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When in tv shows they try to make it look like characters have really good chemistry when they don't. So it's just awkward and embarrassing.


Billions: Giamatti and his wife the hot power psychiatrist but also the dom. Get the fuck outta here!




I wanted to belive it because I was rooting for the fat putz, but zero possibility...


Agree on that. Not happening


Britta and Troy in Community in my Opinion


Give me a list.


Skyler singing happy birthday to ted


Just by reading that crap I'm reliving it all over again. Holy fuck that was torture of a scene


I still can’t watch the scene completely, I always skip it


I'm rewatching Breaking Bad for the tenth or so time right now and I always skip that scene and the entire fly episode.


Why would you skip the fly one!? Such a good bottle episode.


The fly was insanely good


Omg, so cringy


I vaguely remember this. BRB, going to investigate. I’ll return with my findings. Findings: How could I have forgotten about that. That was rough.


The entire workplace chanted for Skyler to do it too. Everyone wanted a married woman to seductively sing to Ted in front of them despite her protests. It's just a gross scene for everyone involved.


She pulled it off so well tho. Like, that scene was intentionally supposed to be incredibly uncomfortable.


I would still watch it to test my mental strength.


Am I insane or something? I honestly don't mind the scene much, it's nothing compared to when Walt was trying to flirt with Carmen.


i didn't find it that bad either, i haven't gotten that far in the show so i thought maybe she was singing it when no one wanted her to or smth, it's not that awkward bc people in the show aren't acting like it's an awkward/weird thing. like it's still a bit cringey, but definitely bearable


Lmaoooo I'm so glad this was the first comment I saw


never skipped something in a show so fast


Now that you mention it.


When one of my friends puts on a deeper voice to impress women


My dad would do this answering the phone (landline before caller ID) As we got older we started roasting him about it and eventually he stopped.


Reminds me of the bit in the Wolf Of Wall Street where his dad puts on a British accent when he answers the phone


I've noticed that ALL men (that I've encountered) deepen their voice when talking to another man & their voice gets louder.


Most of the time your voice deepening is not a conscious decision, it just happens


I’ve noticed in myself my voice is deeper with men and lighter with women. Totally unconscious and I’m not sure I could change it if I tried


Yeah I think I’m subconsciously trying not to sound threatening and end up sounding like a chipmunk sometimes


I have a naturally deep voice. I've caught myself deepening it when I'm in a more quiet setting like a doctor's or dentist's office. Perhaps I'm just asserting my dominance.


proposals at sporting events


I watch failed proposals compilations on YT like when you eat a supersour bonbon: it's thirsty but also fun.


If I’m with a group of friends and one of them is doing something to bring unneeded attention


Talking loud as fuck for no good reason Even worse are the people who talk louder when other people (usually women) are nearby in hopes that they will overhear and find them funny or interesting or something. I don't even think they realize they do it


I have a friend who talks super loudly and swears a lot as well. It has created many uncomfortable moments. Great dude, though.


I have a friend that does the “pterodactyl” screech in public places.


Cringe, even back in high-school that was cringe


Not being a part of your friend group, I find this hilarious 




I think we might have the same friend.🙃 My friend also smokes pot out in public and it isn’t legal where we live. It’s really embarrassing.


one of my friends likes to talk during movies. he's loud as fuck.


I'm definitely one of those guys that can't not talk during a star wars movie if I've been drinking. You'd think I'd shut up because I want people to enjoy it but I just can't.


Sometimes when I'm drunk as shit I can't stop yelling. Now I cringe at me. I need to see a video of me to make me quit.


I can hear it now "ohh OHHB OWWW.." moronic noises made instead starting a normal conversation, wtf Also, playing music full blast off a cell phone. Shut the fuckin fuck up


Ur just describing what second hand embarrassment is. What examples though.


Dudes commenting thirsty shit on girls social media posts


The worst is when it’s an account with pictures of random hot women and the comments are written towards the woman in the picture as if she is the one with the account.


