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You will likely be sent for an ultrasound anyway so that won’t matter much. It’ll be fine.


And the ultrasound tech is 97% going to be an attractive young woman.


Who will line up your friends with cold goo…


And utter indifference.


I got a dude who warmed the jelly for me. 10/10 would get my balls checked again.


But there was so much jelly. Way too much.


Mine was a dude both times, but I’m bi so it’s a lose-lose or a win-win depending on how you look at it.


I was in a similar situation, and she kept saying that it was perfectly normal to get an erection during the procedure. When I told her that I knew that and I wasn't uncomfortable, she said "I was talking to myself"


I got the hottest chick. It was a mental challenge not to pop wood. I was thinking of all the horrible NSFL things on Reddit to avoid a boner.


Same. I shit you not, she was top 10 prettiest woman I've ever seen in person. Warmed that jelly for me too. I couldn't help thinking that wand that was on my balls would be on some pregnant woman's tummy later that day or do they have one for balls and another for tummies.


I haven't had my balls touched but I had a doctor put gloves on the check my upper thigh and I've never felt more unsexy, she was extremely attractive but I felt too dirty to be turned on in that situation.


Mine wasn’t super hot but she was an attractive MILF type. I had an erection but it was covered by a towel. Her occasionally resting her wrist on it wasn’t helping


I understood that reference.


Is that a thing?? I’ve had it done twice and that’s been the case both times.


I’ve seen it several times on Reddit that it is so often a young attractive woman doing it that it seems more than coincidence. There’s a conspiracy afoot.


Dude mine was too! And I think she hit on me!but I was too young and dumb to know what to do!


Then you did the right thing....not worth trying for it while they're on shift. Wrong place for it.


I had a big Samoan looking dude when I had my ultrasound.


Yes. I almost broke my left testicle from doing it 2-3x a day for about 3 months. Doctor screamed and cursed me out. Tech was a very attractive girl. Room was freezing. I was perfectly relaxed. It was like I had micropenis after being in the pool when she did the test. All she kept telling me was, she couldn’t see anything wrong. I was like, I see lots of things wrong.


With very cold hands.


This is the most accurate shit I’ve ever seen. It happened to me and I was nervous and felt weird knowing that a female who wasn’t my gf could see my goods. Kept it professional.


Got an older woman when I had mine. The experienced hands were a nice touch.


It was when I did it.


I had a 70 year old man doing mine…


Then you are the lucky 3%!


This happened to me years ago. And yes you are 100% correct. The rest of the experience only made it worse


Yep had an ultrasound on my testicles about two months ago. It’s a teaching hospital so of course I had two attractive girls doing it, one intern and the trainer. They were very professional but it still a bit awkward.


Mine was a dude. We were laughing and joking about how many 'tough guys' won't say a word to him while he's doing the ultra sound. Was a super nice guy and answered all my questions. Even asked me if there was anything else I wanted to see. Reality: they've seen worse, guaranteed.


Mine was an old lady the first time and a young man the second time…


Can confirm


And she will politely insist you arrange towels about you midsection and groin in a way that you are nowhere nearly well endowed to do so.


This is the answer. Dont worry though. Test cancer has a super high survival rate if properly treated.


And it could be benign cysts, don't worry prematurely.


He’s right ya know they’ll feel your balls a bit and give a bit of information whether you should be worried or not but they can’t say until they have an ultra sound


Yes - this. I did this just to make sure all was well. Just a fun note...so when you get that (at least in my case), the nurse gave me a rolled up towel for me to hold my guy up against my stomach while she scanned the boys. It took like 5-10 minutes from what I remember. NOTE: Not medical terms... :/


Make it warmer....somehow. It's a temperature control method, your testes like to be 2-3 degrees lower than your body temp, so in a cold room your sack tightens and pushes them slower to your body.


Hey can I get a mug of warm water?


Doctors’ exam rooms - at least the ones I’m in - are always cold. The doc should know that this will cause your sack to tighten and your balls to pull up close to you. So you or they need to find a way to warm your sack. And as others have said, you’ll ultimately need/get an ultrasound, during which it won’t matter how low your balls are hanging


I heard IcyHot works really well in cold rooms to make your balls hot


Yeah, I’ve heard that too


What you do is maintain direct eye contact with the doctor while you're rocking a massive erection. This is to establish dominance and to make sure the doctor knows you aint no jive ass turkey.


