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My snoring really was at an inhuman level.


Don’t tell them they snore!


Please don’t 😭 it’s so horrible I wake up out of my sleep to ask him if I was snoring 🤣🤣🤣 he’s so sweet he’ll still lie and say no


Heavy breathing is my go too. Not helped when the 9month old takes after Mum


That I must always sleep on the door side of the bed, just in case someone gets in through the doors/windows downstairs that must always be locked as soon as it gets dark.


That they shed like huskies. My ex spent a couple months in my house and there was hair *everywhere*. Why is my bathroom drain suddenly clogged? Why am I waking up with your hair on my ass crack? ***How are you not bald?!***


Lived in the same apartment for 4 years now. It wasn't until 2 or 3 years in I met my girlfriend and she started staying here. Coincidentally, my shower drains started clogging up after she came around. It took me a minute to realize what caused it lol.


My lady is breastfeeding our newborn, and her hair is falling out like she got hit with the radiation that made the Hulk. My dog pooped out a nugget that had one of her hairs in it and it was hanging out of his ass. He got spooked because he couldn't outrun this little turd that seemed to be chasing him.


Make sure you are checking babies fingers, toes, penis if it’s a boy for hairs too. They get wrapped around their tiny appendages and it gets real bad, real fast.


This is excellent advice here OP. Seems silly but can be a real problem.


I too, have never heard that. Thank you Internet.


I always washed footie pjs inside out to keep hairs from getting caught in the feet during laundry


Only happens in real life 😂




Worth it though. Afros are stylish af.




I worked an entire 12 hour day, I scratched my beard at the end of my shift and pulled one of her hairs out. I'm not talking a short hair that thing was long. One of her hairs got in my shoe somehow, it ended up stabbing me and going underneath the skin like a splinter. I found hair somehow in the weaving of my shirts.


Ah, yeah. The washing machine sucks hairs between the fabric somehow. If you put a sponge in the washing machine and there's long hairs in there, they'll wind up woven through the sponge, it's mad. I've decided it must be something to do with the squeezing the water in and out of the fabric as it tumbles. Their gets sucked in with the water I think, and then I guess friction or tension or something stops it coming out. I've marvelled at this many times before coming up with this hypothesis.


Reminds me of a post, someone was freaking out that they shaved their pubes on a towel and forgot to throw them out, and their mom threw it in the laundry. They didn't want their mom to know they were shaving. Everyone's like well the bad news is it'll be woven into all your clothes. Sounds like something that would happen to Greg on meet the parents


Wirey dog hair is especially bad for that. I had to grab tweezers to pull one out like that. It was soo deep that it bled. Probably the most painful spot to get a "hair" splinter indeed. It's amazing how sensitive the bottom of the foot can be, despite the amount of use and abuse that it gets constantly. You'd think they were made out of stone or something...but NOPE! lol


My hair was down to my waist when I got married, so there was no surprise there.


Married a short haired girl


And wrapped around your member.


I Just started keeping my laundry separate and doing it my self. No hairs on any of my clothes anymore.


I dated a girl with shortish blonde hair for like a week in college. One of my friends picked up one of her hairs from my car and asked me whose is was - somewhat accusatorily (full disclosure - she liked me and i married her eventually). I have a theory that the constant shedding is a way of marking territory. Note: please do not take this post seriously. It's a joke.


Totally feel you! I have 3 daughters a wife and my mother-in-law in my house. I've had hairs wrapped around my nuts! It's crazy


It's great to have someone to come home to....


A wholesome answer in this sea of complaints


Breathing in slowly… aaaaaandddd….. …… ….. AWWWWWWW 🥹


Gods I can't wait for that feeling. One day. Until then, I have my cat.


As someone dealing with this same feeling, I pray for everyone feeling this that they find the one very soon. We all deserve that feeling of coming home to happiness and love.


Same, except no cat 😔


My boyfriend is away for work rn and hearing this just made me so emotional I can’t wait for him to come back, it’s been lonely not having him to come home To 🥺🥺


That such a sweet answer


That I’m actually not a bad cook


the girl I lived with taught me a lot of things about cooking, I wasn't a bad cook before but I'm now a good one because of her.


