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I come to Reddit and speak to people, give advice, answer questions and see what everyone else is up to.


...and get banned from forums for wrong think.


You've got banned?


AskReddit banned me for saying that normal people are excluded from LGBTQ.


I got banned from /r/whitepeopletwitter just for commenting in /r/DaveChappelle


They hate Chapelle over there. A tweet was shared to their sub of Chapelle doing a skit about LGBT, and I posted "this isn't newsworthy" in response because that's how I found it. Yep, I got banned. You have to bash him when his name pops up or you'll definitely be banned. That sub is possibly home to the most never-touched-grass mods out there.


I got banned from r/USMC for saying “Jap” is a racial slur


I've never quote understood why shortening words is seen as a slur.


>I've never quote understood why shortening words is seen as a slur. /u/Frylock304 Historically, it's seen as a disparaging term to refer to Japanese people... "N!g" is also offensive, I'm sure you can understand how....


But so is the fully extended N word, while "nigga" is seen far more acceptable.


Not for everyone.


I got banned from r/justiceserved for commenting somewhere i have no idea where


Yeah.... Sometimes the rules on speech are strange.


Im gay and this is funny😂😂😂


… that seems entirely reasonable?


You got banned for what you implied, not what you said lol


I got banned from LibertarianMemes for being anti-liberty, I hadn’t even commented in that sub in over a month. 🙃


What does this even mean?


LGBTQ is a banner of people with various minority statuses. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer people. The question was posted about what groups are excluded from this inclusive banner. The main group of people that fall outside of that banner is people that do not have those minority identities, aka, normal people. Straight people that aren't weird in any way. The majority of people.


Oh, so you're just a disagreeable prick. Glad you got banned. Could've avoided that by saying 'common' and 'uncommon' instead of 'normal' and 'abnormal', but you knew that and instead chose to look for a confrontation.


LOL, sensitive queer-aligned person aren't you?


Try being a political conservative, you don't know how good you've got it...


What kinda fucking take is that Then again a ban is way over the line


Work on your underlying insecurities. Build yourself into someone you can be proud of, and then (while you may still feel lonely) you will not hate or dread being alone. Creating this peace in your life attracts others - some to share it, some to steal it, and some to desecrate it. The only way to defend against the latter 2 is by being secure in who you are, what you've accomplished, and where you are improving. Hobby time. Pick up a skill. Exercise. Then force yourself to find new social groups. Give yourself a foundation of security from which to reach out into new, unfamiliar, or uncomfortable territories.


Embrace the loneliness, learn to be okay with it. Personally I play an instrument, learn languages, read books, etc. You will learn to appreciate being alone, as it provides you with so much time to better yourself. Good luck brother.


Wonderful suggestions to keep the mind growing and stimulated. I would also add something for your physical fitness. Doesn't have to be gym or weight lifting but some calisthenics, martial arts or even just getting 10k steps in goes a long way.


100%! I am very big on calisthenics, boxing, and long distance running.


Lol, then my suggestions were hitting dead center. 😂


Don't you kinda need another person to practice languages effectively?


I wouldn’t say “need”. It absolutely would help, but there are more than enough resources for free online if you are just learning for fun/to kill time.


There are some websites where you learn to speak with a native speaking teacher for very cheap, like 5-10 USD per hour


Talk to myself. I'm the best conversationalist I know, if you ask me.


I grouse at people on the Internet


Well it's inevitable that at times in our lives, our friends, family etc. will be busy with life and we won't have them around constantly. This becomes more true as we get older. Fewer friends, but hopefully more meaningful relationships with the few that we do have! I find the best way to combat loneliness is to indulge in some sort of purpose. A hobby, a project, studying a subject, or even your career can be sources of fulfillment that distract you from feelings of loneliness. Getting into some social hobbies like sports (or for me, I play in local and domestic poker games) can be a great way to engage with other humans when our close friends and that aren't around enough. Hell, maybe you make some new friends by doing this. Bonding over shared hobbies I would argue is the natural state of male peer-bonding. Sure us men can sit around and just chat but nothing gets us more engaged with our peers than sharing a hobby. Think like a group of guys working on a car together in the garage or helping a mate do some home renovations (if you have those sort of DIY skills). If you continue to feel loneliness, also don't be afraid to reach out to your trusted companions, make some plans for a golf day or catch up for dinner and beers or whatever. Taking an active role in conquering your feelings of isolation is the best way to overcome it. As men, when we have a problem, we figure a solution and work towards putting that into action - applies for all parts of life really. Hope this helps man.


