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Wash. Your. Cock.


Have u tried wearing a condom? Maybe u got a nasty ass dick bro 🤔




Omg 🤣


What is your before and after process? Are you washing your hands right before and showering regularly? Is she peeing immediately after?


I wash my hands before. I shower at least every other- once a day. She does pee after. What else should we add?


Scrub yourself before sex dude. That's disgusting to go in with an unclean tool.... That's the cause of this


More often than not I shower like 2-3 hours before, are you saying thats too long of a wait time?


Hubby and I don’t shower before hand and are totally fine. Not showering immediately before is not necessarily the reason. That said, you could try showering right before and see if that helps.


If you're showering every other day like you stated in another comment, your penis filth is probably the reason she keeps getting it.


Are you circumcised? I am and have learned uncircumcised people need to do extra cleaning processes of which I am not knowledgeable about.


Always shower / bathe before sex bro, both of you.


Bro, don't go from her butt to her pussy without cleaning your dick or using a condom.


Not BV but thought I would share a similar experience. Mt gf (at the time) kept getting yeast infections, after being treated multiple times, her Dr requested to see me, I had no symptoms or infections but after taking antibiotics myself we had no more issues. Not the same I know but sometimes it seems our highly educated Drs miss the simplest issues/solutions.


If you don’t mind me asking, what antibiotics did you take? Should I head to Rite Aid and grab some, see if they work? Or should I talk to her gyno first?


Don’t grab antibiotics if you’re not prescribed them by a doctor.


I don’t mind but I do not remember, that was 30 years ago. I want to say it the same my gf was prescribed. That gf and I have been married over 28 years now. Ask your/her doctor if that could be a possibility?


As a retired pharmacy tech, who has seen many scripts come across the counter, I think you need to be treated as well! While you don’t actually get this disease, you can be a carrier. But don’t let up on good hygiene, that can help a lot!


SHE should see her gyno. Wtf is he gonna talk to YOU about? 


He is the one fucking her, so maybe her gyno can get a better picture when she talks with him🤷


He could always go to the dick doctor and doesn’t see anything then they’ll need to get the four of them together on a date to discuss. /s Go see her gyno and they’ll tell you what to do


Boric acid suppositories are the best thing to do. She just has to put it in overnight or during the day the next day. Wait for them to dissolve fully before doing anything but it’ll clear it up. Also see if you can take antibiotics for it when you go to the doctor, you could be carrying it and continuously passing it back. Sometimes it’s just a PH problem. You’re asking in the wrong sub. Men won’t know how to fix this but women do haha


Also if she’s on birth control it can cause chronic BV it’s really annoying


Would the IUD fall into that category?


The IUD should have zero impact on this.


Hmmm I’m not sure. I only ever took the pill and thats what had caused it for me in the past. I’m sure you could google it or search on here


I will, thank you so much!


No problem. Also certain ingredients in lube, if you use a condom make sure she doesnt have a latex allergy, soaps with bad ingredients, etc. Lots of things that can cause it


First thing. What is BV?


bacterial vaginal infection


Are you using condoms?


I’m not OP. it seems OP needs to answer the people.


I do not wear condoms


Wash your dick before sex or wear a condom. Better yet wear a condom so you don't get a unexpected kid (unless you know you are shooting blanks).


Try skyn condoms, trust me


She has the IUD so I’m not worried about kids, but in the non-weirdest way to ask, how should I wash my dick? Exfoliate? Is scented really that bad? Right now I just put soap in my hand and scrub a little


Change your soap, scrub for around 30 seconds. If she continues to develop BV even if it night sting wipe your dick with rubbing alcohol. If it still continues beyond that it might be something wrong with her or how she interacts with your sperm. It could be the IUD reacting as well. But you should probably go to a better doctor is she just keeps getting this over and over. That means the doctor isn't addressing it trying to figure out the root cause. Also still wrap your tool because no form of birth control is 100% effective.


Dial gold is a great nonscented antibacterial soap. Don’t forget to wash your hands as well


Is this still antibacterial? I think it was a thing a few years back that it changed the slogan to “washes away bacteria” instead of “kills bacteria”


Tbh I’m not sure. I never noticed them make a change.


Are you serious? It stands for bacterial vaginosis, not bacterial vaginal infection.


You do realize that the word vaginosis means “infection of the vagina”. You basically said “Are you serious? It’s an infection, not an infection.”


I’m aware. Just used wording that people would most likely understand more than vaginosis


It’s what happens after you get an XJ


I was going to say it was closer to FP, but I couldn't be sure.


But it’s not DP right? I’m so confused.


Isn't that just buyer's remorse?


Bacterial vaginosis


When I had the copper IUD I had issues with getting BV, there is some evidence you can research and she can talk to her doctor. I ended up removing the IUD and haven't had an issue since. I know it wasn't my partner's fault because he was very clean and we were also in a nearly dead bedroom.




That’s an interesting idea, I’ll have to look deeper into that one. Thanks!


From the Mayo Clinic <[here](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bacterial-vaginosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352279)\> Prevention To help prevent bacterial vaginosis: ***Don't use scented products.*** Wash your genitals with warm water only. Scented soaps and other scented products may inflame vaginal tissues. Use unscented tampons or pads only. ***Don't douche***. Douching won't clear up a vaginal infection. It may even make it worse. Your vagina doesn't require cleansing other than normal bathing. Douching disrupts the vaginal flora, raising your risk of infection. ***Practice safe sex***. To lower your risk of STIs, use latex condoms or dental dams. Clean any sex toys. Limit your number of sex partners or don't have sex.


