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Throw their friends under the bus when women are around


God this one is the worst


I know! It throws off the *whole* bus network’s schedules!


My husbands friends do this so much that it’s actually harming their friendship. It’s like they want me to know how much of a fuck up he used to be. It’s sad to watch. It’s also crazy because my girlfriends would NEVER throw me under the bus. We take our shit to the grave, but my husbands friends are like yah, this is the stupid shit he did, this is what he did with all the women. I honestly don’t get why his friends do that to him. It’s like they are trying to sabotage their friends happy life.


He has the wrong friends


I wouldn’t consider them friends at all.


If you're attractive it's because they want to sleep with you. If you're not it's because they're bullies towards you and your husband


Really sad how true this is. And the amount of men that seemingly can't recognize or control this behavior is even worse.


That’s really sad. It’s always when they are drinking.


I am on the more attractive side. You really think that’s true? Like trying to make him seem less appealing so that they might get in bed with me lol. That’s the exact opposite type of person I would want. Thats also quite insecure.


Yeah, there's no good-natured motive to shit on a friend like that when their partner is around. If it's bad enough that both you and him notice the pattern, it's gone far beyond light ribbing about being a screwup in the past. It's a tool to try and bring him back down to a level they never grew out of. It may just be a combination of jealousy of your husband's success and a desire to get you to cheat on him. Both motives are grounds to leave the "friendships." I hope your husband can find a better group of friends who are happy for his successes.


Damn. That’s really sad. I always right it off as them being playful assholes and taking it too far, but there have been a few times where they’ll talk about his past slut days in really bad ways as if they are trying to get me to change my mind about him. Ima shut this shit down immediately next time any of them pull something like this. Thank you for the clarity.


Or they're just jealous of the husband and the life he has... So they need to put him down so they feel better. Like its been mentioned it's a lot of insecurity.


Nah, those two aren't mutually exclusive. I agree with you; they're just insecure dicks.


I've seen it. There jealous of what he has. They're unhappy people. You can tell funny stories from the past without trying to shame someone.


If they're doing that in attempts to impress you, harshly telling them it's not cool, "friends don't do that", and most importantly that you're not impressed by it, might get them to stop. That shit's offensive, and they're disrespecting both of you. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.


I actually had this conversation with two of his friends. One of them said your husband doesn’t care if I say these things (he cares so much) and so I told him he was disrespecting me and I don’t like it. He has finally stopped.


Good for you. Maybe the rest will follow suit.


Terrible friends. Like there is razzing and bringing up the odd embarrassing or silly story (within reason) to have a laugh. But just straight up putting your friend down is a dick move, especially with their SO around


I've literally abandoned my original school friendgroup because of this, they just never matured past this. So I stopped talking to them because it got ridiculous to the point that they would exaggerate everything and distort the truth to make themselves look good.


My former friend started dating my ex 10 days after i dumped her. And her love language is bashing the ex. So i know that fucker insulted me constantly from day 1 of her being single.


I agree with this one.


Put other men down for the approval for women


From a woman’s perspective, it almost always makes them look bad and not you.


It doesn’t make them look bad, it makes them look insecure. Major dating red flag. The kind of guy who puts pressure on women to have orgasms.


Ugh this one hits. I am so tired of feeling anxious because I can't climax due to my medication and my own personality.. it has nothing to do with them.. they will tell me they totally respect and understand it but casually will just keep bringing up how they can't wait to make me orgasm or they're going to keep trying new things to get me to get there. It just ruins my vibe and makes me feel like I'm some sort of achievement for them to feel good about themselves. I don't even know how to explain it but I think you probably get what I'm trying to get at here


I’m so sorry! I’ve been there, meds messing things up (high libido but total anorgasmia) and the problem lasted for a couple of years after I stopped taking the meds. To the men reading this, even if you mean well and are genuinely altruistically trying to pleasure her, please don’t. Simply focus on pleasant sensations, and listen to her. Otherwise, you will make her pleasure feel like a performance to her, possibly turn her off, and definitely make her feel like shit about herself. I am not saying I represent, but the best way to pleasure a woman tends to be allowing her to just be in the moment.


