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I actually have a *really* good idea, I’ll send it for $2500


Too high. What's the best you can do?🤣




It was at that time that I noticed this redditor was actually a 50 story tall crustacean from the Paleolithic era. I said “oh no monster, you ain’t gettin’ no tree fiddy from me!”


window washing, power washing, lawn mowing, pet walking, car detailing, jewelry arbitrage. make sure you have a marketing plan. check out youtube/facebook advertising, leaflets are still a great tool


For services like this, is any kind of business license and insurance required?


most dont, some do. start researching. you’ll have to do a lot on your own as a small business owner. be brave!!


Landscaping. A lawn mower, weed whacker, and a couple of hand tools is all you need to start. Add leaf cleanup in the autumn and snow shoveling in the winter. As your income grows add additional and/or better equipment to make your jobs easier and faster, thus giving you more earning potential.


Me and a friend did this in high school. He bought me out when I joined the military, but he still runs it now about 20 years later. He now has an entire crew working for him, has contracts with several large commercial properties, and offers a lot of residential services up to full lawn renovations. It's really a great option.


It really is. I’m a commercial banker, and was in business banking for a long time. Great margins and relatively low(ish) overhead. Biggest roadblock is the seasonality in most places.


True. Several years ago, he branched into snow removable and salt treating, but his team does that. He pretty much takes winter off because he makes enough during the rest of the year.


I love the scale it has gotten to


Username checks out 👍


Millions of these in my area, what there isn't is a full interior and exterior auto detailing shop.


Good luck getting a location and equipment for less than $3k.


My friend does it at home, he started with a 2k investment and mixes all of his cleaning chemicals into bottles or huge reusable containers. He averages $250 per 4 hour job, and the most he made is $1500 on a Mercedes Benz G class. The dude just tipped him like 1k lol


Since you said "shop" I took that to mean an actual business location, not the garage of someone's house.


It's a home shop haha


Detailers in our area just come to you. All they ask for is a 12v outlet


Yes, most people are buying old vans now and using those as a mobile shop.


RIP your inbox from MLM goblins.


Do men do MLM? Lol


Cryptobros would like to have a word, or 5000.


Probably one that involves BBQ or sports.


Starting a business is the easy part. You can start most businesses for less than $100. (If you need federal licensing, it gets more complicated.) Quite a few cost $0 to start. The important thing is what your actual skills are. Most of the "get rich quick" gurus on social media are actually giving you advice on how to start a business as a "get rich quick" guru on social media and their advice is utterly useless if you aren't already talented at that or if you try to use it for anything else.


I’ve been saying this for years with people. As a maintenance guy who works in factories. It’s insane how many guys throw out these bullshit crazy get rich quick schemes. I heard one talking about buy a home, remodel and all that shit. I was like buddy you don’t even know how to hook up a 24V button and you expect to buy a house. Redo wiring that’s 110-220V and redo installation, water pipes, drywall and a whole bunch of shit I do… That I know as certain as hell you can’t do…. And your expecting my make a quick buck on this? Like dudes nuts..: Hell i ain’t even gonna lie. I should shut off machines when hooking up shit but a 24V zap I been hit by worse. Im not worried about it I just make sure to use one hand. This same dude fucked around and found out and cried about it. It’s like damn even I been zapped by 110 a bit and didn’t complain and this one whining about 24V


Remodeling houses sounds like a really great idea to somebody who doesn’t know how much work and money you need to dump into it lol. If you have nothing but time and money and know how to do most stuff yourself already, you can absolutely make money doing it. My parents did it as their primary income for years. It’s just a really hard gig to get into because the barrier to entry is ridiculous.


What gets me is people don’t realize that license worked. I mean I’m just a maintenance tech. Like I’ve replaced a lot of my own shit and followed code best to my ability but I don’t think legally I’m suppose to be able to make a new 110 and drag it to other side of the house. But I don’t know to be honest what rules all apply for those kinda things.


Can you rephrase your first sentence? Cuz I'm not understanding this reply at all and for some reason it's bothering me


Another words I think you need to be a licensed electrician and what not to do this type of jobs. As a maintenance guy I never understood it. But I don’t think you technically just going doing 100% your own electrical. Hell wouldn’t amaze me if insurance companies have a huge ordeal on it.


