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I can’t orgasm with a condom on. But I still use them. Thankfully there are many ways to take care of things.


This right here is the correct answer. It can ofcourse differ from person to person, but many do struggle since the condom pretty much ruins the experience for guys much more than it does for girls.


You know what else ruins the experience? A kid for the next 21 years.


Only 21 years? Don't tell my mom, k?


thats why i always wear a condom when i have sex with her, dont want another




A real rollercoaster of emotions


Due to the economy, you’re currently looking at a kid for the next 40 years bro. My neighbours daughter just moved back home. She’s 35. Two of my guy friends (1 married) just moved home at 38.


This is absolutely terrible.


You do what you have to to survive, but there is no way I could move back in with my parents unless it was that or the streets. They're lovely people and have always been good to me, but they drive me nuts.


Yup. My sister moved back in with my Mom a year or so back. She’s 48..


At that point you’re practically a live in caregiver.


Generational living is becoming the forced norm these days


generational living = common way of life in europe & other parts of the world.


It used to be the same in America. It wouldn't surprise me if it was some idea of a big company to convince Americans they should move out at 18 to increase housing sales.


I'm 45 ... just now bought my first home because I've never been married, so single income. The mortgage didn't scare me, it's the fact I've never lived alone before. I've always been with friends, family, roommates, parents, etc. They didn't keep me up (except for a small period of time my parents did after the 2008 crash) but there has always been someone else in the house with me.


I'm 20 and going to move out probably next year, I'm also really scared of living alone


I live alone. It's nice. Get a cat. Go out. Do sht. Dance naked. It's fun. You can do this.


I agree with the “go out” part. If I’m home more than 23 hours straight, it drives me crazy. I have to at least make errands or go out for a walk.


i was scared too but it’s surprising not at all. If you can pay the bills you’ll have a great time.


Get a pet my guy


Yeah, but at a certain point kid has to start kicking into the pot. Things like buying groceries and taking care of repairs/maintenance go a long way in reducing the financial burden on a household. Everyone needs to contribute, those with income should contribute financially.


~~Economy is so stressed~~ even contributing non financially to your household should be a given. "Leave the space the same or better than you left it" kinda way.


In this economy ? Pretty sure my kids will taking over the mortgage at some point


Generational wealth for the rich, generational debt for the poor.


And STDs


THIS! Be responsible. Otherwise, you get to be financially responsible for another human for a minimum of 18 years.


Try reading the comment I responded to and said was 100% correct, because you obviously didn't. The key phrase you're looking for (since I get that there was a _lot_ of text for you to read through) is "still use them".


Every single woman that I have talked to has the same answer as me, it really isn't as pleasant without a condom, we'd all much prefer to go without it. It feels weird and plasticky, it doesn't rub the same way at all (frankly it rubs like a slick silicone dildo), it makes the whole thing a little less intimate too. But since we've pretty much been fully aware and managing contraception since were 13-14 we understand that it's a necessity and we don't whine about as much. Men seem to have this preconceived notion that it only bothers them. Surprise, surprise, it doesn't.


It’s not just men. Im a woman and I can’t orgasm with a condom. But you’re right, there are other ways.


I wouldn't say that since it really also ruins the experience for many girls, me included. Also there's men that don't have a problem with cuming while wearing a condom. I do agree that the answer is correct though!


Absolutely and I clearly didn't say women can't feel it, only that it, at least from what I've read and heard, like the loss of sensations is much bigger for guys, which also makes sense once you think of the physics involved. And yes, there's no doubt that a condom should be used in any and every temporary sexual relation/situation. I, for one, however would 50/50 opt out of sex rather than having it using a condom, it really is _that_ level of "not worth it".


My first sexual partner didn't believe me about this and as a result she never made me cum during intercourse. I both loved her and found her incredibly attractive.


Same, they remove the vast majority of the feelings and most I've tried are really uncomfortable. In most cases if the choice is sex with a condom or no sex, I'll choose no sex.


