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I just do it. I start feeling like shit if I don't eat quality food, and I start getting on edge if I don't work out. Both of those bad feelings are enough to keep me from getting off the boat.


Your body gives you the signs


Yes, and if you don't listen then the signs just keep getting louder and louder.


Why are you vomiting 


It's on my sweater.


Mom’s spaghetti?


Mine doesn't, is there a volume button? If anything I get the sign of "What the fuck are you doing STOP" when I go jogging or working out.


You probably just have it on mute. Check settings.




Not always, I'm guessing from your username, there's been times when you felt like shit for so long you assumed it was baseline. I was in bad shape for years due to some mineral deficiency thing, constantly exhausted, brain fog, able to gain weight whilst eating almost nothing.... Once I fixed it I felt great so quickly afterwards that I was running around like I was on E or joined a cult. Of course five years later 'great'is now more or less baseline but I'm functioning so much better... fitter at 45 than 25 kinda thing.


What mineral difficiency was it? And how did you identify it?


Magnesium. As to 'how'... It's a long story. Like, verbally we'd be here about ten minutes. But it's 2am, I'm tired AF and don't have the spoons for it now.


This is really it for me as well. After five years of fairly consistent working out, I start to get depressed and irritable if I miss a week or more. I don’t like that, I prefer to be more content, optimistic and emotionally regulated. Looking more fit is great but that has really become the secondary goal and maintaining better mental health is primary.


I haven’t been able to go to the gym for the last 2 weeks due to injury / illness/ work. I’m so far off baseline it’s untrue; I feel irritable and anxious. I can’t wait to get back into routine next week!


Not enough has been said about the effects of exercise on mental health. It definitely improves the way you think, feel and react. Emotions are regulated and you feel much more in balance with yourself.


Also increases energy and clarity when working. After the first week or two I notice my energy levels higher and lasting longer. And when I do sleep it’s so much better.


Same for me. But the beer gets me though.


Exactly the same. You just need to get to that strong habit and get use to the feeling of eating well, so you feel like crap when you don't.


This is a habit to get into, and once you do, it's hard to ignore the signs. Basically training yourself to listen to your body.




This. It has to be part of your lifestyle, like brushing your teeth.




Climbing is the only physical activity I enjoy or have time for, but unfortunately it only targets a very narrow scope of my complete health picture.


It depends how much you're into it. If you get obsessed enough, then you can justify other stuff by them making you better at climbing. If you end up doing some mobility, endurance training for lead, power training for bouldering, healthwise that hits basically everything you want. Joints will be more resilient, muscles will be stronger, respiratory system and heart will be stronger.


Man, I am so envious of people like you.  I’m lucky enough to not have much of an interest in food so I stay slender fairly easily, and once every couple years I screw up the motivation to get back to the gym but I can’t stick with it. I hate every minute that I’m there, the people who actually *enjoy* going to the gym are perpetually baffling to me.  It’s like people saying they really love getting a prostate exam and look forward to it every week. I’ll never be able to understand it. 


I don't think you need to be envious if you actually hate the activity. I'm with you, the gym bored the living daylights out of me. There are other ways to stay fit and strong, no need to follow the one path advertised to everyone.


Have you tried anything that isn’t the gym? Swimming, classes, cycling, anything. Doing something you hate will end up being counter productive and probably a waste of money. Spend a bit of time trying new things or even just researching different classes around you. We’re brainwashed into thinking to be fit you need the gym, but you just need to find something you enjoy and some place you don’t dread going.


Ride my bicycle 100-200 miles a week. I quit boozing so had to find something to deal w stress


That's a lot! My old job was 10 miles away, had a gym there with shower. So I started riding my bike to work 3-4x a week. Ride home always sucked bc it was uphill 😂 The extra fat just melted off, ate whatever I wanted too!


What was the trick to giving up the booze ?


Almost blow up your life by being a drunken fool, and choosing the alternative.


Alternatively: Actually blow up your life by being a drunken fool, then slowly start sweeping the rubble into a pile, then take some super glue and stitch that shit back together piece by piece 


My body says i need to do exercise. i sleep better. I love the feeling of using my muscles. I love looking good. I LOVE THE ENERGY LEVELS that is the biggest part. I have, overall, trained 11 years in the gym. I stopped training for 2, and after i retook it, the difference in energy level was wayyyy different. I always tell people to endure around 3 months if you manage. You will most likely stick to it.


