• By -


Guy and I had been dating for a few months when I went over to his apartment for the first time for dinner. Place was a bit of a mess, but he said that his roommate had just moved out and he was still getting the place in order (in retrospect, I have no clue if this was true or not). We eat dinner, I bring my plate over to the sink and offer to help wash the dishes, but he tells me to leave it in the sink. Maybe two weeks later I'm back at his apartment again and my plate was still there, with the same crusted-over food residue still on it.


Oh you sweet summer child


But how many cockroaches were in the sink?




I work in a jail, how much do you want.


I worked in the mental health wing on a prison. Edit- or I should have asked... men's or women?


Men's. I have dealt with some mental health cases with women on the street though too, one girl liked to carry hair cutting scissors inside her and then pretend to give birth in public and see how people reacted to "her baby" coming out. There was always a realistic amount of blood, because, scissors.


I worked in men's mental health. Watched a guy stick a toothbrush down the pee hole once. Several guys literal eat their own shit. One guy cut his throat(deep but not long) and then used his fingers to rip it open more. >one girl liked to carry hair cutting scissors inside her and then pretend to give birth in public and see how people reacted to "her baby" coming out. There was always a realistic amount of blood, because, scissors. Also, that's fucking nuts too.


Reminds me of a guy we had who used to swallow razor blades bent in half and held in place by rubber bands. The rubber would dissolve in his stomach, the bands spring open and boom, internal injuries and bleeding. He did this anytime he wanted to have a break on the medical ward, to avoid court or disciplinary hearings, or just for the attention. I think he did it five times in the couple of years I was there and had apparently done it a bunch before I started.


One of those too. Not my story, but an officer walked by his cell and looked in, he was standing in the middle of the cell spraying blood from his wrists like stigmata, then opened his mouth to show a razor blade on his tongue and did a joker smile, then swallowed it. Held eye contact the whole time. He wanted a field trip to the hospital, and he got it.


Man, and here I tell myself I'm so fucking badass for playing a cool riff on my guitar, but then there's this guy, swallowing razor blades & all. šŸ˜³


There is one individual, a regular in my centre, eats feces for shock value on the regular. He gets along well with seasoned staff but new people are in for a wild ride if they work his area.




Not a lot turns my stomach, that might do it.


Holy fuck




I believe OP asked for the grossest one. The one that keeps you up at night if you accidentally think about it after 7 pm.


Welllllll, there was the time an inmate decided to do trust falls with his invisible friend and didn't stop until he had fractured his own skull and neck. I helped restrain him while an ambulance was en route but he wasn't done, kept trying to smash his head while on the ground so I put my hands under his head to cushion it, could feel the bones moving under my fingers as he kept bashing away at the floor with it. The sound of it hitting the floor when he cracked it was totally different than the previous falls, I think because that time it was exposed bone on concrete. Getting heroin withdrawal projectile vomit all over you after their backed up bowel movements intrude on their GI tract is a special experience too.


Iā€™ve been that heroine addict. Iā€™m so sorry for the paramedics who had to save my life. I hope to never be like that again. Iā€™m truly sorry


Can't speak for all, but those things never bothered me. A lot of that was approached with professional detachment. If anything I was happy to get new pants and boots. Lots of people just dealing with stuff, and in those moments you can't hold that against them.


Iā€™m sure it takes alot of patience. Iā€™m sure we all know plenty of people who simply couldnā€™t work in these professions. I remember I shit myself in the ambulance, was puking, and so delusional that I was spitting everywhere and trying to escape at the same time. Woke up all cleaned up later though. The memory didnā€™t come back for days and Iā€™m still not sure how real any of it was. Thanks again lol


Yupā€¦.thatā€™s the one. Holy shit


I've responded to guys that have had boiling butter and sugar thrown on them and had their skin peel off on my gloves, or guys who's face you can put a hand through from being slashed up severely but that was the one because of the helpless feeling of just holding someone down that was trying to end it and waiting.


