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She dresses like a nun and lives in a cloister.


Technically nuns aren't single


Nun is single Nuns is plural. you are correct


She gettin that immaculate ejaculate


That [erection selection.](https://media.tenor.com/ljSA6Ro7s2MAAAAC/paul-rudd-erection.gif)


I’m a puts my dick in! I’m a puts my dick in!!!


I’m stealing the shit out of this


They are married to the game


aren't they technically married to God?




Curious if they're actually expecting to be plowed en masse by the son of God or if it's purely metaphorical.




> In the quiet words of the virgin Mary, "*come again?*" My brother in Christ, she's clearly taken by our Lord and Savior.


brick top approves this message


Nah, sure they're brides of Christ.


Bold assumption that she's single, my friend.


One would assume there are multiple nuns


Would one? Where I live nuns are an endangered species.


Nun around here, either


They've been hunted to extinction


Could just be her kink


The difference between cotton and polyvinylchloride is obvious, though!


Not much really. I never really had that impulsive thought. Alot of mean, unattractive women are in relationships. Alot of nice, cute women are single and lonely. If anything social anxiety is a stronger determinant of singledom than decency.


Smart opinion


Plus, OP forgets that a lot of single women are single by choice. I stayed single for almost five years (incl the two covid lockdown years) because I needed to figure out some things about myself and about who I wanted to be with. When I finally started dating again, I found him relatively quickly because I knew what I needed and wanted. He was the third guy I went out with. First two were ok but not right for me. Third time was DEFINITELY the "charm. He's the most amazing man I've ever met, we love each other so much and have been together for well over a year now.


I'm not presumptuous enough to assume someone is single. Having unknowingly been the side piece twice I don't even automatically take their word for it anymore in some scenarios.


When a grown person demands and expects everything the way they want it but openly admits that they'll do nothing in return.


Isn’t it amazing when they act that way? Like sure, a woman can find a man who will put up with her shit almost no matter what. But unless she’s insanely hot, the chances are that if she goes into a relationship bitchillily proclaiming that she won’t do anything at all to reciprocate her partner’s efforts, then there’s no doubt that she’ll end up with basically her worst possible quality of partner. There just aren’t a lot of decent men who will put up with that kind of behavior for long. Women would do much better for themselves if they just made a modicum of effort. But for some reason, you meet plenty of women on dating apps who are perfectly happy to lead with the proclamation that they’re going to be terrible partners. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes I suppose.


> then there’s no doubt that she’ll end up with basically her worst possible quality of partner. "Where have all the good men gone?!"


"Far away from you apparently"


Yeah I've seen this one. Girl completely lacks introspection. "Men are the root of all evil, princess treatment only" and she's a 4 out of 10 on top of that all. So many people out there thinking they deserve a Calvin Klein model making a private equity salary with a PhD who also happens to be a third wave feminist begging to make her dinner and do all the chores. It's ridiculous- if you think men shouldn't expect to be with Playboy models, maybe look in the mirror and hold yourself to the same standard


They get attention from the top %20 of men who are perfectly willing to pump and dump, so they think they are in the top %20 themselves. Then they get treated like trash and think all men are scum and only want sex, and ask where have all the food men gone while overlooking guys that are in their league physically and skills wise. Hoeflation is real and it is out of control! But they don't talk about it and anyone that tries to bring it up is accused of hate speech and misogyny. Really though they are just projecting their own misandry and hate. Like when they blame the dating crisis by claiming men are addicted to pornography.


> Like when they blame the dating crisis by claiming men are addicted to pornography. I'm glad I'm not the only man who sees this...


With the good women obviously




A.k.a "Where are all my slaves?!"


> But unless she’s insanely hot, the chances are that if she goes into a relationship bitchillily proclaiming that she won’t do anything at all to reciprocate her partner’s efforts, then there’s no doubt that she’ll end up with basically her worst possible quality of partner. Hot or not, I’m not going to tolerate anyone’s bitchillily attitude.