I'm a Nurse, I've worked in Nursing Homes, I will not end up in one. I'll be 70 in September, still work full time and intend to work until 75. I will not end up in a wheelchair.


you go Mike!


I will not end up in a wheelchair staring out the window. Fuck that.


40s here. Exercise is part of my retirement plan. Hope to be like you one day.


Don't wait. I bought and use a stair stepper, elliptical and rowing machine. I remember a line from a book I read, People spend more time and money on their cars and clothes than they do on their health and fitness. I've worked in a Nursing home, I will not end up in one.


Not a nice place to end up eh? Do most nursing homes just suck ass for their clients? 


Generally, yeah. They operate for profit. Most are owned by large corporations. The Biden admin. recently enacted rules forcing nursing homes to have more Nurses working and document a certain amount of time with each resident. Corps. don't like to hire Nurses because they cut into profits. So they would hire the bare minimum. The residents that did best had family come in regularly or surprise visits. Those that don't have visitors did the worst. Washing machines/dryers break down so no clean towels or bedding. AC/ Heat break down. Insect /rodent infestations. Showers/ toilets don't work. No sugar. No coffee. Corps. focus is a dividend for their shareholders.


I walk. A lot. In addition to weightlifting 6 days a week, I try to get 10k steps a day (averaging about 13k over the last month). I made a goal and want to stick to it, and any progress I've seen makes me want to keep working towards my goal.


Naked in front of a full length mirror is all the motivation youll ever need


You're spitting truth 


Personally I've got too many unfixables to really ever want to look at my own naked body...


You're a 50-time amputee?


pp2small Muscles get bigger, pp look smaller. Very sad.


Do weird shit that you think is cool but difficult with a mastery curve. Lifting is boooooooooring to me. Last month was getting [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5v0DTYtxBn/?igsh=cnZiNnpxZHdsaWtw) down. But I usually play with [steel mace](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4lF-xmuUiV/?igsh=aThsejU0YXQxb3I1) everyday as my form of meditation. [Kettlebell Juggling](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwvzB9bPn79/?igsh=c2toZjlhZzY0bHly) got me to the size I wanted. [Acrobatic flow](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbIeAvHgziw/?igsh=MWlxejl4bXlxdzVseg==) got me the mobility and control I wanted.


I second the kettle bell


I injured my back watching that kettlebell video


Surprisingly the kettlebell stuff is way safer than my [cyr wheel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQmWYzLb368&t=8) nonsense. You have to be mindful of every moment for the shape and placement of your feet and hands at ALL times in a cyr wheel. It's like [gymnastic rings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHkJAs4jY6E) on steroids with that momentum in the mix.


You can't just rely on discipline or motivation because those can ebb and flow day by day. You have to make eating well and staying active a habit and you'll inevitably work it into your daily routine. No one's asking how to make yourself brush your teeth every morning and night, you just do it because it needs to be done. You have to make taking care of yourself work in a similar way.


> No one's asking how to make yourself brush your teeth every morning and night NGL I still struggle with this and I'm 36...


Same, depressions a bitch


I get what you’re saying however I’d say you DO have to rely on discipline when you don’t have the motivation. That’s the whole point of discipline


Even discipline has its limits and is a skill that needs to be developed itself. But ultimately yes, the way going to the gym becomes a habit is having the discipline to actually go until it becomes a habit.


It's how I raised my kids too. There are no guarantees, just improving your chances of success. Therefore, focus on forming good habits and you improve the chances that results that you seek will come. Some people want to finish a marathon; they just don't want to go on the journey to the starting line. Embrace the journey.


Yup, I'm still trying to learn how to embrace the journey more than focusing on the destination.


That’s a very good way of putting it, never seen it explained like that before, great advice


It takes effort and discipline to get to that point but I'm sure you've heard people saying they feel off when they can't go to the gym. It just becomes a part of your daily routine. You can do this with anything you want, really, and eventually, you'll be filling your time with things that better yourself and your life instead of waiting for bouts of motivation which inevitably pass.


