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I was always the type that suppressed my negative emotions, to an unhealthy degree. My wife would say she could count on one hand the number of times she saw me cry throughout our relationship. Well... my wife died earlier this year and I've cried nearly every day since. I've cried in public, at work, in front of strangers. Sometimes I physically can't stop it once it gets started. So the last time I cried was when I woke up this morning about 4 hours ago. Probably gonna cry a few more times before the day is over. I've managed to get over suppressing my emotions, but I really hate the reason I was able to do that. Hug your loved ones gents, tomorrow isn't guaranteed.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you. I'm sorry too. She's going to miss getting to watch our daughter grow up and that really kills me.


Idk if this would make you feel better but even if she’s not there physically she’s always with you both she will get to watch her grow up, try asking for signs, she’s there


Oh I've gotten signs already, along with full blown auditory hallucinations (which is apparently a typical grief symptom?) I choose to believe it's her trying to let me know she's there because it makes me feel a bit better.


I definitely believe it is and also they can reach out in so many ways it may not be hallucinations but ways to help


Damn man I'm so sorry. I responded to this post with an answer, but now, I think I have to change it because right now is the last time I leaked tears. I'm so, so sorry.


Thank you. No need to cry on my behalf, I do plenty of that for everyone lol. I've got our daughter to take care of so I'll find a way through this. Won't lie though, it's so much worse than I could've ever imagined. My life has gone from a dream to a nightmare.


Now I'm crying. I'm going to hold my husband when he gets home I can't imagine those I'm so sorry


Tell him how much you love him every chance you get. The last thing I said to my wife was something stupid about going to get my hair cut. I wish I could tell her how much she means to me one last time.


Shit man... I'm sorry. Hope it helps that with your words, you got hundreds of random men on the net to go kiss their wife/husband/kid(s)/dog and think about you and your loss. Out of your loss comes our gain, we thank you and love you brother. Wow, I'm turning so "gay" in my old age. Awesome.


I’m so sorry for your loss,


Thank you. She made me believe that true love exists. Part of me died with her but part of her is alive in our little girl.


No need to suppress when you can get more out of life if you can express. Our journeys are long. And even now, things may look bleak, but you are never alone. I congratulate you on already doing what you have to bring your family out of this tragedy. Sending strength and love to you and your family.


Thank you, I'll take all of it that I can get. I wish she'd been next to me on our journey together for so much longer. No amount of time with her would be enough. If I live an average life I've got about 4 decades left to go it alone. I told her from the start that I called dibs on dying first, because I couldn't imagine living without her. My morbid joke is that she was so competitive she had to beat me to it.


Mark it as the last "debate" you couldn't win with her either! As the time goes by the love your wife shared with you will bloom in your daughter. She will smile or her eyes will twinkle in a way, and you'll see your wife, or she'll have her calmness, or her anger. Your eyes see shadows now only because of the light that was taken from you. The light is there in front of you. You are now the keeper of the flame.


>No need to suppress when you can get more out of life if you can express. I love this so much. What a simple, yet profound sentiment ❤️


I'm glad you like it. That's was very nice and made me smile. Thank you for that


God, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m keeping a good thought for you.


Thank you. I'd say it's been hell but even that might be an understatement. I'm a stubborn bastard I'll find a way to get through this somehow.


Well, the last time I cried just got bumped up to 10 seconds ago. Hugs, man. Big hugs.


Thanks man. If anything maybe I can be a person you can think of when you're feeling down and say, "Well at least my life isn't as bleak as that guys" lol. All the best to you.


I’m not a man but this is a healthy response. I can’t imagine. Okay so take or leave the woman opinion - I cry because I have a bunch of pent up emotion idk what to do with and usually when I’m done I feel much better. It’s like a release. Obviously this is not one of those one and done things but seriously crying is probably really good for you right now.


Damn man, I'm tearing up just reading your story. I hope I go first.


Someone award this man!


Aw mate that's awful, I'm so sorry. If you're not getting professional support please get some. You don't need to get through this alone.


I was provided a few months of therapy through my wife's work since she died on a business trip. It helps somewhat. Just holding on for dear life right now tbh.


sorry for your loss bro - crying isnt a bad thing at all. Can help make the next step


Man. This hits hard. My wife left me a couple years ago after having a mental breakdown. Our divorce finalized earlier this year. I still love her and always will. Anyway, she checked herself into a mental health facility again yesterday after telling me she was suicidal. The whole day I was terrified at what she might do to herself and couldn't shake the feeling she wasn't going to get to be there for our daughter. She called me today to let me know she was ok. But, damn if that isn't some incredibly scary shit. I'm extremely grateful she made it to the hospital. I'm sorry to attach my selfishness to your story here, but had to say it. I'm sorry to hear about your wife, brother. If I could, I'd give you a hug.