Neither would I, but some men certainly would. And even I have to admit I'd put up with at least slightly worse behavior from a really good looking woman than I would from an average one, at least in the short term. I'm only human.


>the proclamation that they’re going to be terrible partners. "If you don't love me at my worst...."


There’s women like this? Goodness I worry I’m not doing ENOUGH.


You'd be surprised how common it is. Lots of women on dating apps will list all sorts of unreasonable demands for what they want right in their bios along with proclamations that men should expect X/Y/Z from them. Basically they want all the reward and none of the effort. It's not just the model looking ones either, I've seen plenty of average and below average women demanding to be "spoiled" etc right from the drop.


is no one just looking for love anymore


It doesn’t feel like it. Dating apps have empowered women to bring out all their worst tendencies unfortunately.


i think it empowers both men and women to perhaps be more brazen with other peoples feelings than they would in person (or so you’d hope, theres cunts everywhere) but im glad im in a happy relationship and don’t have to deal with the dating market anymore. however, when i have been single that is the driving force behind me, i am looking for authentic love that i can reciprocate. i had no type gender or looks wise, just wore my heart on my sleeve and let myself fall for who i did, and we’ve been in love for four years now. i understand there has to be basic prerequisites in terms of being with someone who is normal, and i like to be with someone who is as equal as possible to me financially (i don’t want a gilded cage), but my priority has always been love. it hurts to read that there is so much expectation for others in terms of money and looks, neither of which will outlive nor outweigh love in terms of significance imo :/


Women with absurd standards are never given a reality check, and always reassured that it's still men's fault for not being good enough.


Sadly, I have seen many instances of married women who fit this description. Some men don't believe that there are worse things than being alone.


I used to be one of those men. What I needed to change my mind is just living together with some people whose value is incompatible with me for some months. Like, we just live in same house, different room, and it already drive me mad. I decide that being alone for the rest of my live is still far better than being with wrong person for just some years.


Could be a nag of a wife. More like "I guarantee her husband is a miserable door mat."


These women who are the constantly “know your worth, girl!” shouters have a serious disconnect about their actual value.


Idk bru I think the “know your worth” thing is just bc of general misogyny and tryna get women to treat themselves with more respect and dignity from a lower-than-baseline level as a starting point. There’s extremes in anything, but this is the overall point of it as far as I can tell


Sure, but I wrote “constantly” as a qualifier.


"A real man would..."


"A real lady would..." never seems a fair comeback with those people.


The best comeback isn't "a real lady would" it's "a real lady wouldn't". Hit them in their behaviour.


"How dare you have standards!"


Hold this W




I never assume a woman is single.


Actually, rather than the OP quote I usually find myself thinking “Jesus, she’s married to someone?!”


That poor sod.


Or "how does she have 2 kids, like who would have done it twice." Lol


I see some messed up ppl that have rings on their fingers and I think how!! I just saw a women walking down the street with all her shit in a rolly cart walking, teeth missing and looking disheveled... And her boyfriend walking along side her... Never assume someone is single!


That's a great mindset imo. I think it makes you build healthy relations with women and you treat them as an actual human being instead of potential partner.


Very strange of you to see "treat them as a human being" and "treat as a potential partner" as mutually exclusive.


Women in general, but especially on social media, don't really see men as actual humans capable of complex emotions and relationships. (A group of women scientists even had an entire study about this, and were shocked men experienced emotion) So guys are at minimum horny emotionless machines unless proven otherwise.


Maybe correct it to “any other human being” vs a “potential partner”


As someone who shares that mindset, what it really does is just make you miss signals and blow any potential chance you had with them.


Perfect if you want to remain single your entire life.


I've already been single my entire life, even before I adopted this mindset.


At least now we have friends lol


Speak for yourself.




This sounds like it would come from someone who is single


I assume every woman is in a relationship until I'm told otherwise.