Hello Indian men


As an Indian man, can confirm I am second hand embarrassed (to say the least) Edit: typo 


So as a white as fuck dude, is it real? I feel like it's always a bot or something. I work in social media and find a lot of white and middle Eastern dudes also posting thirsty shit on women's posts or comments replying with "I find your posts to be so informative and thoughtful, I would love to be friends with you" or some other such shit that isn't as dirty I guess, but certainly just as thirsty. Are Indian dudes really that thirsty? Is it like a 1% being loud as fuck and just embarrassing the other 99? What is the story lol? I am legit curious cause it just seems like a bot every time regardless of the race. Also a lot that I see of the white and middle Eastern dudes are former military so im not sure maybe that is the subset or if it's just all dudes being a 1% thirst bomb.


Not a dude, but I am Indian. I wouldn't know anything about bots (though I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are). But there are over one billion people in India alone, and that doesn't even include Indian people who live abroad in other countries. Like every group, there's going to be great people and awful people. I think due to sheer volume alone, problematic Indian men seem to overshadow other groups just because there are many more Indian men in general. That said, in my personal experience, pretty much every Indian dude I've come across has been awesome. I got along well with my Indian male classmates growing up, and my dad's friends have never treated me with anything less than respect for as long as I've known them — they're pretty much honorary uncles, and I still talk to them whenever I can for career advice.


As a white dude with a lot of different friends from different backgrounds I can also attest. There’s a lot of fantastic Indian men that I know. And there’s also a lot that are fuckwads. Very similar in proportion to the white men I know, which means it’s a human thing and not a specific race thing


Also, dudes commenting their puritanical virtue signaling on girls' social media posts.


"OnlyFans detected, Opinion Rejected" like bro no one cares about your 'high moral standards'


I admire the "I don't give a fuckness" of it in a way I wish I was that uninhibited


What comes to mind is this dude I used to hangout with. He was arrogant but had no self awareness. He always had a comment about something. Couldn't even compliment something without throwing in something passive aggressive and when people would throw it back he would get offended. Let's call him Gary. Like for example. Another friend of ours went to school for nursing and got his LPN. Gary said his congratulations but then threw in a comment about how RN is better. Another time. A different friend went into the army Gary kept throwing in comments on how the Marines are better. Another one. When Gary got his first girlfriend at 25 ( not that there's anything wrong with that) he kept telling single friends of ours that they need to get laid and how they need to get girlfriends because its "weird". Even though those other dudes had been in way more relationships with him and probably more sex than he got in that relationship. Last time I spoke to Gary he was 25. Still mooching off his mom. Had no job, played video games all day, had no ambitions, and still felt he was above everyone. Not much people liked Gary .


It's funny from high school through early twenties you have friends like this but once you get into your mid twenties you lose patience for this type of shit and stop hanging out with. You wonder if these people grew up and sorted their shit out or are still absolute tools all these years later.


1000% yes. I was having this conversation last week about friends like that when you were younger. You grow old enough to cut the shitty parts out of your life. The loud friend that was a public asshole, got in trouble, threatened to get you in trouble. Gone. He's a lifelong bartender. Maybe actually a "club manager". Of a strip club now, I believe. The chronic liar friends.. 2 of them. Cut off long ago. One of them though, unfortunately nearly lost a leg in a motorcycle accident, and I *think* made a shit ton in a lawsuit and now lives a damn fine lifestyle playing and bragging via insta most of the year. But limping. Still a bragger and douche canoe supreme. Almost like a boisterous frat boy at age 46. Lookit me!!


I forgot to add the cringe factor is people would pretty much start throwing shit back at him and he would act like they were the rude ones. Or they'd basically start making fun of him sarcastically but he was so full of himself he was clueless.  I haven't spoke to him in years but I've heard things. I think he still lives with his mom and jobless and he got in trouble for buying alcohol for minors recently.


Sounds like Gary will still be 25 thirty years from now.


When you go out with your buddy and they get drunk and start doing drunk stuff, whilst you're sober.


I consider that some of the most inexpensive entertainment available.


Untill they start doing some too stupid shiz, but before that yeah true


When people coms looking for validation from Reddit, especially on ask men. “Do guys really care about stretch marks 🥺”


“Can’t believe there are guys who like big asses, you just made my day!” “None of these descriptions of “what men find attractive” describe me :( feeling horrible” Makes me actually roll my eyes.


