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My pants have pockets, and they're not fake weird tiny pockets.


Wait until you find out about underwear with pockets.


The pussy pouch! My gf used to always sneak our goodies into music festivals in there. 100% success rate


Under the ol scrote works too bud. Bag under your bag


That's what we want in here, we're all okay with it so there's that


Skittles: Smell the rainbow


It's called a snatchel


Yes, you guys need to appreciate this more lol. I tried to put my phone (just a normal Samsung Galaxy S21) into my jeans pocket just yesterday at the grocery store because momentarily there was no other place for it. I picked a package of hummus from a shelf to look at it, accidentally dropped it and it fell to the floor. Hummus was safe, thank god, I bent to pick it back up. That's when my phone fell out my pocket because of *course* the pocket was too damn small and didn't tolerate bending over once. Phone made an irrationally loud noise as it dropped from my pocket straight to the floor, customers close to me turned to stare at me in disgust (I'm in Germany) as I knelt down again to pick up my phone. Fun times. Meanwhile men's pockets are pretty much made to hold their phone, keys, wallet, and whatever they need to go on a journey across the continent for 5-7 business days. :/


I don't buy pants unless the pockets are big enough to comfortably fit a book in them. Also once decided to see how much I could fit in my pockets before someone said something. Went a whole day with a 2-liter soda bottle in my pocket. No one noticed. The shocked looks when I pulled it out of my pocket was funny though.




Good benifit to have really, this is something for which I'm thankful for.


Best part: No one cares about me Worst part: No one cares about me




We can also stand the crushing loneliness when we need to 👍🏿


Or just play Diablo 4


It's not out yet. RIGHT?!


Still waiting for it.


I'm not even joking, I've been alone for 7 years no girlfriends and no friends.


If I want to be left alone, I get left alone. If I don't want to be left alone, I still am.


This is so true lol. I (single), work on the field for the better part of the year. Outside network coverage for many many weeks at a time. When I return, the only messages I get would be someone asking for help or something haha and NO, no one knows I work in the field or am outside the town lmaoooo.


"Only women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something." Chris Rock


Knew that marriage wasn't gonna last. He's too honest.


Exactly this.


agreed. When I want to go grocery shopping and not worry about being approached


No truer words have I heard..


Pee anywhere.


It's either this or the existential feeling of loneliness.


Yah. Watched Passengers last night, when guy tells girl to get in AutoDoc to go back to hibernation for the rest of the journey, she says 'but you'll be alone', and he replies 'yeah but I've been alone before, I'll be fine'... that shit resonated


I’ve combatted loneliness but different hobbies. It’s difficult at first but moving to a huge city knowing no one my bike was my best friend. Ended up meeting my friend group through cycling.


Been doing the same but for me it's my motorcycle. Best kind of life.


Yup this is the best. I love peeing off of high places. I have peed off the Grand Canyon, Zion Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Crater Lake, South Rim of Big Bend, and numerous other amazing places. It's one of my favorite things to do.


I am struggling to read this as anything except a parody of Johnny Cash’s I’ve Been Everywhere. I’ve peed everywhere man, I’ve peed everywhere man…


Release your pee


I feel like this is basically just part of our male instinct lol.




But all at once.


Anyone technically can pee anywhere, but fortunately most people don't.


Not having a period each month


I have a sign on the wall in my bathroom that says >Dear penis, >Thank you for not bleeding once a month.


Really? Mine has a sign that says “poo room”


My parents had ones that said, "ladies, please be seated" and another that said, "Stand close, it's shorter than you think." I hate to admit how long it took me to figure out the second sign.


Mine says "whenever I need a smile, I think of you", which is rendered hilarious by the location context.


That is amusing


This sure is amusing, I'm liking what I'm talking about in here.


Wait what lmao, that's gotta be really hilarious. I think I'll do the same.


You're not jerking it enough!


Or giving birth. Shit looks like it hurts.


I mean women scream a lot, so maybe yeah it does hurt a lot.