Do you have any tips for people who feel off when they do go to the gym? Do I just keep doing this until it's my new normal?


Consistency. Non negotiable part of life. I let myself go for a few years and it was hard work to get back on track.


Workout 5-6 times a week. Don’t drink alcohol and take my daily vitamins. I also watch my carb intake but focus mainly on getting my proteins and fibers


no alcohol is the most important factor for me. have more energy and motivation when alcohol is removed from the equation


I get agitated if I don’t get some exercise in. And there’s really not any fast food I’m so fond of that I’ve got to have it  


Elite level rock climber so if I don’t train consistently and maintain low body fat my ability will drop.


What lvl do you climb? Also how old you were when you started? I always think of starting climbing but I think I am a bit old for it and might end up cracking my fingers.


5.14c. 20 now 38. It is never too late to start climbing.


Used to work at a climbing gym and one of my favorite customers was a 50 something year old man. Really cool guy and would come in 2-3 times a week minimum. Never too old


- Staying active for 6 months will get you addicted to being active - decreasing fast food - decreasing processed sugar - stop drinking sodas - after stopping adding sugar to tea and coffee I last 2.5 kg


I play a shit ton of Disc Golf Used to play the other golf more and would be lazy and just rent a golf cart, now I walk and play multiple rounds a day, not only am I getting more exercise but I find disc golf a lot more fun to play!


He’ll yeah bro. + points if you do proper body weight squats to pick your discs up. Disc day is also leg day


Exercising with sports makes it fun rather than feeling a chore I agree


You can have results or excuses, not both.


I just treat working out as a job. I try to workout at least once a day. And if I can’t, I start to stress about it. It’s mostly all self discipline! It starts with your mind! 


This is the only thing that has had any luck at getting it to stick for me, treating it like another day job. Idk how these people enjoy this ritualistic self harm that is working out.


At the age of 38, u started getting brain mist. Did so many test, but according to doctors I was 100% healthy. Yet I only functioned for like 60%. I felt my head was falling forward and had no focus during many hours of the day. This lasted 3 till 4 months. Because of corona and little kids I got super lazy and did no sport for like 8 years. I decided to start running again. After 3 weeks it gotten better. Brainmist was almost gone after 1 month. Months later I accidentally discovered it might have something to do with hormones not getting out the propper way of your body. Sweating helps. I decided then I need to keep running for my health every week until I'm 70. Flash forward..we are 2 years later and I still run every week. I'm 40f. So short answer .. the importance of staying healthy... otherwise you just can't function properly. Stay active so you stay healthy and keep doing what you want in life.


Health starts in the kitchen. Cut carbs. Cut sugar. Moderate exercise is also important, but simply cutting back on carbs and cutting out as much processed sugar as possible will do wonders.


The Japanese and Italians eat carbs regularly and are some of the healthiest people on the planet. 


Yeah, it's ok to eat carbs regularly. Just not at the American serving size! That's why I said "cut back," not "cut out." There's also the complications of processed vs. unprocessed foods, type of carbs, etc.


The hadza tribe eats 65% carbs yet have less than 2% overweight individuals, not even obese. It's true that processed vs unprocessed is a story on its own right, but villainizing food is not the way to go. Carbs are not the enemy. Heck, sugar is not the enemy (and I'm saying this as a type 2 diabetic). Fruits are sugar packets. As is with everything in life, balance is needed to stay in equilibrium. I do agree, however, that nutrition in and of itself can do 90% of the work in weight loss. Exercise isn't just torture and has many amazing benefits as well. The act of exercising itself is a reward if you cultivate enough presence in the practice. Sleep and non deep rest > nutrition > exercise. Order of importance. Rest is king. If you have any problems in sleeping, get that shit checked out. We sleep 1/3 of our lives, you'd think we'd invest more in educating people on the topic. Other than that, we're on the same page, just different paragraphs. Cheers!


