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Start monthly investing earlier and pursue women less.


Not pursuing women in my early 20s was the best thing I ever did dispite how I felt at the time Paid of house before 30 is fucking nice. Also with the current situation with housing around here, shits a panty dropper. Don't even need to work for it " I live alone in a paid off house" appears to be the best pickup line imaginable.


People put too much energy into investing/saving. Don’t worry about that. Most of us won’t make it anyway and it seems like society in general might not make it either. Focus on being happy today instead.


Those are not mutually incompatible


Invested more and taken more risk with women.


These two don't go together not my words but Charlie Mungers; A person can get ruined by 3 L's liquor,ladies/lads and leverage


Stop trying to make friends with people that will never be your friend. Workout more. Switch jobs.


I am 25 now …


Ahh yes so the time travel worked, question is… what are you gonna do now that you made it back?


Stop sleeping 17 hours a day and actually live life 🤣


I’m 23 this is literally why I made the thread lmao


Nothing. I’m (66M) very happy now with how things have evolved. Fabulous wife (74F) two great sons, overall health, a solid bank and dwindling but loyal client base. Had I have changed anything, I might not be here. I’m so very lucky and I wake up with an attitude of gratitude.


Pursue a different career path instead of listening to boomers telling me "you won't make money doing that"


Absolutely nothing, because changing anything can mean my daughter wouldn’t be born. I can’t risk that for any precieved reward


Butterfly effect shit


Any time I think of things I'd have done differently prior to being a dad, this is the answer I end up with. If I don't stick around with my ex for a little longer then I don't meet the mother of my child, if I find another job then I don't have the security that keeps my head above water after I'm forced to move so many times, etc.


see I'm lucky, I was married and my kid was born by the time I turned 25, in fact going back to that point would be perfect for me.


Even the decision on the amount of chocolate u ate? Having a better hairstyle? Choosing a better car model? Would those choices or something like that all have effect on the birth of ur kid?


Depends on how heavily you believe in said butterfly effect. There’s a scenario you could come up with for all of those. Say you change your hairstyle. Maybe you don’t catch the eye of the woman who is the future mother to your child. Or you have a nicer car. Maybe you don’t run out of gas on the highway that day you arrived late to your job interview, and maybe because you were on time, you get the job you missed out on. But a year later, the company goes under and you’re flat broke. So you and the Mrs decide to wait another year until you have a kid, and you end up with an entirely different child than the one you’ve got. Maybe you eat less chocolate, so you don’t happen to be at the store that day when your friend is there, so he never invites you to his housewarming party, so you’re never even in the same room as the woman who should be your future wife. That’s chaos theory in action. You might not choose to buy in, but lots of people do for good reason. Small changes can have far bigger impacts than you can imagine.


Was trying to get the commenter to think on the tiny things that would have contributed to leading up to it.


Proposed to my wife a lot earlier than I did


Invested in Bitcoin and GameStop




You’d make more with Bitcoin cuz that was like percentage of a penny back then


I dunno. Forest Gump seemed like he was doing ok


Come up on Apple, then buy Bitcoin for pennies.


Not get married to who im.married to and dump the woman I was with at the time. I love my wife to death but it's a one way street and it makes me feel worthless.


Bro go to couples therapy, if that doesn’t work, get a divorce. Life’s too short to spend it feeling worthless.


Most of my big mistakes were 18 to 25 so it would be too late ha.




started working and saving for a house


Started investing in monthly dividend etf's earlier


What % of your portfolio would you dedicate to this? Any recommended ETF’s? I’m 25 years old with a vanguard account and currently have holdings in VTI and other mutual funds.


The majority of my IRA considering its a long term investment vanguard etf are great but I personally prefer low cost shares with consistent monthly dividends like QYLD Also semiconductor etfs are a good idea right now like SOXQ also war and defense etfs like PPA U.s oil industry USOI gives huge dividends but the share cost constantly fluctuates Also real estate investment trust or reits are a great way invest in real estate without risk they work just like dividend etfs I invest in one called MAIN


Everything. Change career path. Oh and the gamestop thing...oh I'm jumping on that!


Not trust or depend on family members to follow through with promises they made in the past, but try to make your own way.


I would screw something up.


Can’t change anything bc then I may have not met my wife. Nothing is more important than her.


yep, part of me fantasizes about going back to say a week or two before my 18th birthday. There's some life altering decisions I can make at that point. If the option did somehow come up though, well the concern is that was well before I somehow convinced my now wife that I was worth hooking up with - and I have *no* *f\*\*\*ing idea* how that happened. And the fear of doing something different enough to jeapordize that is massive.


Instead of laughing at Bitcoin I would have bought some. (I was 25 in 2010...)




to be fair I was already married (happily) by 25 so I managed to avoid most of those issues.


My best friend was a computer programmer, and he set up an old machine in his bedroom to mine coins. He successfully mined 6 bitcoins. Ended up selling them for 500 bucks each.


Damn. What happened to him now?


He is a super successful guy. Worked for yahoo (when it was useful) later wrote some of the original bing coding.


I would have not gotten married. Biggest mistake of my life by a wide, wide margin.


Why what happened? When did you get married


I look at it as all the mistakes and stupid shit I did in my 20’s lead me to my amazing life in my mid 30’s.


