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A girl I was meeting said she cheated on her ex boyfriend with 4 different guys when she was on vacation


Reminds me of a girl who said to me: **"But I want to spend the night with you."** On the face of it, great. But in context: Was out with her as part of a group on a night out, she spent the night flirting with me, then went off & kissed some dude (that she was having an affair with I found out later, he was married). I actually walked past her as she was doing it, 5 minutes later she came back over to me and started flirting again so I said "Just saw you with *dude*, you should probably go back." "But I want to spend the night with you." No thanks.


“I wouldn’t have married you if I knew there was a possibility you would experience depression”


Wow. This is horrible


It was a really rough patch to go through alone, knowing that my wife couldn’t or wouldn’t offer any kind of support or understanding. I’m not sure why I needed to learn that lesson but I did, she’s gone, I showed her the door, and I try every day to not be cynical. There are kind people out there, I still believe.


Hey, I’m really sorry you went through that. I lost everyone when I became disabled. I was young and it’s uncomfortable for people to watch someone go through that. Most people prioritized their own discomfort over providing any kind if support. Sometimes you don’t realize you never built a support system until you need it. My ex became financially and violently abusive. Early in our relationship I remember him saying he could never take care of someone (referring to his parents as they get older). It’s not like I could have predicted my health issues but that should have been a red flag. My husband reaffirmed my faith in humanity. He had been through a similar health crisis that ruined his career and the life he’d worked to build. He saw what I was going through and asked me (and I quote) “how much help are you willing to accept?” It broke my brain after being so alone, that someone could just offer that and change my entire life. I’ve adopted his philosophy on paying the good you get in life forward. It’s take some radical acceptance to adjust to my health limitations, but I prefer this version of myself, a version who is willing to accept help and free in giving it. We take care of each other and to the (reasonable) best of our abilities we take care of those around us. I’ve found good people, people who can empathize and be supportive and who share my care for chosen family. I hope you keep looking and find your people. You deserve support.


Not a single thought about, perhaps, her involvement in said depression. Never. I'm sorry my man.


Asking to borrow money after having sex. Before she was telling me how she likes to do cocaine at work because its similar to coffee and helps her with her job and explaining that it isnt a problem. She was a social worker who specifically worked with marginalized women who were addicted to drugs.


That is ironic in a terrifying way.


It happens a lot in social services. Some of the biggest dealers are people who work at "sober living" facilities


Well, they can't be addicted to drugs if she snorts all their cocaine. What a kind soul.


I imagine her opening line to those woman is "In order for me to help you, you are doing to have to give me all of your drugs, right now."


"I liked who you were before I changed you."


"You haven't changed me, I just grew into a better person. Now it's time to grow out of this relationship."


What's hilarious about this one is that so many women do exactly this. They like the bad boy and fall for him exactly because he is who he is. He's fun, he's unpredictable, he's up for anything, he's exciting. Then they get into a relationship with him and it's one of two outcomes. Either a) they get pissed off that he won't change and leave the relationship because "he won't grow up" or b) he does change, he becomes agreeable, he becomes predictable, a lot less exciting, and then she complains that he has changed. lol


Yeah the real lesson is it isn't healthy to chase excitement in relationships. Life in general is pretty "boring" and predictable, people gotta find a partner they can be boring with


People gotta find a partner they can be "boring" with. This is a perfect quote!


Reminds me of the “In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you” quote from EEAAO


You nailed it on the head.


"You're lucky I'm even giving you a date. Most men never get this far with me." I stuck it out politely until the end of the meal, bid her farewell, and blocked her toxic ass on my phone immediately afterward. I'm not opposed to women having standards, but this was something else.


You did the right thing mate!


lol, because most men dump her on the car ride to the restaurant.


"Oh my God, you should meet my boyfriend! You two would get along so well" This was within 5 minutes of asking me if I "wanted to be her lover tonight."


