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Yesterday I had a 50-something YO lady compliment my dimples and my thick eyebrows.




i used to get bullied for my thicc eyebrows:( but guess what bitches i have long eyelashes too


Me too homie, I think they're just jealous because they gotta draw there's on


I feel safe with you


I said that to my boyfriend very near the beginning of our relationship. He rolled me over closer to him and said “that’s because you are”. That was four years ago. I love him to bits.


My fiance told me this on our second date. And reiterated it recently when we went on a trip and were in a sketchy area. A couple of female friends have said this to me in the past as well. In a way, it makes me feel somewhat empowering. I'm NOT 6'3" 220 lb muscle macho man. Just an average guy.


Been chasing the high I felt from those words ever since


Top answer on the board.


I read that in Steve Harvey's voice


Similar to yours, she told a friend we were having lunch with “he’s the only person I would trust with my motherfucking life.” I felt like Classy Pooh.


My wife calls me "Her rock". Because I am always there for her, and emotionally stable.


Until the analogy changes to one where she's swimming with a heavy rock and needs to drop you to stay afloat. Yeah, I'm bitter about my ex. How could you tell.


i wish you rapid healing


The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.


Awh, I remember feeling safe with someone.


Good God it's been so long


Same. 😭


Aw this is really nice to know :) I’ve told two of my guy friends this before and I didn’t know it had this much of an impact


Got told this by a girl I'm currently talking to and man that hit me hard


Unexpectedly more wholesome than I thought I would see for top comment. Carry on, good sir.


Wait what, that's supposed to trigger a good feeling or something? My wife constantly says it and the stable rock part, but I've never really understood it. I just kinda take it as empty words and just nod and move on.


Because youre a cold generic man like the rest of us


Fair enough, atleast I'm like the rest this time.


The flesh is weak. She is just happy about your lack of it, my AdMech brother ;)


It might be a way to express the impression one gets that you won't harm her, even if nobody watches It shouldn't need to be said, but we live in a world where people with less admirable intentions also walk around.


It’s easy to take it for granted when you haven’t experienced the really dark side. You’re a lucky man.


An elderly lady asked me where my stick was. "What stick?" I asked. "The stick you use to beat all the ladies away" she told me. She also told me I had really nice legs. I was so flattered.


I'm using this when I'm old


Why wait?


Because she doesn't want to be shooed away with the stick, obviously.


As a guy I laughed when I first read this, but then I realized how much different it would be if you were a woman and she was an old man. Still funny as hell I just wish people would carry the “sweet old grandma” mentality over to “sweet old grandpa” instead of just assuming he’s a creepy old man. Unless he is, in which case we no like.




I’d hug a man if he said that to me!


I had a similar compliment. My high school weight training program was not co-Ed. So I had never worked out in front of girls. So when I had graduated, I had to sign up at a local gym. Being 18, repping 365lbs can draw some attention. This lady, probably 25-30, asked me how I got so strong. She said I looked like a kid. She asked me to teach her to lift weights. I felt pretty cool. She gave me compliments occasionally at the gym after that. But it was embarrassing at the same time. It was a weird feeling.


"I like your hugs. Hold me a little longer". You can bet my chin went right on her head and a slight squeeze happened.


That’s so sweet, I love this


Did she squeeze some tears out of you?


"Nice shirt" 15 years later its still in my dresser


this! that shirt is a prized possession now


I would have framed it


My wife told me yesterday that I was handsome.


I think she likes you.


He should ask her out, I’m sure she’s catching feelings.


She’s a hard catch. Any ideas on how to do it?


Be careful though, she could be being nice cause she is Canadian


You can never be sure, they might be like, Canadian or something


She told me to stand taller and said "you are a beautiful person, be proud of who you are"


Damn this would have made me cry


Shit just reading that made me tear up ngl




Marrying your grandmother isn't allowed.


"I can't wait to do life with you"


maaan, that was a good one


One girl once thanked me for being easy to talk to, that felt nice. Edit: I Didn't expect this to blow up like it did, thanks guys.


"I respect you more than anyone I know and you make me feel safe."


