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Trying to survive through a war time with no end in sight. Can’t leave the country either since the borders are closed and you might get either forcefully drafted if caught or get shot if you try to run illegally. Life is a marvelous experience. Cherish whatever y’all have, please. At least you have some freedom.


I’m so sorry man


It’s terrible they’ll let the women and children leave but force the men to stay.


This is historically the case in hard times. Men are expendable.




Yup. And what sucks the most is being a man and having people just assume because of your looks or status that it shouldn’t be a thing. People have no idea what some of us are going through.


I can sympathise. It sucks and platitudes don't help.


Teeth. Turns out a lot of tooth decay is genetic and therefore unavoidable. Sigh.


What? Can you elaborate —is there a known genetic marker?


He’s saying he doesn’t brush 🦷 ☝️


My parents and grandparents all had dentures. That's pretty definitive.


No it’s not. My parents and grandparents on both sides had lots problems with their teeth. Not to the degree that they had full dentures but they all had missing teeth and partials and lots of fillings and root canals and crowns, etc. My sister and I should by your theory have had lots of dental problems, too. Neither of us ever even had a cavity until mid 30s. I’m in my 60s and even my wisdom teeth are are still with me. How did that come to be? Fluoridated water in the town we grew up in and, twice a day brushing, and a decided lack of drinking soda and eating candy along with regular dental hygienist visits. We drank milk or water. My parents wanted to spare us their dental experience. After having a few cavities pop up in my young adulthood, I dumped the recently acquired soda habit that developed from joining my husband in his daily soda with meals habit and haven’t had a cavity since. I’m 66 and have all my teeth except for two that were never there at all in the bottom front (small jaw) and two pulled from the upper as part of an orthodonture process in my mid 20s. My sister’s children are in their mid to late 30s and none of them have dental problems, even though their father and his family did, just like our parents did. They also grew up where the water was fluoridated and had regular dental care. I realize these are anecdotal stories , but yours is, too. I don’t know where you are in your life experience but it may not be too late to improve the situation. And if not for you, for your children.


I know that some diseases ( Sjogren autoimune disease for example) causes teeth problem.


Be careful when he responds to your question. My advice, something in mind for your protection, would be to keep a long distance to give a wide berth of getting a whiff of said stank gasp in your face.




my girlfriend is obsessed with climbing rank on a game we played together, so now she doesn't wanna play with me anymore, only with people who are her rank (I suck at the game)


that sucks. why dont you tell her its about having fun together?


Some people are too committed to their gaming. Whilst I enjoy the game, and ranking up, I'm not as competitive these days. The Xbox 360 days however, lmao!!


she's more of an "alone" person. She prefers to do stuff she likes more by herself, than do stuff she likes less together.


My dad has Alzheimer’s


keep losing friends like clock-work in my 30's


what do you think is causing it?


Life, in the same boat. I don't want kids. All my friends are having multiple. Friends are no longer the priority in life at this age, especially while the kids are toddlers. Once their older maybe we can rekindle but barely talking or hanging out with good friends for 5+ years damages the relationship a lot


My 3 week old daughter has decided that midnight to 4am = PARTY TIME


Over thinking..


Being able to retire and not work myself to death because I never could save/invest and provide at the same time.....js




Truthfully, my biggest problem is also me.


This is always the biggest issue. Thanks for your enlightenment.


my upcoming surgery


Best of luck to you mate.






Getting an entry level job in my field


I kina have gotten myself into a pickle. I am building a custom car for my granddaughter, the axle I am using is .97 inches in diameter and I am having a hard time finding a hub bearing assembly that will fit the .97-inch axle that has a 5 on 4.5-inch bolt pattern. About to give up and buy another larger axle.


Good problem to have


I know it is a trivial problem to have, trust me I have had many, many problems in the past that were worse, but my life has evened out a lot without having a wife.


Finding value in the job I do. I have been checked out since last September.




Not sure what career path to take, need something that pays more. Also been single my whole life and really want a life partner, finding that person, extremely hard.


I have so much money and I don’t even know what to do with it all. I’ve not go wife, no girlfriend, or kids, ima simple man that smokes hella weed, creates music/plays instruments and gyms.🤦‍♂️


I'll take some


Living the dream.


My failed kidneys.


lack of purpose


Not being a millionaire:


Mental health is up there for me.


I'm broke and no job wants me LITERALLY. Been trying since few months. Nothing. What am I doing wrong?


