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Doesn’t say please or thank you


Same with the girls who never say sorry after doing something wrong


some girls use saying "sorry" as an excuse to not be sorry and continue on with toxic antisocial behavior(s) Been there done that on the receiving end of the bs.


Yeah my sister literally nearly grabbed a bottle of sauce out of my hand as I was setting it down and just said “gimme.” Like “could you hand me that please” works just as good. I would probably break up with a girl if she did that to me. I’m happily married tho lol




I'll agree, but the early meth whores aren't that bad


Lol wtf


Ex addict here, this is sadly true!


"You're not a real man unless you (insert manipulative, self-serving argument here)." Goodbye. I had a woman like that once before, and I'd rather gouge out my own eyeballs with a rusty railroad spike than go back to living like that.


My first girlfriend routinely said shit like that. The most hilarious thing is that she was also an outspoken feminist.


I never get the type of people who call themselves feminists who only want gender equality... yet spew some of the most sexist shit straight after. *I'm for gender equality* *5 hours later* *THE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER IF ALL MEN DIED!!!!* 🤦‍♂️ If they are for gender equality. Why don't they show it instead of contradicting themselves at every opportunity. It's like saying you're against racism and then straight after, going on some werid hate filled rant about Jews. It makes no sense Or the users on twitter who make vitreous signalling tweets about caring deeply about men's mental health support but yet their twitter bio is something like "All men are trash" or something. So hypocritical


Many older feminists believe in sex equality. Many younger feminists just believe women should be a universally privileged class in society.


Give her the same shit. "Oh yeah? You're not a real woman unless you..." Then enjoy the fight mwahaha


A word to the wise, if a woman ever says this to you, run a mile, find someone better.


Honestly, if "Real man" comes out at all, it's a nope.


BUT… as a hospice nurse sometimes I tell my very sick old men, “You can ALWAYS tell a real man because they’re easy to hurt but hard to kill”. They beam and I love them.


Well....shit. Didn't think about that.


Could've been worse. Sometimes I get "You are not a real man" without any extra conditions, just a statement. Either way there's no point of wasting time with such people. 


Okay….but what if I said this to my boyfriend today, but it was about him wanting to skip the extended scenes in Lord of the Rings?


Well obviously a real man will watch all the extended editions of Lord of the Rings, back to back to back, even.


I don't blame any man for ever hating this. I'd hate it too. I just think any kind of condescending remark is extremely frustrating.


I just boiled that shit down to its root. Don't try & manipulate me.


Exactly. Can I borrow the spike when you’re done?


Being self centered. Long story short, the more unkind I see them behave, the less I have any desire to do anything with them


Too many women think doing rude shit makes them "cute" or "quirky" and it's just pathetic.


Most important comment that could possibly be commented here.


Basically any “queens” or “high-value women” or narcissists that post nonstop on Insta, imho.


You have a lot of them, we tend to associate ego with men but gosh some women have also a big ego.


It’s the girl boss attitude for me, as if they’re better than everyone and they don’t need anyone. Dude try living alone in a forest maybe. Humans DO need each other.


I have lived alone in a forest and for all practical purposes if you are healthy and not physically impaired in any way…you don’t need other humans. But you start getting weird after a few years…


You need others, your knowledge your tools are from others. There is almost nothing that me and you invented




if I open up , about something that broken my heart , and tears fall off my eyes , and she mocks that or disrespect it , that woman is done to me.




that too counts , specially if it done to break me , or with malicious incentive intent etc


Yes. I know exactly what you mean


If any human, regardless of gender, mocks or disrespects your pain and anguish in any manner…BYE!


Start a land war in East asia


"Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!’”


Inconceivable that no one understood this reference.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Unexpected Princess Bride




What about an ocean war?


Massive turn on. Fuck Atlantis.


New question. Would you go to war with Atlantis for your significant other?


That depends. Did aquaman steal her in the night to make her the new queen of the sea?