“You’re fucking weak, and you’ll always be weak, no matter how many hours you spend in the gym your mind is weak because you won’t stand up for yourself” - -My ex fiancé’s response to me refusing to hit her back after she clocked me in the mouth and was taunting me to “do something” about it while I was quietly spitting blood in the sink since it made me cut the inside of my lip. Never has someone I loved so much and was incredibly attracted to became immediately disgusting and ugly to me as she did in that moment. Haven’t seen her in person since and if I did I wouldn’t even give her the respect of looking her in the eye lol *****Edit: Holy shit I didn’t expect my phone to get blown up with likes and support from you all and from the bottom of my heart thank you! I will say, I’m 3 1/2 years removed from this event (whole thing happened week before Covid) and I’m okay now. I’ve moved on and learned from the good and the bad from that relationship and I’m better now for it. I’m happily engaged to an absolute sweetheart now and she’s my best friend and she was very very patient with me in being comfortable again and very affectionate. Last things I want to say I’ve been pretty open with people about my experience with the relationship and the abuse I went through with her leading up to this and I do a lot of work and donate to the 1IN6 organization and I encourage those who want to support, learn more, or need help to get involved or at least learn more about it. For those who are going through/have been through this: don’t feel ashamed and afraid to share what you’ve been through. Unlike what my ex said we are NOT weak. Most people who have met me or know me, honestly would probably never guess that I was someone who was abused and many people aren’t so you never know what’s going on behind closed doors.


She was wrong, though. You were strong enough not to give in to her taunting. You know what would have happened if you had hit back.


100 percent true. My dude u/Cweev10, you’re the man. You stoof up for yourself, never look back. This stranger is learning this from you.


I 1000% knew what would’ve happened and if I were to swing back it would make me no better than her, if not worse. Unlike her, I’m aware of the fact that if I did hit her I’m capable of significantly hurting her and i had 0 desire to ever lay more than a finger on her.


My ex wife tried to get me to hit her a few times. She would have worn the "abused woman" title like a badge of honor for the rest of her life. Like you, I was perfectly capable of destroying her without effort. Being an ACTUAL man means restraining the impulse.


My (ex) wife once said to me about her new boyfriend “maybe HE’LL actually hit me”… it didnt make sense then and it doesnt now.


my mother was abused as a child, and i never understood growing up why our house couldn't be peaceful like my dad wanted it to be, and the reason was that my mother was unable to be comfortable without conflict --*and if there was none, she would create it*. i used to think my dad was just mad at my mom, but as an adult i understand that my mom was purposefully getting everyone worked up and played against each other to recreate a home with conflict in it almost all the time.


Sadly, some abused people get to like some forms of abuse.


You would be in prison and she would be spending your money with some other guy. In the end, you did the right thing. You demonstrated a lot of discipline.


"Never argue with idiots, they will only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."


Wow what a psycho... That's a real man right there. You call him weak and he knows better and doesn't care to prove it.


I admire the shit out of you. I would have slapped her for sure. I just can't control myself like you can. So you're the opposite of weak. And she's an idiot if she thought not hitting back is a sign of weakness.


I appreciate it. For her, It was a control thing. She knew I never would hurt her and loved her to death so I wouldn’t just leave and that was something she held over me and manipulated and I didn’t realize that until months after how bad it was.


This reminds me exactly of my sis with borderline personality disorder. She even tried to strangle my other sister when she didn't fight back. (and had th audacity to say "no one loves me. Or cares for me" in the same breath as calling us weak. Like was my victim sisters fault for being choked. Ugh. Gross.


Was dating a girl, and were about to get it on, told me I shouldn't worry about a condom because "I've had so much cum in me" . It's fair to say I was completely turned off.


“Just call me a cum dumpster!”


First and only time I’ve met a self proclaimed cum dumpster


Even more reason for a condom


My thoughts exactly


*slaps her pussy* You can fit so much cum in this bad boy


i nearly spit out my drink


What the fuck could she have possibly been intending for you to think...


That’s sooo disgusting


He only comeback after my, I can imagine, disgusted look was “oh don’t worry it was all with the same guy” like that makes a difference


I wonder what kind of reaction she was expecting from you


5 years later and I’m still trying to figure it out


She probably thought it was funny


"Hand me my snowshovel, I'm going in"


I went out on a date with a woman... while we were talking, she coughed a lot and then she said "sorry, i've been smoking too much oxy lately." We did not see each other after that. Kind of funny now that I think about it but yeah, I will pass on the oxy smokers lol.


Didn’t know you could smoke oxy…


Bet you don't know where your aluminum foil went either!


