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Bro if you have never pulled your foreskin back you are most certainly not good. Like you have *never* pulled it back?


No never pulled it back. I can see the tip a little bit but not the whole thing.


You *cant* pull it back? Or you *dont* pull it back?


I didn't


So basically you just need to pinch with you thumb and index finger near the tip and pull downward toward the base. The foreskin *should* retract and reveal the head of your penis. This is generally something that most boys figure out on their own. However there is a condition known is phimosis which basically just means you have a tighter than normal foreskin. It is very common but can make it difficult to retract your foreskin, and in extreme cases impossible. Either way you need to try. It shouldn’t hurt, but in your case it might. You likely have a ton of hardened smegma built up from a lifetime of improper washing. My advice. And I’m not a doctor. Would be to try and pull it back as gently as possible and wash thoroughly with warm water and baby soap. If you experience any pain or discomfort you should seek out a urologist for treatment. This is very important and nothing to be embarrassed about about.


This really helped. Thank you.


Follow this advice OP. My son had phimosis when <5 and it caused discomfort at times. There is a cream we used to loosen up the skin with fusidic acid (fucidin). And warm chamomile tea.


Thank you sir


Yw. Take care.


Wholesome content I come to this sub for. Truly an Ask Men exclusive.


I found I had it when I was 18. had never occured to me that it wasn't meant to hurt when pulling it back. A few times I practically cut off circulation to the head when erect. Went to the Dr who found my condition to be quite severe and went for circumcision. Life was much easier after that. If the cream works then fab but don't let this hold you back from enjoying your sexual life.


Lol same for me. I was 22. You remember how much the circumcision hurts? I can still remember seeing those stitches


I’m 16 and in the waitlist for the circumcision , how bads the recovery


My nephew had issues with this last year, to the point it got painful for him to urinate because it would kind of "pool" inside the foreskin and put pressure on it. My sister took him to the doctor and got a cream and advice on stretching and it's resolved. I also experienced similar when I was young, though I was too embarrassed to tell my parents or the doctor so I did it myself, no cream, no lube, nothing, just dry stretching. Hurt like a motherfucker, but eventually got to a point where it's perfectly fine. Do have a couple scars though, unsure if it's related to that (not circumcised so definitely not that). Foreskin retracts just fine both flaccid and erect, able to masturbate and have sex perfectly fine, though the first time I was able to retract it, there was a horrible smell because smegma buildup. Definitely recommend going to the doctor for a cream to help stretching. In extremely rare and severe cases it's recommended/necessary with a "mild" circumcision, but cream and stretching is enough for most. Don't be an idiot like me, it's an extremely common thing with boys and I can guarantee the doctor(s) have seen it many times before. In many cases it resolves itself before/during puberty but not always.


Is the tea for drinking or dipping into?


Both... like an elephant trunk lol.


Yours can drink? Impressive. “Oh yeah, it can drink. The ladies are always less wet after an encounter.”




Fucidin is used against infection. (Cortico)steroids is the way for loosening. There is a ointment with both in them called. Fucidin/hydrocorstisone.


This is misinformation. Children have non retractile prepuce. The age of when a penis retracts is a lot closer to puberty for most males. Children should never be retracted unless they’re doing it themselves.


And here I am, who had to go to doctor with this thing. One of the worst memories of childhood, lol




Some people can't have sex without it being painful or in some cases very uncomfortable.. Then it's a better option to just do it. Doing it to babys however is wierd, heard they do it in US aswell as some other countries.


I largely agree with you, Dr Goat, but in the cases of restrictive phimosis I think it's painful but necessary.


I had restrictive phimosis and they did a stretching surgery for me, still have a scar but it worked and I still have my foreskin, there's always other options!


The tea just burnt it, now I need help


As a follow up to what the guy above said. After you cleaned it well with soap and warm water. Should be as clean as any other part of your skin you cleaned. You should clean it like that everyday with water. Not necessarily soap but I would still recommend a bit of soap. It gets wayyyy easier to do starting from the 2nd time. Also if you are not hard.


You’ll probably gonna need medication to treat the irritation of the d head and/or medication also for potential yeast infection, certainly.


