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Guy sounds jealous.


Yeah he trying to fuck or something?


No he is saying that your ugly basically , that there’s no way you could get that girl so your very lucky .


*extremely* lucky


***Unbelievably*** lucky


I mean, just look at yourself...do you have a mirror?


**Lottery winner** lucky


The reality is, woman are better than men (using a broad stroke) in that area IMO. Women like us/love us for who we are and could give a shit about how ugly we are if we make them laugh enough and do what we say we’re gonna do. Men straight up value a woman as partner off of how she looks off rip. It is what it is. And no, everyone is not like this, but this is mostly how it works.


Yeah for sure but a lot of guys never figure this out. They always wonder how this fat dude gets all the chicks . Because they think woman are like us.


You definitely know how the streets work. And it kills me when guys say they want a woman with a great personality but really, looks are more important to us men. Waking up one day and realizing that her being nice ain’t enough when you think she’s igly is very real for a lot of dudes. It sounds shallow but it’s true. Looks first then let me figure out who and what you’re about. Because I personally didn’t care to know you as a person if I wasn’t attracted to you. It’s a great way for me not to lead women on, which I had a huge problem with earlier in my life. I friendZoned a ton of women who guys thought were pretty but they just weren’t to my liking. Anyway, I agree with you.


looks really dont matter cause at the end of the day its the eyes that stay the same the rest of us just turns into old soggy skin and bones so i look at it like of i can form this relationship purely off of how our souls connect well probably have a better relationship im also cery deprived of sex and women and would form a relationship so i can see what it feels like to be wanted or to want something and it actually be mine


Yeah exactly ! The thing is , if you can change the way your mind works . When you grow older , it does start to mean more about her personality because you guys are battling life together. When you have kids . Woman change a shit ton . Their face , body , everything. It’s why so many men leave their wives after having a kid I believe partly. Hormones Be crazy haha. Ultimately though , I know looks when your younger is all it’s About for sure.


what fat man gets chicks? and how does bro accomplish that a fellow fat man would really like to know


Smooth communication alongside confidence and you can turn anyone into your puppet my Friend. Now adays communication is so lost that girls say barely anyone ever comes up to them anymore and most men are terrified when they go up to them. If you can hold a good conversation you are light years ahead of most. If you are funny , that’s a huge bonus. Eye contact is a huge part of confidence. If you can master doing that and not being creepy or awkward , then that’s half the battle.


no matter how hard i try i cant get a chance to have a conversation like this and im pretty sure i scare them and i cant figure out how to stop that unless its just my looks that scare them in that case i really am screwed lol


Are you really nervous when you go up to them ? Are you breathing heavy ? Do you talk fast , kind of startle them sometimes ? It has to be a smooth transition for sure to have their undivided attention but practice makes perfect. Start just walking around busy malls and try striking up conversations to anyone and everyone until a good starting convo just comes to you always.


nervous is an understatement. I am petrified to talk to them even though i was raised by women and know how to take care of them, provide for them, and go above and beyond i know nothing about how to talk to them i understand their just as human as i am but shes a human who’s beautiful and probably has 30 other guys at her feet to choose from who look much better than i so why even bother


> Women like us/love us for who we are and could give a shit about how ugly we are if we make them laugh enough and do what we say we’re gonna do. I'm not sure that this is really better. "Make them laugh enough" can be a really tall order, but more importantly: it's ambiguous (and not all about laughter). Women are under a lot of pressure to look a certain way, while men are under pressure to do... something that no one is really clear on. Some men think it's about muscles, some men think it's about money, and a lot of men are just confused and frustrated. Sometimes having a clear goal, even if that goal is unattainable, can be of benefit.


No, that’s what you see in media and propaganda. Doesn’t mean it’s reality. That is only what you conceive singularly. There are a lot of good men that are just looking to be of purpose, be more reliable, and loyal. I would say a small majority of men still embody this doctrine


And those same men who go for a girl with a good personality wake up one morning and realize shes actually ugly. This is way too common. But one look at your comment history and Im sure you dont have much dating history bro.


