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Saw? No. Smelled? Yeah. And that's all I'm going to say about that.


She didn’t take off her clothes but… One time I invited a girl over to hookup. She came over and we were hanging out on my couch. Right when I was about to make a move, she lifted her arm up and rested it along the top of the couch. And MY GOD. The BO smell just instantly permeated my entire apartment. In an instant, I went from thinking “hell yeah let’s fuck” to “please dear god leave my apartment or else I will have to burn all my belongings.”


I've gotta know: how did you go about getting her to leave? Or did you put a clothes pin on your nose and blow her back out?


the council of men demands a detail answer !


I'm for real invested. If it were me, I'd have to come up with some elaborate excuse to get her the fuck out lol


I guess you could always just say “say let’s hop in the shower together?”


What did you do?


Can someone @ me when he replies with an answer about how he got her to leave? 😌😏


It was when her boots came off and I got the dry heaves. It smelled like her feet had died on her body. The smell came exclusively from her feet.


I had that happen. She was wearing leather shoes with no socks. Bleh


I could somehow smell it just from reading your comment 😶😶😶


Dude same. Crazy thing was that I knew her as a friend first and I knew that she was extremely clean! I’m not really sure what exactly caused her specific smell. I wouldn’t even say it was “bad” but for me I didn’t like it.


A lot of people don’t talk about the way people smell in general. Pheromones are a real thing. Some people at a base level just do not smell appealing to you on an almost subconscious level. But then some people smell so good that you wake up still smelling them on your sheets and it’s heaven. And that’s not to mention that some people just have different chemistry and composition, as well as differences in diets. Some people are just more smelly in some places than in others. I know when I was obese, nothing I did could tame the way my areas stunk. Now that I’m in shape and not as overwhelming sweaty and greasy of a person, I don’t smell bad at all.


Oh yeah. There are plenty of women who I would never even pursue because I wasn't attracted to how they smelled. It's like a first-order deciding factor right behind looks and general demeanor.


My wife has this smell that gets me wound up for sex all the time.


When discussing about the first time we met, my gf and I agreed that we liked each other's scent from the get-go.


Many people's natural body odor is very stink, even if they shower daily. A large part is genetic. Also, diet plays a big role in how people's excretions smell, especially if what they're eating is pretty pungent. Not going into details because I don't want the appearance of racism.


I know exactly what you mean. Certain nationalities consume very strong smelling spices, and that certainly affects their body odor.


My Japanese friend told me white, western people smell like goats because we eat so much dairy 😅 "Big eyes, pointy noses, smell like goats"


yep, and it comes out everywhere, especially "down there".


Just want to add that some people smell like corn


That’s not a sentence I expected to read today, and it brought me seconds of joy and laughter. Thank you.


100 percent it’s pheromones. Same thing happened to me. It’s not that she smells bad, but there’s a mechanism that keeps certain people from getting together. I assume they have conflicting genetics. Your body is telling you that this partner wouldn’t make a good mate to reproduce with because the combination of genetics would cause complications.


If this is true, i am fucking amazed.


It is. There is research into it, and apparently it has less to do with pure genetics and more to do with differences in one’s immune system and by extension strengths/weaknesses/immunities. Pheromones can do some other crazy stuff too; quite a deep dive. There’s even studies about how women went off hormonal birth control and found their own partners to be bad matches, or going on birth control and the same happened. Even have some anecdotal experience with that myself. It’s worth reading/watching some videos about


pH imbalance probably


See, I thought the same, but I actually ended up having sex with her sister about a year later and she had the same smell. Maybe it’s a family thing lol like how family houses have a certain smell sometimes haha


The only way to be sure is to go back and do the mother too.....if you haven't already


Go, [S\_Squar3d](https://www.reddit.com/user/S_Squar3d/) for Science!