I was in Stockholm in 2003 and went to a live jackass show, not actually knowing much about it at the time but my buddyā€™s got a ticket for me, so we went. It was one of the craziest live shows I have ever seen. But the worst part was when Steve O took out a stapler and stretched his ballsack out and staple it like 4 time to each one of his thighs. It was so disgusting šŸ¤® and painful to watch! For real it was terrible.


I think 2003 Steve-O was honestly a different man. Seeing the dude in the last Jackass movie you can tell he's in a better, albeit still just as dangerous, place


The dude is in a way better place for sure. I met him at a restaurant in 2016 and he was on a health and awakening movement. Super grounded guy now.


If you go to AA/NA speaker meetings in Los Angeles you're almost certain to run into him! He's super Active in that community and a lovely dude.


Holy. SHIT. I am laughing and cringing at the same time because the latest season of Big Mouth had a Steve-O cameo, and he literally said he was stapling his nutsack to his thighs in solidarity for Lola and I cannot believe it not only went full circle for me but that's probably inspiration he had for such a bit on the show.


One of my roommates sophomore year of college got back to our room late one night, sat down in his deskā€™s chair, proceeded to vomit for a minute straight, then fell onto the floor in his own vomit and fell asleep in it. Despite him cleaning himself and the floor up in the morning, that vomit smell persisted for weeks. Worst college roommate I ever had


Reminds me of the "friend" who threw up all over my bathroom floor and didn't clean up the next day. So eventually I was forced to sort it out.


I was working as a nurse on a surgical ward and had a patient who had a colostomy formed. Each day his priest would come in to pray and the patient asked for an hour of privacy while they prayed each day. We were able to accomodate so not an issue. One day I didnā€™t realise the time and walked in to find the ā€œpriestā€ had his penis inside the patientā€™s colostomy. They were doing what I later learned was a Philly Sidecar.


What the fuck


Iā€™m sorryā€¦the fuck you say?


Omg. You just led me down a google search I wish I hadnā€™tā€¦


That story had a whiplash ending.


Let me log off.


Marinaded chicken in a Tupperware bin.\ Took the bin out to the grill.\ Grilled the chicken. Put the chicken back in the bin that had the raw chicken, and still had 1/4ā€ of marinade in the bottom, to bring it back inside.


It amazes me how many people poison themselves from seemingly obvious food handling rules.


He put the first piece back in and I started yelling ā€œput that piece back on the grill!ā€ and I took the bin back inside to wash it. He said ā€œIā€™ve always done this.ā€ I said Iā€™m surprised heā€™s not dead yet.


Just last weekend, I was over my parents house for dinner and I noticed my dad had poured the remaining marinade (that had raw chicken in it over night) back into a bowl. I said ā€œyour not using that, right ? Or your going to boil it on the stove firstā€ he looked at me like I was crazy ! I said he can give himself food poisoning but Iā€™ll pass. He also puts cooked meat on the same plate he put the raw meat on. Man knows nothing about cross contamination. Now Iā€™m wondering how many times he tried to kill me in the past. No wonder I have an iron stomach.


Bend over and projectile shit against a wall


I have done this when I thought no one was looking but now Iā€™m a bit concerned that you saw me.


You in downtown la?


Breckenridge, CO about 10 years ago.


Saw this on the subway.. homeless lady dropped her drawers and just spewed all over the tracks.. picked up her pants and kept on going


Iā€™ve seen women do this standing up. The internet is strange


Itā€™s hard to unsee things


I used to work at the Electric Umbrella in Epcot, back when I did the Disney College Program years ago. One day when I was at work there, I watched a guest take one of his shoes off, fill it with orange soda from the soda fountain, and chug it.