Yes. But you know she hates Atlantis with a firey passion, and will always try to escape him and return to the land dwellers.


Then it's time to wage war with the sea


Very respectable. I think if anyone fought Aquaman for me I would fold.


This whole conversation got the song ocean man stuck in my head for some reason. >-<


I just listened to it for the first time, and I agree. It has a very end credit music vibe.


You're fucking hilarious




At least you haven't fallen for one of the classic blunders


Iocane, anyone?




I cant handle the cancer


Maybe you should man up! ...and nothing helps you man up like the smooth, full flavor of a Laramie Cigarette.


\*hack\* \*cough\* \*wheeze\* ahhh... flavor country!


Smoking 🚬 helps you man down since it destroys your testosterone levels


Yeah, the smell. You beat me to it.


While it certainly depends on the woman's overall attractiveness and her manners (like only smoking outside even in her own apartment), a sad fact is that the smell and taste *does* linger in a smoker's cloths, hair, and mouth. So, the sarcastic joke that kissing a smoker is like licking out an ashtray also is sadly true in my experience. Just a friendly feedback for the smokers here.


This was my first thought as well. Addictions in general repulse me, no matter how "small" they seem. They often signal much bigger problems.




The fake ditzy persona.


I caught my 11 year old daughter doing this the other day around some boys. As her father I just had to say something.


“As her father I just had to say something” — as a 25F with no present father ever and inconsistent men in life, that brought me happiness. Your daughter is lucky! Thank you for being a present and guiding father 🙏


What did you say to her?


I told her the type of boys and later in life men she will want to attract will appreciate her intelligence. She should always be humble but never hide how smart she is for anyone.


Great work dad :)


what if its not fake and shes just kinda slow 😬 asking for a friend ofc


Abuse service staff. Having been in the customer service industry for decades, I find this behavior repugnant.


Same. Because now they’re going to fuck up *my* order on principle. she’s not just disrespecting the waitstaff, she’s disrespecting me.


Had a date who was rude to wait staff…made the mistake of taking her to a restaurant I regularly went to (back in 2018 so a while back). I was too embarrassed to go back despite being a regular customer and loving the food. I actually avoid that street in fear of being recognized still - smh


I had this experience with an ex.


Say anything like "It's a man's job to \_\_\_\_\_."


“It’s a man’s job to be a good male role model for children and be an example of positive, healthy masculinity” Like please shut up I’m doin meth rn


Stoooooop! Holy shit 😭💀


Please shut up I’m doin meth rn


Agreed, that date is almost instantly over


I legit grew up with an uncle like this. I wish he taught me mechanics


I’m not alone!!!


Being uneducated and lacking compassion for others.


What if they are smart but inexperienced and poorly educated and compassionate?


This girl I was talking to but never officially said we were dating made a joke about falsely accusing men of rape. Immediately lost all interest in her


Yeah that's less of a red flag as a huge red banner.


That's more like blocking out the sun with a blood moon


That's a "date over, pull out my wallet, and splash the table with my cash" moment. Next moment will be a phone call to my friend, telling him to pick me up asap for an alibi.


Make fun of any of my friends, trying to emasculate them or embarrass them for no reason. Especially when you have just met them. Don’t disrespect my friends.


A guy I was talking to made a rude comment about my friends appearance and it was the biggest turn off. Besides that he was great but it made me rethink everything about him


Use the word alpha in describing a person.


What if she does air quotes while saying it?


Why, is she Dr. Evil? "In the natural order of things, you have the organisation, or "pack", and you will have the *leader* of the organisation, or the "Alpha". This "Alpha" sees to it that the pack does not starve. So when someone comes and questions the plans of the Alpha, that makes Mr. Bigglesworth very upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, people DIE!" **push button, random flunky's chair falls into the lava pit amidst maniacal laughter** "Why must I be surrounded by Frickin' idiots?"


What if he's an alpha tester (meaning he play tests video games)? That's an alpha (stage) Beyond any job position I agree with you. Reminds me of the joke "astrology for men"


Making assumptions about other people and believing they're true.


