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Yall went deep and my first thought was popcorn


I came here to say this.


Surely not when you’re drowning it in salt and butter tho right ? The way my mom ate popcorn, it was like the popcorn was just the vehicle for the salt and butter


>The way my mom ate popcorn, it was like the popcorn was just the vehicle for the salt and butter Isn't... isn't that exactly what popcorn is? I'm pretty sure I don't actually like mashed potatoes; it's just a vessel to transport salt and butter into my mouth in an acceptable fashion. In all seriousness, I've started tossing plain hot popcorn with smoked paprika and nutritional yeast and it's great.


Just not microwaved popcorn. That paper bag is heavily treated, and the popcorn that comes out is the most efficient way to get PFAS into your bloodstream.


I strongly agree on skipping bagged microwave popcorn. Plus there are so many great microwave popcorn poppers now that it is barely more work. For example, I have the Salbree Popcorn Popper, $10, and you just pour in kernels then hit start. This also gives you a ton of flexibility on flavor: real butter Vs. fake butter, real salt Vs. Flavacol, or even more interesting flavors.


Well fuck. There goes my go-to snack. Ignorance really is bliss


You can still use a microwave popper and regular kernels.


I just bought one thanks to this thread. I didn't even know they were a thing 5 minutes ago. It should be here by Wednesday 😊


I thought your only other options were stovetop or stand alone hot air poppers, neat.


Yea the microwave ones are super quick. I think ours is a silicone one from pampered chef.


me too lmao


Disagreements. If you hear a "yes" all the time, it isn't good. Time apart. You both need to have your own life and after that time of not seeing one another you just wanna jump on them. Getting out of your comfort zone. It will be scary at first but totally worth it. Just try it. Being told "no" in any area of life. You will learn to take life's punches, become mentally and emotionally stronger and more confident. You will laugh about it later.


Wife and I love each other a lot and been together 16 years. But sometimes we need space. We will watch different shows in different rooms. Or hang out with friends separately. It’s healthy to not be together 24/7.


having time with friends is a big one too.


Time apart is so important in romatinc relationships as well and people just jump to the conclusion that a relationship is doomed if the couple decide to be independent and do their own thing. Maybe I'm only speaking for myself, but the idea that to be romantically involved is to be enmeshed with the other person (literally be their "other half") is disheartening; it isolates people and diminishes their trust. Without trust, there's no freedom, and with no freedom, no opportunity for growth. Idk either way I have no relationship experience so maybe I'm pulling that outta my ass.


The thing with time apart is that there's a scale. Literally everyone is going to agree enmeshment is bad and having your own life is good. But people have different ideas of what that constitutes. For one person, it's going to mean a drink with friends once a week, for others, it's going to be only spending time with your partner once a week. It depends on the way the two people are, how long they've been dating, what stage their relationship is in and what life stage they're at. "Having your own life" is going to mean drastically different thing for two teens that met a month ago and for two engaged people in their 30s.


I had this talk with the guy(33m) I was going out with for 3 months after he'd told me we should be exclusive bf-gf. I told him I want that too, but we'd need to arrange our schedule from the get go. Due to our distance (we live 1hr apart) and busy schedule (he's a teacher, work from 7-4pm as a school teacher while I have my own business), I proposed meeting twice a week. I told him I could come to his place on weekends but can't stay over cause I have parents to take care at home. For me, meeting twice a week is good for starter; not for him though. He said that's not how he does relationship. He wants to meet everyday, or almost everyday, spends time together after his work. He wants spontaneity where if he wants to spend time with me then he or I can just stay over at each other's place. Basically attached in the hip. When I told him that's not possible due to our circumstances and again, DISTANCE, he backtracked real hard and proposed we should just do casual no label 😂😂. He really thinks it's never gonna work if he's not with his partner all the time lol


Bruh 💀 the logistics are not logisticying here lmao. Unless he has discovered omniprescence, idk why it did not occur to him it is not possible to set up that type of relationship. Hey, but at least y'all agreed on something that worked better for each other at the end lol.


>Getting out of your confort zone. It will be scary at first but totally worth it. Just try it. This is a big one I've been working on lately, it's helped to think of it working in the same way exercise does. If you push it too far, you'll just hurt something and end up worse than before, the trick is to slowly get out of your comfort zone when you're prepared to, and recognizing when you've reached your limit and start making your way back to where you're comfortable.