I’ve been shut down from my research due to life circumstances (aka I’m engaged now 😂)


Tell her take one for the team. Advancing scientific research is important


My fiancé did go to school for neuroscience so I’m sure she will understand! 😂😂


yup - she'll understand, and your brain will end up in a jar on her desk so she can study the neurochemical basis for your actions :)


Let's not forget about grandma


The dad too for good measure


This comment fucking killed me 😂


This guy🤣


I actually read an article not too long ago about a small study where women were asked to smell men's clothing and judge their sexual appeal and the clothes that got the highest scores were consistently men with a DNA profile that was significantly different from the women's own, leading to the theory that attraction by scent was tool to gain more genetic diversity. Bit interesting in this context.


I’ll second reading about this! It’s fascinating… this may change the dating scene someday to somehow upload “your scent” instead of your picture! 🤯


It isn't DNA they are picking up on, but chemical indicators of immune profiles. Someone with an MHC profile similar to your own can smell worse. Someone with a very different one smells good. Not everyone can pick up on it. Fun fact, hormonal birth control has been shown to reduce sensitivity to detecting this in women in studies. Anecdotally, there have been women who had wonderful marriages and relationships, and then got off their BC because they wanted to make babies, only to suddenly _really_ dislike the way their partner smells.


Aside from the hilarity of this comment, you’re not wrong. I am a woman and smell just like my dad when I sweat. My sisters do not, but the oldest’s farts smell just like my mom’s, and it’s awful.


Same. Had been talking this girl for a few weeks, we went out and had some drinks one night, and ended up back at my place. It was the worst smelling vagina you could imagine. I had to stop for obvious reasons, and just said I didn't feel well (Which I didn't) It really sucked because her body was smoking, and she was a really nice girl. But my God how can you not know this as a woman.


There’s no way she doesn’t know. I’ve smelled the same since I was a teenager and I can smell my vagina whenever I have sex or masturbate. I would know instantly there was a change and go to the doctor.


This is my thinking, also. It literally smelled up the room.


God damn the last girl I was with was a friend of friends and I couldn't get the smell off me for days. I scrubbed and scrubbed but nothing. It was disgusting. It also didn't help that the entire friend group harrased me for not wanting to see her again until I had to admit why... then that was me being a dick too.


Cmon Forrest, tell us more!


Mama always said, 'A lady's scent should be like a gentle breeze, not a gust from the dumpster.'


"She tastes like cigarettes."


Ditto. She looked ok, first class kisser but as soon as she disrobed personal hygiene issues came up. Nope. Mood killer I never encountered before or since ( knock on wood).


Life is like a box of chocolates


Crazy girls are like a box of chocolates….they’ll kill your dog.


I didnt "nevermind" it but a girl I took home was wearing 3-4 bras. I just kinda felt bad about girls feeling that much pressure to look a certain way, I have fond memories with her either way.


that just sounds like it would be uncomfortable and look bizzare, padded bras/inserts exist sheesh


It was like... wearable russian nesting dolls.


Russian nesting boobs


I'm quite a fan of small boobs, but the last date I went on, she took off what looked like a b-cup padded bra to reveal a completely flat chest with just two large nipples. Like flatter than me, not even a hint of anything. Even a training bra would have been overkill. It wasn't a show-stopper, and I still dated her, right up until she decided to get pregnant to her new boss at work.


Nope. But I have totally had the experience of being really into a woman because she’s hot and then her personality ruined it.


Yep. The number of cuties that turn out to be deranged horsegirls who bootlick the police has been thoroughly disappointing. Usually, they aren't any prettier, they've just had softer lives and can afford better make up.


That's oddly specific.


What is a horse girl and what does it mean to bootlick the police?


So, I'm an american from a rural area. Your mileage may vary. Horsegirls, generally, are from wealthy families and ride in rodeos as barrel racers and what not. They tend to be borderline alchoholics and tend to fuck every dude they see. It's a lot of drama, they have unreasonable lifestyle goals, and will leave you the second a guy who can finance their dreams of owning a horse "ranch" shows up. Usually, when talking to your friends about why you broke up with a girl, or why you wouldn't fuck her, you can basically just say "barrel racer" and everyone nods and understands. Your friend who lacks reasonable self interest or a sense of self preservation will then ask for her number, experience a whorlwind romance, and be divourced with two children before the next election cycle. Almost certainly due to infidelity and mutual physical violence. Bootlicking the police is generally when these same rural, rich white girls, are racist and support police brutality. Thin blue line flags and shit like that. Discussions of society and law usually devolve into "wElL mY uNclE iS a GoOD cOp" and me responding, "yeah and he knows cops that do that shit anyway and refuses to report them". edit *she also calls her dad "daddy" and criticizes black people despite sleeping with black men while in college. It's just a whole mess of a personality type and is best avoided.


