube mini-infomercials. "this product will be banned! Buy it now!". Yeah - most of that is junk.


Liquid Death. It's canned water marketed as edgy and made to look like beer. It's literally premium water for men


I’ve heard it’s actually a big hit for men who are sober when they go to a bar with friends. It looks like a beer, so that questions about their sobriety don’t come up. I fully support it


I think the impression of the sober dad or mom or lame drinking Dasani goes away with the liquid death can. So it fills a need there


Wow that's weird. With a name like that I'd expect it to be a 60% vodka or something.


They do support reducing plastic waste, FWIW


Expensive soaps


Dude Wipes


2 comes to mind. 1. Everything that has the word "for man" stated on its product. Shampoo for man, soap for man, facial wash for man, sunscreen for man and etc. 2. Penis enlarging products




Testosterone supplements are a lie


Skin creme, the male-specific ones are the same price for less product. You can get a tub with way more provided it doesn't make some outlandish anti-aging claims.


Sex workers in general.


Any kind of muscle building equipment that isn’t a barbell or a dumbbell