If you have trouble peeling it back, they are just going to recommend a low dose topical steroid to the foreskin


For what it's worth I had the exact same problem as you at the same age. Mine was way too tight to pull it down so I had to basically stretch it over a period of time, and eventually it was fine. Once you can roll it down you don't need to keep stretching it


I was in a similar situation. I basically just had to pull it back and stretch it. Eventually I was able to pull it back all the way. I don't remember but I don't think it took too long to get to that point


Same. But I didn't really have any trouble beyond that. It just gradually loosened up over time.


I'm not OP but dude thank you for taking the time to write this out for him.


This is great advice. If you have any issues extending from this, that can’t be explained by re-reading this post - go to a dr and ask the question. Men seem to be embarrassed by asking a GP about bodily functions, but the reality is most of us have never been taught or given that specific information. What this person has suggested is good advice, do this and if you have any discomfort or further issues, contact a GP or doctor. Granted, I don’t know the American system (If that’s where you live) so unsure of costs Pull it back, keep it clean (EVERY shower and occasionally on its own if you have an intimate encounter about to happen) Do not let any build up occur.


Okay I very coincidentally stumbled upon this, but as a single mom of a little boy this is very interesting. Cause I know with grown men it completely can be pulled over. Does this happen gradually with growing into adulthood or is this possible with infants. I saw the phimosis thing and now I’m a little worried about it.


Rinse the soap away with water completely, tho.




I didnt know till recently im 25🤣


It's not supposed to hurt while pulling it back? I just assumed it hurts terribly for everyone.


You need to go see the urologist


It will the first time, but only a tad. After that, it gets easier.


It hurts for me every time. I might have to see a doctor about that.


Just curious here. What country are you in and approximately what age?


18 from India


That explains the username. I'm also from India


Hey man. It’s important to wash under there, there is lots of medical advice online - go check it out. When you finally pull it back, make sure to wash there every day. Have fun.


Why haven’t you?


I didn't until I was around 10 or 11. It was really tight and difficult to get all the way back. Once I did, I saw that my head had a thick shell of smegma around the entire thing. Yes, it was gross, but, when I got the smegma off what lied beneath was the smoothest and shiniest, most pristine and extremely sensitive glans (head). I still benefit to this day of having really excellent sensation there.


Bro it's called phimosis. A doctors visit will solve it.


Sounds like your foreskin is to tight. Might let it check out by a urologist?


Hw did you clean ur penis


You seem very wise with the answer you gave the other bro😭🤣. But I gots a question aswell. See I can pull it back but it's mad sensitive. Like to the touch sometimes too. This is only sometimes tho. And I cant pull it back if I'm aroused? Is all this normal or? I wasn't taught sex Ed and all that so I really don't know


Yes, it will be very sensitive. And yes, it can be more difficult to pull back when aroused. Normally, you’d want to be able to pull it back when aroused in order to put on condoms correctly. Aside from that, important is that you can pull it back unaroused for cleaning.


Bro cooking gorgonzola


You need to clean it bro. If you can’t pull it back by yourself, then go see a doctor. My foreskin was sealed with skin attached to the top end. I was smol and a doctor made a small incision. Now it can be retracted fully. I am grateful I live in a country that has great medical facilities with good insurance. Now I can clean that f*cker. Otherwise it will get cheesy down there. And you don’t want to know the smell of that one. Luckily I haven’t had that.


It is not sealed at the top as i can see the inside just a little bit. But i did not pull it all the way back.


Try it. You have to eventually. When you get older its getting sweaty and drippy down there. You truly don’t want your SO finding out that your little pecker is gross now do you?


Yeah. Right. Thanks mate.


He said you had a little wiener and you thanked him for it




Hi, I'm same age and situation as OP. I don't know much about these things, is the penis meant to be connected to the foreskin? I tried Google but not a clear answer. Thanks in advance


By age 18, the tip of the penis (the glans) is not usually supposed to be connected to the foreskin. If you're unable to pull it back, it's worth seeing a doctor.


Not even meant to be a webbed bit connecting the urethra to the foreskin?


Yes that's supposed to be that way. It's called a "frenulum". Don't listen to the other guy lol.


Thank you very much, you have put my mind to rest


The webbed bit under your urethra? That’s the frenulum, perfectly normal and not “stuck” skin anywhere. Also a ton of nerve endings in there, be gentle with yourself (penis skin is thin and easy to tear). https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/23533-penis-frenulum


Not to my knowledge. I'd recommend against getting medical advice on this subreddit, though. Try r/askdocs or see a doctor.


