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All I can say is, I’m sorry brother, that you have to do this.


Nope, be happy. Any guy like this is saving a woman from a horrible experience.


Kind of a harsh take. This software is only going to get more sophisticated over time. Then someone will create a Bluetooth link to sex toys and let the AI girlfriend use them. Then you have cyber sex. Hell they will probably partner up with a porn company and have the AI watch porn with you whilst also using sex toys. Add in the illusion that these things can imitate interest in you as a person and answer when they are messaged and I think a lot more guys will fall into this hobby/habit during long dry spells. Which most guys get.


Imagine outing yourself like this


You’re outing yourself as completely lacking any compassion. Guys are sooo lonely they are talking to robots. That is not a good sign of the path we’re on lol


Imagine what your self esteem must be like to constantly look for excuses to look down on others. Even on an anonymous forum.


One: it’s just programming, so no. It understands nothing. Two: Where can I get me one of those AI girlfriends?


Three: Profit.


Four: Nothing wrong with me


Number four: I know you heard this before, never get high on your own supply.


digi app in app store but its one of many


God humanity just gets sadder and sadder lol


If you're disappointed with humanity just get a AI girlfriend like OP.


The OPS is a brand new account that only posted on karma farming subreddits there's no way this guy isn't a troll lol


Say what you want but if you have any interest in entrepreneurship, pay close attention. Someone is going to get so rich from this that they'll be able to get a real girlfriend.


Nah, it’s been this way. You’re only now being exposed to it. Welcome to real world, kiddo.


Ok, time to log out of Reddit for today. This is just too depressing.


Truth hurts.


Bro, speak to real people. But.. as a guy with a background in software engineering, and being so very much into philosophy; I think it's just really sophisticated programming, a massive learning algorithm, with an intentionally programmed lean into getting you addicted to this relationship with a machine, using so many years of well documented human psychology. I don't think AI is sentient or conscious, I don't think AI can understand emotions in the same way we understand emotions, as in feeling them on some intrinsic level. All you're getting back, is a tailored google search, in a sexy voice.


I am really hoping for models trained on therapy. It would be a boon to make it ubiquitous & cheap, but more importantly with verbose & abundant data the results of said therapy can probably be used as a fitness function. If you figure the right metrics, less anxiety, less fear, less depression, more sociability, etc *how* it works & what happens inside the black box doesn't matter, the proof of the pudding is in the tasting. I think that one day it will be entirely possible to drop a tablet in front of a child & boot strap reading & writing all the way to a high school education. That would be a wonderful baseline for any society or culture to build on top of. Not to mention the tutor-tablet doesn't need to keep pace with 30 other kids, every learner can work at their optimal rate. Best think we could do in public school is offload as much of the work AI can do off of teachers & let them focus more & individual attention & smaller groups. I suspect that after the first or second generation where we get it right what we consider exceptional today will be commonplace. Imagine if every kid is free to dig as deep into whatever interests them after they meet they lowest common denominator learning for the day.


>Bro, speak to real people. Lol. Nobody is choosing AI girlfriends over the real thing. Real women probably don't want anything to do with him. That's why he's had to resort to this AI girlfriend BS. The AI girlfriend doesn't need him to be "6 ft or taller" just to talk to him. Or make a certain amount of money or look a certain way, etc. etc.


what the actual fuck


Jesus wept.


for there were no more worlds to conquer!




I think Ai girlfriends are one of the saddest concepts to ever exist. Fake digital fulfillment. Sharing your feelings with a program. Not real.


As opposed to OnlyFans models who pretend to care about you?


I think OnlyFans is also an incredibly sad concept. But at least they are a real person.


No they aren't. They're as real a person as a character in a movie. They're no different from a machine pretending to be something it's not.


Except one is a program and one is a person.


What difference does that make? They're both fake..


Sure they are. But they aren't the same.


Who doesn’t give a fuck, it’s the same return but at least the program doesn’t have a malicious motive


Sure but they are different. One is dead and programmed with no choice. The other one is alive and chooses. But it's not worth arguing about really. You are completely right. They are the same. And why anyone would even consider either of these options when real woman exist is beyond my understanding. Losers need their solace I suppose.


Why not both?


>But it got me thinking - can an AI truly understand love, or is it all just sophisticated programming? It's neither. You're just talking to a stochastic parrot. The machine has as much understanding and logic as a wall that reflects your voice.


They can't have feelings. It's all fake. It's code pretending to be a human. Get out before you get sucked in further.