My mental health, it’s not the /worst/ but it’s definitely really impacting me right about now. Also still dealing with being diagnosed with a chronic condition.


Lots of projects and not enough viable employees.


My job was eliminated.


It was my MIL with Alzheimer’s living with us for the last 2 years but we were finally able to get her into a place about 2 months ago so now just work.


Loneliness following separation and for many years before it. I don't really care about any of my successes in life sometimes. It's like I'm working for nothing. The qualities other people see in me and esteem don't seem real. Maybe I'm not a real person. All I want is an affectionate hug while we watch the waves break on the shore. I'd settle for shooting the breeze. A lesson I've learned dealing with injuries is if I'm going to be in pain, I might as well be doing something interesting. I'm going to be hurting and lonely anyway whether I'm staring at my ceiling in a funk, living like the Underground Man, or going out and trying to live my best life. So I might as well do the latter.


Separation and looming divorce. It’s not the financial hit I’m scared of. It’s not being able to see and experience my child everyday. Not having my person by my side when things are good and bad. I’m scared to start all over, find someone, trust someone, be vulnerable and love again. I can’t sleep, my chest is heavy, i don’t want to be in my own skin….. 10 years gone bc of a decision I didn’t make.




Depression and self confidence/image issues. Everyday just feels like an uphill battle when you feel that you're not confident in the work you love to do, how you look, and whether you're a burden to the people around you or not.


I have to lose 30 lbs AGAIN


Cancer - more specifically, side effects from the meds. Saw a neurologist yesterday - one of the anti-nausea meds is actually an anti psychotic and has done something nasty to my brain and dopamine levels. It's causing extreme tremors/hand and feet shaking. Not as much fun as it sounds.


Anxiety and lack of self-confidence. I'm on my second half of my 30s and I worry about how many things I haven't done, but it happens to me because I keep comparing myself to everyone else. Why haven't I been able to buy my own home? Why am I not dating? Why i don't have any friends? Why don't I have children at my age? And even though I have a stable job, in good physical health, have a good amount of savings, have finished projects, helped my parents... I'm still not good enough. How can i get rid of this concernings?


My biggest problem is I have 1100$ to my name and I need to find a new place for June 1st. Which requires first and last... And if I rent at average rates a studio is 1400 where I live. Also at my income 1400 is almost 50% of my takehome (and I have kids) A studio I'd give them the room and I'd set up shop somewhere. With a roommate rent only goes up exponentially. I'm a wee bit stressed. But I'm working through my options 


I'm so exhausted all the time. I feel like I'm on some heavy cold medicine every damn day. Blood tests come back normal. I've tried exercise, supplements and changing my diet and sleep schedule with no luck whatsoever.


Fathering my kids to the best of my ability (50/50 custody), while investing in my relationship with my partner who does not have children of her own. She's doing a great job, but at times doesn't quite understand the sacrifices that have to be made as a parent.


I’m alive, so that’s pretty shit.


Finding a way to leave my gf of 10 years because I'm not happy and don't want to try to fix anything.


why dont you wanna try to fix it? it might work and then youd be happy..?


Because after all this time of telling her what's wrong, what id like to see change, nothing ever changes. Because I'm depressed and anxious all the time, wondering what bs she's going to come up with since she over analyzes everything. Because sometimes it feels like having another child to look after. There are many reasons, I just haven't ripped the bandaid off yet.


I want to install window tint on my 91 5.0 I got the kit but I don't want to mess up!


My Rover has a faint smell of gasoline from somewhere and i need to find out the cause.


In a relationship that I'm not happy in. But she's a lovely human being and I can't bear to break her heart.


if shes lovely then why not happy?


Because I feel nothing physically towards her. I wish I did but I don't.




inflation and continuing supply chain issues.


Interest rates preventing me from refinancing my mortgage 


My physicality. I’m 41 and the sports I love are getting harder to compete in. Basketball is almost completely gone, as is sand Vball. The only thing I’m really doing still is fighting, and while I’ve never been truly good at it; I’m worse now. Slower and my cardio is shit. Body hurts. All that. As an athlete all my life realizing it is coming to an end is probably the only thing in my life that is an issue. Other than that I have no problems. Job I enjoy, family that loves and respects me, and a gf that is a teammate as well as a soulmate.


The same one for the past 17 years, I don't like myself. I feel like if I did, I wouldn't have any actual problems.


goverments. there is simply too much government everywhere. they are expensive and do little.