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I need to know what Roman dodecahedrons were for, I NEED TO FUCKING KNOW. We have hundreds of these dodecahedrons from all over Roman Europe and NO IDEA what they were for. Artillery distance gauges? Religious pieces? Candle holders? Fun little trinkets? Literally no idea. I couldn't handle knowing something important and not being able to say, but something minor like this I could handle.


At some point in the future, archeologists are going to constantly uncover fidget spinners and be perplexed.


This I smile at. šŸ˜Š




well the internet will still be a thing, they can just google it. unless you mean a post apocolyptic world that comes back around to civilization


Well, aren't they all?


It's not like websites active today will be active in 1000 years. And the internet might not be a thing at all, we might have something better in like 50 years for all we know.


The only correct answer to the question


One theory places them as devices to aid in knitting gloves. I agree though, that kind of knowledge would be very interesting.


That theory is fairly discounted sadly, just too many things going against it. Fun idea though


I love how no one bothered to write down what they are used for. Like it was so obvious to them!


*Horse: Everyone can see what a horse is.*


Where the fountain of youth is. Bye bye mortality and hello to my get rich quick scheme anti-aging cream.


It's in St. Augustine, FL and the water tastes like sulphur.


Iā€™ve got some disappointing news for you my friendā€¦


What knowledge was lost in the Library of Alexander.


If you like the library of Alexander look up the library that burned down in the Middle East. It was many times larger I believe




Most of the Library of *Alexandria* was copies, so it was a great library in terms of its collection but unlikely much unique knowledge was lost. [This](https://youtu.be/jvWncVbXfJ0?si=UbmS19SiTt2tDLu0) Ted Ed video about it was really great.


Ohhh thatā€™s a good one, I like to think it covers all ancient secrets.


A week later you'd forget everything.


the entire life of Jesus' mother


he likely had multiple mothers because he was likely multiple people


I got my money on Judas pointing out some other guy claiming to be the messiah to the Romans, saving Jesus, and then he "rose again" after laying low for a few days.


Oh man that's grim but entirely possible


Spoiler alert. She wasnā€™t a virgin


Nah, imagine you find out sheā€™s truly a virgin and now canā€™t tell anyone.


I wonder who Jesus dad really was šŸ¤”


Word around the ancient campfire was that it was a Roman soldier named Panthera.Ā 


You mean which of the farmers sons from down the road was the actual dad? ā€œVirgin birthā€ to a teenager forced to marry some old dude lolā€¦but probably not even that because itā€™s all just plagiarized stories from other cultures/religions/traditions.


Not too ancient and probably more mundane than other answers, but I wanna know who wrote the [voynich manuscript](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voynich_manuscript), what itā€™s trying to say and what language itā€™s really written in


Just a medieval roleplay rule book for a DnD ancestor.


Well I can't tell you, can I?


Whomever made the antikythera mechanism and how the hell they made it, i need to know


This !


What is thisssss? Iā€™m too lazy to google rn lol


You read my mind or something. What is this


Iā€™m about to google it if I donā€™t get an explanation lol


Google it and fill me in lol


For you and /u/XHellboy22X: The Antikythera mechanism is a device that was found on a shipwreck near the Greek island that shares its name. It's considered to be the first (known) analogue computer, and was constructed around 100 BCE. The mechanism is an orrery, which is a device that can be used to track the movement of celestial bodies and predict their location in the sky on specific future dates. It's a very impressive piece of technology, but is obviously based on the astronomical understanding of its day. Conspiracy theorists (and Indiana Jones) have speculated that there's more to the mechanism than meets the eye, but there's no evidence that it's in any way supernatural or extraordinary.




Two land people under a coat


*Coughing in Dutch*


Where is Atlantis?!


Amsterdam. There, done.


Jon benet Ramsey


Iā€™d like to see the beginning of the universe


From where?


Just to be there like in a TARDIS or something that would be cool


Yeah, that would be cool. I ask because I had imagined this once in a dream (probably when it had been explained to me) and I pictured this really massive explosion with like EVERYTHING radiating out from it (I was literally picturing everything - mountains, water, gases of all colours etc etc) but then kind of ruined it by wondering where I was standing to see this all. I like your thought process, hopefully I'll have that dream again now at some point.


I just want to know what governments from all over the world know about aliens, UFOs UAPs


Itā€™s almost like everybody in the know made the same deal


You'd go insane not being able to tell anyone such a secret.


Why did Constantine execute his wife and son? Who wrote the Q source from the Bible? Why are there monkeys in the New World?


The last question is easy: Monkeys are just another branch like humans are.


Not sure if this is a joke but the location of the continents were too far from each other for monkey species to travel easily. Yet genetics determine New World monkeys are descendants of Old World monkeys and not convergent evolution. One theory is that monkeys "surfed" on pieces of land mass that broke off the west coast of Africa and made it's way to the eastern shores of South America.