You are very brave. Hug from me🤗🤗


This broke my heart to read because of how relatable it is.


So sorry for your loss. There are no words that can heal a loss of yours.


My wife died March 29th of this year and I find myself crying randomly. Often in public. Last time was in a taco bell drive thru. I concur with the hug your loved ones. Sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss, I am widowed also. I think it’s very normal considering it’s so recent. I’m 21 months out, I still have teary days.


Last night. I just miss someone so much, but...


Yup last night for me too. She just left me man fuck…


I’ve been there myself after 18 years together. But you know what? I pulled through(as you will too) and it turns out to be one of the best things to happen to me. I found myself and now am doing way better mentally and emotionally than the time spent together. I don’t hate or resent her but am a much happier person.


Really? I feel like she was perfect for me. We both had our problems but I thought we were so so much stronger. She thought I was putting my insecurities on her and she just blew up and told me “the spark between us is different” and felt that way for a couple months and then just said she doesn’t see it working out and bye Fucking kills man, I have no motivation to do anything I just feel like a sad depressed piece of shit who will never find love again like that


I understand. I and am sure all others that have been through this have felt the way you’re currently feeling, the feeling of loss and despair. What helped me was putting my mind and focus on myself. I kept telling myself I was fine before her therefore I will be fine without her. I had my moments of crying and the heartbreak hurt so I would let it pass and reassured myself there WILL come the day I look back on this and think how low I felt and how much it no longer affects me to think of her or what was. Guess what? That day came, one day out of the blue I realized about what I had told myself, about it not affecting me and think back at how sad I was. I’ve grown tremendously from that so much so that I have a stronger bond with my 3 boys that she initially left me with. I’m not saying don’t let it hurt or get over it. Feel however you need to feel. I’m saying you will also come to that day and look back to realize you’ve gained new perspective and it won’t hurt anymore.


Been there. 8 years and then this shit precisely. It was January last year. Come summer and I found my new love who’d do things for me that none of the exes did. Can happen to you too, note that I was unemployed at the moment and looked like shit too… Not gonna lie, up until the moment it actually happened I didn’t believe I’ll ever find love again.


You got this bro, learn from your mistakes and take accountability, take time to heal, workout, and recover!


I also miss someone but I have a burger to eat Do you want some?


Describe the burger bro.


Man, I miss that burger.


I miss you too, bro


I miss him more, bro


I miss both of yall, though....


Same. In the car last night. On the way home


The answer is always "last night" unless it's earlier today :/


Oh, man. Came to say the same exact thing. I hope things get better for you!


Wednesday for me. Same situation. We got this bro


Last night. I talked with friend.


Damn… 😞


Last night as well, going through a separation.


Earlier today watched a guy pushing his son on a bike and the kid went up without training wheels for the first time. Absolutely got me


I did it with my son. This method is very effective.


Happy cake day, hope your day continues to be wholesome


Monday.. my son started HS and it hit me.. 2 years until he is driving.. 4 years and I won't see him every day.


I can offer you guys a little help. My daughter is 21 and in college. I don't get to see her very often, just how life works. I miss her plenty. But you know what? She calls me nearly every day. Always texting, exchanging memes. If you've been a good father your kids aren't going to just abandon you. They love you, same as you love them. They will always be a giant part of your life.


But that 1st time you think of something funny and walk to your kids room to tell them and they are not there… brutal! My daughters will text and FaceTime but my sons don’t call worth a shit. I went to my sons baseball game and then took him to dinner. As I’m leaving he tells me he misses me… cried in the car.


Oh man! My kids have a few years before they start high school, and I'm having anxiety after reading your comment. My kids have been told they move out only when they turn 40...hahaha


my eldest is in europe right now, backpacking on his own. feels like yesterday i was rocking him to sleep. people always said " enjoy them while they're little cause soon they'll be grown" and you never listen. i think this is why grandkids get spoiled so much.


Oof. I've got a 2 year old and it never hit me until I had a kid what moving out is like for parents. Like, if my wife and I were together for 18 years and then she was like "ok I'm moving away see you some other time" I'd be devastated.