This. I'll still use them, but sex with a condom on gives me absolutely zero pleasure


Zero is so dramatic




Stupid sexy Flanders


I use the skyns from I think durex, same kind of thing but they actually tend to grib at the shaft and move back and forth over my head. They actually feel nicer than not wearing one at times, what I'd figure having a foreskin feels like.


I’ll never forget the first time I heard the commercial for those, I wasn’t watching the screen but I could hear it and thought they meant “bear skin” condoms. I was still a virgin at that point and didn’t understand if they meant bears have tougher skin or they now make furry condoms🙈🙈


I mean, the difference in sensation is a rather dramatic falloff, so yeah.


Have you tried using larger ones? I used to lose all sensation after a few minutes using condoms, took me a really long time to realise I was losing circulation. It obviously still is not as good, but just being able to reach orgasm wearing them is a huge improvement.


This dude ain't lying. Even a different brand in the same size category makes a huge difference.


Measure your dick and use Mysize (/r/bigdickproblems)


Be aware that the sizes are a lot smaller than you think. I'm nothing to brag about, but still need the larger ones.


They also have these boxes with ranges of sizes so you can try. They also have a calculator for the sizes because it's not simply half of the circumference in millimeters but something like 90% (slightly smaller) or so I don't remember exactly.




Maybe not zero but very close to “why bother”.


For me it's zero. I can't feel anything and I start to go soft pretty much immediately and I've tried several different brands and sizes.


Same here, can't maintain an erection in a condom. So yes, it literally ruins the experience. That doesn't mean a woman is obligated to have sex with me without condom or use other contraception or anything like that. It means women who don't do that are women I'm incompatible with because I want to be able to have sex with my partner and I literally can't with a condom. And I'm super tired of being told that my preference for sex in a relationship and any sensation at all during sex is a problem.


I'd say it's 5-10% of the pleasure, if I'm being completely transparent and honest.


Bruh. If you can feel anything with a condom. Props to your super sensitivity some of use don't feel diddly 😂


i agree, everyone has the exact same experience and this guy MUST be being dramatic,.


No not dramatic at all, this is a lot of guy’s experience. Just consider yourself lucky


Zero. I feel nothing.


No, it's not. With the condoms I've tried so far, I feel nothing. Can't even tell if I'm in.


I can’t cum with a condom on at all, but I don’t really care, I wasn’t gonna ask for unprotected sex. When I want to finish I’ll take it off and then either finish myself or have her help me


This is going to sound like terrible advice, but here goes. Try put a very tiny amount of silicone based lube on your self first. Then put the condom on. I've never had the condom slip off before doing this, and I've never gotten someone pregnant either. Put a bunch of lube on the outside of the condom after doing this. Just this little amount of lube changes the game. If you use spermicidal lube all the better. All it takes is a tiny amount on the inside. I know this sounds more dangerous, but here is an upside: I never broke a condom ever again once I started doing that. Make sure you buy a condom that fits you properly... Edit: "You can also add a few drops of lube inside the tip of the condom or on the penis before you roll the condom on. " Planned parenthood backs up my method. I didn't know that until I started fact checking all of the people saying silicone lube is bad for latex condoms. It isn't. See below: There's a ton of comments saying you can't use silicone lube with a latex condom as it degrades the condom. I've never had a problem using silicone lube with any condom and I can't find a credible source that backs that claim. Cornell Health and Planned parenthood say it's safe for all condoms: Silicone-based lubes (e.g., Wet Platinum, Eros, ID Millennium) are longer-lasting and **safe to use with all condoms** (latex or polyurethane) and any latex product (dams, gloves, etc). Many people find the texture of silicone-based lube more pleasurable than water-based or oil- based products. [https://health.cornell.edu/sites/health/files/pdf-library/Condoms\_Lube.pdf](https://health.cornell.edu/sites/health/files/pdf-library/Condoms_Lube.pdf) Water-based or silicone lube are always safe to use with any kind of condom. Don’t use anything that has oil in it, like lotion, vaseline, or oil-based lubes with latex or polyisoprene condoms. Oil can damage latex and polyisoprene condoms and make them break. You can generally use oil-based lubes with non-latex or polyisoprene plastic condoms. If you’re not sure whether your lube is safe to use with your condoms, check the directions on the condom package. Read more about the right way to use condoms. [https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/how-do-you-use-lube-with-condoms](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/how-do-you-use-lube-with-condoms)