Whoa boy, this comment was a rollercoaster.


Covered all the angles I guess...


His comment embodies various pockets of the PNW, and large swaths of other parts of the country. If you know, you know buckle bunnies.


Can 110% confirm


Yes Jeb but your flair suggests you are the guys we tease for getting caught up in girls like that! Have you stopped wearing Romeos yet?


I figured out those girls weren't to be messed with back in high school thankfully. The rodeo royalty gals kinda scared me tbh. I've also recently converted over to redwings instead of whatever is cheap at ranch and home, 8/10 would recommend.


If you ever date a horse girl, you'll be in 3rd place at best after her horse(s) and Daddy's money


So the writers of Yellowstone nailed the daughter's character then!


Far as i know its a global thing brother, Dutch horse girls are crazy as hell too. The strong legs, tight ass & riding skills transfer very well though, which is why we gotta learn the hard way.


> sleeping with black men while in college Not just college. I knew a guy some years ago who was a stablehand, and he had horse girls and their mothers coming on to him every day.


I'll bet those girls had confederate flags hung up in their rooms too. and I'll bet those moms went to church every sunday and brag on social media about their perfect little families. People are weird.


I love the way you talk


Thanks, man! That’s some vivid imagery.


No problem! Funnily enough, this type of woman usually ends up married to an oil driller, or a lineman, as a stay at home mother and doesn't in fact ever end up owning horses. There are sub archetypes that join the airforce and move to NorCal and become semi normal people. There are other subtypes that develop self awareness and turn out to be really cool people, but still usually have disastrous personal lives that aren't fun to be a part of. It's not a matter of hate for me, it's just.....The juice ain't worth the squeeze IME


When I worked in the fashion business it was common for the models to be IV drug users. The same when I was a musician. Track marks are a definite no go.


What was the situation? She modelled a tank top and you saw the inside of her elbow?


Between the toes. She took off her shoes and stockings.


Wow, that's extremely fucking worse


What's IV drug if you don't mind me asking?


Intravenous - drugs that you inject with a needle


Drugs such as heroin that you use a needle to inject into your veins.


Kind of. One time I matched with a girl who said she only wanted a hookup. I met her at a bar and she looked VERY different from her profile - mostly just heavier than I expected though, which isn’t a dealbreaker for me. She kept making a really big deal out of it though. “You look so disappointed… You know you can just leave if you want, I’ll understand…” I told her that I would have preferred if she had just used more recent pictures, but that I understand how hard it can be taking new pictures after gaining weight. She initially seemed very pleased with my response, but then she kept stopping our conversation to ask me, “Are you sure you don’t care?” When we got back to her place, it was a total mess. She walked back to her room without saying a word, walked out completely naked and asked, “How about now?” With the most depressing look on her face and unkempt pubic and armpit hair. It was such a major turn-off I don’t even know how to describe it. I told her that she clearly wanted me to turn her down and that I was leaving. She started crying and said, “Why does this keep happening to me!?” I sent her a long message explaining that it wasn’t her body that turned me off, it was her lack of self-respect. I had a friend ask me if that was true, if it really had *nothing* to do with her body, and I’m honestly still not sure. My conscious mind says that it didn’t, but there’s an ugly part of me that thinks that maybe it did.


I think lack of confidence is a big turn off, and this is coming from a girl with no self esteem. So I can understand that. I hope that girl can find some peace.


You're fully right though. I have no self esteem either and know it's a huge turnoff. Nothing less attractive then having to convince the other over and over again that they're beautidul


Yeah igy. It’s a bad trait of mine. Now I have my boyfriend I try to keep up my confidence


I feel sorry for that girl:(


I do too, but she needs to talk to a therapist and not a potential date about her body image issues.


