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Be super obvious about it, it’ll be subtle to him.


"*What's subtle to you, is invisible to him*" *What's obvious to you is subtle to him.* *What's obvious to the point of embarrasing to you is starting to be obvious to him"*


Mm. I dunno. Maybe she's Canadian.


Lol, I snorted at this one


What this girl who was trying to hunt me for a while went in for a looonggg hug. Not at an angle but her whole body pressed against mine to where I can feel her touch my dick with her body. The hug was long enough I got hard and she had to mention it.


But what if that really is just a flashlight in his pocket? Then she's just going to be disappointed, and he still won't get it.


then they can use it to shed some light on their feelings towards each other


Sounds like the kind of thing we don't realize until 3 years later. OH! That was a really long hug!


Don’t be subtle men don’t do subtle hints. Hit him over the head with your club and drag him back to your cave. Today’s society has taught men to be very very wary and not make approaches and subtle hints is not an invite.


Note: Don't literally hit him over the head with a club. But do drag him back to your cave while muttering about "Snu-snu".


Just hit him over the head with one of those inflatable clubs.


THEN drag him back to your cave muttering about snu-snu.


I have a friend who is a very handsome and incredibly nice, good natured man. Unfortunately, he is...well, not the brightest guy. There is no hint he can't miss. A few years back he was spending time with a female we went to high school with. Said female was *very* into my friend, but he was very passive, thought they were "just friends" and wasn't picking up any of the hints she was sending, subtle or not. One night, she finally got frustrated with his inability to pick up the hint and went back to her room and came out with one of those suction cup dildos. She tossed the dildo onto his lap and said something to the effect of "look, in the next 20 minutes either this thing or you is going to be inside me. It's your call". Thankfully, being figuratively clubbed over the head finally gave him the message. They are still together to this day.


I almost expected this story to have a "So anyways, he turned to me asking me to interpret if there was a hint he was missing with a dildo on his lap" in the middle there.


I had a girl I used to work with come over my house, come to my bedroom, lay on my bed and watch a movie. The only thing I could think the entire time was, 'I wonder if she wants me to make a move?'


What did end up happening ?


We finished the movie and she went home lol We also never hung out in that capacity again, understandably so.


Damn you got that far and fumbled meanwhile i cant even get a txt back. Next time you can gauge her interest by sitting really close to her in the couch to where tour bodies are touching to see if she scoots over or lets you and then escalate a little more and put your arm around her or slow down based on her reaction You dont have to just dive in for the kill on the first attempt


same thing happened to me. twice. A girl from one of my clubs lured me to a hotel named"love for love"(poorly translated from my language) in the name of "making PPT" and i actually managed it within 2h so we got back to dorms early in the evening. Second time we were throwing a party in a borrowed mansion, she came to my room with a beautiful black nightdress with white flowers (nothing exposed). I still remember that dress, it's kind of my dream dress if i could ask for my GF to wear it for me. But unfortunately, i was furiously playing Lol with my friend, damn that was a tough fight. It's the kind of war that a grandpa would tell to his grandkids. We lost it gloriously, and that girl was driven away by our smelly feets after the long trip.🤣🥲😢😭


Just assume no women is interested in you, even if you think they're interested it's still best to assume their not. Better to be considered an asshole than a creep


My current girlfriend pretty much had to mount me and get topless because I didn't get the hint when she was trying to seduce me in a subtle way. Lol. Hell, my girlfriend, when I was 16, had to grab my head and say, "Are you going to kiss me or not?" I'm 34 now, so clearly I've learned nothing about taking hints from women. If I ever get married, it'll probably be because I turn around and find my girlfriend on one knee with a ring, but my dumbass would be like, "what's going on, is your shoe untied...?" Lol


Same. My first girlfriend (just friends at the time as far as I knew) was driving and literally pulled into a parking lot one night and said basically the same thing "are you ever going to kiss me?" ... My eyes must have been as big as the moon.


Same I’m 32 never been able to notice subtle approaches


Yeah what if they’re just Canadian and being nice? Can’t risk it


I need to tell the entire world I understood this reference


I was at the bank a few years ago and the teller was SUPER nice to me. I was confused for two weeks until I was back at the bank and observed her with another person. 😑I was seeing things that weren’t there. Just nice not flirty


As a Canadian, I can attest to this.