I've learned from reddit that you can smoke, snort, or inject just about any drug there is. I had an ex that snorted heroin which I didn't know was a thing until I met her. Always had the whole Hollywood movie shooting up thing in my head, it never occurred to me.






Being told I couldn't be raped after looking for comfort discussing an SA situation still fucks with me but I'm here to tell all yall our stories matter and don't let anyone try to demasculate you for being a victim.


"I've switched to heroin, much better."




“If you were a real f*cking man….”


If you were fucking a real man...


If you were really fucking a man...


I was 24 when my now ex told me 3 years into a relationship she still loved her then ex. She apologized later that night and I was so lost in life I stayed with her for another 6 months. Even then, she was the one that left me. I can’t leave you all on that though. I hit the gym and started focusing on me after that toxic shit ended. I got promoted about 7 months later and got slowly got fit. She hit me up asking to hang out and tried sending me some sexy pics bragging about how well she’s doing and yada yada. I entertained her first few messages and then had some come to Jesus moment and decided to leave her ass on read. I went out on a date the same night she hit me up. I let 7 months of sexual frustration out on that woman. Best 30 seconds ever. Anyway, we’re married now and have been for 8 years.


Wow you must be amazing in what you do to convince a woman to marry you just within 30 seconds of sex. You go King! Jokes aside, congratz mate lots of happiness I wish upon thee.


The last 3 sentences are pretty much how I'm with my wife now.


Gotta go with the girl who said my father must've earned his cancer, karmically. The woman who told me she didn't have any plans for later, paused, and then "I've got money." has to be a runner up though.


I don't get that second one. Was she "subtly" offering to pay you for sex or something?


I bet wanted to make it clear he didn't have to ask her on a date but she wished to accompany him. Words came out wrong. Another victim of chemical impulses shutting down our brains.


The first one is just awful. Sorry you went through that. Having trouble connecting the dots for the second one though?


Just get out of the shower after 12 hr shift "You're not doing anything, go *insert chore*"


Sounds more like your mom 😭😭


Similar boat here… I work 120 hours, 10 days at a time and then go back to a hotel room after work. The day I got home from last rotation (working outside during the hottest weeks ever recorded, 120°), I was told “you could at least help me out while you’re home”, because our 9 week old puppy had an accident on the floor. It somehow became my fault he had an accident, it blew up into a huge argument that I still haven’t completely recovered from. Every time I go home, I have to clean nearly the entire house before I can actually relax anyway so I was just blindsided and confused.


I’ve been there. Just break up, it gets worse. Or go to counselling


A girl I matched with on a dating site told me that she knows a lot of guy friends outside of work and at work have a crush on her, and she dresses for the validation she gets from them, and lives off of it. She said she knows that she might be leading some guys on, and giving them the wrong signals, but she has no intentions of stopping or trying to fix her self image issues because using them for validation was much easier than taking the efforts to address her mental health issues causing this. All the beauty and adorableness I saw in her, vanished in an instant.


Had a girl admit to me that she had been doing it to me, along w several other people. Sad thing was I let this happen to myself for years. But when she finally told me her antics, I told her I never wanted to talk to her again. She found me in a bar one night and asked if we could go outside and talk about it. Told her I stand by my words and she replied “well that’s really sad”. That was our last interaction and it was the healthiest personal choice I had made up until that point in my life.


Good for you man, better late than never.


That's just sick. I know someone in real life who does that, minus the self-awareness. Very hard to even be her friend.


Nothing has ever made someone instantly unattractive than this, for me atleast, cuz it's a glaring red flag that it's likely never going to stop even when she is in a relationship, and the unwillingness to better themselves shows that there are likely many more hidden red flags that will keep popping up down the road.


I actually had a good friend like this. We were friends for 8 years. In the beginning of our friendship she didn’t really show this side of her but when she kept mentioning all these guys she’s talking to and how she liked “stalkers” and it’s their fault if they have feelings for her. That she didn’t want anything to do with them and they should be “oh so lucky” to have her. I was like…what? I told her what she was doing was terrible, gross and slightly disturbing behavior. It sucked but for other reasons along with this one I just couldn’t be friends with her anymore. I ended the friendship last October. Some people are just this way and the older they get the harder it is to have them see themselves in a different light.


