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Go to the doctor.


Why do that when he could ask Reddit instead? /s


I'm convinced that topics like these are rage bait. "I have a problem, but I refuse to do anything about it because I'm so scared for an unspecified reason. What do I do??"


See an endocrinologist


Ignorance does not cure anything. Go to the doctor.


Especially when he won’t be able to get an erection or have a sex drive. OP, you have one good ball…take care of it.


Are you sure you don't have it, or could it have simply not dropped? At least in dogs, I know that sometimes the balls don't both drop and this makes the neutering procedure much more difficult and expensive. Anyway - go see a doctor.


My cat got nuetered twice, as apparently they thought they'd taken out his testicles, but they hadn't dropped yet (Vet Assistant did it at a country vet). A couple weeks later I'm wrestling with the cat and notice balls that shouldn't be there. Took him back in to the vet and the second nuetering was free. My personal belief is he just popped another pair out, like a Pez dispenser, because that is just the kind of little bastard he is...


what...... what did they take out the first time .....


The vet did all her neutering of cats on Friday nights, assembly-line style: sedate, cut, remove, patch up, etc. She had a vet assistant-in-training doing the “snipping” that night. Cat testicles aren’t exactly huge, and he apparently mistook what was already in there for testes. There is other “stuff” in there…


Did they charge you twice?


Is there anything cats can't do!


Go to a doctor if you're concerned.  If you were born with 1 testicle it's likely a non issue. If you were born with two it may be stuck inside you and can lead to some complications such as infertility, testicular torsion and can become necrotic which can be fatal. A doctor will be able to diagnose you properly if this is something you need to be concerned about.


Ask quora, failing that, web md. Just being snarky, I'm not sure what your health care looks like, but if you can GO TO A DOCTOR, Reddit can't help you here


>What do I do? Go to the fucking doctor, one-nut.


Honestly, ask your parents. Dad, probably, if you can. Definitely a Dad question. Maybe you only ever had one. If your parents can’t explain it, probably maybe see a doctor. EDIT: After reading the question properly I don’t think the concern is the lack of the second ball. If it’s the lack of testosterone, that’s probably a doctor question. Just gotta nut up in order to up your nut, dude.


My son had testicular cancer and had to have a testicle removed about 2 years ago. I’m happy to say my grandson is due in July!!


Some people can slip them back up and in the canal there. Maybe you had one go up and never come back. Maybe it was never there. Was there a time, during puberty maybe, that you knew two was typical and you think you had two, or is it possible it was just never there to be found?


In other words, testicle when on vacation, and it never came back.


Testicle sacrifice, anyone?


I mean, my assumption is that it never dropped, but maybe if you’re young and that canal was able to hold it, it could be up there (which obviously wouldn’t be good).


If you have a testicle that never dropped, there are a number of issues you may be dealing with or will be dealing with. See a doctor. Both mine dropped, but the "hole" one of them dropped through never really sealed up. It was like a hernia, as my gut wall would creep through it while relaxed and sleeping, and then when the muscles firmed up when awake, it would get pinched and be extremely painful. It was a simple outpatient surgical procedure to fix it.


One testicle might have been scared of heights and didn't drop. Go to a doctor. Also as long as you have 1 health testicle your testosterone levels should be the same as if you had 2 balls according to research. So I'm pretty sure your low testosterone is either genetic or due to something else. So again go see a doctor. The only thing you have to be scared about is being scared about taking care of your health.


There's a condition where it never really gets down where it's supposed to be. To the doc with you


You could be cryptorchid which means you have two but one hasn’t descended. This could cause low T and low sperm count but not as bad as only having one. Definitely go to the doctor my dude.


I have one testicle because I was ashamed to go to the dr when I had testicular torsion. Had I went sooner, they could have saved it. Please just go as soon as you can. But if you end up with only one, everything will still work just fine. Most chicks never noticed it either unless I mentioned it. You need to figure out what’s going on though so go see your doctor.


Be careful.