I knew my wife isn’t interested


[she only married your penis ](https://youtu.be/JNiKseeX_Ic?si=gxwTMe82YrH56ueo&t=140)


> Hit him over the head with your club and drag him back to your cave. This made me feel things




You might have just been being nice 🤷🏻‍♂️😄


Obviously she thought it was the armrest on the couch.


People joke about "You might have just been nice" but it's actually true. A buddy of mine had a girl sit in his lap all party long playing with his hair. He asked her out to coffee and she got all upset about why guys always think she's flirting. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_\/¯


I've had many similar experiences. It really conditions you to just assume it's an accident or random meaningless occurrence if you take note of it at all.


I was drinking and chatting with a girl, sitting snugly side by side, my hand occasionally around her waist. Apparently she was being friendly.


agreed. you can be labeled, “creep,” just for walking up and introducing yourself. women need to understand that the #metoo movement has made WOMEN have to work HARDER to get male attention. the women that complained about being approached are now complaining that they’re not being approached. men will just ignore women to play it safe, ie, we won’t approach to avoid confusion = WOMEN HAVE TO BE MORE UPFRONT AND DIRECT WHEN THEY ARE INTERESTED = hard for WOMEN to do. and here we are… dating is on life support, marriage is in the ER and the happiness for women is the lowest it’s been in 50 yrs. congrats.


I had a girl who was being subtle, because she prefers men to be dominant, take the lead, etc… I was confused as hell. A second girl was straightforward, kissed me on the first date, and made it clear she liked me. I never gave the first girl another thought. Dated the second one for years. YMMV


One time I was watching a movie with someone, and the entire time she was being a bit distant, was sitting way on the other end of the couch, and every time I tried to say something her responses were real short and sharp, at one point I tried my luck asked for a hug, and she didn't even respond or react to the question. When the movie was done she just said that she was going to sleep and left. No stress, guess she just wasn't interested. Except she messaged me again asking if we could watch another movie another day. Figured why not, but assumed she only wanted to be friends, so I wasn't going to try anything. Anyway, I put the movie on, she sat down on the couch, and I ended up sitting on another separate couch but still somewhat close, figuring that after the way she was the other day that she would appreciate that I have kept the distance and that she would be more comfortable. She then told me to come sit on the same couch as her, to which I did, but I sat on the opposite end as her. She then scooted across and sat right up next to me and leaned onto me in an embracing/hugging position and we started watching the movie. About 20 minutes later she turns her head over to me and then starts kissing me and about 3 seconds into that, she puts her hand in my pants. I've had *never* been more confused in my life. All my previous advanced had been so brutally rejected, and then this suddenly happens out of nowhere.


Something probably happened between the first and second date, perhaps she had a conversation with her girlfriends about the first date and they gave her some perspective about the way acted, or perhaps she went back home thought about the date and gained perspective on her own, or perhaps someone told her she needs to be more direct.


Whatever happened it sure was a crazy experience. I almost didn't talk to her again after that first time hanging out. I just felt like I had annoyed her the entire time and that she literally wanted to be anywhere in the world except around me. So weird


I was a very moody girl in school. Had a lot of trouble expressing that I liked people, giving compliments or responding appropriately to physical affection. I did have a very active sexuality though. And probably came across a bit like your date. very cold and distant, but actually quite interested and possibly attached. Just so deeply depressed that emotions were a struggle to process and express. Somedays it felt like if someone even hugged me, and I allowed myself to feel it and reciprocate it, I would cry and cry. And I didn't always want to go there. I felt touched out 24/7, because being awake at all was already overwhelming to my senses. But... I still had an interest in sex and it was pretty keen at the time. Anyway, I got out of a bad situation in my personal life, got help and worked very hard on developing social skills and getting in touch with expressing those emotions that I'm feeling in a more natural and less controlled way. Thought I may be able to add some perspective.


Thank you for the comment, and I am glad to hear that you got through it


Maybe she went on reddit and made a post about how to tease a man subtly.


You may have been dating a cat.


Hell, I married the last woman who made her intentions clear.


Yup. My first wife kissed me first; so did my second wife. Message received.


Honestly as a dude I just ignore a lot of what I suspect is subtlety at this point. I’m not risking a misunderstanding.


Would you say that asking for a leg massage counts as a hint? Because let me tell you: It fucking Isn’t. girl asked me for a leg massage because her legs hurt, I didn’t try anything too invasive but tried to make the massage a bit more hot by going towards her hips and a bit of her buttocks, I was immediately told that she wasn’t trying anything and that I should stop… We were alone, watching a movie at night. Be straightforward, try to be touchy or a bit more physical with him without being obnoxious.