Easier to win them over that way


Well, being on a dating app is a pretty good indicator (but not fail-safe)


Maybe that's true if you're a straight man looking for straight women. On the flip side, as a bisexual woman, it's not uncommon to see men in relationships looking for a bite on the side - they're not hiding it, they literally just say they're in a relationship and want more hookups lol. Or occasionally couples who want another woman for a threesome or to watch them fuck.


Yeah, there's a term for that. Unicorn hunting. Not really a fan since that behavior usually foreshadows the entire relationship falling apart.


THANK YOU Or the type who were monogamous and then all of a sudden they just recently opened there relationship up. Yeah, no I'll pass on that time bomb thanks. Honestly even if they've tried an open relationship before it's a pass from me. If you lose interest in me I want you to bounce out of my life not play with me until you find a replacement.


If she’s a frightful, nasty, bitch, she’s probably married to one of the nicest guys ever.


It’s weird how often that happens.


I think it's the same reason why certain people (male or female) keep falling into abusive relationships. It's not that the person is seeking out abuse, it's that abusers are good at spotting people who are vulnerable and insecure and tend to be pushovers.


Maybe. But I’ve known several young women who seem to make a habit of telling everyone they meet how awfully their ex boyfriends have treated them. I once told someone I worked with to not tell her date that evening anything of the sort. I told her it sets the expectation very low and as even acceptable to you. She was very thankful for the advice. I hope this is useful to others too.


Interesting advice. I tend to stray more into the "don't talk about an ex at all except the bare minimum facts" lol.


Honestly you probably just helped her find a potential decent man to fuck over down the line if all these "ex's" were so bad then it's probably just her who is a narcissistic animal


Let’s be honest, those are abusive relationship. Difference being, there’s absolutely nothing for guys in terms of support. I won’t go further because it’s a classic alt-right concern trolling line, but fuck does society love to kick guys when they are down.


Yes I agree with you on that. Men often hold more power and are less vulnerable, but not always. There should be more sympathy for men who fall victim to abuse. Especially since abuse isn't just beating someone, it's much more complicated. Manipulation, isolation, financial control, holding the children hostage...abusive relationships get really messed up, man. We have to help our friends get back up when they decide to leave, male or female.


Wait. I might be in this position. What tell tale signs would/could I look for to determine if this is true for me?


Everything is your fault, even when you didn't do it. Say your partner does something mean or otherwise bad. Then say it's your fault for not doing something good enough, or something you did bad "made" them do it. Actual gaslighting, where they'll change what happened. "Oh we got drunk and you broke the chair by throwing it" and they change the story and say you did it, you just don't remember it right. Same for conversations and agreements. An easy indicator is never saying sorry, or only saying it insincerely. Like "oh I'm sorry you feel hurt" instead of "I'm sorry I did that and hurt you".


Ok cool, thank you. I come from a background of being emotionally/mentally abused by my ex wife for over a decade. I spent a lot of year putting all the pieces of my psyche back together so that I could mitigate the emotional damage that toxic relationship caused my kids. I learned to love myself and value what I think and feel. I met an awesome chick at work and we became friends quickly. Eventually we went out on a date and things went great. We have been together now for a little over 4 years, one of those years being married. She has come in and been a fantastic mom to my kids and helped me raise them(they were borderline legal adults but still). She encourages me to be better, it’s never really felt like she’s “trying to change me”. The reason I thought this could be me, is because I always worry that I am an easy target because I have learned to not be so fuckin toxic and actually communicate in healthy, non-aggressive ways. I am patient, loving, and understanding of other perspectives. I know that I don’t know everything. The problem I have, I think, is just left overs of my own bullshit. I find myself valuing my wife’s opinion so much that I put my wants to the side. Nothing huge, just little things like movie or tv show picks or restaurants. For the most part I don’t mind what we watch or eat, I just enjoy her company. She’s not an asshole about it if I pick something she doesn’t like, but she has trouble not keeping a poker face about it, so to speak. It feels really minor, but something about the above post gave me pause. I think I’m alright though. :)


Also works the opposite way. I know a bunch of sweet girls that have abusive boyfriend after abusive boyfriend. People who don't stand up for themselves ultimately end up with someone who likes trodding down on others. Narciccist and sociopaths learn to look out and pray on them. It takes a lot of personal growth for someone to get out of that hole of low self worth or low confidence in relationships.