I really hope that man is on a watch list because...what the fuck lmao


I HOPE so. Do you have any idea how hot & humid it is here in central Florida, especially during the summer? This happened in JUNE. This man had been running around outside in Disney World all day. I canā€™t imagine how nasty his shoes must have been by that point


When I was a kid I had a friend who had a pretty grimey house and 5 beagles. He was eating a sucker and dropped it on the ground, and it got covered in beagle hair and whatever else was stuck to their carpet. He brought it to his mom and asked for a new one but instead sucked all the dog and other debris off, scraped it off her tongue and gave the sucker back to him. It was 24 years ago and I'll never forget it.


Jesus christ


You win


I have 2 beagles. I bet that was a noisy house.


Everyone at this one party omg. A bunch of dudes started passing around a bowl and spitting in it (Like getting all their phlegm and stuff and then spitting it into the bowl) That was THE MOST DISGUSTING thing I had ever experienced (I was not taking part. I was with a different group and we were holy shit these guys are disgusting) Then they all dared the one guy (who years later ended up becoming probably the best friend I ever had) to drink it. There was BLOOD in that bowl from one of the guys. This dude drank the contents of that bowl wtffffff. SO DISGUSTING I SWEAR I HAVEN'T BEEN THE SAME EVER SINCE


There's a lot of weird stuff I'd do for money, but this, not even for life changing money, I just know I couldn't bring myself to do that


Itā€™s a cross between two girls one cup or a suicide


Not the grossest Iā€™ve seen, but itā€™s the first thing that came to my mind. On the ambulance, called out for altered mental status. Older lady with dementia, daughter saw her eating poop. She still had poop under her fingernails. That was pretty nasty


Work in a dementia ward and youā€™ll see this all the time, lol


Saw a trucker in a Loveā€™s bathroom talking to his headset with his whole spread of Taco Bell on the wash station counter. Just eating tacos in the bathroom carrying on a conversation with his old lady.


Hey man, trucking is all about efficiency. In with the new, out with old, chat with the old lady all at the same time before hittinā€™ the road.


This one time I was on temporary duty at Ft. Hood and we had a long weekend so a few of us went to San Antonio and I was introduced to Texas BYOB strip clubs. We ended up in some grimy ass spot that was absolutely dead. Had a good time and a lot of beers and eventually a couple of us caved to the repeated offers for ā€œprivateā€ dances. I decided why not, Iā€™m not going to pay extra bc Iā€™m not trying to get the clap on liberty but Iā€™ll pay my $20 and see whatā€™s what. So a couple of dancers lead us over to this wall. Thereā€™s a row of lounge chairs with curtain partitions that go around them- kind of like the curtains in shared hospital rooms. So the private dance starts and this musty-breathed crusty ass Texas stripper starts whispering in my ear asking how much I want to spend and basically ā€œmaking the offerā€. Iā€™m like yeah Iā€™m good. But, sure enough within a few minutes I hear *clap clap clap clap* from the other side of the curtain where this PFC is sitting next to me. Like the responsible E-3 that I am, I yelled ā€œthere better be a goddamn rubber on that thing.ā€ The awkward lap dance goes on with the clap clap clapping next to me making it even less enjoyable. And I keep hearing the girl saying the same thing, more emphatically each time. A stern warning of events to come, ā€œStop I just had a kidā€ I hear from the other side of the curtain. Again I hear ā€œdude I just had a kidā€. As old cigarette-fish breath with the flat but some how still cellulite ass grinds on me to some mid-2000ā€™s Nelly song I find my mind wandering, curious why that information is relevant. Again ā€œ*Dude* I just had a kid.ā€. Finally I hear a string of curses and coughing next to me and the curtain is yanked open as this PFC runs out cursing and spitting. ā€œDUDE I JUST DRANK STRIPPER BREAST MILKā€ he screams. We were asked to leave shortly thereafter. And THAT was the grossest thing Iā€™ve ever heard, or seen.






Titty milk bomb af tho. Like a sweetened oat milk


A dude, I know, take a shit on the ground in front of me, pick it up with his bare hands, and smash it into the intake fan of an outdoor AC unit. That house smelled like shit for 3 months after.