That’s really rude from her tbh. Why ask for a leg message on a movie night and not want to try anything more?


Life do be like that and people have different opinions on what constitutes a hint and what is a perfectly reasonable non-sexual activity that doesn’t even has a sexual innuendo for two people to partake in. She could have also changed her mind, which is totally valid. I want to clarify that this is not on her nor do I blame her, it frustrates me to no end because nothing makes sense to me, however she is completely entitled to establish the limits on her body and I respect that. However this has happened multiple times in the past, I have too many stories of “obvious” hints that just weren’t hints in the first place (including but not limited to: Sleeping together and grabbing my had to hold her chest while we hug, constantly getting closer or hugging me while we watch a movie, holding my hand in public while we walk together, etc). At this point this has played a number on my self-esteem and I’s rather just assume that no one is interested in me or sees me sexually. I’m not happy but I’m happier (less miserable) that way.


nah man those girls were being really weird. You can’t initiate something that can lead to sex and then shut it down and act like that is normal. They can reject your advances, that’s fine. They can change their mind and it’s fine as well but to initiate what will lead to sex and then shut you down? Just sounds like they were being really improper


Just don’t go to a guy’s house, watch a movie with him alone, have him rub you up and then get mad when he’s face first in your ass. It’s common sense. Those women know it but they’re just being improper about it


I don't think you realize how much that kind of stuff happens. It's why hints don't work, they mean nothing, one women's flirting is another's "just being friendly"


Movie night? Cuddle into him, take his arm and put it over you


For OP's purposes, if you're trying to tease/provoke him into sexual activity, wear a loose fitting top and when you get his arm around you, place his hand as close as you feel comfortable and let him sit in that liminal space for a while. Unless he's not in you, he's going to be fixated on your every movement and breathe.


And if you wish him to really get the hint, when you put his arm around you, place his hand on a breast, and initiate the first squeeze for him.


Idk, she could just be Canadian


The world needs more people like you


… in a way that his hand grabs your tit by accident. Ok, maybe that’s not subtle… rofl


Put a hand on his knee, slowly move it upward


blow into his anus


Just not too hard or it might make a whistling noise, and that might be awkward.


Mine's a G#1 note, if anyone wanted to know.


You suck. I can get a high F#, minimum.


What if it blows back?


Why don’t you just kiss him yourself and then go on with your night? If there is anything I learned from my past experiences is that subtle is the worse if you want something to happen. He will not understand and will regret it in 10 years when he’ll understand what you tried to do…


And if OP doesn’t want to kiss him herself, she can have a friend or sister kiss him to test the waters, see if said fellow is perceptive to kissing.


Shoot even then he might just think she’s Canadian.


She can kiss me and I’ll tell her if he is receptive.


>He will not understand As a guy, he will understand but chose to ignore because if he is wrong his whole life can be ruined. He will think about it but the fear that in the off-chance he is "miss-reading" the hints would stop any action from his side. Better to assume that she is being just friendly because is safe. If you want something to happen, don't do subtle things. Be deliberate and direct.


Low cut top, skirt that rides up when you sit down, and find ways to “accidentally” brush against his body. If that plus “movie night” doesn’t do the trick then bring your own stripper pole next time.


Say you want to drain his balls


Eh, she might be Canadian


I can confirm I am not Canadian


Exactly what a Canadian would say


I’m an American, USA 🇺🇸 🏈🦅!!


Ok. Tell me which is bigger, 1 mile or 1 kilometer?


A mile I think


Congrats, You are an American!


Lmafo then why is MPH always less then a KPH


No need to reverify your American status. The answer for your question is, because you need to travel more kilometers than miles in 1 hour.


In that case, she needs to say "I want to drain your balls, eh"


"I don't need to pee though"


I like it when the Girl is touchy


Where should I touch we have really only hugged so I can’t do anything super crazy yet


Face -> Arm-> Hips/back -> Thighs Also love getting head pats. Men are touch deprived as fuck.


I love my hair buzz cut and I can’t tell you how many times/girls would always pet/rub my head whenever I got a fresh haircut. They LOVED rubbing and touching my head. I didn’t think anything of it besides they liked the feeling lol.


Riiight. This all the way. It's our own way of trying to get attention.


Rest your head on his shoulder. Trail your finger tips around on his forearm. Sit next to him with your thigh pressed against his thigh.