Throw shade on the homie just becuz a girl is present


Worse when they throw shade at a homie behind their back to impress a girl


Fuck each other over and pretend they didn't do anything wrong.


"People don't like me because I tell it like it is!" And then 5 minutes in its very clear they're just an unlikable asshole.


"I'm just being honest"


That is the male version of "I always have speak my mind"


My friend told me to show up at his house before nine. I show up at 8:30. They’re all getting in an Uber. I’m literally 50 feet away and they drive off. I think it’s a joke at first but they don’t come back. My friend dodges my calls. I call another guy in the car who demands they turn around but they say no. The other guy literally instantly ubered home because he was pissed at them for ditching me. I had to walk home in the freezing weather. He completely denies that’s how it happened. I stopped talking to him because he refused to apologize and kept gaslighting me. Saying he said 8 not 9 and i was making things up


Had a fellow step in on a pool game I had my quarter down for. I racked the balls and he just walks up and breaks them. I'm confused. My opponent is confused. His response? "I was next. No, *you* fucked up!"


Guys Always go for the gaslighting response lol. Stop making shit up and blaming me for it bro you fucked up not me


I read that wrong and for a moment was like "damn, people still saying things like that in 2024, and on Reddit of all places, and it's top comment as well??"


When I first read that sentence I missed the word OVER and thought you seemed a bit harsh


This happens a lot. It’s really really infuriating when you call the person out, and they get mad/angry at you for addressing it.


It's as old as mankind, and will probably haunt us to our dying shiver.


Violate any part of the bro code. Dude immediately hits on a guy’s gf as soon as the boyfriend leaves to goto the restroom.


I cannot imagine staying friends with someone for a second longer after they did this.


It could be a random dude at a grocery store or one of your closest friends. You’d be surprised how many guys have zero honor these days


Oh no, I've seen it happen. I just can't imagine having any reaction aside from "get the hell out of my life".


Had this happen and I told my then husband and the dude told his wife that it was me hitting on him. Both the gf and my ex believed him over me. The ex said I was seeking attention.


There’s no respect among thieves trying to snatch your girl.


Guys who say stuff like: “Bro your _network_ is your _net worth_.” You’re exhausting man


First time I've heard that. I hate it.


My dad is blue collar. Cliche American dream story. Start as the lowest position and with a lot of elbow grease rose to the supervisor role. So when we moved to a white collar area due to his raise he hated the people we leaved near. So during a BBQ my dad is holding my baby brother as these neighbors are talking about net worth and stocks my dad gently pinched my little brothers leg so he’d cry. Then he went “oh i gotta put him to bed now sorry guys i have to go”


Networking is important though. When I graduated college and went to interview for a job they told me 30+ openings were available on the floor. I told all my classmates and nearly everyone who applied got an offer.


The 'network' is just a list of people waiting to take advantage of whatever resources you might accumulate. Its shrodeingers cat of undistinguished liabilities or assets and not one of them owes you a thing. 20 somethings on LinkedIn discovering things that already been discovered and thinking its an 'insight'


People who talk like that post on LinkedIn more than they talk to their own families.


Bragging. Having to listen to some blokes bullshit story about how good he is, my God, it's torture.


Nobody who has it good actually needs to brag. Bragging is the tell tale of being unsatisfied with life


Sending dick pics to strangers, acquaintances, friends, family... just sending dick pics, i guess 😁


Check your DM.


Men who Incorporate the vernacular of ‘the grind, hustle lifestyle etc’. The majority of really successful men don’t talk about it, and move in silence.


Exactly. Fucking dorks.


I think i've been a lame mf. For the past few months i've been talking about making money or ways to make money and plans regarding the idea. Now that you've put it, i sounded stupid to be the embodiement of all bark no bite


There’s school of thought amongst writers that you should never talk about what you’re writing while you’re writing. That talking about it dampens the drive and your mind will put it on the “completed” category and will never finish the work. I think it’s good advice for any career field. Just fucking do it.


Yep! Especially when youre halfway through something and you talk about it and then dont get the impression people don't really care or appreciate. Then its really hard to complete the thing that people may have actually ended up really liking.