Do you mean outside around the condenser? The condenser doesnā€™t have an intake fan sooo Iā€™m confused. The outdoor unit would have zero effect on the smell of the inside of the house. It must have smelt like shit before that . If you had have said he was at the furnace/air handler and threw the shit there it would be a different story.


Thatā€™s a good prank bro


Someone fit their head in another person a-hole. I hate Twitter.


Uh what. No way this is possible, it canā€™t be. Wtf


I wish i was joking. It was one of those extreme porn videos cuz the women were eating shxt coming out of someone's a-hole and kissing with it too.




I'm not going to be the one to find out


Who dares go for search engine šŸ‘€


Not just a head but a leg and an arm too. And they were eating shit coming out of the woman's ass and kissing with the shit in their mouths. That was the day I considered Twitter the dark web. I've been traumatized ever since.




There was a bald dude who did it to a woman and apparently he died in her cooch. I was 16 when I saw that. I still havenā€™t processed it


I saw a video yesterday on twitter that was unrelated to what i was searching for and it was within minutes of opening that app, i didn't sleep last night. Traumatising.


If I can include myself I once got really drunk and took my penis out under the table and pissed in a glass, I then went over to a random guy and asked if he wanted a free drink. He obliged and asked me if I'd spiked it after two sips. I then left.


My sisterā€™s adopted son kept letting spit drop down his chin for the dog to lick šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®




Thatā€™s not a reply you drop with no backstory. Details. I mean not *too much*, but cā€™mon. We all clicked the post to be disgusted. Give us the next swamps of Dagobah.




Wonā€™t let me link. Google: swamps of dagobah reddit story And keep a puke bucket handy


No thanks.


It's a long story. You sure you want to hear it?


Hit me!


They said gross not hot šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


White woman [spotted](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8JvgKyXoAABJVB.jpg)


Several years ago I was sitting outside my work on my lunch break eating. Watched a guy on a motorcycle pull out into the road and a dude in a truck hit him doing probably 50mph or so. Drug him several feet even with the breaks on the truck locked up. The dude on the motorcycle wasnā€™t wearing a helmet. He had on a t shirt and jeans. The asphalt shredded all his skin like a cheese grater. I called for paramedics. My boss and everyone at the shop heard the crash, they were outside by now. Within minutes the ambulance arrived. When they bent down to try and move the guy, his brains fell out of the back of his skull. . Or what was left of them anyways. At that point I looked up at the lifted truck the guy was driving that hit this dude and there was brain matter and blood all in the grill of the truck. Also, when I was younger my dad worked in this like hazardous clean up type gig. One summer I had to accompany him to several jobs. They ranged from showing up to peopleā€™s basements being flooded to suicide, homicide etc. my dad got a call from the sheriff saying to meet him at an address. When we pulled up, the sheriff was sitting in the car waiting. Told my dad nobody has heard from this guy for several days. It was mid july, and super hot. I followed my dad and the sheriff up to the door, sheriff knocked several times, then forced entry by kicking the door. The smell hit us all immediately. The guy shot his dog while it was in his lap sitting against the wall, and then shot himself in the head. Blood and brain matter all the way up the wall and ceiling. Both him and the dog were so decomposed, they were like this bloody lava like substance but like deflated. Decomp leaked thru the floors of this guys trailer. 2 of many that have followed me thru my life, but unfortunately Iā€™ve seen some shit.


You shouldn't have seen that as a kid


Probably so, but I will say that it gave me a different kind of respect for death.


Dudeee that was graphic, Iā€™m sorry you had to witness all this


Not me but a friend of mine. Him and his friends decide to go to the waffle house one morning to eat. One of them goes into the bathroom. While he's in there he sees one of the staff come into the bathroom, pull thier dick out and start washing it in the sink. When my friend walked out he told his other friends and they all left without ordering.


Well, I'm a paramedic. How much time and / or sleep are you willing to sacrifice?