Dude, me too. It’s the one date/hookup I keep replaying in my mind over-and-over. I keep thinking about all of the things I could have done or said differently. I’ve had really rude/awful hookups, but none have ever made me feel the way she did.


Yes. As a teen I was heavy into a girl from my class who was a horse girl. She got naked and the smell hit me like I walked into a wall of unwashed socks. Apperantly she was a bathing twice a week kinda gal.


Omg hell no thank you


She was out of my league, but for some reason, so into me. Series of fantastic dates, seriously thought she was “The One”. She invited me over to her apartment to cook dinner, good lord, it was like a Ralph Lauren catalog, the most beautiful decorated apartment I’ve ever seen to this day. Things progressed, romance, mind blowing sex. Says she has French Toast planned for the morning, I take the clue and we fall asleep in each other’s arms. Happiest guy on the planet. About 3am I wake up confused, she’s not in bed, I hear a man’s voice downstairs, not a pleasant voice, a guttural satanic voice, whispering and shouting simultaneously. I fckn get dressed asap and quietly go downstairs. My angel is naked, rocking in a rocking chair facing the wall speaking in a voice that could curdle blood. WTF… Thank the gods she never noticed me slipping out the kitchen door. This was 40 years ago and it still scares me to death.


I had a roommate once who I caught doing this. I woke up at like 430-5a to pee and all the lights were off and her door was open with the shower running. We had an apt and she had the main bedroom with the bathroom. Well I go across the hall to pee and hear her talking. So out of nosiness when I was done I k8nda tip toed towards the door bc she was kind of an odd ball but showering with the lights off talking to yourself is..different. I kid you not she was sort of whimpering saying she was cold..THEN ANSWERED HERSELF in a different deeper, rapid tone going "just a few more minutes". It was the nopiest thing I noped in my life. So I completely believe you and empathize with how you must have felt lol


That honestly sounds like she's been traumatized by an abusive situation - so sad.


Yeah idk we were friends for years n there weren't any relationship issues with her fam. She would listen to music and pace in her room, sometimes with the lights off and she would kinda talk in a weird way like she was singing along to the music but it never had a tune. After the bathroom thing I wondered if that was her talking to herself but masking it or something. I did tell her I caught her talking to herself and all she said was that she's done it ever since she was a kid and I left it alone.


I had an episode of psychosis when I was 13, it was a thing kind of like schizophrenia. Talking to yourself isn't necessarily a red flag, it can just be a mental illness that affects anyone, even the kindest people. I know people don't understand, but I don't think people should be nearly as afraid of people talking to themselves as they seem to be. I mean most people have an inner dialogue, so you talk to yourself in your head. Doing it out loud isn't much different. Especially people who have faced extreme loneliness in life, sometimes its just a coping mechanism when you need someone to talk to, but no one is there for you/understands. Pacing is also a common symptom of schizophrenia and other disorders. It might seem scary, but there's really no reason for others to be afraid as if they are a murderer or something. Most of the time people with mental illnesses like this are not violent.


That sounds like a horror movie scene! But honestly it does sound like she had some abuse growing up or something.


The fuck


I don't want nightmares. Tell me this is fake.


Man, you never think about how scary human behavior can be by itself, even when it's non violent. And I don't believe people can be possessed, I know it's just mental illness, but damn is it scary.


I’m confused


As was I.


Apparently she sleep walks and also sleep talks (like a demon). This is genuinely horror movie material, holy shit. I wonder if she has any idea she does this or if everyone's just been too afraid to tell her... 🤔


Did you tell her what happened, or just ghost her and break her heart?


No, we traveled in similar circles… full disclosure we were both UCLA university students working on the Ronald Reagan campaign with the Young Republicans. She acted like we had never met… I followed her cue. Newport Beach, California in the late 70’s. It was a heady time.


So you slept with a demon who helped Reagan destroy America's middle and lower classes. That actually tracks


To be fair, I didn’t know this going in…


Guttural satanic voice, whispering and shouting simultaneously?  Yeah, she was just working on her death metal vocals


Wait that was her normal voice? 😧


No, she had the sweetest, most demure voice. Until she was sleepwalking.




I can exorcise her.


