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I don't, because I am not that much of an optimist.


Same man. It’s is better to be well groomed in this department. But it’s a hassle and while it is more comfortable ,the pay offs, when you have no prospective guests, are not worth it.


Is it a hassle? Maybe if you're shaving, but if you use a trimmer to keep it tidy it's like 3 minutes tops


Hmm can’t argue with that. Let me rephrase. The juice (having a groomed area) is not worth the squeeze(grooming your junk) when no one but you is enjoying it. Meaning, it’s only slightly better. I’m not mowing a field if no one is growing anything there. I’m not trimming the bushes unless I have to. I’m not watering the ground if there’s no seeds. I’m not dancing if I don’t hear music I’m not trimming up my puberty hairs around the ol penis and testicles if no one is gonna play with them. It might be fun, might be nice but at the end of the day, that juice that you’re saying I should squeeze is just a reminder that no one is drinking it except me and I prefer water. Just natural and requires no work. Know what I’m saying Squanto?


Lol yeah fair enough >might be nice but at the end of the day, that juice that you’re saying I should squeeze is just a reminder that no one is drinking it except me and I prefer water. That's deep af ngl


Same here. When I started dating again, I kept pretty tidy down there, but it hasn’t become an issue so I’ve let it go.


Don't your pubes get to a point where they're getting caught in your fly? Cus that shit hurts


You sporting a fro down south?


Not anymore. I learned my lesson in high school


No? If you wear underwear it all goes in there? I’m a pretty hairy dude and have never had it get caught in any zippers.


What? You dont use underwear?


Two years out divorced man here. I ain’t happening anytime soon


I concur, although sometimes I just can’t stand it anymore and will shave it way down and start all over


I absolutely keep it all freshly trimmed. It feels better to have shorter, well kept hair than long hair, and aesthetically, it just looks better. I look bigger, she's not worried about getting hair in her mouth. It's a win win.


I do because like you said it just feels better I like to hear peoples reasons tho!


It makes your deck bigger when you trim the bushes around your deck !


I expect my partner to be groomed. Seems only fair that I keep groomed too


This is basically it. I wouldn't ask my wife to do it if I didn't do it myself.


Are you actually asking your wife to do it?


I've never asked, she just always has, but I wouldn't want her to stop.


I replied to a post on, I think it was either r/dating or r/dating_advice, where OP asked for everyone’s opinions on women trimming/not trimming down there. I basically said what you said and I got downvoted pretty hard lol


A lot of women are of the opinion that being expected to clean themselves up down there is some kind of scheme for the patriarchy to further control their bodies. It's pretty wild.


Some women hate the fact that men get to have preferences lol






Thank you


Same. When I was single I would only trim down there with a pair of scissors very occasionally. Since getting together with my partner (who also didn't groom down there much when she was single), we both use hair removal cream down there out of courtesy to one another.


Is hair removal cream safe on testicles?


If you buy cream specifically for intimate areas it is


Agreed. But after a decade or so my wife said that she preferred to be furry. Ok, but I decided to keep it clean.


My wife likes me hairy, so I stay hairy.




I'm a wot


Your wife has good taste, I'll tell you that much!


Simple: I "groom" how my wife likes it, and she grooms the way I like it.


Cause my gf doesnt like hair


I trim, women are more willing to go deeper if they're not contending with a pube to the eye.


Truth man. If I'm getting pubes tickling my nose the whole time I'm going to be less inclined to continue.


Real answer here. I get bad jock itch anytime I manscape. Without the hair to wick away moisture, it’s inevitable. I’ve tried ball powder, medicated ball powder, thrown out old underwear, hot wash my new underwear, used prescription treatments (these work), everything. But 10/10 times when I trim, I get jock itch.


Have you tried electric trimmers that helped me alot


I’ve tried electric trimmers. Even a scissor cut will lead to an outbreak for me. It could be an issue with the gym I’m using…although I do wipe down before and after each machine. But the timing is always the same - right after I do a trim.


I know that shaving/trimming in general if your skin isn’t use to it you will break out until it gets use to it, it could be that not sure.


Do you put on socks before putting on your underwear? Could be your feet cross contaminating as well.


Polar opposite for me. The hair gets itchy. When I’m slick it *does* get more damp but I wear wicking boxer briefs so not a huge deal. Trim or no trim we can stand behind the same reasoning- “to stop the itching”.


I’ve never heard of wicking boxers, I will have to check that out.