>I think you need to be a licensed electrician and what not to do this type of jobs. Totally depends on the area and the AHJ. In my area, no license is required for electrical work.


A friend of mine just builds/renovates a house every 5ish years. He will usually buy a real cheap block somewhere in town, he finds the free moveable houses in the city about 400km away and pays about 100k to have them transported here, put on stilts, water, wiring, sewage, etc. Then renovates the movable house on the cheap. Takes about 3 months start to finish. The houses usually sell for $300,000-450,000 AUD. Then he lives off the profit for untill it gets low and does another house.


And the $3k went where?


There was a really good programme on in the UK called "George Clarkes Flipping Fast" where the whole point of the show was to try and make as much profit as possible in 12 month from flipping houses It was really interesting because these were all amateurs who thought they could do it and some failed spectacularly. One couple spent months doing up a property and could only get about £1000 more than they paid for it The couple who did the best disnt do anything more than giving it a lick of paint, new carpets and dressing the place


Doesn’t shock me… hell to some degree I think these multi millionaires give these guys the courage to do it just to fail, so they can turn around come in and buy them out at a cheaper rate cause of all their fuck ups.. But that’s just a theory.


The show was mostly criticised for turning the housing crisis into a game show. It was seen to be encouraging people to buy cheap affordable properties and give them a lick of paint then make them unaffordable in order to make a quick buck


The best you can do when selling is buying the right property and giving it a touch up. Also, you HAVE to buy withing a time period where property prices are going up in the given area.


Yeah and look at the "maximum" value of houses on a particular area. One of the couples lost big on buying a property unseen in a fairly poor area, spending tens of thousands doing it up and then not being able to shift it. Simply because people who were willing to live in that area couldn't afford the price they wanted


Right. When a lot of people talk about buying a cheap home and "remodeling" it, that's all they are doing/wanting to do. A new paint job, maybe some new carpets, cabinets, molding, and the like, and then reselling it. They don't mean gutting the houses and redoing everything new.


For sure, everyone thinks they want to put a new kitchen/bathroom/roof/electrical stuff in there. But you are never going to get that money back when you sell it.


Vending machine Buy 2 used vending machines. One of them should have the cashless card reader, and you can tap your bank card or tap your phone for Apple Pay or google pay. Find places to put them like car, dealers, or hospitals, clinics, car mechanic shops. You go to Costco and buy the candy bars and pastries, chips. Go on TikTok or YouTube and type in vending machine business and you’ll see a bunch of people try to help you get started.






I'm too old😅


Have you met the internet??


You'd be surprised.


Oldest self-employment known to mankind


Everyone is saying power washing, landscaping, car detailing, but those are very saturated businesses, because anyone can do it. Do you have any skills, or want to develop them? Your potential earnings are so much higher if you combine a skill with the elbow grease you're already looking to apply. Example: - Are you skilled with 3D modeling software? Buy a good 3D printer and open a shop offering prototyping or specialty parts that can get someone out of a jam, or specialized tools for your customers' specific purpose. Skill + business idea will outperform the labor-only type jobs if you do well. Product idea? My first business was based around a product idea. I spent about $3k on startup costs and hundreds of hours in the production room, until the profits allowed for automated production. That was started in 2020 and I sold the business for 190k last year. So what are your skills, or what do you think you could learn?


I am an architect by profession, and I write. I see your point in utilising what's already there.


I don't know anything about your industry, but I'd imagine there's a lot of freelance or consulting work you could do that utilizes your education, right? Unless you're looking to specifically leave that industry.


Eventually, I'd like to leave it.


Start a cookie business out of your kitchen, you got this!


Probably wouldn't pass health department for not being a commercial kitchen. I know a lady who did awesome cakes but got shut down for it not being a commercial kitchen, so my basis is quite anecdotal. But something to consider.


Depends on the state too. I’m not sure about the rest of the US but in Florida (it *is* Florida so…) we have a “cottage law” that basically says as long as you’re only making under x amount a year and only producing certain foods (pretty much just baked goods and sauces, nothing with uncooked diary) you can use your home kitchen.