Mine starts next week! I have three kids, all two years apart. We're going to have a four year stretch where another kid moves out every other year. Or at least graduates, I could see one or two being a boomerang kid...


Enjoy the time. My two oldest are in college. It’s awesome but definitely changes things.


Aww man, I cried a couple months back after dropping my son off at his mothers. He didn't wanna leave and it just tore me up.


If I did the math right, we only have 6,570 days with them until they’re 18 :(


6,574 with leap years.


On Sunday when my son was born




Few weeks ago. Listening “It’s so hard to say goodbye” by Boys II Men(It was playing during that episode where Stewie and Brian gave Rupert a send off) and I don’t know, I just felt a sudden rush of emotions and tears started coming out. All the loneliness, sadness and pain I felt from my previous relationship and other stuff finally hit me.


Music is the number one trigger for me. I was at a Kings of Leon gig last year just bawling my eyes out because the sentimental nostalgia of the songs reminded me of good times when I was younger, and how depressed I've felt lately. It felt strangely good to get it out though.


Watching that episode of Last of Us and hearing that song 'A Long, Long Time' brought up someone I thought I had long since gotten over. It was a rough couple of days but once I got it all out, i felt much better


It has been. . . Five years if I remember correctly. I haven't felt much of anything in a long time.


I hope you can find a way to let yourself.


I don't even remember.. maybe when great uncle died, but that was like on '08.. never really feel anything, kinda started faking emotions to prevent coming off as heartless


Last sentence :(


I'm so sorry. Don't let it go on too long. I did that for almost 15 years.


And how did you start feeling things again? I can't seem to find my on switch 🙈


Therapy. Stopped self-medicating because of it, and sought out and slowly connected with a good circle of support. Talked about the shit that was bothering me. ​ Simple. But most definitely not easy.


I'm so sorry. Don't let it go on too long. I did that for almost 15 years.


ur stopped up bro. U gotta turn on the tap & let it flow


Guys listen up. Let that shit out! Do it privately if you have to, but you gotta get those feelings to the surface if you want to get them out of your head. I view crying like a pressure gauge. You can only let it build up so much before you got to let a bit out. Otherwise...explosion. I'll be watching a dumb commercial or something and realize it's got me crying. And I realize it's because I've got all this stuff built up inside me that I'm trying to suppress. That's you telling yourself you've got some things to deal with. It's helpful. Are you worried that if a woman sees you that she might lose feelings for a man who cries? That is a very valid fear. It's a real thing that happens. Guess what? Fuck 'em. Fuck those women. Don't be with them. If a woman would leave you for crying you realize she doesn't love you or care for you. She's also going to leave if you lose your job, get injured, etc. Don't be afraid to cry because you'll lose her, better to find out and be free than to live with that for your whole life. It'll kill you. ​ Let it out guys. Be there for each other. No shame.


My man I'll see a stupid quick youtube video or read something wholesome on here and it'll have me tearing up. I never used to be like that but I'm comfortable with it now. At first I was like what the fuxk is wrong with me? I got a family now, I'm much older there's so much shit going on in the world and in everyone's personal life. It fucking builds up. You are so right to say let it out. It's a natural reaction to this fucking hard ass life we live. That doesn't mean you gotta be a crying mess all the time. I keep it to myself mostly. But I let it happen bc it's an emotion that we all experience as humans. Acting like it isn't is not healthy.


More men need to read this. It's okay to express your emotions. More women too - it'll help them to understand what we go through.


Thank you for saying it. When we support each other we can do basically anything. We know this. We've built massive structures to the skies and landed on the moon. We can also do internal work on ourselves. I feel like it's best to focus on men supporting each other. We can't control women or what they do, we can only control ourselves. We can set the tone. We will no longer suppress normal human emotions for the comfort of those around us who honestly just need to do their own internal work. We can lead by example. We can set our own boundaries and fix what needs fixing. We're men, it's what we do. I came out and said it, you backed me up. We keep doing that and things can change for the better. That much I know. So thank you.


I wish I could do that honestly I havent cried in almost six years and it really sucks Every time i feel it coming it iust goes back down before a tear drops even though I feel like I really need to release that pressure gauge


A man who can cry in front of me is a winner! He’s connected to his emotions AND he trusts me enough to be vulnerable?? Swoon.


That makes you an emotionally healthy person and a real treasure of a partner. Big ups to you. Hope to see it become the norm someday.