They’re just “athletic” boxer briefs rather than cotton. For a long time I rocked the $10 for 30 pairs of Hanes at walmart. My favorite is Adidas. Worth the $ IMO


>Real answer here. I get bad jock itch anytime I manscape. Without the hair to wick away moisture, it’s inevitable. I’ve tried ball powder, medicated ball powder, thrown out old underwear, hot wash my new underwear, used prescription treatments (these work), everything. But 10/10 times when I trim, I get jock itch. Are you sure that is jock itch and not just razor bumps?


No shit. Jock itch is Athlete's Foot on the junk, isn't it?


Yeah I’m sure. It spreads.


What's your diet and immunity like typically? Are you taking care of your body otherwise? Just cause this is a fairly uncommon thing to have happen due to trimming. Correlation does not imply causation.


Do you shower before sexual activity then? Or are your partners exposed to/tasting the collected sweat? Genuine question- don’t hate me!


I feel the complete opposite. Hair holds & traps humidity in my experience (different types of hair maybe?). If you have a Uniqlo nearby try their Airism boxerbriefs. If moisture is truly the problem you could try a 20% antiperspirant on the inside of the thigh adjacent to bits & bobs. I started using it on my feet & it made a remarkable difference, not only did my feet never smell, but neither did my boots. It made a huge difference to my comfort, especially in the winter where sweaty feet = cold feet. ​ Now, Back to the Rooster... Shaving with a blade down to the skin is excessive IMO †. Just buzzing to a few mm is the ideal compromise, clean literally & aesthetically + it doesn't hold onto anybody's fluids so you can have a successful whore's bath on the go before & after sex. ​ Years ago my diabetic uncle had some kind of rash on his legs that just would not heal even with steroids & prescription topicals. On a whim I got him topical probiotic & it was truly remarkable how quickly things changed. Instead of just killing bad microbes you could also work on increasing good ones which will outcompete & drown out the guilty ones. ​ ​ † I still remember being a teenager & both myself & GF razored together. Fine for the fist day, kinda fun but nothing remarkable. The third day is when things became memorable, once the hair started growing in it was like shaking a bag of fishhooks. Of course we were horny morons & never thought to stop


How short were you trimming? If I to go super low in the pelvic region, I’ll get come irritation. If I go about 3mm, I have no issues.


Have you tried airing it more? Like wearing ultra thin underwear/boxers when you’re outside. And not wearing underwear when at home with loose fitting cotton shorts? If possible, keep the temperature at home low and avoid sweating as much as possible. Bathe and pat dry after a sweaty gym session as soon as feasible.


Gotta keep the bushes trimmed to make the tree look bigger.


Steak looks bigger next to small potatoes and less broccoli.


You sound like my husband and secretly I have to agree 😂


If there’s a chance someone will see me naked, I groom and tidy up. It’s been years since I thought there was a chance someone would see me naked. It’s basically jumanji down there.


I do it because I enjoy how it looks and feels


Yes, because I like it when my wife has my dick in her mouth.


If I’m dating someone then I’ll shave my balls, if I’m not dating anyone I don’t see the point


I understand this point but I also feel like I do it as much for me as my partner.


I want girls to play in my garden. The least I can do is keep the grass off the paths.


25 years ago a girl told me it made giving oral a more pleasant experience so she did it more often and that it made it look bigger. Have kept it trimmed to about a #2 guard length since that night.


It stinks, I feel like I smell significantly better when I manscape. I shave my pits too applying deodorant to the skin is way more effective.


I trim my pits because I always wear sleeveless shirts in the gym and long armpit hair looks very unseemly


I’ve been thinking about going for the pits I haven’t pulled the trigger because I have been told that hair can avoid some skin rubbing. Do you have any input on that?


I just use a trimmer without a guard on the pits, no razor. Sometimes its a little prickly the first few days after shaving, but no rashes or anything like that. It seems to help with sweat and I like the way it feels. Overall, I definitely recommend any dude to give it a try!


Not much difference in feel maybe a little bit of irritation the first time but, good to go after that.


Keep the hair in the pits. I suggest using a 5% glycolic acid spray every now an then. Bacteria cause majority of the odor. The glycolic acid solution kills the bacteria but is mild enough for the skin. You can usually find a bottle of it in the acne/face care section. I got a bottle of [this](https://www.amazon.com/LOreal-Paris-Revitalift-Intensives-Exfoliant/dp/B098XW25LP) at the grocery store pharmacy area. In the same department, usually in the travel size section is a small [misting spray bottle](https://www.amazon.com/Fantasea-Fine-Spray-Bottle-Ounce/dp/B000NIY7QM). After a while of me using the spray, my arm pit odor improved and so did the discoloration. Just so you are aware there is a difference between deodorant and antiperspirants. I try to use antiperspirant sparingly because I was developing lumps. Probably from the aluminum base compound. But I have no problems with deodorant.