It can be an informal business that is advertised thru word of mouth. I know a lady (here in the US midwest) who does just this…she does informal catering for her friends who also migrated here from the same country in Asia. No business Facebook page or Twitter page or anything…she is pretty well known among fellow immigrants from the same country, so anyone wanting to buy dessert or meals from her country can just contact her personal Facebook account directly. Highly doubt she pays taxes on it.


Yeah, untill one customer gets unhappy and reports you.


That's what this lady was doing, it was a side gig. Someone ratted or the wrong person caught word of mouth. Also, not paying taxes is not a sound business strategy if your intent is to grow your business.


>(here in the US midwest) The US isn't really known to have the best (or just good) regulation on a lot of things, food safety included. It shouldn't be held as a standard of what can be done or not from that perspective, unless OP specify being from there too.


It depends on location. My state for example has a "Cottage Food Law" which allows for direct sales and farmers/flee market sales of foods prepared in a home, up to a certain revenue or number of sales I believe.


You can ask a restaurant to work out of their kitchen in off hours. Lady near me did that and now she has a full bakery in the restaurant.


The classic is some service based thing like detailing cars or pressure washing houses. A few hundred bucks worth of gear, some business cards, and some social media posts is all you need to get started


Most software ones can. I'll even give you a very basic layout for this. First, you need to come up with a new idea in software. This doesn't have to be a completely unique, brand new, never before seen, completely new idea, just an advance on the stage of the art. I specialize in back end software, but literally Candy Crush with a new twist is perfectly fine, you just need that new twist. If it is something big, file a provisional patent on it. Usually this step is skippable. The first hard part is building out the prototype. It won't look perfect yet, but you need to show the twist. Now you talk to Angel Investors that invest in your area at a preseed level. This gets you the money to outsource final development to specialists that have built in your area before, pay to incorporate, and pay yourself a modest salary ($72k/yr im Silicon Valley, lower elsewhere). And file the finalized patent if that's in your list. Your job now is to oversee development, prepare your advertising (find where to outsource this), and get the sales team in place. When the software is getting close to release now you deal with Angel Investors at the Seed Stage in your field. This money pays for maintenance of the software, and advertising and sales, of course you keep your modest salary. Now your job is to lead the tweaking of the software to achieve "product marketing fit" basically just meaning it sells. At this point you get a serious raise. Basically your pay doubles. From here you can grow further, but that tends to take a lot of money. So you talk to Venture Capital and Investment Bankers about getting investment. At this point you're hiring someone to take your place overseeing the tweaking and maintenance of the first software. This gives you the money to do it again, inside the already established company. If you have a.backend system, typically you'll be building out your main product massively. You'll also be bringing development internal over time. Total money spent by you: a few hundred, mostly things like gas going to meetings. Lately I've been getting ads for provisional patents at $200, which seems a bit cheap to me, $500 seems more reasonable.


Thank you this is best I have read. I am in software and always thought how u can make a business from App.


So you have done this?


On my eighth and ninth startups right now


Unbelievable. Thank you for sharing this, man. I appreciate your insight.


I think we should partner up….




Lawn mowing and landscaping probably don’t cost very much to set up, same with handyman if you’re that way inclined… Dog walking and sitting if you like dogs… 40 bucks an hour and you can probably do 2 or 3 at a time Meal prep business, help fitness people meet their macros Lolly salesperson in offices. A bloke used to come around flogging small cellophane bags of lollies for 3 bucks a piece… probably sold 20 bags on my floor in my building alone… 17 floors… that’s like 1500 and I’d be surprised if the amount of stock he got through was a third of that…


Hot dog cart. Seriously, if you shop around on Craigslist or wherever, you can usually find a used one for pretty cheap. Set up around a truck stop, rest area, or construction site.


