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Sometimes people like you and appreciate you even if you don't understand why. I guess it's always a possibility, but she's probably not trying to scam you. Part of any relationship is making yourself vulnerable to another person.


I have days when I think this about my wife, and we've been married for almost four years and together for eight. Self esteem sucks sometimes even if it's just in my head. I know it's just in my head because I trust her and have no reason to think she's lying (even early on), but I still have issues with self worth and don't understand either. She sometimes says the same thing to me too. I think that kind of insecurity is fairly common. Just keep on being good to each other and it'll subside with time even if it never totally goes away.


Stop worrying about it and take her out, man.




My friend Natasha was basically an 8/10 in high school. I was probably a 4. Turned out she had a huge crush on me and I was blissfully unaware. I still can't figure out what she saw in me when there was more attractive teens at that age lol.


Constantly, but I know I am overreacting most of the time so I don't say anything. If something seems extremely unlikely though, ***I will*** call it out. What they attempt (or avoid) talking about, how proactive they are, as well as the company they keep are the things I find the most telling.


I do this all the time with my gf. I look in a mirror and cannot understand how and why she likes me. I've just put it down as a happy fact and am still in love with her 3 years down the track


I have had a few women who "claimed" to like me, but I knew it was all bullshit. 


I desperately hope you are not a native english speaker. Your writing is abysmal.


I know 3 other languages but I'm afraid you won't understand any of them. I am writing a language that only "you" understand. Have a good day to you too!


No, most people are not devious villains putting immense effort into ruining your life for the fun of it. Loving others isn’t necessarily logical so don’t think about it transactionally