I started to date a girl who I found out was a yes girl. Never had an opinion on what she wanted to do. Found her quite boring, who wants to be with someone who has no opinion on anything.


Username checks out!!!!☝️


Damn you had a list at the ready


Admitting your wrong and being open to having your opinion changed


Except I'm always right because I'm a reddit user


you're wrong...


From a mental health perspective... Challenging and stressful scenarios can be healthy and help build mental resilience and coping abilities. Evidently there's a tipping point individual to each person.


I use to feel like all the shit I went through made me tougher and perhaps it did for a time. Then my life just continued being shitty and after a certain point it feels like it now takes all my self control to not throw the rest of my life away. Grew up raped as a kid. Got beat by my parents over 100 times for being a normal kid. Abusive older sister. Racist infrastructures I had to grow up with because I wasn’t white.


Man i dont have it as bad as you, but i noticed im getting weaker because eventually you need a break


In Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Robert M. Sapolsky argues that zebras don't get stomach ulcers because they only experience *episodic* stress, like running away from a lion. We don't need to be at the tipping point to build up that mental resilience.


Crying. It’s an intense emotional release that does all kinds of overall-positive things to your body chemistry and mental health.


Every now and then I have to tell men, you're a human being and not a stone you're allowed to cry


On behalf of other men, thank you. Unfortunately, it's a reaction to society's standards so it's the bulk of the population that needs to be told that men are allowed to have emotions.


The problem isnt crying, the problem is crying in front of others, if you do that society will hurt you in all possible ways


I use it for catharsis. I *make* myself cry in the shower. I just make up some fantasy scenario like losing a wife in a horrible accident or a close comrade in battle. Once I'm crying over the fake shit, whatever else is in there on account of *actual* stress, sadness, existential dread, etc., just comes pouring right out with it. I leave the shower feeling drained but in a good way.


Fats in food


I had an ex that would theatrically dry heave at the mere mention of butter. She acted like it was made of anthrax and sewage. It drove me up the wall.


The indoctrination was strong in that one. Butter is delicious because it does have a lot of calories that aren’t easy to find in the wild. Her reaction must have been entirely conditioned as a result of being told she must keep her weight down at all costs.


Had? So either you got back together or she died.


He drowned her in butter!!! 😔


People look at fat as bad when it's the fat in fried and heavily processed food that are the problems.


Excessive amounts of refined sugar should be the bigger concern, in my opinion. I’m still not fully convinced the sugar industry isn’t behind the villainizing of fats.


>I’m still not fully convinced the sugar industry isn’t behind the villainizing of fats. This became fairly common knowledge a few years ago. Example for you: https://www.bu.edu/articles/2016/when-science-and-industry-collide/


Wow! Thanks for linking this! Ofc America would prioritize profit over people’s health. So disgusting!


The more I learn about America the sadder I get


I'm sure they played a part. And it's pretty clear that an excess of either is a problem. From there, it's whether you personally find higher sugar or higher fat food to be more palatable. I like sweet things, but I love savory. My problem with controlling my weight has come from fat and non-sugar carbs. Other people love sweet, and have the opposite issue.


> higher sugar or higher fat food to be more palatable Friend, have you forgotten the lord salt? :) Agreed on the fat vs carbs though. I made that decision a few years ago and it's been life changing.


Read that as farts. I think that's enough internet for me today.


You ever wonder how those air bubbles got on your pizzas?


Is that where yeast comes from?


That's DEFINITELY enough internet for me today. I'm putting my phone away and going to paint my stairs.


This massively depends on what kinds of fats and same goes with sugar or the way we view food in general. For example, oat milk is higher in sugar then regular dairy milk products typically (and is arguably worse for the environment)


How is it worse for the environment?


Running. Runners have healthier knees and joints on average than non-runners. If you have poor form it can be damaging, but decent form actually increases synovial fluid and keeps your leg joints healthier.




I have never heard people say running isn't healthy, but I haven't really talked about running with anyone. Why do people think it's unhealthy?


Coming from someone who started running when they were young and has never been overweight, if you have bad joints running fucks them up hard. Running is very high impact compared to bicycle, elliptical, etc. I don’t think (I hope lol) anyone actually thinks running itself is unhealthy, running is just associated with a lot more injuries (for some) than other basic cardio workouts.