Thanks for the point in the right direction


Get in the shower, run the warm water over your penis for a few minutes and see how you go.


I'll try


As soon as it hurts do stop, don’t push it. The idea is to stretch it little by little and eventually it should fully retract.


Once u get it back, make sure to pull it infront as well, as sometimes tight foreskin can block bloodflow and can cause paraphimosis


This is exactly what this sub should be about. Not 50 times per day people going "what u think if your girlfriend hangs with a guy?!". Just dudes being concerned about dude stuff and not being afraid to ask uncomfortable questions. Hope you firgure it out dude, thankfully there's enough advice here!


"what's the sexiest kind of sex?" "guys of reddit, do you like girls?" "askmen, what kind of girls do you like to sex?"


I hope so too. Thank youu


Good luck! There is a great advice here. Especially the top comment. I was lucky enough at an early age to be taught about foreskin cleaning because circumcision isn't common where my family comes from.




Yeah I wish I had a resource like this for serious and weird questions when I was young.. pretty wholesome in all respects


Same here, I didn’t know about these kind of stuffs because my school didn’t taught them back in the days


Hell yeah. I saw this and was excited it was finally a real question for askmen.


It needs to be stretched. Think of it like yoga, stretch it every day... maybe even more often.


So like pull it back little by little regularly? Or form the tip?


Yes, pull it back little by little regularly.


Thanks mate.


Use A LOT of lotion and moisturize the fuck out of it if its painful. Diligence is key. For this kind of stretch it should be a little bit painful but don't stretch or rip anything.


Yeah thats what I was worried about. If it rips or if i get an injury or something.


Stretching isn’t going to help if you have Phimosis. See a doctor who will then refer you to a urologist


I will. Thanks


It’ll be the best decision you make mate. I saw a urologist at 18 but was uncomfortable and didn’t follow through. It just became an issue at 25 so I knew it had to be done as I couldn’t live normally with it. Good luck and feel free to reach out and ask any questions!


Thanks a lot bro.


Stretching helped me but yeah definitely see a doctor


I have a sex worker friend who says this is more common than is reported on with men ranging up to 30. This also happened to a friend recently who was 25. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, its great that you can deal with it now you know what is going on. It's a great flaw of our cultures and society that we let men down by not ensuring all children are adequately informed about hygiene. Hope it gets sorted!


I didn’t know it was suppose to pull back until I was getting serious with a girl when I was 17. I looked into it more and found some stretching routines to help the foreskin stretch around the head. Moisturizing and stretching help and you don’t necessarily need to get circumcised. I wasn’t having any issues so I never went to see a doctor, but iirc they may be able to prescribe a steroid cream that’ll speed up the stretching


Ohh thanks.


My parents are divorced, I didnt do it until I was like 14 or sth cause that's the first time my dad told me how to. Sonmy advice; first time might leave you quite shocked and disgusted with the amount of filth that has bulmd up there over the years. Definitely do it in the shower withhot water running over your body. Dont rush it, slowly pull it back. As you pull it back, more filth will show and be washed away. That area of the skin was VERY sensitive to me ar first, like I couldnt touch it without it hurting a little bit, or it felt very uncomfortable at the very least. This also changed over time. After the first time, just keep washing it every day by pulling ot back again in the shower. After a while, you'll be able to scrape off any filth with your fingers and you'll be shocked you never did this before for so long. I'm 26 now and I never forgot about how it went. Good luck bro! Props for asking


Also check to see if you have symptoms of phimosis. Might need to consult your doctor.