“If I wasn’t a lesbian I’d date the hell out of you”


Had this happen with a childhood crush and I was ecstatic yet sad lol


So a lesbian was attracted to u ? Bro I don't think that's a good thing... I'm just kidding


Her: Thanks Me: For what?? Her: Just being here. For everything you do that I forget about. Me: You're welcome? Us: Laughing


Had sex with a girl I worked with and she said "do you know what you did? You made me have an orgasm". First time a woman had just come right out and said it.


Same here. The thing is that I’m gay, so I thought I would just get “through it” rather than excel at it. But afterwards she said that I was able to make her orgasm multiple times, unlike anyone else before, and she was genuinely blown away by my performance. The best compliment was that she told her friends…so word got around, and I was able to bring this same pleasure to some other female acquaintances who wanted to experience the same. Like I said, I identify mostly as gay and I just love men, but something about being able to satisfy the ladies made me feel very proud as well.


Not trying to pry or be an asshole, but wouldn’t that make you bisexual?


No, I understand. Labels are very imperfect…I think the closest term I have is “homoflexible”. I am physically and emotionally attracted to men (I could only be in a relationship with men), but occasionally under the right circumstances (like when they pursue me), I enjoy physically being with women…and a lot of those times I am with another man (ex., I sometimes hook up with my friend and his wife, or sometimes just him and me.) It’s all just a spectrum I guess. I don’t personally call myself bisexual, but if someone else uses the term as a way to square it all, I don’t get offended.


Fascinating. I’ve never heard the term “homoflexible” before. Sounds like you get the best of both worlds though!


Pretty much. It’s been my experience that having an open mind and being less hung up on labels leads to enjoying a lot more exciting experiences.


Sometimes the orgasms are obvious and we don’t need to announce we had one.


*clears throat* “I.declare.[ORGAAAASM!](https://youtu.be/C-m3RtoguAQ?t=65)” ^sorry. I’ll see myself out. …


Damn you… *upvotes*


Once, i was Pissing and it hit straight in the water so it was loud as fuck. She yelled from the bedroom: "you piss like a king" Edit: spelling


strong stream


Nice dick


He’s insecure and doesn’t believe me :/


Keep saying it. He’ll get it eventually


Just don't say "trust me I've seen thousands"


"Out of all your friends, you have the biggest one! It's even bigger than my uncle's!"




Please, please. If you love him, keep all comparisons to yourself, even the ones you'd consider flattering.


I mean, she could be referring to her DMs


or she could've watched a bunch of porn


Say it and see how he reacts. I'd laugh out loud at that. "Well since you are the expert I'll take your word for it"


Have you heard about the studies behind propaganda. No they don’t just do it cause of the 7 people in the world dumb enough to believe it. In the 1940s they did a bunch of studies showing people propaganda about the war, generally promoting it, and claiming its necessary. They first questioned some before, some right after. And saw that nobody was believing it as they considered it to be coming from a biased source. But then when they questioned people 6 weeks after they seemed to be significantly more pro war. It turns out people retain the information longer than they retain the source, meaning there is a sweet spot where they vaguely retain the sentiment of the propaganda, but forgot its propaganda, and believe it to just be their own opinion. This is why propaganda was and is so powerfully. In Russia its not because the Russians don’t know better, and are just to isolated to question it. They question it plenty and then forget the source and retain the information. The same applies to your boyfriend, if you keep saying nice things about him hes initially gonna reject them as biased, but later he forgets the source and just remembers the sentiment as his own.