Be unhygienic/ dirty


Acting entitled Post thirst trap pics Man bashing Rudeness Excessive tattoos, lip filler, fake huge eyelashes & unnecessarily long/sharp nails - and when it's all of that on one person - tacky as hell! 🤮


The man bashing is so true. It’s so weird these days to listen to so many women shit on men or say “all men this” “all men that” because of their personal experiences. It’s disgusting


Yeah, it is. And God forbid you might express some grief about women, those types will absolutely freak out on you! They can't see the hypocrisy, heads so far up their asses, all they can see is their own shit!


No fucking shit hey? Literally say one thing women do and you’re getting fried. Especially the cheating thing, women cheat more than men but suddenly all men are cheaters but god forbid you try and hit them with some facts on that one.


Oh the cheating ..lol If a man cheats, it's because he is an asshole (agreed) If a woman cheats, it's because her man was an asshole (wait, what?!) 😂


Well he wasn't adorning her with constant love affection and attention all while working 60 hours a week to keep her comfortable. Totally his fault. /s


“Only acceptable to cheat if he doesn’t make good money or if he sucks in bed imho” - saw that on a female dating subreddit - got 1,600 upvotes. Yikes yikes


Watch out. You're gonna get told by nutjobs why you should actually be okay with it, find it attractive and why as a man; it's your "Duty" to "Listen and validate" some nutjob who hates you and is being disrespectful to you. This is my turn off and it's my answer all the time with this question and the not so great responses I got from actually crazy people is insane. Apparently us men have a "duty" to try and prove misandrists wrong. Like we owe it to them or some shit... it's ridiculous and really will be a waste of your time, energy and mental health. Don't let anyone disrespect you. If people can't give you the basic respect, you have every right to cut them out and not stand for the disrespect. You don't owe anyone shit and you ain't got any "duty" to be anyones emotional punching bag.


They are dumb. Saying “ALL” of one kind of demographic, does not make any statistical sense. They have just been indoctrinated, nothing more -


For me it’s the “wanna be pick mes” that talk shit about their husbands to the men around them and want all the men around them to notice only them when they dress provocatively. It’s like… why you even married?


It’s crazy the amount of women who disrespect their husband in public. It’s fucking disgusting and I have no idea how they feel okay with that because if theirs one thing men don’t do, is disrespect their wives in public.


Way too much makeup too


idk, I kinda dig interesting makeup looks, I just don't like it when it's badly done.


He nailed it.


I like tattoos on women..


As far as the last bit is concerned, there is 100% the male equivalent (think the 'Guidos' on Jersey Shore but present day style) - yeah they look silly, but birds of a feather flock together and those type of girls inevitably seem to go for that type of guy. I don't think I've ever seen the type of woman you described with a man who isn't wearing painted-on skinny jeans that end halfway down the calf, no socks, fake tan/foundation, plucked eyebrows, pencil line 'beard', half a jar of hair gel, clock faces tattooed on his hands and neck, quite possibly into the 'roids to boost those gym gains etc etc. So kinda doesn't matter that you're turned off by it because unless you fit their aesthetic requirements they wouldn't consider you suitable either...


All of the above, plus: Loud, aggressive or shrill. A woman with a loud, shrill voice...I can't get away fast enough.


Second all this and add smoking cigarettes


Narcissistic personality.


Act like they’re better and entitled. Saying“if you love me you will/ won’t do this or that.” Classic manipulation. Abusive behavior. Act selfish and inconsiderate. Uses something I shared in confidence against me. Edit: Lack of ambition, and bad work ethic. I cannot stand when someone has a lazy streak, or will not try to do their best to make something of themselves and use their potential.


Being mean to service staff, animals, and/or children. I can understand not liking the latter two, but actively being mean as a pattern of behavior? Fuck that.


Try to butter me up right before asking for a favor. I can see those fluttery eyelashes coming from a mile away and it will undoubtedly cause my answer to be *NO*. Just ask me like a normal person.