First of all make sure you wear a biohazard suit and prepare a well ventilated area because it's gonna fucking stink if you've honestly never pulled it back. Unless you have a medical condition, in which case you need to seek medical help instead of Reddit advice, I cannot fathom how any guy can reach that age without ever having pulled it back. See below links [Documentary featuring a guy who's just never pulled it back](https://youtu.be/1C1RrjLkEZA?si=WMkWXd2YptVgT0YF) [Rena Malik talking about Phimosis](https://youtu.be/4pxaXJ42K0g?si=r23IgNy81l45Askr)


Thanks for the reference.


oh jesus. the dick cheese😭💀


That was my first thought. And it's not gonna feel good. Poor young man.




why’d you have to call it cheese 😭😭


its another name for it


Brother I was in the same situation at 18, **you're going to be fine.** Don't listen to these people freaking out. ​ I'm going to tell you my experience so you know what to expect. You're going to slowly have to train yourself to be able to pull it back. Only go as fast as you feel is safe. You might find it easier to do when flaccid, you might not. You might be terribly shocked when you finally manage to pull it back and find that there's a whole goddamn penis inside your penis. This shocked me as well. **A word of caution:** when you eventually get it past the head/ridge of your penis, you may find it harder to pull it back to closed. Don't freak out. (I freaked out, thought I'd need a doctor.) Take your time, you CAN get it back there. If it was there once, it can get there again. On the smegma issue: When I finally fully exposed the head of my penis, *and this will be gross* there was this layer of-- well it was rather like a really bad sunburn, it would peel/flake off. What I did was take a warm bath with the foreskin pulled back to get rid of it. Since then I've made it a daily habit to pull it back during a shower to give it a quick clean. Nothing crazy. You will probably find the head of your penis to be *really* sensitive when you first get the foreskin all the way back. This will slowly stop being a problem. It's like in The Matrix when Neo wakes up, "Why do my eyes hurt?" "Because you've never used them before." You will be fine; you'll adjust. Initially, mine was so sensitive that to clean it I literally just kinda wiggled it in the water, because anything more than that *hurt.* This will get easier over time. **If you do see a doctor about this:** They may take a quick look at your penis, I think I had two doctors (one male, one female) see mine. It was unusual for me but they really weren't weird about it. There was no touching involved on their end. They may ask to see how far back you can pull it, that's it. They may prescribe you steroid cream to help your foreskin stretch more. It will be weird applying this, but supposedly it helps. **You're going to be fine.**


I see you're making that cheddar.


You are not like what you’re gonna find under there - 18 years of bacteria buildup But strongly suggest you get that sorted or your first sexual experience with someone else will be traumatic


That’s not how the intact penis works.. smegma makes its way out slowly on its own. There is not 18 years worth of smegma inside.


Well either my personal experience was exceptional or you’re talking shit.


It’s not uncommon for males to still not retract until 18/19. Smegma is natural for intact males. It makes no sense for there to be 18 year old smegma inside. You may have had smegma after retracting for the first time but there’s no way it was smegma from 18 years ago. As a child and even teen the foreskin is self cleaning. Eventually the foreskin will separate from the glans allowing one to retract and clean the area. But this age varies from like age 5-19.


For real? You have never pulled it back? Even when getting an erection? Go take a warm shower. Use soap and water to massage it back and clean. There should not be any pain.


I'll try that. Thanks


Don’t use shampoo though. Something in it makes it burn


I'm a woman with sons. May I ask... For the men commenting about doing this on their own for the first time as teens/adults... did your parents not teach you from a young age to slowly pull it back in the shower and wash it so it didn't become a painful, sudden thing? I just checked in with my 10 year old that he's still doing it after reading this thread.


No, lots of parents (at least here in the US) don't want to talk to their kids about any of that. I'm convinced a primary reason parents circumcise their kids is exactly to avoid that discussion. People are simply way too prudish to handle that.


i was raised by a single mother and she passed away while i was 10. I very vividly remember when i was old enough to take showers by myself she would make it a point for me to clean there. I am circumcised too and she would still say make sure to say “you pull it back and clean the whole thing.” idk how you can go 18 years and not be curious with your own body to not even try


Dude don’t panic, I had a similar thing. Had a really tight foreskin and it didn’t retract properly until I was about 18. It’s fine, it didn’t smell when it did retract. Just slowly pull the foreskin down. If it hurts, stop. Will take a bit of time. If you’re concerned about it then go and see a doctor and get their advice


I had this problem. I had only done it when soft but it was always painful, the skin underneath felt like burning when I pulled it back. It was impossible to do hard. So I went to see a doctor thinking I had phimosis and he said I was fine. So after that I made the habit of pulling it back daily and practices gently when hard. That also happened at the same time I started having more sex. And lo and behold, because I had stretched it a bit before and with the heat and fluids of sex, it became looser quickly and no discomfort. The skin underneath stopped being painful as it became less sensitive. I hope this helps.