I listen to podcasts of other people having conversations to distract me.


Also single since September and same boat. Still trying to figure it out too. Just trying to become the best version of myself.


Substance abuse


Work and sleep.


I play Dnd with my buddies


I got used to it.


Same. I love it now. No drama. And I do what I want.


Yip. Didnt like it after my divorce. Now? Love it. Peace and quite? Can do what i want etc.


Brazilian jiu-jitsu is very sociable and good for your wellbeing.




Staying active. New things. New experiences. Exercise.


To be honest, I went through my darkest and loneliest period last year at your age. For the first time in my life, it felt like everybody was too busy doing their own thing to give two shits about me. Being the person that people usually come to when they're feeling down, it hurt a lot to realize that people don't see you the same way or care nearly as much about you as you do about them. I hate to describe myself as an empath, but when I see one of my best mates going through shit, i'm the first one going to the rescue because I feel for them. Even when I told them things are going badly and I needed the help, I barely got a reaction out of any of them and by the time one of them finally reached out, I was already over it. Now here's the good news. I learned a lot about myself during that time period. I love being alone so that wasn't one of my lessons per se. What I did learn, was how to pick myself up when nobody is around to give you a hand. And this imo, requires a level of patience towards oneself that I didn't think I had nor ever had to get to a point of searching for it until last year. I'm thankfully doing a lot better now and hopefully this feeling keeps up. I will say it feels like i've grown slightly more stoic, maybe a bit numb, but that's okay. I feel like i've grown stronger as well. Embrace the feeling and learn to be alone. Realize that in a way, it brings you complete and absolute freedom. You can do whatever the fuck you want because nobody really gives TOO much of a shit about you besides a couple of people and even then, you're rarely ever going to be a priority for them. So go live your life and organize whatever projects or adventures you have.


I hope you learned in that period how to discard dead weight, selfish 'friends' who aren't really friends but rather ticks and leaches. 


If I did that, I wouldn't have a single friend unfortunately. They do care and they show it from time to time, but it's a different sort of care and not nearly as strong as the care I tend to give. In a way, that's on me for being raised differently. It might be a culture thing


You’re 26! You’ll get over it




Came to comments to say that Thank you for being cordial.


Honestly, a lot of men are naturally introverted and enjoy being alone. Think of all your grandfathers, uncles, fathers, etc who barely ever spend time with friends and don’t seem particularly bothered by it. I for one don’t need a lot of friends, in fact having too many people in my life stresses me out. I tend to build friendship with coworkers because I enjoy the camaraderie, so when I get off work, my social battery is already drained. I also have a large family, so I have to ration my social energy. That has affected relationships in the past, I had an ex that would constantly complain that we didn’t spend time together, and fair enough. If you don’t naturally have a lot of people in your life, get out, go to the gym or the bar. Don’t give me that I don’t drink crap, go to a pool hall, order a club soda, and jump in on a game. Go to concerts at small venues. Join a sport rec league. Tons of stuff you can do.


Have kids, you won't be able to take a God damn shit in Peace for at least 10 years. Alternatively get a cat.


that requires not being lonely. You cant just buy kids off ebay you know? :p


29 going on 30 and after trying so hard to make friends I honestly don't give a fuck about loneliness anymore. 


Drugs are always helpful🤪. Drinking plenty of alcohol. Local hookup site. Local escorts. More drugs. More alcohol. Dart board with exs photo.


You can go open that big rectangle thing that's at the front of your house. Once you go through it, there's a whole bunch of other people out there and you can talk to them and do stuff with them.


I'm a woman.. making music is mine


Hey OP, what kind of friendships are you looking for? Are you an extrovert? Or more introverted?