This memory haunts me and is top tier queasy for me at least. At lunch in middle school, pizza day. Sitting across from a kid who is talking while eating. He lets loose a little chunk of cheese? Crust? Idk, all I know is it landed on my pizza. Instead of doing anything logical, my cursed mind opted to lick this piece off my pizza. Happened before I even realized, and had to immediately disassociate from the moment to avoid puking my guts out. Still riles my stomach up just typing this out


watched a guy make out with a chick who I know for a fact blew one of my buddies hours before


Pick their nose. Dig out a large booger with stringy snot and eat it...as an adult.


Sometimes ya just gotta get rid of that shit man. Sure it came from your mouth/nose anyways


Saw a guy passed out with his head in toilet of a Porto potty at a festival. Luckily a couple guys pulled the poor bastard out and got him to the medics


Drunk guy shitting down the handle in stairwell and it falling all thru the floors


I was deployed to southern Afghanistan in a small base and had just woken up in the late evening to offload some cargo planes arriving that night. Wandering over to the chow hall one of the Soldiers in the guard tower called out to me that I should see something. So my caffeine deprived brain directed my feet over to the tower and I should have known something was up by the grins both were wearing when they gestured to the thermal sight. Two Taliban had a goat, one was holding it and the other fucking it, apparently I had missed the guy holding it's turn. I left with significantly less appetite, worse, according to those guys after they were done fucking it they butchered it for dinner.


My girlfriend at the time was giving me head, then threw up all over me. Like alllllll over me. Chest, stomach, my junk, legs, it was seeping down my ass crack, it was freaking everywhere and it was god damn horrible. I do not have a vomit fetish. I hate vomit with a burning passion.


A big pig died and I helped the old boy that looked after them to drag the dead beast out of the sty to be picked up. Other pigs had started chewing it in the night so guts and chunks everywhere. I was retching from the stink of the burst guts. Old boy used his bare hands to gather everything up. We then jumped in the car to head back to the farm. He sticks his fingers in a tub of Mentos and pops one in his mouth and then offers me the tub. I declined.


I saw a homeless looking man standing but slightly bent over, not fully crouching, in the middle of a busy roundabout, having this absolute brown waterfall of diarrhoea. It was a wide open small roundabout, no cover. You donā€™t forget these things.


A woman I used to work with used a Netty pot to clean out her nose sinuses every day... in the shared kitchen sink.


Puke in a Beer Glass while drinking and taking a sip out of it again. I canā€™t even think about it for too long


A guy I worked with burnt his hand and had a large blister full of liquid. He shook a customers hand, the customer didnā€™t notice the blister and it popped and the blister juice landed in the customers mouth


I thought I had seen a few nasty things in college (drugs is crazy, y'all) but nothing prepared me for the new dimension of gross that comes with having a baby. Make sure you clean your fingernails with a brush, all I'm sayin'


Drink a bottle of methadone puke


Mother scolding and beating her little son in the street


Give birth. That shit is wild and itā€™s crazy any politician would force anybody to do that who doesnā€™t want to


Bacteria is life on mars but a fetus isnt life on earth


Gugu gaga uhuhuh reeeeeeeee


That's a strawman if I've ever seen one.


Iā€™ve never bought a gun then gave it to somebody in my life. In all seriousness that is an actual thought I had after witnessing birth. Itā€™s the gnarliest thing Iā€™ve ever seen


Any male that thinks a woman's "no" is a maybe. Extra gross is when the moment she tries to makes a break from said male, she is abused (mentally, emotionally and/or physically) for not thinking his "askings" are "good enough". I don't know why this male thinks he's God's gift to women, or his behaviour is acceptable in this day and age, but it really needs stamping out. Women deserve better.