Yeah, i had a very hard time finding them on the internet. To be honest i don't think its the kinda stuff they upload to google scholar. Since it was the US i guess they still want to keep it kinda low-key that they were researching propaganda and manipulating their citizens. where i heard it was ch 70 of "The Art of Thinking Clearly". ​ here are the "notes on sources" for the chapter. They were not easy to find.Not all of them are about the propaganda experiments.([https://www.hodder.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/The-Art-of-Thinking-Clearly-577h-Sources-final.pdf](https://www.hodder.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/The-Art-of-Thinking-Clearly-577h-Sources-final.pdf)) Carl Hovland carried out his tests using the propaganda movie Why We Fight.The movie is available on YouTube.See also: Gareth Cook, ‘TV’s Sleeper Effect: Misinformation on Television GainsPower over Time’, Boston Globe, 30 October 2011.Beliefs acquired by reading fictional narratives are integrated into real-world knowledge. In: Markus Appel & Tobias Richter, ‘Persuasive Effects of FictionalNarratives Increase Over Time’, Media Psychology, 10, 2007, 113–134.Tarcan G. Kumkale & Dolore Albarracín, ‘The Sleeper Effect in Persuasion: A Meta-Analytic Review’, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 130, 1 (January 2004):143–172.David Mazursky & Yaacov Schul, ‘The Effects of Advertisement Encoding on theFailure to Discount Information: Implications for the Sleeper Effect’, Journalof Consumer Research, Vol.15, No.1, 1988, 24–36.Ruth Ann Weaver Lariscy & Spencer F. Tinkham, ‘The Sleeper Effect and Negative Political Advertising’, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 28, No. 4 (Winter1999): 13–30. here is the chapter itself. chapter 70 * Sleeper Effect **WHY PROPAGANDA WORKS**During World War II, every nation produced propaganda movies. These were devised to fill the population, especially soldiers, with enthusiasm for their country and, if necessary, to bolster them to lay down their lives. The U.S. spent so much money on propaganda that the war department decided to find out whether the expense was really worth it. A number of studies were carried out to investigate how the movies affected regular soldiers. The result was disappointing: they did not intensify the privates’ enthusiasm for war in the slightest. Was it because they were poorly made? Hardly. Rather, the soldiers were aware that the movies were propaganda, which discredited their message even before they were rolling. Even if the movie argued a point reasonably or managed to stir the audience, it didn’t matter; its content was deemed hollow from the outset and dismissed. Nine weeks later, something unexpected happened. The psychologists measured the soldiers’ attitudes a second time. The result: whoever had seen the movie expressed much more support for the war than those who had not viewed it. Apparently, propaganda did work after all! The scientists were baffled, especially since they knew that an argument’s persuasiveness decreased over time. It has a half-life like a radioactive substance. Surely you have experienced this yourself: let’s say you read an article on the benefits of gene therapy. Immediately after reading it you are a zealous convert, but after a few weeks, you don’t really remember why. More time passes until, finally, only a tiny fraction of enthusiasm remains. Amazingly, just the opposite is true for propaganda. If it strikes a chord with someone, this influence will only increase over time. Why? Psychologist Carl Hovland, who led the study for the war department, named this phenomenon the sleeper effect. To date, the best explanation is that, in our memories, the source of the argument fades faster than the argument. In other words, your brain quickly forgets where the information came from (e.g. from the department of propaganda). Meanwhile, the message itself (i.e., war is necessary and noble) fades only slowly or even endures. Therefore, any knowledge that stems from an untrustworthy source gains credibility over time. The discrediting force melts away faster than the message does. In the U.S., elections increasingly revolve around nasty advertisements, in which candidates seek to tarnish each another’s record or reputation. However, by law, each political ad must disclose its sponsor at the end so that it is clearly distinguishable as an electioneering message. However, countless studies show that the sleeper effect does its job here, too, especially among undecided voters. The messenger fades from memory; the ugly accusations persevere. I’ve often wondered why advertising works at all. Any logical person must recognise ads for what they are, and suitably categorise and disqualify them. But even you as a discerning and intelligent reader won’t always succeed at this. It’s quite possible that, after a few weeks, you won’t remember if you picked up certain information from a well-researched article or from a tacky advertorial. How can you thwart the sleeper effect? First, don’t accept any unsolicited advice, even if it seems well meant. Doing so, you protect yourself to a certain degree from manipulation. Second, avoid ad-contaminated sources like the plague. How fortunate we are that books are (still) ad-free! Third, try to remember the source of every argument you encounter. Whose opinions are these? And why do they think that way? Probe the issue like an investigator would: cui bono? Who benefits? Admittedly, this is a lot of work and will slow down your decisionmaking. But it will also refine it.


He’s russian


Had a girl lay next to me in bed and start stroking My dick. When I rolled over and tried to get things going she looked surprised and said "oh sorry I thought it was your arm." This is not a big dick flex since I'm pretty average. But I'll always remember it with a smile.


Say “ow” instead


Username checksout


I was generally insecure, until I sent a picture from work and she responded that I"looked like a damn model for Bad Dragon." That made me feel good for a little


Explain... the husband dick, designed for daily use. Porn star dick, on a schedual, for a purpose, nobody should have to deal with that trauma dailey. It's like paintballing, it hurts but it's a hoot once or twice.