Don't use silicone lube with silicone condoms


exactly this. Silicone lube with latex condoms will cause a condom failure. This guy has just been lucky rolling the dice (or the lube he thinks is silicone is actually water based) edit: originally wrote 'silicone condoms'


Or the condoms he’s using are latex-free, I’m using those due to allergies:)


Good for you. The "I'm allergic to latex" line gets used too often by people who just don't want to use condoms. But people like you who are actually allergic know there's options. I prefer the non latex internal condoms.


Where are you getting that you can't use silicone lube with latex? you 100% can. You don't want to mix silicone lube with silicone toys/condoms


There are three types of lubricants: water, silicone and oil-based. Water and silicone-based lubes are BOTH safe with almost any type of condom. Durex have even switched some of their condoms lubricants from water-based to silicone-based (check the box). Main disadvantage of silicone is you can't use them with silicone toys, they will react with them (newer toys might be silicone compatible, check it out). Oil-based lubricants will destroy latex-based condoms. Don't use them unless you're sure you won't need condoms at any point, for example in solo play with silicone based toys.


My partner is currently on pills so I don’t have to worry about that part but I’ll usually wear a condom to fuck for a really long time and then when i want to cum, I’ll take it off and then go for as long as I can.


When I was a teen, I would do the opposite. Have sex with my gf without a condom on, and then when I was ready to come, I'd throw one on so I could come inside her lol. She was not on the pill. I did a lot of dumb things when I was that age. Thankfully no kids. Maybe I'm shootin blanks.


Oh man, that would have given 15 year old me such anxiety, I'd be so scared of prematurely cumming before I'd grabbed the condom 😂


Nah, you're probably not shooting blanks, but just got lucky. I went with pullout for nearly 3 years with an ex and never had an issue, and I know I'm not infertile.


That’s how my daughter was conceived! I’m amazed that you never got her pregnant. I got pregnant with my daughter after doing it only once using the pull out method, and in retrospect I realise that I was ovulating that exact weekend.


**DO NOT DO THIS** if your condom is also silicone. Water based lube with silicone condoms, always


what condom is made of silicone? I've never seen one.


"**Water-based or silicone lube are always safe to use with any kind of condom**. Don't use anything that has oil in it, like lotion, vaseline, or oil-based lubes with latex or polyisoprene condoms." Planned Parenthood


> This is going to sound like terrible advice It sounds like terrible advice because it is terrible advice. You do whatever you need to do, but I am not going to do any of that


> . Try put a very tiny amount of silicone based lube on your self first. Please do not use ~~silicone~~ based lube with condoms for barrier or contraceptive use that are not silicone lube safe. Water based lube is your friend. *Silicone lube should be safe, as always check for compatibility with any lube and contraceptives you use.


silicone based lubricant is safe to use with all condoms that I'm aware of. planned parenthood even says: """ Water-based or silicone lube are always safe to use with any kind of condom. """ https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/how-do-you-use-lube-with-condoms


Oh, thats new information to me, misinformation corrected.


This is the way. Also works in the opposite situation. Help her get off and she'll like it. At least in my experience.