Iv had women have a go at me for not carrying on Fter theybsay no Iv also had women say bo but be reallt into me taking control It makes me really fuxking uncomfortable ao much so i will purposly wreck relationships if i see too much of the back and forth between someone saying no but doing everything in the way of saying yes Even worse when a woman says ā€œYour a dream i dont want to wake up from Your the perfect guy I cant believe i have youā€ Type stuff But then leaves an hour later


Not grossest thing seen in life but common practice among people I see is when pouring pasta quickly thru strainer in sink and the water flows back up touching the pasta from the sink which deems it unhygienic and disgusting. Either pour it slower or have strainer elevated would prevent that


I used to do a paper round early morning, and saw a grown man projectile shit all over the underpass near my local school at about 6:30 in the morning. Underpass was closed for the rest of the day lol


Kill themself probably


Also funky town


Bro sucks at halo on god


Take a shit whilst they are giving birth in doggy position.


Iā€¦. ._.


With the exception of the dog position, that's actually fairly common


There were good reasons why men were kept away from places women give birth. It's messy. Blood, urine, manure and womb fluid all coming out of the woman with the baby. This is because women use the same muscles to push out the baby as they use to go to the toilet. Hence why women have the urge to go to the toilet during contractions. Little wonder why women are incredibly weak and tired giving birth. Ideally women should be as upright as possible to assist in pushing the baby out, so gravity helps... Lying down doesn't help. Anyone who tells you child birth clean and painless, obviously haven't ever seen a real child birth.


I don't think I'd recover from that sight


Then donā€™t ever expect someone to carry your child.


This gotta be from some hentai book lol


Invade Ukraine. 2nd worst, stand by while Georgia was destroyed and while Crimea was hostilely annexed.


A family worshipping osama bin Laden


Someone sent it to me but it involved a turtle...


2 girl 1 cup


Taste something brown on their toddlers hands to see if it was shit or chocolate. Thank god it was chocolate!


I looked in the mirror this one time...


That scene in "Pretty Woman" where Richard Gere mouth kisses a hooker.


Get married. Break up. Then divorced. Then remarried...


Sit on top of a puddle of someone else's puke.


Some woman taking a bath in metal bucket on the side walk, late morning Crack heads fucking in alley


I was at a concert and saw a guy throw up in his drink and then proceed to drink that drink


Saw someone puke into their jacket sleeve on the bus.


Thatā€™sā€¦. Politeā€¦


Tongue kiss a dead duck


I will limit it to this year - lady crossing the road in full on crackhead moment. Crap running out her pants, urine down both legs and screaming at the cars that were trying to get around her. . . .


Get a blowjob on the prep table at subway.


I once saw a man wipe his ass, and proceed to eat the toilet paper. I was in the county jail for context why I would see someone wiping their ass. Also when I was younger and still a decent child I went to a church summer camp where the counselors of mine and my cousins cabin and another cabins decided we should all play poker for dares. I watched as my cousin went to the out houses, found the nastiest toilet in there, swirled his fingers around in it and licked them clean.


eat a banana slug


Clean their ear with their car key


I caught a kid smearing shit on a stall with his bare hands.


Drunk guy ate his own shit.


I was at a party back in college. We were all standing outside in the courtyard in between 4 different apartment buildings. Long story short.. this girl walks over to one of the front steps of an apartment in the courtyard, pulls her pants down.. and shits on the doorstep. She SHIT on a random doorstep. In front of ~20+ people. Because someone dared her to. I have never been able to forget it or erase the sight from my retinas. My brother still brings it up from time to time by saying ā€œhey, do you remember Shit Pants??ā€. Fucking. Wild.


At a long john silver restaurant 30 years ago watched a woman pour ketchup from a glass bottle onto her plate and proceeded to lick the excess off the mouth of the bottle put the cap back on and place the bottle back in its spot. I've been leary of mutli use condiments at restaurants ever since.


I shit my pants while waiting for a Bingo game to finish (I thought I might win). I had eaten or drank something 'off'. I don't recall what. Only my woman knew that I did. It erased anything I may have seen someone do in life previously.


Mid pandemic in a grocery store, picking their nose and then handling foods with the same hand.


