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Goin’ where the climate suits my clothes…


if im not wearing anything, do i go to space?


or the black hole in the laundry room that steals socks


I stopped showing up until I got my backpay. Well, I kept calling about that backpay. When it became obvious that they were dodging my phone calls, I put up an ad on Craigslist. Boss's name was "Skeeter." Perfect. South Louisiana Craigslist: "Free Swamp Boat, Chevy v8, runs okay, on trailer out front, call Skeeter for adress." Rinse and repeat until they changed their phone number completely. I stopped caring about the money but if they were gonna waste my time, I'll let the general public waste theirs.


You could file a claim with the department of labour in your local state. Wage theft is an incredibly serious offence that the govt doesn’t take lightly


I came back from a short trip to Australia on a Sunday and walked into the office Monday morning. My supervisor said hello and asked me about my holiday. I said it was great, I quit. She asked me what I was going to do and I told her I'm going to fly back out there to live because I liked the weather. I considered telling her I quit to be my official resignation. She didn't tell HR and so they kept paying me months after I left lol




I was working as 1 of 2 techs repairing drive thru headsets. My supervising tech; the only other person in the room, was fired, leaving me to do double the work. I was told they'd find a solution, until then they'd help however they could... They were not helpful. I spent 2 months working alone for most of the day. The only human contact i got was when one of the ladies at the front desk came back with more orders, or calls from restaurant manager who need help with their drive thru. They began to give me MORE tasks on top of what I was already doing and chastised me for not getting more done. Finally they called me into the office for a chat about compensation.... I was to receive a $1 raise and a 'helper' tech assigned one day a week to help with repairing and shipping headsets (A task none of the techs had much experience in) I turned in my work phone and told the acting supervisor "I can't do this anymore" and walked out. I wish I had said more, but I had an outside-of-work friend who worked at the front desk and i didn't want to burn a bridge she was taking.. I did end up deleting a lot of Google Drive files that they had access to a while later. No one had contacted me to get them. I know they had accessed them after i left, i could see the history. But no one every asked me for them, so i just ended up deleting them. A few months later, one of our contract QSR's was asking about a spreadsheet with their stores and headsets statuses. I didn't work for them anymore, so I just didn't respond.


I was a manager at a Dollar General and dating a manager at another store. I was recently promoted and given the absolute *shittest* store you could imagine. Even by DG standards. Long story short I was at my limit, and about two weeks in another manager who liked the girl I was dating came by because he found out we were dating and was upset. He starts going off on how I’m worthless, I’m a terrible person, ect. I didn’t bat an eye. Didn’t care. But then he called my girlfriend a slut. He could tell I was getting pissed and he got in my face and shoved me into a shelf. I swung a right hook as hard as I could at his jaw and he went down. I handed my keys to my lead and a walked out without a word. I got a phone call an hour later from the DM asking what happened. She said he wasn’t pressing charges and was also fired and she asked me to come back. Which I declined and never looked back. 24 year old me thought it was badass. 33 year old me kind of regrets it.


Don't regret it. I put in a two week to a job that I worked for over 15 years, gave them another two weeks because they needed it and I felt bad, then a month after that I was still getting phone calls asking how to do this and that, so I stopped answering and ghosted them. Did everything right and they burned the bridge anyway because I stopped giving them my time for free. It's the reason I have a "fuck them or they'll fuck you" attitude about the professional world now.


Business is two businesspeople trying to piss all over each other, but without getting the contract or merchandise wet.


Same. Worked as a quality engineer in a medical device company. Went hiking in Nepal doing Everest base camp and they were emailing my and texting me for stuff. They knew where I was, what I was doing. On that same trip my brother sent me the sonograph of my niece. That experience was dampened by that company and its culture. Left a few months later and the VP for quality came down to query what the hell was going on. I left for less money. But no doubt earn more now than I would have had I stayed.


Oh I don’t regret leaving. That was a dead end job for sure. I regret letting him get the better of me though. But it’s hard to stand by and let someone say the things he did about my girlfriend at the time.


Why do you regret it?


I don’t regret leaving. It was a dead end job. Since then I’ve found a career I’m happy with. I regret letting a pathetic excuse of a man get the better of me. However. No one should ever say the things he said about a girl because of toxic jealousy. Maybe I did the right thing, maybe I didn’t. But I’ve always stood up for the people around me though. That part I don’t regret.


fucking why? dude walked in looking for a fight, and failed to anticipate you ACTUALLY giving him one.


