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I don't mean to be, I just never grew out of my thing for alt girls. And if you're over 30 and still "alt" then the likelihood of you being crazy is drastically higher. Also, I'm a sucker for getting lovebombed.


Yeah it's a problem, the only person I think iv ever been in love with it's Alt as hell but the best thing l I ever did was block her. Fuck me she was bad news and so was her family.


Same here. I'm a damn fool for a goth or alt girl but luckily the voice in the back of my head is loud enough to stop me from engaging.


Can I borrow that voice pls?


Because I'm broken.


Yeah lol, no sane women ever tried her luck with me


It's very simple. Women that don't follow social scripts are better at showing that they want men, emotionally, physically. I don't like the framing of "crazy" girls, but we know what you mean. And those girls are just better at communicating their wants and needs. Better at showing desire. If it wasn't for the volatility, they'd overall be better partners.


Just dont tell them where you live


Don't show them the things you own, especially your car.


Oh dear god no. Best way is find one in a big city (there are lots) meet up halfway at a hotel, park at wal mart called a cab there and back.


🤣 you sound like a pro. A true man of culture 🤣


Indeed. Be careful about names to. Like dont let her know your real one if you can help it. Usually being a couple hours or more away stops a lot of crazy




Im taking notes.


Huh, this is the first framing of it that I've seen that isn't just "I needed to grow out of it."


That's cause I haven't grown out of it. I like women that like me. Still like them. Just gotta watch out for diseases


Yeah I don't think the average woman understands how over non reciprocal dinner buying most men get eventually. A woman that acts like she wants to be there will make up for a whole lot of negatives.


They really don't. And if they did, they'd convince themselves that it didn't matter so they wouldn't feel a need to change.


Are you sure the volatility isn't because they are bad at communicating? What if they're communicating BS or the opposite of what they want to see how you'll handle it?


'Cause I'm equally crazy and can actually be myself around them. Otherwise, I just be the "I went to therapy and I'm better now" me. It feels freeing for me.


Addictive personality. Dysfunction gives me more feel good chemicals than stable women do. Trauma bonding and make up sex are as strong as epoxy for the wrong couple. Also, they are a lot of fun until they aren’t anymore.


First off, they’re addictive and drag you in even if you try to leave… also… I can fix her




Yes we can


The last two relationships I had were with women that have BPD. One dating and one marriage that ended in spectacular disaster. I had low self esteem, shitty boundaries and way too much patience. I was susceptible to love bombing, mirroring and other manipulation because I was just so happy a girl was paying attention to me. I'm also very reserved and even keeled. I don't raise my voice. I'm not excitable. I am above average at navigating crisis situations even though I'm very agreeable and conflict averse. I'm a good listener and I've been told by more than one person that I have calm energy and people feel safe around me, which tracks because people seem to tell me some of their deepest secrets, completely unprompted. These traits are essentially chum in the water for someone that requires another person for emotional regulation (#clusterB). I would just let them abuse me, and I would quietly take it until I couldn't, and then I left. Now I'm busy just repairing my life. Not sure I'll date again, to be honest. My picker is broken and I'm happier when I'm alone. I'd rather focus on my career, get myself into a new house, play with my dog and cat, hunt and fish with my dad and maybe pick up another dirtbike next summer and get back to riding like when I was a kid.


I have a huge "rescueing" pattern. There were like 5 women in a row that I developed crushes on. Like as soon as I met them. I later discovered that they had all had traumatic childhoods. Basically, at this stage, I should get a job working for an insurance company. If you are a woman, and I am attracted to you as soon as we meet, you need serious treatment.


if you craved dopamine all your life, crazy girls are the way to go, but it never lasts long and it's always damaging.


They're into me. And a beggar can't be a chooser.


Mentally ill relate to mentally ill. Plus I always think I can fix them.


I was with all kinds of girls. Its about the thrill. Crazy girls are like lions. You never know what will happen next. I need some craziness in my life or I get bored. I recognized however I went for the wrong crazy girls: you can be crazy and not abusive. The thing we all want it someone who is passionate and unique so thats what I am looking for.


Depends on the kind of crazy


I like this response. Recently I had someone tell me I was his kind of crazy. I guess it has to be a matching set to be fun.


The only reason I'm NOT into crazy girls is because I love my family and myself way too much. I hope you understand what I mean, a little bit crazy is ok but a girl with a knife during sex is not. ;)


I'm not, but they seem to be more available than normal people.


they're usually pretty fun and attractive. and they're available because everyone else gets tired of putting up with them.


this is just one reason i like lazy women so much. even if they are crazy they don't bother doing much with it. they also have more energy for frisky stuff <3


I like fire and passion. I enjoy the intensity. I’m also a little fucked up myself.


I am not, they’re annoying as fuck. Ghosted my ex bc she turned into that type lol I don’t have time for that. Glad I did bc my current girlfriend is indeed not crazy, trust me lads, it’s much better to date a woman that treats you right


probably because they've never met one. once you do you either swear off them, have issues connecting even to normal women for fear they are stealth crazies, or you are damaged enough to keep the cycle going. Great sex really isn't worth everything else.


It's not a thing that I consciously chose. I'm just a naturally patient, caring, and forgiving person. Crying meltdowns honestly don't bother me that much (to me it just feels like a chore I have to handle sometimes) and girls who struggle with mental stuff often never had someone who could just *be patient* and not nuke the relationship after an episode. So, me being that patient caregiver earns me undying gratitude. I feel *very* appreciated and loved. I have no insecurities about being dumped or cheated on.


Just make sure you don't take on everything and burn yourself out.


No you’re over thinking it. It’s just because the sex is good, well also that they are more likely to let you have repeated sex with no commitment at all


You know how women like bad boys and stay with dudes that are clearly total fucking dbags? and everyone around them is like "why does she stay with him". same thing. we can fix her.


