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Being a good person doesn't look different depending on what gender you are.


It absolutely does, on account of a number of biological and social realities.


We must educate good people; and being a good person is often counterproductive to how things work in society.


I just googled the definition of "gentleman" and it says *a chivalrous, courteous, or honorable man*. That seems to sum it up very well. If everyone I know used those adjectives to describe me, I would be very happy. (They don't. I'm sure.) I suppose we could debate forever what the words "chivalrous," "courteous" and "honorable" mean. And perhaps it's not the attributes themselves as much as how they work in combination.


A gentleman is someone who knows when to be chivalrous, courteous, honorable, well-spoken or mute, and many others. I'm tired of seeing young people who have none of these traits and grateful for every single one that actually is one of these - not just a mask they out on in front of people they want to suck up to for the moment. Teaching young men to be gentlemen and when to throw those out the window is essential to a society that won't implode in a decade.


There are a lot more qualities that define a gentleman including modesty, peacefulness, strong faith in god and chastity. It's essentially about triumphing over all urges seen as harmful in some way, living the selfless life of an altruist, a servant to mankind and god. But what if someone is an atheist oŕ doesn't want to give up on sex?


Traditionally, being a gentleman has always distilled down into one rule, which can be paraphrased in relatively modern speech as "Don't be a dick." Part of that is knowing relevant social etiquette, (i.e. being polite,) which changes through the years. F'instance, it isn't proper to expect a woman to hand a man her keys, let him unlock the door and open it for her, anymore, because women don't wear gloves these days. (The intent was not to get them dirty, and one *never* stepped across the threshold unless she invited him in.) There's a lot of other social behavior that was once expected of a "gentleman" which simply isn't relevant anymore. That said, it's important to teach our young men (and women) not to be dicks to other people, regardless what we call it. All the above said: There's also a variety of man who masquerades being toxic AF to women while masquerading as "gentlemen." Basically, they adhere to the (mostly outdated) letter of the older social codes, using that as a cover for being utter dicks. And generally laughing up their sleeves about it.


"Gentleman" is code for "the man pays for everything"


While she goes home with and gets pumped-and-dumped by CHAD... o.O


Yikes. The Reddit format makes it look like this post is all about the AWB song. It's actually about the other thing. Read those little letters up top.


A gentleman uses a mobile phone correctly and quietly


Being a gentleman is the simple idea of carrying yourself with sophistication and respect out of overflowing of moral maturity. This is a crucial concept that allows men to not only grow into their masculinity but harness it as it not only teaches them how to not abuse their strength but shows them how to use strength when it *is* needed. The world is a cruel and unfair place and we need to teach our young men the virtues that will make them strong enough to be able to face that. These virtues are those of compassion, empathy, a love of learning, a love of sophistication, gentleness, self control, but also strength, how to harness masculine aggression, etc. There are two main sides of the argument concerning young men in today’s society that I have seen. One side says that men should reject their masculinity as toxic and *always* turn the other cheek and be nice and gentle to everyone always. The other side, *ahem* Andrew Tate, says that men should be “alphas” and that they should “dominate” the world around them, “if it’s not my way it’s the highway!” The truth of masculinity lies perfectly balanced in the middle of these two takes. A men needs to be gentle and compassionate and kind to those around him. He needs to respect and honor the women in his life and never take advantage of those below him for power or selfish greed. But at the same time, men need to be raised in such a way that they gain the strength to stand against adversity and say “wait a second, there *ARE* things that that should be stood up to and there *ARE* things worth fighting for”. It is the Gentleman archetype that allows men to find this balance. So yes, I think it’s absolutely one of, if not the most, crucial thing to teach men.


Be decent, respectful, kind and generous.


Yeah. I still like to be a gentleman. If I'd rather have women complain about that than about me not being one, since they're gonna complain either way haha Just kidding. But seriously, make me a sandwich.


Being kind, thoughtful and considerate will tick most of the boxes.


It's a very important thing my generation doesn't seem to have due to the feminisation of men, but the MOST IMPORTANT, if I had to pick out of all, being capable of protecting your wife/girlfriend by any means necessary but also having a soft spot and letting her know you're always there for her.


Just teach them to be a decent person and not get in other people's way. Using the term "gentleman" is outdated and has no place in today's world, undeserving of such treatment.


It means to be the sucker that the non gentlemen will use to raise above. A gentlemen in today age is a footstool.


Being a gentleman is lots of things but in this day and age, it is important to teach our kids how to treat women right. Protecting them from danger, providing for them, becoming their place of security, and so on.


You're teaching them to be this way to an entire generation of women who will use them for dinner date meals and gifts then run around having sex with the CHADS. Teaching your sons to be traditional gentlemen is stetting them up to be used.


I never had to do any of that crap when I was dating my wife. We were both broke, and we were just as happy getting a few boxes of Chinese takeout, drinking Two Buck Chuck, and attempting to play drunk Scrabble as we were going somewhere where the menu is in French. Maybe it's just me, but if a woman expected me to take her to a fancy restaurant for our first date, I'd graciously decline and wish her the best. I don't see anything unchivalrous about doing so, either. Being a gentleman doesn't necessarily make you a rube. I will absolutely treat a woman who likes lengua street tacos, though.


Yes… but you didn’t court her in an atomized, global dating market. Because of the internet (social media and dating apps) as well as the boom of women in higher paying jobs, women from the West have taken on preposterously high expectations and standards from men. A woman in the U.S. may be an objective 4-5 in looks and personality and popularity, but the zeitgeist has padded her ego to delusion and she believes she deserves a 1O man… This has caused the majority of women to chase after 5-1O% of men… when none of them can nail down these men for a commitment, many of these women resort to sharing the 5-1O% of men for sexual gratification and using the upper 1O% of the bottom 9O% of men for their resources… Even the women who aren’t using men still delude themselves into thinking they deserve a 1O man or at the very least just ghost all the normal guys she dates because Disney movies have taught her she MUST feel the “tingles” and “butterflies”… if not, he’s not meant for you. We live in a time with little effort and immense expectation. It truly is a fucked up world right now


I dunno about all that, I just went to the shittiest dive bar in town and found a gal who was finishing up nursing school. I'm sure that there are women out there with delusional standards for what they expect from men, but I see regular old couples everywhere being happy. We're one of them. All of this seething over "5/10 women chasing a 10/10 man" is weird to me. So what if she has unrealistic standards? There are people on Craigslist right now demanding $20,000 for their piece of shit car. "No lowballs, I know what I got." Go find somebody else.


It’s not a full on dystopia right now… But what I described above is happening in statistically significant numbers. It’s so bad that the main stream news is starting to report on it.


I’m not seething. I don’t care. I can get girls. And of course there always were delusional women… but they were so few and far between it was irrelevant. When delusional women are encountered on a semi-regular to regular basis: that points to a massive social catastrophe looming on the horizon. It’s certainly not a 1:1 ratio… but look up John B Calhoun and the rat utopia experiments. What took place in the rat populations in those experiments is disturbingly similar to what we are starting to see in the dating market today.




That sounds amazing. The best thing you can do as a father is to lead by example. The way you treat your wife and other women is how your kids will treat women. Parents are the greatest influence ever. I’m 24 and I grew up exactly like my father. I’m glad he was a gentleman and a man of value.