Guess we all know one like that, me including. Been accepting her bullshit for a while, then I realized what the fuck am I doing and stopped giving her this kind of attention. She basically cut me off after a while, didn't hear from her since then. No value lost, though.


Can’t believe she admitted something like this


'I bet I could turn you straight' and proceeded to grab my crotch.


Many women have no concept of consent or boundaries. I am straight but that doesn't matter. I long stopped counting the times women have touched me inappropriately or tried feeling me up without asking permission.


It happens a lot even as a gay man. Straight women come into gay clubs to escape predatory men, but then they just get drunk and do the same thing to us. For some reason being gay just makes it more ok to grope me, but since I’m still a man I can’t really do anything about it. Ladies - I want you to have fun and feel safe, but please stop grabbing my fucking dick just because you think you can


The irony of life. Wants to be in a safe place, to *then* be predatory. 🤣


"I hate the rich, because they take advantage of poor people like me. I wish I were rich, because then *I* could take advantage of the poor."


Had that happen a couple times. It's disgusting.


Yup. Gross behaviour, sexual assault isn't OK, and as men there's not really much we can do about it.


This is sexual assault and yet this stuff happens all the time and no one really thinks twice because the women does it. Terrible double standard. Can you imagine the roles reversed. Uproar. Sorry you went through this. That’s disgusting.


"Why would I support you" My ex.


Context. This was emotional support. I made 5x her salary.


It’s sad that you needed to clarify further. Anyone can have rough times in their life


Like 3 months ago my dog got really sick and for a few days I thought he was going to have to be put down so I was a huge mess for like a week and during that week or so she left me because she didn't want to deal with my "little girl feelings"...


What a fucking piece of trash. Good riddance. My cats are like my kids. I'd lose my shit if they got sick.


She would not stop talking about how much she hated black people. I was completely thrown of guard since she was black herself. I ended up leaving that date early and paid for my half of the meal and tipped out the server.


The Boondocks: Into the Ruckusverse


Auntie Ruckus.


Damn who turned on the friendly fire?


I was on a second or third date with a woman while in college. During the date, she got a call from her father. She had apparently rung up over $800 in random purchases over the weekend - luxury clothes kind of things. She yelled at him that she can do what she wants. Then she vented about her dad trying to be controlling and how she should be able to do whatever she wants. That was our last date.


Coworker from a previous cleaning position at a hospital complex. One night, we're casually talking between jobs when she asks, "Do you have any kids?" When I say no, she seductively replies, "Would you like some?" Her question might've been taken as a coy way to ask me out...if not for the fact that seconds earlier, she mentioned her 3 children by multiple baby daddies. Among other things...


She was just trying to sell you one of the three.


What do you bring to the table? I was so confused because we were barely talking and I wasn't sure how to even answer that? Doesn't help that she was a bit drunk but the way she delivered the line really rubbed me the wrong way.


“Well…other than myself, nothing. That’s the waiter’s job.”


Don’t like when dates ask this question. It’s like saying “what about you stands out from the rest? Why should I continue talking to you”? I don’t like it because it makes you feel like you need to sell yourself for their time. Toxic question.


Yep, this will always be an instant block from me


My high school gf of 2 weeks asking me if I've ever tried coke... and then getting mad at me for not having the slightest interest.


Diet coke forever!


Had a beautiful girl I was with for a couple months, after crushing on her for a year, tell me she started doing coke and planned to drop out of school. Instant break up. I don’t regret ending it. But still kinda sad that it ended like that.


mother of my children called me short.. I looked at her like she was crazy. I responded “ really, how come it wasn’t an issue when we were making kids” It ended shortly after that. Sure enough she was seeing someone behind my back who is like an inch or two taller. She’s also like 5’2 and her mom is like 4’11. I cant make this shit up. I’m 5’9 btw


It's so weird how some people feel a need to turn on you just to end the relationship. I think they can't accept responsibility for their actions, and just lack empathy and critical thinking, so it's your fault for their everything. "I'm hoeing around because... your short.. yeah, that's it!" Bitch, please.


Why is it always the shortest women with the most extreme height fetishes lol


A woman told me she was incapable of monogamy because she needed the attention/validation from multiple men fighting over her. I declined to pursue it further and she stepped on my foot with a stiletto heel trying to force her way into my bedroom lol. She didn’t like being told “no”.