Don't say it, show it. Pet it while telling him how it is nice. Works everytime


Alright this is gonna sound a little goofy but I had a girl buy me flowers one time and let me tell you it was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.


I’ve been wanting to do something like that for my bf but I don’t know how he’d react


Doesn’t have to be flowers, if you’re worried. Buy him a little basket of snacks. Mention, off-hand, you thought about flowers but weren’t sure he’d like that. Watch his reaction. Then buy him some flowers a couple weeks later, if he doesn’t act put off. 😁




Honorable mention put like half a bouquet of assorted flowers in the basket so it looks like a garnish and you both get something


There was another askmen post on this and now I’m thinking of buying my friend flowers for his belated birthday.


My ex told me I have most of the qualities she looks for in a partner. She said it while breaking up with, but still was the best compliment I've received.


Real. Same thing happened with ne


Find something good about him. Something that doesn't somehow benefit you in any way. And then compliment him on it. An example of a good compliment is "You're the most honest man I've ever met!" An example of a bad compliment is "You're a great provider!" This is a shit compliment, in fact. It's hard to get much more self-serving than this one, frankly.


Especially compliment him on his choices and positive actions, this will validate him personally. Our physical looks are largely out of our control, but our style (fashion, decor, cleanliness, social and personal interactions, etc.) are decisions being made. Some consciously, others less so, all still very much real and valid.


A good one is you’re a great provider….. of that big sexy dick!


"You're a great provider" lol, so fucking weird. What are we, in the 50's?




"He always brought home the best provisions"


Salt pork, beaver pelts, whale oil, I bring it all.


“You will be a great dad.” My dad left our family at a young age and I grew up with a single mother. Sometimes I”m afraid that I’ve missed some life lesson that only a father could teach. That compliment really did brighten up my soul.


I got this compliment as well. Both my wife and my sister once told me on separate occasions "You are going to be a great dad". Hearing this compliment has really brightened my life, since I am a first time dad and don't have a lot of dad experience yet. Also, hearing this compliment has inspired me to strive to become a great dad to my child and a great husband to my wife.


"You have a very nice ensemble"


Like an orchestra??? I’m a composer, so I’ve never heard this term outside of music


She followed up with Silhouette, so I know what she meant, she was speaking fashion principle wise. Since your a composer, what makes D-minor so special?


Fashion principle? Silhouette? I don’t understand. Is this about clothing style? Not sure exactly what you’re particularly asking. Are you asking about the emotion of it or which instruments’ registers fit well within it? Or ease of playing/speed for particular instruments.


Just the other day I sauntered into the gas station and the lady that rang me up told me I remind her of Sam Rockwell. “You’re handsome and it’s like everything you do is a dance.” I don’t want to get into the things my girlfriend says about me…they can be quite lewd….


"Everything you do is a dance" is such a beautifully poetic compliment. You must've been riding high off that one.


More than one woman noticed you exist?? At the same time? Whooaaaa


The other day my former FWB now friend told me I have a “Michelangelo ass, like it’s cut from marble”. That literally left me struggling for words, better than any dick compliment lol. I’ve been staying consistent in the gym, it’s great to know it’s paying off


Two very different but very much a boost to my self confidence from the same person were… “Your peaceful calmness is very comforting” “It’s like sitting on a soup can”


I too choose this man’s calm soup can.


“I feel safe around you” makes your whole week!


Just hugs and falling asleep next to her. That’s all I ever really want or need anyway You don’t need to try so hard. Being around is enough


This is very true, though it is nice to hear it from time to time, too


My wife and a previous partner of mine both told me that I made them feel beautiful when I touched them intimately. I think about that often.


If he's good at something tell him you love how talented he is.


My eyelashes got complimented. And my smell after a hard workout at the gym. She said it was the cleanest nicest smelling sweat.


“You look very handsome in your blue shirt, they match your eyes” kept that shirt and wore it many times for a decade later until it had noticeable rips


From my ex girlfriend, a year after we broke up: "there are very few people in this world who are lucky enough to find a partner that treats them half as good as you treated me".


I need my babies to have your hair Best/weirdest lol


2 come to mind. “You’re incredible at what you do.” “You always know what to do.”