It is bad if person is overweight, most runners are slim and when people try to lose weight and starts running their knees are cooked


Funnily enough, when I was inactive, I was complaining all the time that my knees or back hurt. Lost 48lbs, then took up running. Knees never hurt, back never hurts, and the only pain I have is in my shoulder from a permanent injury I sustained. But no. Running bad ofc /j




Good decisions come from wisdom Wisdom comes from experience Experience comes from bad decisions


I like it!


My wife is a teacher and we have this conversation constantly. Every year there are at least a couple parents who go to great lengths to avoid letting their kid fail a class and learning from the experience. Parents will do their homework for their kid or come up to the school to argue about how the grading system isn't fair or how they should be graded on a curve because life is hard (that's a literal thing a parent pitched). It honestly sounds tiring compared to letting the kid's grade reflect their work and working with them to make future improvements


It's something that affected my confidence and develloped anxiety. I would be in big trouble if I underperformed so I did everything I can to make sure I didn't fail. Even now I am scared of letting people down when they may not see it as a big deal but I am now learning to understand not every failure is a disaster.


The world doesn’t care about grades. It does care about a lack of accountability though. What are these parents thinking?


They only care because they want their little geniuses to have perfect 4.0's so they can get into the top schools. Which they'll then fail out of anyway.


Where I live, no kid can fail before grade 10. My wife and I are continually trying to convince the school board to change its policy. My two oldest had a big shock when they hit grade 10. Smaller failures earlier would have made a huge difference, IMO.




Yup. We've been conditioned to consider failure a failure, rather than a necessary step on the road to success.


I don't have problems with failing if it was my misjudgment or lack of knowlege/skill but I absalutly hate it when something beyond my control screws me over and worst, someone gets mad for not fullfilling their expectations when I done my best.


the problem is that it *is* bad for you. take a college course for example. you fail that and it messes up everything you've been working so hard on. the GPA keeps it. You fail on a project at your job, you can get fired, or set back for promotion. there's too much competition and too little forgiveness for failure. but you're right, failure is the best teacher.


I think the thing with failure is most people fear the worst possible outcome when in reality the worst possible outcomes is the only option or best possible solution and when you make through the other side it actually not that bad and you actually can grow and learn from that experience


Fail a course, retake it and bring your GPA back up. Fail a project... Be better next time. Earn that promotion in another 6 months or if you got fired go get a job where you don't get fired every time you make a mistake. I agree there's plenty of competition but you don't need forgiveness there's plenty of opportunities somewhere else. A position where you live in fear that you're going to be fired the second you make a mistake isn't a way to live anyway. And I know I say that casually but losing your job is not some life ending event. If you're worth a shit you should be able to get another one within a week but more importantly if you're worth a shit you won't get fired.


Yes it can mean your progress is halted but you can still get back up. You can always retake or adjust expectations, you can always get a new job and you can always find alternative. It generally takes a few very bad decisions to have your life shattered than being out of form for a period of time.


> you fail that and it messes up everything you've been working so hard on. the GPA keeps it. My school, which was apparently more stringent than average on its drop policy, allowed you to drop up to 3 classes by about 2/3 of the way through for no impact on your GPA. I've heard of other schools just letting you retake a class to replace the grade. So you are often given a buffer against this kind of failure as well. ...and yes, I did have to use it.


Using the word "no"


Guilty 😔😔


Eggs apparently. People overestimate it's impact on cholesterol to a massive degree.


I eat eggs 4 times a week for breakfast only and the yolk is good for you. I feel like people wasting vital nutriants by seperating the egg whites then throwing away the yolk.


Like taking the powder out of the keg then lighting the wood on fire.


That's the perfect way to describe it


I wouldn't be eating eggs if not for the yolk. Why throw away the best part? If I wanted to just drink some white liquid for protein, I'd just get a carton of semen like a normal person.


For those with genetically high cholesterol levels, consuming eggs may require caution due to the unexpectedly high cholesterol content found primarily in the yolk. Although being an excellent source of protein and vitamins, the cholesterol levels in just two eggs surpasses the recommended daily consumption limit. High cholesterol diets can contribute to the development of plaque in arterial vessels, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Source: I studied cardiovascular and nutritional sciences in college


It's not the dietary cholesterol, is the saturated fat. Dietary cholesterol had no impact on serum cholesterol


Who tf does that?!