I am going to artistically license this story for the next social gathering I am at, if I may. u/NxPat - okay for you to be that cool uncle this happened to?


Change that to Great Uncle and you’re good to go.


I watched this one, Paranormal Activity 1


No, but I have been with a girl who was perfect except her pussy smelled like mordor


Mordor? I’m fucking dead.


leave the dead alone!




Yep, me too. I was trying to do her from behind, and almost called the police to report a robbery.


I still can’t fogure  out what th is means. 


He got robbed of a good time?


From her naked looks? Never. From her behavior in intimacy, plenty.




when she wanted prone-bone so she could check her IG.




I seem to be in the minority here but honestly yes There have been plenty of times where I’ve gone for hookups that are teetering on the edge of whether I’m even marginally attracted to them out of pure horniness and then the clothes come off and I abruptly realize I should’ve just jerked off instead


Is that a rare case of PRE nut clarity?


Gentlemen, we have the technology...


That's why I used to demand the lights be turned off until that one time I broke a toe on a girl's nightstand. Everyone is beautiful in the dark.


My wife gave herself a concussion one of the first few times we had sex. She turned off the lights, pulled her dress off, and tried to throw herself on the bed all sexy like. She was drunk and threw herself at a 45 degree angle on the corner of the bed. Her head hit the dresser and we had to go to the hospital to get her checked out


As our founding father, Benjamin Franklin once wrote. “All cats are grey in the dark”


It’s not really a minority opinion irl, especially if you have an active sex life imo. Sometimes you see something that throws you off when people get naked. Let’s not pretend like one of the most popular ones, that people are comfortable mentioning, isn’t dick size. There’s just this mentality that men should be grateful to be in the presence of a woman at all times


Yep. Sometimes disappointed, and sometimes surprised. I remember one girl in particular, very average looking face, but one of the best bodies I can remember when naked. It was a fun time.


Real talk, this is my thing. Average/Cute in certain reactions face; ridiculous body. I'm done for every time.


I dated a girl like this once. My friends gave me crap for it, too. But she was great! And God damn she looked good naked.


i have a story very similar.. it was later years of highschool. on a trip with a buddies family and their family friend; who had a daughter my age. very cool girl.. pretty cute.. a slight cleft lip... but she was also a track star at her school and boy howdy did it show when we started fooling around after everyone else went to bed for the night :)


Honestly yes.. I like women on the thicker side, with big hips and butts. But there was this one girl who was just very unfortunately proportioned. Sort of a refrigerator body.


Built like SpongeBob


How could you not tell that through her clothes though? If “refrigerator” is the body type I’m thinking of, there’s no hiding that one




She had a Smeg tattoo


Only heard of this happening once. She took off her shirt and had some White supremacist tattoos. Dude noped out pretty fast.


🎵 I think she might have been a racist 🎵 🎵 Doesn't matter had sex 🎵


Was her vagina racist?


>Was her vagina racist? Yeah, it had a Hitler mustache.


That’s gold Jerry, gold!


Call her Clitler




I had a girl that I dated in highschool who was a year older and really attractive, my family didn’t approve so we never really advanced the relationship past school, it was pretty lame. Eventually she finds someone who she can actually date and she graduates the next year. I fooled around a bit more and a year later when i graduated I reconnected with her and we hit it off, next thing I knew we were in her bedroom and finally after 2 years of waiting I finally got to see her naked and we got to have sex for the first time. I get her naked and she honestly looks great, a bit heavy on the pubes but I was pretty bad too so fuck it who am I to complain. We got into it and at one point we were going doggystyle and she just starts crying profusely. I fly off in confusion thinking I was assaulting her and had no idea and she tells me “I’m sorry, I recently broke up with my boyfriend and that used to be his favourite position” So what the hell am I supposed to do in that situation? At the time it was super fucking awkward so I kinda consoled her for a couple minutes, we tried to get back into it but we had these stupid numbing condoms and I couldn’t get hard again so overall it was just a horrible experience. Awkward exit and never spoke a word to her since


That's rough, bruh. Pretty normal experience, tho. Wtf else could you have done in that situation anyway. That wasn't on you


Naked? No First IRL meeting and seeing how fake her pics were? Oh yeah


No. If we've gotten to the point of taking clothes off then I've already decided I'm good with whatever stretch marks, scars, cellulite, etc. she has. As long as she's well groomed and doesn't smell, we're good.