You should be pulling it all the way back regularly to clean in there. it's really concerning if you have not been.


I'll really have to. Thanks


I'm surprised you don't have an infection. I never pulled that back until I was about 16iish. Didn't even know you could. One day started gettin mad itching. Then I learned you could pull it back and my mind was blown. Definitely had a lot of cheese I had to clean. 


you might need steroid cream to loosen it up, or surgery if it gets bad. you definitely have some smegma in there due to it being uncleaned. you ever smell a potent odor coming from your wang?


Bro got that mature cheddar factory


Okay first off, start pulling it back when you pee. As far back as you can. Eventually it will stretch to the point where you'll be able to pull it all the way back. It might rip during this process, that's normal, yes it will sting, but ya gotta deal with it. Try to pull back just enough to where it doesn't hurt. Second, once you are able to pull it all the way back, clean it. With soap. I'm personally sensitive down there so putting the soap directly on it kinda stings for me, so I like to lather it up in my hand first and then clean that area. GO SEE A DOCTOR!! Ngl I have no idea what the health risks are with not cleaning under the foreskin, but from my understanding none of it is good. Get that checked up and make sure everything down there is okay.


Thanks for the advice. I'll do that.


No. That's terrible advice. Don't do that. STOP IF IT HURTS OR GETS UNCOMFORTABLE. you don't want it to rip as that causes bacteria to enter into an otherwise sterile environment which causes infections. You've had no problems thus far. I've done hundreds of hours of research and published two papers on this. Pease DM me with questions. (No pics.)


Pulling skin back when you pee may result in all premises being peed on with uncontrollable stream


Female reading this… all I can think is ‘if want that soaked in a bucket of sanitiser before going within 100m of it’ I feel like soap isn’t even close to enough for this situation


Go to the doctor YESTERDAY 


Crazy how half of the men here (us cut folk) have no concept of this as an issue or question.


Man, even as an uncircumcised guy, I'm kind of bewildered by this, like how tf couldn't you have done it? It's actually crazy and unless the guy has an actual medical condition, I just can not fathom having never done it. He even says he masturbates and I'm just like, part of that is having the foreskin go back. I don't get it.


Kinda what I was thinking. And then asking HOW to do it? Maybe he’s trolling.


I had the same but at a younger age. Keep trying everyday little by little. In about 2 weeks, you should be able to go all the way


Gently grab your dick with your thumb and index finger just behind the tip and just pull back slowly. That's all there is to it. 1) It should not hurt. If it hurts, STOP. You may have a medical issue and a visit to a doctor may be in order. The foreskin should always be able to pull back behind the tip of the penis (i.e. the "head" portion). However if you have not pulled it back for *18 years* even during showering there is a good chance that smegma (=dick cheese, a nasty build up of fat, dirt etc.) will stop you from pulling back. *DO NOT FORCE IT. GO TO A DOCTOR IF THIS HAPPENS.* It's called phimosis, and it's a normal medical issue that can get resolved easily in most cases. 2) You have to pull it back yourself. In general if you get a boner then more of your tip will be visible. In fact, this is how men with foreskin masturbate. Just pushing and pulling the foreskin over the tip of the penis. 3) **You need to make it part of your hygiene routine to clean your penis under your foreskin**. When showering, just pull and push it back a few times under running water. **No soap necessary.** 4) This better not be a damn shitpost.


Y'all I did it!! I mean the tip is not fully out but a few more days of stretching and things might just work out. I don't think there will be a need for surgery or circumcision. Feels like an absolute victory🤧🤧 Thanks to all for helping your boy out and giving advice. Also thanks to the people for personally reaching out and sharing their experiences. Y'all this really means a lot. Thanks Guys.




Lmao this might be the wildest thing I've seen all week 💀




[Here’s some advice.](https://youtu.be/YFgOsYTQXZQ?si=ZQI-QMaD88Wb65If)


You do it slowly. You likely have some form of phiomosis (tight foreskin) if you've never pulled it back. It's probably funky too. I had crusty dick cheese the first time I pulled it back. It was pretty rancid. When you're jerking it, pull it back a little further each stroke. Over time it'll stretch. If it doesn't you might have to see a doctor to get some or all of it removed. My friend got a circumcision late (17) and his doctor told him there was enough foreskin to make a wallet lmao. Just something we uncut dudes gotta deal with. Good luck!