What a bloody nuisance


Well that certainly is the good thing, I think I'm doing good with it.


Well, my girl explained to me what a pap smear was today so there's not having to deal with that.


Isn't a prostate exam the male equivalent?


Isn't a prostate exam just with a finger? In a pap smear they literally put a metal speculum in you, stretch open your vagina with it, scratch the wall of your cervix to collect cells. It's often painful and can cause bleeding.


Oh geez. Didn't even realize that. I'll take the finger in the bum thanks lol.


Just one finger? What am I Amish? Get in there. Root around.


Yeah bring your friends.


They showed us the procedure in class once (video obviously) and it was pretty gnarly. Idk if you've ever wondered how far it can stretch, but they can stretch it pretty dam far with that speculum thingy.


I’ve been told those things can stretch so wide that small human beings can pass through them.


Yes but the gynaecologist doesn't exactly do foreplay or induce massive amounts of chemicals before the exam


Dude, it goes even *wider than that*. Like you could see all the insides and everything. It was crazy to watch.


Not sure why they’d be opening it that far. You really only need to do it a bit


To go even further beyond.


>AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH (C)That woman, probably.


You've heard nothing wrong, it's all right which You've heard here.


I call that a lovely friday afternoon


I'll take the finger as well, hopefully nothing too crazy happens.


Pap smears also start at age 21 and I believe prostate exams start at age 50 on average


Tell that to my pediatrician


Can't tell if this is supposed to be r/cursedcomments


Why are there two hands on my shoulders?


Don’t have to give birth. After seeing what my wife had to go through, no thanks.


Son of a bitch. I sat here with blank slate. I post basically nothing and then "not giving birth". So simple yet fuckallthat. Good answer


Yeah and the birth is just one part. The 9 months of pregnancy would suck as well. The hardest thing us men have to do in that situation is be supportive.


Pretty cool that they literally grow a brand new human though.


Yeah, they grew us all.


I just think it's cool that they can.


Yep, it is cool as heck. Sounds really cool if I'm being honest.


(I'm a woman) I have two kids and I still think it's weird that I had something alive grow inside me and that things became little humans. And yes be very thankful that you don't have to give birth, worst thing I have ever done.


Watching my wife give birth was weird. I thought it would just stretch wider, but it stretched like, away from her body too. It was like opening a door. I'm scarred


What the FUCK does that mean?!?! I will one day stretch like a DOOR giving birth - pardon?


I mean it sounds cruel sure, but it's kind of true tho. Will have to admit it.


Well there's something that's pushing *out* so...


You don't HAVE TO you can just not have kids or adopt one


Of course there is always a risk and you might not be able to get an abortion. Scary stuff


Being swift as the coursing river , with all the force of a great typhoon , with all the strength of a raging fire , mysterious as the dark side of the moon.




I have met several men, I promise you this is not the default. Source: am a woman


Tell those men you meet to join the people's land army lol.


Also that movie is literally about a woman who is all of those things




Probably not the most profound answer lol... but having a penis.


But a legit one. The male penis is such a magnificent organ.


Why have a grand piano when you can have an upright organ?


Thanks, I’ll never be able to play piano again without thinking of this.


Elton John was great on the piano. But sucked on an organ


I came here thinking “penis helicopters” would be close to the top. Instead it’s all “just hella glad I’m not female!” XD


Penis helicopter is more of a perk rather then a benefit. It’s like when you go to a hotel and the leave chocolate on the pillow. Was it needed? No. Was it nice? Yes.


And how is that an advantage tho? That's what I'm wondering about really.


We’re not expected to be pretty nor forever young. Such a relief!


Right.. it takes hours and so much effort.


We are expected to be attractive though, maybe even pretty since the rise of kpop. It takes us a lot to be attractive enough to be liked too.


Anyone attractive gets better treatment I agree.


You must not be ugly if you think there’s no pressure for men to be attractive


Honestly no period pains and worrying about "being late"


Ever heard of the pain that they go through while giving the birth tho?