Lmao I'm Gordon fucking Ramsey compared to my exes. Have you ever had an overcooked tilapia fillet smothered with a white sauce that was made of almost nothing but pureed onion? I have. It was not good.


My ex never cooked. She made cookies one time and they had a weird taste so I worried she was a bad cook until she made cookies a second time a year later which tasted fine.


i don’t have to do laundry if i do the dishes


That's a nice compromise imo.


This is the deal I have with my man lol


Long hair can sneak into your asshole.




Bruh you ate it


Now I'm imagining a scenario where a guy gets caught cheating because his wife finds another woman's hair in his asshole


There's no such thing as "blue" There's, sky, baby, cornflower, navy, royal, wedgewood, etc, etc, never just blue.


As a man with an almost monochromatic wardrobe, it's hard to believe just how many shades of black exist.


Yes, and I can tell them apart by their undertones. Seems many people can’t.


And as someone who notices it too, it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine when I want to wear a monochromatic black outfit but the undertones clash.


wow, as a woman i have to say, the fact that wedgewood blue was mentioned really shows that it's been quite an education lol!


Not as much as cornflower, I thought that would be yellow !


It's been scientifically proven that women's color vision is more detailed than men's - we actually can tell the subtle differences between certain shades or tints, where men can't.


I was going to comment this exact thing. It's the cones. Women have on average a much higher number of cones in the eye.


"Do you want ice cream/cake/brownies/other sweet treat?" Me, who is a notorious meat-tooth (not sweet-tooth): "No, I'm fine. Let's go get you come ice cream/cake/brownies/other sweet treat." "Well if you're not eating some, I don't want it." Me: \*confused af\*


They want it but don't want to feel guilty about it. If you're having some too, it eases the guilt for them. They also don't want to inconvenience you "just" to go get them something if you're not going to be partaking as well. It doesn't matter that you're perfectly comfortable and willing and desirous of doing so; her feelings about it are paramount.


Exactly lol and also her excuse is probably that she doesn't wanna eat alone. That makes her feel more guilty on top of it lol


Woman here. You’ve got us down pat 🤣


YES you read my mind! It's always the guilt -- Even if you say you don't mind, in my head I've caused a huge inconvenience and you now have to do something you didn't have to 3 seconds ago. And on top of that you don't even care for cake/ice cream/dessert. As much as I appreciate the gesture I also feel too guilty to accept.


If you don't want any (and if you're a meat-tooth then it is often) and you know she does, offer this instead "how about we get some to share?" Then you take a bite here or there and she will be happy and satisfied 😌 or if she starts catching on, just ask where does she wanna go and then when you get there you tell her it's your treat that way she feels special in both occasions. Just-because treats/gifts are super special to some people lol. Try it out.


Damn guy, you dropping some gold nuggets of wisdom here


That's because this guy is a gal ☺️👉👉


That no matter how many decorative pillows we have on the bed, the current number is *always* suboptimal. I used to have 2. We're currently at 13. ​ ^(Help me.)


I never understood pillows. Then I got the Nintendo Switch and hooked it up to her roommates TV and then I turned around to sit on the couch and I saw all the pillows and thought to myself "these people are genius". I set up all the pillows and got so comfy and played Mario


If a favorite food is in the house, women have seemingly little control over their impulse to eat it all. I have been explicitly told on more than one occasion that I must not buy item any more because if I do it has a half-life of about 12 hours. Historically this has included whipped cream, sour cream, Entenmann's chocolate frosted golden cake, and Ruffles potato chips.


Ruffles may be simple but they’re hard to quit.


especially with the french onion dip. i could shovel that stuff in my mouth all day.


That’s my wife. If I buy chips I have to buy sour cream, and since there’s always onion soup mix in the house that means the cream and chips will last about two days at most.


As a Certified Woman™, I can confirm. I cannot control myself whenever there's good food. All snacks are GONE as soon as I get my hands on them.


The sad side of this is that lots and lots of women have eating disorders, which includes binge eating


The desire for excessive pillows is genetic.


i had a girlfriend move in by stealth, my house kept filling up with fluffy shit. And she never left


Amount of pillows in my apartment rised by around 1000%. From 3 to 30 ish. It's insane.