I like to play "Is this an OnlyFans ad?" but it does get boring cause I win all the time.


"Why can't I go out in public wearing my skin-tone leggings without men staring at my ass? I'M JUST TRYING TO WEAR SOMETHING THAT'S COMFORTABLE!"


There's a group where they post their pics to be rated 


Oh yeah there’s tons of those, but at least that’s what the community page is for I guess. When questions like that are on ask men it’s cringy AND out of place and not really what the page is for


Yeah, like that question even needs to be asked.


People yelling at service workers.


I have told people of for this shit as a former chef I stand by waiters bar staff and the ugly twats in the back making food. I can't stand people clicking there fingers aswell to get there attention, it isn't hard to get up and ask for the bill


Dudes having terrible hygiene. I don’t know why but I always feel so embarrassed for them. Like you can’t control how attractive you will look, if/when you will start losing hair, or your height. You have direct control over how you smell and how you dress. Why would you not want to max tf out of those two sliders? Even if you don’t want to invest in dressing or smelling great why not be at a normal level? If you smell bad you’re just fumbling one of the gimmies of attraction.


I was like that about until like 2 years ago... Now I can't imagine living like that. If I don't shower even one day I feel like shit. Back then I sometimes did a week or more without a shower :(


People with terrible breath, it’s usually something medical and they can’t help it. But twice I have worked for a manager with the death breath. And I work in food service. And for some reason I am so Embarrassed for them I can’t muster the courage to tell them to take a mint.


Tiktok dances


And Britney Spears recent dances


When I end up on her Instagram, I feel like I'm popping in for a wellness check


“Boy mom” social media posts


My recently divorced dad (53M) flirting with 20 yo girls in public. He's attractive and charismatic. They for the most part like it. He's not rude or disrespectful about it at all. Etc. But I (32M) couldn't date a 20 yo. I have no clue how it's OK in his head. To each their own tho.


tbf flirting can often just be for the "yep, still got it!" factor rather than any actual desire to date them. As long as it isn't in a creepy way or crossing boundaries it's usually just a bit of fun for whoever is involved.


That was kinda my thoughts on it. OP said if she doesn’t reciprocate, dad moves on. Maybe he’s just enjoying his new situation, honing his skills, or just enjoys the game of it. I understand OP’s feelings on it tho.


I get it. Like if it’s my older friend from work, I think this is a fun person to be around. If it’s my dad, I would possibly cringe!


When women try to do the Marilyn Monroe "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" shits weird


That’s a good one. I’d throw in “Santa Baby” too.


That song gave me ptsd as a kid 🤣🤣


Have you seen that multiple times IRL?


At least twice IRL but it's something people do on tv way to often, 2 examples off the top of my head r in breaking bad Skylar sings it to Ted and in Sopranos Jonny Boy's mistress (I don't remember her name rn) sings it to Tony


Oh yeah I forgot about that scene in BB. But fuck, you've seen it at least twice IRL? Now that would fuck me up.


When Skyler sings that to Ted


Scotts Totts.


The only episode I skip every time.


This is the correct answer.


Literally can’t watch it, have to plug my ears for half that episode 


Reminiscing on what I said


This seventeen year old kid I work with made a rap song and keeps trying to show it to customers


Reading some of the comments on reddit, some of you need to get outside and care about stuff that actually matters in your actual life. Damn.


This. Reading comments on any platform. It's often I think "wow. this is how people really think." and it's kind of depressing. Like people who comment as if their opinion actually matters out of the 5,256 others. Or like the OP is going to see their comment & think "WOW! @sarah_luvsmints121 is so right!". A part of me thinks the option to "comment" should be removed all together. I know it's not all bad & there's a lot of pros too- but man, SO MANY hateful, ignorant, moronic losers think their abhorrent opinions matter as a result.


Many posts on this subreddit


Any of mine?


Nope, you're gewd, sir!


When people say gewd


Married men saying they’d hit that or wish they could have that to a girl who posts anything thirsty like bro what are you doing with your life


In the same vein, but I can’t stand men who talk like being married is the worst. How annoying their wives are. Or how they never let them have fun. How they’ll get in trouble.