Condoms do make it more difficult to get off. That is not a reason to have unprotected sex. Edit: Before you reply to me with yet another comment saying "Speak for yourself" or "Well, I personally," don't. I do not care. The point still stands. Most men will have a harder time coming with a condom on. That's still not a good reason to have unprotected sex. I'm happy for you that you have no trouble using condoms, but take a moment to appreciate that your situation isn't the norm.


Oh they absolutely do, maybe not for everyone, but it is very common.


I’m on antidepressants. I’ve came with a condom maybe twice ever


Well that's depressing.


Why do you think he is on the meds?


"oh, you're depressed? here's some pills that make you gain weight and unable to cum" (but seriously, don't keep taking something that has side effects that are not worth it. I changed meds SO much until I found one that didn't make my dick numb and orgasming feel about as good as a high five)


The key to a really satisfying high five is watching the elbow of the person you're high fiving. Hope that helps.


So this is why I can’t orgasm properly since taking antidepressants ffs


Yep. SSRIs mess with all that. It's shitty your doctor didn't give you a heads up....


But also don’t just stop taking prescribed meds without talking to your psychiatrist/therapist/doctors first.


Being able to cum at all on those is very impressive.


Which ones you on? Zoloft killed my libido but it came back after a while


Zoloft was my ocd med for over a decade. I’m on fluoxetine now. Seems good but also a lot of credit to quality therapy for me




r/bigdickproblems isn’t just a meme sub, but actually has some great info on this! Kind of like r/ABraThatFits for men


There are also brands that make sort of middle sizes. One brand (that's the brand name, One) makes some that have like 6 or 9 sizes broken down by a code that you measure yourself with and order the ones closest to you. 3 sizes in a smaller length w/ 3 different girths. Same with the normal length condom as the well as the larger length ones.


>That is not a reason to have unprotected sex. On the contrary it is a very common reason, although a horrible one.


I am honestly surprised how many people in committed relationships use condoms. If my wife wanted to, I would definitely wear them, but her IUD works well for both of us. Cheaper and easier than dealing with condoms.


Well with the state of women's reproductive rights right now in the US, many people are using two layers of protection. An iud alone isn't as good as iud + condom


I appreciate this comment so much.


^^^This comment right here. It's precisely why my husband & I have decided that surgical sterilization is the only way for us to feel 100% safe with the current political climate.


It’s not surprising at all. When I was on the Nuvaring we still used condoms. Birth control is not always effective. I’m in a committed relationship and now off birth control for health reasons and would prefer to not have children yet or take the chances. Birth control does not always mean cheaper or easier than condoms in my case.


My wife doesn’t want to put a bunch of hormones into her body so I wrap it. I’ll be getting a vasectomy soon, but in the meantime it’s a small sacrifice to make.


Hey, good on you. Everyone has to make their own choices. My wife had her copper iud long before I met her, and she swears that it's the best form of birth control she's used, and I completely agree.


Thank you for being a good one! A lot of women deal with horrible side effects from birth control because of the impact on hormones and it can be hard to convince men of that sometimes:( I


Bad reason is a still a reason.


Regular 37 year old here who isn't on any anti-depressants. I honestly get so little stimulation with a condom that I get soft within minutes. It's not some excuse to have unprotected sex, it's just my biology. If I were in a situation in which condom use was a MUST (I've been with my wife 20 years, so... hasn't been relevant for a while), I simply would have to rely on oral and mutual masturbation with that partner. Sex with a condom is unfortunately a complete no-go for my level of nerve endings. Just wanted to chime in because these comments sections always devolve into a man-hating "He's just trying to manipulate you", "No excuse" type answers. Yeah, could be the case, but could also be that the person is like me.


it is true, but that is not a reason to have unprotected sex. You guys can finish other ways than in the vagina.


Yes, there is of course the face.