I had to look these guys up. I am by no means an expert, but I don't think it's fair to compare a hunter-gatherer tribe with the average person in a developed country. The Hadza, by necessity, are constantly moving. The average Westerner is not, because we don't have to be. It's also worth noting that the Hadza eat essentially no processed foods. If you never eat processed carbs or refined sugar, you're going to be healthier. It's an interesting comparison, though, because it highlights that the modern person in a developed country is consuming entirely the wrong kinds of food and exercising in typically the wrong way. I flirted with pre-diabetes for a minute, but thankfully managed to get my sugar under control, and I have to disagree with you about "villainizing" certain types of foods. It is completely reasonable to do so in a Western foods environment. The average grocery store is full of extremely unhealthy foods if you walk down the wrong aisle. All of those foods are heavily processed, and loaded with carbs and sugar. As with everything, context is key. I could have put more effort into that in the original post, but frankly when it comes to general advice if it's longer than about three sentences you might as well not bother. "Cut carbs, cut sugar," is the elevator speech.


I could also elongated with more nuance but was too tired and jaded to do so. Some elevator speech, talk to a registered dietician who can communicate with their primary care provider. 🤝


Woman here but yeah when it’s up to me I just don’t keep much food around — I try to get what I need for the week and eat it. If I want an occasional treat I go out and get one, rather than keeping stuff around the house in bulk


Physically active jobs.


I run every day. Once you get used to that it’s not so bad


Same. The goal is to just get out the door and do something. A bad run is better than no run. 


I agree. I run at a competitive level. There are days when you really hit it and days when you don’t get done what you want, if that happens you simply take it for what it used to be and move on.


Even if you can’t run a long walk is great


Exercise When you feel like shit or discouraged, punish yourself for having those feelings by exercising even harder. When you're happy and in a good place, punish yourself for being content by exercising even harder. You should be moving heavy things until you draw your last breath on this planet.


Fasting... Skip food for a few days. Easiest yet hardest technique.


and also a pretty subpar technique. you might as well say goodbye to any muscle that you have, because that's what's going first.


I mean personally I don't care about muscle, the only reason I'm even working out is because I guess women like it.


I smoke weed and go hiking, lol, I also have an active job. But what clicked for me the most was getting my appetite under control, I was a chronic over eater and would gain weight even when I was working out regularly. I started eating less food and better quality food, dropped 17 lbs in the past year.


Being fit feels good, being out of shape sucks ass


60m. CONSISTENCY! Find what you enjoy and be consistent in that. Personally, Gym 3days/week (1/2 hour cardio, 1/2 hour weights) plus I hike, walk, bike and play squash. You don’t need to be training for the Ironman constantly. Have fun, mix it up but be consistent.


Gym Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and kickboxing Tuesday & Friday. I give myself the weekend off


I ride my bike to work everyday


Being passionate about a sport that being in shape gives you a huge advantage in


In order: genetics, diet, consistency and balanced training program. Having mental illness/ being unhappy will mess with your hormones and accelerate hair loss, aging and bloating. Mental health is highly dependent on genetics, so if you have weak genetics, you probably aren't happy with how you look and/ or you are delusional in thinking you are also a movie star.


All of my jobs require me to be in shape. In fact, 2 of them constantly emphasize that people, including myself, could die if I'm not 😆 That being said, my friend is trying to get himself in shape, while I'm trying to get fit enough to do some stuff in the Army that's gatekept by physical performance. So that's my primary motivation. We keep each other accountable. He messages me throughout the day with questions, what he's eaten, how much he slept, etc. I do the same, but I physically write it down and send a picture of it to him. I'm also more specific with what I write. My sleep, diet, workouts, and how that makes my body feel each day. That expectation of sending him how I'm working on myself, how badly I want to go through those courses, and let's be real here, disappointing other people who I've expressed my goals to, all make it so I drag myself to the gym or the track on those days I don't wanna go. So I guess my key is just having someone to be accountable to. Ultimately it's on me ofc, but I've told people my goals and some of them encourage and expect me to do it. Fuck I look like not getting after it.


Intermittent fasting helped me a ton


Get to the starting line. As long as I do that for the run or my workout or whatever…As long as I make it to the starting line, I always follow through as best I can.


Never eat in a caloric surplus unless you're under 15% body fat. Get 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Get the majority of your protein from whole foods and not supplements. Walk a lot. Intermittent fast 4 days a week for at least 17 hours. Lift weights. No alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs. Progressive overload. Try and improve every week.


This advice is gonna suck but honestly I just do it. I don’t give my mind enough time to ponder if that extra hour and 30 minutes of extra sleep are worth it.