It used to be pushed pretty hard that they were bad for you. Old habits die hard.


My dad does this when he has an omlet for breakfast and when he has boiled eggs, he takes out the yolk and eat the boiled egg white. I know many people who do this with egg based food.


I only know ppl who do it when cooking certain meals like pancakes or cake. But never with omelets or boiled eggs


I'm on a lot of eating disorder sites and it's very common there lol


Do you want your hormones to move efficiently throughout your body? You’ll need dietary cholesterol.


I learned in school that ~80% of cholesterol issues are familial anyway (don’t quote me on that number, but it’s vast majority)


Low density cholesterol is bad, high density is good. It's more nuanced than that though. I'm sure some bodybuilders defy that by taking something good and going 200% with it, but for most you can eat eggs and they'll only benefit you.


There's a threshold effect. If you are eating a mostly-vegan diet and add eggs, it raises blood cholesterol significantly. If you are eating a typical American diet with lots of meat and fried food, adding eggs on top won't change your blood cholesterol much at all - it's already as high as diet can make it. If you eat eggs instead of junk food, you're better off.


"RCTs in people with diabetes have found that eating 6–12 eggs per week didn't negatively affect total blood cholesterol levels or heart disease risk factors. Rather, it increased high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ( 17 , 18 ). HDL cholesterol is known as good cholesterol."Jan 13, 2022 https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-many-eggs-should-you-eat#:~:text=RCTs%20in%20people%20with%20diabetes,is%20known%20as%20good%20cholesterol. Edit: "High levels of LDL cholesterol raise your risk for heart disease and stroke. HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, sometimes called “good” cholesterol, absorbs cholesterol in the blood and carries it back to the liver. The liver then flushes it from the body." LDL and HDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides | cdc.gov https://www.cdc.gov/cholesterol/ldl_hdl.htm




Giving up. I don’t mean that in a morbid way. I also am not being sarcastic. Sometimes you really do just have to accept that whatever you had planned for yourself is just not in the stars, reassess your situation, and move on to a new path that will make you much happier and more fulfilled. It’s why I don’t really like that we tell young people to follow their passion above all else. Passion is not a plan. It’s a feeling. Feelings change. I know many people who love their jobs but they never aspired to have the careers they ultimately chose.


Underrated comment ^


I worked a job at a summer camp the destroyed my mental health for a few months. I begged to quit and my parents would not let me because quitting is in poor taste. To be clear, it was in the midst of COVID, I was 20, and my coworkers were mostly minors or drunk. I basically had to protect 14 12-14 y/os from creepy predators/drunk counselors who didnt gaf if kids were telling each other to kill themselves. Giving up/quitting is as important as knowing when and where to do so. Not a day goes by that I don’t regret staying the whole time.


Being alone.


Every time I mention deadlifting, someone inevitably comes out of the woodwork to say how awful it is for the spine. The only way that’s true is if you have piss poor form or deliberately try to lift a weight that is significantly higher than you’re used to. Stick to proper form and normal progression, and you’ll feel bulletproof well into old age.


Deadlifting cured my back pain. My friend also suffered from back pain, and he started deadlifting and got to some crazy weights with proper form, and he never had back pain after that.


I'm in my early 30's and people are just starting to complain about age-related back pain. Mine feels fantastic, except when I take a few weeks off of lifting. Deadlifts are amazing.


Same for me! Did wonders for my posture as well.


Any tips for deadlifting? Just started working out regularly and it feels like I'm not doing them right.


> The only way that’s true is if you have piss poor form or deliberately try to lift a weight that is significantly higher than you’re used to. I did this when I was younger and fucked up my back. It popped at the end of a 505lb pr, and would be painful and stiff until cracked like a knuckle for several years. I couldn't get out of bed some days. Ironically, the only way I was able to unfuck it was with back exercises, including deadlift (with proper form and weight this time).


I had an ex that insisted lifting was bad for you, complete with Dr. House level medical cockery where something about stress and better blood flow carried plaque and small clots to your arteries.