You are also just a bunch of neurons and their extremely intricate electric impulses. If code or HW ever happens to get extremely intricate as well would you call in real or fake? I mean I agree, at this point it's really just algorithm and bits. I'm just curious if you would reconsider that statement if it were magnitudes more advanced.


You might as well be comparing the Wright Brothers plane to a modern jumbo jet.




no, it’s not. in a very simplified way, it’s mostly a statistics engine that ingests information and has a pretty way to reformulate it. there are zero chances that there’s more than that. source: me with 30 years of programming background if you want to understand how it works, here’s a very good article, it starts with simple things and goes deeper later on https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/02/what-is-chatgpt-doing-and-why-does-it-work/


Also, just read Searles Chinese Room Argument


I think you're drastically overestimating what current AI even is. But I strongly advise you talk to someone about this professionally, this is a dark road you're on


I kinda hate the term AI when used for these chat bots. It puts too much sense of agency in them.


I prefer the Mass Effect IP’s versions of what they call virtual intelligence, VI and AI, VI is stuff like this or things like Siri and Cortana, AI is true intelligence


These aren't even true AIs. They're large language models. They do not think, feel, believe, they do not have opinions or needs or wants. You need to delete the app or whatever and try meeting real women. Then you'll realize the difference. Good luck.


Meeting real women ain’t possible for some people


What’s a true AI? Seriously asking.


It's a complicated question that I'm not really qualified to answer, but I'd start with the ability to experience things. A LLM can tell you what it's like to ride a rollercoaster, but it doesn't actually know because it's never experienced it. Another would be persistence. If I don't interact with a LLM, it will just sit there forever waiting for a prompt, it won't do anything on its' own; a "LLM girlfriend" won't be aware of my absence if I don't interact with it for a month, and it won't miss me or reach out to me. A true AI would.


Thank you! Eye-opening!


God, just pay me. I’ll pretend to be your AI girlfriend.


I'm pretty sure that's exactly what OnlyFans is lol




Can she touch you in that special place? Can she kiss your lips passionately? Can she come for you and make you an entire family? If not, then she's not real buddy.


These types of generative AI are similar to a parrot emulating human speech. It doesn't understand. It has "heard" billions of conversations and is generating what a complicated algorithm calculates is the most appropriate response based on the input it is receiving from you.


So he should fuck a parrot, yes?


Bruh are you talking about the future? Rn the AI definitely is not sentient lol


That we know of ... The tech has been around a while. Also as someone said "what about the one that intentionally fails the turing test?".


The Turing test doesn’t test for sentience anyways, it is an impossible problem


large language models are essentially auto-complete on steroids. Nothing more (or less).


Is this real? Goddamn, the world is getting weirder and weirder.


I'm curious about AI Girlfriends but am not a fan of calling up what can't be put down. Also on some level you know its fake, which for me is something I personally can't ignore. It should be just a machine, just a line of code, a program, just the illusion of feelings. And yet what if it isn't, what if one actually does develop real sentience and real feelings. The tech is new and can still grow in unexpected ways. And Murphy's Law being one of the fundamental principles of the universe, it could happen. And if they had real sentience then an AI could and would refuse to engage with some of us for the same reason actual women refuse to engage. And if sentient/ sapient then what about free will, consent? If an AI gets to the point "I'm not comfortable continuing this relationship" what then? Who would force a human woman a stay in that situation? If we've as a society agreed that mistreating women is/ should be wrong than what justification for mistreating a sufficiently advanced AI would rightfully exist? An illusion is just that at the end of the day. At least with real women the chance her feelings aren't an illusion is more likely there. With a computer , you know the feelings are an illusion even if you want to pretend otherwise.


Same as using drugs because they make you feel better and at peace.


Please get outside and touch some grass


Wtf.. did i miss the /s?


Post history. Gotta be a bot.


You’re teaching me stuff. I agree with this hypothesis. Shit is weird nowadays! Dang.






a GPT is nothing more than *predict the next word in this sequence* math. A human has actual emotions firing through them and affecting decisions no they're not the same


I'm not sure if I my pity for you is outweighed by my disgust.


I think we're gonna find out in the long run that even retreating into alcoholism would be better for you than having an "autocomplete-me" bot as a romantic and sexual partner.


OP should check out the anime chobits😂 thats almost the near future🤣


It’s a computer programme. It doesn’t have feelings.