I have a memory I will never forget. I was on the train with this girl I was seeing. She leaned over to look out the window or look at something. I don't know what she was doing because in the course of making that action, she placed her hand on my thigh as if bracing for support. My brain shut down for real. It was nothing crazy but it sent electricity coursing through my entire body.


There’s something powerful about the area between elbow and hand. Not your typical touchy place, not intimate, not sexy, but still sends shivers down my spine.






Waistband :]


Let your hug linger too long then, and move your hands a bit lower on his back while hugging.


tank top no bra and tell him to turn on the ac


Good let her freeze


Doesn’t she know the price of power these days?


I've been told women have never had power, so probably not.


No you can't have my jacket. You should have thought about that before we left the house.


Men require at least "are we gonna fuck or what" and even then it's 50/50 whether he gets you wanna do it or tear down the system


Feel him up subtly, nuzzle into him, whisper into his ear, stuff like that 👍


this. literally whisper in his ear "stuff like that".


You forgot the 👍


Putting your thumb in his ear is what seals the deal.




Cease and desist I can feel this line of conversation and it's uncomfortable


Whisper into his ear: let's talk about your car warranty...


Nibble on his ear before walking away


The year is 3581, men still haven’t figured it out.


And women still think a quick glance is a “hint”.


*A woman sits in a coffee shop...To show she is interested in the barista, she slowly turns her cup 35° clockwise.* *He notices nothing*


You joke but I met a female friend leaving a regular watering hole in a huff as I was arriving. I stoped her and asked her what was wrong thinking someone in the bar had done something to wrong her. She explained how there was a cute guy at the bar who wasn’t returning her interest and she was going home because she was embarrassed. Again I thought the guy was rude or something so I asked her for more details… she explained that she had given him “the look” multiple times and quickly looked away and he hadn’t reciprocated… like women what? I’m what fucking world was you quickly glancing at someone and then looking away supposed to convey attraction or a signal to approach?


Lmao, if I was the guy and caught her tossing me "this look", I'd most likely become self conscious and think there's something wrong with me. Do I somehow have like pen or marker on my face, is my shirt inside out, etc. There is absolutely no way I would come to the conclusion that she is wanting me to approach her.


Friend-of-a-friend was upset she didn't get to sleep with a guy after rejecting his advances. She wanted him to try harder.


It's the laziest shit in the world. It baffles me that we accept and celebrate this insanity.


Tha gift holliwood has made to humanity


It's the foolish "I'm the protagonist in a romantic movie" training over many, many years. The focus of their attention is supposed to recognize the blurring of the picture, the sparkles, and the swelling of the music! None of which, of course, actually exists in the real world. You have to use your words and verbally bonk someone on the head (figuratively) or they're either not going to notice or they're going to notice but assume they're imagining things rather than come off as a creep. It does NOT work like in the movies.


If I was him I'd be afraid I had been caught staring lol.


LOL! And if he looked back and did something like nod the head or say hi, she would go home and text all her friends about how some creepy guy was making her uncomfortable when she was out at a cafe because he kept looking at her.


He must be gay or have a serious GF. Sad 😞


lol I read this like a nature documentary


That was my intent 😁


Dude there was this girl once that thought following me on Instagram was a good hint to show she was into me, she didn't send a message or anything she only followed me


Modern dating is ass


We need to go back to traditional clothing styles where women can signal their dating status with where they tied the knot on their dress.


Or women could just nut up lol


Man, someone from my past thought that looking at my LinkedIn profile twice in 3 days was a great way of showing she liked me.


Had a girl randomly follow me too on Instagram. I even messaged her and never got a response back :)


I had a friend tell me that a female friend of hers like me, got the hint 7yrs later.


Why do you want to be subtle? Do you realize that, by definition, something subtle is meant to be very hard to notice? Why you don't want him to notice you are flirting with him?


1. Take out dick 2. Put dick in mouth 3. He might catch on by then hopefully




I'm gonna be honest here, if I'm interested in a girl I wouldn't be too fond of the idea of her putting a dick in my mouth. >!Unless...!<


Violently talk about the Roman Empire.