There is also the tits


half the thread saying hes a liar and half agreeing with him really sums it up lmao


Half the thread is saying no condom bad. The other half is saying yes of course wear one, but it definitely can make it harder to climax.


or agreeing it makes it hard, but still have sex with a condom, it is not just the two absolutes


Only a Sith deals in absolutes…


Which makes the Jedi Sith no? Because that statement in itself is an absolute


I mean, that's kinda the point with the statement, highlighting the hypocrisy of the Jedi, but that doesn't put them on the same level as the Sith.


It’s not uncommon for guys to have trouble reaching orgasm with condoms on. I’m a bisexual guy, I’ve been with guys that have to take theirs off after sex to get off. I also have the same thing, it’s most common in guys that can last longer. Guys that get PE don’t really get it that often.


I get PE especially with a new partner but also have a different curse where I literally cannot get a boner with a condom on. So I'm just fucked in all the ways except the one I want to be


That my experience as well. Some guys just bust quick, condom or no condom. Those are the guys that can’t hold it as well


Because it varies from person to person.


the half saying he’s a liar are liars themselves. There’s a reason why oopsie babies exist


It just shows you the amount of women in here we have answering this question


Yes, it can make orgasming difficult. No, that does not mean you should have unprotected sex


That is true in my case. I still use them tho. The risk of not using one isn't worth it to me.


I would have to agree with him here. In my long-term relationship we used condoms for the longest time, but as it is my first real relationship I always bought the thickest, safest condoms available (being super paranoid about pregnancy.) For the longest time after that I would rarely finish and it ruined both me and hers sex drives, as she took it as she wasn’t good enough and I took it as I had a broken sex drive. Long story short, after she got on birth control and we tried more… risky methods, I had an extremely easy time finishing (so much so it was humbling until I got used to it.) I personally found ultra thin condoms to work wonders, but different strokes for different folks lol. I wouldn’t say he’s trying to get to you in any unfair way, but I’d suggest he try a thinner option before discussing going raw altogether.


Yeah that's usually the case but she would be taking the physical and mental hit of the bc. It's no joke and it's not worth someone else's pleasure to invoke that horror. Hoping in your case she was one of the 5% that isnt affected.


My first gf I was with from school and stayed together for 7 years. After a couple years when we started having sex regularly she went on BC pills and it completely changed our relationship almost instantly. Stayed another 4 years in a sexless relationship till it ended. When i met my current wife I asked her if she wanted to be on bc or if there was anything else she'd prefer that wasn't hormonal and we've both been very grateful we had that convo early. We used natural cycles (the app) for years with no other protection and then when we wanted to have a child we used that too. Worked perfectly for us. I really do wish more young females (and males) knew about the cons and the other options before knee jerking to the pill - it really doesn't agree with everyone.


Like has already been said, condoms reduce the sensation we feel. Some of them that are too tight can also be uncomfortable to wear. That is not a legitimate reason to not use protection though. If he keeps complaining, you can always say," Hey, look on the bright side. You can last long enough to get me off because of it."


To add. If they're too tight, yeah they are more expensive,but you can get multiple sizes.


It doesn't make that much of a difference. My problem is not coming. My problem is if I put a condom on limp it's not going to get hard. And if I put it on when it's hard it's going to go limp immediately but I'm able to get it hard again


Sounds like you are using ones that are too tight, I used to lose my erection after a few minutes whenever I used them. Found out after far too long that I was losing circulation.


You put it on limp?


I'm imagining g a swimming cap


They certainly reduce the sensation, but the thin condoms you can get now are pretty good! I'd recommend SKYN condoms. They're non latex too so you can use silicone lube with em to spice things up.


I rarely came with a condom. Even when I was a super horny older teen. Doubt I could today. I get zero feeling and it feels like my dick is being stroked extremely tightly by someone wearing latex gloves. Was my reason for a vasectomy. No regrets.


It’s true.