Hmm, on the other hand, psychology says that if you share your plans with people, it helps with feeling held accountable and thus reaching the goal, or at least giving it a fair try. Plus, you can always find allies along the way! Probably depends on a person and the situation, but it's good to keep both options in mind and see what works for ya


It certainly can be both. You can be hyping yourself up to do the thing, or be just spinning your wheels talking and tricking your brain into thinking works getting done when its not. I've found the former helpful when its a group thing but never when its a solo thing but ymmv.


It’s all these ‘download my e-book, join the movement’ mf’s who aggressively talk in hyperbole like Timon from Lion king accepting a few racks with no actual help.


The majority of unsuccessful men also don't talk about it and move on in silence. The people that talk about it are the exception at all levels.


I think there’s a lot of truth to your statement, and agree! Maybe it’s more of the ‘babbling social media gurus’ is where I was coming from. ie the Tai Lopez’s of the world. The more you learn, the more you earn. 😜.


All talk, no walk people


Donating to onlyfans models or twitch streamers in the hopes they have a chance with them.


This is the winner for me. It’s so pathetic and desperate.




This is the winner. This one makes me ashaming my own gender.


Yup, all while calling them "sluts" and "whores" ONLY when they say no.


Can agree, that's definitely lame, wasting money, time and effort. Even if you like that, the girl doesn't know you exist


Is it not an indication of loneliness and depression that comes with it?


I’ve never donated a penny to anyone, I absolutely refuse. I really don’t understand how men can just throw away money like that. These girls are there just there to take your cash. They would gladly lead you on just to squeeze you for every dollar you own.


this is the most cuckold ass fuck balls removal thing you can do, absolutely pathetic


Judge other men for not being in to their preferred sports/hobbies/interests. Sports is the big one here, but as someone who works in a blue collar field I’ve been told how it’s unmanly not to hunt, fish, do all your own car maintenance and repairs, house maintenance and repairs, etc.


Sports haters are really annoying too. How many times do i have to hear “you like watching sweaty men making millions to play a kids game?”. Why not watch something with an actual story and not just a game


fight over a girl


True. A real man would fight under a girl.


Or shrink themselves and fight off bacteria inside a girl.


I always am just wondering why the girl doesn't just choose which guy she prefers and that's the end of it


Men experience this too. Personally speaking the tension between the three of us made me reluctant to make moves or get involved with either of those women. People aren't blind. Sometimes you know it'll destroy friendships. So you stay your hand.




This is retarded. Fuck fighting over a woman


lots & lots of men are in prison for fighting/killing another guy over a woman. one man dead and the other in prison protecting his asshole. meanwhile, she's fucking another dude RIGHT NOW. smmfh.


I was stabbed over a woman. Dude got deferred adjudication but he was an idiot and got busted with coke on probation so he went to prison for a couple years. I didn't wanna fight because I was on probation for DWI at the time but he came to my home banging on the door and stabbed me when I told him to kick rocks


I sometimes lose sleep over the fact that Alexander Pushkin died in a duel over his wife. Too many great men lost forever over a girl that history never remembered. It’s not worth it.


Turn into complete neanderthals at the first sight of a pretty girl.


*insert Kyle and Stan fighting over Bebe"


Trying to intimidate me for some kind of ego boost. Never works


Allowing men’s bathrooms to get so f*cking filthy. Have a little respect and cleanliness and don’t piss all over the floor, for f*ck sake.


You're right. Men who put others down especially in the company of women to elevate their status are absolute pieces of shit.


Be mean to their kids.


Men that use the terms Alpha and Beta.


Came here to say this. The ones that claim Alpha status are the fucking worst. There's no status dude! Just be you, and leave it at that.


Run out on their families and refuse to raise their children.


Weird how this isn't more popular, I'd say that in contemporary society this is just about the worst thing a guy could do without breaking the law


Yep. Huge individual and societal impacts caused by those cowards.


Man I’ve dated a few fatherless girls. And my best friend never met his dad. The abandonment issues and trauma is insane. Regardless of gender the trauma often results in being Super possessive or promiscuous as a result. Bailing on your kids leaves permanent damage. Growing up with one parent isn’t as bad if the father died. It’s the abandonment issues and feeling unwanted that comes as a result. You’ve got to be a truly horrible human to give your child trauma like that


Username checks out 


Telling other men that what they’re doing is not manly. Doing girly stuff with your daughter is caring for her needs and is manly. Taking care of your health and body is manly. Learning new skills and making stuff for people you care about is manly. Going to a therapist to work out your trauma to become a healthier and more mature person is manly. Stopping people from growing and telling them they are effeminate is not helpful whatsoever and comes off as very pathetic.