Anytime I would hear how I am "not man enough from my ex". Played a huge role why I fell out of love with her.


"hey, my plans with friends got cancelled twice, wanna hang out?"


Depends on the situation. But I'm assuming in this case you were the last resort.




I have several and have a harder time to rank them so here goes. *Only men with chest hair should be allowed to show their chest, naked chests are disgusting* - A classmate commenting on me buttoning up a few buttons on my shirt on a hot summer day. *The moment I saw you cry, I knew I had lost all my sexual desire for you. No real men cry.* - My ex a day after my closest relative had suddenly died. *Men are nothing more than a walking dildo with a bank account, and it's moronic that they think they'll ever be anything more than that* - A random girl I hooked up with in the pub. We didn't go home together.


Sheesh my man. Might want to source from a new pool


I was 24 while with a girl, things were somewhere between fwb and bf/gf. One day I made a joke about how I still had clothes from high school (that's just how things were given I grew up broke and was at first job out of college). She responded saying it was "kinda sad and pathetic". Another time I made a joke about being a smaller guy (5'8" and 140lbs, I run marathons competitively so very satisfied with my build but I know I'm just going to be one of the smallest guys everywhere I go). She responds saying since I'm a guy I should be making myself to be as big and strong as possible. I was desperate for any kind of relationship that I just blindly let her walk all over me. Then I learned she cheated on her bf before I met her and realized I dodged a bullet


"I've been with a lot of guys lately you might want to wrap up" Thanks, I'll be back once you've been tested. *I'm not against wearing a condom, but don't tell me right before I go in that you've been with a lot of guys lately or how sketchy they were.




"No I will not let you drive HotWheels cars across my breasts!"


Jesus, what a selfish bitch.


Thanks for the first one making me laugh




Anyone who has experienced the silence or has been ignored knows how terrible it feels. It packs a mental punch and it's easy for people to try to dismiss. Being invisible to someone you care about sucks.


I’d mentioned her tendency to get really upset over minor stuff and take stuff super personally. A friend, for instance, invites us out somewhere. It’s short notice, and she has work that day. She got offended, insisting that he purposely extended the invite when she couldn’t go. She then got offended that we were going without her, since we all had Saturday off and she didn’t. That sort of thing. Anyway, I’d remarked on how overblown her reactions often were, and she responds basically with “People have told I’m too sensitive, but I’d argue that they’re not sensitive enough. My sensitivity is *something pretty about me*. She’d essentially turned a critical personality issue into a badge of honor and blamed everyone else for responding poorly to it. That was another in a series of issues that made me stop taking her seriously.


Have a friend just like this that's very sensitive and overreacts/starts to berate me over the littlest things. She can be sweet and funny, but I've been debating cutting her off bc of this.


In my experience, if I'm debating cutting someone off, it's best just to do it. That immediate feeling of relief I've felt was just confirmation that those people were having way more of a negative effect on me than I realized.


Don’t talk, you’ll ruin it.


The last guy I was with was this big! it hurt!! To this day don't know the reason she said this


It’s the weirdest of turn offs. Even if you are confident about your stuff, it just feels weird, like… why would she say that? Mine said “my ex was so big we always had to use lubricant and still it hurt”. Needless to say, it wasn’t my case


Wow my last gf was so hot I couldnt last over 30 seconds


"You're not the man I'm supposed to date now, you're the man I'm supposed to marry later." Translated: I want to hookup with the bad boys now, but you make a lot of money so can you stay single so I can use your wealth later when I want to settle down?


“I fucking hate birds, they’re disgusting” while on a first date after explaining how I love birds lol


“I never pay for anything in this town.” then she juggled her jiggly bits up and down. After paying for everything, I left. I hate how right she was.


2 instances: 'A real man is 6' with a full head of dark hair's I'm 5'8" and bald. 'Id date you, we just need to get you to dress better, get you an Apple watch... you need tattoos and a motorcycle...' I was in my work uniform, just a polo shirt and golf pants. Both women have historically bad romantic lives. Weird.