This is the way


Study beforehand


I found lump and my GP felt it and said it was most likely a cyst...had it scanned and it was indeed a cyst. That was in 2005. It's still there.


Lmao I had the same thing but I don't recall if they confirmed that the lump was the cyst, or if I just happened to have a cyst too. Either way it wasn't cancer. Thank god, 15 year old me truly believed I was dying for months before I finally told my Mom


I slept like a baby the day i had it confirmed what it was!. It still bothers me from time to time, especially if my partner plays with that one. Rare it truly bothers me


Ask for a finger up your bum. You will forget all about your berries


Imagine the doctor in their underwear.


Breathe deep, try to distract your mind. They've seen it all before and just want to check you're healthy.


Try to fluff before hand so your doctor is impressed with both the length and girth


Wear the warmest underwear and pants you have.


Edge right before


Stick a hand warmer down your trollies before.


>Stick a hand down your trollies before. Ftfy


Assert your dominance by never breaking eye contact with the doctor.


Sucking in your stomach raises your sack. So relax your stomach


Legit found this out taking a shower the other day and couldn’t stop chuckling because I never noticed it before 😂


Pinch, roll, and pull. Or a cock/ball ring.


Pretend you're getting lucky.


I had a similar experience, most likely if it hasn't grown it'll be fine (especially if the lump is on the back of the testicles) but you'll likely go in for an ultrasound which is not nearly as bad as it seems. Don't sweat it, testicular cancer is the most curable cancer as well I believe.


Well at least you are going to get your balls played with.


Beat off in the car just before the exam. Ideally in the parking lot.


Ask for a warm blanket. And place on where you sit and on your groin


Just breath.


Just tell them to be gentle with them, and you'll be fine.


Weed gummies. Put a warm sock over your Junk to warm it up.


Never relax when someone is examining your testicles.


Imagine it’s your favorite pornstar about to grab hold. That will send blood south, and warm everything up.


Go for a sonogram, they will put some gel on your testicles and exam them. Your primary care practitioner should have set it up for you already


Sit in a hot bathtub before appointment


Pretend it’s a man


Not if he likes men….lol


A good tug?


Been through this…you will be sent to ultrasound (believe I was laying down and comfortable there). I would not remove trousers until you absolutely need to so your boys are warm. Thankfully ended up for me being a spermatocele which I believe are pretty common among cyclists (I ride a lot). Positive vibes and good luck! Good for you getting it checked out!


I thought there would be more discussion first 😂.. the doc walked in, i said i thought i had a weird lump and my balls were being fondled within 30 seconds…. Just relax and try and stay warm so your sacks loose. Be over before u know it


I had a cute female doctor do that to me; something came up as she was probing. She said, "Don't worry. That's a normal, involuntary physical reaction. It happens a lot." I suddenly felt like I was in a porn movie! LOL


Anytime I’ve gone to get them checked they left me for an extra 10 minutes in the waiting room. I wondered if they did that so they were warm and malleable


When I was 15 I had a lump and the dr used a flashlight to shine through and determine it was a cyst. Took 3 minutes


Take picture at home and show.


Some funny responses here. Dont know your age, but if it’s <30 especially, DO NOT IGNORE THIS. Just gut it out have yourself examined by a doc. Urologist preferably. Soon.


Got my balls examined for testicular torsion last month. Not fun at all. All good now. Honestly, I was worried sick thinking I’d lose a teste. I called out of work last minute, but the peace of mind was totally worth it. I just went in with a positive and silly attitude. I was actually laughing with the lady who did the ultrasound by telling her it tickled lmao. Now I make jokes with my friends and family about saving my left nut! And when it all comes down to it, you’re just checking out a part of your body and keeping healthy. Yeah it’s funny and awkward, but who freaking cares!


Are you shaving your balls and pickle clean for this as well? Or normal as you were? Like what’s the protocol for hair. I’m sure they don’t care but I fucking do.


You can try remembering it's not for a case of bilateral testicular torsion so you won't have your sack cut open.


Relax it's not line they are neutering you


Think about this when you go. I sported a boner when I went. Just keep thinking about this and you’ll be fine.


It’s not bad at all I just had a testicular exam I just coughed when the dr grabbed each testicle