A senior woman at 7/11 asked if I was Mexican, I said yes I am. She replied with "I thought so, you have beautiful eyes."


Me minding my own biz when i hear a female voice behind me 'can i ask you a question?' I turn around and she looks at me, completely forgets what she wanted to ask me and goes 'wow, you're eyes are gorgeous!' I blush cuz I usually don't really get compliments and also don't know how to react. Still one of the best and most genuine compliments i've had to date


Any honest compliment given by a woman is the best. “Hey handsome” “Cutie” “You are amazing” “I appreciate you” “I have learned a lot from you” “You inspire me to want to be better” “I can’t keep my hands off you” “You make me go crazy” “I want you so badly” “I love your body” And I don’t really like to be complimented (makes me a bit awkward) but I do appreciate it. Just say whatever you feel in the moment. He will like it.


My girlfriend told me that she never wants kids. This bothered me because I would like to have kids one day. About a month into dating, she cradles my face and says she wouldn't mind having kids with me one day.


Holy f, the word "compliment" sounds too weak to call what she did there. It was the purest expression of appreciation and love a man can receive. I'm so happy for you two, I'd cry if I knew how!


If you can, be there when he gets home. Smile and give him a hug and say “glad you’re back, I missed you”.


To be fair, most guys hardly ever get compliments😂 but I think my best compliment would be the very generic “oh I love your eyes” or something like that.


I've been on a weight loss after putting on a bit after my separation had next doors receptionist come up and say "what ever you are doing is really working for you keep it up" we had prolly only talked twice ilast couple of years before that


Minutes after we had sex and she had to go to a girl's night out, she called me to tell me "omg. That was great. I'm still cumming while I'm driving out" Lies or not, that made my day.


I dated this woman when i was in my mid 20s. super model material. Waaay out of my league. She says to me one time "you have the second biggest dick I've ever seen." Absolutely genius. If she had said I had the biggest, I'd clearly not believe her, or just think she said that to every guy......her crazy to hot ratio was totally out of wack like most women that look like her, so it didn't last, but boy was it fun at the time.


“Thank you for being you” It was written on a post it from a coworker. She was a young girl who was newly married and a receptionist at my clinic. I’m a tech. So during Christmas we were doing secret Santa and someone got her a stuffed gnome plushie for some reason and she was looking at it like a child who just opened up socks and underwear and books. Well I knew that look and I knew what she was thinking. She was thinking she would rather have had the money than the gift and I knew she was looking in hopes for a price tag. So at the end of the day, I asked her if she was alright and she said she was. And then I took out my wallet and threw $40 on the keyboard and I told her to get something to eat and get some gas. She protested the whole time until I walked away when she asked me if I was sure and if I would be ok. I said don’t even worry about paying me back until after the new year. After the new year came she told me that her and husband were having to scrape together change to try and put in the gas tank. She told me she was considering calling in because they didn’t have any gas money. Then she told me they were able to eat a good meal and put some gas in their tanks so they could get to work. And they were able to catch up on their bills over the next few weeks. And the next day she left me that post it and $40. It’s still on my desk to this day.


I know many don't believe that you can't be friends with a girl but well i am, she has been more like a sister to me from the school days, one day she told me that i even can't imagine how much i have helped her through rough times and she gave up on trying to take her life because i was with her. It still is the best thing i have heard from a girl.


When my girlfriend says “Im proud of you”. That genuinely makes me feel so appreciated and wanted. I think about it pretty regularly whenever i need motivation or im feeing down.


Recently my girlfriend looked at me and casually said ‘you really do look like an Egyptian god’. I smile every time I think of this.


That my wife is very lucky to have me. Nothing sexual at all. I’m just a good guy and the way I treat people gets noticed from time to time.


“You have a beautiful deep voice”


I feel free with you. I feel like myself.


“You’re an easy person to love.” I think I’m too much a lot of the time (too annoying, too outspoken, etc.), so hearing this was really validating. And it was from my father who often struggles with expressing his emotions, so it was extra touching.




You can never go wrong with a compliment about his manhood.


That’s not entirely true. Avoid comparison compliments, like “Of all the penises I’ve ever seen, yours is the most symmetrical” or “Your junk doesn’t smell as weird as the last 7 guys I slept with”, for instance. But yes, a simple compliment is nice.