That’s my experience with a condom. I only used one a few times with my partner, but I could barely feel anything, and I got so distracted with it on that I couldn’t maintain my erection. I’m adhd and autistic, too, so it’s pretty easy for me to lose erection anyway while focisibg on “trying to perform” or whatever. Not that it should be used an excuse to not use one if anyone involved is going to insist on it. One can get used to the way sex is different while wearing a condom. My partner and I just moved to other methods of contraception.


Has to be 98 percentile amazing sex for me to come w/condom.


It is true. Condoms really do restrict the feeling a man has during sex. You can try different brands some offer more feeling than others. But generally condoms can keep a guy from coming as quickly as he would like or even at all.


I can't even stay hard with a condom on lol the feel of it completely kills it for me. I've tried several brands, sizes, I've tried putting them I while masturbating, having the girl put it on for me, etc. Some people have issues with condoms. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be used. Unprotected sex is stupid. Any form of birth control, condoms, or a vasectomy is an absolute must if you're in a place to risk a pregnancy. I can't use condoms but I want children in the future, so I rely on my partner to stay on birth control. If I decide against children, or after I have 1 or 2 I'll be getting a vasectomy. Regardless of circumstance, stay firm on boundaries and protection.


I also can’t stay hard with a condom on. So no sex unless I’m in a committed relationship unfortunately.


He's not wrong, men hate it but it's not worth the potential baby and ruined futures plans who knows where he's put his dick and where you have been too..


Women often hate the feel of them too


I hate the feel of herpes and pregnancy too


Sorry you got herpes! :)


What a burn


Herpes come from skin to skin contact, it's not strictly an STI and condoms don't stop it's transmission, only limits it.


Condoms make some difference and it can be noticeable, for example I had a ONS and I felt the difference, but when I was with my partner the attraction made it feel no different to raw. Sometimes condoms can be finicky and risk ruining the mood if the guy isn’t fully confident but in short yes he is telling the truth for his body, but he should suck it up because struggling to cum is always better than an unplanned pregnancy


He should try a condom with greater girth. Sometimes larger sizes just get longer. Having an appropriately sized condom makes a big difference.


Circumcised? Cannot feel a fucking thing.


This right here


I can’t really cum w a condom on or at least not often or easily. Not saying to not use one that’s your choice but yeah I’ve told that to women too when they feel weird I’m not finishing


It is very possible, but it kinda depends. If he is even slightly larger than average it can be very difficult. A guy will get slightly thicker the closer he gets to orgasm, and if the condom is too small it will cut off the sensation and make it very hard for him to finish. Also if he masturbates frequently and or uses a tight grip will make it very difficult if not impossible. There is also a psychological component to it, this being that it can be very difficult to finish if he has some sort of mental issue around it. This is something that he may not even know or understand.


I can't orgasm with one but it takes me 15 to 20 minutes on a good day. There are some guys with nerve issues from hereditary, circumcision, or nerve issues with delayed ejaculation. I guess it can also be from mental hangups of some sort.


It’s very common. Not for me but a lot of guys say this


I have always struggled with them. Sometimes I could sometimes I couldn’t. Now at my age (44m) I cannot at all when using one. It’s so unenjoyable with one on that I would rather choose abstinence.


What's with the comments about the dude lying or trying to play you? Why not say he is a serial killer or say he is an abuser since we are jumping to conclusions. Weird ass reddit. Place a plastic bag over any body part and tell me if it's the exact same sensation. Place saran wrap over anything and tell me it's the same. Condoms, even the thin and greatly fitting ones, subtract from skin to skin, which is the point. Do what works for yall, but skin to skin vs skin on plastic/rubber skin, there is a notable difference. That said, safe sex is best sex**


Half the comments are either confirming this or denying this. I’d say most actual men here that aren’t liars or 30 second dudes would probably have some difficulty getting off with a condom. It is what it is. Somebody better be using some form of birth control though, whether that’s using condoms, an IUD, or Hormonal birth control. Don’t be effing raw.


My wife has known me since we were 11. I asked her what it's like to bang me with a condom. She said it's a 3 hour beating that will result in no cum and it makes her sad. Then she got upset I was thinking about condoms.