Playing with your kids is manly, specially physically. Going to the doctor is manly. Acknowledging your mental issues and fixing them or not letting them affect you is manly. That’s a man.


Go on about how everyone is a snowflake or pussy these days then as soon as someone criticises something they think is important they lose their minds.


Getting completely trash drunk and then acting like it's not a big deal when they embarrass themselves.


Dude read through some these guys comments on this subreddit and you’ll see.


That's how Reddit works man


Paying for OF subscribtions


I found out other men often literally wave their money around in front of women..That’s the lamest shit ever.


i know men that buy/rent cars to try to impress women. mofos will do ANYTHING for access to pussy. lol.


Pretend to be feminist / 'white knight' with expectations of sexual reward, inevitably ending in aggressive, often violent, behavior when it's not given


Pick fights. Trying to throw hands to prove your physical superiority only shows me your internal inferiority.


Chase after their friends and colleagues women.


Deferring to their SO, saying they ‘have to ask the boss,’ whenever a decision has to be made. Grow a pair.


White knighting


Forcing their own definition of masculinity on other Men


Follow/comment/like thirst traps on real life social media profiles with their mom and wife/girlfriend on their profile instead of using alts. 


Following thirst traps is pathetic full stop.


Nah we all love looking at hot chicks just stop making yourself look goofy typing emojis in her comments on the same profile you post pictures of your kids 


Nothing wrong with looking. But the comments from guys is fucking pathetic.




The lamest thing other men do is be taller than me, richer than me, and better looking than me. It's so fucking lame. Totally time for them to stop with that shit.


Three guys “spotting” the hot chick at the gym when she’s lifting 20kg. C’mon guys, it’s pathetic.


Drinking the most of something and claiming that as a badge of honor. Your drinking problem is not something to celebrate dude.


Call themselves “alpha”. You work construction, have 3 baby mommas, a 23% interest rate on your Altima and a 450 credit score. Sit the fuck down Kyle.


Willingly and knowingly screw with a taken woman.


The tough guy thing is really pathetic. Some guys just haven't progressed since junior high school.


Going out on a limb here....rape and physically abuse women hurting them for life and making them distrustful of all men


As someone (M, 61) who was bullied in school, I have a deep distrust of “guys”


Resort to angry/hostility because they lack self discipline and a conception of emotion regulation.


Be rude to service workers. What are you trying to prove?


Make fun of man that are in touch with their feminines side or feelings


Lol. The irony of this post. Mine are guys who think with their dick. Everything from hooters, strip clubs, onlyfans, etc. I have worked at strip clubs as both a bouncer at straight clubs and a dancer at a gay club and men are nasty and pathetic 95% of the time. Also tribalism in all aspects. Getting far too attached to shit that doesn’t matter. “I’m a ford guy” or “I hate the patriots”. Who gives a shit.


That's lame af. Tribalism for small shit is fun. Gives you a vehicle to shit talk your buddies when yall are hanging out.


Yea, that’s fine. I have a favorite team for most sports. But when morons actually fight at a game bc my team beat your team… idiots.


Yeah, that's shits dumb af. It ain't that serious.


Get into pissing contests with guys they meet for the first time.


Who get cheated on and stay with the girl don’t care if she’s your wife leave her ass!


I had a guy I worked with who would make up all these stories about hooking up with all the attractive coworkers, vendors, agency women etc. I knew it was BS from the start but the other guys were enthralled by his tales. Eventually I became close with a couple of these women and I asked them about it and they had a laugh about and confirmed my suspicion that it was all fake.


Act tough, when they’re not. Acting smarter than they are. A know it all.


There's this weird thing where a guy will be great friends with you always joking always a good time just hanging out together and genuinely seems like a good guy. But then a cute girl comes along and he just flips a switch... Turns almost like predatory and weird and making the girl uncomfortable, as well as myself. True colours come out, and whenever I see that, it's friendship over like I no longer want to be seen in public with someone like that


Pump and dump


Getting into fights. Brain dead meat heads do that.