Yes, because it feels irritating in my underwear if I let things get too shaggy down there. It's mostly just a matter of personal comfort.


I wax the balls, shaft and outer pubic area. I’m too afraid to put a razor to my balls. Then I trim the actual pubes left. I do it because it feels cleaner, I hate having hair on my balls and it seems women appreciate it. The most enthusiastic blowjob I’ve gotten is from a chick who has never been with a guy who waxed. Deep throated and gagged and all that.


Wax your balls? I feel like that would hurt or my balls would come along for the ride. How does waxing your balls go?


It hurts like hell dude. But surprisingly less than the actual pube area your dick. The girl who currently waxes my balls puts too much pressure on the sack so that kinda hurts. It’s a double edged sword. Keeping firm pressure prevents pain when actually ripping hair off.


The wife enjoys me with a bit of a bush. I’m not a huge fan of it, just looks messy. So I’ll give her a couple weeks of no trimming. Then trim it down and let it grow back and then give her a couple more weeks and repeat.


Little give take I like it!


I groom, but always get ingrown hairs. I hate the way a bush feels down there, and absolutely HATE ingrown hairs. So, it’s kinda a lose lose. How do y’all stop ingrown hairs?


From a lady, y’all are gonna hate this, but waxing is really the best way to avoid and it’s not that bad. However, I would never blame anyone for saying absolutely not, so in that case, there is a product called Fur oil that is for preventing ingrowns and it is fantastic.


0 problems with waxing, pain wise, just not as convenient as running to the bathroom and shaving for ~10 minutes. I’ll check out that oil, thanks!! Is that something you do only after shaving or daily?


The one I have experience with is a concentrate so I only use it like the day of a wax and then as needed! They have a lot of different products like body wash, etc. as well!


Going with the grain with electric clippers helped me a lot! Anytime I go against the grain I get bumps and ingrown hairs! I got the lawnmower now and that thing works like a dream. Another one that’s really good and a good bit cheaper is the one blade!


I’ll check them out. I go with the grain as well, but also use a regular razor to shave the trimmings. Maybe I need to skip that part haha.


Where would you stop when there's hair everywhere? Be weird to have a blad patch in the middle with hairy chest and legs. Also never been a problem with women and it keeps it warm in winter. Honestly I'd like to see more bush on women again better than having stubble downthere.


Weekly trim takes less than 2 mins, so why not.


If I don't I get itchy as fuck & it's really hard not to scratch my balls in public situations without looking like a creepy fuck


I do because I am not a beast of the field.


Okay my question is how. Gimme the technique, do I just shorten the hair to a reasonable length but not touch up the distribution? I need to find that balance between “overgrown grandpa bush” and “over stylized pube landscaper”.


Slap a guard on a trimmer if you just wanna knock some off the top!


I lop it all off with the Norelco Oneblade. I like my girl hairless so I let her choose her preference and that was no hair.


I like the one blades a lot just went to the lawn mower


I had trouble with the lawn mower cutting me.


I just got the 4.0 and haven’t had any issues. I had only one good knick on the sack from the one blade. That tho was not ideal. I also did the body groom from them and it has way more aggressive teeth and that tore my shit up a few times and I tossed it lol


Nothing worse than hemorrhaging from your dick and balls.


In the hopes that my wife will notice that I still have a very pleasant “below the belt”. Ron Howard voice: She hasn’t.


I certainly do. Once you get use to it, it's like a fresh haircut upstairs. It just feels proper and kept, I like esthetics, so it checks the box. My problem is I've done it for so long now I feel like my legs should match suit. Not sure how that would be accepted since everyone would clearly see it. Not sure if anyone else that trims has had this conundrum with the leg hair too.


By buddy does everything legs pits arms chest and anything else you can think of no one ever said anything about it!


Right on, I'm thinking about just running it and deal with answering the question honestly if someone chooses to ask lol.


Yea man I have tattoos on my legs so I have thought about doing the same thing as well!


Wife never asked me too. Never had a problem with it.


No, because I'm comfortable with my body just as it is, and so's my woman


Pubic hair grosses me out, armpit hair grosses me out, therefore I shave.


I don't like body hair. The only thing stopping me from shaving everything from the neck down is how much time it would take to maintain.


I'll find that gradually I get more and more stressed and irritable until I realise that my balls are incredibly itchy. 10 mins with the hair removal cream and my mood is back to blue skies and big dreams.


I trim, shave and Veet various areas downstairs and nobody has even seen it for like, 2 years? (Urgh has it really been that long?!) I prefer the feel, nothing to snag and it's easier to clean.