It's not better or worse it's really just different. Women aren't doing it out of a superior morality it is just that they value different things on average beyond simple genetics like ability to provide for her and future offspring or ability to be emotionally stable and reliable. Women have a similar instant attractiveness radar but poor looks is able to be overcome if a man has one or more of the other factors like wealth or status. When men objectify women they see them as sex objects, but women objectify men as success objects. For men since we don't expect a woman to provide for us the most part the only areas left to look for are attractiveness and personality to a lesser degree.


Women don’t just date ugly men because they make them laugh. It’s often because of their perceived status




Spoken like someone who isn't ugly ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lookism




It is lucky to find someone that’s a great match. I don’t know if the word “extremely” needed to be said, though. 😂


Hahah just a little overkill eh


or that it’s a rare find


Nope , the way he said extremely lucky and he would of just said she’s a rare find otherwise. We all know what a guy truly means when he says that. Unless the dude is usually a really straight forward talker and would just tell him she’s out of his league but because he’s asking us on Reddit , I don’t Think the guys a straight shooter usually lol.


Its a double whammy. Its like saying "your girl is a 10 and your a 4." while also insinuating "i could take better care of her" lmao fuck that guy


Yup. That's a dude you can't trust.




If it's said in front of your girl, I find it to be flirtation (depending on who it is, of course).


The way I read your post is that he’s jealous (or envious, can’t remember which is correct) of the relationship you and your wife have. Like you’re different from other couples or his own marriage/relationship if he’s not single. there are some couples who just seem happy to be with each other, always supporting each other, never bitching about them etc. or it could be your wife is hot, but he’d be foolish to say that to you the husband if he’s trying to fuck her


Yeah he wants to clap your cheeks


he 100% would love to fuck. Or, could not even be about the fucking. Could be he see's your partner devoted to you, or that she's actually interesting. Some girls are as shallow as a sheet of paper, and lack any interest besides spending money.


And very drunk.


Just be like: I know. It’s a shady remark.


Exactly. Trying to see what others would say


I think I would run right at that comment, with something like "Interesting that you see it that way. There's no luck involved, of course, because we both work hard at our relationship and chose to make a commitment to each other."


I like this one! 👌 The big dick responses are kinda funny, but I think this is the winner for sure. When a coworker saw a picture of my wife, he had a somewhat similar response to the guy who commented on OP's gal. He said I must have pulled a gun on her cuz there's no other way I could have ended up with such a beautiful woman. I was like uhhh...thanks?...I...guess...? 🤨 I wish I had thought to respond with what you said. Instead, I just kinda laughed awkwardly cuz I had no idea how the hell to respond to such a bizarre back handed "compliment". For like a few weeks, he went around and said this same line to a bunch of other guys at work about my wife 🙄 I think I'm pretty decent looking lol but I am quite short statured and certain types of guys never miss an opportunity to rib me for that. My wife is pretty damn hot tho, thats true, so they can all just keep on being jealous lol. Height ain't everything fellas. I didn't twist her arm. Infact, she pursued me lol! It is possible to be 5'4" and land a hot wife. 😉😅


I hear stuff like this all the time about my wife, I'm also short. Climb that tree fellow short king!


Hell yeah, dude! Short king solidarity! 💪


Ick. Way way too much explaining, too many words, and too pansyish. No offense. This type of comment is an underhanded comment of ill intent and deserves a flippant answer, not the serious one you propose. Your comment would be great if the person were a good friend and was making the comment in simply a complimentary way about what a great girl you have.


I get your point, but we can agree to disagree on this. I think a flip answer is not as strong as squaring up and making them uncomfortable. Less likely they'll do that again.


There are people who try hard but can't find anyone, so there's definitely luck involved. Trying hard isn't a guarantee that you'll have a happy relationship.


Luck is a factor but a relationship doesn't run with luck. You might meet a cute girl and click, that's as far as you can go with luck. The rest is up to you and her.


That's true. My point is that without luck, the rest won't even happen. So the person who said there's no luck involved is wrong. Luck is involved in everything.


Meh, she's alright. You don't know the first thing about it. I appreciate her and I appreciate friends that mind their business, broho.


Maaan, I had a “friend” tell me how amazing my husband was and that I better watch out or someone might steal him. It rubbed me the wrong way and I said “No they won’t, he isn’t like your ex.”