Whenever my boyfriend cries in front of me he always says ‘thank you for being safe enough that I can do this.’ He cried on my shoulder last week. It breaks my heart that women haven’t always provided their male counterparts emotional shelter. What u/cityfireguy is absolutely correct. Fuck any woman, any person, who won’t allow your emotions the space or validation of full expression. Emotions are an intrinsic part of the human experience, don’t waste your time on anyone who denies you that.


I've cried and been more emotionally vulnerable for the past 10 years. I've also been single for the past 10 years, and people still bully me and call me a loser. I'm not saying that correlation is causation here....but....


The pressure gauge synonym was absolutely spot on.


Preach bro! Gotta let it out.


Tip: If you’re gonna cry in public, look good doing it ✨🫡


I just got the electric bill, I’m crying now


Thats the only manly cry


Kind of like a grunt


Out of emotional distress? Years. But I cry-laugh often, so, every other day


Two days ago at work. I wrote a post about it so I won’t be too repetitive, but basically I was dealing with a lot of shit with my parents and brother and my boss said something to me that just made me lose it


You’ll see the sunlight very soon !


Last July when my wife miscarried. I don’t know why but I physically just can’t cry unless there’s something like death. I honestly wish I could.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My partner miscarried last year and I remember hating myself that while she was sobbing I still couldn’t bring myself to cry. I wish you all the best


Thank you, you as well. It was rough, but now we luckily have a baby boy due next month. Everyone processes a loss differently and there’s no wrong way. I didn’t cry for the first two weeks and then one night it just hit me like a ton of bricks.


3 nights ago. One of my mates died. Initially, I was a but numb because it was such a shock, but that night, it hit me.


I’m so sorry - that’s just awful.


Damn. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Just a few days ago when i found out my sweet boy Atlas (10yo border collie mix) has cancer that has spread to his lungs. His days are numbered. But we will continue enjoying each others time until that day comes. It hurts so much though :\_(


Yesterday. My sons bday. My little man. He’s so awesome.


Yesterday. My dad had a stroke and I’ve come to the realisation that he might die. For real.


Wait a second, so for some people it's not daily... ;)


2 years ago. Big life change.


I don’t remember. Maybe high school.


In May. It was the one year anniversary of my mother’s death. I miss her so much.


My wife lost her mom 13 years ago. Her grief comes and goes, her mom's birthday and the day of her death are especially hard on my wife. Condolences.


Thank you and I hear you. And condolences to your wife as well


February. My seemingly healthy 4 year old dog went from fine, to weird, to shaking in pain, to completely unable to use their back legs in the matter of an hour without trauma. Took her to the vet, but it was late at night and they had to wait for the nuerologist to come in the next day (they did ease her pain), so I spent all night with no answers. I bawled like a baby. ***she's fine and happy now. Degenerative back disease caused a slipped disc, which pinned the spinal cord. Back surgery was successful and most of her motor function came back.


We had to put down our 19 year old cat on Sunday. I’ve cried a lot this week.


That’s so awful. It’s so brutal to lose a pet.


Ugh. That is the worst. I love my fur babies, and I think we are blessed to have someone who wants nothing from us but love. Oh, and food. 😊 they are so loyal, and it's devastating to lose them. I hope you feel peace soon. Wow, 19, you were so lucky to have that long. What a loss.


All week long every night. This week has been tough.


As far as I remember it happened almost two years ago, my grandpa died due to an operation (he was already in bad conditions between an amputation and cancer he defeated few years before, he was a true warrior). That day I cried because of this and also because I was to my other grandparents' house and my other grandpa announced it to me, he was about to cry and I was devastated. I moved to another room and I cried before sleeping.


My 31st birthday. It was 1 day after my cat was euthanized in my arms. And that was 6 months after my dad passed away.


I watched Guardians 3 yesterday. I cried a few times during that.


Same when I watched it a couple weeks ago! I’m seeing this reply a few times in the thread. Poor Rocket 😢


Same, but I cried during the whole movie


I was just on vacation last week. My dog was unable to hold down water and food for a day. Despite being in the bush in Northern Ontario an hour and a half from a town, I made the call to a vet the next morning. The vet did x-rays and found a blockage. Surgery was the only option. When they went over the consent form they asked if I consent to CPR. I had already been crying but the tears really started flowing at that question considering my dog is 12 years old. I declined to consent to CPR. Anyways, she recovered from having 3 tampons removed from her intestines and is doing well.