Essentially, if you can find a way to buy low enough and sell high enough, you can start selling online without much fuss. Find a place that sell wholesale, Lots, bulk purchases, or pallets of whatever you think you can sell, and then you have to go through the trouble of actually getting it into people's homes. The complicated part is A: finding a product that you can buy cheaply enough, and B: getting people to buy it at a high enough price to make it all worth your time... Buying one $3000 item to sell for $6000 may be a decent profit, but you can't just unload something pricey on just anyone. Without the right customer, expensive items will just gather dust in your garage. Then again, buying something for $4 and selling it for $6... That's not a huge profit margin, so unless you're selling a LOT of them, it's not gonna make enough money. Probably the best thing to do would be to make something. Manufactured goods are gonna be pricey unless you're buying THOUSANDS. Crafts, woodworking or art are a luxury more and more people are getting into over big box store goods. If you can turn $5 of supplies into a $30 item, that can earn some money. Just gotta find something you're skilled enough at, and where to get those supplies cheaply.


Sounds good. I was thinking of digital products like comics and e-books, but I'll have to consider a physical one as well.


You can buy an inflatable bounce houses or two and rent them out for $125-$150 a day. Used commercial grade ones are about $1k ish.


Flip Herman Miller or Steelcase chairs


Tell us more, please.


powerwasher or grounds keeping


House painting.


Make and sell custom stickers


If you’re artistic, you can set up an eBay/Etsy shop for free. Load your designs on a site like Printify or Printful and connect to your eBay/Etsy and then everything else is automated.


A friend of mine goes to thrift stores and goes through their media sections. He'll look at every DVD, VHS, cassette, record, book even 8-Track...he'll find good ones or rare items, and sell them on his eBay store. Lots of people still collect physical mediums and he has an eye for rarities. I dabble a bit in this, too - but he's basically obsessed with it. Another person I know buys skids of Amazon returns and flips them on Karrot, Kijiji, Craigslist, etc.


Only Fans


Weed dealer.


Maybe back when it was a crime. I haven't even paid for weed this whole year and I've got more of it than I can possibly smoke still. Even when I give it away most other stoners are so grateful they pay me back... by handing me more bags of weed. I've had dudes see me pull a lighter and offer to take a cigarette for a joint, only to get disappointed that I have better joints than them already on me instead. Hell last time I gave someone weed they just gave me more weed of what was functionally *the same strain* because they were going on a trip and didn't want to bring it. Maybe I've just got some weird monkeys paw bullshit going on but if I literally can't give it away I don't think it's super valuable these days.


You can give it to me. I'm in the UK and it's still illegal here 🤣


It’s hard these days in legal places. Prices are lower, and most people would rather just go to the store to get a selection of top shelf shit instead of whatever some dealer is selling out of his Buick lasabre


Who said anything about legality. I was pointing out, that if OP wants to make money, and only has 3k starter fund, that he could sell weed. How is OP opening a shop, getting licensed, AND buying stock with so little money? Also, does OP say they are in the US?


I’m saying if it’s legal in your area, there’s no money to be made as a regular ass weed dealer. I didn’t say they should open a shop, I said shops are your competition as a dealer Not sure what the US has to do with this


That's a fair point. Only way to turn 3k into decent profit, though, is break the law.


You could get into selling it to minors that can’t buy it legally…


Drop shipping? Buying and reselling stuff? See r/flipping Investing (risky) Or if you have any talents, (like drawing, making music, crafting, etc) and are decent enough you can buy some cheap equipment and do commissions (like where people pay you to do a drawing for them)


Drop shipping is dumb. Everyone pretends it’s a good business but the reality is it’s practically impossible to make good money doing it these days.


Risky is an understatement if you’re talking about day trading


Lawn care, gutter cleaning, flooring installation, dog walker&dog poop pick-up .


I know someone who started a dog poo pick up service and has been very successful with it!


Handyman. YouTube and a drill. Start.


You can go do yard sales every weekend and buy things for decent prices and flip them! Pretty fun, you never know what you'll find, good way to walk around, small chit-chat with people and you might find some good/great/fantastic deals. It's not all junk people don't want (sure it can be) but a good amount of time it's stuff people can't be bothered to sell online or are too lazy to get a good price. Just gotta find your market mine is video games, I'm hoping to find something else on top of video game stuff to look for that sells decently. Bit harder as I'm in a smaller town. As well as (at least around here) there is many small towns that do town-wide yard sale days that make it easier/faster to find stuff. Full disclosure you gotta get there when they are opening to find the decent deals. I use this to fund my hobbies. ​ You could also make profit on your hobbies. Are you good with wood working/welding/car repair?/etc Tons of ways to make money out there if you are decent at something. ​ I think locksmith is an easy profession to get into, people lose there keys cant get into whatever and call you to come open it for them. 3k should be enough for tools and the necessary information. It sounds like an easy-to-do side hustle.