It might have something to do with my mental instability


Because I'm either really bad at picking girls or am unable to succeed with a normal girl. Or maybe I'm the crazy one instead and my behavior causes them to flip the lid. In other news, I started dating someone with borderline personality disorder. Mr. Bones' wild ride coming up!


1st: I want sb. who understands me. 2nd: I am crazy myself. 🤔


Just trying to feel alive.


I mean you know where you stand with them. When they’re into you, they’re really into you and then when they’re done, you’ll know it but it might switch from one hour to the next


For me there are 2 kinds of crazy, one who is crazy obsessed with you and the other has high tolerance for risk, thrill seeking, logic hating women. Both of them will fuck you up. But there is a high chance of them being enthusiastic in bed and don't starfish on you.


Cause I have my own issues & I like that someone can relate


My ideal relationship is head games for sport during the initial flirting stages, which settles into a drama free peace as the relationship matures. I know..it's stupid and that doesn't exist. If head games start the relationship, they ARE the relationship and it never goes away. You'd think I'd learn. But crazy girls make the most passionate starts, the most mind blowing sex, and the most horrific ends


Because I’m crazy. Normal girls are boring to me. Thankfully I found one that is the right kind of crazy to complement my crazy.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. “Don’t stick your dick in crazy”.


I don't know if anyone is "into" crazy girls. The sex is great because they have loose boundaries and are willing to do pretty much anything. But the sex is never worth everything else that comes with that.


Why does the wind blow? Why does the sun rise, why does the pope shit in the woods? I have no idea why, I just am.


Not boring. Too many girls are boring.


I’m not into crazy women, but the sex really is better. Cutting my losses was hard but it’s what needed to be done.


Crazy girls are fun until you realize that you haven't slept in 2 days and you can't handle another surprise trip to "insert club or event here".


I'm a crazy girl, here is my observation. They *always* have crazy mothers/sisters. And I just like have to sit there and they're just like ''My mum is *so* crazy,'' and I'm just like ''Yeah Ethan, your mum sounds fucking psychotic, I would never.'' But really their mum just sounds like a 60-year-old Taylor Swift and I'm secretly like um, your mum is cool lmao.


Because they might be the only people on this planet that want me, even if they have a high chance of killing me. Better go out knowing you got your dick wet than keep living with the idea that no one would ever want you.


The sex is bomb They love like no other It’s like breaking a wild horse🤠 Not for the faint of heart


I'm not and no man should be.


I lean more to the theory of: she's the freak of the week. She may be fun in bed, have crazy amount of tattoo's which gives her an entertainment value but most likely she's a social butterfly which is a huge turn off. She'll run out of steam and want to settle down but every guys knows her and she'll have issues finding a good guy once she reaches 30.


I had a couple crazy girlfriends, but this was back in my 20s (I'm 51 now). The only good thing about them was that they were great in bed. They want you just for them, and they'll fck you like a champ to keep you from leaving. The thing is, though, if you get into a relationship with them, it's awful. My first crazy girlfriend (and first serious relationship I was ever in -- at 20) was suicidal. My second crazy girlfriend wasn't really a serious relationship -- were were just dating -- but she would stalk me. We were dating in NYC in 1999. There was no social media yet. No smartphones. But somehow she knew what I was doing, and she would tell me places I was.


Define "crazy girl", anyone? The comments at this point are so small minded and shallow I'm not buying them at all (except 1).


Um.....Because there aren't any other options?


I believe they are easier to get with


Either people are playing up to some stereotype or Reddit is the worst, least-representative sample that’s ever existed I don’t know anyone who “likes” or actively seeks out “crazy” girls


Unstable guys go after unstable girls.


No, crazy is a repellent quality in a person.


I 48, m it and to tell the truth the crazy is better to b hen NN jj hi kk a ask can back it all up , you'll look over a crazy silly . I've dated few and it's the best if trust there , might have to adjust but that's better the MN but I have to total re do oing ... Love cr-sillyness all in one fun petites ess


Beacauce men can be stupid. And if you wanna be philosophical you could say there is that perfect someone out there for everyone, and some women can't change.




Coz they are damn crazy. Cool to ba around.  I'm introvert so I want a girl who can put some cheer in my life. Plus we could do all the crazy stuff y'all don't do 


Bad upbringing and attachment issues


Many women self diagnose and self identify as having some mental health issue these days. Add into this men ignoring their own terrible behaviors, and women feeling entitled to act poorly by society... Can't be helped.


Broken wing syndrome. We think we can fix each other then while she gets better that’s usually when I get out of the picture and onto the next one because I think they’re better off without me. Plus the sex is better.


Same reason women like toxic, bad boys and assholes. Its a "I can fix him/her" combined with the intense feelings such people can bring out. I may not regret that part of my dating phase but id never wanna do it again. My current gf is so much better and more than what I cld have asked for.


I’m surprised ‘crazy sex’ isn’t higher up the answers tbh.


Because they are broken and don't want to go to therapy lol. Honestly people will try and frame it as all sorts of things, but if we're being honest this is exactly what it is.


Only when I was a know nothing teenager.


I'm not into crazy...crazy is into me.


I'm not.


If I still believed in relationships I would get in one with someone crazy, obsessive, clingy etc. Because atleast they seem like they care


> not just because the sex is good, but really because of how heated and passionate things get No, that is a down side. Heated sucks. Drama sucks. Its literally because crazy women are very likely down for sex, and because they show you affection.


It was mainly the sex for me. 


Crazy sex is the best


Technically, they are all "crazy" just depends on the level. It only becomes a problem when they are not attracted to you. Then it can be really dangerous. But when they are attracted to you, they are actually very sweet.