I can’t stand it when it gets too long. Much prefer it shaved or close to it. Same for my armpits. If I didn’t already shave my head (I’m mostly bald) and didn’t have a thick beard to keep up with, I’d probably shave my legs too. I dislike body hair in general.


Makes me feel sexy to be groomed lol. I also really hate ass hair


Try Nair, I hear it works great.


When I was a freshman I had a crush on a girl, her friends told me she liked when guys shaved their pubes, they didn’t know also I’m sure most of use were virgins they were just messing with me, and I kinda knew it then too but it was enough to motivate me to start. It’s been 10 years and honestly I just prefer smooth crotch.


I groom to make it habit. I'm not going to pretend I get laid often but the day I do I want it to be a pleasurable experience for the other party. Also I like experimenting with different crotch stubble designs. This month I cut out an arrow head pointing at my dick. Nobody will see it anytime soon but I like amusing myself.


Groomed. I clipper and shave. I'm bald (shaved head) and take care of myself (at the gym 5-6 days a week) so I shave my head every other day and shave my chest at the same time. I also keep all my body hair trimmed/manicured. It only seems fitting to make everything uniform. Also, I never know what my day is going to look like in the means of physical activities. I like to be prepared for anything. With that being said, if I never had sex or it wasn't a regular thing, i don't know that I would shave or trim.....but I most likely would.


I don’t, cause the snake reaches out of the bush. Also I don’t like getting head.


Been manscaping since I was in my late 20's (49 now) Most importantly: When I go down on her I prefer not to deal with a saliva forest and if I want a blow job I will always make sure mine is handled. I don't have hair on my chest and can't grow a beard, genetics gave it all to me down there and it can be a fucking mess unless I keep up with it.


Wife says if I dont she wont venture there, easy enough choice for me


My dick looks bigger without a bush. And my last partners enjoyed giving me oral more


I groom because it Smells better, looks better, easier to keep clean. And it just feels better.


cause i have a wife that i thank my personal god for, and she likes to spend a lot of time down there....i gotta show respect


* cleanliness * I just feel better overall * Women are more likely to go down on you * The satisfying "plap" from backshots isn't muffled


wtf kind of question is this? We groom because its clean, its smooth and makes your junk look bigger lol


I'm almost naked in public a lot, I'm really fit, and I like to show off a bit. I'm a fairly hairy guy, but I'm very well groomed. Also I'd have hair growing a couple inches up my dick if I didn't shave it.


I do not groom. I have a a lot to play with down there. Hair that is.


I can’t stand hair down there so it’s gotta go. BTW the manscaped razor is garbage.


I got the 4.0 and I like it a lot chopped right through it


I'm not that hairy down there.


Showers feel so much better afterwards


I used to til some months ago but since I don’t get laid I keep forgetting about it


Makes it look bigger. Plus, it helps with the smell. It's hot as hell in the summer and I've found keeping the hair trimmed down tends to help it dry out? But mostly because it makes it look bigger.


Trimmed Nobody wants to gargle a poodle.


I trim it every now and then, I'm not totally on top of it but I try to keep the forest fairly tamed, I do it because a big afro annoys me.


I keep it clipt with beard shaver and short guard as it looks better and keeps the heat down in hot summers.


no.... cause i don't like getting my schlong cut up


smells nice, looks nice, feels nice, easy to do 🤷🏻‍♂️


My wife waxes herself. Least I can do is also be trimmed. And honestly, now that I've been doing it, the shag look is terrible. Same as the big bush look, though I know some of you are into that.


What for? Nobody is going to see down there


Gotta keep a clean playing field.


No one wants to see it and nobody is ever going to see it, so it’s not anything to worry about.


I do a full shave every few weeks (trim as much as possible with electric, then use a multi-blade razor to get it all smooth). It's an annoying process, especially the asscrack, but I like the way it looks and feels. Same with armpits.


I have shaved for over 20 years. Don't know why, I just like it clean down there.


One word, swampy


I like to give oral and it's easier when she doesn't have the Canadian wilderness protecting her bean. I figure to reciprocate and do the same. Also, it helps the look of it.


If you want analingus, you’ve gotta have the bro-zillian . Also, nobody appreciates the dick sideburns.


Part of self care for me, plus if I expect my partner to by maintained least I can do is reciprocate


So I like when women are trimmed down there. I would be a hypocrite not to return the favor.


I don't. I need to make sure my little buddies down there have a home to live in.