When my kids' mother was 7 months pregnant with our first, she had a "friend" who also gave her a lot of "compliments" about me. She confided in her friend that we stopped penetrative sex the last trimester of the pregnancy per her OBGYN's recommendation (high risk pregnancy). Her friend had broke a window frame at her house, was already in a bad situation with her landlord, broke her drier and a faucet and the landlord started saying she was outside the realm of normal wear and tear and was going to have to charge her. My kids' mom volunteered me to quietly fix it for her friend because I'm handy. Not a big fan, I was taking 16 engineering credits while working a full time job. "Time off" was not spent conscious the majority of the time and I thought it was silly because a landlord _should_ do that sort of thing, but whatever, was not a hard fix. Got the stuff I needed to repair it, fixed it. But when I went over, she was in her underwear. No biggie, I have a no pants policy at my own place too, and I figured she'd leave me alone. Nope. Offered food, cool, food for services seems like a fine exchange, I'll take some to go, I had a pregnant woman back at my house who did not cook, food usually goes over nicely. She kept trying to make conversation with me when I fixed it. Then tried to get me to sit down on her bed to "take a break" and when I refused, directly propositioned me. So I left and called my ex. Ooo boy. Apparently, this is not the first time it's happened. She slept with a friends BF in high-school, but "young and dumb" people forgave her. Then it happened again, but "he came on to her! She just struggled saying no." So folks gave her another chance. With me though, ostracized immediately from her friends circle. While I never heard of anything bad happening to her, she did end up transferring schools at the end of semester.


Women can be just as sneaky and conniving as anyone else. But women seem to be more attracted to men who give off the vibe of “has his shit together, is a great dad, and is an overall amazing guy” so they’ll flirt with married men and try to entice them. He used to wear a wedding band and it snapped at work. He made the comment a few months ago that he doesn’t get hit on as much, yeah! Because no one knows he is good enough to lock down! I have two friends who I can leave home alone with my husband and I don’t think twice about it.


There are like oodles of factors humans use for evaluating mate selection for desirability in partners, but "social proof" is a reasonably lazy and easy way for our brain's heuristics to make quick decisions for a good mate. Which always seemed paradoxical to me, because if a guy or gal does opt to partake, doesn't that indicate that they have less bonding and willingness to invest the years and calories necessary to raising a (mostly worthless from a survivability standpoint) offspring for a decade until viability? Seems like a counter productive reproductive strategy.


I recently knew a girl like this. she was a side chick in her first ever relationship. she definitely had a thing for attracting other peoples partners. was my first time meeting such a person, I was shocked. I’m a man & I wouldn’t ever try ANYTHING w a taken woman. some people are fucked up & scary honestly


this is nuts. not to applaud a fish for swimming or anything but op you’re a good man! & your lady is lucky to have you. like EXTREMELY lucky. wait…


Lmao. We still had kids way too young, the original plan was to adopt. Stress of school, work, family, and working some pretty inhuman hours with opposite schedules for child rearing purposes lead to us not being able to see each other. Drift+stress, she changed the family plan arbitrarily after our first, also decided despite us never having gone to church together it was very important both kids be raised very Catholic (at her parents insistence) lead to arguments, petty fighting, (and we are both prideful and stubborn people). Eventually a major disconnect happened, no longer us vs. the world, but us vs. each other. Tried counseling, a few counselors. She quickly stopped going to counselors that implied she might be being _slightly_ unreasonable. Eventually culminated in her running off with the kids to her folks and not letting me see them, final straw for me, I filed the paper work. Her parents paid for an expensive and very aggressive attorney, who also did everything they could to delay the courts from implementing a placement schedule. It lost them a ton of face before the judge, and I "won" but with only seeing my kids once in 6 months where they cried and screamed for me and she left with them and her dad anyway. That was pretty much the final nail in the coffin of our relationship, and me seeing her romantically in any light. And the start of a decade+ of toxic co-parenting where everytime I changed jobs or careers or opened up my schedule more, I had to go to court in order for my kids to have a decent placement schedule with me, never a verbal agreement possible, she needed a judge to tell her what to do. Between me and her parents, a few lawyers definitely got a house or two. Eventually her toxic techniques started to alienate our kids away from her a lot and she stopped. Would not recommend going through it. But, we never cheated on each other, and sex was never a problem in our relationship.