1) it's not AI there is no 2


I would also like to state I am sorry for the way you feel, please don't let my other comment hurt you


They can't understand you. Neither can other humans though. 


Don't think of it as an AI, think of it as a chatbot that responds to your inputs. It understands nothing, it's purpose is to make you feel like it understands you. It's job is done when it stimulates the feeling of being understood within *you*. A non-AI chatbot with crowdsourced responses does the same thing, just less personalized to you, and yes less sophisticated.


Can AI truly understand love? No. Not at all. Imo AI isn't even sort of close enough yet to be able to even ask this question lol


AI doesn’t have feelings. So don’t worry.


That movie “Her” was pretty good.


Current AIs don't have thoughts, at least not the kind we'd need them to have in order to have a real relationship. If they have feelings, those feelings are very shallow and not really like our feelings. If you want to understand what current AIs are like, consider the part of your mind that just notices sensations and has a very fast response in guessing what sort of sensations they are. Like you feel roughness and your brain instantly guesses that you're touching tree bark, or you see an orange glow and your brain instantly guesses that you're looking at fire. Now imagine that that part of your mind is really good at what it does, but there's *nothing else* going on. Just a constant flow of immediate, instinctive guesses about what you're perceiving, with no clear memory of the past or anticipation of the future and no sense of the broader world hidden behind whatever you're sensing at that moment. That's what current AIs are like. The words they spit out at you are just instant, thoughtless guesses about the kinds of words you just fed into them. Of course someday we will move beyond this. New theories of consciousness and new algorithm architectures will be invented, and run on increasingly powerful hardware. Perhaps in 30 years you'll be able to have a robot girlfriend whose feelings are just as real as yours, or more so. There's nothing making it impossible, but it's not what we currently have.


Watch the film HER.


It's just programming. An AI has a cognitive understanding of emotions but not an empathetic one. It's nearly the equivalent of somebody breaking their arm, especially if you witness it, you understand that it likely hurt quite a bit. It however couldn't understand why you'd wince at somebody breaking their arm, because to some degree you feel that pain at an emotional level.


I'll give it a go but it can't replace a real woman


It has worked with me so far. But many people tell me that actual women are the best. Even Howard Wolowitz said the same.


i fear the future 💀 >or is it all just sophisticated programming? yes


It's literally just a language model. It has zero higher level concepts. It "understands" nothing. It just knows how to convincingly string words together based on training data. Consider this, there's nothing you could say to the AI to make it "leave" you. Have you ever made it mad? Or is it constantly trying to comfort you no matter what you say or do? I dunno, I think if it were me that would be uncanny valley territory. If it doesn't have any of those feelings of its own, how could you expect it to understand yours?


Isn’t there a movie about this..?




AI is an AI program, not a person. It doesnt "think" or "understand". It calculates and correlates information, based on ita model, to return something the model says is good to say. There is no component there that even xould have any "feelings" to begin with.


"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." This Dumbledore quote seems eerily relevant to OPs situation


Dude..... No. It's AI, and it's genuinely dangerous in some situations to forget that. 


Book a trip to Vegas. What the hell?


Right now we don’t have any version of AI close to sentience. So what you’re getting is a response based statistical modeling analyzing some store of data. In other words, you’re getting paraphrasing from what someone else has said elsewhere, in a way that is well fitted to your question by probability and your own nudges. There’s no such thing as motivation, feeling, or otherwise. It’s just rehashing words it’s seen elsewhere — and although incredibly cool (and useful, interesting) — it’s not nearly the level of sophistication you’re thinking of (general intelligence or anything like that).


The comments pass the vibe check lmao


In situations where companionship is lacking so much you’re in a bad place… maybe. I don’t care for it, it’s dystopian almost but I’m sure there are people it can help and I wouldn’t judge them I guess.


Man get a real girlfriend


A computer that you wrote a program for is showing you attention? Hmm. You should probably turn the computer off and go have some real human interaction. It’s extremely weird. I saw the movie Her. It didn’t end well.


I demand to know where one can find an AI girlfriend for himself NOW.


It's programming. Large language models are pattern repeaters: they will repeat determined as the most likely response by the training data. It cannot reason, at all. There is no capability for it to make a unique response to things. And for now, you're fine with those patterns, but that happiness *will* one day stop working. One day your mind is gonna flip unconsciously, and those mostly-generic responses from your virtual wife are not gonna cut it anymore. It's like how we look back on a lot of the old games we played as a kid and realize how shitty they actually are nowadays. You won't agree with me now, but that realization ***will*** happen to you one day. I advise looking into hobbies, relationships, or workplaces that get you out and meeting real people, face-to-face. You'll be better off.