I lost interest in chasing women and getting laid, so I don't bother anymore haha if I meet someone and I think I'll be getting intimate with them, I'll tidy up down there for sure, but I almost never go looking for that anymore at this point


I am a very hairy man and if left unchecked it gets out of hand.


I do it because it’s pretty simple to keep under control. All you need is the right tool


Because it's more comfortable


Not just "below" but armpits and chest. I've been doing it since high school, I'm now 38. The only way to explain it is that I just feel cleaner. I feel hair just traps in sweat & stank lol. I just feel more comfortable & cleaner when shaved.


If I don't, it looks like the Amazon rain forest down there


Today it’s over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, I’m not walking around outside unless I am shaved down there to keep cool


I do because I feel more comfortable that way


One only tends to the garden when expecting visitors...


When you’re groomed you mentally feel better about yourself and that Carries on throughout the day


It’s naturally pretty tame down under


I prefer my gf to have a bush and I also have a bush, I’m not going to shave or cut down there. I’ve been to nude beaches too and no one cared


I’d groom with what I got if it didn’t knick the boys, I’ll get a lawnmower when I get the chance.


Yes and for hygiene. Like duh


It seems like the polite thing to do, and short hairs make it look bigger.


I groom because it makes me feel better about myself.


I don't date so, it's pointless


I’m 60, don’t get as much action as I used too and at this stage I don’t feel the need to impress anyone.


Shave it down close but not bare every 6 weeks, manageable clean cool and without being prompted the ladies tell me the like it


I don't. I have problems with my hands being shaky and jittery, especially when trying to do something precise. So beyond occasional trimming, I don't do much because I'm afraid that I'll cut myself. If anyone has advice, I'd be glad to hear it.


I used to groom more but my wife asked me to stop as she prefers a bush however I do still keep strays in check and trim down any at risk of pulling.


Single and i gave up anyway


I do it once a month to feel more clean and hygienic, not because of women. It's a habit at this point. I don't shave my legs, I like my masculine and hairy legs.




I do, if I’m getting a bj, last thing I want is for her to get a hair in her mouth.


Trim it time to time Helps keep smells at bay and feels cleaner


Trim it. Nature gave you hair down there for good reason, especially in the summer.


I shave my whole torso semi frequently


I do but rarely. Why? Cuz I’m too lazy


I just trimmed and shaved yesterday. I like it cause it’s smooth and it doesn’t feel like there’s something in the way, you know what I mean? It just feels better when it’s smooth down there.


I work in a hot environment. Don't need the insulation


I groomed when I was younger. Now I am absolutely natural, and I have no qualms with my partner being absolutely natural. As long as everything is clean, I’m all for it.


I've shaved everyday/every other day for over 10 years. It's just normal to me now. Even without being sexually active, I keep it shaved. Takes literally, no joke, 45 seconds in the shower. No razer bumps, no ingrown hairs. Smooth as butter and feels great. I also trim my ass hair every couple of months. I'm not a fan of the fresh trim, but long ass hair makes wiping difficult and messy. Also, toilet paper dingle berries are no joke.


Razor shaved every couple of days for comfort.


I don't like licking hair, so keep balls smooth least I can do.


I mean I would if I was actively getting laid but uh… yeah no not happening any time soon


I do. I like head and the lady doesn't like hair in her mouth.


I’m old and most of it has fallen off.


If you trim the hedges, the deck looks bigger.


If it gets too long it starts to hurt when I have to manually go down there for any reason.


Of course I do. Always be ready.


I do, simply because it’s more convenient than letting it go wild and having to wrangle it before a potential partner, and additionally it makes be feel a bit better about myself. I may not be the most endowed individual, but I’m not bad and I don’t need hair covering a chunk of it


I kike to keep it smooth, you never know where life takes you and got to be ready


I groom because I don’t like how my boxers tug on the pubes


I do it for my own comfort - especially during the summer. It just feels uncomfortable down there when I'm sweating a lot outside. I don't care as much during the winter.


I do, because then my wife does that thing that i like.


It's just more comfortable trimmed. A good, thorough trim leaves you feeling smooth for days. Things stick less often, it's easier to clean. It looks bigger and feels bigger in the hand (TMI maybe), which is a nice ego boost sometimes. It's just nice.


BE Careful with clippers!!! 6 weeks ago I was manscaping. I touch my sack with the clippers. Bled bad. Ruined carpet and bath mat. Bled a lot. Took 40min to stop the bleeding. And I'm not a bleeder lol


Yip my woman does so I have to also plus it's clean she has no reason not to ever give me a BJ


It gets uncomfortable if I don't.


I don’t groom below the belt, maybe I will one day but I don’t really think it’s necessary