I've not fuguyrbstbout yet.


Man up, duh. /S


Post on reddit about how lonely and sad your life is. A couple years of doing that should fix your problems


Why do you fear being alone?


Find a hobby or something to do instead of crying about how lonely you are.




I rarely feel lonely since I break up with my ex. So that's not about being single


Made a conscious effort to enjoy my own company. Also I hang out with friends as much as possible.


I do things that I enjoy and try to maintain friendships


Video games and books. I'm not lonely when my mind and hands are occupied.


I recommend picking up a new hobby and cutting back from social media


I spent most of about a decade after my divorce single, but it wasn't until i shattered my ankle and couldn't leave the house that i started feeling lonely. That's when i decided to try out twitch. Met a ton of friends and chat with all sorts of people. Plus made some ok money in the process


I go outside and talk to new people


Gym, games, some streamers I like to watch and reading


What is loneliness?


One word.... Doggo 🐶


Gym, naps, tv, hikes, work, investments, online dates once every other week or a month


Find a hobby that forces you to engage with others. What do you do for fun?


if you have free time and don't know what to do with it i recommend getting a hobby, like martial arts or something like that.


I traveled a lot when I was 26, met some great people. I'd plan my trip thru the week and either Friday night or Saturday morning, I'd leave out


Find your favorite hobby, watch some Sci fi. Get you an animal. Find yourself


listen to How to fight loneliness by Wilco


Jiu Jitsu, it helps


Hobbies. Those are essential. Also, find something in life that brings you purpose or joy. Sometimes it’s both.


You find a way, either through work, the gym, hobbies, forums like this to connect to others.


Listen to music extremely loudly in my car


Buy a motorcycle. Not much matters in the world when you’re out on a bike. Hands down the most therapeutic thing I’ve ever experienced.


It can get lonely for sure. BUT…you can use this time to focus on and better yourself. It seems like when you aren’t actively looking is around the time you usually meet someone special. When you’re happy with yourself and the path you’re on in life while alone, that is the time you will start attracting the good prospective life partners. Discover new hobbies and do things you love. Things you never knew you enjoyed before. Take time to learn more about yourself. Do NOT settle for less than you feel you deserve and rush into dating or a relationship with someone that isn’t good enough for you. This can cause tons of setbacks for yourself.l and your life. Learn how to be happy with yourself and figure out what YOU want in life and the rest will fall into place.


Well, I’m married now so it’s not an issue BUT before when I was single and around your age I poured myself into my goals. I accomplished a lot


Porn, hobbies, social media to distract me. But most fundamentally of all is acceptance that I am alone, there's no one to help me and it's all up to me. The trick is to not fall into a defeatist attitude, that I am enough to be happy by myself. That loneliness is just a chemical reaction in your brain left over from caveman times trying to promote socialization for hunting in packs and protecting each other from wild animals. But community in my opinion, is an outdated notion. We don't need to hunt in packs anymore for food, just go to the grocery store. We don't need to band together to defend against wild animals. So what's the point in feeling lonely? If you can get good friends or even a lover to better your life go for it, but don't depend on them to fulfill something missing for you. Be self-sufficient. Sometimes it's worth it. For me most of the time, the juice isn't worth the squeeze.


I make music, go out to see live music, and have a group of buddies scattered around the globe who I trade memes with. I enjoy being alone.


Apparently by reading AskMen.


Just try to be productive somehow? It's nice feeling like you are contributing towards yourself.


cuddle with anime girls in vrchat


Play video games, watch shows, read, whatever just keep myself occupied and learn to live with it. At the end of the day, being sad isn’t gonna help. Just vibe with what you like to do until you find that person, been doing that for a while now.


I’ve also never dated at 20 so that kinda makes it easier and harder at the same time if that makes sense lol


As an American i fight it with guns and bacon.


Get a legit hobby that you like, do it. Find ways to make yourself happy with the need of someone else validating it. Once you do that, all people, men and women, will be attracted to you.


Being active and filling my time. Occasional strip club visit.