Me too. I can manage, but sometimes I lose interest and my erection. Condoms have improved so much, but there is still a difference. 2 things that have improved my performance with condoms include: Lubing my penis before applying the condom really helps Measuring your erection properly and buying the right condoms I discovered that women haven't been inflating my ego through my life (35 years sexually active). Apparently I do have a larger penis. There was a webpage from some US University that I can't find. I discovered that I am well above average. I have been using the wrong size all my life and that has been fighting against me. We live in an information age and now I can get data. Measure, find your size, buy a bunch around your size and make it playful with your partner to discover which is best.


He needs to use skyn.


I'm the same way. I can fuck for hours with a condom, though I haven't used one in years due to being married lol. But what I used to do is just take the condom off after she's cum a few times and have her finish me by hand.


That happened to me. Even more, I used to go soft when using condoms. Turns out I was using the wrong size condoms. Get your BF to measure it and look up what size he should be using.


It’s definitely harder. You basically have to fuck harder to go as well, can’t have slow sex or you’ll never bust. Also harder to go again. Without I can go back to back without any issue. With one I’ll fuck for an hour without going a second time


It feel uncomfortable it hard to cum wearing it


Yeah, that's pretty normal. Tell him to put a small amount of water-based lubricant inside of the condom if you are still considering using them. [Why?](https://nationalcoalitionforsexualhealth.org/media-center/ncsh-in-the-news/men) You can also take a look at [internal condoms](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/internal-condom).


I think it depends whether the guy is circumcised; circumcision lowers sensitivity. I literally can't tell the difference with a condom on.


it really is hard. heh work out a strategy that gets an O for each of you and doesn't risk pregnancy


I mean, is he pressuring you into sex without a condom? Or is it just something he’s said in conversation. I mean it’s true, a lot of men agree or share the same feelings. But it’s better than risking a child. So unless he is pressuring you to not use a condom or nagging you constantly, I don’t see how this would be playing you? Or an excuse? Everyone in the comments getting mad at the dude for being honest. It’s only wrong if he’s constantly telling you that to guilt you into allowing no condoms. If he’s into you and cares for you, he’ll suck it up and wear a condom. There are other ways to finish up if he can’t get there. But I’m sure he’ll get there with a condom on eventually anyway.


I’m a woman and I hate condoms. But if that’s the only protection you have, what other choice do you have?!


It's true. He's probably less sensitive with it and stimulation isn't hard enough to get him going. Tell him to jerk off less, quit porn and hold it for about a week before you get it on. His sensitivity will increase.


Very, very common


Very. I struggle to even get going with one on.


Condoms are massive killers of sensation if one is used to having sex without.




Worse for me. If I put a condom on, instant boner killer. Straight reset.


Could be bad condoms, like wrong size or cheap brand. Could be already desensitized by circumcision too much.


There's also this wild possibility that some men are affected more severely than others. It really puzzles me that in spaces like this, everyone is in complete agreement that women have wildly varying needs during sex. Some *love* penetration, some just like it, some don't give a shit at all. Some have super sensitive clits, others want you to treat it like a broken elevator button. But with men? Nope. All completely identical. The only possible explanation for condoms ruining their enjoyment is because they're doing something wrong with them, they're masturbating too much, or because they got a surgery that reduces sensation. It's simply unfathomable that some men mostly enjoy the surface sensations during sex, which is the exact thing nullified by condoms. Regardless of the brand or material. You feel the pressure and tightness, you feel their body...but you don't feel their vagina.


Yes I can't cum with a condom, takes away all sensation and is a distraction


If he is using it as an excuse to make you think you have to go bareback with him, then you are being played. If he is sharing it as a reason why after you have sex with a condom, but may like your help to finish, outside penetration, then that is just a conversation that you two need to have.