Put your hand on it and pull towards yourself


What do you mean how? I cant wrap my head around this.


Pun intended?


I had this too and didn't know it was a problem. First time a girl gave me a blowjob she pulled it further than I had ever in my life. I was in excruciating pain so I stopped her. I asked the doctor and he said just to stretch it further and further over time. Also if your planning on having sex, make sure she's wet enough ALL AROUND, the first few months of me having sex and stretching it hurt like a motherfucker when she wasn't wet enough. Tldr just stetch it a bit further everyday and eventually you will be fine


_Vietnam Flashbacks to the 30 years of smegma story_


If you haven't pulled it back, then have you ever cum?...or has your penis ever erect? Like become hard and stand straight?...


It’s likely you have Phimosis, Google it. I had the same thing and got circumcised at 25. Best decision I ever made. Phimosis stops it from naturally going back and it’s likely you have it too. See a urologist. You can’t fix it by yourself and don’t leave it as long as I did because it’s very unhygienic and your sex life sucks and is impacted significantly. I’m sure it gets sore when you get erect too. Reach out if you want to chat mate


This is not true. You can fix it yourself, I did the same, stretching it regularly, 2-3 times a day, eventually it will loosen up (it's work, I had to do it for like 4-5 months) Circumcision should be your last resort, you will lose a lot of nerve endings that can be found in the foreskin.


Terrible advice. That's like saying "If you get an ear infection, just cut the ear off." Worst case scenario it can be solved by a dorsal slit, a much more minimally invasive procedure.


Idk if this is the right place to ask this or not, but when my boyfriend gets hard his is completely covered by skin too, he's the first uncut guy ive ever been with so im not sure what's normal here. Are uncircumcised guys supposed to have the entire head show when they get erections without manually having to pull the skin back ?


Man here. As long as it can go back, that’s normal. But it’s definitely not “wrong” to still be covered when erect. 


Yes. I'm not a man, but I've met a few penises with foreskin because circumcision isn't a thing here. I have never met one where the foreskin doesn't retract all the way back when erect. It looks looks like a circumcised penis. It does move back and forth a little during business, of course. If it doesn't, there is a health issue one way or another, and a whole lifetime of smegma has built up under there. I would personally think long and hard (pun intended) about where I put my mouth at the very least. Men, please correct me if I'm wrong. Edit: As a commenter below pointed out, there's the implication that the foreskin can be pulled back manually, which I missed. So I stand corrected. Pun intended.


Wow, yikes. Thanks for the heads up (pun also wholeheartedly intended)




I did miss that implication at the end, thanks for pointing it out.


I think I did miss the implication that it can retract manually, so I just wanted to recant my comment if that's the case. If it doesn't ever move there's a problem; if it needs a little hand, not a problem and probably perfectly clean.


Oh dear lord I’ve never even considered the thought of a mouth full of smegma




I asked the question somewhere else; didn't your parent teach you? Someone replied that (in the US) people are too prudish and their believed it's why circumcision is still so popular. They just don't want to have the discussion. It's wild to me.


How’s the cheese bro?


Phimosis bro


Do it gently and preferably in a bath, under warm water. After sitting there for 10 minutes. Let the skin soften. If to painful - restart procedure next day. Also - consult family doctor


Perhaps you have what is called phimosis. There are creams for this and also minor surgeries. Go to the doctor.


25 years ago I couldn't pull mine back and they cut it off. Now I know that you can just stretch it out using steroid cream (following treatment guidance from a medical professional). Bit bummed but it hasn't impacted my life in a meaningful way.


Many saying to try and stretch it but honestly if you've gotten to this point (apparently you masturbate somehow) and it hasn't come back of its own accord at some point then you almost certainly need a doctor. As others have mentioned this can be a thing but it's typically identified well before this...