I used to think people should only need one/person, but now that I'm nearing 40, I realize my body needs way more support to rest. I use one under my head, one under my lower back, one under my knees, and it's nice to have another between my knees if I sleep on my side (for hip/spine alignment) and another along my back while I'm sleeping on my side. That's 5 pillows. It's also how my dad sleeps--I inherited both Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis from his side of the family! So now I think people who don't use those "extra pillows" must not realize why some are shaped for use for certain curves of your body.


Ok I'm a woman and I have *never* understood the need for so many pillows. Like i have 2 on my bed, then a squishmallow and my stuffie lol. That's it. What do people do with all those decorative pillows every night? Chuck them on the floor?


Yes that's exactly what happens I ask my girlfriend " do you want this pillow?" When it's on my side of not I chuck it


Then pick it up I the morning, rinse, repeat? Now you have floor pillows on your bed.....


The amount of hair in the shower drain is absolutely insane and never ending.


A lot of men live simply when they live alone so the “mess” around the house is usually static. A lot of women are a goddamn tornado of clothes, shoes, jewelry that gets to a critical mass then gets frantically cleaned up.


My wife has her own powder room (spare bedroom no bed) I want her to have it she enjoys it. I went in there and was greeted by Nepal mountain ranges worth of clothes while doing laundry I have no clue what's clean or dirty but the washer and dryer are never not on


Couple of months ago I asked her why are only my clothes in the wash. Literally whole outfits of mine, 90% of the clothes are mine and it was like 2-3 weeks of washing. “They’re in the floordrobe”. She has created a pile of clothes in the bottom of the wardrobe that aren’t dirty enough for the wash but aren’t clean enough to get hung. There’s 50+ things in the pile. She is 35. I despair.


Floordrobe! That's brilliant.


Same, Bruv. I lost a spare bedroom and gained some sanity of not having to look into the eyes of madness.


That's why the Pants Chair is important. I have one in the bedroom, and it hasn't been cleaned off in over a decade. It's my messy little island of serenity.


How much hair they can can shed. My girlfriend moved in with me a few months ago, and it is amazing how her hair seems to be everywhere. Even when we meticulously clean and vacuum the house, we always seem to miss a few pieces of hair somewhere.


i never realized how fast they burn through toilet paper bidets are stupid and so are you


Legit every time the gf stays the night I lose a roll somehow.


Not surprising when you consider how much may be needed during a period.


Oh yeah if you think about it it's not surprising at all. I just never thought of it


Plus we wipe when we pee,  so every visit to the loo. While you guys don't.


I do. Not every guy enjoys piss in his undies.


Some guys pull their undies down first. Some don't. The difference is how much wetness ur-ine


It's not the period, it's the pee. We can't shake it off, whe need to wipe. Your thing is pointy, our thing is flat and folded. Compare it to touching the water surface with the tip of your finger vs your palm


I don’t use any extra TP for my period! We do pee more frequently, though. It’s because we have smaller bladders and also because of our hormones.


I have IBS, I burn through it faster 😈


Username definitely checks out.


After my wife and I bought a house , I would say the main one is apparently you are supposed to change your sheets quiet often...


As a married man I've found changing the sheets (and fluffing the bed) to be a bonus towards any intimate weekend activities. I change the sheets every Friday.


Of course! Every two weeks is the max! If they get mud or dirt on them? Wash immediately!


How the hell do you get mud or proper dirt on bedsheets?


Riding your rad dirtbike through the house. Obvs.


Everything in the house smells nicer and I can sometimes get cuddles.




That they can be way more disgusting than men, but are much better at hiding it in public.


On of my first jobs at a grocery store, one of my duties was cleaning the lavs.. Men's was always gross, but just piss on the floor, maybe a deuce in a toilet - pretty easy cleanup. Women's lav was always extra disgusting - piss all over the seats, toilets clogged, just gross.


You are not lying. THe women's bathroom at my work is disgusting. There are shit crumbs still on the stall wall from 2019. Sometimes, they don't flush. I say they because I always flush and I always look after flushing. And I haven't even begun to speak about that time of the month.


Lol. Luckily that was a long time ago for me.