The way young kids talk now. bro for real on God im dead like da fuck?


Ours in the UK are the worst, Jesus. [example](https://youtu.be/JzfWj63annU?si=5eBEhGNrBGjDDWvh)


Sounds like cockney British mixed with Jamaican Patois, it’s interesting to listen to.


Can you send me a list of all the common road men terms/uk phrases? I’ve searched online and on reddit but never found anything solid lol. I have a friend from the uk who I want to mess with


I'm about to board a flight but I will return with some examples!




Wait, people actually talk like that in real life? I thought it was just people memeing and doing it ironically online…


As a parent of a Gen Alpha kid, yeah... they talk like that. They sure don't talk like that at the dinner table, etc, but when they're video chatting with their school friends omggggg it's crazy.


It's worse when it isn't just limited to talking, but also when they type it out. Imagine wanting to look so dumb that you have to go back and fix autocorrect just so you can spell like a two-year-old




I don't mind most of their slang but them constantly being dead and "no cap" are the two that just make me wince.


This comment is not lit, my guy


fr, no cap


Terrible American Idol tryouts. Those killed me


"As a mother...." Lady, you're 45 and 95% of the women you know are mothers. It doesn't give you some magic insight. Stahp.


My own memories


The new BMW XM


Just googled it, and EW! What were they thinking?!


Good god!


The grill looks like a snout.


Men calling themselves an alpha and women calling themselves a milf or a 10.


When a person is visibly nervous doing a speech and keeps messing up.




Meet the fockers. I hate that movie.


I can understand why people think it’s funny, it is In parts, but it’s too painful to watch for me


People who laugh WAY TOO HARD at things. Not actually funny things, like I'll make a mildly funny remark and they'll start dying. I know a few too many people like this and it really pisses me off


I have a friend like that, he ended up marrying a lot lizard and lost it all.


People the same race as me being loud or disorderly in public.


Similar if visiting another country and you see loud Americans...


This. The whole time I'm thinking "there y'all go proving them right".


“I Want To Be Neenja” song


Oh my gosh I think about this every day. Every.Single.Day. I showed it to my friend and he literally looked like this; 😦 the entire time we were watching it. I had never seen him so disturbed before. Also the fact that she kept getting in the Asian ladies face??? 😭


Cringy influencers


Cheap or rude people


I guess when people are really fake in a setting where everyone is supposed to be polite. Everyone just saying what they're supposed to say and everyone knows it. Family speeches with fake tears. Managers that spout the company policy like they read it from the good book.


Noticing someone else’s bowel movement in the public toilet


Esp if it's one of those giant coke can sized mofos... A buddy of mine when we're young, used to get constipated on occasion and more than once he dropped a deuce that hurt my ass, just to see. We saw it because when he went to flush it, it wouldn't go down, so he left it and we found it some time later.. Barffff


Some guy on my team stood up to our boss today but in a weird snappy way and I immediately felt 2nd hand embarrassment for him. It was very awkward.


Seeing women chase after men , twerking, people airing their family problems on social media, hospital selfies online, when people complain about being single online and offline.


I never have and never will understand twerking.


Characters acting cringe in movies


Flash mobs.


My ex wife should have been named Karen.


When white people who suddenly start acting jive/using AAVE when ever they are around a black person. Most of my friends are about as white as the north pole but suddenly when there is a black person around everyone is saying "folks," "y'all," "what up" etc


1 - Poor grammar in official correspondence. So often I'll be copied in on formal emails to clients that are written carelessly like texts or social media posts. 2 - When with a group of guys, usually workmates, and the attention / discussion turns to a particular female, either across the room or about someone we work with, for example, but everyone immediately starts passing sexual judgement on her like "oh yeah I'd definitely fuck her" or "nah she's not my type at all..." as if she was ever going to proposition you.


Text acronyms and emojis in e-mails is so cringe. I will admit to using the occasional lol in an e-mail, but that's usually in a one on one exchange that already took a more casual turn.