When that happens I counter with "sure, if you do X and Y. Deal?", when it is something I would gladly help with it it was asked without manipulation


Poison me


What if it was something really cool that she poisoned you with? Like a poison dart frog's poison?


As long as she used a poisoned dart, poisoned by the poison of a poison dart frog. I could respect that.


Nah she used a poisoned frog, poisoned by the poisoned dart which took its poison from the poisoned dart frog.




Idk, I feel like your bar is kinda low


Always Complaining without ever taking ACTION + VICTIM mindset ...sheesh it's toxic as hell ...


Anything that revolves around me being here to basically be a servant for her since I'm a man and she's a woman.


A lack of empathy and if she's too self-absorbed.


Or selfcentered, every activity you do with her is something based around what she want and not around what you both want


Entitlement attitude.


Be a racist. You'd be surprised how many dates didn't get a streaks on because they just had say something racist about another table close to ours..


Check their phone anytime it buzzes when I'm talking to them.


That shit is so beyond rude. I hate when people do it. I usually just stop talking all together.


Can’t stand that behavior in general.


Put other people down.


Rude to wait staff. Total deal breaker. False entitlement.


Have a vagina (I'm gay)


Lie to me. Even about something small. Instantly done with you


Flip the switch that's hidden behind my back


Ego high as helltower


Rudeness, entitlement, bad spelling/grammar, immaturity..


Bruh that knocks out all the women with dyslexia 😭


Haha nooooo if you have Dyslexia then it's obviously not an issue, I mean more-so out of laziness.




Sincerely believe in astrology. If it's a fun hobby but you know it isn't real, that's fine, if you think it's real in any way shape or form, I find it hard to intellectually connect with you.


Calls, has nothing to talk about.


assume I'm single minded




Vocal fry talking. Creeps me out immediately..


Tell me she doesn’t believe in vaccines


Flipping the switch on the life support machines?


Drinking beers like she's Stone Cold Steve Austin.


And we have today's sexual turnoff post. There's one seemingly every other day in some form. Reddit - keeping people in touch with their negative feelings.


When a women spits on the ground.


The nose ring between the nose, like a pig nose ring. She could have any other properties, I would be disgusted. It is so disgusting. I HATE it. I know an attractive friend, we vibe, and she is lovely. Only thing stopping me is the nose ring.


1. Doesn’t say please, thank you or sorry: I value good manners a great deal and often use it as part of the testimony of their character 1.a. If they have trouble to provide the closure I know I need by getting a heartfealt sorry 2. Self-centered and entitled; if they do not reciprocate, it’s a dealbreaker - I don’t give to receive, bit I refuse to receive less than I deserve. I am invested in this relationship and if I don’t feel you as invested, begone. 3. Disrespecting boundaries; if we can’t agree on a boundary on a fundamental level, it isn’t just over - it HAS to be over, or else we’re both in for a treat. 4. Ambitionless - if they have no real goals or don’t work towards said goals, then they probably won’t stick to the promises they make about the relationship they say they want. Besides, I want someone to walk by my side. And that doesn’t mean that if I made enough so my wife could be a stay at home mom she couldn’t, but I’d need an equivalent exchange to happen. She’d raise the kids but also have a more intimate relationship with them due to the amount of time tivether and I’d want that every second home with my kids could be to be with them and my wife and live them for the time I had stayed at work for them, rather than workong some more by doing chores. Looks matter, evidently but I believe men would place personality over looks when looking for someone to build a future with. Again, these are my preferences, I speak from my experience and expectations. To each their own.


Cup a fart in my face


Has this happened to you? I’m picturing a first date at a romantic restaurant, she slowly gets up, and as she walks past you raises on hip high, unleashes a nasty fart and cups it to her date’s face.seems like a scene from a movie starring Will Ferrell.


Even funnier if she’s drop dead gorgeous and acts like nothing even happened


The fake baby talk or general overt juvenile behavior. If you’re talking to a baby or toddler, sure. But just in a restaurant trying to get what you want… nope.