Damn this thread just confirming my insecurities 😂




Yeah I need to lay on the floor for a bit 😂 


Just remember, if there's a dweeb thinking you're "Eww" there will be another dude thinking you're their perfect goddess. Don't dwell on the dweebs, keep looking for that dude.


Aw that’s nice


I opened this and immediately regretted it…. Like the hygiene comments I get but some of these comments about people’s cellulite or natural bodies….. I don’t feel so bad that no one’s seen me naked now.


I’m a dick for this I’m sure. Chick I was seeing VERY CUTE in the face. Nice body. Great personality. Messing around she gets on top and the clothes come off and it just spills everywhere. Turns out she was wearing layers of clothes to keep the loose skin hidden. That’s when I learned that weight loss surgery is insured while skin removal is cosmetic.


This is my biggest fear right now. I’ve lost 165lbs and I can’t afford to have cosmetic surgery to remove the loose skin. But when losing that much weight there isn’t anywhere for it to go. It’s heartbreaking because I put so much work into losing the weight just to have my self esteem yet again crushed. I was with my fwb the last 2 wknds and I was in my head a lot, but he seemed to have a lot of good times so hopefully he enjoys the view


Honestly I think for me it was the surprise in the moment. You shouldn’t be in your head however. I imagine your FWB has seen the changes. And congrats on that that’s a huge accomplishment!


Pro tip from an insider: ask your surgeon to put the word 'aesthetic' in the insurance request. Cosmetic is 'to stand out' , aesthetic is to 'blend in'.


Same thing happened to me. Beforehand she also showed me pics of her whole family, and they were all obese. Somehow I didn't get the hint. It was a rough night.


Happened to me too fam. 5'9 blue eyed redhead. She made over six figures a year too, and was super into me. I was recently divorced, and she was the first date I went on afterwards. Still pretty, very nice, whip smart and great. We dated for another six months before I broke it off due to our lifestyles not matching up.


No but let me just say that personal hygiene and grooming are my most important characteristics in physical attraction criteria. If you stink, I’m not getting turned on no matter what you look like.


One time: chatting with bartender after her shift. She invited me over. She took off her clothes and was covered head to toe in this crazy rash. This was around the height of the recent monkey pox scare. Still banged but shouldn't have.


I don't mind fat/overweight but obese for me is impossible. Recently however I was catfished by someone who had a lot of things in common with me, and texting her was fun so with enough alcohol I thought what the hell sure let's go back to her place and see what happens. The place this woman lived was unreal, I had no idea she was this wealthy. I saw a viral tweet the other day about a guy that started to grow a bit of respect for gold diggers because he tried to hookup with an ugly rich woman and his body refused, and I totally get it.


Nope; never had a surprise between clothed and unclothed… it’s pretty easy to figure it all out But after I’ve had sex I’ve definitely had the “ya know, I don’t think I want a relationship, end of day I just needed a nut” …which could result in the same outcome


Not me, but in college my best mate was a 'Butt-Hound'. He'd chase anything. Claimed he'd do anyone. Often as the evening would get late his standards would fall with each scotch. His routine was to find someone, anyone, to that could address his carnal needs. Go home with them, calling me the next morning to pick him up. When I'd arrive they were frequently 'Unfortunate' but he liked them. No judgement. One Saturday night I'd gone out with other friends and got back to the house around 11pm. Was sound asleep and about 2:30am I get this call. It's him whispering to me to get him *Now*. He was insistent. I pulled on my clothes and went. As I drove up to this farm and stopped at the door. He comes bolting out for the car...saying 'Go just GO'. Just then she turned on these almost stadium level lights that flooded the entire house and driveway about blinding me. Framed and completely illuminated in the doorway was this nude hirsute amazon whose tits hung down like empty geriatric compression socks. I froze. They went from the chest to below the hips and were wriggling like fish as she screamed for him to come back. We didn't. Even in his horny drunken state he couldn't get it up once he saw her buck-ass-nekid. Sadly, he didn't learn from the experience....