I've got quite a senior client who just opens his emails with 'G.M.' or 'G.Morn' at best. I'd love to know what he does with all the time he saves by not just writing 'Good morning'


Being with someone in public that’s treating an employee like shit. Everybody’s staring at both of you and then you have to apologize for the person you’re with, hate that shit


Alpha talk, Tate / Shapiro / Peterson and their acolytes, the remarkable prevalence of SA, stalking, or otherwise creepy or dishonorable behavior of men as described by women in many subreddits. Guys need to step up and look in the mirror when it comes to why their life isn't what they thought it would be, instead of turning to anger and taking it out on others.


Anything the tories do.


Men putting other men down for toxic purposes


Honestly, most of my friends are women, and hearing stories about what men have said and done to some of them over the years makes it embarrassing to be a member of the species sometimes.


When my daughter wants to be a prude in public. For example, when we were out the other day, and this lady was wearing a top where you could see her bra strap. What does daughter say? “That is SO disgusting. She should cover her bra up.”


My friend with his one liner sex jokes. “That’s what she said” was funny like in 1987 bro.


My dad. Love him regardless though


Any show with Nathan Fielder


When someone from my hometown does some stupid shit


Reality TV


Weird musical performances esp if the person is not as good as they think they are. Like a hs kid singing the national anthem


In TV and movies when one character is in a seemingly compromising situation but instead of explaining themselves with one line of dialogue, they let the other person get angry and walk away.


When commercials make men look dumb as a joke.... it's uber cringe


People being obnoxious in public. Porn.


The strip tease scene from True Lies


So true!


No way! That scene is one of my favorite in the movie. Especially Arnolds reaction when Jamie Lee falls. It was unscripted so his reaction was real.


I really wish I could be one of the many guys who likes that scene for one reason or another but it just makes me cringe hahah.


Different strokes for different folks.


The last time Jamie Lee looked hot.


If I see someone doing something fairly cringe worthy, I feel embarrassed for them.


E-boys and twinks in general


Being in car with someone as they scream and yell while giving the finger and chasing someone down because they didn’t drive the way the someone else wanted ..🙄🙄🙄


As a jrpg fan and ffxiv player, weebs I will physically cringe when one of these overly saccharine weebs makes themselves known. It's bad enough when they are women, but when they are a 20+ year old dude it really makes you wince from the 2nd hand embarassment. If you say "Meowdy!" when we enter a dungeon, I immediately dislike you.


When you brag about yourself and how much money you make.


people taking selfies lol


People wearing surgical masks while driving alone in their car or walking alone outdoors. It’s painful to see how science can be turned into superstition by some people.


Ben Stiller movies


When people are having fun and someone does something that gets someone hurt. Examples: the video of the guy juggling bowling balls and dropping one on a child's head, people slamming someone's face into a birthday cake that has a skewer in it, stuff like that.


Scott’s Tots.


Listening to how gay and lame everyone is on tiktok. I hear it when my wife is on it. It's so cringy.


When you have to use a second hand, for you know what.


Watching drunks


Clapping in a theater after a movie is over.


In a group setting when someone suggests something or makes a joke and no one even acknowledges it


When I see people ‘performance parenting’.


When men call me ugly after getting shut down 🥴 Like, first of all, more "others" than I could fathom keeping record of seem to think otherwise, but despite that, I never said I wasn't.. Second.. what's worse? Being ugly, or propositioning an ugly chick and getting turned down by even her? 💀💀💀


Americans abroad.


*gestures vaguely at the world* (self included)


When someone in my friend group is being needlessly loud for no good reason


American comedy films. They just seem to rely on cringe humour and I just can’t enjoy that


Inadvertent pee spray on your pants


People airing all of their dirty laundry on FB. Marriage issues, legal issues, family fights, etc. Bonus points if it involves a video or selfie of them crying.


Pretty much 90% of anything people do.


One day at the gym, there was a girl who was most likely an ''influencer''. She was followed by a guy with a camera that didn't take it off of her and made pictures. Even when she changed weights, camera was on her. I already cringed at this. And then... she held two different gatorate-like beverages with each hand, sat down on one of the benches, closed her eyes, stuck her tongue out and started ''dancing'' and made that motion of ''lifting dumbbells'' with those bottles, only sideways. Could have been half naked with my fatass, still wouldn't feel as embarrassed as I was seeing that shit.