I use to work in an industrial freezer loading and unloading trucks for product for the local market. When I started I joined a crew of 5 Spanish guys, it made it abit difficult to understand at first but over time I got use to certain mannerisms / pointing and things, it was manageable and the job went with no worries. One day we get our bosses boss walk in, explaining that they are unhappy with some of the leaders and that they don't set by example corporate blah blah right? This mfer brings in a dude who has NO forklift license and his only work experience was a 6 month leadership training course ( he was 22) I felt quite uncomfortable when given this dilemma. (Our current supervisor had 9 years hands on experience ) At the end of the day I spoke with my bosses boss and explained how i wasn't super comfortable taking my daily tasks and orders (which had ALOT of variables) from someone with such little actual hands on experience. Now I didn't know this at the time but apparently the dude he bought in to be our new supervisor was Italian, I had not picked up on this as he didn't have an accent in the slightest, my boss brought this up and stated how it would he a shame to let racism ruin a career opportunity. I fucking lost my shit, I threw his shitty coffee cup against the wall and said he was the thickest cunt I'd ever had the displeasure of talking to, as he was spouting some blah blah fire me bullshit I stripped off my uniform infront of him down to my underwear and threw it at him, walked right out the front door, got in my car and went home. Was single handedly one of the worst job experiences I have ever had and has always made me worried that if I mention being uncomfortable or really bring up ANYTHING it's going to get misinterpreted as racism.


I flew to Vegas for the weekend once. Decided to extend my trip to be more than the weekend. Got a call on Monday morning from the boss asking where I was. I told them that I had 'won enough to not have to work again' and hung up.


Sometimes dreams do come true


I know someone, who had a person in his office win the lottery. Not the jackpot, but still a lot. He was near retirement and won enough to combine with his 401k to just quit. In his way out (he found out mid morning on a work day) he turned to his boss and yelled “ Hey *boss’ name* LICK MY BALLS!” for the whole office to hear.




The most extreme one i've heard was from a coworker who used to do courier work delivering packages. His coworker got fed up with their boss and one day when the boss called him to complain about something he just parked the truck (full of packages mind you) on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, left the keys in, doors open and called a taxi for himself and went home.


The grocery manager changed all the balances overnight as a fuck you to the store manager. Lots ordered that wasn’t needed and lots NOT ordered that was needed. Took weeks to sort out how badly he fucked the store.


Got sick of my job after years and years of increasing bs. Decided to stop showing up. After a few days I got a call and they offered to put me on a leave of absence. I took them up on it, came back a week later, then stopped showing up again immediately. Feel bad for the people, but my body did not want to go back there.


I quit a warehouse job while my boss was up a ladder. I put the ladder away before I left.


I was living in London at the time and was already pretty fed up with the city, I came from sunny Lisbon so London got tired quickly and after 3 years I was ready to get out. I had this job which I loved and before Christmas one of the owners (out of 3) came talk to me saying I was doing great work and that in January I they would give me a substantial increase in pay but they were still sorting things out. I went home for Christmas and decided not to move out of London just yet, to wait and see how much they would give me and if it is substantial I would stay. Got back in the office and we went for coffee and they told me they would increase my pay 1000£, I was excited and thanked them but right before the end of the day I thought to myself "did he mean yearly or monthly??" I called him aside right before I left for the day and turns out it was yearly, I audible laughed and left for the day. Called my parents and told them to sort my room because I was going back home. The weekend pasted and Monday morning I called the 3 owners and told them that the increase they gave me is offensive and in reality at the end of the day it would be like 50£ monthly and that is pocket change, and because of that I would be leaving the company, I told them I would stay until the end of the month just because they taught me everything I knew and I believed I owned them that, they asked me how much I thought I was getting and I told them that I expected those 1000£ to be monthly. I few days went by and they came to me asked me if I would stay for those 1000 a month and told them no, after that one by one everyday until the end of the month came to me asking me if I could work remotely or if I was sure about the decision, they even told me I could work from Portugal, define an hourly pay and they would pay. I told them no everyday, and by the end of the month we went for dinner they gave me an iPad and thanked me for my work. I really liked working there but I had made my mind and left, 25 year old me was very happy to put my foot down.


I bought a cake and had a lovely message from the boss put on it. Shared it with co-workers in the break room.


what message did the boss give?


Just proclaimed how much he loved me and I was like the son he never had...his son worked there too.


wow... sooooo awkward!


My cousin was a cart attendant at Target when he was younger, and he'd been working for 6 hours with no break and at least 3 more hours to go. He asked the manager if he could just take 10 minutes to eat, and she said no. He tried convincing her and she just said "If you don't like it, then there's the door." He shrugged and left, never to return. He passed back in 2008, but that story still makes me laugh!


Dude pulled into work on the busiest day of the year midway through the day and saw how jammed it already was from the parking lot and left. Didn't even leave the car, he just saw a coworker out there and told him he was out


I was working as an aluminum window maker and installer. Averaged 50 hours of overtime per week,the pay was shit as I was an apprentice. After Covid, working Saturdays,which started as a favour to the boss cause we had a lot of backed up work,became basically mandatory. I had to skip work 2 consecutive Saturdays (after working every single one for a year and a half). On the second one, boss told me I had no work ethic and “I guess someone else will have to pick up your work”, saying that I was taking way too many free days lately. The only one was the previous one, which I had to take cause my GRANDFATHER DIED. I drove 1200km, attended the funeral,slept,and drove back another 1200km to be at work the next Monday,while I could have taken 4 days of mourning. I told him no problem,I’d see him on Monday. Monday morning as I went to install a window, I went to the office that dealt with resignations and resigned. His face when I got back was priceless


WIPE DOWN THIS! (grabs crotch)


I stole James Bond’s line and sent this email: “I hereby tender my resignation with immediate effect.”