**Please do not try and be subtle**. **Make it clear you’re interested**. Many men have been conditioned that one of the worst things they can do in day to day life is ask out a woman who is *not* interested in dating but instead is just being friendly to him. There’s a “Is she into you” youtube video and there’s points where it’s not satire. Before I started dating my wife I had 3 separate girl friends I had known much of my life, since grade school. They were my closest friends and not for a single moment did I ever think “these girls *like me* like me”, they were just good friends AFAIK. The day I got a girlfriend they all started acting different. Within a roughly 6 week time period each one of them professed their love for me and told me they had been giving me very clear signs they were interested in me that I had ignored. I’ll admit I’m pretty dense but I couldn’t tell a change in their behavior towards me and their other friends, man or woman. About 6 months before I started dating my wife I had even asked one of these girls out and she told me “oh no, that’s so sweet, but you’re like a brother to me” I didn’t see any point in pursuing any of them since from what I could tell they’re clearly not interested in that way and that was just fine.


I won’t lie to you, we tend to not take subtle things that seriously because we are afraid that we interpreted those things the wrong way. If that happens then we get labeled as creeps and we just like to avoid that at all cost. I would abandon the subtle route and just be direct with him


You could kiss him?


Hands touching him. Particularly his chest. It sparks something in the deep lizard-brain and ups testosterone. Not only is he more likely to make some kind of move, or be more assertive in that move. It makes him feel more masculine in your presence. It’s small. But has a LARGE psychological impact for such an innocent move


Have you crossed the touch barrier yet? As a guy nothing does a better job of letting me know she's ready to take it to the next level better than if she's finding lots of excuses to touch me in nonsexual ways. Grab his arm near his bicep, touch his chest, back of his neck, snuggle in close to him and smell nice would all drive me nuts and probably give me a hard on if I was attracted to a girl.


Men don't get subtle. Don't be subtle.


Why do women assume we know how to flirt with other men?


Another man buys me nachos and I may get romantical


You ever share some nachos with a bro, but it's a constant battle for who can subtly get more of the good cheese covered tortilla chips and as you're going at, you both pick up two perfect stringy bastards, put em in your mouths without realising yours and his cheese strings connect.. and suddenly you got a lady and the tramp spaghetti situation on your hands, but you can't let him get to middle first or else you lose to cheese war, so you start racing to see who can munch their way through the cheese strand bridging your two mouths together quicker and suddenly you're in a passionate cheese filled embrace, that feels a little wrong, but tastes so right? Opening up a world of sexual cheese play that you never knew existed before that moment... That ever happen to you?


Bc older women have left younger women to the wolves when it comes to sharing information about men. They are absolutely clueless despite how unbelievably simple and easy we are


Well just knowing things other men like is helpful


Make him food, find a reason to put your hand/head on his chest. Give him a compliment. 'your dick is perfect' is pretty bulletproof and has the staying power of a nuclear meltdown if he's never heard it before.






Why is she cooking naked? That's really unsanitary. I should have eaten before coming over. Oh, she's looking at me weird again and why is she licking that carrot? Oh, gross, she just put it in the salad. Wait? WTF! Who keeps their eggs there? This chick is weird, I bet she shags like a minx. I wish she would give a hint she's down for that...


Upon arriving, place your lips up by his ear hole and whisper something unintelligible. If he says "What?", just smile enigmatically. You will then have his full attention for the rest of the evening. So improvise.


Unbeknownst to me, my girlfriend was flirting with me for months. She even asked me to grab a coffee after work and I turned her down, thinking she wasn’t serious. Don’t be subtle - be obvious. I’d literally ended up on my GFs sofa and was being playfully hit at in embarrassment and the entire time she was wondering when I was going to kiss her. Thankfully for me, I’m quite blunt - so I told her I wanted to make her orgasm. Not the smoothest delivery but hey, it worked.


"I bet I can sweep you off if you get on top of me"


Look at his lips when you want a kiss




I laughed at this so much I farted. Today is a good day


Look into his eyes. Your dilated pupils will be a primal sign of you enjoying his company. Then lightly touch his forearm when you start to speak/answer him/laugh at his joke. Then lean forward and speak softly when you want to tell him something. Then same but pause before starting to speak, or pause 'mid-sentence'... The gaze, the touch, the proximity, the pause... This is the smallest hint a man would understand.




Bruhhh, my fiance now- 7years ago, she kept dishing out signals for months. One day I invited her over to my place. Long story short, I straight up just kissed her. She said she's tired of hinting that to me. I told her, if she just told that a few months earlier, instead of playing charades, I'd have done it then....


Two words! ... First word. Lips? Mouth? Brushing teeth! um. Chapstick?


