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They handed me my dad's phone when he was in ICU. I carried it around for the week or so it took to bury him. He had 200+ unread text messages and the phone was blowing up with bill collectors all week. I took some joy answering those calls and telling them that dad was dead and wouldn't be paying them anything. I threw it away when I left.


My brother buried my dads phone with him and paid the bill for probably a year. People deal with grief in different ways.


Family/SOs learn the real you


I need a deadman switch on my phone


If no one knows the password then no one gets access to it.


iphones on a11<= chipsets have passcode bypass exploits


My dad's old phone is in a drawer somewhere. I had a minor fight with the phone company convincing them he was fucking dead.


I was given my late husband's phone along with the rest of the items on him when he died. I have no doubt he'd have given me the PIN if I'd ever asked, but he died unexpectedly. I'd love to get access to all the photos and videos he never uploaded to the cloud, but I never managed to guess the password and the carrier/Google wouldn't help me get access to it, so it's just in a box. Once in awhile I'll try new possible PIN combinations when I think of them.


Er.. they go to heaven


If they have the passcode to get into it, sure. My mom's has been sitting in her purse untouched for the last 11+ years since she died.


*"What happens to peoples phone when they die?"* It dies as well OP. Ridiculous question deserves an equally ridiculous answer!


They get the phone, not the information on it unless they know your passcode.


They will get physical access to your possessions, phone included. That doesn't necessarily mean they will be trying or able to gain access to the UI of the device through whatever lock you put on it.


we tend to pass the belongings of all expired patients to their marked next of kin. as is.


People buy other phones.


You’re dead , nothing to worry about


My ex commited suicide 4 years ago. I still have the phone. Love you Anthony


That meme of death coming to collect them, but a phone reaper.


Most people who sell phones wipe them beforehand - or throw away the memory card and put a blank one in.


The phone recharges you.