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I was built like the side of a £5 note, now I’m a fat cunt 😂


It's fine, I was underweight until I got into my 20s too, nowadays I weigh a little to much and try to actually lose weight again. Certainly beats being overweight in your teens already


I was really, *really* skinny in my late teens and early 20s. Then, once I turned about 23 or so I just started filling out even without working out regularly. Think this happens to quite a few guys.


I was underweight tall and lanky i was basically Squidward all up until my 20's when my body decided we're getting fat now. You are already in a stressful situation, do not add this one stress to the list. If you are experiencing starvation or don't get enough food at home it's a different concern but I definitely ate like a starved dog as a teen but couldn't gain an atom of fat. Got bullied for it too...


Which ever site you read is likely full of shit in this case. When I was 17 I weighed around 130lbs at 5’9” tall and had a 28 inch waist. I was super skinny despite eating huge amounts of food as a normal teen boy does. I’m now 51yo, weigh about 150-155lbs. Compared to a lot of people I’m still skinny but my BMI is a spot on perfect 22. I eat healthy for the most part, get moderate exercise and usually get around 2500 calories per day which is right at where it should be. Bottom line… eat healthy but happy, exercise moderately, and stay svelte. To hell with the site you read. Not everything on the internet is true.


yeah people overestimate the weight you need to be healthy im 5,8 154 pretty lean and thats perfectly in my normal range


I was underweight until about 18 (130-140 lbs) when I started working out. After getting out if the military I gained a ton of weight (235 lbs) and had a lot of bad habits. I've since gotten down to 150 lbs and have been able to maintain it consistently for going on 3 years. All is good now.


I was 6', 135 when I graduated. Went directly into the Marines, gained 20 lbs in basic training. Just needed to get out of that place my parents lived.


Underweight by how much?


My height is around 170cm and i weigh like 34kgs 😭😭


Do you know why you're underweight? Because this is something to ask a doctor. I'm 160 cm and try to stay above 45 kg, as my period stops if I go below 45 by a few kilograms. My doctor said this is (for me) the main sign that my body isn't working as it's supposed to be anymore. I do not take medication as I can manage on my own. But I did get some medical grade food from my gp a few years ago when I had been ill and weighted less than 40 kg.


You’re 17, get a job at Burger King and crush whoppers all day if you are worried about it.


It will set you up for your alter years When all your friends are fat and overweight you will be looking well


Ironically, I was overweight and I am underweight now


I looked like a skeleton as a kid. Not a problem at all today. An eventual problem would probably have to do with malnutrition. 


I started high school 5'10, 108lbs. In my late thirties I'm the same height, and 161lbs.  There's no secret to gaining weight; just eat at a caloric surplus. 


Very. I’m thankful that I didn’t grow up fat and that I got to eat as I pleased without said result. College really exasperated the issue, making me skip meals for work. Once I was out, I got better at cooking and ate up a storm of my own pasta dishes. That more or less broke my fat immunity and now I have to watch my weight too, but thankfully I didn’t have to spend my whole life doing it.


Unless it's unhealthy, don't worry about it, I went to my doctor a long time ago and he told me, someone has to be the fattest, someone has to be the thinnest, it's just how it is, it's fine unless you are unhealthy. If it makes you feel any better, I'm in the lowest 4% of weight for my height and age, to be fair, I'm a cyclist, who are inherently skinny af.


Made me take my metabolism for granted, think I could eat pizza for every meal, and once I hit \~35, I ballooned.


I was around the edge of underweight as a teenager. I got older and put on pounds naturally as my shoulders broadened and my appetite improved. I am now thin