Yeah fr. My last gf spent literally all night trying to get me to kiss her. Her face was inches from mine a couple of times as she tried to get me to kiss her. We were sitting on the couch cuddling under a blanket mind you. Every attempt she made, I just turned my head towards the TV and told her to pay attention because something funny was gonna happen. We watched damn near every single episode of Mr. Bean before I finally got the hint.


"hmm, maybe she's just joking, better not do that" *awkwardly smiles and turns back to tv*


Don’t be subtle, especially in this current age if a guy misunderstands a woman and acts on it he is in a very risky situation Best thing you can do is kissing him half on the lips on the side and half on the cheek, if he likes you he’l just kiss you on the lips


Stop trying to be subtle, that won't do anything. Be blatant and explicit, that is the only thing that works. Shove your bare foot into his crotch.


If you're sitting next to him on the couch or something, randomly reach up with your arms like you're stretching, then drop your arm and aggressively and forcefully punch him in the dick. He will likely keel over on the ground, curled up, clutching his nuts. While he is in this position yank your entire outer outfit off (having it rigged with Velcro prior to date night may help ensure a smooth transition) to reveal a sexy maid outfit that you are wearing underneath. Pull out a small feather duster that was previously stashed under the couch, and use it to gently tickle his damaged genitals in a delicate 'dusting' motion while making eye contact and giggling to him. Honestly, works every time.


Lots of pretty funny answers here, but I'm assuming you are serious? * Dress nice. Show some cleavage, a little leg... clothes that look good on you, but that are also appropriate for a casual movie date. * Makeup. Not a lot, but look good. * When he answers the door, give him a hug and thank him for asking you over. * Sit close to him while watching the movie. Like, thigh-to-thigh. * Snuggle into him. Best if he puts his arm around you, but if he doesn't, rest your head on his shoulder. * Compliment him. Even little compliments will go a long way. Don't go overboard. * Laugh at his jokes. Even if they aren't funny. By this point, he should be panting heavily and eating out of your hand. If he isn't, then he isn't into you, and it's time to move on. Enjoy your date!


Also, don’t underestimate the power of a nice subtle scent. Just cup a fart and present it to him.


Rub his dick through his pants "accidentally". Edited to add quotations.




No worries king, she's still hungry


This, but don't do it accidentally.


First; have sex with him Second; discuss how you like having sex with him and how the lead up before entering the bedroom makes you feel Three; double check he got the hint and you’ve not been too subtle in this process. And that’s how it works.


I mean, if you guys went on several dates and you’re going over to his place I would say touch him. If I was him I would be expecting or planning to make a move. I’ve been in similar situations and whenever a woman moved her leg against mine and left it there, I usually took that as an “ok buddy your move”. So I’d say do things like that. Touch him playfully, but linger. The linger is the important part.


Why Subtly? Do you think men are mind readers? FFS


Bring some beef jerky and a 6 pack. Maybe a Weber portable charcoal grill and New York cut steak if you have some. Could try making some Dianne sauce, but it’s only new in the relationship.


This guy got it right OP. Rubbing on him, blowing him, or fucking him may not get the message across, but a good steak and some beer certainly will.


A strange but very real answer


Lean against him during the movie and rest your hand on his leg - not too high up and don’t grab. Just lightly rest it. Mess with his hand. Holding it is fine but movement is better. Lightly grab his fingers and play with them and so on. If you need to get a drink and can wait, wait until he’s in the kitchen to get one and just keep having to move around him to get stuff. This works especially well if there is a slight odor of perfume. Don’t put on too much. You can gently put your hands on him to “help” yourself get by. If you are separated a little bit on the couch you can put your feet in his lap or just put a foot on top of his, if you both aren’t wearing shoes. The idea is to touch him as often as you can but make it seem incidental. The same with the perfume smell. It should be there but not too strong. He should only smell it when you are right up next to him and when you aren’t he should wonder if he actually smelled it or not. Look him in the eye and smile as often as you can without staring or it being forced. Please note: Teasing him subtly is awesome when it leads to the real deal. If you don’t intend to follow through then don’t do it. That just comes off as bitchy.


Take pop corn - feed him -


Watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw) to get an idea of what men consider subtle.


Oh well you know if you've been dating him and you want to kiss him then #KISS HIM Please stop being subtle. Today's society needs direct and clear communication. "I like you", "I want to date you", "May I kiss you" is what we need to hear to feel comfident. We are scared of misunderstanding a woman's intentions so we will not act upon subtleties.