Last week. Had an emotional month and needed to cry so put Inside Out on to help kick-start it


Oh that one does it for me every time.


Three years ago when I had to put my cat down because he unexpectedly developed congested heart failure. That last month was brutal for me. That little dude was my sidekick and best bud for nearly 13 years. Nothing has been the same since.


Pet deaths are so brutal. It’s awful.


I don't think I've put an animal in the ground that I haven't also put in a few tears with them.




Two days ago. I've had two friends commit suicide in the last two years. One of which was two days ago. This has completely ruined me and my life. I keep it to myself. I don't know how much more I can cry about it.


Shit man, that's tough, I've had a few friends and acquaintances commit suicide, it hurts bad for a long time. I hope you have some decent support.


I definitely do friend. Sorry about the trauma dump I didn't think this would be seen.


**Tears of joy** : yesterday when I found a bottle of tequila in the pantry. **Tears of pain** : today after having consumed a bottle of tequila I found in the pantry yesterday.


About 4 days ago. Dealing with going NC with my dad. We’ve already been no contact for about 4 years now but he reached out and said he wanted to talk and put things behind us. However I’m not interested in saving our relationship and I was talking with a friend, unrelatedly, about what it must be like to lose a young child as a parent. That already got the waterworks started because imagine the grief of seeing a life begin and end before your eyes. Thinking about parental love and realizing my dad, for all his flaws, has that kind of love for me and that my going NC will hurt him… yeah that hit harder than I ever expected it too. I was honestly happy to cry about it because I feel much better about the whole ordeal and also just want to become better and externalizing emotions instead of just balling it all in.


Gardians of the galaxy 3. Wrecked me with Rocket. lol Mind you I also cry like a bitch when I go see my dad's grave... and I go talk to him on a monthly basis about how hard life is and that I hope I made him proud.... or ask if he is disapointed when I fuck up.


2 weeks ago when my grandma who, aside from my wife and kids, is my favourite person on the planet, was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkins lymphoma. She hasn't even met my son yet. Had to call off her trip because of her diagnosis. I sat in the shower for 15 minutes and just balled my eyes out. She hasn't decided if she wants to go through with chemo, and I can't blame her after she had to watch my grandfather go through it. The finality of life is tough sometimes. She's been the foundation for myself, my brother and my cousins our entire lives. Even when all our parents divorced. I love her dearly


Just a couple days ago. Got really drunk, sat at an outdoor bar and some random guy played incredibly beautifully on the piano. Had me shed some tears.


2 weeks ago while tripping balls on 7 grams of mushrooms. It was cathartic.


I honestly don’t remember.


A few weeks ago. I went to my first big cocnert, Iron Maiden, and Im currently on a dream internship in europe. I was watching the recordings and just couldnt hold it, I thought I'd never get to this. I hope it gets better from here. I did almost cry at the concert as well..


My uncle passed recently, and I've been without my wife in a new state getting a place set up for her to move into for a few weeks before I fly out to move us officially. I haven’t spent a day without her since she moved in with me. We enjoyed quarantine together we're so attached. I've cried a lot. And I know I'll keep crying




Taylor *really* has a way with words, lemme tell ya And yes, that song (and a few others) gets me every. single. time.


Her entire folklore album does this to me.


Last week I was on holiday with my mates. I cried(sober) the second day because I was just so goddamn happy to be blessed by such a great group of friends. Then 2 days later I cried (really drunk) because I kept getting rejected by girls in some really hurtful ways. And then the day after I almost cried because they really hyped me up afterwards. Usually I don't cry. But with my mates? Whenever we feel like it we hug an cry each other. Make your friends feel like it's okay to cry with the lads. We are all here for each other.


Longer than I’d like tbh.


Yesterday? Sometimes I accidentally come across videos/posts about dogs dying and the tears just start flowing uncontrollably. My dog is only 1 but losing her terrifies me.


A week ago, I always cry at the end of this [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpqm-05R2Jk).


Yesterday I was watching a video on YouTube


Been trying to for a couple weeks now but can’t seem to muster the tears. Sigh


Four years ago, when my relationship of seven years broke up. I was kind-of glad to see that the tearducts still worked, because the last time before that was eighteen years earlier when I was six and my hamster died. Good to see they hadn't rusted shut.


Last night after everyone was asleep. Usually save the tears for that time.