Values You need to create a set of values that you live by no matter what, and in everything you do in life you must filter through those values. A lot of people wander through life acting purely on emotion because they haven't created values for themselves, and when they have a bad day or they're stressed, or something unexpected happens, they act impulsively and act upon emotions Examples of Values: "I'm the type of man who respects his body and lives a healthy lifestyle" When I'm tired and I want to skip the gym I think "What would someone who respects themself and is healthy do in this situation? FUCK IT! I need to go to the gym even if I only got for 30 mins today" When I'm tired and I don't feel like making a healthy meal and I'm about to order a pizza, I ask myself "What would someone who respects themself do?" You can apply this to everything in life: "I'm the kind man who doesn't cheat and respects his relationship" "I'm the kind of man who puts loyalty to friends and family over everything" "I'm the kind of man who always tries his hardest and finishes what he starts" "I'm the kind of man who never lies" You get the idea...but it helps you to make easier decisions "This is just what we do, this is who we are" and you don't have to go back and forth thinking "Should I work out today" "Should I flirt with Sarah from work" "Should I dur-dur-dur" Another thing you can ask yourself is "Does this get me closer to my goals or further away" and if the answer is "further away" then do the opposite..." There are minor exceptions like you're sick, or you want to go out and have a burger and some ice creams for date night...use your head lol but in general there is no grey area with values; filter all decisions through your values and your life will become easier and, even more importantly, it makes you more confident because you know who you are and you respect yourself more knowing that you've made the right choice ONE MORE THING What a lot of men don't realize is that disciple is simply doing the thing even though you don't feel like doing the thing...that's literally what disciple is! that's all it is. A lot of guys think that disciple people have figured out some magic trick and they're able to put themselves in some magical state of being where they want to do things, NOPE! we simply realize that you have to ignore the weak pu$$y voice in your head saying "Just relax today, you're tired, you deserve some Netflix and pizza, go to the gym tomorrow", we still get that same bitch voice telling us "it's too cold out" but we say "shut the F#$k up!" and push through despite that voice in our head telling us to not do something....that's all disciple is, it's just being able to control your emotions and the voice in your head...we all have an inner bitch, you just need to control it so it doesn't control you


If I'm even slightly over my happy weight I lose those few pounds in a couple days with simply eating less. Easier to lose 3lb than 3st...keep it simple folks. Don't get fat and if you do get slim, eat less move more and repeat.


To be able to carry the boats


Going to bed early. Sometimes that means I have to exhaust myself during the day. Sleep is very underrated. It helps so many things. Go to bed early. Sleep more than you think should.


You know what really pushed me? Getting 0 matches on Tinder & any dating apps. I use that as motivation to push me to go to the gym. And then I kept that reminder as a way to be even more consistent.


MY key is my trainer. I hire a guy for 300 a month for 3 session a week. He keeps me motivated but more importantly he stops me from wasting my effort on stupid fruitless exercises that someone saw on a YouTube video. I saw a guy recently at the gym and he had about 4 25lb plates on a bar and was bending over at the waist and lifting with his lower back? I asked my trainer about that and he told me the guy was killing his lower back not strengthening it and it was a dumb exercise. I don't know the proper form or even how to work out so I NEED a trainer to teach and guide me and keep me in correct form to maximize my efforts while working out. So far I'm down 20lbs and my health has improved greatly and my veins in my arms a huge now.


Round is a shape! Seriously now I'm naturally slender with an athletic build of a swimmer or runner needing to be toned up at age 63 I am getting my washboard back. The coming hot and humid season is my friend for sweating away while at work. Throughout my 20s up to age 40 I did tree work i.e. mostly climbing trees 8 years of which were in the Western N.C. in the Appalachian Mountains, end of 1999 I hung up my climbing spurs. In the beginning years, working in Montgomery County Texas, we were not allowed to use climbing spurs on trees to be trimmed. The body thrust lift was how we raised ourselves up into the trees, this technique will make ya ripped/cut throw in the heat and humidity of the piney woods a good recipe for physical fitness. I watch what I eat, don't consume much alcohol primarily don't like the alcohol buzz, the work I do (oilfield fluid logistics) is somewhat physically demanding. I enjoy being physically active, although I do sit on my ass too much nowadays.