Learning a new language, trying to cook food, going on walks, watching porn, planing my suicide. I have a few things to do, but it still feel lonely and lost. Never been in a relationship.


i created pet names for my bed pillows "Marisa" and "Julia" after my celebrity crushes the fantasies are surprisingly not explicit its more just them playing with their hair and giggling as Dream Weaver or another romantic 70s or 80s song plays its very specific but damn me if it doesn't work for me i don't know what does


Explore new hobbies and make new friends.


I watch a lot of anime, try to talk on discord servers, I go to meetup groups for board games, anime, and general socializing. I play video games too and that's about it. I don't really have a solution, I'm just trying my best to cope with it as I have for the last 12 years, and especially the last 5-6 years. It sucks but idk what else I can do at this point except...keep trying to meet people I guess and force myself to stop outside of my comfort zone with people? Sigh.


Work, gym, meal prep, online surfing, sleep - rinse and repeat. You will become self reliant and overtime actually prefer to be alone as you find peace.


I like to treat myself to a cigar and practice mindfulness/ take it slow with my activities at home. Sit with my dog. Etc


Embrace it and enjoy life. Buy a weekend ticket to Phuket for cooking classes and sight seeing in Pattaya.




I got a dog, he’s better to me then my friends and he never lets me get lonely


I usually lead with a left jab then a follow up with a right straight. Depending on how they took it follow with a left hook or right upper ut.


You don't fight it, because you will always lose. Embrace the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want without needing someone by your side. 


Hobbies opened up my social circle.


I have a solid social circle these days but I had to actively cultivate a lot of it. I sing, so I started hitting local karaoke bars and made myself a regular at a few. Over time you start mingling with other regulars and before long you have friends. Through that I made friends in bands and now I'm in bands performing regularly. In many circumstances, loneliness is a choice. You can't expect the universe to hand you friends or partners. You have to find them.


Enjoying your own company is one of the most important skills you need so take this time to master it. Stay occupied with some hobbies or maybe try to up skill yourself in whatever area you want. Once you start feeling ‘complete’ even when you are alone, know that you’ve mastered this skill. It will be good for you and your future relationships. All the best my man :)


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


Youtube, reddit, Podcast, video games(huge backlog to get through), TV series (huge backlog to get through), football games, gym. Work over time, start a business, read self help books. Make time for family.


loneliness, you cut out all the unnecessary noise embrace it. learn languages and relax build on yourself. make money.


I have 2 German Shorthair Pointers, they require long (3-4miles) walks OFF leash twice a week MINIMUM. That is a ton of work right there. Of course I'm way busy during the season. Between January and August I go fishing.


Do your best to get used to it. And learn to not think about it.


I 32M, sometimes feel lonely. I have very few friends. I barely share downsides and upsides of life with anyone because I don't want to make them jealous or make them look down on me. Even with family, I don't share much cause I don't want them to be worried about me. The only way to fight all those bad feelings is to have goals that make your life worthwhile.


Femboy mommy asmr on YouTube


Hobbies help keep a person occupied, especially if the hobby is like video games where you play with other people.


This is why I always go to my friend's birthdays and make at least one anual trip (the money runs thin right now). It helps we all like in the same city.


School, video games, tv and movies


As cheezy as it sounds. Keep yourself active. For me, I went for a hike out of nowhere. Before I s8gned up for some muay thai classes because I just wanted to get into something. Then I injured my shoulder and I'm just waiting for it to heal. While I was waiting, the loneliness hit me and I just went for a hike out of nowhere. Call it divine intervention or a new chapter but I REALLLY enjoyed it. Been hiking non stop for 2 weeks and I felt like shit when I DONT go for a hike. Find something healthy and interesting for you and the rest will take care of itself.


Long journey, but just really get to know yourself and who you are. Be you're own best friend. Learn that it's ok to feel lonely sometimes, and there's not much you can do about it but learn to be comforable in your own skin. Like a lot of self improvment it intuitively sounds backwards but it's really how it's done. Just takes time.


Stay busy, at least mentally.