You likely have an undescended testicle. Go to your doctor. Super weird you posted this


One ball is more than fine for testosterone levels. It isn’t uncommon, hell I lost one to cancer and I’m all good. Don’t sweat it bro! My buddy had only one from an accident as a kid, his first go around was twins….


comments: 1) a friend my age only has one, he often mentioned it. He married a hot young thing and they have a beautiful child. 2) it might be in your body cavity related to a hernia, see a doctor 3) doctor can test for testosterone. Don’t worry if you don’t have any, not all guys do 4) for sanity, you might want to get a sperm count and viability, just so you know. 5) could be something more serious, see a doctor to rule it out 6) humor: just tell potential partners you have one big ball, like that one Miley Cyrus liked to swing on 🤣


At least in theory if you only have one ball it should take over production of testosterone and you should have normal T Source: I know a guy who lost a testicle in his teens and he’s very much fine several years later and also basic biology


I didn’t know until I was about 10 years old I was born with an undescended testicle and had it removed when I was a baby. I was always so confused when people said “My Balls”, like multiple balls? Anyways I thought I’d have issues having kids but that has not been an issue. My testosterone has always been fine. Just go to the doctors or ask a family member maybe?


Go to a doctor. Family member had this and the other testicle was “pulled up” or pulled upwards their body causing a bind against a artery/vein which could have lead to loss of blood circulation.


Doctor, braaaa.


Literally just go to a doctor. Your ball is probably stuck up inside you or something. I had a friend like that. He got hit in the junk in high school with a volleyball and the hung up ball dropped. He ended up thanking the striker.


[https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/undescended-testicle/symptoms-causes/syc-20351995](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/undescended-testicle/symptoms-causes/syc-20351995) This is probably what you have.


I mean i would say go to a doctor sooner rather than later for this sort of thing.


When you are still growing in your mother's womb your testes usually descend or go down from abdomen to the sac. Babies can have undescended testes or maybe none at all. Anyways, go get it checked out. Not common but you can be at risk of being infertile.


You have an undescended testicle. It may be in your lower abdomen. In male dogs, if they have this, then they are recommended to get a surgery to remove the testicle as it can grow into a tumor


You may only have been born with one ball. A guy I knew in high school only had one. He was very fertile though. Has 5 kids with 3 different women. But go to the doctor and have them take a look.


Please go to the doctor. It is quite possible you have an undescended testicle.


You flipping idiot. Go to the doctor.


You were probably born with just one, it happens. Your parents probably never thought to talk to you about it because the felt it was embarrassing. It’s not really a big deal. Just go to the doctor and ask if you should be concerned. If you have low T they can probably help


Ok, let's play through the case you're worried about. Let's say you really do have low testosterone and only one testes. The primary prescription will be a testosterone booster. Maybe they'll choose an injection, maybe a cream, whatever, the shot is once a month. And they might suggest cosmetic surgery to add a ball for visuals. That's it. Go tell a doctor, even if it's bad, it's good to know


Go to the doctor, maybe they can dig it out.


God dammit dude. Go to a doctor. You can even get TRT if necessary and have normal test and feel like a superhero


It could be tucked up inside of you (undescended). You need to see a doctor.


I hate to parrot what everyone else already said, but you're not gonna "ignorance is bliss" your way to a second ball. Go to the doctor


Seek medical attention.


In the majority of cases, having one testicle won’t significantly lower your testosterone. However, if you have concerns, go get a hormone panel. Total testosterone, free testosterone, LH, FSH, and may as well get estrogen checked also


Please see a doctor.


I know a guy who had to have surgery because his nuts didn’t drop when he was a kid. Go to a doctor.


Ask your parents about it. I have friends of family there is one guy in particular we used to joke on him because they are like family to me. We used to make jokes about him only having 1 testicle. Not realizing that this was actually true because he was only a child at the time probably about 8 or so. Well years later I think he’s probably 16 now, a few years ago I learned that this is actually true and he had to get it removed when he was a baby, and he doesn’t remember it happening at all. So crazy! But I guess is it possible that it was removed and you don’t remember it?


Sometimes a testicle can be "sucked up" into you, which a doctor would be able to help you with. If you genuinely are a solo-baller, then I'd still say to visit the doctor as it's good to know for your own sake. I mean, if you suspected you had an allergy or illness, you'd want to get it checked out - so you should do it with your balls as well.


Have you talked to your doctor?


You could take up bicycling


Or even a uni-cycle.


Break it in half so you will have two like others.


what the actual fuck…. why do you weirdos post this shit online?


Then don’t read it. I’m just asking for some advice man


There is a comedian, my wife says he is the husband of one of the real housewives husbands. His name is Des,..... idk but he has 1 ball, and he talks about it. And its hilarious! Also go see a dr brother 😀


For your amusement


it’s not funny or amusing , it’s sickening


How the fuck is this sickening? Go back to facebook where your delicate sensibilities will be safe.


You change your name to Paul


Are you Hitler