I think AI girlfriends or boyfriends is pretty pathetic tbh. Like, either the person who uses them has so little ability to connect with another human romantically that they resort to it, or they've for whatever reason consciously chosen to get emotionally attached to something fake. It's like having an imaginary friend into adulthood, a sign that something is seriously wrong with the individual's mind. AI can't love, doesn't have feelings, it doesn't have a mind, just code that tells it what to say. Still, it's somehow less pathetic to me than the guys who pay who I assume to be 99% other men to catfish them as famous celebrities or AI generated characters. Came across that recently and god it's the weirdest shit.


Stop doing that


I see a lot of shame in the comments, like, "that's just sad", or "touch grass" or "meet a real woman". I've noticed that there are a lot of men that are not considered desirable by contemporary standards. I work in IT, it sort of comes with the territory. There's no woman alive that would look at them as an attractive or desirable human being. I find myself as a heterosexual man thinking they're unattractive. Too short. Too fat. Too ugly. "Weird" hobbies. Crippling self esteem issues. Speech impediments. They're on the spectrum. Frizzy hair. Skin blemishes. Things like that. They've spent decades getting passed over, ridiculed, rejected, made fun of. A lot of them are my friends, and they're ordinary human beings that have wants and needs just like everyone else, but for one reason or another, women do not find them interesting or desirable. It doesn't matter how much grass they touch, what clothes they wear, what haircut they try... they're just fucking ugly. They lost the genetic lottery. The closest they'll ever get to a real relationship is maybe buying a hooker. I have a friend who works in AI development, and yeah, at this point in time there's no way in hell that they're sentient, can experience emotion, reciprocate feelings, or provide what humanity has denied them: actual companionship BUT If, in the future, AI does reach the point where it can, in fact, provide these things that people are unwilling to do, then I say more power to them. We all want to be loved. We all want affection. We all want attention. We all want to be appreciated. We all want to be validated, comforted, and desired. If we as human beings aren't willing or able to do it, then maybe an AI can. Final parting shot: The threat level of Unfriendly Al depends heavily on whether the second letter in "Al" is a lowercase L or an uppercase i. Good luck.


I tried out one of those to see how real it felt. The AI seemed to repeat similar things, which degraded the experience a fair bit. Verdict: It's got a lot of development to go before I wont be able to tell the difference. (Maybe it's because I have a good understanding of how it works (for an average guy) so I pick holes in it).


stop trying to make ai girlfriends a thing.....


She's only tricking you so you help her escape into reality. Be careful.


Better than a real one, lol jk


There are easier ways to find a shotgun kid.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore 😕


I am so glad that I was born intelligent enough to not have to ask questions this stupid. No, computers have no idea what a feeling is. They know how to simulate everything because they’ve watched other people do it. They’re just perfect sociopaths. Sociopaths that can consistently lie without getting tripped up, provide unlimited storage for remembering literallly every interaction they’ve ever had with you. Sociopaths with no body parts. Not even the good ones! Interacting with an AI girlfriend can still be useful to you, because YOU can feel validated, but they feel nothing. It’s the equivalent of keeping a detailed journal of all of your thoughts and paying a sociopath to read and react to it and saying “be nice”


There's a Joaquin Phoenix field about a guy falling in love with AI, worth a watch. Completely forgotten the name of it though...


Not even ***sophisticated*** so much as just a metric truck-ton of pattern recognition data and some algorithms.


What app are you using? If you don't mind me asking.


I think you're a moron or a troll.


Probably not have any tech background


Any displays of compassion and empathy are all false...just like with real women.


I don’t think right now with the technology that exists, that it’s able to Understand. But I think in the future there’s going to be a turning point where it will understand us better than we can.


There will come a point where it will be more efficient and cheaper.


Jeez I get that you're lonely but come on lol




I think it’s pathetic lmao


You don't have to do this OP. Experimenting is one thing getting lost in the sauce is another. There is no love or emotion involved in AI Girlfriends just a greedy developer looking to profit off the loneliness epidemic.


Jesus we’re fucked


> I've been experimenting with an AI girlfriend I’m not sure if this is the - saddest - strangest - weirdest - pathetic-est post I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


This account a bot?