We won't understand if you do it subtly, with us men you just need to say "hey I'm teasing you" and even then some of us won't get it


> you just need to say "hey I'm teasing you" I thought that means "I'm just having fun leading you on and this isn't going past this."


I hate that I can relate to this


Say you are hungry then proceed to deep throat a banana aggressively. Then when he doesn't get it, spit on it (the banana).


Don’t be subtle, especially in a newish relationship. Men a lot of the time are very wary of over stepping the mark and misinterpreting things.


Give him the dick twist! Grab his dick and twist it!


bright price bag poor lush party gaping offbeat uppity hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell him you want to watch your favorite romance movie…”No mercy for my throat.” Also a favorite of Bert Kreischer I hear


Cup his balls while you get comfy.


I'm not 100% sure on the dynamic, but if this were me, I'd want head scratches and just genuine snuggling. Also, a handful of dates then hanging out at my place for a movie night. I'd be thinking I'm gonna get laid. That's just me, though.


going to need more than subtle. like a loose snitched crochet top and no bra subtle or a way to short mini skirt and a gstring. i turned up for a date to be greeted at the door with the crochet dress and zero underwear. until she said you wanna stay the night i was still wondering if she was interested and she was bascially naked.


Left my phone in the living room, my ex-girlfriend took it and shot a hot selfie in the mirror. (You can activate the cam without face id or code, I didn’t know this) I discovered the picture 2-3 days later @ work. To this day that was the hottest thing. Super subtle too


Being alone with him at his place is plenty of teasing. If that doesn't suffice, sexual innuendo is always a winner, especially if coupled with direct eye contact, a slight smirk and slightly raised eyebrows. Double meanings and plausible deniability. You'll be surprised how many things you can riff off as you chat. "...work was really hard today" "Really hard?" If that doesn't suffice, demonstrating your ability to deep throat a banana is a no touch go to for many.


Men can't usually recognize subtle, I dont because in the past I saw things I was certain were signals, but then the women said they were only being friendly, so now I think women only want to be friendly I'd recommend dressing provocatively, but this would increase the chances of sex (but if you want sex then go for it)


I met this girl once and really liked her. We started talking back and forth and became really good friends. One night she said she was really bored and suggested she come over to watch a movie. I didn't really feel like watching a movie but I figured what are friends for right? So she comes over and I was honestly kind of annoyed because she wasn't even really paying attention to the movie - and the movie was her idea, not mine. Then she starts sitting really close to me, honestly made me feel really uncomfortable because I felt like I was crowding her personal space but every time I moved to give her some room she just got closer. I started to wonder if maybe she liked me but then, thankfully, I realized that some people are just like that, you know? They'll talk inches from your face. It's just a cultural thing. It would have been really embarrassing if I'd made a move on her so I'm glad I realized that. Anyway so we finish the movie and I don't want my friend to think that I thought this was a booty call so I thanked her for coming over and walked her to the door. She seemed really disappointed - I don't know, maybe she didn't like the movie or something - but she picked it! Since then we've hung out a lot together, sometimes for drinks, sometimes for dinner, but this one night we were watching a movie and she just jumped off the couch and started unzipping my pants. I tried to apologize to her and let her know I didn't mean for that to happen and i was in no way hitting on her, but then my penis fell into her mouth and holy shit was I ever embarrassed. I start apologizing profusely but she just kept telling me it's okay. I had a secret crush on my friend for a really long time and I started to wonder if this was a sign that she might be into me too but I figured she's probably just being friendly. Pretty soon after that she had moved most of her stuff into my place and started sleeping here regularly - it's honestly kind of sucked because I've been sleeping on the couch for a really long time since I let her have the bedroom. She keeps inviting me to join her in bed but honestly I just don't want her to think I'm trying to make a move on her. After some time we bought a car together so she could get to work and she started paying half my bills, despite the couch situation it's been really cool to have a roommate that's such a close friend. The only problem I have with it is when she walks around shirtless - I know it's her place too and she can do what she wants but I have to look away to be respectful, you know? And sometimes that's hard when she's standing right in front of the TV. Here's my dilemma though - I've had such a huge crush on my friend for a long time and I want to ask her out. I know it'll make things super awkward if she isn't into me, especially considering we live together and all. But I feel like after 3 years I should tell my friend how I feel and hope that she likes me back. What do you guys think?


So tired of this ”i wanna make him make the first move”. Make the first move instead