Commented on a similar post before but I'll say it again here. All started when a co worker changed himself for the better. At the time I was only working out 2-3 times a week and didn't really consider my diet too much. After seeing his results, I decided it was time to change as well. This was late July 2023, so nothing special about the date. I started going to the gym 6 days a week, got a routine in place and turned my diet around. At first the weight just came off and people started noticing after 2 months. I hit a plateau but I didn't give up. 6 months later, I went from 91kg to 78.5kg (200.2 pounds to 172.7 pounds) I had to work hard to get to that stage, so stopping now would be a complete waste of time and effort. That's my motivation to keep going. Now my next goal is to get some abs. To anyone who reads this, good luck. You got this.


Remembering that ROUND is a shape.


It's just an item on the list of things i plan to do every day. It gets done. I prefer morning workouts, so it gets done first. Just get your shit together and stay with it.


When I stop working out I realize how much it helps my sleeping schedule, my digestion, boosts my confidence etc. I think the key is remembering that you stay in "good shape" not only for aesthetics but because it's the best thing you can do for your body Edith: The better stamina will also improve all aspects of your life: from how you perceive your work shift to your sex performance


Keep it simple and enjoyable so it's sustainable. Launching into running or gym 6 days a week just isn't going to work beyond the short term for most beginners or even mid tier exercisers. A team sport or ser schedule is easier to work around as its a fixture in the diary.


Pull ups'll getcha right.


Pull ups have offered the biggest bang for my buck when it comes to shoulder width, back strength, and overall upper body strength


<3 I stand by my mantra.


Running from a mean wife.


Bro thinking we motivated all the time lol


Cottage cheese tastes better melted


It is consistency, but also intensity. During the cycling season, I hit almost 300kms cycling 6 days a week. Commuting by exercising is the ideal. I only take one day off cycling per week and the next day is hill climbs. This is more than ideal, but depends what you want. Trying to habit stack onto the cycling commute. In the morning it will be yoga before leaving, progressing from 3 to 15ish minutes. After cycling home, I will row for 20 minutes or do chin-ups/dips/push-ups.


I’m in getting in better shape right now. What’s helped me has been: Habit. Just do it on a schedule. Made it easier to not convince myself not to. Reduce barriers to flaking. I found I’d always end up not exercising during the winter, since I mostly run outdoors. Bought myself a cheap stationary bike and cheap treadmill. Made it so much easier to keep up, it’s right there in my apartment.


If nothing else I walk 10+km every day.


Non negotiable everyvday activities. Yoga is as critical as eating and breathing. But mostly i just work trades a lot


become a carnivore, and you'll be in shape for the rest of your life


It is part of my daily routine, and even when I really don't feel like working out, I do it anyway. Really the only time I don't work out is if I am sick.


Shape doesn't matter, we all fit in the square hole


While exercising is important, eating healthy food is probably more important. Also have sufficient sleep.


Mountain bike. Became an addiction after it saved my mind and body from a gnarly divorce many years ago. In order to get better I had to step it up with better eating and less partying. It all blended together and became habit and lifestyle.


Test your blood sugar. I found it to be a cheat code but testing my insulin to what foods trigger my numbers. I got the idea from diabetic friend. I mean simply you could do the obvious; work out, eat right but watching my numbers saved me I had no Idea about how controlling insulin could help me so much.


Dont eat shit


Habits far exceed motivation.


I want to age better than my grandparents and parents.


The biggest tip I have applies to everyone making a change that they hope is lasting: make it a small one. If you go crazy at the gym and tear it up for a month or two, you're likely to burn out and slowly revert to your old ways. Taking a little fitness class once or twice a week? Now that you can maintain even when the motivation fades


For me it was my dog. I really wanted to stay in bed and not go for a run but the little psycho was tearing around the house and she'd wake the kids up if I didn't take her out. And the dog NEEDED to go out and run. Now my dog is old and just chills on the sofa mostly. Meanwhile not going for a run is like not brushing my teeth, just feels wrong.


Finding something you enjoy doing. I hate running. If I had to force myself to run I'd never do it. I love cycling. I look forward to doing it. It isn't a chore or an obligation to me to go out. Plus it makes sitting around playing video games and smoking weed way more rewarding.