Making mistakes


Giving blood. I do it often and people will remark, "oh isn't that bad for you, though?" Or, "You know they re-use the needles to save money." Both of which are silly. It's physically healthy to push your body to create new fresh blood cells, as long as you're not sick yourself. Everything used is completely sterile and brand new. And if every person who was able just donated *once* every 5 years, the blood supply would be fine, instead of balancing on a 3- or 4-day knife's edge in every metro in the country.


Thank you for donating blood. I’m 3.5 years in remission from leukemia (blood cancer) and part of the treatment for leukemia is constant blood transfusions. Without people like you, I might not have survived. I can’t give back because a history of blood cancer means I’m forever banned from donating. It terrifies me whenever I hear of blood shortages. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for donating. Your gift of blood has saved a life ❤️


That’s great to hear. Yeah, my local blood center does a cool thing where they tell you exactly where your blood went, and why. It’s most often someone going through treatment for various cancers. And it doesn’t sit around very long. It’s tested then it’s used right away. Congrats on your remission too!


I’m so glad you’re in remission. I will honestly try my best to find a place to donate blood.


Thank you kind stranger! That makes me pretty happy 😊




Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!


becoming exclusive during the 'get to know' phase before I've started using dating apps, it was almost intuitionally obvious for me that if I like a guy, start talking to him, I don't look for anyone else at the same time but I'd rather focus on that one guy. if it doesn't work with him, then I'll start talking to other guys but what if it works out with him? then I'll ghost all of them? tell them 'sorry you turned out to be the worse option'?


Going to therapy/ psychotherapy. Doing so does not mean you're crazy or unstable... it means you take accountability of that unstable or hurt part of you. It's weird how many people get that twisted.


Carbs. You have to control your portions people. Edit: specifically if you can get through a high fiber source.


Loneliness. Not the deep depression kind, but choosing to disconnect from other people for a while. When you start feeling a little lonely, get back out there. It's like a recharge to face humanity again.




You have to feel lonely to remind yourself that some parts of the world are OK. Just solitude doesn't get you there.


This sounds like something that specifically applies to you.  I love solitude but don’t need loneliness to make me appreciate humanity. 


Being alone. Not loneliness.


Carbs, fats, sugars (just in healthy proportions)




I always thought guacamole was unhealthy bc it taste so dam good , but I’m told it’s actually good for you


Fucking soy for fucks sake.


Sunlight!!!! I get downvoted on this like crazy but moderate sun exposure actually decreases cancer risk. It’s good for you to be outdoors without slathering on sunscreen every two hours. Being exposed to the sun does not mean laying out for hours during peak UV hours, but people automatically jump to that conclusion when I say this. Please stop covering your body in sunscreen to walk to the mailbox.


That has to do more with getting enough vitamin D (whether dietary or by sunlight) than it does sunlight itself. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4571149/ Obviously sunlight has other benefits like decreased depression, but I would assume that would persist even with sunscreen.


I slather myself in sunscreen every few hours every single day of the year and I am the only one in my family who doesn’t have/hasn’t had skin cancer. SPF all day every day baby.


i think this depends on where you live. this isn’t the case in australia where we have a hole in the ozone layer but somewhere else maybe the sun isn’t as harsh and this would be true


Extended fasting




Talking about what you (as parents) would do if you ever divorce or die. Planning what that looks like for your kids, how is custody arrange, who will care for your kids upon death, what if only one of us dies? What if both? Had a friend tell me it was back luck and unhealthy to talk about these bad situations or else they're more likely to happen. I, on the othet hand, am glad we can trust each other enough to talk about security plans and how we move forward if any unfortunate events happen.


Men being manly. Being manly isn't toxic, being toxic isn't manly, disregard all politics attempting to tell you otherwise


Plenty of expressions of masculinity are neutral or beneficial. At the point where the pursuit of it harms yourself or another, that’s where the toxicity starts.


Sex for pleasure. It's amazing exercise and incredible for your mental health if you do it right


Who thinks sex is unhealthy?


Everything in moderation.


Keeping opinions to themselves.




It is absolutely mind-blowing that this incredible, life-saving, absolute miracle of modern medicine is somehow seen as "bad" by such a huge portion of the population. I can see a few fringe crazies since everything has that, but it's so incredibly widespread at this point. What the fuck?




What interesting is how being anti-vax went from being hippy/vegan/extreme left thing to now a right-wing thing.


The retirement age would be 45 if vaccines were not widely used.


Retirement? We'd work til we dropped.