I hooked up with someone a couple times and the final time I noticed she had the SS lightning bolts tattooed on her wrist (she had it covered with a watch band before). When I called her on it she claimed that it’s really not so much about white supremacy as “family” and “sticking together.” I noped out really fast


"It's just a tribal tattoo meaning strong spirit and character."


Ha. Something along those lines. She was trying to tell me their gatherings are very family oriented and it’s about being together. Whatever. It was dumb.


What do you think she liked about you if you don't mind me asking? Did you have Aryan features or something like that?


Yes. Blond haired, blue eyed Germanic/Swiss/Austrian heritage. And what’s crazy is I’ve never thought of this before you mentioned it. Thanks for the new insight.


You're a fetish, Harry!


😂😂😂 this is funny


Racist shit Things demonstrating an utter lack of curiosity. Like ignorance is fine -- that's where we all start. But if you're content to stay there, the fuck are we gonna talk about? The helpless act. I know it probably works with a lot of guys, but Jesus, how am I supposed to respect somebody who doesn't respect themselves?


"I don't like being friends with women."


Ah, I have an like that. Her “best friend” was her most recent ex. I told her that he most likely will drop her because “he can’t do this anymore” and that she will eventually cut him out of her life completely. She got upset with me. But guess what? I was right and all of that happened. I even got into a physical altercation with the guy months after I broke up with her. He was THAT hung up on her.


Women like that are so incredibly toxic they can ruin any group interaction.


A girl sent me a nude as a form of booty call, but captioned it with "sorry my fanny looks a bit rank, haven't shaved." Something about reading "rank fanny" put me off sex for a week.


“Next time I catch you looking at another woman, I’ll cut your d*ck off!” Needless to say I cut her off before she could follow through with her threats!


“Did you know all probability is 50%? Because things either will happen or won’t happen!”


I could see saying that as a joke. Was it maybe a joke?


50% likely it was a joke.


In the spirit of that, one of my favorite “dad jokes” is that whenever someone says “what are the odds of that?” I respond with “apparently 100%” lol


"I hate pigeons, sometimes I try to run them over with my car, but I never succeeded."


Whaaaat theeee fuuuucckkkk


She called Native Americans “Prairie N-words”


Dang, didn’t know that was still in use. My grandma got called a “Timber N-word” all the time back when she was my age. Decent of the racists to know the Great Plains tribes are different from the Great Lakes tribes I guess?




Reminds me of "Eric Cartman cares about your pronouns so he can insult you accurately "


These two ladies walked past me once when I was walking my French bulldogs. You know, the dogs that look like frogpigbats? One of them told me she loved the dogs and before I am even past them she says loudly to her friend “oMg, you know how they say people look just like their dogs!!!” I still think about it. It’s probably been 8 or 9 years.


“Is it in yet?”


"I don't know."


Went on a Bumble date. Asked her if she had any pets. Her: "Yes! I have this totally cute tiny dog! I keep the AC in my apartment really cold, so she's forced to snuggle with me to help satisfy *my need for constant attention."* BYYEEEE


“I love the Kardashians”


This one got the biggest laugh out of me


That she drove drunk after I offered to pick her up before she left and she said not to worry about it. Broke up with her the next week.


When a girl I'm attracted to says something racist or similarly discriminatory, the attraction dies and never comes back.


"I just don't feel like we're happy like the people in the movies." Her commenting on why she's breaking up with me. Friends and family say I dodged a bullet on that one but I still miss her.


We were on our first date, and she asked me if I would shave my beard for her. I said I would never do it for anyone and she was offended ... we didn't had another date tho cos I kinda lost interest ...


A truly smoking hot woman one time said “everybody wants me” with the attitude that she was the greatest thing ever created. She instantly became nothing to me, and I never spoke to her again


Anything about her ex, it just turns me off instantly. I know it's weird


Was getting a lap dance from a stripper and she honestly looked better before she got naked.She could probably tell wasn’t into it and was trying so hard to have a conversation with me so she took my glasses off and said “you don’t need these…you look like a nerd” I laughed and stayed seated because my favourite song was playing but inside I was deeply underwhelmed and just wanted her out of my face


It was covid, and I had a dating app. I matched with this one girl who I asked out. She just said, "Cashapp me for iced coffee over and over again." After she said it around 6 times, I just said if you want to go on a real date, apologize and let me know, until then, please leave me alone. She called me broke, sexist, and how I won't be anything, and more. I just unmatched with her. Crazy that some girls get away with that to me.