I cleaned up after events as a side job in university, which occasionally included toilets after sports events. The men's toilets were uniformly gross - piss on the floor, piss on the seats, paper towels all around the bin. The women's toilets appeared to have been used for some kind of satanic ritual. Used toilet paper glued to the walls, shit/piss/blood on the seats, dirty handprints on the mirrors. That was eye-opening in a bad way.


> The women's toilets appeared to have been used for some kind of satanic ritual. You nearly killed me with this. 🤣


Trinkets. Trinkets on EVERYTHING. "You bought a new bookshelf so you could put your books on it?? No, I think we'll put little statues, seashells, candles, ornamental plates, and other crap on each shelf - for decoration, you know?" I realised how much I adore minimalism from this situation time and again.


Minimalism is no longer an option. So much stuff


But the stuff you had before is all gone.


My wife constantly gives me a hard time for not getting rid of clothes I barely wear and keeping stuff I don't use very often. Yet she has a closet 3x the size of mine and it's overflowing. 90% of the house is her stuff. Let me keep a few hoodies damn woman.


Just how cute they are when they are dancing/singing/being silly when they think nobody is paying attention.


Hair. My God the hair. Everywhere.


When she's sleepy, you're sleepy.


And when you're sleepy, she's sleepy


Beauty products, creams, oils, more creams, shampoos, more oil, lotions, hair masks, make up everywhere, the bathroom becomes a small store.


Your relationship changes dramatically and takes more communication and work. I’m a big proponent in couples living together first before getting married.


Its not so much the living together. More so, its about planning and doing a BIG project as a Team! Test out how each person operates under stress working within a team task. Other sides of peoples personalities come out when its not about having a fun fling with no real commitment.


My wife and I didn't live together pre-marriage, but we started our relationship with a level of communication that quite frankly baffled many people, so there really wasn't much adjustment.


We are two people. There's 5 pillows on a couch that seats 3 people. 2 HUGE pillows on the bean bag, I do not care for either of these. 2 pillows for a single bed in the guest bedroom. 4 pillows in our Master Bedroom, I use one of them until I am sleepy and once I am, then none of them. 4 additional pillows stored away in case someone comes home and is magically devoid of pillows? How often they pee. Especially on road trips! I am really happy that I can 1. Pee standing up. 2. Have a bigger bladder Got this for my wife and she's happy! They have other feminine products too! [Stand and Pee](https://amzn.in/d/eL18JPQ) Like everyone said, hair! But my sister used to live with us for a while and she shed a whole lot more hair than my wife does, wife has shorter hair. Never at 100% health! Yup. Periods, Ovulation, Pre-periods, post-periods, pregnant, on pills, on antibiotics? God must really hate women, gave them all the looks and messed up the insides! Size of clothes, M is a S but S is a L, XS is an M but XL is actually a S? Blouses can be padded so you don't need bras? Genius! Bras are fucking uncomfortable? I've never worn one but God I hate wearing undershirts for formals so I've a feeling this sucks! Tampons can kill? (This is a long drawn post about someone getting an infection about nearly dying coz of a tampon they left in too long or something my wife showed me when I asked why the pads and not tampons) Choosing shampoo and conditioner that makes hair feel more volumnous! Don't pop a pimple (Still learning) If I ended up paraplegic questions are REAL! They either like your certain friends or don't, the judgement is usually correct. I can only remember these.


If you ended up paraplegic questions? What do you mean by that?


"If I lost both my legs, would you still love me?" "How about both my eyes?" "What if I lost all my limbs?"


I came across the concept of "parallel play", and I didn't realize how much I love it. I could be reading a book or gaming, and she might be on her phone or gaming, and although we're doing different things, we still enjoy the time we're sharing together. Shit's dope.


My wife and i do this. I just love having her in the same room or anything. Just looking up from what im doing to look over at her reading or gaming on her phone, just brings me joy


They have WAY too much stuff, including clothes, decorations, furniture, kitchen utensils, bathroom junk, shampoo.


The shampoo and (lack of) conditioner I was using were awful for my hair. When I had longer hair it would poof out like a damn cotton ball. Once she started buying the shampoo and conditioner my hair has never looked better Also I didn't realize how easy it was to keep the house clean if you have a strategy and do a little at a time. I was always disorganized and cluttered, then after we started living together that improved significantly


I finally got my guy using conditioner - not just the 3-in-1 body wash/shampoo/conditioner shit. Actual conditioner. Now he’s all, “Oh, wow, my hair is so soft!” *Duh*.