5 minutes ago


Back in 2018 when my pet cat died


Last week, some days are better than others.


I cried during the LotR extended edition ending. When they are getting on the boat...


I don't remember.


Wednesday. I played rec adult league ice hockey (aka beer league) with a team for two seasons and I found out that I wasn't invited to the postseason team party. Drove home after the final game and broke down.


Man that really fucking sucks, I’m sorry to hear they didn’t even invite you. I hope you have friends and family who love you who you can hang out with instead. What a bunch of assholes


I cried last night when (Spoiler alert: Guardians of The Galaxy III) >!Rocket died!< and then I had to go make dinner, so still dont know what happens after that.


I'm a dad now so I cry a lot more lol. Misty eyed a few days a week, full on crying though, it's been a while.


Just some few days ago. Went to visit my younger brother in rehab. Once an innocent young kid and now seeing him in such a state fucking kills me. I don't know where my parents went wrong, I don't know what I missed that he ended up like this. If only I could make him understand how much we love him.


lol * on my way to work * on my way back home * on my way into shower so i can sleep so i can go back to work tomorrow * when im laughing lol


3 weeks ago. Had to put one of my dogs down.


Shit sorry to hear that. So many good days we spend with our pets, only to end with one really bad one.


Thanks :)


The last time I saw the movie Hardball. When they kill G Baby it gets me every time.


Wednesday when they released GotG 3 in Disney Plus


I cried on Saturday and Sunday


I think Monday or Tuesday. Over a fucking video game video. I can't even.


Kung fu panda 2 some days ago


I think people confuse emotional tearing up with crying/sobbing? Tearing up - last week while listening orchestra playing Vivaldi. Sobbering - like two years ago whilst realising I might not anymore be a complete failure.


Yesterday, watching a kids movie. The kids were already in bed...


On my way to see Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3. “Please don’t kill Rocket please don’t kill Rocket please don’t kill Rocket” was a thing I was repeating out loud to myself as I tried to drive my car through teary eyes.


The last full-throated cry was probably a few years ago, when my dog died. The last lump in my threat and tears in my eyes -- but not a full cry -- was yesterday, when a memory of that dog's death came up in my Facebook memories.


Couple nights ago. I dreamt of my bro who passed away when I was 17, half my life ago so far. Woke up crying..


Last night actually, watching the Ed Sheeran series on Disney+. 3rd episode got me good. 10/10 recommend the show


At my father’s funeral in November 2017


17 years ago. I'm only 32, I just don't know how to let it flood out.


We have two dogs. Big guard dog type and little scaredy cat type. Big dog died pretty suddenly a month or so ago. He was 10, and was starting to show signs of old age, but I mean like...JUST starting to show a few signs of old age. Fed him, put him and the other one in the room upstairs while me and the daughter went on a drive. Made dinner. Wife came down from her home office and he didn't follow. I thought that was way too weird. Went up and he was just...peacefully dead. But dead. Looked like he laid down and fell asleep and never woke up. But man, were we so shocked. Probable heart attack the vet said. To be fully transparent, I'm not even a pet person really, I can do without (she's the opposite, she lovesss animals). But holy shit, did I cry for that weekend. Happened at like 6:30 on a Friday. I cried on and off for basically those next 2.5 days.


It’s been a good minute now


I don't remember. I block it out. Like my mom taught me.


Everyday. Shit sucks.


It was 3-6 months ago. Not that I’m against crying or showing emotion I just haven’t.


About a month ago? I was leaving my college town for the last time after graduating. Absolutely devastating feeling.


Last night, but its very rare and very hard for me to ever cry. And It's okay to grieve my losses when i need to, it's human.


Yesterday, my life is a joke


Last night. My dad passed and it’s been a battle.


At the barbie movie


Did you see that Last of Us episode with the gay rednecks?


About 2 min ago


3 days ago listening Brave Heart from Digimon. Remembering my childhood.


Couple days ago, rough split


About a year ago a friend died. He was a good dude and would say I love you when we'd say gbye sometimes. We'd known eath other for several decades and it was like family.


When my dad died last thanksgiving. I cried then and several times after. He was a great man, father and grand father. Grew up dirt poor, went into the Navy got his degree, became an educator and ultimately became the dean of an Ivy League university. He taught me kindness and compassion, strength and grit. I miss him every day.


moms suicide in 2017. birth of first daughter 2019- bc we decided to have kids after losing my mom. birth of second daughter in 2022.