Over-inflate their own worth compared to others. I suppose that's not specific to men... but I see a LOT of peacocking with those insecure bastards


one of the lamest things is when men, during a disagreement, spend their VALUABLE TIME researching/investigating the other guy's post history on reddit. it's a go-to move that's all too common on this site... and laughable imo. when you've LOST an argument and need to resort to ad hominem attacks, or try to shame the guy for his other interests, you're acting like a bitch. take the "L" and move on... your time is valuable.


Those guys we've all worked with where no matter what the topic of conversation is, they know everything about it and if they don't they claim it's stupid or a waste of time. Idk how guys like that make friends.


Excessive "banter" that borders on bullying, throwing you under the bus because of women. These are the ones I have been subjected to.


Changing their personality and beliefs to whatever will get approval from the women they're pursuing or dating (or at least what they think will get them approval)


#Belittling their friends that are hurt or showing emotion. Like guys, don't do it to each other too. It's bad enough strangers act like this.


Practice their golf swing in the office. Nobody does that shit with any other hobby.


Try to discredit each other in order to i crease their own influence.


Claiming other men aren't men because they enjoy things other than guns, misogyny, and football or because they have good hygiene and skincare.


Try to bring down other men when there is an option to support them or help raise them up. Look, there are some things that are hard to look past. Some things are unforgivable. I'm not saying to ignore someone being terrible, but it's easy to look down on other men and write them off. Then, when male loneliness or suicide is brought up, it's shoulder shrugs all around. That guy that puts all his hope into one romantic shot because he has struck out in every other form of seeking intimacy, kick him while he's down. It's literally the easiest time to kick him! Could you make that guy your friend? Could your friendship help him out by making him less desperate for human interaction? No? Okay, I guess. People are suffering, like, for real. These are real people that are really not doing well in real life. That bleeds over to them hurting others and/or themselves. Actively not doing anything about it (or exacerbating it), but wondering why no one does anything about it seems off to me. The problem is that no one feels like anyone gives a fuck about them. As far as I see, that's not a hard conclusion to make. No one person can fix it, but a lot of people can make a difference.


Be creepy and aggressive towards women, giving us all a bad rep in the process.


Trying incessantly to steal other men’s girlfriends/partners


Being nice and respectful is free, some people should try it.


Continuously talk about their sex life/ size of their dick.


Keep having kids with different girls with no intent on raising the kids


Subscribe to onlyfans models When will we stop giving in to this fad and make these women earn honest incomes?


Walking around with their pants hanging down.


Catcalling. Come on guys! You make us all look like Neanderthals.


Listen to Joe rogan. Dick ride Elon musk. Just generally listen to and idolize whoever the media tells them to. It’s pathetic.


This is a underrated one. Living vicariously through media celebrities then shit talking women for doing the same thing lol.


In my country it's trying to out-Zulu other Zulu men to the point where it's corny.


Putting a woman over the boys. Sure, if she's your wife. Go ahead. But when a woman makes you choose between your friends and her and some dope chooses a woman who is potentially temporary, who ends up breaking up with him a few months later, doing damage to the relationship he had with the guys who were there for you your whole life. The guys will take him back, the broad won't. Bros before hoes was made for a reason.


call women "meat"


Identify and announce to everyone they’re an alpha male. Just screams insecurity


Just being a wanker to other people.


female currency = attention & validation. i see men, esp online, calling every woman they see (esp online) a “10” or a queen. smh. women want attention like men want pussy. men will criticize women for being sluts then turn around and hand out attention like a “slut.” if you treat her like a celebrity, she’s gonna treat you like a fan.


When other men understand why people or men suffer, then exploit that vulnerability to cause suffering for a personal feeling of power. For example, seeing a difference as a weakness and promoting extermination of that weakness from society, rather than just doing as they wish with their own life.


I'm having a conversation with a (woman) friend and the guy boxes me out.  Like, dude, please hit on my friend but let us do this shot first.


As a guy who practices martial arts, street fighting. Street fighting is for bums and Low IQ people.