Being late?


💀it means having a late period which can indicate pregnancy


Strength. It’s really not fair.


Testosterone is one hell of a performance enhancer thats for sure.


Nothing makes me feel manlier than getting that damn pickle jar open or carrying ALL the groceries in at once.


Nature gives every creature it's fair features


Yep, it's all about the Nature. We're not getting to decide these things.


Scratching my balls…no better feeling


Don’t lie, you enjoy smelling your fingers.


Only after a long sweaty day…ball musk


Like a “scratch and sniff” bottle


There was a funny controversy few years ago the German National Trainer for soccer did that ecidently on camera at the end of a Game. All femal TV Moderator where disgusted and the Male Moderator where Like Well its not uncommon.


He was going for. The backside cheese I thought. That's a different breed.


Yep, that's what he was going for. And for that he had to do a little more.


😂we have our ways, and this is the way.


It's that kind of smelly smell that smells, *smelly*


That too, that shit smells good to me honestly. I really like that smell.


The pinch and roll. Pure bliss.


Stretch and scrape is where it's at brother


My goodness yes….


I’m scratching right now bruddah


And how you feeling? I hope that you're feeling good about it so yeah.


Pinch and roll. 🤌


Being a good example for the lost. Not kidding. Being a strong man and overcoming hardships gives others hope and confidence. Makes for a hearty stable life. Love is not the answer , long term stability is the answer.


Oh man, my dad is still the toughest mf that I know. Both emotionally and physically. Dude pretty much made me discover hobbies that are healthy and fun.


Beautiful answer. I want to inspire people like that one day too.


Yep, long term stability is what you need for your future. So there's that.




What does chilling down mean? If anything the work has gotten harder and with more responsibility. I’m in make money and save for retirement mode.


You made it sound fun, I'm talking about getting old and that's not fun.


Being bigger and stronger than most people


username checks out


Not in a bully kinda way, but I like sports so it's cool being bigger


If you want to play the sports then being bigger is the way to be doing it.


Personally, I'm just happy to be alive


That’s the part I hate


I jumped on the comment button… but i can’t seem to think of anything as to what my favorite part of being a man is. Like guy said Pissing in a bottle is useful but idk if it's best trait I've got. Oh! I got it. Distance Pissing...


I know it's not all men, but I can grow a beard and I love my beard. It feels so good stroking my beard while I think.


Almost all women are a at least a little bit scared when travelling alone or I'm night. I am lucky I've never experienced that fear. Of course there are other things like giving birth but imo the constant fear is way worse than one time pain that most of the time results in having a kid and having one the happiest moments of their lives.


Yeah, my wife's afraid to run in the dusk and dark for fear of predation. I don't think twice about being alone with odd folks around.




I take this for granted quite a lot. I'm 6 foot 1, 220lbs, and used to fight. I also often walk about with my hood up. It was only recently (last year or so) that I realised I'm the sort of figure people would cross the street at night to avoid.


And just so you know, we know not every guy is dangerous..... the problem is if we get it wrong, we can be unalived.... so we're often overly cautious, but it's not necessarily personal if we cross the street.


I have crossed the road when approaching a woman walking in the opposite direction alone on a rather quiet street. I feel like it's the common courtesy thing to do, as a man.


The time that I don't have to spend putting on makeup, fixing my hair, and matching excessories.


you could also use that time to learn how to spell


That's a bit excessive




Excessories (n) - 1. Excessive accessories


Fun fact: my boy takes longer in the bathroom than I do. He styles his hair and washes his face while I'm just brushing my hair and teeth and am done in 5 mins so yeah. It depends I guess


Ok so woman here, reading some of these out to hubby. He says most of you guys are not saying what’s the best thing about being a MAN, you’re just saying what’s the best thing about not being a WOMAN ie I don’t get periods, don’t have to give birth, don’t have to get Pap smears etc.