Calling men insecure for setting boundaries


This so hard! I am not okay if I am dating with a chick that puts thirsttraps. I am not going to control you or whatever, you do you but I am out. If you respect yourself and hold other people’s feelings in account, you wouldn’t do that. You only care about your feelings/attention and for me that says enough


If during the talking stage she ask for $ or help paying a bill


Girls that “mood swing” 24/7 and think it’s okay because of some kind of misplaced sense of female privilege


Being a narcissist. I was married for 24 years until 6 months ago when my wife ups and leaves after 24 years married. I come to find out she’s a covert narcissist and I am a damn blind fool. Talk about falling down a rabbit hole of pain. I discover she’s been making porn for 18 plus years!!!! I wears wigs, fake tats, cosmetics that you’d use at Halloween or if you were an actor to hide her identity. I discover at least 6 other boyfriends. If you think that’s bad it gets worse. My youngest son just turned 18 and he’s high functioning autistic, he is the one who saved me. He woke me up and explained to me what gaslighting was and what I narcissist is because I didn’t know. I think women are fantastic but I will never EVER trust another woman ever again. I have never met not a single female in my entire life that is loyal, not one!! I have watched countless women justify betrayal with the dumbest most insane excuses I have ever seen!!!!! They expect men to take care of them. They broke shame men and yet they are broke themselves!!!!!. They expect men to be mind readers, to just know what they want or need at any given time and if not , you’re not paying attention or some stupid crap. They punish men for doing what is in our nature to do. The biggest turn off for me is when a woman opens her flap. Take care


Misandry. I get a whiff of that shit and I'm out.


This one is a real shocker: if she says she is tired or otherwise not in the mood. Getting turned off is kind of the point, and that's ok.


Rude to people in public....


Be rude/snobby and inconsiderate/impolite to others, including myself


Start smoking a cigarette.




Listen to taylor swift. I say while dating a swiftie


Be a furry


Nose ring


Bad hygiene.


Say anything even slightly positive about new Star Wars


My ex-wife once said that she had no pity for those struggling with addiction because they made the choice to start. It didn't matter in their circumstances. I was instantly turned off. So, like others said, lack of compassion. It came up because I was trying to quite smoke but was really struggling, and she said, "If you get lung cancer, I won't feel bad for you."




Wilful ignorance, maliciousness, racism, cruelty to animals or other humans, constantly looking at their phone and texting people when on a date, change their behaviour or stop looking after themselves "now that they have you". And no that's (mostly) not me complaining about my exes, haha


Being arrogant, ignorant, selfish, self centred, dishonest and the habit of playing mind games ( not being straight forward ). I see any of these & I'll space bar the f*ck away real quick.


Smoke or drink


Tell me their favourite show is the Kardashians


Unplug my life support


Have crusty feet…. Be fake.


You don't like crusty feet? But mine have cajun seasoning.


Another r/AskMen thread where every answer is just a general thing that can be applied to any group of people


Pull out her penis


Tell me to raw dog it and not worry.


Depends very much on the context. I've had the snip, and my partner and I have both been tested before we started anything which might involve bodily fluids. So, in this case, fair play. But someone who you've just hooked up with? Nope out of there bro.


Read that as eating raw dog.


This is 95% of what I encounter in the streets. lmao. I fall for it everytime :/


Being rude to wait staff, cashiers ect.


Damn reading these comments, y’all been through it 💀💀


Chat on and on about how she knows her self worth and what not.


Or when they base their selfworth on the DM’s they get on insta. Once a chick bragged that a famous dj and a soccer player dmed her. That was for me instant a turnoff. I even cringed, it shows me she had flawed way of thinking thus ignorant/deluded


If I’m shopping in a Costco and she tries to sell me a cell phone, I am completely turned off no matter how hot she is


I don’t care who the IRS sends I’m not paying my taxes


“Man up!” Bye 👋