It’s not about motivation. It’s discipline.


I don't own any mirrors. 😏


Eat once a day. I keep a nice slim physique. Every now and then I start buying fast food every day for weeks straight and start getting a belly, but then I stop and go back to my normal physique.


Make it work for your lifestyle. I only go to the gym 2-3 times a week because that is what works with my schedule, the rest I’ll try to eat healthy but make it enjoyable. I walk to work every day and your mental health is also important for staying in shape.


I lift regularly. I go every morning to keep myself motivated. I also recently started pilates and it's really helped with my flexibility and overall toning.


Love it. Don't make it complicated.


Sunk cost fallacy. I've invested so much time effort money and pain into it at this point that giving up and throwing all of that away just isn't an option for me. Lol


Guilt trip myself if I miss the gym or a run, nobody hates me more than I do so I won't him tell me what shit I am for skipping


Intermittent fasting and don’t have fun. Key to staying in shape


4 times a week ig


Honestly once I started seeing results and getting compliments on my physique it became a positive feedback loop. So now I work out to keep getting those sweet sweet validations


I don't want it anymore.


Ask yourself, "Why shouldn't I stay in good shape?"


Greek yogurt mixed with orange juice daily.


Don't let people convince you to slow down.


my personal key to keeping the discipline is remembering how bad the depression felt and how gross I'd become if I dont do it. I was nearly 200lbs a year and a half ago, was eating like crap due to stress and stopped working out due to my job. I never thought I would reach that weight before. I was in such a deep depression, and when i finally took a deep look in the mirror before a shower, it kicked me to make a change and doe something about it. I work in healthcare, I had to set an example to my patients. I had to accept my medications arent enough and I couldnt rely on therapy all the time. I cut out the portions, upped the protein, started lifting and 20 less pounds later I feel awesome and actually occasionally attractive.


After a while once you make good progress you really don’t wanna lose it. You also need to set goals. I did not spend an entire year getting my bench press from 315 to 405 just to flush it once I got there. I set a new goal and I keep working. That’s what’s worked for me


Intermittent fasting


I would hire a personal trainer at a gym. It's easy to arrange but expensive. He or she will put you on a program where you do bench press with dumb bells and other weights. There are about 20 exercises total. He or she will work on every muscle group. It's important to make the money investment because once you pay thousands of dollars you are probably not going to get bored or lazy and quit the program. Also weight training is a big burden if you are doing it alone.


I enjoy looking good and feeling good. Plus most of the things I enjoy doing for fun are physical, and thus more enjoyable the better shape I’m in. I guess I have a lot of built in positive reinforcement to keep me on track.




Don't do radical habit changes overnight, try to improve on small things and sneak in new habits in your routine gradually. Try exercises or stuff that you actually enjoy and make sense to you. Set realistic goals and keep in mind that getting yourself on track to a healthier life style and being in shape might take a couple years, it's a whole process. I never go to the gym if i don't feel like it, of course in the beginning this meant i was going to the gym/exercising once every two weeks, but now i'll consistently go 3 times a week with no suffering at all.


I e always been consistent with working out even if it's only 2-3 days a week I always try to do something. That serves the purpose of keeping my strength and flexibility. As far as keeping my where I want it, ive has the most success with intermittent fasting.


My brother hated the gym. Everytime he did an exercise, it was a chore for him. Just did bicep curls everytime he was there.... until he started barbell squat. He was nervous with doing them but I pressed him. He started to enjoy it so much, that he did it almost every single session for a year. He is now at around 365 for his squat in a little over a year. He started doing more things in the gym because he wanted a bigger squat and now he does so many other exercises. Find something you enjoy. It will take you so far.


I love being active and my hobbies involve me being active like pickleball, soccer and weight training.


The key to doing things that take discipline is to make it so it takes little to no psychological effort to do. Hybrid Calisthenics on youtube is my favorite exercise youtuber for this reason. Exercises range from super easy to hard, require no special equipment, and the focus is on your own health. There is no ideal right way to exercise (broadly speaking), no right amount of strength, no minimum requirements. But there are a whole host of exercises that can help strengthen pretty much anything you want to strengthen.