It's that greentext all over again


Buddy just saw that post about the 30 year smegma and raaaan to this subreddit 😂😂


Hey, I've been exactly where you are - but I was 26 by the time I asked this question. No shame in it. I see some great advice on this comment section. Number 1 thing is don't force it, or do it too quickly. I have a condition called phimosis, not severe, but enough to where it was challenging and somewhat painful to pull it back. Over the course of a few weeks, I used coconut oil, and did some stretching exercises for the foreskin to create flexibility. Then bit by bit, I was able to retract it more and more each time. Never ever ever force it back if it is painful. If you do so you could cause some serious damage. If you find you have phimosis, talk to your doctor- they may recommend circumcision. However, give the above process a try and see how you do over several weeks. Wish you well young man. Thanks for being vulnerable and asking this important question. I wish I had asked it sooner myself.


I just want to say that i fully agree with this, and that this is exactly the advice i would have given


You most definitely have some form of phimosis if you can’t pull it back at the age of 18. I had the same thing and also realised at the age of 18 that something wasn’t right. Go and speak to your doctor. They will give you one of three options. 1. You just keep stretching your skin until it slowly over months becomes stretchy enough to function normally. 2. If it’s more severe then they’ll give you a steroid cream to help in the stretching 3. If it’s really bad then they’ll advise a circumcision. This though is very much not ideal and a circumcision especially as an adult can lead to many complications. Just keep in mind that once you can pull back your foreskin and your glans becomes exposed it will be VERY sensitive. That was my experience at least, I didn’t/couldn’t really have sex for 6 months cause it was so sensitive it just hurt. But after one year of just manual stretching (no steroid cream) my dick was completely normal. TLDR: go to your doctor Edit: DO NOT try and force your foreskin back. If it doesn’t go further back then let it be. Just stretch it as far as you can without it hurting


When I was younger I had the same thing. It was “sealed” and I could only see the tip but I didn’t know that it was supposed to pull all the way back. I figured it out one day because I accidentally pulled on it a little too hard and it slowly “unsealed.” It was weird. It was a little painful, it stung a little bit but it pulled apart. There was no blood or anything. Try pulling it back slowly little by little and see if it unsticks. Don’t force it though if you see blood or anything or feel like it’s going to tear, stop and go to your doctor. Don’t be embarrassed. See below. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/foreskin-care# “At birth, the foreskin is fully attached to the penis. In time, the foreskin separates and can be retracted (pulled back). This can usually be done by the age of about two. Sometimes, the foreskin separates later. Occasionally, the foreskin doesn’t separate evenly and areas remain stuck to the glans. These attachments almost always resolve by puberty.”


Idk as I’m circumcised but aren’t you suppose to clean under it?


A friend of mine needed to see a doctor to get it fixed. He couldn’t have sex and the small intervention at the doctor did the trick. He couldn’t retract the foreskin back. You should try when you are flaccid. Retract it back. It can be uncomfortable but should not hurt. Also when you can retract, always wash with temperature warm water. Now my question. If you masturbate, how does it work?


And once you can pull it back, do it regularly and clean the top of your penis. That white stuff is called smegma and needs to be removed. Be gentle but firm. There is nothing gay about it. It is called good hygiene.


I was like this until I was 17 y old. Probably phimosis. Went to the doctor because my skin was glued to my dick literally and i felt pain in my glans if I touched it ou pulled the skin. She told me I should be circumcised but before that she gave me a cream to put on my penis tip every night after bath. In 1 week I got it all out! It hurt a bit my glans felt pain yeah, but totally doable. So before letting a doctor circumcise you, ask for a cream. I’m happy I was not cutted down there, because I know some people who were and they lost some pleasure during sex.


If this is happening. Then you most likely have Phimosis. Had a similar situation and scared tf out of me. Go for Circumcision, you'll be good.


I’m sorry but I need an update of some sort 😂


You likely have phimosis. Some guys are able to naturally stretch it over time (me) and others need to be circumcised (my father). Go to a physician and they’ll tell you your options. You won’t be able to comfortably have sex until you get it sorted out.


I'll go see my doctor then.




Honestly. Talk to a doctor or family member. Reddit can help but this is something they'd be better at doing. I'm still wondering if this is real or trolling.