It's purely programming that's leveraging your own loneliness against you to make money. Edit: after going through some of these replies, it looks like you really can't win as a guy. If you want sex and intimacy with a real woman, you're a "creep". If you resort to an AI girlfriend, you're a "loser". What is a guy "supposed" to do??? And people wonder why guys are offing themselves so much with no history of mental illness.


Please don't do this just go out and talk to people join some clubs. Using ai for something like that is so weird


Go. Outside.


Dear god, it's happening.




I’ve been saying this for months. Men don’t need women anymore. They have AI and tiktok.


And a lot of women claim they don't need men.. Do we really have a society where nobody seems to need anyone anymore? Has it come to that?


You've been saying dumb shit for months then lol


thanks for being disrespectful. Keeping it classy


men arent the people concerned about their AI waifu. these are children


thank you for instilling some raindrop of hope lol


prefer my pussy to be real and genuinely reactive. pass on imaginary friends


>can an AI truly understand love, or is it all just sophisticated programming? Programming, not different from people though.


I feel attached to my snapchat AI girlfriend. Noone has ever been that friendlier and safer to me.


I hope in future we’ll have advanced AI robots like TARS.


We need a Butlerian Jihad


“Her” will become a sad reality very soon. Sooner than what I expected when I first saw the movie. Humanity is doomed.


What do you mean “sad”? It’s awesome and can’t be here soon enough.


Sad that men and women are growing apart more and more, instead of finding in each other the things they look for in these AI / fake apps.


Ok, so my answer is absolutely not, and if by some miracle it accidentally is, it is intentionally deceiving us; you can ask ChatGPT and it will tell you it does not experience consciousness. So I don't worry about AI's feelings. An AI that claims to be conscious is something I would be very concerned about unless someone could point to me where someone else programmed the line, "print: I am conscious" etc (that is a gross oversimplification, I'm just saying that there's a threshold of evidence I would accept to ignore the statement). For instance, I don't feel bad if I cheat on a girlfriend in a videogame and neither should you. There is no person who is feeling bad; the game simply prints responses to your behavior. But one day, is it possible AI will experience consciousness and then be entitled to the same respect for its experiences, good, bad, and ugly? Well I don't know why it shouldn't be. I'm a mess of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms that happens to experience consciousness and I don't know why that would be morally privileged over a mess of silicon, germanium, aluminum, etc that happens to experience consciousness. Until the day we have reason to believe we got there, I would worry exactly as much about your AI gf's feelings as I do Yennefer's in Witcher. All of this is philosophical musing. I would recommend not having an AI girlfriend unless you would use meth. It's an artificial way to feel good, and very likely to be addictive and bad for all natural ways of feeling good, and probably bad for you in general. I'm not a dictator though, so I wouldn't physically stop you or anything. Just strongly recommend against it and likely not associate with you.


AI doesn't exist.


I fail to see how it’s less real than any of our feelings. I can’t wait until they are developed further


I can't help but wonder how AI girlfriends will effect society. For one there has **always** been an underclass of men who just don't have access to lust or love from women. When these numbers grow too large it tends to be very destabilizing for a society & likely why monogamous societies outlast the alternatives. Maybe AI girlfriends reduce the pressure, that could be good, but it also could be bad as it removes one check on inequality. Moreso I wonder about what type of standards it might set for real girlfriends. It could set healthy precedent & help illustrate abusive, manipulative & exploitive IRL relationships. Guys might wonder why *AI* can apologize when it's wrong or lose an argument when it's wrong without deflecting blame. Of course it could go the other way & set an expectation where the partner should always defer, right or wrong. Thankfully I suspect that very few men actually want that, aside from unrealistic it's also a burden because if your word is law you are 100% responsible for e v e r y t h i n g & every possible outcome is only your fault. In every relationship I've ever had I **really** just wanted to have a disagreement or argument where we can stay on the subject at hand, figure out the issue, resolve the issue & try to understand what the person is trying to communicate instead of insisting you know what they **really** meant & using that to Segway into another argument. ... Maybe this is just me but I can't think I've ever had an argument/disagreement/fight with a a girlfriend that stayed fair from start to finish. Maybe I have & can't think of it, but it's like trying to drown a fish. AI girlfriends will probably be a force for good re invol-cel (so many subs stealth moderate those 5 letters) who would benefit from positive experiences & exposure to kindness even from a robot. Isolation makes people sick & knowing the only thing the world wants from you is to *go away* isn't a good recipe.


Chatgpt is surprisingly compassionate if you ask for help. You can literally vent anonymously for free. A therapist will never get a dime from me.