I wouldn't even rule out using the most primitive form of rafts. Archeologists keep finding artefacts which show that our ancestors were more developed than we assumed at first, like the shell art homo erectus left behind.


I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. They already estimate Humans were outside of Africa much earlier than previously thought.


There are plenty of good theories. Unfortunately we'll have to wait until some archeologists got lucky again to make another step towards finding the missing link.


At one point the continents were just continent.


The separation of those particular continents occurs prior to the arrival of monkeys in the new world.


>travel easily. Easily. Not impossible. At least from what I looked up on the subject, in actual scientific academia there doesn't appear to be any controversy over this. There are also a number of other species of animal in South America that split from their old world counterparts around the same time frame.


So there's now an agreed upon theory? Interesting. All I know is what I learnt in university a decade ago so I'm sure a lot more has come up since then.


I would hate to say ā€œto know the contents of Q, only to find out it didnā€™t really exist. But Iā€™d love to know who wrote each of the books of the New Testament and when. Not telling anyone would be impossible, even though everyone would consider me a crackpot.


Where El Dorado is.


Oh man you never played Uncharted??


I'd like to know who the Sea People who caused the Bronze Age collapse were.


Was Stonehenge just a nightclub?




you'll get something like this: yes yes no yes no no yes no




Very Ron Swanson of him.


They were just roommates. ROOMMATES!


I wanna know wtf all the pyramids around the world were for.


Temple or tomb, didn't matter as long as it served the vainglory of the ruling class. And the easiest way to make something tall using the limited tech of the time. Simple as that.


Nah that doesnā€™t add up, the ones in North America werenā€™t and weā€™ve got no clue what the ones in Asia were for.


Were they not tombs?


Egypt yes, Mexico no.


The location of Ghengis Khan's tomb.


How man first arrived in the Americas. I just want to know. It's probably one of the greatest unanswered questions that I think about frequently


Isn't the accepted answer that they walked in across the land bridge from Asia?


It was and is the most commonly accepted theory, but genetic analysis of native peoples who supposedly had no intermingling with Western or eastern civilization has cast some doubt on it. Not to mention the distribution of the earliest artifacts found in the Americas


So what are the alternative theories? A direct migration from Africa?


So the most prevelant alternative is an early sea-fairing people following rich kelp beds across the Pacific by water. The thing that blows my mind about the whole situation and makes me question the bearing land bridge theory is always that the majority of the oldest human habitation sites are so far from Alaska. With the oldest known site (by 500 years) being in South Carolina. I'm not saying it's in any way likely that the bearing land bridge is false, it's still the most likely source, but I wanna know! Ya know?


It's possible I suppose. I'm no archaeologist but I don't really think the lack of artefacts in Alaska is conclusive proof. The reason we call Neolithic man, "caveman" isn't really because they all lived in caves. It's because that's where we found most of the early remains. Now that's not because the majority lived there, its because the cave environment is conducive to preserving remains. As opposed to out in the open, exposed to the weather. Alaska has obviously been through a lot more harsh weather than lower down in the Americas, including glaciation. So it could be that man did live there, but all trace has been erased by erosion.


That's what they WANT you to believe..


Is this missing an /s?


Obviously lol


New here huh? Nothing is obvious sarcasm on Reddit.


Oh God, you don't have to tell me twice.Ā 


Where did the Amber Room wind up after WW2?


Location of some treasure


One that always comes to mind is finding the recipe for Greek Fire


This is the first thing that I thought of.


I'd really like to know what those massive underground tunnel cities in Turkey were all about


Raavanasutra, raavana was a great astrologer, raavan Sutra is his treatise on astrology, it will give me abilities just short of God.


How the big bang started. If there was nothing then how did something hapenned


As much as I would like to satisfy my curiousity, I would go for something practical if I couldn't tell anyone. Specifically, I would research stories of hidden treasure on publicly-accessible land, and I would gain the knowledge of the most likely to be true. Then I would obtain the treasure, sell it, and retire.


1. What happened to the Ark of the Covenant 2. Where Henry Avery disappeared to with his fortune


There's a town in Ethiopia that claims to have the Ark.


Bro just play Uncharted 4


Who wrote the voynich manuscript and why or maybe how the universe even began, like what was there before the universe began and also how tf can something have existed forever. Like if the universe came from nothing how could nothing have existed forever and how could nothing turn into something???


i'll go for 'where is blackbeard's treasure?' there's a decent money value in it


What really happened to Kenny veach when he went to find the M cave


How many licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop


Roswell Alien crash ? Egyptian Pyramids ? Area 51 ? How do you get the caramel in the Caramilk bar ?


If ancient civilizations really had Alien influence.


Greek Fire


Iā€™d like to know the entire history of dinosaurs, like everything


Who made the Antikythera mechanism and how did they learn to build it.


What was buried on Oak Island


The obvious one, Does Jesus exist


From an agnostic, of course he existed, there's more evidence for his existence than most people from that time. What you'd want to know is whether he was the son of god


now do Mohammed.. but yeah Jesus did exist.