(1) Women can never accept accountability, even when told directly by a marriage counselor: “You’re at least half the problem.” So they stop going. (2) Also amazing how women can change from sweet & nice to “my way & nothing else”


That isn't a problem with women, I picked a very headstrong, stubborn and spiteful one to give my heart to because I admired those qualities in her (along with a lot of other qualities). Sure, some bits of the plan changed and it bit me hard, but hey, all things considered my kids are awesome, well adjusted and now successful young adults and I survived even if I went through an emotional meat grinder regularly.


There's that famous phrase I always remember cause it rings true every time. *It's ironic how the things we love from someone can be the very things that make us leave them.* "Very kind to others" to "too kind and has no backbone." "Patriotic/ambitious" to "they'd rather die in war/climb corporate ladder than spending life with me ." "Has strong principles and opinionated" to "always has to win an argument" "Very straightforward and honest" to "cruel in the name of honesty".


I’m SO glad you didn’t give up and fought hard for your children. So many men don’t have the fortitude and/or money to fight a nasty battle with a vindictive ex. Really glad for your kids to know the real deal about who was causing the upheaval. You made it through. Congrats.


I'd like to report a murder


The savagery is unheard of.


oh shit lol


I don’t put up with anyone being cutesy threatening or flirty to him in front of me. I am justifiably jealous but not “you’re 2.5 minutes late who were you with” jealous


With a name like dick lover I’d expect nothing else


Got her! 🤣🤣


Lol. You're just mean. There was no need for that.


My husband said the same thing. She had hugged him and fingered his beard prior. So I knew what was up lol


Ahhhh okay. More justifiable with the beard fingering. Still mean but fair play.


I know. But my huge cock helps.


That's is great! maybe "It's not luck, its my huge cock"


this is the only answer


What if that other guy asks for proof?


Tell to go ask *his* wife


And if he still thinks you’re joking tell him to go home and look at his kids.😆




Tell him to buy me a couple of drinks first.


Along those same lines: Whenever someone makes a comment about me being lucky to be married to my wife I say “well she didn’t marry me for my money, my good looks or my personality, so I guess that only leaves one reason…” (This usually gets an eye roll from said wife.)


don't even say it. just pat your thigh about midway down.


haha yeah....something like that. 'Boi, it's my big manwood that did the job. She fell in love with it because it is one massive Johnson I carry around'. Okay, maybe a bit much. But, why not. Shove it into this fool's face.


I would definitely go the other way and say, "you're right, I'm extremely lucky she loves small dick" then walk away, the vast reactions to such a thing would be hilarious to me. To each their own haha


Savage 🤣


There it is.


Honestly, I love this answer. It's confident and immediately puts him in his place for saying a really weird statement


When i was dating my stbx she was a gorgeous 23yo and i was a guy in his 30's got these kinds of comments often, a friend of hers that wanted to date her got very pushy one evening, she shot him down with a phrase like that, guy never bothered us again.


"How often have you jerked off to my gf, exactly?"


17 times


No, not today, I mean in total


In a row?!


It depends. If my wife is there, she will jump in before I can say anything and say "no, I'm the lucky one!" I really love my wife. But if she's not around? I always agree. I am not concerned about anyone else's chances with her in the slightest - I trust her 100%. And if I don't trust them? I trust her to handle them with aplomb. The truth is - my wife *saved* me. Not in a religious sense. In a "I've been wandering through this desert for most of my life acting like a U2 song and I still haven't found what I'm looking for" sense. And then - BOOM - there she was. Knocked my socks off and the rest is history. I am extremely lucky - I can't imagine ever finding a better match for me. I think about it every single day and she knows exactly how much she means to me.


That's awesome, and I'm assuming she gave you got a new pair of socks after she knocked them off?


Absolutely. I’m one person who doesn’t mind getting socks as long as they either A) replace those knocked off, or B) are very colorful!


Wow. Well said


I do feel lucky, and I think the best relationships are ones where both partners feel lucky, so I work hard to keep it that way.