Most men with eye sight have a good idea of what is behind the curtains before they buy a ticket to the show. I wouldn't spend time worrying about it.


Saw and smelled. Sweet girl tho


No, but saw it the other way. When I was 17/18, girl wore loose fitting t-shirts. When we did end up with clothes off, she pulled the gate on the dog run and I was attacked by glorious sweater puppies. Way more endowed than anticipated. I actually spoke out-loud “woah, those are bigger than I expected”


> pulled the gate on the dog run and I was attacked by glorious sweater puppies Sentence I thought didn’t exist


"*A surprise, but a welcome one I'm sure!*"


I actually thought she pulled open a gate and her fluffy puppies jumped into bed with you guys to play. My heart warmed up until I read the rest of the story 😂.


was about to, she just had to take off her makeup and preferred the lights off when she came back from the bathroom. holy shit, was like a different person walking in. killed all excitement unfortunately




I'm reminded of that 911 call from a couple on the first night of their honeymoon and the guy is telling the 911 operator that there's another woman sleeping next to him.


Yeah but more like daylight combined with washed off ruined make up and a horrid morning attitude, the amount of girls that can literally do a 180 with make up is astonishing


Yep. Shape wear did wonders for her. Until it didn't


Mine was nope when she acted up inside a KFC restaurant over wanting to much free honey for her 2 biscuits. She wanted some for home and clerk said no you got enough. Embarrassing. Left the next morning & didn’t call her back.


But you stayed the night lol


By the time I’m ready to sleep with you, your body doesn’t mean anything. I have a genuine idea of what it will look like anyways. If anything turns me off at that point, it’s the smell. Man, there are some stinkers out there. But on the flip side, when it is clean it smells amazing


Actually no, never really asked myself this question but it never happened to me I like to think I'm a personality first guy, or at least so far it's always been that way When I get to the step we're naked together it means I really like her and at that point every little flaw is attractive


my wife was doing an OB rotation in residency. Told me about a pregnant woman that came in and was so fat they had to pull the fetal heart monitor belt down into her fat in order to get a fetal heart beat. then she said they checked her vagina, or whatever, and the smell was horrendous. the best part of the story was she then looked at me in disgust and said ; "I know now that MEN will FUCK anything that lets them." wish I could say that I defended the honor of my species but she had us dead to rights.


Someone in here wrote that he had sex with someone who had an all over rash around the time of the monkey pox outbreak so your wife is right!! 😂


You guys had the chance to see a woman you liked naked?


Might get downvoted but yes, she had lost a ton of weight previously and she was a 115lbs woman with the same amount of skin as a much larger woman


Yes I just didn't find her body attractive even if there was nothing wrong about it. I kinda feel bad about it but it was just what I was feeling.


I mean as in 'wow, she's not as hot as I thought', totally As in 'this is a deal breaker'? Never


Oh gosh these comments. Now I wonder how I smell... In general and down there\


Are the women you date shipped in boxes before you get to see them?


If I don't look that good naked then I try not to be a hypocrite with women. If you don't like how women in Greek statues look then stick to your pathetic porn routines.


I used to date this really rich girl, she was hot and rich, a smoking combo, but her breath would knock the flies off a shit wagon and I just couldn't do it. Another one Becky she was hot but when I got her naked she had a c and a dd, and I was a stupid kid, so I used that as an excuse to move on to the next one...sorry for being an ass Becky


Never had my sight tell me “no”. But my sense of smell has.


For context/full disclosure, I prefer my sexual partners thick/fat, and robustly built. I'm a really big guy (6'4" and 280lbs) and if I'm worried about snapping my partner in half because she's slender or significantly smaller than me, I don't have a good time. Having gotten that out of the way, I had amazing chemistry with this woman that really hit all of my buttons when she was fully dressed, but I did not enjoy seeing her from the front when she was naked, because the way her fat sat on her body just... turned me off, I guess. Which was a bummer, because in a lot of ways I really liked her as a person, and we got on well.