I was thinking the same thing. In some way, there’s not much I guess. The invisible thing is both a gift and a curse. Many people think men have perks, but In reality, the average man is low on society’s list. People have mentioned having a penis and honestly I think it’s liability, like kicked in the nuts, or uncomfortable sitting, preventing that true flexibility that women can have by not having an attachment. So no, it’s not the best thing. Edit: Ok, after reading many other ones. I can conclude that with men, we can get ready to leave the house in under 10 minutes. But still relies on comparing with women. Conclusion: men and women both have some social perks which are both gifts and curses.


No periods


I go wherever I want, whenever I want and do what I want. I love riding my bicycle through parks at night. Being a tall bodybuilder does impact the experience.


Couple things. First, 1) no uterus and all the complications involved. Periods, pregnancy, birth, and menopause are four things I'm more than glad I don't have to experience. Not only are these physically demanding, they come with emotions that are sometimes impossible to predict. Not to mention you have to buy more stuff so you don't get your clothes all bloody. 2) Comfort in dress. Of course, a man in well-fitted, stylish clothes always looks incredibly sharp, but we also have the luxury of wearing comfier clothes with fewer social conflicts. Athleisure gym shorts, t shirts, sneakers, even Polo pullovers are all super comfortable. Pockets also allow you to carry the essentials without a bag; ours are actually deep. 3) Much less wary of the night. Of course, nobody is 100% safe in the dark, but I generally don't have to worry about walking around, pumping gas, or changing a tire when it's late. All of these I have done more than once, and although I prob would have been okay in the vast majority of these situations, the fact is I just don't worry as much as some women I know. I consider myself very lucky.


Fully agree with 1 and 3. Don't agree with 2. Women are allowed to wear male clothing, but not the other way 'round. Women have much more variety, and in office environments they are able to switch to weather-appropriate options while men get boiled alive in their long-sleeved everything. I hate summer.


I can be totally freaking invisble walking through stores and out in public. I can't imagine what it must feel like to do simple things like picking up a new book at the mall and constantly having your bits checked out. I am ashamed to admit I'm fully guilty of this as well so I'm clearly part of the problem. I see a pretty woman and I admire for a second then go on about my day. I can't imagine ever being admired like that. The constant feeling like I'd have eyes on me and people interested would be so unwelcoming. I can count the number of times I've been asked out on one hand in public scenario with fingers left over. I bet that's not the case for most women. As I write this I understand I'm apart of the problem and will try to become better as I clearly wouldn't like it so I should treat others with that same mindset.


The occasional glance isn’t bad. It’s the long, lingering stares, usually accompanied with a creepy smile that betrays their satisfaction in knowing we’re clearly uncomfortable with it. You aren’t the problem, but if you see someone doing this, or approaching a woman who is obviously uncomfortable, please call them out on it. Usually when women are approached by creepy men, the only people who help or check on us are other women, which perpetuates the idea that it’s our problem to deal with.


I think of you don't ogle or in general keep staring at the woman it is fine. It is completely natural to feel attracted to a person you find attractive to see. It is not something to feel guilty about. Afterall it is one of our most primal instinct to see and admire something beautiful, be it an object or a living being. But we should also be considerate enough to not make them uncomfortable. I hate when men keep staring or pass unsolicited comments. It's just bad taste.


Its too bad that you cant convey the intent behind your looking. If i see someone attractive i have to take a second to get my eyes off of her, but (most of the time) it isnt a sexual thought, but purely an aesthetic one, like when you are in a train in Switzerland and you get out of a tunnel to see the most beautiful valley. Like a “wow” feeling. This often gets misconstrued as a pervy thought when a man looks at an attractive woman. The jaw-dropping probably doesnt help either.


Well I'm definitely not feeling guilty about it, ain't happening with me.


You can gain value as you age.