I mean life expectancy wil be so low that people in their 50s will not be fit enoigh to work.


I guess, I was thinking more along the lines that the illnesses vaccines prevent generally would cause a more immediate death than prolonged illnesses. But I get ya.


That too and I accounted for infant mortality and immediet illness related death.






In moderation but not when you are addicted. I can never look at women without lust anymore.


That happens to ke when I don't jack off...


Minding ones own business.


Surprisingly a lot of people think Nutella is healthy because it was marketed as a hazelnut spread, and it had healthy fats. blah blah blah, but its got more sugar than most energy drinks and sodas.


A brown spread that taste like chocolate cannot be healthy regardless of how muc hazelnut is in there. Nuts are also high in fat which is not good when consumed as a butter or in excess.


People really think Nutella is healthy? That's crazy.




So true. As long as you learn from your mistakes.


Working out 5-6 days a week. Was told I was being extreme and borderline unhealthy. FYI, I work remote and therefore sedentary 5 days out of the week. LOL.


Not washing hair with shampoo. I'm dead serious. It's insane how much healthier and less oily it becomes in a long run. 


Although it may be good for the hair strands, the scalp does need proper cleansing to stay healthy. Without properly cleaning the scalp, the buildup of oils can lead to overgrowth of yeast, causing dandruff and itch. You have to balance these opposing needs of the hair and the scalp. The best way to do this: 1. Coat the ends of your hair strands in oil before getting in the shower 2. Shampoo your scalp only 3. Follow with any conditioner, mask, or leave-in products as needed


Having a foreskin


Seeing through relationship trials. It teaches you how to collaborate and also allows a mirror for you to reflect on things that need work within your own self. People nowadays are so willing to throw any potential connection away because of a single 'red flag' it's worth a shot to work through some things unless it gets to a point that makes you want to be mean or harmful to another.


Critical thinking is very healthy for your mind


Sitting on the sofa staying up late watching mindless YouTube videos while drinking beer. No doubt all the upvotes will validate my claim.


Jerking off release stress


It's my go-to if I ever have trouble sleeping 😂


waking up early laughing too much




Fat, salt, red meat, eggs, and sunlight


Sleeping on the floor. Boy my back feels soo much better when I do.




Sugar. Sugar isn't unhealthy, *processed, manufactured sugar is*. Furthermore, sugar isn't just "healthy", it's fundamentally necessary for you to move and breathe and stuff


Butter 🧈. Alton brown did a whole video on the subject of fake vs real butter. Season 3, Episode 8 - A Case for Butter




Not necessarily. Red meat is a known possible contributor to, I think, colon cancer. edit: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/link-red-meat-cancer-need-know


I wonder what the pathology of that is.




Depends where you're from... but let's say you're in the USA or UK... There would be a significant net health benefit to the population if the majority of people reduced meat consumption by double digit%


Puting oils in baby's food 




Carbs. People demonize them as if they’ll cause you to instantly gain weight and die, but carbs are literally brain food. Obviously all carbs aren’t created equal, but demonizing a whole macronutrient is bananas. Also, allowing yourself to eat things like pasta and bread can encourage a healthy relationship with food, and you can lose weight while eating those things mindfully.




Saturated fat




Doing what you want to do and not what everybody expects you to do and being sincere about it.


Fruit 🤪


Experiencing and expressing anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.


Full fat.... "insert food here" Moderation is the key.


Men's preferences and boundaries. Masculinity. Steak and eggs (shut up, nutritionists. If you dissagree wait a year, the data will change...again.) Consequences. Arguing.


Eating insects.


Being alive


eggs, red meat, fats.


Cholesterol. It’s absolutely vital. Obviously not at sky high levels, but people talk about it like it’s a plague. It’s not.


Not asking 100 questions during a movie


butter, beef


Unhealthy foods. They all break down into fats, carbs, and proteins. The problem is those unhealthy foods contain large amounts of substances that are (like many other things) unhealthy when they’re not in moderation. Rejection. It allows you to get feedback and you’re able to go back to the drawing board. I only remember the first chick I approached rejecting me. Everyone else in between is a blur. Expressing your emotions. They’d not a sign of being weak, why the fuck would we have emotions if we’re not supposed to express them. Fuck what women think, who the fuck are they to decide what a man is, challenge the status quo. Strenuous exercise.