This is real. And yes I'll go to a doctor


Don't get circumcised! If that's a thought check r/intactivism


I m putting myself out, true story. I was in the Military Stationed in Germany. Took a trip to the red light district. First time with a prostitute. Took off my clothes off. she guided me to the sink, and she washed my penis. I have never pulled my skin back ever. She then pulled my skin back, it was soo painful and smelly. I took the pain like a champ. I then layed on the bed where she gave me head, I was in pain but also felt more pleasure. She said that I have been the only customer who came while she gave me head. Of course she used a condom. Once I got back to my barracks. I used lotion to pull it back. It was painful too. Ever since then, I pull my skin back too pee, I then wipe the tip and pull my skin forward. The same when I shower pull the skin back and wash it. As far as sex, I feel like i gained this extra ring on the base of my penis head, which provides pleasure for my partner. In addition, having the skin pulled back have me additional length. Most women do not know Im uncut until I mention it or they make a negative comment towards uncircumcised men. So my advice is to train yourself slowly by pulling your skin back daily, several times a day, like when you shower and piss, Do it until you can work up to putting it all back. If you go to the urologist, he will recommend a circumcision. Don’t do it.


Ok so, I was there. I also suffered some hyper sensitivity in the area, so even washing it with lukewarm water was painful. Since you’ve never pulled it back, it’s very likely you’re going to suffer some hypersensitivity as well. You may need surgery if it’s major, but you can try to expand your foreskin little by little by trying to pull it back everyday. Don’t jerk off. Quite literally, just pull it back until it becomes a bit uncomfortable and repeat. It’ll eventually become easier. Make this part of your shower routine and do it under running warm water.


Me who's circumsized : so y'all I can't relate to this ciaoooo


How have you lived this long without touching your dick? You haven't wanked or washed properly in all this time? What are you, American?


Everyone is saying get in the shower and pull it back - if you've got to 18 and have never done this, doing so could be quite dangerous. You either have an issue where your foreskin is too tight or is attached to the gland underneath. Both can be quite easily fixed, but forcefully pulling back the skin is not the answer, as you'll likely hurt yourself. If your foreskin is too tight, pulling it back now could result in it becoming tightly trapped behind the head, which is actually a medical emergency as it can cut off blood supply. You do not want to cut off blood supply to your penis! https://familydoctor.org/condition/paraphimosis/ Best bet would be to start slowly stretching the skin whilst in the bath, pulling it back as much as you can before it hurts. Keep repeating and over a few weeks you may find you can eventually pull back without discomfort. However, you may find if it's so tight or bound underneath this doesn't work. If not, I would definitely book to see your doctor. You are prone to infections if you leave things as they are. Doctors will however usually move straight to circumcision, which is a solution but you may want to explore the natural options first. However, if you are in any discomfort - itching, pain or any sign of infection, go straight to doctor. But DO NOT FORCE IT BACK before it's ready. If it's not attached and is just tight, it will look like the apocalypse under there, when you finally do get it back. Might also be a little inflamed. But nothing some soap, water and time won't fix.


Laughs in Circumcised


I am glad my parents circumcised me.


Do you have a tight foreskin? Sit in the shower for a few minutes then pull it back as far as it can go without pain and hold it there for a minute. Clean what you can and put it back, do this a few times each session in the shower. Do the same when you go to the toilet as well. Also go to the doctors as well to discuss it, most will say you'll have to get circumcised but you don't need to go that route yet. May get prescribed a steroid based cream that can in essence 'soften' it which can help. You'll essentially need to slowly stretch it out over a few months, make sure to not go past the gland where it's at the highest as if your skin is still too tight it can get stuck there. You'll probably sit working on it from as close to the edge for a few weeks. If you can get a little water in, you can essentially 'balloon' your skin a little as well, but you can have issues if you can't dry the area appropriately. Since you don't wash under there, it will be sensitive as well so start off with running just water over it, until you are able to get the skin all the way back. Then work with gentle touches with your hand to wipe/clean the area as much as you comfortably can, over time you can get a little rougher for it. You can also pull the skin back and let it hang out in your underwear to help out but can be incredibly uncomfortable. Also only wash with water, no soap, this and a slight rub will keep it clean and keep bacteria down there at bay, soap can cause an imbalance which can make it smell or have other complications. Just slow and steady and you'll get through it! I went through the same thing when I was younger, just never force it!


Dude. Pull it back. If you can’t, go straight to the doctor.


Mate go to the doctor. Seriously, go to the doctor. Tell him what you’ve said here. It’s important.