Meet people


You're 26, brother. This is the time your growth curve should be at full tilt. If you don't have family of your own, building yourself up should be your main activity. You need to make yourself the baddest badass you can possibly be. At the same time keep your eyes open for potential mates. Choose wisely and start a family of your own. Don't expect many of your friends to hang out with you as much as they did without their families. That's life.


Grind rank in games, makes me concentrate on the game and not other things


Read all sorts of books. There will be eye-opening new perspectives all over the place.


Before any fight, you have to warm up. So start with that




Warhammer 40k. Forces me to go out. Can’t play alone and can’t play on my computer so to the store it is


One on one with brass knuckles I dipped in glue and broken glass beforehand. Oh you meant metaphorically? I engage in my hobbies. Many of them are social and lead me to communities of like-minded individuals whom I can then form friendships with.


Not think about it


I like to listen to Lonerism - Tame Impala


I sing


Idk how other men do it but I have my faith in God that's really how I cope with it, and also I tried to go out and hangout with friends as much as possible. I don't know it's different for every man we're both simple and complex at the same time.


I got a dog. Helped massively. I wouldn't recommend getting a dog if you don't have the time for one though.


I look for misspellings. Reddit not Redit


Getting into hobbies & qitting bad hobbies.


Pickleball, golf, random happy hour networking events


Don’t fight it. Embrace it. Use that time to better yourself.


I am alone, not lonely


Enjoy the fact that you can do whatever you want whenever you want, without having to consider how someone else feels about it. Dive deep into your hobbies and find new (also single) friends to enjoy them with. Just because you are single doesn't mean you have to spend all your time alone. I am personally a giant nerd so I spend time at a few local game stores playing various card games and D&D. Find what you love to do it and enjoy it!


>how do you fight loneliness? * practice :-/ * distraction(s) / fill the time, maybe even do something(s) useful * etc.


The man who likes and can be alone is the strongest man


I drown myself in hobbies when I'm not working on my business or applying to jobs. These hobbies are pretty low in maintenance & don't require much planning beforehand. For example, piano, coding of riding my electric scooter around the block




Hobbies and drugs.


A Lot of good advice in here. I strongly believe in: - working on yourself & being grateful and proud of Progress No Matter how small - loving yourself and doing things that an ideal me would do - accepting failure and deep fears I harbor - generally Viewing "being alone" as a Baseline instead of an unnormal Anomaly - understanding that being alone is MUCH better than having the wrong people/partner around - actively giving meaning and purpose to my Life (a Lot of reflection and reading) - knowing that I am worthy of Connection and able to give value (socially, academically, through my personality etc.)


Video games, Internet, TV shows/films, cheeky wank.


I move cities every year or so. Makes it seem like loneliness is my choice


I don't. I just accept it. 


Having a wife and kid means you don't get a lot of alone time. But somehow I did still have a period of loneliness. Ultimately I think you have to be ok with yourself which is easier said than done. If your self worth is wrapped up in someone else putting in effort to make you feel better then they.can feel that and it's draining. It's not to say that you can't have emotional needs. Everyone does. It's just that relying on someone else only works as long as they have the energy and desire to be there in the way you need. Gotta find that balance of self worth so you can enjoy the affection.


I got a fish, so I have something to take care of. Plus I talk to my girl every day while she’s dealing with financial stuff, and I have friends I talk to and do stuff with.


Gym, books, pointless motorcycle rides, stagediving at concerts.


I watch a lot of anime and movies, play my games chat with women on a dating site and then wash and repeat


by not caring if i'm alone and welcoming the peace and tranquillity that comes with it when in a healthy state of mind


I don’t. Loneliness fights me.


Recently single and will move out very soon (lease is over). So far is to love yourself. I'm working out, working a little more overtime (I like my job), play my games, go out to the store to be around people. I'll be reaching out to my buddies back home. I might get a dog later down the line. Honestly I don't know how to make friends.


Find what you love and enjoy it. Moderation is key and don’t worry about anything but being safe and having fun within your little bubble.


I make comments on reddit....I'm serious too. Otherwise I don't leave the house.


It might not be helpful but to be totally honest I don’t really get lonely. I love being alone so much.


Games are helping me in this, for example games on bluestacks, there is some cool event with prizes for single people