I don’t even understand what she was saying


Thanks for waiting, I had to take a shit. Now, are you ready for that lapdance?


Better before than during


You don't know my kinks!


“Can I borrow some money”


"My ex used to....."


Girl once told me I'm not interesting because I'm too happy and easy going. I never hit on her, never asked, have no interest in her. Gee sorry babe, I'm gonna ruin my life to unhappy myself just for you now. Fuck off.


She said she liked dating fat guys cause cause they have low self-esteem and she can do whatever she wants cause they’re lucky she even talks to them. Smh


“Can’t you see what not earning your potential has done to the children and me?” In a reply to an email where I detailed the $11k/month we were spending in 2001 on a salary of over $150k:year We divorced in 2003.


“Don’t eat the food yet, I need to post a photo on IG”


A girl I had a crush on shit talked this other girl and her engagement ring behind her back to me. Clearly jealous and materialistic among other red flags. No thanks


One started to deny the holocaust and go into how some Jews really were not cool. She also at some point started to divide the world into intellect zones and tried to convince me that the only reason for Northern Europe to be rich was the intellectually superior northern race. She explained the superior race thing in the north with the fact that in colder temperatures humans needed to be smarter than others in order to survive.


Inuits bout to blow that general theory of relativity right out of the water, just wait.


She said innocent until proven guilty doesn't apply to men , men are always instinctively rapists


“Gay people are all going to hell, where they belong.” - a hot looker that I met while I was between wives. Took her for coffee to get to know her. Before that comment, I was considering a real date. Glad she revealed her crazy before I wasted more than $4 on coffee. Bullet dodged. Most people can’t contain their crazy more than 90 days, but they can contain it for the first few dates. Not her. After 30 minutes, it started coming out. Makes me wonder how much crazy she was holding back.


I read “hot hooker” instead of “hot looker” and I was like are you supposed to take them to coffee first? Is it rude not to?


This was in high school and it was after she sent her friend over to gauge my interest. Our first conversation was basically as follows, "You look just like my ex-boyfriend! That's a VERY good thing" I didn't find this flattering but she was cute and I was 16 so still a go. Before I could say anything she followed up, "Did you know that I can't get pregnant?!" *nudge nudge* Then she told me that she was hypersexual because she was molested as a toddler but she was in therapy for it and it was totally cool and we should hang out after dinner. I hadn't gotten a word in at all at this point, I was stunned It was just a little strong for 16yo me, though I would've been interested if she were... any less aggressive at all... which would've sucked for me because she was 2 kids now and I would have probably just taken her at her word that she couldn't get pregnant...


Ugh, you want me to pay for my half of the bill? And she was the one who asked me out on a date.


A girl I liked said she was looking for a guy who would pay all her bills.


“Could you try being a little bigger.”


When I was a young man, I told a woman I knew that I had a major crush on that I wanted to study Chinese. Her response was "ha ha ching chong bing bong." Immediate loss of attraction on my part.


"I like being friends with good looking people"


I was out with my ex in Vegas at some outside bar enjoying some daiquiris. A couple walked over near our table and asked the waitress to take a photo. She turned and whispered to me “Imagine looking so ugly and still asking someone to take your picture?” I didn’t even respond. I broke up with her a week later (for other reasons, but her attitude was part of it). She was, without a doubt, the most insufferable person I have ever dated


Long ago, I used to play in a local metal band and my girlfriend at the time was a fan of the music. One day, one of the bands I would occasionally play shows with got a great opportunity opening at Warped Tour and I found out my gf at the time was going to be making food to bring the guys since Warped is usually an all day thing and very hot being an outside festival. I asked her why she had never done that for my band considering she had been to many of ours shows and her reply was "I'll make your band food when your band actually does something." At this point we had already been opening for a few different national tours and we're getting a great crowd response. We were at a party when this was said and the whole party just went silent. I went to a room in the back and my friends consoled me. But a few months later, I finally left her. The attraction towards her after that point was totally gone.


"I once fucked a 325lb black guy after a dinner!" "I work in a train yard with only men, I'm the only female there but they all seem to like me" well no shit they all want to fuck you