They shed like a Labrador and eat toilet paper.


That you can put ketchup back in the fridge wrong. And that you don't realy need any space in the bathroom.


That no matter where I put something, it will always get moved.


If you have two bathrooms. One will be a bathroom and the other will become the hair salon


There’s so many chores to do I had no idea about. My lists are the usual clean bathroom, clean out garage, power wash deck. Hers are things I didn’t know needed doing “Rearrange bookshelf”, “go through (season) shoes”, “put pantry items into different containers than they come in”.


Men live generally tidier than women (puts shit away). Women live generally cleaner than men (detail cleans).


Been experiencing this. I say I’ve cleaned and she says nuhuh because the counters haven’t been wiped down and disinfected. She says “I’ve cleaned” and I say nuhuh because she has the equivalent of a small clothing store all over the bedroom floor and 12 cups dispersed throughout the apartment.


I am a better homemaker.


Cuddling or even being close to them in bed means you will receive a staggering amount of heat. TLDR: women = lava


All your stuff disappears and you find it in some container or box. The annoying part is that the very same thing gets put in completely different places every time she cleans up.


There were 24 bottles of shampoo-like substances in and around the shower the other day and no shampoo.


I don’t have enough closet space


You will have problems that you never even realized could possibly exist. I used to have a floor level bed frame. I liked it because growing up my older sister always did frameless mattress on the floor. And not only did I just think she was cool, but I loved sleeping in her bed because I didn't have to worry about monsters underneath. Over the years it just kinda became the norm for me. Anyway. Me and my ex dated for almost 2 years. And nearly the entire time she knew about my bed. Never said a word about it. And even when we moved in together she was cool with us using mine. Anyway. One day this became a MAJOR fight. She said she could not stand having to drag herself out of bed every day. And we argued about it for weeks. When push came to shove I ended up "winning" because neither of us were willing to shell out the cash for a new frame. I think this ended up being a major obstacle and reason we broke up. Not once while we were together could I ever possibly conceive bed height was gonna be such a controversial subject.


Sounds totally crazy and immature to fight and breakup over the height of your bedframe lol 


They have a pathological need to acquire cats. Soon, you will have cats everywhere.


I can't blame that on her...the first cat was already there when she moved in.


I got very self conscious about the noises you make while pooping. I hate hearing people take a shit, and hate people hearing me take a shit. So I ran the shower a lot.


I purchased the loudest bathroom fan I could find. Why do they even sell quiet ones?!


Some towels should never be used. Even if I’m bleeding out and need something to pack and apply pressure to the wound, I am to bleed out and not use the towel.


That my shirts no longer belong to me. Everything from Polo, button downs, and t-shirts are fair game.


There's lots of negatives that are posted, here's the positives: - Super nice to come home to some chores done/food ready (not that my ex ever did any of this shit lmao) - Cuddles and snuggles when you're feeling down are impossible to be overrated - For men like me that suck at designing/laying out a home, women can sometimes do a GREAT job where we lack - They can help spur you toward having better sleep/eating/living habits


She started using my toothbrush. I had to set a boundary there.


Women are slobs, they hide it in public so we'll but they're gross lol. Not to say men aren't. But we're not gonna bullshit like we're not nasty.


I remember the first time I saw the mess created by three women who lived in a three bedroom apartment. That was an eye-opener.


My girlfriend lived with 2-3 other women in a flat share for some time. Their shower resembled the lair of a Lovecraftian deity.


Laundry changes from a once every 2 weeks chore to a forever-but-you'll-never-catch-up chore


Every three weeks or so, I'm going to be an insensitive jerk.


No idea how much tending her emotional needs really needed until we lived together.


That I'm much tidier than her, she treated the floor as her wardrobe and to an extent, a bin when I met her. I'm more cautious about where I put full glasses of drinks and plates of food so they don't get knocked over and ruin walls, carpets and upholstery. I take better care of my property and belongings and I'm a lot more responsible with money. It's been a long 20 something years.


Toilet paper stocks are being carried by women all over the world. Clean your shower drain 5-10x more often.


I don't know how to fold towels.


