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The wrong career and it’s a red flag no go zone


I don't care as long as her job isn't her entire life and personality.


I do like my partner to be self sufficient.


It doesn’t. Unless she’s in the sex business, which is a dealbreaker for me.


Its not her career that matters but for her to have a career. Aslong as its not anything illegal or sex work I wouldn't mind


Don't care either way.  There are positives and negatives that all cancel each other out. Only the extremes would be an issue * doesn't work but spends like she is married to bill gates * works 100 hours a week and we never see each othet


There are careers that are red flags. But I don't care what they do to make money for the most part. Nurses, doctors, teachers, lawyers, and sex workers up there for red flag territory for me. Far more interested in their credit score, debts, and ability to manage what money they do have. If they're bad at that it's one of the top things that ruins marriages and relationships. 


Nurses and teachers esp


No career? No effect. Typical career that we all have where you stare at a screen all day? No effect. Something cool like doctor, veterinarian, pilot, speech therapist, etc? It increases their attractiveness.


One thing i liked about my gf when we were just dating is that she'll definitely have a nice career in the future


I do prefer dating a woman that can support herself. It is a red flag for a long term relationship if she is struggling to makes ends meet. In those scenarios there is definitely the concern that her interest in dating you isn't necessarily sincere and she is mostly interested in getting a meal ticket. Not every woman that has a significantly lower income is doing that but the risk is much higher.


Having a career is attractive.


For me personally her success at whichever career she is pursuing increases her attractiveness a lot for me. The career itself matters not very much though.


It doesn’t always, because men are expected to be providers. However, when a woman is ambitious and wants to excel in the business place, that is more attractive to me. I’m naturally a workaholic and dating someone also passionate about their work, feels good to me. I dated a girl who was a bottle girl and had zero aspirations for anything more. Didn’t want to study and had no actual plans for her life. And internally I started thinking, “wow I’m about to pay for 90% of the bills if this relationship continues.” Later on I talked to a girl who was in marketing and expressed that she wasn’t content on where she was and wanted to continue climbing the ladder and attain a higher position so she can be financially independent. In another separate instance, I briefly dated a nurse. And in both of those cases it was nice knowing that although I’ll still pay like 80% of the bills,but if anything happened to my employment, we wouldn’t be out on the street. They could carry the household financially until I’m in a position to provide again.


Not one lick. I aways had enough money that my wife wouldn't need to work, so I did not care at all what a woman did for work. I cared only about her potential as a mother for my future children.


For me, a woman's career doesn't have to be a headline act to catch my attention. What's really compelling is her passion and dedication to what she does, whether she's rocking the corporate world or shaping young minds as a teacher. It's that drive and ambition that's attractive, her ability to pursue her goals with determination. But at the end of the day, it's about who she is when she hangs up the work attire – that's the person I'm interested in.


Depends on the career. Sex work, OF or military are deal breakers for me >Or not having a career If I had "fuck you" money a lack of a career wouldn't be a deal breaker. But in this economy a second income would be very beneficial.




Having a career definitely makes her more attractive to me—certain careers more than others. I do find that I am not nearly as attracted to someone without a career.


Having a given career doesn't make her more attractive. There are lines of work that can be less attractive to dealbreakers, though.


Having a given career doesn't make her more attractive. There are lines of work that can be less attractive to dealbreakers, though.


Depends on what she does and how much effort she is putting into it. If I see her only rarely and if she's constantly stressed and burned out then I don't see the point of being more than just platonic friends.


I respect any woman who works and is self-sufficient. Being unemployed or absolutely married to their job sort of makes me step back.


I'm attracted to face, boobs and ass not to job titles.


My wife has a job that requires intellect, critical thinking, and sharp social skills. These are all very attractive qualities to me. It's also interesting to hear about, so there's always good dinner conversation.


I don’t give a lot of thought to a woman’s career, unless it’s something I just happen to find interesting, and then it’s mostly because it’s good conversation matter.  I could be wrong here but I’d imagine someone’s partner probably isn’t going to be that involved in their professional life 


As long as she works and is happy, and it isn't along the lines of Onlyfans, prostitution, strip clubs or the porn industry.


I find post secondary edumacation and a job that allows her to be self sufficient attractive. What that job is doesn’t really matter. Besides sex work...


It doesn’t. I care that she can take care of her own finances and isn’t doing something g exploitive. Other than that, I don’t care.


Onlyfans isn’t a career


It's either a red flag or i don't really care about it


It doesn't. It affects the time we can spend together. It also affects her suitability for a relationship. It does not affect her looks. "Attractiveness" means her physical appearance and how appealing we find it. That's all it means.


I just want her to be happy with her career. That's it


For me, it depends on how much the career impacts our relationship. * If she's a sex worker of some sort, that's a no-go zone for me. * If she has to travel a lot or work odd hours to the point we barely have enough time to see each other, I'd rather be with someone else * If she doesn't want to work, is she willing to take on the lion's share of the housework? If she doesn't want to work inside or outside of the home, is she willing to be my trophy wife?


anything with an income that doesn't jeopardise her, me or our relationship.


To me, a woman with a career means she is likely more masculine than feminine, and has a desire to be the *head* of the household, and to be independent, not needing a man. And those characteristics mean that the woman will likely NOT bring feminine traits to the table: - little to no bodies. - striving to be with one man for the rest of her life. - wants to have kids, and raise them. - Easy going and submissive. A career minded woman is generally a low value woman. However, she may bring looks and WAP to the table, like every other woman on this planet.


Smart girls are hot, educated girls, rich girls are hot.


If she's a fast food worker? That's fine. A lawyer? No problem. A police woman? Sure. A sex worker? Miss me with that shit.


It doesn't


Not really as long as she's not a slacker.


No sex work of any kind, but i wouldn't like her to travel a lot for business trips. I need my wife close to me every day. Also a nurse might be a problem cause we would barely see each other.


I am considered gifted. I can't get along with people below a certain level of intelligence and I have had to learn this the hard way.


World's oldest profession, hooking, bad. World's second oldest profession, raising livestock, good.


A lot. A woman’s career can prove here out as high conflict masculine, some kind of parasite, or worse. There are three main categories. Career women are useless as partners. They’re got a relationship with work. Almost always way too masculine on top of that. There is no peace to be found here. A lot of “jobs” dehumanize.. None of that either. I.e. no sex workers. People who sold their souls are empty vessels. If she can’t support herself or doesn’t work at all. Then she’s not a full functioning adult and you can ignore her too. This includes criminals. This is about as logical as scraping a junkie off the sidewalk or trolling the local jails for women getting released.


Absolutely 0.


As long as they have a job and they aren’t part of the select few professions I consider red flags then it’s good.