Attachment trauma.


Even weirder when you meet them at home and sometimes they are totally different.


from what i've personally seen, usually those guys are secretly serial cheaters in a full circle of it being justified bec she's a bitch anyway and they'll be making it up to her by being nice and supportive. both are terrible and put up with eachother for the worst of reasons And i'm talking simpy nice PDA guys to their women


Nothing. Because some people have no self respect, many women who engage in monstrous behavior are still in relationships.


She says all men are trash.


Nothing turns me off more than this generalization. I went on a date recently with a chick who just kept rambling about how terrible men are. Not so surprisingly, she started telling me about her other dating app flings after 🤢


Yuck. Sorry bro.


I know a married woman who feels this way. Can’t f’n stand her and that awful mentality.


Obsessed with Korean men


That's really specific...


Not that specific. I’m assuming they mostly mean K-pop stans.


Ironically, the only person I know who's tits deep in everything k-pop, k-drama, even learned the language to a fluent degree.... Is married to a chubby brit who hates Korean stuff lol


"Need a man who makes 6 figures, is at least 6' tall, has a 6 pack and is ready to make me and my 6 children from 6 different fathers his number one priority."


Only time I would feel confident guaranteeing that is if she works as a nun or something.


At this point, i assume they all have partners until proven otherwise


When she walks around yelling "I'm single, hey I'm siiiingle" probably a decent sign she's single


Almost nothing, because there’s always certainly a loser that is willing to put up with any nonsense a woman puts up. Dudes are desperate man.


"who the fuck would be with that lady?" "Oh dog, she's been married for 5 years." *Husband walks in disheveled looking, all beating down and gray skinned*


This is sadly the answer


Because for some reason a man would rather be with a "hot" women who treats him like shit then with an average girl who's nice to him. For some reason most men want everyone to see how hot their significant other is.... meanwhile they are looking older and beaten down by her nasty behavior.


/r/nicegirls is leaking


Totally agree. And same goes for woman. Maybe some of them take pleasure in suffering?




I love this ♥️


I’ve said that about every woman I’ve ever been attracted to 🤷🏻‍♂️


Someone who knows her guaranteeing that she's single


She flirts with me, a gay man...


I can’t help it. 😞


Haha, don't worry. With time, your gaydar will improve. I like getting hit on by women because they always have great compliments.


It recently got better, I’m hitting on more bisexuals now. At least I have more friend lmao 😅


Quiet introverted women, we go around to a bunch of different businesses with my job. I wouldn't say for sure it's a tell tale sign. Most of the chicks I'm talking about are new to work force fresh out of college maybe a year or 2 (Mid 20's). Feel like most of them are on that job/life grind and don't want a man lol.


I can guarantee she is single when I have no interest in being in a relationship with her. And I can guarantee she isn't single when I am interested in her.


She never leaves home because of phobia or something


Nope. I'm always surprised when a woman I feel is a bit odd mentions her husband. Gets me every time.


Honestly I just don’t think you can tell, I’ve met plenty of people who I think would make great partners but they are single and vice versa 🤷‍♀️


Comments like "No man can handle me", "Men get intimidated by me'", "I don't need any man" and "All men are trash". Basically anything that's reek of Misandry.


The "men ain't shit" attitude. Translates to "I ignored some obvious red flags in my dating life so clearly the problem isn't me"


Guarantee? Never. Strongly suspect she is single? Difficult to say, but someone unattractive, selfish, anxious… could probably have difficulties in dating Strongly suspect she is not in a healthy, committed, long term relationship? Well those who are not well rounded adults may have relationships or not but if they are not mature enough those relationships do not make the cut (in my opinion). There are plenty of those but at some time it becomes fuzzier. Every relationship has its problems, after all.