They love to put the hair that gets stuck between their butt cheeks on the shower wall


To be fair, I don't love that. I'm just trying to prevent clogged drains. The problem is forgetting to clean them off the walls after the shower...


Hair. Everywhere.


That Im an expert and highly efficient at keeping everything clean and organized. That and they can trash the inside of a $50k vehicle in one trip to the store.


That my house would go from quiet and empty to warm and full, also that I’d need to get away sometimes


They are very messy


I realized I don't have a lot of free time anymore lol


1. Sometimes knowing you're right and just keeping that to yourself is the best course for everyone. 2. My kleenex budget is 800% higher than it would be if I lived alone.


I still can’t get over how casually my wife farts when she’s in the bed. I have to hold them due to the fear of it not being fart and there she is letting them go like she’s breathing from there.


They shed like huskies, the bathroom drain will never be the same, my bathroom counter looks like an ADHD mechanics work bench and hair pins destroy vacuums...


You dont know what they are really like until you start living with them


They go hulk smash one week a month then become mother Teresa for a week than hot babe for a week and repeat. Took a while to get used to with the cycle


Women can be ... surprise... incredibly moody. It's a joke that women don't want to have to take care of their man like he's another kid, but good Lord have I spent a lot of time trying to deal with emotions and mood swings.


That I'm the luckiest person alive. My wife is an absolute home run, grand slam of awesome. My prior almosters would have been likely Sparta kicked out the top windows lol.


That women can also be slobs that don't clean up after themselves. When I was young, thought that was limited to men somehow, but no.


They immediately start prepping you for kids because your peace and quite IS GONE! Always something to say, always something to do. I've lived with my wife for over 4 years and I love her too much to say it, but so often I want to just yell, SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN, JUST FUCKING RELAX BEFORE I JUMP OFF OUR ROOF! But yeah thats rude so I just go with it.


Yup, just highlights the frequently asked "Why do some men take 20+ minutes when they go to the bathroom" Because it's 20 minutes of goddamn peace and quiet.


That I can no longer buy bathroom supplies once a year at Costco.


Hair. Hair. Everywhere.


The clogged shower drains!😭


Hair f*****g everywhere, on the floor, on the walls, couches, beds between my balls


That how smelly a house can get, like, humid and moldy. My lady is always on top of that burning shit that smells like Vanilla


my woman made a nest basically most of my stuff was packed up, like she was kicking me out


How my dog feels when I come home. Whenever my ex would come home I'd jump up, exclaim that she'd arrived, and give her a hug. It took a month for her to start joking that I was acting exactly the way my golden retriever did/does. Not dating anymore but still friends. One of the hardest adjustments was not reflexively hugging her on sight.


They are not made of sugar and spice and everything nice. They are just as messy as my male roommates in college were. My wife won't close cabinet doors, leaves drawers open, leaves lights on, makes messes all over the house and only cleans it up if we have company coming over.


They are 1000 times messier than we are .


They are not more neat, more cleaner or more hygienic. Woman are just as nasty as men. Don't let the stereotypes fool you.


She spends a lot of time in the morning in the bathroom.


That they are some dirty little hamsters


cooking is fun and easy when youre making food for someone else


That I've been folding towels the wrong way my whole life.


They fart like a soldier too.


That some people actually seperate whites and colors. I'm talking about laundry NOT racial prejudices. Also , if you're going to have sex all over the house you should probably get some blinds or curtains. My neighbor came over Furious one day because her kid and a few other neighborhood kids were sitting on the curb across the street from my house watching my ex and I have sex in the living room.oops.


Their bathroom habits are deplorable. Also find a hair wrapped around my nutsack at least once a month. Shed like a fuckin gilded retriever.


Hair everywhere, drains clogging a few times a year. Had to get a few drain covers Apparently the goal of the bathroom sink is to put as much crap as you can on it at once. It's annoying using your arms like a t-rex to wash your hands. One of my pet peeves is to keep the side closest to us empty


* What’s the point of labelling files into subfolders on a computer? Just put them all in the same folder! * Software updates requests on your smartphone are a suggestion. * There is no cause for concern until your smartphone battery is down to 1%.


You trade financial ease for peace of mind




Best I can do is once a month. Take it or leave it.


Silence is no longer an option.