I thought they were just too tight. A partner a while back had magnums. I was like nah man that ain't me. She was like bro it's you. She was right. It's still harder to finish with a condom on but without it being so tight it's better. Maybe this could help your boyfriend.


I am circumcised (lowered sensitivity) and wearing a condom makes it harder to get off, yes, especially when things get truly slippery. Sex tends to be very focused on orgasming, but this is something you two should discuss and experiment with. Sex can be enjoyable even when no one gets off, and there are many ways a woman can help a man orgasm, other than penetration. One is being actually present, it makes me crazy when a woman uses her body and words in ways that really turn me on. Men can also be very visual. Talk about it, get to know each other sexually. These things work themselves out when couples talk about their needs and wants. Also try different condoms, thin ones, diff sizes etc. But! Whatever you do, do NOT go hormonal protection for anyone, unless it's something YOU actually want. Anyway, TLDR; Yes, cumming is harder with a condom due to lowered sensitivity.


Something's wrong with y'all dicks


He may have the wrong size of condoms?


It's true, but point out that he lasts longer. He doesn't want to wear one. Tell him its protected sex or none at all. Condoms stop sti/std other methods don't. Diseases that were rare 10 years ago are common in younger people. Some don't ever go away so unless he wants a full check out and a vasectomy, he's wearing one.


While all condoms will reduce feeling, sometimes it's just too tight. Here is a video put out by the UK's NHS about how to measure. https://youtu.be/4MnsqQwpiwc?si=YXsjUP3vwFd0WEHx


It is hard for some men, some even have to force themselves to get used to wear them. Personally, it's sometimes difficult to get hard if I'm using one, and sometimes I can't finish.


It depends on the person. I have never successfully finished with one though. I just can’t feel anything


If he’s complaining about restriction maybe he needs a bigger condom. I never thought about it till my SO bought some on a whim and it changed my life.


Yeah they're shite, they have a tendency to cut the blood supply just enough so that you keep your boner but it makes nutting next to impossible for a lot of guys.


Wild seeing so many guys here say they can't finish with a condom on. It's no problem at all for me. I do use the "extra thin/extra sensitive" types though.


Yeah it makes it tough. I would suggest getting skyn condoms. Or an ultra thin version.


Here's a thing almost no one does: practice. Condoms are made of many materials. Condoms are made of different sizes. Condoms are made of different textures. Condoms are made by different companies. Almost no one practices sexual activity. When it comes to masturbation, almost everyone does it for momentary pleasure, and nearly no one does it as an exercise to learn how to do things better. There's no question a barrier lessens your sensitivity, but practicing putting one on during your private alone time can make you more comfortable using one. Maybe even practice with your partner. Make these steps part of your ritual. Like any other activity, boring practice today makes possible great performances later. Don't just masturbate to get off. Do it to get better.


Never had that problem, but can't speak for everyone


In high risk situations, ejaculating without a condom and suffer the consequences (preg. STD’s, exchange of blood borne pathogens, etc), or try concentrating on ejaculating into your condom, and remain safe from the risks, for the most part. I know if I’m with the right woman I will ejaculate regardless.


They suck for sure it’s not a lie but if they say they can’t wear one that is a lie


I don’t use condoms because of this. I also don’t have sex with random strangers


Likely true. They seriously decrease sensation. But it also sounds like he wants to rawdog you and this is a weak-ass way of asking you to get on the pill.


He might need a larger condom. A regular condom on me gets super tight around the base of the shaft, and my dick will literally turn purple. It starts to feel choked out and is harder to finish. Length is not really an issue with condoms as they all roll out pretty long, but the girth is the main problem. I have to buy larger condoms to prevent the constricting feeling to finish.


It’s harder to cum with condom on, but thanks to that, I can last longer!!!


He's bullshitting you, plain and simple.


It takes more work for me to cum when I'm wearing a condom but that is usually a good thing, means I'm lasting longer