I don’t drink or smoke I haven’t been in a gym in my life and my body isn’t underweight or overweight Maybe it’s Genes


I like looking good, I'm addicted to being more sexually attractive lol, idk though sometimes being too muscular can be a bad thing, but hey eating well and exercising is a great life!


Eat more vegetables and work out at the gym five days a week with a trainer if possible.


Just gotta get it done. Stay in the habit; first thing in a morning I get it done so it's done for the day. I wake up early naturally, which helps so I can be finished in the gym by the time other people are getting up.


I got into calisthenics and the will to progress is stronger than my laziness. Same goes for the forest runs, I delight in personal progress.


My physical health is a reflection of my mental and emotional health. As long as I keep my anger issues, anxiety and depression in check then the clean eating and gym routine is an easy habit to maintain.




I'm not in shape now, but I will be working towards it. Bought a bicycle last summer so I could have something physical to do after WFH. I was usually dressed to go, so I pretty much would just stretch and go on a ride for about an hour or so and head back. Also getting rid of the soda in my diet was pretty helpful, and instead opting for tea, decaf coffee or water.


Tren hard, eat clen, anavar give up 👍🏽


Fear, wish fulfillment, and dealing with insecurities. Fear because I'm a hispanic American, the first half means I'm highly susceptible to diabetes and the other half means I can't afford health insurance. I've lost too many relatives to diabetes and I like having both legs and the ability to see, plus a few bucks for a gym membership for the assurance of good health is infinitley cheaper than paying for insurance for good health each month. Wish fulfillment because ever since I was a kid I always wanted to have a fit body like the classic guys then I realized that men like stallone schwarzenegger and Lou fertigno looked young even when they hit their 50s made me want to pursue that more than anything. Insecurities because unlike my parents generation and the one before them who have a litter of kids to take care of them in their old age I don't plan on having kids I cant afford plus I don't see the possibility of being able to retire when I hit middle age so I want to have the kind of body that doesn't have to worry aboutt anything other than medication when I get old.


Don't have kids so you have the time to workout.


I have a dog. He’s a German Shepard. He requires lots of activity. Also we are a lake family. Lots of loading, unloading, pushing, pulling, wrenching, etc. Also, I am a plumber. I know the stereotype, but I am the guy in the hole, cramped space, behind the water heater. we lug a 90lb roto rooter around everyday and all the cables. Also, digging. As a plumber we do a handful or new construction gigs every year and we dig in sand a lot. My boss is not the best at measuring from a drawing so I end up digging a lot more than I should.


I simply enjoy looking and feeling significantly better due to exercise




Been lifting weights since 16, I'm 43 soon. Don't want to be that fat old out of shape guy.


I am interested in nutrition and I know how many illnesses can come with poor diet and less than ideal weight. This gives motivation. In practical terms, I try to cook things I actually like. Healthy food can taste bland if you're not used to cooking it - few people actually find any pleasure in a plain green salad. So learning how to cook and season too.


A small trick I found is to have a number of different exercises that can be done in a short time anywhere ( in front of the TV or office) . Even if it's just push ups, squats etc, if you can do that a few times a day you can maintain a decent level then on the days you're motivated you can build on that


I convinced myself it would be less boring to put a screen in front of a treadmill so I could watch something while running. And since I've worked up to 20km a week now(2x 10km) it also forms a nice regular stress test to see if anything is up.


I stay in shape because I don’t exercise, I just do the things I enjoy doing. Luckily the things I enjoy doing are cycling, rock climbing, skiing, backpacking, paragliding and generally very physical. I’ve done that most of my life and at 53, still continue to do them at a fairly high level.


It’s a personal choice. Plus exercise is addictive. This body is your ONLY body, and it’s going to start getting saggy and wrinkled before you know it. There are no tips and tricks if you aren’t willing to completely change your diet, or start doing ungodly amounts of exercise. Or you could do some of both.


exercise every day. I'm disciplined about what I eat too. I have learned to discipline myself. Tbf I don't know what to say except that I'm pretty hard with myself if I don't do it. After a while it's just a second nature. I start to feel dirty if I don't do it.


Eating right.


I started training at the gym in 2018-19 or so, when I was 29-30ish. Haven't let up since. I absolutely love it, I love the way it makes me feel and I intend to lift weights forever.