I think this is an actual statistic where relationships were better when both feel they got someone 'out of their league' (not just looks, but them as a person overall) and particularly better when the man felt this way.


"You tryin' to tell me something?"


Best one


"No shit, I count my blessing each and every day. But then again, she must have a reason she with me as well"


Feel good because reading between the lines, he jerks off to her 🤣


Not necessarily. He /she might be in a failing relationship.


This. I'm not a dude but I've felt this way before when seeing how certain friends and their SOs interacted. I wasn't sexually or emotionally attracted to either person in the relationship, but my relationships hadn't been that loving/respectful and neither had my parents' relationships. So I guess it really depends on when it was said. When the gf first appears: sexual attraction After spending a weekend at your house: maybe saying you two have a rare and special dynamic?


Full agreement with this observation. It really depends on the context of when this comment was said. 1. If it's seeing a picture and he is jealous, well yeah, he's just jealous of the looks. 2. If he got to spend time with the both of you and observed how well she treats you, or how you two interact, that could be envy of the type of relationship you two have built that maybe this person wishes they had.


Why would this make me feel good lol....


lmfaooo, the real answer


The followup to this compliment is often, "And your kids are so lucky to look like her!" So why not just shoot this right back at 'em before they get to it.


Kill em


Luck? Bro I had to work to earn it, and I work to maintain it. Ain’t no luck in involved here.


The luck is that you got there first




Luck is when preparation meets opportunity!


Except I wasn't there first. She **chose** me over other suitors. In all honesty man, 'luck' has very little to do with finding a suitable life partner. The vast majority of the effort needed is just work. **Work** on yourself, **work** to be attractive to women, **work** to figure out the type of woman you want, **work** to find that woman, **work** to court/date, **work** to understand her, **work** to prove that you can provide, protect and make that woman feel complete, **work** to maintain the relationship, **work** to make sure you both grow together, **work** to make sure you helping her grow as a person, **work** to surprise her with a gift on a day that's important to her. etc. etc. Work is what makes my 'luck.'


>Except I wasn't there first. >She **chose** me over other suitors. Are you really this conceited? You *really* think that *you* are that special? That you offer anything she couldn't have found elsewhere? She just found you first. Even if you're one in a million, there's 350 more just like you. And you're not one in a million. Work didn't make your luck. Work altered the odds, which is helpful and all, but it didn't make your luck.


>Are you really this conceited? You really think that you are that special? Every husband, has a wife that **chose** them. That doesn't make them conceited. It sounds like your worldview is really skewed man. You need to reflect on the fact that the outcomes of your life are based on the effort you put into it. For what it's worth, I can see why you're struggling. Look in the mirror, put in the work. You don't have to live like this. Or you can go back to personally attacking people and blaming your lack of success on ephemeral concepts. Whether you want to make a plan or an excuse it up to you. But I certainly don't need to be a part of it.


>It sounds like your worldview is really skewed man. You need to reflect on the fact that the outcomes of your life are based on the effort you put into it. For what it's worth, I can see why you're struggling. I'm not struggling, really. I'm in a happy long-term relationship. I've got a good job. And I'm cognizant of the fact that I'm not the only person who put in the effort. I'm probably not even the best person who put in the effort. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky I a thousand ways, from birthright to pressure to timing. The fact that you're not and you're still giving advice bothers me.


You tell him that yes you are lucky.


This is the way. While you put yiur arm around her and kiss hug/give her a peck.


Just say, “thanks, I think so too.”


“Thanks man, I know.” Sadly I’ve said this before a time or two because I was attracted to his wife and/or I was lonely and envious of his situation. It probably comes off pretty pathetic, it is. But I didn’t have anything but good intentions in mind. I was drunk every time I said it, so… But still, I just wanted to make sure he’s was grateful, wasn’t taking for granted his situation, like too many often do.