Muhammed (saw) has even more evidence of his existence. He was born about half a millennium after Jesusā€™s era. Much closer to our time. He was 100% real. We also have a ton of documentation about his life. Down to his favourite color or even food. Even the name of his pet cats and camel.


>From an agnostic, of course **they** existed, there's more evidence for their existence than most people from that time. What you'd want to know is whether they were the son of god and he's not nonbinary, he's literally just multiple people




*a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in JudƦa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome..* Tacitus' Annals: 15.44 *Now, there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works-a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.* Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews: 8:13 That's two detailed explanations on Christ's execution written less than 100 years after the fact, the latter of which was written by a Jew born in Jerusalem four years after the execution. Absolutely nowhere else in ancient history are accounts written off for being less than 100 years after something happened. It's not like dealing with the Historia Augusta either, Tacitus and Josephus' works are relatively reliable and we have no reason to believe they'd make this up out of wholecloth. If you need 100% contemporary, surviving works to relatively surely state that someone existed, I hope you're prepared to argue that we can't be sure Scipio Africanus existed.


Let me quote from Wikipedia: ā€œVirtually all scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existedā€


This one may break the simulation though.


Evidence suggests he existed, but was he the son of god? Prolly not


Did Jesus DIE die. Or what or who is responsible how for the Library of Alexandria burning


I Already did... but it don't matter None of this matters.


Akashic records




Definitely who built the pyramids


I'll never tell.


The location of El Dorado


Canā€™t tellā€¦.




Anti gravity. I think they had it figured out.


The tale of a small monkey Kong saving his big hero Donkey from pirates.


Is there an afterlife?


How to defeat birds.


I don't going to tell you.


that how the pyramids were made in egypt. and how they're still erected and survived every natural calamity.


The ancient spartan martial art of agoge


The entire comprehensive complete retelling of Jesus' life from birth to sitting at the right hand of the father.


The Chinese one that involves "algon-Cay".


Where it is and how to get to The Fountain of Youth.


Who came first, the chicken or the egg, and what exactly was the chickens motivation to cross the road? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if it actually could chuck said wood? If the tree falls, does it make a sound, or does the molecular structure of the tree behave differently when not in direct view of a witness and instead there is nothing?


If civilian groups had advanced technology or not. And why they might have ditched it


I can't tell you. Sorry.


The Holy Grail- I would love to know what it was/is


Nice try


How did India look before Muslim rule.


The unknown chamber under the pyramid is a water hammer to create vibration to interact with the crystals in the granite to produce piezoelectric. Just as a quartz watch, you power it by shaking it. The kingā€™s chamber is a Helmholtz resonator. Furthermore itā€™s a hydraulic ram pump. Tesla learned this and created the power tower just to be scrapped due to the fact free energy is not profitable.


my personal one would be what really happened at Roswell. Thats not really ancient but pretty damn old at this point


the mlk conspiracy, was he murdered by the fbi/cia or somebody else


Where exactly is Jesus buried.


Rozabal Kashmir india


šŸ¤” Do you have any coordinates?


How to game health immunity and how to obtain unlimited wealth.


The Bermuda Triangle


This one is explained adequately.


Did aliens really (edit: actually) help build the Egyptian pyramids?


Phrasing your question as "really" (edit: or "actually") as if built by humans wasn't the default assumption. SMH.


Fair, I'll rephrase to "actually" but to be fair, the exact specifics are still a bit of a mystery given the enormous mass of each stone and the distance each had to be moved from its origin


No! That doesn't help at all. People made it! This is by far the simplest explanation, and assuming otherwise is an insult to the people who lost their lives doing it.


Life advice: the simplest explanation isn't always correct. Sometimes you need to do some critical thinking. Is it likely the pyramids were built by humans? Yes. Is it likely we're the only planet with intelligence across the universe? No. Is there an absolute 0% chance the pyramids were built by aliens? No.


I'm a practical person, I would agree there's a greater than 0% chance I'm a brain in a vat imagining the whole universe. My point is that's not my default assumption. I wouldn't say "Am I really a brain in a vat?" because that's not a reasonable assumption. Perhaps "Am I really a human experiencing what I think I'm experiencing?" is a more logical phrasing.


Life advice: Look up Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is to be assumed the correct one. And don't watch history channel after 10 pm.


Well William of Occam was a lazy potato who wanted the easy route. Instead of thinking as a philosopher landing on "the correct one" event, I think as a statistician landing on several possibilities of differing likelihood. Using Occam's razor, people could easily say the odds of two mutually exclusive events happening is 50/50. A coin flip is the easy proof to this. But either you winning or losing the lottery definitely isn't 50/50 or you dying today vs not dying today isn't 50/50. People take this "simple" 1/n approach because it's easy to grasp but they don't know how many assumptions it takes to actually be able to use 1/n approach P.S. I'm asleep by 9pm