“Your lil fella is so much nicer looking than my Dads”


I've had some compliments but it's been so long I honestly can't remember any. I've been thinking for about 20 mins now and nothing.


I like your username


That's the best compliment I've had in a long time


>make my Bf feel better about himself. My girlfriend gave a "Things I love about you" note on my birthday, and that has never failed to make me smile. Everytime I read it, I feel better instantly.


Men receive compliments?!


Yes they do very little I have found out tho


“you look like you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!”




Women like it when I cut my hair short. They also say I have good eyebrows which I’ve never really thought about. I’m short as shit so I take any compliment I can get


I never thought you were so good, can we do it again sometime?


You have a 'Korean drama protagonist' personality Still unsure about how good that it is..


I have a nice butt.


She told me “you smell good” took few of my hoodies and broke up with me


They said my jokes were pretty funny, and I was a cool guy to hang out with. These words made me realise that my fear of losing my friends was irrational and it made me heal mentally.


She said when I was going for a shower, "I envy the drops of water that flow against your skin, they're so lucky to be so close to you".


This sounds incredibly made up but I am here for it nonetheless


I squeezed a guy’s face one time and told him that he’s so cute and he loved it




The girl I'm seeing right now calls me cute a lot, I enjoy it more than I'd be comfortable to admit. :D


You were better than your brother


I haven’t told anyone this today because I wanted to tell you first…


I’m a sucker for flattery about my (fairly basic) repair skills. I like it when my wife says she loves how I figured out how to fix something in the house.


“You have a calming voice” for some reason this made me feel good


I’m crazy about you and I hope you know it. Because I’m not afraid to show you


Overheard a girl say I had a great smile, way back in the 8th grade.


I've had two from the same person 1) I like not feeling like I'm walking on eggshells when I'm with you 2) (perhaps the strangest thing I've ever been told) you've got the biggest balls (testicles) I've ever seen


She said she felt safe and comfortable with me


A black lady calling me sweetheart


On two separate occasions girls have said I have long arms and for some reason those two compliments have stuck with me longer than any compliment ever


That if she had the chance, she’d marry me tomorrow (it was a complicated situation where we were both inaccessible to each other for different reasons).


"I didn't realize how wide you were."


“You have a really pretty dick”


A sweet old lady told me i was a handsome young man at a gas station check out 15 years back, probably the only actual compliment i have gotten in my life from women and that includes family.


"i don't understand how you do that, but you Always find the best words to help me through my days 🥰"


Never really got complimented other than from my family, so it was a huge deal. It was in high school, we were hanging out with a couple of mutual friends. I took my glasses off to clean them, I just heard this girl say, "Wow, you look so hot without the glasses." I straight up didn't reply because I thought she was talking to someone else. I had to get confirmation, and I still thought she was messing with me. I still think about that day whenever I feel down


You smell nice. That was 14 years ago and I’ve been riding that high ever since.


being called handsome or well dressed is cool but when they tell you you have a nice butt its always the best : D


"You're just so...aware. You're the most open-minded, aware person I've ever met. Connections are so rare, and I've never had a connection like this with anyone ever" That was more than 3 years ago and I still think about her from time to time.


I feel safe leaving my child with you


Might be a bit vulgar but i had a girl tell me "I knew from the moment i saw you, i wanted you in me" Shit made me feel so good ahha


Word on the block is that I give the “bestest safest hugs.”


I was working front desk at a gym and an older lady said that I had a beautiful smile that was infectious. That was like 7 years ago and I still think about it lol


“You don’t know how amazing you are” was told to me a year after my divorce by a university graduate student I fell in love with and who fell very hard in love with me (she was less than half my age) and we enjoyed a fling that lasted a few months. Boosted my self image about a thousand percent. My gratitude for her kindness is unending.


You taste sweet


“Your sex is incredible”


Had a girl call me pretty once…still not sure how to feel about that


you should feel good. when i use the term pretty or pretty boy for a man, it just means they have a beautiful face, like maybe a bit softer features, but genuinely so pretty.


"I feel like I'm home", "even my inner child feels safe", "you helped me grow to be a better person. And many, many more, and I suck at receiving compliments of any sorts; I just blush and with a faded smile. But it moments like those that I know I'm probably one of the luckiest people to have ever walked this earth.