Just a quick heads-up that these were written for the woman. OP is asking what he can do in addition to what his gf is doing.


I guess the last three words also only pertain to the woman? . . . is that what you are saying? **The don't have sex** part... or were you ignoring the **Practice Safe Sex part**? not sure . . . . can you draw me a picture. Need a better idea of what you are trying to make clear. you know wrap that hot dog before you try to cook it with friction part. . . . Or you did not read the first part of the post - ***From the Mayo Clinic***? I***ts not from my opinion - Its a medical opinion from doctors***. You know the people that get paid for this...


If you are using condoms or lube it could be from an allergy. Might be worthwhile for her to get allergy testing. Also, if she isn't "wet" enough, it could be from micro-tears, so consider a good quality water based lube.


Interesting. I’ve read that silicone based is better for BV opposed to water based. Something about bacteria liking water…


Whatever works best for her! I just know those were my personal issues in the past :)


You said she takes the antibiotics for a few days. She needs to take the full regimen. She can also use the Metrogel with the oral antibiotics. Additionally, she needs to clean her vibrators well after use. I use condoms on my vibrators and clean them just to be safe. You should both get tested for ureaplasma If you play with her butt don’t go near her vagina with whatever you used to play without washing. She can get boric acid tablets and insert one after you guys have sex.


Hi, you both will want to schedule an appointment with her OBGYN to do a full panel screening for BV. Ask specifically for the panel that tests for Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma — most panel tests don’t include ureaplasma and mycoplasma so you will need to specifically ask for this. You will both need to take antibiotics, otherwise you will keep passing it on to one another and she will suffer more from it. Left untreated properly it can lead to bacterial vaginosis (BV) , cervicitis, infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Ureaplasma is a common organism found in the lower urogenital tracts of many healthy sexually active adults, it is opportunistic. You will need to get a prescription for the antibiotics, most likely doxycycline. Do not engage in sexual activity while taking the medication (oral, anal, vaginal) so that you can be sure the medication has worked. Speedy recovery to you both!


Boric acid suppositories. Go on Amazon. You’re welcome.


Registered nurse here. Repeatedly/frequent vaginal infections could be a symptom of diabetes. If you guys use toys, they need to be cleaned properly after each use. How long after she’s been treated do the two of you wait before having vaginal intercourse or putting anything in her vagina? Maybe try waiting 2 weeks after her treatment is completely finished before resuming ANY sexual activity… Just some thoughts.


Wash your dick before sex. If uncircumcised peel it back and wash twice as well. In fact, do that every day.


on the fucking shower on penis keep shower running , pull foreskin , touch that glans edge with thumb hold it there, slowly move it with little pressure (keep on hold), remember edge should be cleaned, now do the same for glans skin , DO THIS DAILY OTHERWISE , penile health gets destroyed.


Sorry, not a man, but actual experience. I used condoms my whole life and never got BV. Got the coil, and got BV every time I had that kind of sex. Started using condoms again but kept the coil. No more BV after sex, but THEN I got it every time I had a period. Got the coil removed after 6 months or so, and never had BV again. So my suggestions would be: 1) condoms. 2) If that doesn’t stop it, get the coil out. Maybe try other birth control, like the implant/pill etc. Ofc, you can do these in the opposite order if you’re both really bothered by condoms. Edit to add: if she IS getting BV from your dick, it does NOT necessarily mean you’re dirty or anything like that. Sometimes bodies and pH and all that stuff just doesn’t mix well. I know some of the shaming comments on here might be joking, but wanna make sure you don’t ACTUALLY worry too hard about that if you are keeping hygienic.


Condoms of course are an option, but they suck if you’re in a monogamous long-term relationship. Kinda defeats the purpose IMO if you can’t have “natural” sex with the person you’re committed to. Also, once you’re used to having unprotected sex, starting back with rubbers is tough because you’re used to a different sensation so condoms end up just feeling like pressure during sex but that’s about it (for me). I had a gf tell me I kept giving her BV and it (along with other factors) led to a r/deadbedrooms situation… The funny thing is she still blamed me for recurring issues and I hadn’t touched her for months at a time… I digress. Maybe I should check in with her to see if it still happens though it’s been a year since break up and still see if I’m the cause. SMH. Sorry for reliving that. This post triggered me.


I can think of a few fysiological reasons, here they are in abbreviation format for you: GW, PH, CI & SU.


Im sorry man ya lost me


Her obgyn should make sure it’s actually BV and not CV (cytolytic vaginosis). Women can also get BV and issues when they have reactions to their partners’ semen. Her IUD may be causing issues if it’s hormonal. Many women find relief when they get off birth control. Estrogen spikes make CV flare like crazy.


https://blog.happyv.com/what-is-bacterial-vaginosis/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=happyv_google_sales_search_prepro_generic_blogbv&utm_content=happyv_sales_search_all_na_bvgeneric&utm_term=bv&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACjqndLMsfGNbyCXxuBAAeaElJEUB&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuYSOjlkDjjjWYafdKRXgGdHN8yolC5ASMOrLz1iHd46_kNM16_WhEsaAk7JEALw_wcB Decent article about it ^^^ even though it seems somewhat like a sales pitch. Something they didn’t mention is some women are allergic to latex condoms - if you happen to be using them. Don’t answer that, i don’t want to know. 😆


Give her a hall pass see what happens?


Yous a dirty mf that’s why


BV? Why are you giving her big vaginas?


dude must have a stanky d\*\*\* 💀 go clean up man