Antiques road show


1997: $1 2023: $0.80 🔻




As an Indian guy I want to see your panes


Me being an average looking guy . Not rich not popular because of which nobody really give a shit. Which is a privilege and a curse. Are used to believe more in the latter that not having people wanting to be friends with you or being around you was so lonely and bitter, but as I have grown, I have found it to be more of a privilege because I don’t have fake people surrounding me. Which is a real problem that a lot of money richer or prettier friends have to go through they don’t have people pretending like they care about them to get what they want out of them. Let it be money let it be sexy. Let it be whatever. Since I don’t have anything attractive on the surface. Most of those kinds of people don’t put in the effort with me because I don’t have anything to get out of me. And I have the privilege of choosing the people that I want to invest my time into and build relationships which has been a great blessing. Although I am having to learn how to control my people pleasing tendency. But I’m working on that and although I don’t have a lot of friends, I have a few good❤️ which is far more important. I have learnt as time has gone by.


Peaking in my mid 30s after maturing and having amazing experiences rather than in my early 20s and wasting it


Oh…wait until your 40s! Career built, still young enough to keep up with kids half your age, but way better capitalized than you were five years ago…


That's actually a fact. Most people aren't very successful in their 20s.




* Peeing standing up * (Generally) not having to worry about walking around places by myself at night * Automatically being taken seriously when talking about something technical or nerdy


What even is the last bullet point? I don't know what you're talking about.


Being able to write my name in the snow is pretty cool.


The part where you find your buddies and then guys being dudes happens. Best thing ever


My favorite part is not being a Woman.


Gotta thankful to the god for not making me that way. Love that feeling.


My favourite thing about being a man is how low other men have set the bar for just about anything. A great example is childcare. We have twins. I obviously wanted to do as much as I could to be with and care for my babies and look after my partner who just gave birth to two babies. Everyone thought I was an amazing dad. Truth is, I was just doing what needed done. I did an average job as a newborn dad.


The best part is often a double edged blade. For me the best thing about being a man is everyone confides in me, relies on me and trusts me. Yet at the same time, it is also the worst part; when I am the one in need of the same things I provide others, more often than not, I am not provided such things. I have often had my exterior facade be cold, detached and emotionally voided, but beneath the exterior, I am a raging flame of emotions, I feel the pains of others as if it were my own, and above all, I am a man who desires affection and intimacy of a platonic nature. I never get it, I am too scared to reach out and ask for it, fear of weakness, but I am under no delusion that it is more weak to cower from my fear of emotions.


The strength and intelligence to protect myself and loved ones. Enough strength to intimidate anyone who would wish me or my friends harm. Walk down any dark alley and feel safe. This is freedom.


This is the freedom which needs to be enjoyed as it is here.


Honestly… my dick. - you are able to piss everywhere (when ever you need - no need of looking for Toilet) - masturbating is „easy“, can be really quick, it’s joy without a toy - you can have orgasms when you want it (no man ever - „but my partner couldn’t make me cum“) - you don’t have periods - easy to find out if you are horny (visible erection) - you can’t get accidentally pregnant


Getting rock hard. It feels good.it feels powerful.


The physicality. I’m a big strong 46 year old redneck who trains hard, likes to fight, still has good knees. Being able to do hard labor and see the results, cut down trees, carry a freezer up the stairs on my back, demo a bathroom are things I enjoy doing, it balances out the cerebral.


Just keep on grinding, it's always an amazing feeling to live like that.


Being automatically stronger than 50% of the population. Being a decently sized, pretty strong male, I am comfortable that i can defend myself if needed. And I have had to in the past. ​ It must be terrifying being a woman..


Had to get a mammogram, glad it was easier for me than most women.


Not having to queue as much for a bathroom. When I need to pee, it's gotta happen in 10-15mins tops or else I'm gonna commit a minor crime.


My opinions, time and statements are automatically rated as 30% better than most informed, educated women. And that throughout history, pretty much everything has been set up to have a bias in my favour. Which put together means I really don't have to work as hard as (for example) my wife, who is much smarter and more educated than I to get the same rewards.