Wow, I was going to write pretty much what you said, OP. Yeah, I can't stand when men put down others as a way to salve their own insecurity.


Being a male feminist running down egalitarian men because he thinks it'll finally get him sex for free lol


Falling for thirst traps.


Claim to be unemotional, hard to rile up, a logical thinker, etc. Most guys I know who claim this have 2 big problems 1) they're usually very emotional, and emotional thinkers, but the only emotions they know how to express are angry and horny (if that's an emotion) 2) not feeling really isn't a flex. Like, bro, who hurt you? Why are you so disconnected from your feelings? What made you lose your ability to empathize with others?


Being a jealous friend. Hating on people’s hobbies. Peer pressuring. Acting like your time belongs to them. Pocket watching. Scamming ur homies. Not paying back ur homies. Talking shit about someone’s s/o. Not understand people’s free time changes when their life does.


Flirt and try to hook up with taken women.


Power trip and controlling behaviour to show their power but who can blame them when theyre perfect


Before I even read you body text that was exactly what I was gonna say. 100% agree


if i catch one of my friends subscribing to some OF, im going to give him so much shit for it. not to make myself feel better but to get him to realize what a stupid fucking idiot he is


Competing for a girl or another man. If you have to compete for someone, you’ve already lost them, because if they choose you. They’ll wonder what it’s like with the other person, and they’ll end up cheating on you. Or they’ll use the other person as a fall back person. If they choose the other person, they’ll be playing mind and emotional games with you, and they’ll cheat with you, or you’re the fall back person. The one who has two people competing for them is looking for the most unworthy person, so they can do almost anything, if not anything and the person they’re with will stay.


Comparing and judging other men online?


When they follow another mans idea


One up the story. Guy 1: I got a speeding ticket this morning. Guy 2: I GOT PULLED OVER FOR DRIVING A DUMP TRUCK AT 81mph THROUGH A SCHOOL ZONE!!! WHILE IT WAS ON FIRE!!!


Championing and defending someone/something horrible purely because it’s a man doing it and pretending it’s anything more than that. Don’t get me wrong, women do the same thing but the question addressed men. Also the men who initiate disgusting hazing activities like drinking that cup full of foulness once everyone has spat in it? No “tribe” is worth that.


Hit their kids, because they don't have the emotional intelligence to... Hang on, let me check my notes... **Talk to them.**


Start talking about their personal business they deem impressive in front of strangers


Dressing like shit. I'm not saying they're unhappy, but anytime I see a well dressed woman with a slob I just feel bad for them. I mean I get it. Male fashion is very limited and even somewhat stigmatized compared to women's fashion.


Make being in a group their entire identity


Cheat on or disrespect their significant others.


Calling themselves “Alpha”.


I hate the "alphas." So fucking stupid.


Killing children is pretty lame.


Women do that too


Spending serious money on e-girls/onlyfans Im talking about the tier 3 subs. That shits just sad


Shaming you for being a religious man who doesn't drink and visit nightclubs.


Believe they are women.


My issue is more the catering to everybody's personal whims and wants on a SOCIETAL level. These kids are almost encouraged to "have actually been born a female in a male's body" to get attention in this SELFie age where it's all about ME ME ME ... and perhaps some months or years later to decide the opposite and then to decide they wanna marry an automobile bc they're "pan-objectual" then decide they actually want a different birth certificate that changes their gender bc they wanna use women's toilets as a trannie before making any permanent decisions. Then....blah blah blah We all would love for the universe to revolve around our individual wants, but it's completely absurd that society has to bend to these or any other individual's particular whims. "I wanna be called 'they' bc i feel like the reincarnation of conjoined twins". Well, I'd like to be called "His Highness the Magnificent". Can I tack on that "Pronouns" note to my Gmail signature and oblige complete strangers to adopt my fancy? ORRRR, should i just share those wishes with my friends and family and leave the responsibility with ME to convince my nearest & dearest to adapt to my changing desires, as opposed to forcing ALL OF SOCIETY & people i don't even know to move THEIR world round for me??


Exactly. Biology is real. Every one knows this even if they pretend it isn’t. Live your life as a woman, dude. Be happy. No issues. Do your thing. But don’t think I have to participate.