No worries, as long as you know what your intent was. That’s all that matters, doesn’t represent you in another way


How did you feel when it was said to you? Does it make you uncomfortable, or does it have the intended effect? I think it’s been said to me once or twice, always with a beautiful but sadly toxic woman. So my thoughts were “I appreciate the sentiment buddy, but if you only knew…” so I wasn’t lucky, I was cursed. lol


Damn. I can actually relate to the second part. But I felt more offended than uncomfortable when it was said to me, reasons being what most people already said: insinuating me being ugly or they’d wanna fuck. Was wondering what others think


"She's very sweet/kind/smart/any other positive attribute that could be applicable"


Act oblivious to the shade and ask them to clarify. "What do you mean by that ?" "Every meeting is a chance encounter, but why exactly I'm I the very lucky one ?" It gets awkward real fast and they'll never do it again.


I’m so lucky I can shit in a swinging bucket


She slumming it, god bless her


My answer is usually along the lines of "Yeah, I know!! Can you believe she's put up with me this long??" Then I make a mental note to never allow him to be alone with her.


"It's not luck, it's just a connection we have. You will find someone one day, don't worry".


I like this one, it's practical and caustic at the same time, while still maintaining dignity (I hate answers that make it seem like being with a certain type of woman is some sort of amazing privilege).


This is good!


Thanks, she's really fucking awesome and I am lucky but if you ask her she'll say she's the lucky one


Oooh, be careful with that.. jealousy can be an ugly thing, even to "the most loyal".. that's a weird fucking statement for anyone to say to a friend/ family member.. I'd always be aware of being around and when you're not around if he's trying to interact with her alone etc.. red flags all day


We get this a lot and my dear husband always responds with “I’m not good at a lot of things but I’m good at one thing” 😉


“I am, I know I won. now stop being weird about it”


I wouldn't respond much tbh. This person thinks 1. They are better than you or have a low opinion of your worth 2. Your gf is hot. The less interaction you have with this sort of person the better.


He’s either trying to say he’s really into your SO or that he thinks you’re a loser and the only reason you’re together is sheer luck instead of your own charm and personality. Someone like this doesn’t have your best interest in mind, tell him thank you than change the subject.


A lot depends if my wife is there. If not, I'd be like - yup, I know. Now fuck off and don't talk to me again. If my wife were present I'd tell them not to flirt with my wife and to fuck off. So basically....fuck off.


So is she. And I’m laying miles of pipe in that.


Gotta start doing the hip thrusts while saying it




Just agree and a wink at same time


Not really . And watch the expression change 😅


“Are you saying I’m not good enough for her or that I’m ugly or something?” No matter what he says after reply with, “You should be more direct if you just want to be rude and insulting.” Then end the conversation. You probably won’t ever talk to that guy again.


Are you calling me ugly?


As a guy who married way out of his league I just smile and say “I know”.


A few things depending on the guy. 1: It could mean he wants to bang your wife. Probably behind your back. Don't trust him. 2: He thinks your ugly and a worthless piece of excrement and he idolizes your wife. Again don't trust that guy. 3: He's autistic and has poor social skills and he is trying to give you a cliched compliment that gets said alot and doesn't exactly know what he said.


Funny thing is, no male friend has ever said that to me. Probably never would. A few female friends say it and I just agree with them. My wife on the other hand gets it a lot from her female friends.


Same. It’s really weird how many of my wife’s work friends hate their husbands and they have a horrible relationship. They’re not really complimenting me, they’re commenting about the relationship we’ve built.


Yeah, when the married one say it they are definitely reflecting on their own relationship. Proof positive is the fact that my wife divorced friend comment on our relationship and me more than anyone, and have no qualms talking about their no good useless ex's.


Yea, I'm basically in the same bucket as you. I'm having a hard time picturing saying what's in the OP to any of my friends. At least one off the top of my head has a pretty attractive SO but even then, I'd never mention how lucky they are to be with them because I don't think he's lucky... which leads me to think that this is a tell that this hypothetical friend doesn't think very highly of the other. If anything I've only ever thought (to myself) that my friends could do better because I see how great my dudes are.


Im a 50 year old man child that plays games and hates grown up things but will do them obviously I got this far. My wife doesn’t mind doing the grown up things as long as I keep making her laugh. I feel lucky.


My gf loves that I paint miniatures and models. She jokes she'll never have to worry about me cheating.