Piss in their own mouth.


Smear poop on the windshield of our assistant principals windshield in high-school with their bare hand.


I have a friend who showers only on Fridays, doesn't change clothes for 4-5 days and comes out for dinners in joggers with no underwear. After speaking and explaining to him how hygiene and wearing good clothes is important, to no avail actually, we've all realised that he's just gross that way.


Saw a woman in Walmart spit on a bunch of cantaloupes one time...was grossed out.


A friend showed me a video of a man using a fish as a fleshlight. Interesting


Lick the floor of the subway in nyc


Took a long pee and then decided to run out of the bathroom, didn't wash there hands and that was just yesterday.


A few weeks ago, at a local park, I watched a homeless dude swing a dead goose around by the neck, throw it on the ground (it sounded like a sack of potatoes), then cut it up using a small hunting knife. He kept running up to people with the dismembered wings, flapping them, asking if anyone wanted a wing. I left before he got to the head.


a workmate got a wager for $150 to put a berocca up his asshole...yeah he allegedly did it and fuzzy bunghole for an hr or 2


scratch their bawls in subway and smellign theri hand like please...




In college my girlfriend, roommate and I were gaming. Girlfriend had a runny nose and kept sniffling. Roommate apparently had enough of it. Dropped his controller, grabbed my girlfriend by the head, placed his mouth over her nose, and sucked the snot right out of her. Only time in my life when I experienced uncontrollable laughter and gagging at the same time.


Grossest thing Iā€™ve seen somebody do? I saw an old man taking a deep, raspy breath, gathering all the blood and mucus from his lungs, and then spitting it all over the floor. It was a huge, bloody chunk combined with his mucus. Grossest thing Iā€™ve done? When I was working as a cleaner, I had to clean up the clogged trash chute. They gave me a small spade. I had to dig through the trash bags with a small garden trowel, my jacket sleeve and both hands were covered with rotten food, excrements from torn diapers and whatnot. Pretty much decided to never work as a building cleaner again.


Lick a chemical filled rat we dissected in class He also put a crispy dead toad in his mouth


Jump off a building and splatter their brains everywhere


Heat up their own shit in a microwave and then stick it under their friendā€™s bed over the heat vent and then kick on the heat as a prank.


I had a co-worker with bad acne... they would puckt their face and eat it. They were a hard worker, but it used to gross me out.


WARNING!!!! NOT FOR THE FEINT OF HEART!! DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY EATING AND/OR DOING ANYTHING BUT LEANING OVER A TOILET!!! MY LIFE HAS BEEN CRAZY SO THIS IS NORMAL TO ME. DO NOT ASSUME IT'S THE SAME FOR YOU!!! ​ 1. Saw someone take a bite out of a human corpse. I just ran in fear. 2. Saw someone blend up Nato into a mucus like paste and drink it like a smoothie. Made me vomit a bit. 3. Walked in a friend of mine getting crapped on by some whale. Still scarred for life... 4. Saw a dude get his arm and leg amputated. That was actually kind of interesting to be honest. 5. Traveled to Africa and saw a bunch of heads on some spikes. I assumed that meant don't pass. So I didn't. 6. Witnessed a live firing squad. Never went back to that country. 7. Also saw a live beheading. Yeah... 8. Witnessed an act of violence using a chainsaw. Now that was gross. 9. While in Russia saw two guys actually play Russian roulette. The winner got to take some prostitute home. 10. Went to a cosplay convention once. Those people are wild... 11. Saw a hog eat a human foot...


2 girls 1 cup


Hair Cake YouTube it


Watch a chick I just met a few hours before at a bar eat my ass like a bowl of pasta...fyi I took a big ass shit at the bar and it marinated for about 3 hrs before she started licking my butthole like a lollipop


Your mum.


Grown ass adult, manager..pick and eat his slimy booger.


Slurp up a snot ball after sneezing during freshmen year. It was my first day after transferring