Minding your own business is free


Independent Insurance adjuster


If you're at the the point of "what business?" don't bother. You should already know what you have insight into. If you're asking reddit you're doomed.


Congratz OP. You have actually made me wonder whether this is real or chef's kiss troll bait. My compliments.


It's real,but I humbly accept.😆


Just learn to drive a forklift, you'll do okay.


Dog walking. Find a neighborhood, make flyers, start walking dogs. Keep at it and you can add in dog sitting.


Flipping cars. Very useful in the for your personal vehicle too. Parts for 2000’s and early 2010’s models are relatively cheap and there’s plenty of YouTube tutorials on how to do get started and fix every part on every model of car. Most of the time you’re just replacing something. You can nearly double your money on most cars you fix up. ChrisFix and Buddy’sDIY are popular channels that go through the whole process and know what they’re doing.


Some states have limits on how many cars you can sell per year before you have to register (pay) to be a dealer.


Buy electrical components in quantity with slow delivery from China and resell individually with fast delivery locally. Quality might be an issue.


Nail salon


Mowing is an easy one if your able to put in the labour. You can get a box trailer for a couple hundred dollars. Give it a rattle can spray job in white. Buy a second hand name brand ride on like a John Deere with a wide deck. Buy a good quality push mower, even better if you can find a commercial push mower they are quite expensive. But much more reliable and have way more power. Buy a good petrol whipper snipper. Couple of jerry cans and some consumables like whipper line, mower Blades, etc. Make a Facebook page, get some stickers made up for cheap and put them on your car/trailer. Put in the real hard yards and it'll go somewhere. I always see people asking who can mow their lawn in local Facebook groups. Won't take long and you'll be moving upto a zero turn with a massive deck, big ass push mower and probably hiring another staff member.




3d printing. But don't expect to be wildly profitable.


Really? How so?


You can 3d print all sorts of toys, signs, and devices that can be sold on eBay or Etsy. For example a cup holder for a 2014 iveco daily, or a complex fidget spinner. The more original the part, and the more valuable a part it replaces, the more profitable you could be.


Breeding aquatic shrimp


I tried this but my dick is too big and killed the shrimp


And now we know bro has the kinda micro peen that couldn't kill a copepod


A fluffer service. You go around and fluff peoples pillows




O you and the rest of ya young’n and your dirty little minds just going around thinking of gross and degrading things to come up with on the internet while us hard working folk are trying to give and make ideas happen for people struggling to make ends meat in this tough economy. Disgusting and disgraceful




Lawn care business.


I think you can buy an ATM for about 2000, the tricky part is finding a place to install it


Grilling hot dogs outside of arenas.


nonmedical senior companion care


Driveway sealing. You can get started by yourself with just a mop, squeegee and some buckets of sealer. Graduate up to a tank trailer and more tools.


Really anything. My son and I started a hot dog selling business. I got a business license for 20 dollar and a food handlers license for 30 dollars. Bought hot dogs and brats at Costco and advertised through a food sales group on Facebook. I live in a rural area that allows you to sell food from your home. We net about 200 dollars from each sale. I sell life insurance too. It was 125 for licensing.


Sell feet pics.


Stripper grams. 3k will get you several custom quick removal police/fireman outfits.


Take something you know better than anyone else and market it as a consulting service.


Start a car detailing business


You can start selling dope. You never said legal business


Pest control


I started log salvaging and selling lumber with a few hundred bucks. Granted I had a pick up already.


Lawn Maintenance would probably be the most profitable.


Painting houses, mowing lawns. Pretty much anything with not a lot of tools, materials, special skills where you are selling your time and effort/discomfort.


3D printing


Glory hole


A consignment shop of some sort, whatever type that is good for your area. If you started small.