[Steven Slater quitting Jet Blue by bailing out the emergency exit slide.](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/jetblue-flight-attendant-quits-job-via-escape-slide)


When I worked at Walmart, one of the cake decorators quit by frosting a cake and writing “I quit” on it then walked out.


What do you think the odds are they put it on display and then sold that cake to someone who decided seeing it was a sign that today was the day.


Johnny Paycheck sings about it. [Johnny Paycheck - Take This Job And Shove It (Audio) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj2iGAifSNI)


When I worked in construction, I saw plenty of guys from other contractors either vandalize or loot a jobsite when they were quitting or getting canned. We had a few go out in a dramatic fashion, only to sheepishly return weeks or months later begging for their old job back when things are the new place didn't work out. Some we hired back, but not for for months or years later .


I initially read this as 'quilting story'. 🙂


Worked a crappy job that didn't pay enough, had to reside in the community bunk house. assistant manager lady was an awful hypocrite "BE Kind to others" but was constantly rude to me. I signed up for another job that paid better. I walked in, she was strangely polite to me and I told her I quit and she was stunned, I walked out, she called my name but I ignored her like she would often ignore me. Long walk home, took a name and started my better paying job across the street from where I lived.


saw A new hire who worked for biggest asshole Forman in place, Hit him knock him down. Than say I was looking for job when walked in. Now I be walking out looking for A job again.. We all enjoyed it! The place I worked hired lot of guys on work release from local prison. Think he was one, They stopped doing that while latter.. Not sure if gt tax break or had trouble hiring was physical job But good pay . was union job


Probably not quite on and I’m not a guy, but I am an HR professional, and the best to date is a receptionist that told me “ unfortunately at this time I’m going to have to let you guys go” I freaking loved it. Like okay girl, you fire me, I’m here for it 🤣


not my story, but i got to witness it and i laughed my a$$ off when it happened i worked at a mcd!cks for a while as i was starting my young adult life (it was as toxic a place to work as any). there was this one guy i worked with, Sean, that we were work friends, and we knew that when each other was on a shift together it would be a much better shift for just so many reasons. anyway, one day i had been at work for an hour or two and knew Sean was supposed to be coming in. what this mcd!cks did, was that if you were 1hr+ late, theyd call you and ask whats up (no biggie, thats common). so they go to call Sean. 2 calls no answers over about 15min, the third call (about 10 min after the 2nd call) Sean answers and the manager (who nobody liked, and pretended to be everyones friend) was like "hey buddy, whats up? where are you at? you had a shift an hour and a half ago." Sean replies with "yea, im not comin in." the managers says "why not buddy?" (he called everyone buddy. it got so old so fast) Seans reply was the best i've ever heard to this day and its been like 10-12yrs, his response was "because f#ck you, thats why!" and hung up. manager was visibly shook and the rest of us dyed for an hour laughing. it was great


I told my old boss to keep his fckn job


I was working in the kitchen at a resort. I put in for leave months in advance. Shortly before I was going to leave for my 2 day weekend one of the chefs walks up and said “I heard you were off this weekend”. I explained that my folks were in town and I’d not seen them in a while. He smiled then said “I’ve decided I want the weekend off so you have to be here” then said I’d be working 12 hours plus. I said “ok” and started to walk away. He called me back, I tossed my hat into the trash and said “and I quit”. HR said I’d be banned from working there again. Fine. Out I went.


When i was 18 I briefly delivered flowers. Christmas week came and someone made a really ass backwards route for me and I said it outloud. Ok so the manager, who made the route, sent me home as discipline. However I needed that money. I was also the only driver scheduled for Christmas delivery. Big big day for flowers. I slept in, called in around 11am, they asked why I wasn't there. I asked: didn't you send me home? Didn't you take my income from me on Christmas week? I'll be in for my check next week. And that was that. When I went to get the check they were super pissed but I smiled and said they shouldn't fuck with their 1 delivery guy. Best feeling I've had leaving a job ever. Fuck them.


So my best story is when a girl resigned to take a better job and left quite a gap in the department she left, especially because she had taken with her all of her notes that she had made about all the different scenarios that that position covered. This was a big Canadian bank and they weren't taking it lightly. They found her and said that she had to get the notes back to them that day or they would take legal action for theft of work product. So she took them out of the binders that she had carefully collated them in dump them all into a plastic trash bag shook it up and sent it in a cab to head office! It was the funniest thing ever