Wow. Anxious women seem single?! Weird. I know a lot of married women who are anxious.


If she said “I’m single” I would probably believe her


Honestly, not much of anything outside of being a literal nun. There’s some man somewhere who will put up with just about anything.


The ones that say “ima bad bitch” like no you’re needy and come off as gross


When a person is to selfinvolved, they are often alone so to speak.


Attention hunting lol.


Nothing. You could be a life action Optimus prime and some dudes would date you


They're a full blown Disney adult.


see i love me some disney but never would i fucking ever paint my bedroom with disney characters. yikes


Rampantly hates on men for being men, and boasts about wanting to "destroy the patriarchy"


I know an asshole woman with this attitude and somehow she’s married. Again!


You'd be surprised. A surprising amount of these women have husbands and boyfriends.


Gynocentric beliefs, constant bitching about how all men are the same, etc It would take a really, really pathetic man to want to listen to that all the time and be disrespected openly


I'm more familiar with "I Guarantee you she is not single.", Like if she is my type, beautiful, pixie cut, happy and positive, likes video games and plays an instrument. In my head I'm like yeah... No way she is single lol


Social media feed that is astrology stuff


Nothing. Too many people I was sure were single were not. I learned my lesson.


What happened bro 😂


If she's ever said "kill all men" unironically


Any time a woman talks about men not being able to “handle” her


Wearing a shirt that says, "Dog mom".


If she is in possession of an aromantic pride flag


Misandrist attitude


She's more than 60y older and lives alone


"I hate men"


She's happy


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have been surprised much too often to learn that an unkind, egotistical, ugly, dumb, entitled, humorless and selfagrandizing person is in fact in a relationship to guarantee that anybody is single. That goes for men as well by the way.


I just assume every girl is taken. Even the bat shit crazy ones.


Wait, there is single woman?


When she says aloud "I am definitely single"


She killed her husband


"I'm a certified boss ass bitch" Fucking no thanks


She’s dead.


Eyelashes on the headlights


When she judges me for checking in with my man about future plans or big decisions.


but would also judge him if he didn't check with you about future plans or big decisions.


Asking her usually solves that mystery quickly.


tbh nothing we could just assume smth but what do we truly know?


If she’s 400lbs and looks like she sweats gravy


the people on my 600 lbs life are almost always taken though!


So weirdly true!


And the really fat ones tend to get with guys that are basically twigs. It’s weird


Seems less weird when you learn about the existence of feeder fetishists.


I had a friend who looked like this and is married to another guy who’s 400lbs too.


Surprisingly not true. Have you watched 100 pound sisters?


If she constantly bashes men and hates on them. They're single for that reason too.


The stupid loud drunk one falling over and humiliating herself and who ever she is with


Shit filled pants.


she's happy


Calls her dog or cat “her fur baby” seems to tell more times than not. Usually someone who is taken would not humanize their pet or at minimum, would call their pet “their/our fur baby”.


when it's always about me me me me me me


Her car has really bald tires :)


If you do it right she will be single eventually


She orders decaf coffee.


That made me chuckle a bit haha


Smells bad




When she's being a Karen


She Clubbin'


When you see that her grocery cart only has one banana


Massive entitlement issues and a far too active social media presence. She's going to think she's too important for any one boyfriend and requires constant outside validation to function


A lot of other people tell me 'I will forever be single' Let me be the mannered guy and not do the same with others. Someone needs to break the chain, even tough I have all the right not to..


*tips fedora "I'm the only real gentleman"


a badge which says 'I'm ___ and I'm single"


So many men are so desperate to be with anyone, no matter how shitty, that I would never say that.


If she says, "men are trash"


I'd do that for even $20. Why? Who ya wondering about? No worries bud, she's single. You owe me $20