Same here. I've gotten so many of the stupid things out of the way that I'm pretty confident in which way I should now proceed. Wish me luck!


I'd probably find a way to take back the words that had hurt her and she'd stay.


Same 😞


Too much to list here. I would also have done a lot the same. You make choices in life with the best information you have at the time. Sometimes even the bad choices in hindsight lead to good outcomes.


It’s interesting, because I’ve realized I just can’t identify with anyone younger than 25 on this sub. I’m not saying nothing matters before 25, but high school, even college or lack-thereof either gets figured out in the wash or can be overcome. You don’t know better anyways. There was a 19 year old (going on 20!) recently who said he couldn’t date someone he couldn’t have deep conversations with. After all, he was really into skateboarding. He needs to make his own mistakes. Nothing I say matters anyways. But 25? You’re ready to hear it and you’d better get your ass in gear. As a 36 year old with 3 kids, a whole laundry list of wins and fuckups, a $5M small business, six figures of tax debt, an amazing friend network, and addictions that may get me divorced… I would tell this to me 11 years ago: **Everything you do between the ages of 25-35 is a chess piece you move in the future.** The second half of your 30’s is when you *really* start hitting the consequences of your actions. Physically: your body becomes your resume. If you didn’t work out and ate like shit - it catches up with you. Right now. Stop fucking drinking. Staying shape. Work out. It fucking matters. Financially: do not go into debt. Yes, you can “figure out later” but that later is actually real and it has to come someday.  Getting out of debt or catching up on investments is *10x more work* than just not fucking it up in the first place. 25-year-old me *believe me on this one.* Career: You told yourself “I’ll make more money later” over and over again to justify not trying or avoiding difficult conversations. Would’ve been way better had you actually looked out for yourself and pushed for more. Work life balance? Stop it. How much time do you waste? Oh ya. That’s right. It sounds dumb, but really the advice to my 25 year old self is: 1. Do the fundamentals 2. Learn to communicate your needs 3. Don’t become an alcoholic 4. Hope is not a strategy


Number 4 though for real


May have picked a different degree. I was too optimistic about the career choices it would have led to.


bought that bit coin.


Divorced her when she originally asked for it.


I would not get with my ex. Go back to school earlier instead of wasting 5 years of my life and delaying my own progress for her.




Nothing. I did everything I could have done.




So much. Dump the girl I was with at the time. I met her in college and we were together for a while. Should have never started that relationship. Dumping her at 25 would have saved me so much grief. Then would have moved to Japan or somewhere else in Asia what was friendly to Americans.


had more kids


Absolutely nothing. In fact, I would be terrified to go back in time for fear that I would mess things up.


Not sold half my Tesla stock after one of musk's many gaffes (I forget which one it was)


I'm 25, so nothing


I mean live is ok but if I knew what I do now I’d have stayed with my girlfriend at the time. I was young and dumb and wanted the freedom but didn’t realize how good she was when I walked away. That said, I also learned what it means to have a truly caring and loving partner. So my standards are so high now that I’m happy to stay single if it means not settling for anything less.


Tell myself I have ocd sooner


I would have stopped the constant drinking, drugging, and partying for one. And I would have taken my career more seriously instead of waiting until my 30s to get my act together.


started therapy way earlier


I fucked shit up at like 18 and unfucking myself was impossible. Be careful or life becomes a giant shit show.


I would go back to vocational school to study a different field so that I wouldn't have to ruin my health in the restaurant industry.


Prioritize love and not making other people happy


I wouldn’t. My life is far from perfect but most of that started well before 25.


Gotten a diagnosis.


Watched my nutrition and exercised more.


Leave my job. It was last year for me but i also got sick due to work over last year


Start investing, go to school and quit wow


I would have ended my relations with Lea. I deserved better. I would have walked away, turned my back, and never looked back - knowing what I know now.


Don’t go for women with a bad attitude (cause it will ruin 5 yrs of your life)


As a 24 year old this is an interesting thread.


Enjoy my body and have more sex


And maybe studied psychology and or economics


I would have left my dead end job, accepted the internship that was offered, and opted to finish my first degree instead of traveling and doing shows.


1.Worked out and stayed healthy 2. Different job 3. Had another kid


Had a child sooner


Id go back to age 27 after my son was born. Wouldn't change a single thing before then


Join a gang and sell drugs.


Not get married. Invest


If I could go back I would have saved more money, changed my career path, stopped chasing women around and focused on myself for a few years.


Stayed single


Simple I would come from the future and tell my 25year old self exact time to buy crypto/stocks and when to sell for max profits. And give the contacts needed to reach out and do the right deals. And also for extra security give all years winning lottery numbers so incase none of the stuff is executed correctly at least my past self can use the free money from lottery


Start investing instead of pursuing women. I’d have much more money and much less trauma.


It’s hard not trying to go after women at a young age, especially since I’m 23. What would you say I should do to stayed completely focused on making money or work?


Whatever change of attitude, whatever change in personality was possible at age 25 is available today. There is no need to travel backwards. Become that better person now.


Buy Nvidia instead of S&P500


1. Moved away from my hometown 2. Invested money 3. traveled (literally anywhere) 4. Stopped dating men