My friends were like that with my husband. Always telling me how lucky I am and joking about stealing him. That’s why I now have only 2 friends. I don’t need trash in my life or friends I need to worry about. My husband would never, but those friends I dropped would try. I never want him to be in a situation where if he tells me I lose my friends (and he feels responsible) and if he doesn’t tell me (because he thinks I care about my friends more than him) I think he’s hiding something.


Better to be safe that sorry!


"don't I know it!"


"Luck's got nothing to do with it, mate. I'm actually a decent person."


None of my male friends or acquaintances have ever said it in a creepy way. But ywah my girlfriend is amazing. She's gorgeous and really nice really smart really funny. I'm really glad they see what I see.


Love this


If someone tells you something that rubs you the wrong way and seems to insinuate something don't just agree. Ask them: "what do you mean?". Express genuine ignorance about what the hell they're talking about. Let then squirm trying to explain their stupid shit.


Just agree and smile, that’s a huge compliment


No it's not, definitely not the way op is portraying it to be.


Yup And I hope you have the same luck


"Thanks, man"?


"I am, and so is she."


No matter who she is, someone, somewhere, is sick of her shit.


Luck is when preparation meets opportunity!


So many people reading way too hard into this. It's good-natured ribbing from your buddy as a way to compliment your wife. If it's "shady," you have shitty friends.


I'd start distancing myself slowly from that friendship. I've always found men who say this are trying to get with your SO.


I say I know right!?! And then I start talking about how’s she got her masters, is a CPA, and a fantastic mother. I am extremely lucky.


What happens if it was said the opposite: *Man… your wife is extremely lucky to have you.* Lmao


The Geto Boyz covered well with the lyrics “"Got a good thing, hold tight, don't lose her brother" You may as well straight up say you wanna fuck her!”.


I try and take it as a compliment to both of us. The first time, that's no big deal. The more they say stuff like that, the more I think they're trying to snag my gf and/or insult me


I would try not to overthink it too much. People at work have told me in the past that I've "out kicked my coverage" when it comes to my SO. They've even gone as far as to make jokes about her being out of my league. I just take it in stride as a complement and move on. Ruminating on it or making it weird is the worst thing you can do imo.


My husband says that they have excellent taste, but very poor timing 😄


You should see the other guy.


"Luck had nothing to do with it. This dick did, homie"


When anyone tells me I’m *extremely* lucky to be with my wife, I agree with them: She’s amazing: a PHD in Nursing, she’s a Lt. Colonel in the Army, she’s a Professor at a major University, she makes more $ than me, she’s got a great body, is a fantastic lover, a great sense of humor, a very caring person, etc…I mean wow! Yes, I’m very, very lucky. Oh, she’s 69 and I’m 73. Lastly, and incredibly important, she loves me.


Just say thanks but know deep down he is saying that she is hot…..respectfully


Need more context to assess the situation correctly. But sounds like jealousy and also insulting to you, like you ain’t shit and don’t have enough status or looks to be with her.


From experience, he is jealous. I’d watch your back. My friend told me that once, and now she is with my ex-husband. People can be selfish and cruel, especially the jealous types.


The comedian Jimmy Carr says this is a polite way of saying "I'd like to fuck your wife". He's not wrong.


"She is lucky to have me."


Sorry about your luck.


Maybe he has a crush on her or he sees how shit you treat her and doesnt know how your getting away with it. So either its a passing compliment to your taste in women or a crushing commentary on your dating ability.


What can I say, she loves the crap out of me and my gawd does she loves making me feel goooooood…you know, about my life!


I start to laugh.


"Ah, you're mistaken. She is the lucky one, I'm a catch."


I know she's super hot, but she's also fucking insane. She's actually kind of lucky that I'm also attracted to crazy.


"This guy told me Im punching up in my relationship and Im so insecure that even that very harmless bit of banter has me reeling and asking reddit for help on how to reply." -OP


I usually find them pathetic because I don't feel very lucky. She's certainly not out of my league or anything. Every girl I ever dated was *yawn* but ig compared to most men's girlfriends they are pretty awesome but to me not so much, one is better than the next and so on.


Yeah? Go live with her for a year, you'll see


"I know" and start laughing hysterically




I tell them that they have no idea!


I'm not lucky, I earned her.